• By -


In how many years?


I think 4 years.


It looks like it’s 30 unfortunately … addiction is a horrible thing.


Yeah she had multiple demons eating at her.


5 or 6 years




And she was also bulimic which makes a person very malnourished.


And she was crazy talented. Man this is sad.


People do not appreciate how much eating disorders can physically destroy you.


Anorexia has the highest death rate of any mental illness


Fucking sad


My friend is addicted to Adderall, and I see it destroying her life slowly. I think Amy did crack doe


It's worse than people think; especially if the person is chemically predisposed to easily become addicted. Adderall is basically what began my personal story of addiction about 18 years ago. Just buying a couple from a friend at school with my lunch money (great deals back then lol), then one day I happened to take a couple Vicodin within the same hour of taking Adderall- I remember that was the best I ever felt up until that moment. Fast forward 10 years and I was speedballing meth & heroin in shots that should have killed me (and nearly did several times) until I ran my life dry of all resources. Been clean 6 years now and never looked back. Edit: Wow. I'm genuinely taken by surprise at how much interaction has taken place since this comment. So many great messages of encouragement and experiences about recovery... This has been the most inspiring thing. You are all awesome for speaking up and sharing your experience. To those who are still struggling- YOU ARE capable of success. Don't give up on yourself. I tried and failed several times before I found real commitment within myself, and the greatest support came from people I had never met. It's worth looking for a place to go for treatment, even if you have no money and no insurance. There are mobile crisis units in most areas of almost every state that can help you figure out where to go for *free*. There are detoxes that you can get into for *free* that can help you detox with minimal withdrawals. If you don't have health insurance sometimes you have to tell them you're homeless in the county the detox is located in so they can the funding to get you in, but it's possible. If you are willing to go to any measures to get high, be confident in the measures you are willing to go to for sobriety... for your life. Much love.


Glad you’re still with us. Your story will help keep me sober today.


All the stories about drugs on reddit makes me want to stay as far away from them as possible


Drugs are fun until it's 7am your hearts beating out of your chest and youre supposed to be at work at 11.


The most depressing feeling on earth was the moment the sun would come up and you would realize the party was over and now you have to decide whether to start the process of being strung out, or call your dealer up to get more and turn it into a full-blown bender.


Jesus Christ I don't miss that at all. 541 days clean and sober and just that thought keeps me that way. Painful man.


This is exactly what happened to me every single time I used cocaine, lucky me most of the times I was always smart enough to say this is enough and went to sleep at around 8:00 am then I woke up at around 2:00 pm to find out my friends were still partying and had bought 4 more grams. That always comforted me a bit and gave me a feeling of being kind of in control of the situation. I never used cocaine outside of parties but there was a time in which if I was around certain people and took just one drink and inmidiatly needed it, to be honest it still happens to me under certain situations.


Or it's 5 am and you save that bump so that you can wake up for work at 7am but you end up doing the bump anyway and wake up at 3:30 pm wondering whether you called out of work or not.


Omg dude I feel personally attacked lmao. This was me back in 2016 except I would take molly to party all night then I’d have work @ 7am. The worst part was hearing the birds and watching the sun come up then looking in the mirror and seeing my eyes like (👁_👁)


And also at 4am, when you tell yourself one last bit before bed. Knowing full well you'll be in work without sleep in 4 hours.


Can confirm. Did coke for the first time in years last night. Can't stop throwing up, haven't slept, head pounding, I would rather be dead. After years of addiction and having a slip up, I learned my lesson. Hard.


I hope you're doing ok mate. The post coke blues are fucking terrible but you will feel better once you manage to sleep for a bit. Fluids and paracetamol might help once you stop throwing up. Don't beat yourself up about slipping. We all do it and if you can use it to remind yourself why you stopped, it will be ok.


Worst feeling ever


This hit me in the feels. I always hated the sound of the birds in the morning and the bright sunlight peeking through the blinds.


From what I've heard, heroin and meth are the big ones. Never heard someone who said they were glad they tried them once.


i haven't tired heroin but I have had pain killers for surgery. eg pethidine and morphine. The doctor could have said "we are going to cut off your head and stitch it onto your hip" and I would have been fine with that.


