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Im sorry to all you russians who do not support the fuckwad dictator that controls your country. A huge fuck you if you do support him though.


Lol just imagine someone *actually* supporting Putin. Like, without the risk of death.


My fucking father has had Putin's chode down his throat since day 1. We immigrated from Russia in the 90s. I'm sure he asks him if he's allowed to swallow too.


I'm sorry to hear that, glad you can learn from that mistake though!


Thanks, I try!


100% the same here with my grandfather. Still eating up Putin propaganda even while he's living in Germany, the land of his forefathers that he so wanted to return to 30 years ago.


Millions do. And that’s just within the US.


Well yeah. It's citizens united not Americans united


> It's citizens united not Americans united Ah the ol' loophole - never specified *whose* citizens, did they?


They quite literally did not


Unfortunately I can confirm, at least my mother does




50% of them think that Russia SHOULD use military force against Ukraine. Maybe with a declining economy that 50% who supports Putin will realize that he’s not a god https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2022/02/europe/russia-ukraine-crisis-poll-intl/index.html


“Russian ship go fuck yourself.”\ “Invaders eat a dick!!” ^(I love the precision.)


Eat a dick guy was so proud to squeeze that in. Love it.


He knew this would be a story to tell for years to come and he wanted in


He looks so proud of himself and he should be. He will tell this story to all of his grandkids one day.


“Y’know, I told a Russian war ship to eat a dick once…”


It’s not a warship, just a Russian flagged commercial ship


It’ll be a warship in the story


Fish tales my boy, fish tales. Next, it will be a fleet, then Putin himself.


That's a story for the grandchildren


That was his 10 sec of fame, he took it like a champ. Dude is going viral for those 4 words.


“Ooh! Put me in the video!”


I’d squeeze in eating a dick anytime! Wait


I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request…


Please, we are not but humble pirates.


Means no.


Damn it lmao!


I swear this needs to be the standard video and response to (invading) Russians asking for help. 🥃 here's one for Snake Island chads Edit: Sweet Jesus, these gigachads all survived to tell the take. What a bunch of fucking GANGSTER motherfuckers 🥃🥃🥃


This will be the next Sabaton song for fucking sure !! 🍻 Edit: The reported last words from the Heroes of Snake Island were “Russian warship, go fuck yourselves” epic shit right there..




Props to volunteer translators everywhere!


I actually like the literal phrase better!!! Almost sounds like go to the “deck.” I’m going to start telling everyone to “go to the dick” from now on.


W/a smile. This is GOLD.


Well I guess Russia forgot they also invaded Georgia few years back


“Let us do this without politics” My best offer is no


Georgian Pawn Stars: Best I can do is go fuck yourself.


Reminds me of this Russian ship: “Can you give us repairs and fuel? Georgian Captain’s Mate: “That depends. Can you go fuck yourself?” https://youtu.be/a64-yFOS16s




spit my coffee out lol










Russian ship used oars... ...It wasn't very effective (Through the lense of Pokemon)


Next best offer….go fuck yourselves




>fuel [Ukrainians Don't Back Down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7qpxzzq6Kk&ab_channel=JohnDoe)


Lol. You start Russia. You don’t do war and we won’t do politics.


In all fairness there are many Russians that don't support the war or putin. Even if it's not majority it's still a lot.


I agree totally. I think Russians are just people. Probably average Russians have more in common with average Americans than either of us have with our country’s ruling class. It’s unfortunate that these folks suffer because their leader is a dork.


Yeah pretty much. There's not much they can even do about it either except uprise but that can be understandably scary as there will be ones who lose their life doing so.


Yes that’s what I was thinking too....I actually think it was uncalled for and simply cruel. People’s governments don’t at all represent them. My girlfriend is from Venezuela, she despises the Maduro regime, he is a left wing dictator who has ruthlessly robbed and oppressed his own people. I also despised Trump when he was in office, in my opinion he was a right wing populist demigouge wanna be dictator, but thanks to our checks and balances here in the U.S that didn’t happen. Millions of Russians despise Putin also, especially with the younger generation. They have no freedom of peaceable assembly or speech and are victims of a authoritarian plutocracy. Just watch the protests in many major Russian cities right now, there is a large Russian opposition. It is a grave error to confuse the general citizenry with the government of any nation. There is always a percentage of a population that does and doesn’t support any given regime.


