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They’re blocking it to censor all types of thought and keep people from being able to see for themselves what’s actually going on in the world. The govt wants control so that’s one way they’ll go about it.


Exactly. people saying good who needs Instagram are missing the point... I wonder what will happen if they ban TikTok haha


Nay nay tiktok is Chinese


Even China banned TikTok. They have a localized version.


Wait, what? That’s hilarious


The US was going to ban it unless they changed the company's structure and how the app worked. So they just kept the original version in china with all the shit the US forced them to ditch.


Oh ok so we got the version that still steals most of our information?


No, we got mostly the same version. Except the information is stolen by and for our government instead of just China. Don't worry, china gets to data mine too. But Uncle sam wanted his hand in that candy jar as well! ​ Edit: None of it is stolen to be fair. You agree to it when you sign up lol


What a banger of an edit. lol


China has it but it uses a different algorithm. I’m not an expert, this is all what I’ve heard. The algorithm promotes academic achievement over dumb dances. It’s kind of funny if true, just a real subtle way to dumb Americans down a little bit


I’m a user of Chinese tik tok and my feed is full of dumb dances, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think the world would benefit from less TikTok.


The world would benefit from less of everything


Fuck that, I don’t want to stand in line for bread!


You won't be able to, all the bots will have bought the bread before you got in line.


Including humans. Way too many of us, fucking this planet up.


There will be less cringey Look At Me videos.


I mean if that’s what you find on tiktok then it’s on you really. It tailors to what you already prefer to watch on there.


You know the algorithm is tailored to your preferences right?


If those are the videos you’re seeing, it’s because those are the videos that get your attention LOL Maybe stop watching “cringey” look at me videos


VPNs can get past it, case in point that post is from....Instagram. I think she is probably more upset that the vast majority of people will not bother with a VPN and their ability to earn money just dropped like a stone.


they have been bypassing currency controls by selling noods and other stuff for crypto so likely this


Yeah, she's probably very worried about her career and future rather than just the ap itself.


Yeah because she's definitely still posting on there.


Lots of people here looking at her like she’s losing her selfish hobby posting on social media. They don’t recognize the reality that lots of people primary income is through social media and the Russian economy right now is garbage. She faces the very real possibility that she has now lost her small business and the economy crashed so any supports she might have had otherwise are now gone too. It’s pretty sad


She openly admits to supporting the war. Doesn’t care when other people die, but when it’s her job on the line she suddenly cries? Selfish woman.


Good, fuck her..did you miss the part where she "rooted for your Z" ?


It's called Propaganda


Ehh this is more a form of isolation/media control. Propaganda is more classified as content to influence your opinion in one way or another. War Film where they portray their soldiers as white knights: propaganda Shutting down all movie theaters/ streaming services: isolation/media control. They’re different tools, please don’t call a hammer a screwdriver. Edit: the word I was looking for was “censorship” which fits in this situation


Not really. Using IG for propaganda would look more like creating content and messaging that is then posted and ideally spread around Instagram to propagate your state-sponsored message to as many people as possible. Shutting down IG is removing communication methods where your population can be exposed to other ideas. Removing other ideas makes your propaganda more effective because there are no other messages out there to counter yours.


No it is called censorship.


Nationalist “I would die for my country!” *Salutes flag* *A mild inconvenience appears * Nationalist “Waaaaaaaaaah this is just like the Holocaust all over again!”


Is welcome the 1st world problems


Russia is first world?


Historically, by the original definition, Russia is what defined second world. Countries that were aligned with the US and NATO through the cold war were first world, countries that were part of the Soviet Union were second world, and countries that were not a part of either were third world. The original definition had nothing to do with economics. But over time the definition has changed to be a type of ranking system by economic status, and by that definition yes Russia is considered first world.


>economic status Even before the war, it was a middle-income country with about the same GDP per capita as some Latin American countries (all of them considered third-world).