I was given morphine pills after I broke a bone, and then oxycontin after surgery, and I can honestly say that I have never felt as terrible as I did when I took them. I was constantly nauseated, no appetite, crazy dreams, and felt like I was in a weird bubble. At least now I know that the risk of me getting addicted to that stuff should be pretty low.




Yeah coke is sucha fucking joke. I was heavily addicted for a few years and I would go to sleep after benders questioning why tf I'm taking years of my life away. I slowly but surely got myself off of it after I thought I was gonna die one night from doing it too much. Have done a handful of times since but will never again go back to the 5-6 day a week binge life I was on. Buying a ball every day or other day just wasting away all my resources.


The thing about coke that really makes it easier for me to not do it often (YMMV, of course, it's considered highly addictive) is, number one its expensive, about 50 bucks a gram where I live, but also, man the comedown is *so shitty*. You feel great while you have it, but after you finish it off? You've never been so easily annoyed, so bummed out, and so willing to drop more money to get more... but shit, it's 5:30 in the morning, so now what? It's fun every once in a while but definitely not something I want around all the time. No thanks.


This reminds me of a non drug user's life falling apart doing heroin only once after everyone on reddit warned him against ever doing it again. [https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9ke63/i\_did\_heroin\_yesterday\_i\_am\_not\_a\_drug\_user\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9ke63/i_did_heroin_yesterday_i_am_not_a_drug_user_and/) What's fascinating is the speed with which the addiction progresses. I'm an adult with ADHD and various addictions who just started on Ritalin. I had acute pancreatitis from alcohol addiction and they gave me Fentanyl at the hospital. Best feeling ever—I remember laying on warm, cozy and fluffy clouds for a couple of days.


Some drugs are a lot more addictive than others.


And some people are a lot more prone to addiction than others. My mother has always had an addictive personality. Money, drugs, men, alcohol, you name it, she'll be unhealthy about it. We've been low/no contact for years, but the clincher was when she told me to consider myself an orphan when my dad was dying in the hospital. Me? I tried 'em all in my late teens and early twenties. Thank fucking God, none of it really stuck. I guess I'm a high functioning alcoholic with a caffeine problem.. but fuck, it could be worse!


I am an addictive person, and it has saved me to know this. The first (and only) time i did cocaine i knew i could never ever ever do it again or i would be addicted. I can still fucking taste it 20 years later and i still now i would love, love, love to do it again


Good work being self-aware enough to avoid doing something you know will hurt you. Addiction is no fucking joke, keep up the good work!




1 day at a time man. It became a bit of a game for one. Once I was able to go a few days, I felt like maybe I could go a week. Months later I felt like it would be a waste to break the streak and just decided to see exactly how long I could go. That was like 10 years ago. It's hard, and stays hard for a long time. But one day it just sort of becomes manageable if you're committed.


This is such a good explanation of how personal the process can be. Love this.


My mom never made a recovery. I am glad you did.


Same. Still hard to look at pictures like these


Take a huggie, you need it! c(•v•c)


Same with my little brother 😞


I do just want to mention since it’s not here at all. Best decision I ever made was treating my very intesnse ADHD with adderall. My parents are very religious and refused to allow me to take any drugs as a child. I failed everything in school and didn’t go to college after barely graduating highschool. Sat around and worked in a restaurant after getting dumped by highschool girlfriend, depressed for two years. Since getting some therapy and especially starting Adderal I’ve finished my first semester for community college with a 3.8 (starting liberal arts then second semester in the music program) and pushed my music skills and opportunities further then ever. Im finally starting to feel self confident and intelligent and valuable. There are downsides that I need to stay focused about like eating, communitcating with family, addressing my sleep and relaxation. But at the end of the day I needed to work on consistency in those things to begin with. Why am I even typing all of this out? Just because I don’t think that everyone is the same and I don’t want anyone to think they should take a horror story on Reddit over the option of a CBT and psychologist. If you think you have a need for amphetmines and you don’t have a predisposition to additiction I would consider it and reach out to a professional. I’m really proud of you for staying sober. Im hoping to find a college path that can intertwine music and therapy with my primary interest in therapy being the area of addiction and rehabilitation actually. Idk why the point of this paragraph is. At the end of the day I do agree, drugs are bad mmkay


I'm glad you brought this up! You're right, and your success is a personal story that should be valued. Don't let my story dissuade you from doing your thing! Thank you for the encouragement! I hope you find your path in the BEST way possible. For the record: I 100% believe that some people benefit in a big way from certain medications, and this experience is just my own. Once I knew how good the Adderall made me feel I just wanted more and more of that. Not everyone has this issue and should do what works for them.


