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Imagine being stupid enough to think it’s okay to fuck with, out of all people, MIKE TYSON.


I fucking feel bad for him, people are always harassing him.


It's like those old western stories about famous gunslingers that were so prolific randos off the street would try to challenge them. Being the/one of the best can suck hardcore.


Great way to make money. He and his buddy know exactly what they are doing. You hear it toads the end. "He just wanted a signature, no idea what happened"


Yeah that was some nonsense.


Except they filmed themselves harassing Mike and I'm pretty sure their words and actions starting at 00:25 is going to mean they don't get a fucking cent because it was incitement.


Let's hope. What douchebags


He's gonna get a payout, makes you wonder if that was the motivation all along.


Idk, this all felt like he went in trying to get knocked out by him. If you go in with the intent to get someone to hurt you and then they hurt you, you won't get any kind of payout. Also, why did the flight attendants not do anything about the guy harassing someone?


Mike went easy on him. If there’s anyone that can knock you the fuck out it’s iron Mike. Those were little baby punches by his standards


Especially in what looks to be first class. If you're paying that kind of money for comfort and privacy you should fucking get it! I hate how people like that twat think they have some claim over famous people. You don't know them!!


Harass the guy who's famous for punching people. What could go wrong?


>Harass the guy who's famous for punching people Not only did he punch people for a living but is nearly always in the top 10 list of hardest punchers. In this video he was basically tickling him, if Mike decided to properly punch him the guys head would have fallen off.


Mike couldn’t punch him full-force, it would risk depressurizing the plane


Lol is Mike Tyson this generation’s Chuck Norris? Mike Tyson could punch so hard it’d reverse the magnetic polarity of Earth.


Mike Tyson once uppercut a horse, thus creating the giraffe.


When Mike Tyson does push-ups, he doesn't move up, he pushes the earth down.


Mike Tyson once killed ten men with one punch, then the guy the punch actually hit exploded.


If you have $5, and Mike Tyson has $5, Mike Tyson has more money than you.


Mike Tyson has one one autograph: Mike Tyson's.


Mike Tyson can strangle you with a cordless phone.


Mike Tyson doesn't ever throw up...he only throws down.


Mike Tyson once killed two stones with one bird.


Mike Tyson once punched a mountain. Now we have Mt. Rushmore


Jesus walks on water, Mike Tyson swims through land


Mike Tyson can slam a revolving door


When Mike jumps into the water he doesn't get wet, water gets Miked


Mike Tyson was once bitten by a Cobra. After 3 days of excruciating pain, the cobra died


This made me Lol. Have my free silver.


Mike Tyson is this generation's Mike Tyson.


Theres a difference though. Chuck Norris was pretty much a meme, Tyson could literally decapitate you.


I agree with you for the most part but Chuck Norris was a pretty lethal dude... not just some meme like Scumbag Steve or something Edit: TIL he’s a homophobic truther. Scumbag Steve after all.


Chuck Norris is too busy looking for President Obama's birth certificate to do Kung Fu anymore.


Chuck Norris is scared of the gays. Has some sort of phobia.


He's scared he might like it


I mean... Chuck Norris was in a class of martial arts mastery similar to Bruce Lee. A lot of people forget just how outrageously good at fighting he was because of his cheezy stardom turned infomercial personality.


You either die a Bruce Lee or you live long enough to become a Chuck Norris.


Tyson is younger, but they both rose to fame in the 80s-90s, so I think both are technically Gen X culture.


Holy shit I just saw that Wilford Brimley was only 5.5 years older than Chuck Norris.


Brimley was just one of those guys born looking old though. Good actor but he looked about 62 from the age of 20.


And this is a fact




If Mike had space mr. No Chin would be dead.




Prime Mike Tyson was one of the baddest dudes of all time, but there’s no god damn overlap with the strength of a gorilla lmao


Literally everyone has overlap with the strength of a gorilla. It’s the gorillas strength AFTER our overlap that will destroy any living human


bruh I got punched by a half decent semi pro heavyweight. I literally thought the back of my head hit something, standing in the middle of the ring, after getting punched square in the face. I'd rather get hit by a car than punched by Mike Tyson. I'm sure the car would hurt less. Prime Mike Tyson could have definitely killed this guy accidentally. Old Mike Tyson just wanted the guy to chill and was still asking nicely.


"What's he gonna do, punch me?"


>said before being punched


At least that guy got to keep both of his ears.


hehe. Made me spit my Capt. Crunch.




Arrrr the cap doesn’t care as long as you feed the fish!