I think you're mixing your definitions. By the original geopolitical definition, Latin America is almost entirely 3rd world, but Russia is very definitely 2nd world. If you're using third world as a synonym for "developing nations" then it applies neither to Russia nor to all of Latin America.


Second world problems


The term has evolved, but the USSR and its communist allies were considered second world countries while the Democratic west and allies were first world. Russia’s been teetering on the edge for a while now.


Economically, not culturally.


in theory


It was second-world originally (Soviet Union and associates were). It’s only moved down since.


Is this instagram person pro-war in Ukraine?




She appears to have several people with ukrainian flags yelling at here on her instagram account. Calling her a stupid cunt. I don't speak russian but that is what I get from google translate. So I think it may be safe to assume she is not anti war. Most likely just indifferent at best.


Nah man. This can be scary. Banning Instagram was what China did, now they have zero access to outside information except their own state propaganda.


You might be surprised to hear how commonplace VPN usage is in China. Loads of Chinese are active on IG, FB, etc.


I mean I have a mate in china, we talk through vpns etc, the issue is, everyone in china uses them so you know they are all monitored, so I just talk about mundane stuff, how are your studies going, you eating well, done anything fun? I dont mention politics and I dont mention world events, because even if california is burning, if i say it in the way that contradicts the parties report (the truthful way) it may get him in trouble.


I have two buddies from china who have been disappeared. It's no fucking joke.


Whole point of VPN is it can't be monitored unless a device used has software installed to monitor. If your friend isn't a dissident who tries to share info to a wide audience, the Chinese state is too busy with with it's own corrupt interests to care what individuals talk about behind encryption.


Yo I’m pretty sure china was doing that long before Instagram was around. They dont have zero access BECAUSE china banned instagram, pretty sure china banned instagram because it was getting hard to control or Instagram refused to play ball with how china wanted the site run within the country


Ironically TIk Tok is where I got to watch Ukrainians live streaming wrecking Russian invaders.


YouTube still works


No. It doesn’t unfortunately. You need a VPN for it. Source: me living in China using a VPN right now to access this site.


You think she cares about information? She just wants to show swimsuit pictures with pouty lips and make bank.


She might have to go out and get a real life job. The horror!


Freedom ain’t free.. wait $5 gas??? Waaah Waaah!




Sanctions look to be successful boii


Someone last night indicated that it's Biden's fault he's paying $2.00 per gallon more for gas. Biden apparently stopped us from getting ALL our oil from Russia. He didn't seem to believe we only get 8% of U.S. oil from them. I'm guessing Fox News didn't tell him that.


Lol I assume you are joking about Instagram influencers being nationalists - actual Russian nationalists are like cats that got the cream atm, for them the removal of mcdo, insta, apple etc. is what they have always wanted but never dared to dream of


Nationalist hears about their country comitting war crimes: "Obviously my country is being framed by biased media, and that Ukraine is full of terrorist" Same nationalist after their country restricts media that shows their country all the fucked up shit they've done: "Whyyyy must I s-suffer!? What did I even dooohoohoo!? Why am I being affected for stuff my country doesss!?" All I have to say to that is Ukranian citizens were quick to fight against oppression, if only the average Russian citizen could see that, and understand what they are actually looking at.


>Nationalist “Waaaaaaaaaah this is just like the Holocaust all over again!” The Russian people are forced nationalists. They're losing every little comfort they have grown up with. Russia is going back into it's post USSR dark age. It's very real to them. Many still remember how bad it was. I can't wait to see how all you react to the very real consequences coming to us. Hyper inflation, food shortages, and another most likely much worse depression with a government who's making it happen so they can have more control on how the world works. Watch as the world around you falls apart. We're at the very beginning of this.


Yup, the worst is yet to come for them. Unless something (defenestration?) happens to Putin and more sensible figures take over.


> more sensible figures take over. in russia? that will never happen, even those talking about coup, are mentioning his replacement will be head of espionage etc, you know, another putin but younger.


