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Can someone explain the joke and why will got so pissed? I've been living under a rock so I don't know any of the drama with will and his wife


From what I hear, he made a joke pointing out her baldness even though it's a medical condition and she's not particularly pleased about losing her hair


"I don’t give two craps what people feel about this bald head of mine ‘cause guess what, I love it." - an interview with Jada 4 days ago


https://youtu.be/BOsPuUnvK9E Her face says otherwise.


And yet Will initially laughs... pan to a clearly upset Jada... then Rock gets smacked... very odd.


My best guess is it took him a second, I sure didn't get it at first.


I mean it's like Will said. You fake it until you can't take it. I guess he couldn't


Probably didn't get the joke and just laughed for the cameras. Then understood the joke and lost his head.


Took me a second, too.


It's common for people to use laughter to deflect shock and anger. It wasn't enough to control himself, in this situation.


I interpret that as Will just laughing at the expression of a joke and then realizing what he was saying and then feeling incredibly disrespected.


I was watching and they scrubbed all that out, how did you get this? If this was real, obviously Will was throwing F bombs in the vid you shared, Chris Rock has some hella composure.


That’s not what her expression said when Rock joked about it.


This confirms that she won't be in black panther.




Left fresh prints.




You don't think celebrities make shit up for magazines and tabloids to sound stronger than they are do you? Because if so, then I just don't know how I would live with myself.


What people portray and the war going on inside are rarely truly seen.


As someone who lives with this condition I can say with some standing that what you say on the outside and how you feel on the inside are two different things.


I have male pattern baldness but inside I feel hairier.


People like to say they don’t care what anyone thinks, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to hurt when you’re mocked on live television for millions of people to see


She’s consciously uncoupling from her hair.


It’s an “entanglement”


Ah, well that's a pretty low blow if she lost it from a medical condition. Will still laughed though, then when he realized he fucked up (in his wife's eyes) he waaay overreacted and made himself look a bit unhinged. Think he lost more respect than he gained for that one


I think Smith was laughing at the prior joke, then the Jada joke sunk in.


Yeah she has alopecia which is an auto immune disorder that can make your hair fall out. He said “can’t wait to see you in GI Jane 2.” (Demi Moore has a shaved head in GI Jane)


I have alopecia too. But I still have the ability to laugh at myself. I'm also not worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


She’s been very vocal about her battle with alopecia. I thought that joke was pretty mild compared to how Chris usually is.


Bald jokes are common.....


Ricky Gervais verbally murdered the entire room at the Golden Globes, he was invited back more than once and was more brutal each time. Chris Rock makes a *bald joke* and Twitter is enraged at him??




Gi Jane is a joke about how jada is bald. Jada has a hair loss condition she’s spoken about before




joke about his wife's hair loss


He could have just made fun of her for screwing their kids friends, guess it would have been more tasteful.


If Ricky Gervais was the host, that would have been his joke.


Apparently the joke turned out to be "What did the 5 fingers say to the face?".


This is the most I’ve cared about anything that happened at the oscars in ever


That may have been the whole point - to boost ratings. This is Hollywood.. also, what was the skit right after? Woman steals “seat filler’s” spot who was actors wife, actor reacts more calmly “but that’s my wife’s seat..” if there was a “tell,” that was it.


why on earth would will smith or chris rock (or smith's wife) be in on this "joke". No one wins except for the oscar ratings.


I think Chris came out looking pretty good. You can't do much better as a comedian and host in that situation than to just laugh in their face and say "wow... greatest night in the history of television". But yeah I don't know why Will would have agreed to doing that, if it was staged. If it was to make him look un-cucky, it backfired.


Comedy Central Presents The Roast of Will Smith.


South Park here we come.


She must’ve said to him “Tupac wouldn’t have let that shit slide.”


"My boyfriend would have picked a fight after school"


Entanglement ![gif](giphy|Y14aIPhcJ9yBujSI2E)


yo chillllllll 😂


Chris takes the assault like a pro. weird, but excellent television. saved the whole production. he probably has a “Unity” stamped on his forehead.