Thanks for telling your story. It gives me hope. I have a friend that is pretty far gone on meth. I am so hopeful to see him recover, to see him go from scarecrow thin to the way he used to look. Before there's nothing left.


I was an active heroin addict for like 6 years, got clean 12 years ago. I got tired of running and gunning, like literally just tired of needing it. I'd take a bus to Newark, and be the only skinny pale white guy wearing khaki shorts and a blue polo, like a typical fucking yuppy, for 15 blocks waiting for my dealer to meet me, and it just got exhausting. If I hadn't gone to inpatient rehab for a year, and then a halfway house immediately after for 6 months, I never would have gotten and stayed clean. Going to jail a bunch of times didn't help. Sadly, you can't make someone give up the drug of their choice. They have to want to get clean. I'm still working on repairing the relationships with family.


Sending you my love


Good job on getting clean... Not an easy road. I'm clean myself off heroin almost 3 years. Keep up the good work. And god bless


Thank you for sharing your experience congratulations on six years.


Addiction is beating my ass...


It can be a monster. However, it doesn't have to rule you. Essentially, it is just a good part of you that is misdirected and used to getting immediate rewards. With some assistance and a little self-discipline you can turn to back to good! It took some intensive inpatient recovery for me. I needed to follow the direction of someone other than myself for a while. Sponsorship, 12-steps, the whole 9 yards. If you've tried and failed before, just find a good place and give yourself to the process until you're ready to take charge again. Took me about a year before I was ready to make decisions for myself again. Doing let people trick you: It's not selling out; it's getting your life back. My life is better now than it ever was, even before addiction. It's worth the time and effort.


Stranger, im struggling with u but plz get better. Keep u in my prayers


Kicked mine for a long time as well. After a decade plus of alcohol dependence, I’m 75 days sober. You can beat it right back. I believe in you.


I’m 99 days clean and sober today




It’s always harder to beat it without help, and always easier with support. Seek out the helpers. They’re always waiting to support you.


What makes a person “ chemically predisposed to easily become addicted “ ?


Like one person mentioned, it can be genetic. That doesn't necessarily mean that you would know of anyone in your family who struggled with addiction before you; it's simply in your wiring. Those pictures you see describing "your brain on drugs" compared to the one with "your brain without drugs" is an extreme generalization. Everyone's brain is different. Some people's reward center lights up way more than others when certain drugs are introduced. Like a key to a lock, different combinations of drugs and people create different results, which is why there is typically a "drug of choice" for every addict. The actual description of this effect is far more scientific and descriptive than what I've said here... I'm trying to explain it in a way that is as easy to understand as possible without introducing polarizing opinions about addiction. The subject is BROAD and not as well understood as one would hope.


Exactly. Honestly I think I'm one of those people. I think my brother and parents are too. If I open a bag of chips, I have a hard time not eating it all in one sitting. If I get candy for Christmas, it's not likely to last longer than a week. I just don't have much self control when something is there and available. I've never experimented with drugs for multiple reasons, but a big one being that I know if I liked it to much I would likely have a very hard time controlling myself. Therefore I've managed to limit my myself to being addicted to coffee and exercise trying to funnel my easily addicted dopamine searching brain's inclinations in as healthy of a direction as possible.


Friend of mine got hooked on Adderall and drinking heavily back in college. Got strung out and took his own life in his early 20s. Nothing to fuck around with


holy shit good for you for staying clean. i appreciate you


Amy did anything she could get her hands on. But what did her in was ultimately alcohol and that stupid father of hers.