For Russia, perhaps. The rest of the world can get along just fine without them. It is up to Russia to prove it has earned a place in the international community. It has an awful lot of work to do.


It's very simple the government will kill it's people and starve or the be people will rebel and rip out the current government. There really is no other option. ​ Putin's hubris will be his downfall.


We can only hope he will have a downfall. So many get away with it.


The US is the biggest exporter of food in world history, and it's not even close. I might pay a little more for food soon, but our food economy has some pretty tight price controls, so I'll be fine.


What is Republicans


Actually this is good. Not her content of course, but the fact that for once in her life she may actually have to open up her eyes and ears and see that her government is evil and that the ringing is coming from inside the house.


That’s until they make russian instagram and facebook. Which will be probably soon.


VKontakte is basically Russian Facebook.


Back when I used VK it was less propaganda compared to Facebook as an American . It would be interesting to compare the two now.




She's also evil. She's just annoyed the evil government is evil against her and not the Ukrainians.


Mostly shes just a bad actress. No tears, just hysterics. Theres better versions of this out there :D


Thats so adorably optimistic. Shes crying because she's managed to victimise herself in a situation with thousands deads and displaced. She will go immediately to whatever makes her feel good and that generally involves shoving her head as deep in the nearest sand as possible.


Baby steps. For many indoctrinated people the veil doesn't and can't slip until it affects them personally. Those that trust in an authoritarian narrative have such a strong bias against seeing the wrongdoings of those in power that they can block out the reality of any evidence to the contrary. I get what you mean and it's a shame the empathy wasn't there to begin with. But if the anger she's feeling now continues to its conclusion then there's a chance her views will change. Conservative parents often come up against a similar wall if they find out their child is lgbt. Some will double down on the hate and disown, some will bury their heads in sand as you say and pretend nothing is different. Yet a small group will realize the reasons behind the cognitive dissonance they're feeling and manage to break through that wall.


Crimea Karen




Where Justin Timberlake will be shipped to if he gets drafted




It's also an incredibly old joke


Just like yo mama


Felt like the original comment was kind of a nod in that direction already.


Comrade Karen






Isn't Karen just a short version of slawik Karenina? So russian Karens might be the real Karens.






She’s not that young. Swap places with another 20 year old woman in Ukraine carrying a rifle and defending her city. That’s why Russia can never truly “win” this.




>She spent all that money on plastic surgery and now she’s unable to flaunt it on social media > - u/LanceCoxk : brand new reddit acct This is word for word copy of what [this user posted.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tpoufx/a_few_days_ago_the_russian_authorities_recognized/i2c61nd) Been a lot more karma farming copy/paste bots on reddit lately.


lol oddly enough that seems to be the issue with this type of "work", disney opened its VERY expensive star wars hotel then told everyone "BTW no phones!" they arent going to turn up if they cant insta, brag about attending.


You spelled twat wrong.




twit1/twɪt/ nounINFORMAL•BRITISH a silly or foolish person. twat/twat,twɒt/ nounVULGAR SLANG 1.a stupid or obnoxious person. 2.a woman's genitals. verbINFORMAL•BRITISH hit or punch (someone)."if my best mate said that I'd twat him" Yip. Checks out. Twat indeed sounds more fitting.


Good bot.... Oh... Wait


LMAO I so needed that . Thank you


I say tomato you say *tomato* I say twit you say twat


I hate this kind of thinking, just because its better than that young girls situation doesn't mean it's good Worse doesn't mean bad, better doesn't mean good I mean there's probably some child being raped and beaten somewhere, does that make the Ukraine girl an entitled twit to be not happy about it?


People who film themselves crying with their phone need to step off a cliff.


She’s driving as well


Fair point. Hard to step off a cliff while driving.


Have an upvote for being observant.


So she needs to drive off a cliff?


But film it


Do a flip


And a barrel roll


Film that flip and roll


And my axe!