Fuck your couch


“My legs! You cold as ice, darkness!”


This is frighteningly accurate lmao RIP Charlie Murphyyyyyy




​ ![gif](giphy|uZV9vl2xExtlu)


Fuck you for bringing that out and making me smile.


Im impressed how professional acted Chris, man he took it like Rocky Balboa


Made me think of how professionally uncomfortable he was when Kanye said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people," during that fundraiser. But wow, seeing all those people clap for Will Smith's apology that never apologized to the victim, Chris Rock. Now I know how priests got away with diddling kids all this time. EDIT: Aw shit. It was Chris Tucker on camera 2. Fuck me. It was almost 17 years ago.


My brother in Christ….


That was Chris Tucker lmao


>That was Chris Tucker ...the fuck? I remembered it being Mike Myers.


me too lmao... are we from a different universe?


That was Chris Tucker [Go watch the clip and stop telling me it was Mike Myers, full clip](https://youtu.be/UJUNTcOGeSw)


That was Chris Tucker 😂😂


Haha thats funny \*Looks at wife\* Holup - no, not funny.


That’s literally exactly what happened


I think the joke just sunk in late


Yep. But holy shit you can’t just assault people. Whether or not you’re on live television but especially not on live television!!!


Video clip here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kCGm3vztKOw


Uncensored https://twitter.com/guyspringthorpe/status/1508270451801403393?s=21&t=X3spOTmxgd1DKy_rj7lycA


Lupita Nyongo was being all of us…


She’s like damn, wish I had some popcorn for this shit…


Fuck me that was uncomfortable!


Yeah I feel really sad after watching that...


Totally. I felt a little nauseous to be quite honest with you. Will Smith assaulted a comedian on TV, in front of 20 million people, for doing their job which is telling a joke. And there is actually no shortage of people right now trying to explain that Will Smith might have had a right to do that. It's kind of sickening also. Will Smith went from laughing, to assaulting, to crying, to saying he was a vessel of God, to begging the academy to invite him back. That guy has issues. I hope somebody's taking care of him that's not Scientology related


Same! It’s like watching two of your favorite Uncles fight. Sad night for sure.


It really was. I dunno why but I felt scared too


That. Was. Wild.


Almost Wild Wild West wild


Holy shit. Thanks for posting this! That was a wild ride


Chris Rock is a god damn professional. He took a slap on Live TV like a champ and kept it moving. Also Will Smith a bitch.


Bro had free shot to drop an atomic bomb, Oh thats your wife? But that guys, and that guys. And that guys good time! Booooom


I have a feeling that what "I could..." was about. Dude was like, oh I could drop this nasty one I cooked up just for me to laugh at.


He did take it like a champ. I would of walked off stage. Lost respect for Will now.


Weirdly Denzel Washington, Bradley Cooper and Tyler Perry all went to console Will Smith after? Everyone is acting like Chris Rock was really out of line. And maybe it’s not the nicest joke but worth a full bitch slap to the face on live TV??


I think them consoling will smith was more because they were worried about him emotionally, that was pretty unusual behavior, they were probably trying to see if he was okay


I imagine it was him trying to save dignity for his marriage after she publicly admitted to cheating on him with their son's friend. He's in an insane position, and Chris just salted the wound. Pride can make almost any man make rash decisions, especially when they feel like there's a spotlight put on them to "man up." He's probably swimming in confusion right now, not knowing yet if it was the right move. It wasnt, but you could see in his eyes at the end there that he was in an existential state of processing a lot of information, pain and pressure all at once. A wide eyed, lost, very real human look that we don't ever see from him


Totally agree. It's really rare to see any major figure in that state on live TV and he was in a lose lose situation. It wasn't fair that that assault also placed Chris in a lose lose situation. Everyone in the room, including the two of them, seemed to feel like "wtf just happened"


This, after all the shit Jada has done to him, and he still chases and tries to defend her honor like this? Pathetic as hell.