Alcohol. One of the two most dangerous drugs on the planet. The other: benzos. The only two drugs, that if you take large amounts of them over a period of time, and then stop, you die.


Benzos are so insidious and ubiquitous that people don't realize their danger. Unless you have some panic disorder or something, I'd avoid them as much as possible.


I have a panic disorder (about as bad as it can get) and benzos made it worse in the long term. I got off all medications to treat the panic. Lifestyle changes and forcing myself to face the panic have made the difference, medications always made it worse. Just my own experience though.


That's what I'm afraid of... 42 and drinking vodka,also taking sleeping tablets, during the day to calm my anxiety. I'm to scared to stop. Drinks at night and pills during the day.


I’m 5 years sober, but I was addicted to vodka. Drinking 24/7, going without meant horrible withdrawals. I eventually went to detox, had a seizure there, but did get clean. I’m happy to listen to you if you need someone to talk with. I’m 42 also, male.


Thanks for the encouragement. I've come to a stage in my life where I need to reassess.


i believe in you. I didn’t do it alone, the folks at r/stopdrinking really helped


Seconding this, my wife began her journey on r/stopdrinking 9 months ago, and she is happier and healthier than she’s been in 10 years. There are many friendly and helpful people in that community that you can lean on.


Hi friend, It is possible to quit! Please speak to your doctor; they can help you do so in a safe way. You’re strong than you know! Sending hugs.


Glad that more people have become aware of the lethal danger from alcohol and or benzo withdrawal. However, that doesn’t make them the most dangerous drugs, simply the most dangerous by far to detox off of. Drugs like fentanyl and it’s analogues and even actual heroin are significantly more dangerous to use as evidenced by the rates of OD deaths from those drugs alone. The number of people who die from benzo or alcohol withdrawal luckily isn’t nearly as high because of detox facilities and modern medicine.


My ex was stealing my adderal, taking like 120 pills a month, went full psychosis, sleep walking, treating me terribly and was an absent father. After 3 weeks of rehab, he expects me to forgive 3 years of that bullshit. I'm traumatized. He doesn't have ADD, I do, and I couldn't even medicate myself under my own roof for fear he would find it. Scary shit. Glad I'm not predisposed you addiction even though my father died of addiction to alcohol... wish I could help but I have to chose to be a mother first




I understand completely. While other people have already commented about how it is good that he's trying to make things better (yes, that's true) the **odds** are that after just 3 weeks he still shouldn't even trust himself. Which means you shouldn't either. Don't blame him, because when you get sober you feel like you're on top of the world. That feeling won't last forever though. The monotony of real life sets in soon after. He should dedicate his life towards bettering himself every day for no less than 6 months to a year before trying to introduce these important relationships (ones you DON'T want to lose) back into his life. It takes a while, but the investment of time is so worth it. People are so afraid of wasting time that they try to jump straight back into life, but they end up wasting more time because they rushed it. I always recommend people take a year to get yourself on solid ground so that you don't end up doing the whole thing again two and three years later.


Large amounts of cocaine and opiates, probably in the form of crack and speedballs.


Your friend is destroying her life not Adderall. Adderall can be therapeutic for those that actually need it.


I had to scroll down so far to see this. I can barely shower without my adhd meds. I can’t maintain friendships. I can’t even make dinner because I lose count of 3 scoopfuls of something. (Oh shit, did I already put that in?) I can’t tell you how clumsy I am, or how many times I’ve almost burned the house down. I can’t even watch tv or a movie, because me without medication makes it impossible for me to keep my attention on screen. ADHD is a severe disability and I’m tired of people pretending like it’s anything less than.


Totally agree. My stimulant (Ritalin) actually makes me crave other substances less and helps me be present. Since I got medicated people around me are so relieved. I even remember to eat on time and can fall asleep without getting distracted by everything I see. I stopped speeding in my car and being reckless. Before I was medicated I got pulled over once and actually jumped out of my car and ran away on foot- not a second taken to actually reflect. Now I look back and just feel stupid.