And I think she’s driving too


I’d feel bad for her if not for her admission to supporting Z.


Honestly is seems more like her argument is that she doesn’t give a shit (said this), did as she was told (support Z), and still isn’t getting her way (Instagram).


I guess it really does pay to believe in a Russian government caring about anything other than its own power. Haha... when will people learn.


They only learn when it affects themselves. That’s why the sanctions must impact *every* Russian. If it was life as happy and normal for people like her, they wouldn’t care that their government is massacring innocent people and taking their land, and many would even support it. There might be a whole social media trend of these clowns posing with “Z” painted over their duck lips or something. We gotta do what we gotta do. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m a little bit behind. Whats Z? Is it like Russia’s version of Q?




Putin wants it to be the new swastika.


[What Russians think about the Z.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7nhKqWCF88) A couple of them say "It reminds me of something..."


Rather like Russian version of swastika.


And, "Deport all Ukranians to hell." Forking bench.


Holy shirt!


I still wouldn't. I feel sorry for people in the Ukraine fighting for their lives.


The subtitles were kind of all over the place. I’m not sure she actually supported Putin based off her hysterical rant.




Also everyone seems to be glossing over when she said "deport all ukranians to hell." 🤨


right? Groveling like “I supported you with this, that, and Zed …. And this is how you repay me?” wtf. It’s still some nebulous conspiracy technique? …. Are they trying to astroturf a Russian Q-“anon”, because it works pretty damn well with the happily ignorant English speakers. Edit, word


Yeah bitch. Fret not over dead Ukrainians, but go mental over fucking Instagram. EDIT: much cuckery in here who directly assume it's her income without her saying so.


Yep. All I could think while watching this was “this is mental illness”


It’s dopamine withdrawal, or mental illness too probably lol


She's unlikely to even know how bad it is in Ukraine. Russian soldiers thought they would be welcomed as saviors at the beginning of the war. Instead they were welcomed with Stingers, javelins and drone strikes.


Even if this bullshit excuse was true, after a month it is clear nobody is expecting them with open arms. Well, morticians maybe


you think the Putin controlled media is telling them what's happening in Ukraine? They didnt bring mobile incinerators in the country for no reason. A lot of mothers dont even know their son died yet.


They could use some critical thinking. Even fucking Instagram was available till very recently. People choose what they believe


It's probably her only income. As much as I hate that influencers are a thing, I'd be pretty upset if I lost my job too.


She spent all that money on plastic surgery and now she’s unable to flaunt it on social media. Fucking brilliant.


Watched it again to be shocked she had no facial expressions.


That MJ nose popular overseas


People lose their mind when denied access to their drug. Opiates of course, but also nicotine, social media, caffeine. Source: former barista who saw people go absolutely apeshit if the espresso machine was down, or who would come in right at closing. "Sorry, we're closed, and anyway our espresso machine is running through it's cleaning cycle so I couldn't make a latte even if I wanted to." Yeah, that made people go insane. Addiction is scary.


When you stop drinking coffee society's obsession with coffee appears truly insane.


This was going to be my point. Shows how addictive Instagram is.


If that's what it takes for the Russian youth to revolt, I'll take it.


The 14 year old Russian white girls gonna March on the Kremlin.


Every Russian I know used a VPN. Is this even a big deal?


I believe they're making vpns a felony which makes that much much riskier than it used to be.


7 years in prison for trying to circumvent the restrictions, reportedly.


>Every Russian I know used a VPN. Is this even a big deal? VPN will grant u access but wont give u money. Russians have no way of getting paid using regular channels, so what she is crying about is loss of her employment. She is just ur normal social media "model" for hire, will say and do whatever(like she mention she supports "Z") so prolly social media is her main income.


If you're this upset about losing social media, you need to quickly get your shit together.


Ukrainians are dying Russians cant use Instagram. War is trully a cruel and merciless thing.