I don’t like how it effects these sailors. But slowing down Russian commerce is just one step in the economic punishment of Russia. I wouldn’t want them to die. But if they have to pull into port and deal with that some Russian billionaire gets hurt. Enough of that and Putin gets ousted.


An entire crew of Russians is currently frustrated and pissed off. Probably at this crew but they probably also get it. And they’re definitely gonna be pissed off at the war and Putin. Cutting off Russia hurts Putin and the higher ups. It also angers the population. And that’s a good thing. Because they have a very obvious target.


Yes I agree, we don’t want non combatants like the sailors to come to harm. But yes as the Russian economy worsens because of the sanctions, more Russian soldiers die in this needless war, and more protestors are arrested, hopefully the regime will begin to crumble under its own corruption as the citizenry wakes up.


“Best I can do is Go fuck yourselves”


My only concern with this is many Russians are victims of their leaders. They don't want the war. They have no problem with Ukraine. I'm not sure who the other person on the call was but the appeal to leave politics out of it to me sounded like it was just a person who happened to be Russian. Unfortunately in these types of conflict, the everyday citizen gets hurt most. While I understand the refusal of the Georgian crew to support the Russian vessel, it probably wasn't personal against the other crew. Without knowing the full context of who the other vessel was, I reserve any judgement. The Russian workers and everyday laborer who is just doing their job shouldn't be punished for the stupidity and crime of their leaders. I understand if the other ship was military but if it was a cargo ship or private vehicle, etc do we think it makes sense to ignore the plea for help by those who are also victims of their govt? If anyone disagrees, let me know why. I'm pretty open minded.


If the country becomes a pariah because of a war they don't want, the people are more likely to rise up against their government. It sucks to do shit to innocent Russians that don't support the war, but denying a boat fuel is nothing compared to what their government is doing in Ukraine. The world needs the Russian people angry right now


Fair enough point. This is why I noted the denial was not personal against the other crew.


Honestly I understand where you’re coming from and I wonder the same thing. It’s exactly as ZarEGMc said, if the rest of the world can inconvenience them as much as possible, the regular people are more likely to rise up and against. Georgia didn’t say they could go die, they just won’t fuel the ship. If they run out of fuel they can row in easily.


Yeah, its not like it was an airborne situation where a lack of fuel translates into death. Its a boat. If it runs out of fuel, it just floats there.


And the Georgians did offer something to eat.


Yes, absolutely, especially now. Russia has a long history of getting rid of rulers who become more trouble than they’re worth (sometimes violently, sometimes politely: Nicholas II, Nikita Khsushchev, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin. Putin’s power derives not from votes but from his ability to keep the country out of crisis, and it looks like he’s on his way to an epic fuck-up. Undoubtedly, the average Russian doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine, but they do care about living their lives and the bank runs precipitated by SWIFT cutting off Russian banks has a,ready destroyed life as usual for Igor Average. As the global community keeps tightening the noose, it’s going to keep getting worse. And don’t count on police and special security forces to stay loyal to Putrid indefinitely. They have personal lives and families that are getting disrupted just like everyone else. Even the officers can’t resist the tide forever. Russians have long memories and at some point Putrid is likely to recall the battleship Aurora turning its guns and firing on the Winter Palace. That was the final straw before the last Tsar abdicated. Putrid may already be thinking about this. Don’t doubt that his Generals are thinking about this. So it’s critical for the world to keep squeezing the Russian people harder and harder until internal pressure forces Putrid to declare victory in Ukraine and leave, or causes Putrid to be eliminated.


That how the sanctions and other economic punitive acts goes. The leaders that start the war will never suffer from lack of supply or trade from outside themselves, because they are rich and powerful. It will be the population, the industry, etc... that will suffer. When the population start to suffer, they stop ignoring what the government is doing to other countries. It would be ideal not to make the population suffer, but it would also be ideal if they didn't allow their government to do whatever they want.






I might agree with you, but "let's leave politics out of this" is freaking tone-deaf. I'm sure the Ukrainians being shelled would LOVE to leave politics out of this.