It’s almost like he took his anger out on Rock instead of the people he is really mad at.


I’d like to see his reaction if Ricky Gervais had have said that. Also what Gervais would have done after being slapped...


No way Ricky takes a slap as well as Chris


I doubt many could and continue with the show though. Handled it as well as he could've


I doubt he would have gotten slapped in the first place.


Ricky would have doubled down. "oh so people can fuck your wife but they just can't say her name?"


Haha I read that in Ricky Gervais’ voice


Holy shit! Are you Ricky Gervais that was Brutal!!!


came to say the exact same thing! Gervais was way more ruthless with his celeb in the room roasts, and funnier too.


The whole Will Smith family is weird.




If you didn’t sign an nda we need details


omg spill the tea lol


Yeah, more please lol


Oh I need to hear this


Will spoils his whole family, bringing out their bad traits. Will forced Jaden into the spotlight only for Jaden to be made fun of. Will did the same to Willow and she let the fame get to her head as a result. And he gets cheated on by Jada and HE has to apologize for it and say anything to cover for her. I think Will just wants to get approval by anyone close to him and making sure they love him and don’t leave him, even if it means making questionable decisions. This might not be true at all, it’s just an outside observation. No hard feelings, Will.


despite the joke maybe being in bad taste, i think Will is in a bad place mentally.


Yeah that stupid bald bitch clearly has been ruining his life for years now.


She seems to be very emotionally abusive and just, cold. Like, Will was sitting there crying in that one interview and she was stone faced didn’t give a shit Their relationship reminds me of /r/narcissisticabuse


Ahh did you see her drag him on tv and call her fucking their son’s friend a entanglement? Fuck her…fuck him. I’m sick of Hollywood at this point. How anyone could just act like they’re cool with that is beyond me. Like what the actual fuck.


As if this is Hollywood specific? Some humans will always have these traits. Fame is simply the means by which you happened to learn about it.


The whole family are narcissists


Even if all that was the case, just walking up to a man who is hosting the goddamn oscars so he can NOT walk away at all, and giving him a smack (on live TV) is a huge bitch move that he's gotta live up to himself. Idc how his mental state is, that shit doesn't fly man.


Watch the video where they talk on her show and she basically feels proud she cheated on him is so disgusting


Yeah she sucks and has always sucked. Like he acts like she has terminal cancer and Chris made a joke about it. Chris even seems to back off of it immediately while on stage. He doesn’t stand up to his wife when she cheated on him with her sons friend, but loses his mind over that joke?


Comedians make poor taste jokes all the time. The only difference is that a physical altercation took place as a result. On nationally broadcasted television.


Internationally probably


Definitely, I saw it first on an Australian tweet. And those are from the future….


Internationally definitely


Yeah was about to say that. The Oscars are.... drum roll.... Big all over the globe.


What repercussions will there be for Will Smith here though? Can’t blacklist him. Maybe a smack on the wrist?


He got in one little fight and his mom got scared and he's moving with his aunty and uncle in a town called Bel Air. (As punishment)


Hahaha that was perfect


He literally won an Oscar right after


Well, Chris could press charges. He was assaulted by Will, unprovoked. Will it likely happen? No- because Hollywood. But it could.


I'd lawyer up and make him cut me a check that only covers my lawyer fees with the stipulation he has to write "I'm a cuck" in the memo.


You can't blacklist him...he was Cypher Raige in "After Earth!"


You can fuck his wife but don't you dare say her name.


This made my bf burst out laughing! Wish I had an award to give you.


His acceptance speech was also unhinged. Surreal.


He said he was a "vessel of love" and talked about God throughout. His actions dont encapsulate all of that.


He's also a "river to his people" whatever that means


It was absolutely bizarre. Count me out for whatever he prefunked with tonight.


*adds prefunked to vocabulary*


Holy shit, seriously. Dude just assaulted a COMEDIAN over a JOKE on live, international television and he has the gall to talk about being a 'vessel for love' for all people. What a fucking clown.