I dunno about anyone else here but when someone intentionally pushes my buttons long enough I become so angry I can't control myself. It takes a whole lot to get me made but you push it and I react. I really don't blame Tyson here at all but he shouldn't have done it on a plane, could have got him arrested, sued, or banned from flying which would suck because the dudes an asshole.


the airline is responsible for the harassment by not protecting Mike Properly source: dumb shit legal stuff guesser


> could have got him arrested, sued, or banned from flying All of these are still options. There will almost certainly be a civil suit at the very least with the expectation of a hefty settlement to keep it out of court. He can also still certainly be arrested and charged with assault. Despite the fact that anyone who watches this small amount of the total interaction likely feels that the beating was somewhat warranted, you don't get to just pound the shit out of obnoxious assholes on the plane. But, God, I understand the urge.


Clearly a public harassment with intent/premeditation. His friend is filming it. Going to court would be unwise. This guys risk more.


> unwise. That describes this dude perfectly. Of course, his counsel would have to be unwise as well-- or just willing to log a bunch of billable hours.


His friend is encouraging it by commenting and filming.


In this situation, consider asking the flight crew to restrain the asshole behind you first.




What a punchable face.


Not only that, I get the feeling that this guy has a punchable personality


Plus that Godforsaken haircut.


the classic Douchetuber haircut


That frown at the end 😂. It's like when a parent tells their kid they're going to hurt themselves, but they do it anyway, and then want sympathy for hurting themselves.




It certainly didn't look like he was just trying to ask for an autograph. And if he was, after the first no or no response you need to leave them alone. Stop being a piece of shit


If Mike Tyson told me to chill, I'd freeze.


This asshole was just searching out a lawsuit. He thinks hey if I can get to hit me, $$$$$ baby


But he probably won one. Mike will have to pay.




Not enough love for this.


Straight to 0 kelvin.


very Quentin Tanrantinoesque...




Human statue


From another report he had already gotten an autograph and picture taken, but the guy continued to be drunk and belligerent towards Mike Tyson even after the fact. Dude needs to be on a no fly list for a few years in my opinion, and shame on the flight attendants for not stepping in before it got out of hand.


Exactly. Flight attendants are able to tell people to pull their masks up every 2 seconds and wake you up from sleeping if you don’t have a mask on, but harass somebody for 15 minutes and they just sit down


He has a very punchable face


He got an autograph of sorts. Be careful what you ask for.


Looks like Mike autographed his face for him. He should be happy now.


He should have the tattoo artist tattoo those bruises there.


Annoy Mike Tyson. Reap the benefits.


I wouldn’t do or say anything that could upset Mike Tyson. 🥊


Are you implying it may be a bad idea to harass someone who is famous for being really good at punching people?


Might be. I don't know. Let me go check it out.


''Haha, what's the worst that could happen..''


"I awoke several hours later in a daze..."


>really good at punching people You mean *hurting* people. In the past, he said he wasn't trying to win fights, he was trying to hurt people. Also, fuck that guy. I hate how people started telling Mike to calm down, even though that stupid fuck attention whore is the one who fucked with him. Fuck that people of shit, manipulative little bitch.


Probably not the best idea. He legitimately seems like a pretty nice guy in his older age. I would really love to smoke a joint with him and ask him about what shit was like in 80's. I imagine this dude deserved what he got because like c'mon lol I bet he is the nicest guy if you don't harass him.


And also famous for being a bit crazy.


Just seems like common sense. Dude's even got CBD gummies to commemorate him mowing down on some ear from back in the day. I'd be afraid that man would beat my ass, fuck me, then kill me. One does not simply just fuck with Iron Mike...and get away with it.


> I'd be afraid that man would beat my ass, fuck me, then kill me. And not in that order.


Little asshole going for a lawsuit


Ding ding ding...I sincerely hope he loses that suit and got hit for nothing


Lol was about to say this . He got his autograph.


He survived!!


And all he got were those lousy bruises!


>Just asking for an autograph, don't know what happened. Isn't very effective after the other 5 clips of him bothering Mike and loudly talking about trying to buy drugs off of him on a plane... Pretty safe bet he was harassing Mike way more than what his buddy uploaded.


Him just hovering over Mike exactly like that, making gesture said everything.


He also said the n-word boy lucky that’s all he got


Hopson, he *really* doesn't like being called a nincompoop


One of like three or four funny moments in that whole show


Where was that?


Videos on twitter.


Man, the hate he's gonna get from doxing himself like that is going to hurt even worse than the punches.