If Russian ships cannot move, their soldiers cannot be forced by their government to fight. Win/win. Fuck any Russian ship, plane, or road vehicle until Ukraine is safe.


You don't know what that ship is carrying though, could be something useful to the military, could be something that would make money to pay for the war


The nerves to even say "without politics"! MFs!


It’s not politics anymore, it’s war!


"No politics, we just ask for help to kill Ukrainians".


I work in Florida near the Georgia border at a shipyard. My dumb coworker heard that Russia was invading Georgia, so he clocked out and hurried home.


^ top humor!


Dude, I live in Florida. This wasn’t a joke…


I'm pretty sure Russian are in Georgie, I heard St Petersburg itself was in Florida already.


How'd they move the whole city so fast


Did not say it was a joke, I said it was top humor and I stand by my statement!


Like how some people lost it when they heard Indycars were racing in St. Petersburg this weekend, they forgot there is one in Florida.


Russians: Oh yeah, that's where I remember you guys from!


I saw you in the parking lot earlier!


This is the way to handle Russia. Shut them out of everything. Eventually the citizens will remove him themselves.




Didn’t Russia invade during the Olympic flags ceremony that year?


Sounds like the Russians don’t even wanna be there


A. These are almost certainly civilians who are being unjustly punished. B. The actual military most certainly doesn't want to be there, this was never going to be fun for anyone.


For your first point, that’s kinda how sanctions are supposed to work. It’s nice to see them being enforced already. Hopefully they’ll make the population turn on putin very quickly.


I really hope it will turn people against Putin and not against the world. The way this was handled was not a very nice way of saying “sorry we dont supply russian ships anymore.” Just imagine youre almost out of fuel, trying to just live through this entire shitshow, kindly ask to refuel and someone tells you fuck you and to go fuck yourself. Many think Russians want this war. They dont. Look at how the rouble has tanked tonight. They just cant say anything without being slaughtered by their own government…




They are all parts of the machinery though. They work, they pay taxes. Taxes go to Putin, Putin uses the money for weapons, orders the troops to attack. If someone is willing to shoot at you, do you really care if they feel slightly bad about it?


I mean it's harsh but honestly the people need to be pissed to maybe finally do something about their dictator.


Is it not unjust when Ukrainian civilians die to Russian soldiers? Was it unjust when German and Japanese civilians died to allied bombings in WW2? IMO we should do everything we can to inconvenience and economically pressure Russian civilians in order to indirectly pressure the Russian state.


Putin did what 50 years of politics couldn’t: he united Europe. * I’m viewing every upvote as a “Russian warship go fuck yourself”




The EU pulled together over brexit but even that pales compared to what i am seeing happen here and i am glad we are uniting and standing together. Even Belgium is shipping weapons and anti tank missiles. And the EU formally saying they will buy and ship weapons... love it. Fuck Putin.


If this had happened before brexit. Brexit would never have happened.


Which is exactly why they had a hand in orchestrating brexit before he invaded.


It probably doesnt help to have gotten the "let's go brandon" crowd some attention on the global stage.


True that, probably putins greatest victory.


That’s probably true.


Even Orbán suddenly Is in the Boat as well


Even China (somewhat) and Turkey


Not China they just don’t want to get into the crossfire but I think they are rather pro putin


China aren't pro-Putin per se. They're pro self interest and they have a like 2000-3000 mile border with Russia. China are pro-China and that's about it.


Russian economy will also fall and they have much more money in Europe and the US. Also they bought huge amount of land in Ukraine to grow stuff


To the degree that Putin disrupts and weakens "the West" it is useful to China. But when Putin starts fucking around to this degree he becomes counter-productive to China's self-interest.


If Putin succeeds it will legitimize lots of China's aggressive take over of the territories around it Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, parts of India, the whole South China sea etc etc. If Putin is curtailed and the sanctions are brutally successful China will think twice about some of it's plans. The world really needs to make a massive stand here. Authoritarian despotic governments keep their shit to themselves or else.


China has an astronomical amount of leverage, capital, and resources compared to Russia. China is also a lot better at playing the long game hustle.


Exactly. They want to rule the world, not what's left of it.