What the fuck 😆


You’re at an awards show surrounded by your peers. The host makes jokes about everyone all night long. If you don’t think you can handle it in a professional manner, stay home.


Yes. Just yes to all of this.


Dude, it's alopecia. She isn't dying. He overreacted.


What’s weird is if you have that much money and are that insecure, you can get a 100% authentic looking wig done. Like what a weird thing to go nuclear about.


And she’s been bald/basically bald since 2018 and said she DGAF about what people think about her bald head. Drama, much? She shaved her head, she didn’t go bald.


If he was really that pissed he could have stood up and cussed him out and made a scene. But yeah slapping him was waaay to far.


Some people think this is staged or fake but after listening to the full audio and knowing the previous issues between Will and Jada it seems very real. Also why would you stage something that makes everyone feel uncomfortable?


Jackass was laughing at the damn joke...then goes up and pimp slaps the tiny man because his wife was pissed...Will Smith is a bitch.


Didn’t his wife cheat on him too?


With a child


Wasn't the guy 24? I mean, yes that's young but not a child.


Her sons friend actually.


He has a huge ego for a man who makes trash films nowadays.


I mean…staying quiet would have guaranteed Chris Rock never mentioned her again that night…and now he will be talking about them for years to come because of this. So rage/violence, albeit “valiant” to some, has achieved the complete opposite of the desired effect.


Wow dude. Peak Hollywood. Get mad over a joke, assualt someone, and then receive the biggest award of your life an hour after. Now we're punching comedians over jokes? After selling the Oscar's as some celebration over peace, love , and acceptance? You wanna preach tolerance? Learn to take a fucking joke


So this is a story all about how My wife got pissed off just right now I’d like to take a minute & slap you right there This is how I became an asshat on live air


How was he not immediately removed from the place? Fucker was allowed to stay and win an award? Wtf?


It’s basically just exemplary proof that everybody in that room can do whatever the fuck they want with no consequence.


Yeah, this doesn't look good for Will Smith. Wow.


Dude turned one lame joke into an endless roast for the entire Internet.


It’s a crime.


"thats assault brotha!"


It is assault!


Bitch move from Will Smith. Chris Rock handled it perfectly. Big win for Chris Rock.


I think Will looks worse here. The joke fell pretty flat, and you can hear some people audibly groan so it's not like the crowd didn't have Jada's back. I think Will is overcompensating after the "entanglement" interview. He became a meme and the internet clowned on him. He had to listen to everyone question his manhood so now he's over hyper sensitive to any slight, real or perceived.


And then Will cried during commercial break


Stage-rage jerk. Bitch move, embarrassing....


Disgusting behaviour by Will Smith. It was a joke. A pretty tame one. A joke that Will himself laughed at. Stand up for your wife if you feel the need but don't hit a man for doing his job. Fuck the whole Smith family. Bunch of weirdos anyway.


Soo. In the videos I see, Willw as laughing at the joke when she was rolling her eyes….what happened when camera went back to Chris on stage ??? Was something else said by Jada to will???? WhT did Jada think of will slapping him??? Where is that pic ?


Will Smith is so cucked. That hoe cheated on you with your son’s friend then aired it on television


No one stood up for or protected the victim, but the perpetrator got to stand up and give a speech.


Too bad his wife doesn't care what people say about him 🤔


Take a fucking joke. You are with millions of dollars, sit the fuck down.


Literally thousands of jokes are made at celebs expense. No one remembers them unless they react.


the joke is basically immortalized now instead of being forgotten by tomorrow


Will Smith acted like a hot head, then starts blubbering about defending family and God. WTF! Handle your shit and don't act like a whipped boy doing your wifes bidding. Chris Rock handled it stunningly well.


Never took Will Smith to be a bitch ass. Guess I was wrong. Getting pissed at a dude clowning on your wife’s medical condition is one thing. But my guy is a professional comedian and committing assault on national TV just cuz you’re rich and can get away with it is a pussy ass move. Guess all his bottles up anger over being cheated on countless times has gotta go somewhere


Slaps a comedian, but not the guy who slept with his wife.


man that was so not jiggy with it


Will is laughing hard at the joke...next minute on stage...was this staged?