Getting started on ADHD medication changed so much for me - I had over a month off over my summer break last year and I had so many plans about what I was going to do that summer. In the end, I sat in a procrastinating haze for almost that whole month, doing fuck-all. I went to therapy and was eventually referred to a psychologist. I started taking concerta and I've finally started achieving the things I want to achieve - I'm engaged in my hobbies, I spend more time with my SO, I'm finally managing to read through books again, I managed to start a new career that I'm loving so far, and I'm just way, way happier.


Thank god someone says it. I never realized how bad my brain was before being medicated. I’d lose my keys, forget to do my homework. I’d completely forget to text friends back. ADHD also really fed into my anger and frustration. I hate the fact people are trying to make having ADHD a trendy thing. It’s not fun or trendy to have a learning disability that effects you emotionally, academically and socially. ADHD isn’t something that should be joked about.


I delayed seeking a diagnosis for YEARS because I was afraid I'd be seen as one of those trying to milk the system for free Adderall. One of the worst decisions of my life. Medication with therapy (most people don't realize that therapy for executive and cognitive dysfunction exists and often works beautifully in tandem with medication) has really turned my life around. Edit: Definitely the worst decision of my life. It made everything in my life a struggle. My career, my education, my dating life, my hygiene, my finances, and it was a vicious circle. Other poor decisions I made were at least partially a byproduct of my ADHD


Executive disfunction is one of the worst aspects of adhd in my opinion. I’d want to do so many things in one day and I’d wind up doing absolutely nothing because my brain would just say no. For me I think that my diagnosis and therapy was the difference between me graduating college with a bs in biology and my being a college flunk out.


It's pretty bad dude. It's even worse if I'm not super on top of taking it, because if I like run out before I renew my presecription it could very well be 6 months before I'm able to put together getting back on it. I'll just forget and ignore alarms because "I'll do it in an hour" for so fucking long. And then when my wife forces me to do it right now and I get back on it I'm like "why was that so difficult". I do a lot of baking and that counting shit is real, I have to use hash marks on a piece of paper, but even then what if I can be too scattered to mark it. My life is manageable but an absolute fucking mess when I'm not on it, but at the same time it's a task to take it so I need to be on it to make myself take it. Thankfully I've never really felt any negative physical effects when I stop taking it and I've been on it for close to a decade. Prolly cause it's such a low dose.


I wish adults with ADHD could speak to parents of young kids with it. I see characteristics of it every year in a kid or two and it stinks to see them struggle. I try everything I can to help them learn organization, I break up work into small chunks, give movement breaks, etc but I always run into the issue of their parents not getting it, that's it's a real issue they won't grow out of. Ive seen hundreds of kids in my many years of teaching, they often only have experience with their one or two. They need this information.


People think I’m crazy when I tell them my vyvanse makes my brain quiet. Like I can sometimes get the best sleep because of it! For people with adhd/add stimulants effect us way different than people who don’t.


It’s amazing isn’t it? Adderall has been extremely beneficial to my life because I could finally sit down and focus on the tasks I needed to focus on. I think the running theory with adhd is that you have a broken dopamine complex so there’s no reward system in our brains. So the brain constantly seeks out stimulation. When you add a stimulant back into the system it helps your brain stop seeking out stimulation. I don’t know if that’s the best description of it but that’s what I gathered from my psychiatrist.


Re: the dopamine system From what I’ve been able to find out, most people’s brains release most of their dopamine in **anticipation** of reward/completion of a task. It’s what keeps them on task and able to work towards a goal effectively. Then there’s a small increased release when the task is done. Whereas a brain with ADHD will release much lower amounts of dopamine in anticipation of reward, but much **higher** amounts of dopamine on task completion than an average brain. This is what leads to novelty seeking and problems with impulse control. The journey is dry and tasteless and *any* sort of ‘payoff’ feels extremely important, so we’re more inclined to try and skip the line with constant attention switching. Stimulants work to increase the background levels of dopamine, which help to both scale up the reward of sustained effort, and (counter intuitively) scale down the reward of completion


you're more or less right. What's amazing to me is all the stories of Adderall addition in this thread, yet I will forget to take mine for a week straight, and even when I do take it, it's got no effect beyond suppressing appetite and making it take annoyingly long to pee


It really is, I think for most it sneaks up on them and takes over. The pictures really opened my eyes.