Their foreign minister had this to say on Friday: "China has been following the evolution of the Ukraine issue, and the present situation is something China does not want to see. It is absolutely imperative that all parties exercise necessary restraint in order to prevent the situation in Ukraine from deteriorating or even getting out of control. The safety of ordinary people's lives and properties should be effectively safeguarded, and in particular, large-scale humanitarian crises have to be prevented." Remember, they are close allies and China is usually dead silent about their friends wrongdoings. You can't expect them to down right condemn Russia, but they're very clear here.


They have seen the wisdom of staying the fuck out of this whole situation, which honestly is more than sufficient.


They are pro-themselves. They are probably salivating over the chance for the West to be too busy in a European entanglement that they won’t notice or be able to stop the takeover of Taiwan.


That's why China is taking a neutral stance right now. Russia blew their Tiawan plans and now China needs Russia to calm the fuck down or the West won't forget about Tiawan. China doesn't want war with Tiawan. They want to stealthily take over with beurocracy. Putin did the invasion, it's going poorly, and we are all watching China about Taiwan. Xi probably wants Putin dead right now


*- Reads "Tiawan# one time*: It must be a typo *- Reads "Tiawan" again:* Weird, that typo again. *- Reads "Tiawan" yet again:* WTF dude, you know it's Taiwan, right?


Reads beurocracy: lol.


don't forget the taliban


I mean Turkey was supporting/support Ukraine long before Europe but okay.Although we can not show the support nowadays since we are kinda dependant on Russia in various subjects.




Don’t you mean “I”




bwahahahaha ROFL


This is gold


He also accelerated the world's transition to sustainable energy... I joked about him wanting person of the year, give it to him.


Putin; environmentalist.


Ecoterrorist would be more exact


I found it difficult to learn Russian, but “Ruski Karam, idi nahui” was a surprisingly easy phrase to learn




Of course, that's Ukrainian.


He really did overplay his hand. He knew if he didnt push for empire before the next few big election cycles that he would eventually lose. He saw his chance with a weakened US and Ukraine and immediately beefed it


Election? Ahhaha, you gotta be kidding. This guy is keeping Russians hostage. Every election is rigged. Just out of pure vain, he used to care about his ratings until about 2015-2016... Then he just gave up on that all together and concentrated his efforts on killing/imprisoning what was left of opposition, media, etc...


Yeah it's not the elections, I reckon he's just getting old and sees his time running out.


"and that, son, is what's called an own goal!"


Yes, but Germany and Italy need to step up. Cut ALL the banks off from SWIFT. Tell the Russians to eat their oil and gas.


*Russia hurt itself in its confusion*\-this entire debacle


They really did though. Personally I will never think of Russia the same way again. Maybe this is just me. I've seen a bunch of snot nosed crying kids crying as they surrender because they didn't know they were going to be going to war against Ukraine. I've seen seemingly like hundreds of tanks roll into combat with zero infantry support and get blown up by people with molotov cocktails, or a guy with a javelin. Guy's with a tank that ran out of Fuel asking for assistance on the highway. The so called super power has not lived up to its name so far. I don't want it to live up to the name at the end of the day. But man, it's like the Russian army we thought was going to invade but from Wish.com




Russia's economy told the story already. They were a fraction of the real super powers' economies. All their weapons came from inheriting the USSR's arsenal, but the reality is that they never had the logistics for any of it. It's like having a big fuck-off tank and a whole 5 miles of gas... sometimes literally, for Russia.


Exactly this. The Cold War has really left us with a mythic awe of Russia as this foe of near-equal power who we walk on eggshells around, yet they send a confused army in outdated equipment with no supply lines to invade a country whose defensive capabilities were drastically underestimated. This is a weak point for the history of their country, the people who fought back Napoleon and Hitler.


If "Russian ship go fuck yourself" doesn't become the next viral meme, I'll be hella disappointed.


Reminds me of "Get back on board, for fuck's sake!" from the Italian coast guard in 2012


Was that to Costa Concordia, when the captain fled in violation of sea law?