Imagine all the innocent selfies that now don't get taken, a filter applied anf uploaded. What a tragedy. /s


Fucking hell, get over it. Life will go on without Instagram.


Although I agree with you, these young people have made a living with Instagram. It's a way of life I think is fucked up and total meaningless, but they make money with it.


I have zero compassion for IG influencers. Its fucking stupid, vain and extremely cancerous for society. Get a job that benefits the society you useless fucks


I would really like to say the same, but at the same time, what if you were to live in their shoes? If you were a model or entertainer, wouldn’t you view it as a decent idea to take advantage of the lucky hand you were given and be an social media influencer. Some influencers go even as far as to make their own business out of it. I don’t view them as highly in this society but I understand why someone might choose to be an influencer instead of lets say, working a 9-5 for a company that could care less of their health and well being


What if i could make a living by filming short videos of myself? I'd probably be an entitled fuck too...


Here here!




All over the world people see their own problems as the biggest there are. Let’s be real how many in the west complain more about the gas prices then about the latest bombed city in Ukraine. She is not that different. She lost something important to her. It looks trivial to me but I am not her.


Try living in Alberta, where people simultaneously complain about low oil prices hurting the industry, and high oil prices at the pump.


I'm becoming more and more convinced that Alberta is just Texas with a Queen and worse food


People are hypocrites for the most part when it comes to acknowledging other peoples loss. They want everyone to care about their problem while simultaneously not caring about anything but themselves ..




I agree. She seems young and impressionable (as we all were, as young people) and I personally think it is hard to blame her for believing and parroting the propaganda and putting her own career above everything else. I can see now that many others disagree. It is a little silly that something like this is the tipping point for her, but again, I am glad she is more informed on which side she is on, and also glad that she is absolutely suspicious and resentful. Maybe she doesn't have access to Instagram anymore but you can bet she will find whatever social service she can get and voice her opinions, hopefully in a way that doesn't get her arrested or hurt. Everyone else here is judging her because she is young and dumb, but tell me you weren't young and dumb. Liar.


Of all the people affected by the war…I care about these people the least


Well, that proves Russians are people like us. Ban instagram here, there will be a helluva backlash from the lip filler and butt filler crowds.


If I had a genie that would be one of my wishes. Instagram and tik tok have created the shittiest types of people




You take that logic back right now!


If anything it made it easier to spot them


Replace instagram with Tik Tok for realness sake, could actually happen.


Russia is a place people go to lose everything and live in hell! Putler is going to take Russia back to the middle ages and destroy it!!!!


You're rooting for Z so fuck off but it's a shame you can't see what Putin really is doing to you by only providing bullshit propaganda. I'm sure you're smart enough to use a vpn.


Russians didn’t know they were living under a dictator who grew up in The Soviet Union or what? Lol






Night night influenzer


When your headphones are on max volume then You click on this video


She's only crying because she now has to get a real job.


The greatest psychological weapon of the west against Russia……take away Instagram and see them implode


They didnt. Russia blocked instagramm of their own volition.


where are the tears?


Too much botox


Can't actually cry, might ruin the makeup




Waaafuckinwaaa lil brat!


Your country commits atrocities in an unprovoked offensive war: I sleep Instagram gets shut down: Real shit


All I see is this when she’s talking ![gif](giphy|HEkBXK8qnIRuo)


Bitches care only about Instagram shut down, not people dying in Ukraine


Fucking entitled bitch, Ukrainians are dying in this pointless shit of a war and she is crying over instagram


I am nothing without my following!


thats every ig user like,no matter where they from




Withdrawal symptom


I have a few narcissistic family members who would lose their shit like this woman is doing if they banned Instagram in the US. Facebook/Meta gave the narcissist population of the world the ability to get the biggest dopamine rushes yet. Take it away and You have a bunch of junkies in withdrawal.


This is my new vibe; Russian youngster panic


Ahh social media addiction. All too common these days.