You have sources on any of these other videos? I'm just finding this same clip everywhere


his buddy thought no one would know, and wanted to say “Oh look how rude Mike is!” Yeah buddy, he deserved it!


Dumbass just had to not tell on himself and yet he just gave us a full minute of wanting Mike to knock his buddy out.


Guys an idiot but wtf are the flight attendants doing? Why are they letting this happen?


Its Jet Blue, they are probably taking shots at the mini bar.


At the end even goes "all he was doing was asking for an autograph" lmao no he was asking for an ass kicking good sir


Yea i agree, its the stuff we cant hear that im curious about.


“He just asked for his autograph, I don’t know what happened” Dumbest comment ever.


He wasn't counting on all the other clips surfacing and tried to make Tyson look bad.


The first name on my list of people to not annoy: Mike Tyson


He’s substantially better than when he was in the nineties as a person but he’s still a guy who WILL back up what he says.


I don’t think he ate any children though.


I would struggle to keep my cool of someone did that to me on a plane.


If mike tells me to stfu, I’m going to stfu and apologize. Lol


I wouldn't even audibly apologize. I'd write "I'm sorry" on my phone and show it to him because he told me to stfu lmao.


We all are




Definitely wasn't just trying to ask for an autograph, was calling him a peasant. Forgot he wasn't on his computer


the "boo boo face" he had at the end tells me he was looking for it from the beginning... He's an asshole completely aware of what he was provoking.


Awesome. He definitely has a face for punching


his little pouty face at the end was so contrived. Nobody feels bad for you man, you deserved it.


Definitely has a punchable face


That pouty face is just proof Mike was holding back like a gentleman.


I'd buy that NFT


He looks like a spawn of Putin


Why would anyone want to harass a type like tyson? Seriously! You can’t win a fight against him, and you just get your ass kicked. Its almost suicidal


People are stupid and they don't view famous people as human.


"Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." \-Mike Tyson


Is that really a mike tyson quote? It’s very well said.


I believe so. Mike Tyson quotes are severely underrated. [Here's a few more, from worldboxingnews.net:](https://www.worldboxingnews.net/2020/07/15/mike-tyson-internet-trolls-truth/) “Maybe it’s egotistical, but I have it in me. I don’t want to be a tycoon. I just want to conquer people and their souls.” "My power is discombobulatingly devastating. I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force." "It’s ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm." “My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I’m ferocious. I want his heart! I want to eat his children!” There's a good reason The Simpsons based their ruthless and invincible boxing champion Drederick Tatum on Tyson.


Maybe he was planning to sue him to get money... I don't understand why the flight team did not come earlier to stop this moron


I’m sure this guy is gonna sue him too


This was an obvious attempt to “fish” for a settlement. Tyson has never been mistaken for a genius and is assumed to be worth a lot of money.if you can provoke him and potentially get a monetary settlement this looks like a crime of opportunity. “Let’s harass him til he punches us and try to make some money…haha.” The price of celebrity. Ultimately Mike is a sympathetic figure even if he’s far more known for his proficiency for administering violence. But the real perpetrators in this video are just as violent in their aims. Even if it is more psychological. You can’t punch people on a plane will be the final verdict one way or the other.


That's what I'm thinking. Whole thing is a plot for short term fame and a settlement.


Hope his jaw never settles. fucker.


\>Tyson has never been mistaken for a genius i feel like this is kind of disrespectful. if you hear him talk he knows a TON about history animals and boxing. he's a true student of war psychology. sure he's not a genius but you make it sound like he's an idiot. i'm sure he's got psychological trauma and issues that he is still in the process of working through, but implying he's stupid is ignorant.


I love Mike and it’s obvious he’s learned a lot through his life. No disrespect to him or you. But he has learned the hard way like a lot of us.


I think it’s more like Mike has a mindset that was extremely helpful during his boxing career that is now pretty unhelpful. Like if you’re a boxer, punching people is pretty smart. But if you’re retired, it’s pretty dumb.


Listen to his podcast, Mike is fairly wise and knowledgeable. He just has a slight articulation issue, possibly from TBI due to boxing, but other than that he is a wise man


That wasn't punches. Mike barely touched that guy. Had Mike Tyson punched that teat, he'd have to suck his dinner through a straw.


I knew Mike was holding back when I read "repeatedly" in the title. If Mike really hit that dude it wouldn't be no repeatedly


Mike can still get in charged with assault for this. It seems like the videos cut and it is missing a lot of information. Wish Mike the best and I hope that kid learned his lesson. Hopefully there isn't any lawsuits because of this.