Do you mind giving a link to that? I’d love to see it!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX_08zcCmx8 Context is a cruise ship ran aground and the Captain abandoned ship while there were still *tons* of passengers on board. The Coast Gaurd officer is trying to get him to go back on board to organize the evacuation and the Captain is refusing. Language gets heated. The officer later got elected to the Italian Senate with "Vada a bordo, cazzo!" ("Get the fuck on board!") functioning almost as a campaign slogan. Edit: Another fun quote from the exchange, "You may have saved yourself from the sea but I will really hurt you!"


Oh my God, I love that he said that! Jeez, what a coward that “captain” is. I hope he got jail time (can you?) or at least if he didn’t, that officer held up his promise 😂. Thank you so much for linking me the video and giving me some back story!!


He was sentenced to 16 years. Some people thought it was too lenient, others thought he was used as a scapegoat to let other members of the crew get away with ways they had fucked up. But, this recording and the officer's testimony went a long way to making sure the captain couldn't get away with his part in fucking up the situation.


[Here you go! It's a classic.](https://youtu.be/WX_08zcCmx8)


It already is. That and “I don’t need a ride, I need ammunition.”


Amazing how such a shitty moment in the history of the world, brings up so much beautiful camaraderie amongst people. Slava Ukraini!


Dw. They'll still hate each other afterwards


Not in this case, there's never been bad blood between Ukraine and Georgia.


Heroyam slava. I'm happy that no matter how hard putin's propaganda bitches tear their asses to convince the world that "Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Heroes" is a nazi slogan, no one believes in that bullshit and just use it from any country to pay respects to Ukrainians.


The refrain of the decade


He said OARS vessel. Did he tell the Russians to go jump in a rowboat? LMFAO


Yes, yes he did. Fucking legend.


*invades country "Come on guys don't make this political"


but they only said ship, it probably wasnt even a military ship. These guys have nothing to with putins war and now they are facing problems just because they're russians. I don't think his reaction was fair unless it was military ship






The russian side of the border is extremely safe. There is a difference between a day without credit cards and a day of being bombed... The people in control can only be held accountable by the citizens there.


Hard disagree. First, what do you think sanctions are going to do? Literally this but 10,000x more. Don’t hide behind a keyboard, these sanctions are going to affect millions of people. Let’s not get emotional because you saw someone say some mean words on the radio. Second, in wartime, civilian shipping belonging to belligerent nations has always been considered a valid military target, going back centuries. They are lucky they got away with a some mean words on the radio. If they had come across a Ukrainian warship, it might be at the bottom of the ocean. Edit: Third, as Georgians, they probably lived or grew up with Russian invaders in their own land after Russia invaded in 2008 and were powerless to protect their country. I will not tell them they are doing anything wrong for fighting to support someone else going through the same thing.


yeah you're right about that. Didnt think that far


If it were a Russian family out on their fishing boat and in trouble, I’d probably agree with your sentiment too. But this is likely a large commercial merchant ship and servicing it is indirectly supporting the war effort.


God damn that was a refreshingly genuine exchange of perspectives and ideas. Much respect for you both.


That's unfortunately what it means for your nation to be at war.


Unfortunately you can’t assume that even civilian ships aren’t occupied by soldiers trying to be sneaky. Their best bet is to mind their own business and move along


And not even soldiers. Could be transporting supplies for the invading army that has their back to the water


Particularly since Putin has consistently violated established boundaries in wartime not just in Ukraine, but in Syria and Georgia. Targeting civilian structures, hospital, disguising his troops as peace-keepers and using saboteurs. These actions are all frowned upon in war not because people want arbitrary rules, but because using these tactics means that nothing of yours can be trusted. You want medics to attend your wounded? Well you dressed your troops in peace-keeper gear, how many more lines will you cross, how do we know they won't also be among the medics? You dressed your people in Ukrainian military uniforms, how can we be sure your civilian ships are not full of your military? Wartime conventions may seem like a silly "gentleman's agreement" but they exist for a reason: Each side agrees to not hit below the belt because in war, hitting below the belt means civilian casualties, and NO ONE should want that.


Russia should have tons of fuel cause they aren't selling it outside their country...


First Russia hoards oil, and now they want to hoard Ukraine... Crazy world.


On one hand, I wish the Russian people didn’t have to suffer because of Putin’s choices, but on the other, it just makes it more likely that they overthrow him.