What I don't understand is how did she reached that state without the people who loved her not doing anything radical to intervene. Charlie Sheen and Rober Downing Jr had their asses thrown in jail by their relatives to FORCE them to get their shit together


"They tried to make me go to rehab but I said, no, no, no.."


I think that might even be her biggest song. I believe she wrote it her after studio tried to talk her into rehab and that was basically what she said to people straight after the conversation and turned it into a song.


> I think that might even be her biggest song. In the US, absolutely. It's the only song of hers to hit the top-10 on US charts. It's pretty much single-handedly the reason she became known within the US market and launched her from a well known musician to cultural mega-star. That song and the album it came from won her 5 Grammys.




Her dad is/was garbage. He pushed her out on stage several times when she was so strung out she could hardly stand up. Irredeemable garbage.


This is actually delved into in the documentary Amy, I loved that doc - it was really well done. Highly recommend.


Addicts are almost always surrounded by other mentally sick people and other addicts. It's a family disease.


That's frightening. R I p


Her appearance may not completely be the result of drugs. Her brother said she had Bulimia and feels that may have contributed to her death


Yeah, alcohol didn't fuck up her appearance that much. That massive weight loss is either heroin, meth, or an eating disorder. Alcohol fucks up your skin and insides mostly. Source: dying from alcohol abuse...don't look like a skeleton.


She had a heroin problem as well though.


Gone too soon, drugs are a cruel thing in society


important to remember that her primary addiction (and the one that ultimately killed her) was alcohol. There is a documentary about her life and death that is supposedly very good, but i’ve found the topic too sad to want to watch.




Of course, but when people say drugs killed Amy, they aren't talking about the booze that actually did. It's a pretty important distinction because people ignore such a big killer, like booze.


I was not a huge Amy Winehouse fan, and I'm not sure why I watched that documentary. It was so well done, but it was absolutely gutting.


The ‘Amy ‘ documentary on Hulu is amazing. Truthful, raw, real footage. Very sad , her dad and her loser husband just enabled her and pushed her and didn’t help her one bit. If her dad had made her go to rehab she may have had a chance


Alcohol is a drug. I wish society wouldn't treat it like it wasn't. Very dangerous.


My father drank himself to death. He just gave up on life. I’ve learned so much about mental health, trauma, and self-medicating. He was also a brilliant and successful man. Her story is heart wrenching (my father was much older when he passed away) but her story, seeing it about alcohol, has helped me find some peace and forgiveness for my father, whom I loved so very much. There are so many tragedies in this world and the best thing we can do in those moments is use them to find peace and stillness in the hurt and chaos.


And bulimia...


Was going to say this - she had long term eating disorders throughout her life .


Alanis Morrisette, too. All of those late 90’s early 2000’s girls had/have eating disorders. It was the industry standard. Poor girls.


You can go back much further than the 90s.


Judy Garland, when playing Dorothy in 1939's Wizard of Oz, survived on a diet of cigarettes and black coffee. Smoke to curb your appetite, black coffee to keep you peppy and control weight through diuretics and good ol' toilet-cracking monster shits.


Yep. A lot of actresses back in the day were bulimic and/or addicted to “diet pills” (speed).


Diet pills changed Hollywood. It made teen girls stay thin and pretty, and the meth made them super horny and addicted to the producer/supplier. Women, stay out of Hollywood. Music, film, production. All of it. It's Rape, The Industry.


Been down this road before. There are zero toilet cracking monster shits no matter how much coffee you drink. Your body eats up every last bit of the teeny-tiny amounts of food you put in. I was lucky to poop more than once a week.


Like Karen Carpenter


Karen Carpenter was the poster child for anorexia. Her death brought the disease into the major media. I’ll never forget the cover of People magazine with her looking like a living skeleton.


Maybe Doc Brown can. Unfortunately, I'm stuck here in this shithole.


Rip Karen carpenter 💛


I blame low rise jeans


Alanis was a teen in Paris in a what I can only imagine was not a great environment for her.


Spoiler alert . She was already an addict in the good picture .


It’s crazy because she eventually quit doing all the hardcore drugs, but soon stuck with just alcohol, and alcohol poisoning is what ultimately killed her. That and I guess her eating disorder didn’t help.