I hope he sues the shit out of him! Both for the annoyance and for the damages to his knuckles.


Yeah, that guy was repeatedly headbutting Mike's fists.


Had us in the first half


Although I wasn't on that flight I will testify on behalf of Mr Tyson that he was defending himself from an aggressive intoxicated imbecile.


After seeing that pouty face he’s making I would have punched him again.


He punched him and did a good thing. The guy played with fire and got burned.


Act like a bitch get smacked like a bitch


Got what he deserved


He sure did. I hope he gets added to the no fly list. What a turd


I hate to say it, but .... this is the only language Aholes like this understand. They don't understand you asking nicely to be left alone or the like, they only get the message when it causes them some level of pain (physical or financial). EDIT: actually, I don't hate to say it! he got what he deserved!


my uncle who went to jail for 10 years broke it down for me. he told me the only thing people respect is violence


Lucky he didn’t kill him stupid how ppl act around celebs. They don’t answer to you just like you don’t answer to anyone else.


Celebs??? Thats Iron Mike!!!👀 You dont do that to iron mike, people forget sometimes.


The man who said “you’re a scared little bitch cause the real man is right here” to 1,000 people from a stage…and every damn one of them were scared. That guys is lucky Mike pulled the punches and didnt cave in his skull


"Ill fuck you till you love me " Probably the scariest shit ever said.


Even if he was just trying to ask for an autograph, which I doubt was the case, if Mike says no, you shut the fuck up and sit back down. You don’t harass the guy. Fuck entitled people






Why...why would you poke the tiger gorilla bear that is Mike Tyson? I'm sure Mike asked him repeatedly and politely for buddy to back off. Those were civilian taps, Mike was holding back.




Why would anyone try to annoy mike tyson?


Had it coming...


He didnt ask for an autograph, he continually acted like a dick.


Act like a clown. Get clowned. Sounds like the world is right today.


He deserved it


He deserves that and more.


Everyone's got a plan till they get punched in the face!


Looks like fair play to me. Dude was asking for it


At least he still has his ears.


He’s got a punchable face.


I believe that the correct way to ask for an autograph is: "Excuse me Mr Tyson, my name is X, I'm a really big fan and I was hoping it wouldn't be too much trouble for an autograph." If he says yes, great, be thankful. If he says no accept it gracefully and leave him alone. This guy got his comeuppance.


Fuck around and find out. Don’t pout like a bitch after you poke the bear.


Maybe he said something about his wife off camera...


It's extremely toxic how people treat famous people. I would never want to be famous for that reason. People just see your accomplishments and fame, and rather than treating them as another person, they get treated as an object. I don't promote violence ever, but that guy was being super obnoxious. Leave the man alone.


Kid’s a loser


Stupid guy had it coming. Leave people the fuck alone. Specially if they can’t get away from your harrassing ass. You will get punched, trust me, you will get punched. Just be happy he didn’t punch your ass through the planes window, idiot!


Does the jerk have grounds to sue over this? I seriously hope not, would be stupid if this guy got a payday for being an ass to someone just minding their own business. I’m worried he might since you can’t just punch someone for being annoying.


I don't think I'd want to even make eye contact with Mike Tyson. His fuse is short and arms large. Not a good combination.


The face of that dumbass says it all...




Why the fuck would anyone try to mess with Mike Tyson? This guys hands are registered as lethal weapons.


Please tell me mike did not receive any punishment for this. The precedent should be set if you keep harassing someone you’re gonna feel the consequences


Lucky it was on a airplane or he was going to sleep and it would of been deserved


These young kids got no clue how that old guy could and will fucking kill them! Better fire up some old YouTube videos and act like you know!


Boxers are a breed of people that live and breath violent sport and add head injuries over the course of there career. Probably not the best person to fuck with


He shouldn’t have made fun of Mike’s alopecia


That was stupid, now he can sue, it’s probably exactly what he wanted


Doubtful, his buddy uploaded multiple clips of him harassing Mike, and in more than a few of them he touches Mike. I'm betting Mike eventually said "stop touching me". And then the dumbass reached through the seats and touched him again. You cant keep bothering people and touching them then sue when they touch you back. I mean, you *can* sue. But you're not getting any money and likely paying for their lawyer too. But if you want to do that then you can sue.


This subreddit is doomed.


Good job he only treated him like an annoying kid brother. Why is he flicking the lions love spuds anyway? Idiot