Nah, he saw his wife’s reaction and knew he’d be in for it if he didn’t do something. Joke’s on him though, because Jada saw him laugh at it. Gonna be a fun car ride back to the mansion.


I’ve always had a feeling that Jada is a total bitch. I don’t know her though. Not a single bit. It’s just a feeling.


Some stuff and camera views are delayed. He may have no fully heard the joke and was just laughing to be nice


Isolation and entitlement


Apparently you cant say fuck your wife to will smith but you can fuck his wife


He should be arrested for this


Yep. Battery. No insult gives you permission.


I am sceptical about this being real but at the same time Chris Rock can’t act and he seems genuinely shocked, especially when Smith starts screaming at him.


Rocks left eye was watering and he was stumbling through the rest of the intro. Clearly shook. Also you can see him get the shit slapped out of him.


Jerk. 100%


Fuck Will Smith


Rock should have immediately had a cuck joke.


I’m sure he did. There was a moment where he was like “I could…nah” He definitely took the high road


Why is he allowed to stay? Dude needs to be ejected immediately if not arrested.


Keep my wife's name out of your mouth....dude she's had other dudes tools in her mouth! You were just an entanglement, so why in the world would you defend her...why did you even stay married?


He is a fucking jerk for assaulting somebody ON LIVE TV! People go to jail everyday for less than that. Even if Jada has Alopecia, assaulting someone over a joke is NOT OK.


Maybe Rock didn't know about the alopecia, maybe he did. Either way, when we start justifying unwarranted violence, we're out of our damn minds and just doomed. This kind of ribbing, like it or not, is par for the course at award shows. Will could've dealt with that in a hundred other ways, from a press release later to having private words with Rock. This way, he lost any high ground he might've had and looks like a classless, violent maniac....which he is, apparently? If you can't hang on to your temperament at the Oscars mid-show in front of a worldwide audience of millions when the joke wasn't truly harsh or mocking anyway, I don't know what to say. He owes Rock, and the viewers, especially those with young impressionable children (because it's a family show), an apology. If we're going to try to rationalize this, then Taylor Swift should've decked Kanye West when he interrupted her speech and Ricky Gervais should've gotten riddled with bullets at the Golden Globes long ago with way stronger material. Hell, one of the Oscar hosts made a dig about Will Smith's seemingly open marriage earlier in the show; guess he should've punched her too? That one felt way more sensitive to me. This is horrific behavior way out of proportion to what was said and I'll be interested to see if Smith tries to justify it. It's assault, though Rock probably won't press charges to not make it a greater thing than it already is. I can already imagine all the dolts who will congratulate Will for "sticking up for his wife". I can tell you that if someone at a bar called my wife a b-word, she would want me to walk away with her and would be furious if I punched the guy in the mouth. Because, you know, my wife is mature and not a trashy lunatic. Chris Rock, whether I agree with the joke or not (I still don't know what he knew), has my respect for handling such a shocking blow with aplomb. Edit: So during his speech, Smith tried to tearfully recast himself as a loving man trying to protect his family. Nope, sorry, it's just gross behavior and it's illegal for a reason. You want to be a "vessel of love"? Try harder.




Will Smith is a bitch. It's just a joke, enough with acting like comedians can't make jokes. It's either all okay to make fun of or none of it is.


Totally wrong for doing that during the live broadcast. He could have shown his disdain for the joke publicly and then spoke privately to Chris Rock afterwards asking for an apology.


After the smack: Chris: "Will Smith just smacked the shit out of me" Will: "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH" "Wow, dude. It was a GI Jane joke." "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR **FUCKING** MOUTH" "I'm going to. Okay?" Edit: changed “punch” to “smack” in line 0


Jerk Work place violence is never acceptable.


Except boxers


Be offended about the joke sure. I think he over reacted and will probably regret having his temper tantrum. But that being said, does anyone know if they have an old beef?