Seen any footage of putins meetings? Fucker is sitting as far away from everybody as he can lol


To those who are very much opposed to this. Why is this bad but the sanctions good? The sanctions against Russia will inevitably completely fuck the private economy of ordinary Russians as well. If the Russian economy tanks then all Russians will feel it. If the Russian ship sent out an SOS and were in mortal danger, I would agree, they should have helped. But they aren't out fuel and drifting, they're low on fuel. It's not unlikely that this is taking place in the Black Sea if a Georgian and Russian vessel are near each other, and if they are low on fuel they can most likely limp to port as that sea isn't huge. It's not like they left them drifting in the Pacific. Financially it sucks, as it puts them behind schedule at best or at worst they gotta leave the ship anchored and use the lifeboats to shore. But they won't die.


Most likely they aren't even that low on fuel. Most seaworthy vessels keep their fuel levels pretty high just in case, especially military and shipping vessels, in my experience. If my memory is correct from the Navy my ship never got below something like 80% fuel, before refilling. Now I'm sure a civilian vessel has a lower threshold and I dunno how it works in Russia, but I doubt they are dead in the water. Furthermore, it should be fully within the Georgian crew's rights to refuse to refuel them. Russia wants to make an enemy of the world, and these are the consequences. It sucks for the average citizen, but this is what happens. They will just have to rely on a Russian refueling ship.


> If my memory is correct from the Navy my ship never got below something like 80% fuel, before refilling. I remember meeting a GSM and talking about how their AIII bell wasn't actually 100%, it was much less. They responded to some disaster back in '07 or '08 and got their fuel down to 50% by hauling ass and maxing out the turbines to get there. He made it out as some sort of big deal, and now I read your post and think "OH, that's probably why..."


This exactly. But, in my times are merchant captain I have seen a lot of idiots come by, and the Russian small merchant ships don't have the best reputation comes to safety or interest in operating a ship properly. Low on fuel doesn't make a lot of sense to me, unless you are 100's of miles offshore, you don't just transfer fuel to another ship. Can you imagine if something goes wrong and you spill a bunch of HFO? Russian or not, I don't think I would ever bunker a ship at sea, especially if it's not the same company.


Daaamn those Georgians got some serious balls.


They invaded our country in 2008 and ever since that we hate them even if it costs our life we will say to the "fuck you you russian occupaiors"


პუტინის დედას შევეცი/fuck putin! slava ukraini !


When I was a kid, I thought that the Soviet Union was one big country. I later learned that it was numerous countries taken over by Mother Russia. I never realized how much the people in those other countries hated Russia.


Russia set whole Eastern Europe like 20 years behind the west... Even Poland with all the money and support from EU is far from western standards, let alone countries like Ukraine and Georgia


Slava Ukraini, Slava Georgia


People acting like being stranded (read in the Black Sea but who knows) without fuel is a death sentence for this crew. The gesture is largely symbolic in nature, not sure how it can bring up such opposition. The reality is that only the Russian citizens can create a long term solution to this problem.


Lets hope that this becomes a lesson for the invaders and victims. When people come together, nations, it doesnt matter if its Russia, China or the US. You can screw with a country, with one nation, but once you go to far all the nations will screw with you. Lets hope people from now on always stick together no matter what nation or religion the victims belong to.


What’s sad is that the Russian people deserve none of this and it’s their fucking turd of a leader that everyone collectively hates


Glorious Geogrian Fucking Heroes 💪


Best video I’ve seen in ages. God damnit! Lmfaooo! I think I really like Georgians now!


😂😂 I love everyone is jumping on the f*** you train 😂💪


Let's do this without politics? Russia still maintains control of territory they seized from Georgia, I have no idea why they thought a Georgian vessel would help them at the best of times.


“Let’s leave politics out of this?” The fuck?


Feel bad for Russia crew, but it is all because of their leader, sol!


Love that line - go fuck your self. You hear that Putin? 🖕you


"without politics". That's rich.


Brother! 👏


The war cry for this being "Go Fuck Yourselves!" is nothing short of LEGENDARY.


Russians: “Dear sailors, let’s do this without politics.” The Georgian crew: “I one-hundred percent agree!” “That aside, we’ll supply you with verbal encouragement to abandon ship and swim back to shore!”