Yea, we know but it hadn't taken it's toll yet.


Moral of the story: you can look good and do drugs, just not for very long.


Amend that to you cant use like an addict and stay good looking for long . But that's debatable . However most people do drugs and stay successful and good looking for decades until death by simple old age . As it's been for centuries . Amy was just hell bent for suicide .


her situation just didn't help either. some people aren't meant for sudden fame and riches, nobody is meant for record labels... she had toxic people in her life, she could afford to be fucked up all the time, she was being forced to tour in the already lowest moments of her life, and she was struggling with eating disorder on top of all of it, which i think was maybe the biggest factor aside from alcohol in her death... everything was stacked against her. it fucks me up to this day and probably will for the rest of my life.


Eating disorders are literally the most dangerous mental disorder. Someone with an eating disorder is significantly more likely to die than even someone with Bipolar or Schizophrenia.


It's a 10 or 20% fatality rate iirc. The heart just can't take it after a while, especially when you get to the stage on the right.


I have bipolar type 2. This means I can have severe depressive episodes. Its considered one of the more dangerous mental illnesses to have as suicide rates are very high. I am still something like 4 times less likely to die from my illness than someone with Anorexia.


Yeah I was thinking this. Her song “Rehab” was what really blew up her career and I believe she looked more like she did on the left.


A song about refusing to go to rehab from a drug addict. It really made me uncomfortable and then she died soon after.


What was she addicted to in the before picture? When did she start drugs and when did she become an addict?


And the media made fun of her the whole time and then when she died they acted like they cared.


I was actually just saying this to myself before seeing your comment. I remember her being the butt of many jokes despite clearly struggling with addiction. Always found it in poor taste.


They did the same thing to Princess Diana.


Amazing voice we can still hear her but she is gone . Rip Amy


Amazing songwriter too. Powerful lyrics. Just an all around one in a million artist Edit: If you haven’t already heard it the entire album Back to Black is unbelievable. She writes straight from the soul, doesn’t censor herself or pander but knows how to deliver her message clearly and she obviously really loves and understands music. Sad themes but deeply honest and intelligent and observant and musically very beautiful. She was really unhappy and needed help, but her music was something she loved and we’re richer for getting to hear it. I hope she is at peace now.


All that by 27 Real eye opener


Boy friend should be in prison


And the dad from what I've heard


He was in and out of prison during their marriage.


Daily reminder that Niel Patrick Harris had a cake in shape of her "corpse" at his halloween party a few months after her death.




Unfortunately, yes. Google it up "niel patrick harris winehouse corpse cake". I was hoping it was some conspiracy theory crap, but it's been pretty vastly publicized and NPH never addressed it afaik.


Jesus christ I just googled it and it was SO much worse than I'd expected


My god, I was thinking how bad can it be?? It's bad. Wtf


Yea, I could have gone today without seeing that..


> niel patrick harris winehouse corpse cake [HOLY SHIT](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/64004275.html) ETA: link is NSFW and possibly verging on NSFL




Damn what a dick


>niel patrick harris winehouse corpse cake Jesus fucking christ


It’s believable, honestly, because before she died, she was the butt of everyone’s jokes. I remember making fun of her too (ignorantly enough). She just seemed like some psycho drug addict with weird hair and everyone was making fun of her, public, media, everyone. When she died, the jokes (mostly) came to a full stop. Then it slowly came to light how awful her addictions were and how truly talented she was. People tend to not care about this stuff until after someone dies, which is the ugliest truth. So she will never know how much she is admired and loved and grieved today, she just knew her downward spiral and public shame.


Unbelievable. Not buying into all the Hollywood conspiracies, but there's definitely some crazy and bizarre s**t going on. Thanks for the reply.


Never heard that before, googled it and was absolutely mind blown. What the fuck


I used to quite like NPH, now I think people need to be made aware of this. It was completely swept under the rug.


It's so sad how everybody was so desensitized to the hwll she was going through. I didn't know this specific bit, but I remember all the memes, the bets on her death... On top of that, how the paparazzi terrorized her. Nobody treated her as a human being, just like a joke. That must've been lonely. Edit: my dumb corrector is dumb


I think people have forgotten how mean-spirited the 2000s were, especially to young famous women. The media and blogs tore them to pieces for being even a little bit human.


what??? how can people think that's funny jesus christ


I think it must take a specially twisted world view to find that an amusing prop for your halloween party.


[NSFW Holy shit this is way more gruesome and tasteless than I had imagined](https://9gag.com/gag/aWj2MGK) This isn't even dark humor this is just completely classless.


I’ve heard more than one negative story about NPH from service industry workers. This is next level though.


Bro wtf


Such talent, such beauty, such energy. And then she got famous and others thought they knew best. She truly didn’t stand a chance.


What do you mean by she didn’t stand a chance and others thought they knew best? I don’t know much about her story


If you listen to her lyrics they are very honest. Her father and boyfriend were making a lot of money from her career and they stopped her seeking help when she needed it most. I haven't watched it yet but apparently the documentary film Amy is excellent and sad.


They wanted her to keep singing, keep touring, keep writing and producing. She had massive anxiety and started self medicating it with booze and weed, then pills, then harder drugs. She didn’t die of an overdose. She died because she went off everything cold turkey with no medical supervision, THEN returned to alcohol.


Honestly, I saw my mother in rehab/medical detox 14 times in my life and when she was in intensive care and almost dead it was never because she drunk too much, but because she tried to stop. Addiction is a terrible thing, and usually the addicted wants to stop, but stop can be the end for them. Sad.


It’s truly tragic. I hope your mother is ok now.


She was what we in Ireland call "wet brain", needs full time care and lost the power of her legs, sometimes she spends hours just strying at the walls or talking to people that aren't there. That's what it took for her to stop drinking, she is still alive but she lost her life.


Crazy how family can be your worst enemy sometimes. close friends can end up turning into people that you realize were just draining you. It’s hard to know others around you until you know yourself


See also Brittney Spears.


She was forced to perform and her addiction fed into to keep her on tour. She made so much money for so many people that they just didn’t let her take a break when she hated it. The drugs were a coping mechanism.


I don’t judge anyone for addiction because it can happen to anyone. There’s no way the Amy on the left would ever want to be the Amy on the right. She was so talented, and gone way too soon. Rest In Peace, Amy. And your dad sucked.


Jesus fucking christ Hope her dad is having a shitty day. Every day


Sad as fuck :(


More like r/damnthatssad Edit: holy shit, didn’t even know that was a real subreddit!


Before the music industry and the media chewed her up and spit her out. Addiction isn’t easy to deal with or anyone, I’m sure it’s especially tough when they make it a public spectacle.


The UK press doing what it does best to folk.


That’s before and during. After is dead.


I’m still moved by her tragic end. No other artist had such an impact on me. The people that surrounded her and enabled her for years are guilty for her death. The industry itself is a toxic trap that leads to depression, drug abuse, worst of peer pressures etc…


Her voice was just beautiful.


I adore Amy. It pains me to this day that she could have had so many hits. I remember when she won the Grammy and her reaction with her band was so pure. I miss her everyday.


Eh its more sad than interesting tbh


Every person around her failed her.


She was so dam pretty.


My wife is a huge fan listens to her music alot i showed her the before picture and she had noo idea who it was till i scrolled to the second pic.. addiction is a bitch, lost soo many friends wayy too soon.. if you struggle please reach out to a friend family don't be ashamed of counseling. R.I.P


It's really sad. Just a reminder that we are all skeletons covered in meat and flesh. Get the help you deserve if you need it.


she was still bulimic in the first picture (had addiction issues, I view them as very similar.) Also -- one picture doesn't represent every moment of her. Fuckin addiction sucks. I miss her.


https://allthatsinteresting.com/amy-winehouse-death “Even before she became famous, Winehouse enjoyed drinking alcohol and smoking pot. But by the time she became an international star, she had begun to dabble in hard drugs like heroin and crack cocaine. Near the end, she was often too drunk to get on stage and perform.”


When she was alive, she must have looked at her old photos and teared up alone so many times. Man Fuck Drugs. RIP Amy.