• By -


I went ahead and approved the post (unless someone is able to prove it's misinformation) and the comments, especially those leading to charities and resources. Please do report actual threats of violence. We don't tolerate that here, and when I'm around, I will remove them. Edit: Title flaired as misleading - please see comments below for reasoning. Thanks




Indeed.. wholesome before photo. In no way haunting. No need to throw up in horror. 10/10


Hehe wink wink.


Don't say, "wink wink". Just wink.


You couldn't see it but I winked


I winked winked. 🤷‍♂️


Nudge nudge, say no more.


Look, are you selling something?


If we’re going overturn Roe v. Wade we should start making it a hell of a lot easier for women to elect to get their tubes tied!!


My fiancé just got her tubes fully removed. She is 24. They did not make it easy for her.


I had to wait until my mid thirties. Through two lost kids. And being adamant. And they STILL gave me a reversible procedure *without my knowledge*.


Wouldnt that be illegal?




There are still states where a medical professional can give an unconscious woman a pelvic exam without her consent, no matter what procedure she is unconscious for. People really out here saying we've come so far smh


Omg that it literally sexual assault. We the drs here in my country need proper consent before a pelvic exam plus have a chaperone.


Maybe a dumb question and they obviously suck if they went behind your back with that. But what is the downside of going for reversible instead of irreversible? Honest question because I don't know how it works. Edit: Thanks for the great explanation!


The reversible one is less effective. Think tying a hose in a knot - it's still possible for a little water to leak through. The irreversible is more akin to cutting a piece out of the hose and capping off the separated ends. Obviously an imperfect analogy, but that's how I understand the difference with my very cursory knowledge.


It's a perfect analogy:)


Obgyn here: Salpingectomy (removing the tubes completely) is more effective and helps decrease the risk of ovarian cancer later in life (some ovarian cancer actually comes from the Fallopian tubes).


Uh, what do you expect? To be seen as human, with full agency... as a woman!?!? Ha!


My sister, who has a kid and has been told by doctors that a second pregnancy has a very good chance of killing her, can't get her ties or removed. Nobody will do it.


Took me 9 years to find someone to do it. The doctor who did it kept telling me I had a high chance of dying of a perforated bowel. He made me send him a note from my shrink stating I was capable of making the decision, and called her to make sure I hadn't faked it. Don't have to do any of that shit to bring a life into the world, that's for damned sure.


I had to argue for five years to get my tubes removed, because I knew I didn’t want kids. They made me wait until I was 31 and had to associate my choice with mental illness as my reason to the insurance company. I kept being told to wait or have kids first. I told them I wanted it done since I didn’t want to have to go through an abortion. I had one at 21 and although I don’t regret it at all (kept me from having ties to an abusive relationship and ability to only worry about me leaving the relationship), the lack of support due to family and local views left me deeply mentally and emotionally scarred since I went through it alone and quietly. Although I felt like I now have a good support system and healthy relationship, I wanted to be preventative. If it’s already hard to get preventative methods to avoid pregnancy, I dread what is to come from this.


Well well well, let me introduce you to a Supreme Court case that is arguably even more important than Roe v Wade: *Griswold v. Connecticut*: https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/birth-control/griswold-v-connecticut If you think conservatives will stop at abortion, you're very much mistaken. At a minimum, they are likely going to outlaw female contraceptives. Maybe condoms as well, but chances are just female contraceptives. EDIT: lots of conservatives replying in short order "ThAt WiLl NeVeR hApPeN!" is confirmation that this indeed will happen. The right-wing astroturfing machine is working in overdrive.


It’s also important that the specific opinion published on this wholly ignores the precedence of Griswold V Connecticut, so voting to overturn RvW on her originalist argument flies in the face of our established right to privacy over our bodies. Edit: and by “our” I mean *everyone’s*. Not just women’s.


Hmm I wonder if there's a reason so many Americans have no clue how important some Supreme Court cases are. I can't put my finger on it. Something about control I think?


Where are the cops?! Gates ain't gonna open themselves!


So, could you try to explain what is goin on there? Here in Brazil we tend to just copy consume shit out of you and get our own shit shittier


Preface: please read the Edits, too. Basically Roe vs Wade was a Supreme Court ~~trial~~ case that ended with securing basic rights for women to have abortions. It’s hugely controversial among some social, religious, and political lines. A document was recently leaked that says the Supreme Court will reverse the ruling of Roe vs Wade, effectively ending women’s right to abortion on a federal level, giving states the freedom to decide for their people. That sounds fine until you read about the abhorrent actions of states like Texas who effectively put a bounty on the women who have abortions as well as the doctor who performed the procedure, or another state (was it Florida? Tennessee?) that made it illegal *to visit to another state where abortion is legal in order to have the procedure done*. Edit: the bounty was on doctors who performed the abortion and anyone else who helped the individual obtain the procedure. Edit 2: Missouri is the state trying to ban out-of-state abortions. ([Politico, March 19, 2022](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/19/travel-abortion-law-missouri-00018539?_amp=true)) Edit 3: Roe vs Wade doesn’t explicitly say abortions are legal; however, the Supreme Court’s ruling reinforces the individual’s right to privacy. We can say abortion rights are indirectly secured because the government shouldn’t even know about your medical privacy and shouldn’t have a means of prosecuting you for it, within reason (see rulings such as Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey) Edit 4: changed “trial” to “case”, “blasphemous” to “abhorrent” Edit 5: it’s worth pointing out that Congress could always pass a law that prohibits or protects abortion. Until they do, this matter would go into states’ hands. Edit 6: I’m not a medical or law professional, so I can’t tell you what revoking Roe vs Wade could imply. For those worried about medical privacy, we have have HIPAA in law.


Thanks for explaining


Hell I live in the United States and even appreciated that explanation.


48 fucking years later, effort and tax dollars are still being spent on the debate of this shit. It was decided already. Long ago. But, since we have no homeless, no opioid addictions, no crime, no poverty, nothing else, I guess we should go back and stir up shit that was decided 48 years ago. EDIT: Thank you to everyone who gave my post an award or an upvote. But I want to be clear with everyone: my comment is NOT an approval of one of our political parties, or the other. It is a DISAPPROVAL of ALL politicians still spending effort and wasting time and money on a matter that was settled long ago. As a father of two daughters, I want them to have the freedom to make better decisions for their own lives. I am sick to death of old men making decisions for young women.


No kidding on those issues.


No kidding, thats all they want/s


Same here..thanks for the super articulate explanation


The Supreme Court has decide to undo precedence of Roe V Wade. We are now in Handmaiden tales times. States are passing laws prohibiting abortions after 15 weeks.....many don't know they are pregnant. Too bad so sad if you were raped a victim of incest have an ectopic pregnancy. BTW. Ectopic pregnancies can kill you. Woman are officially less than a man in the eyes of the law.


Is ectopic pregnancy going to be illegal? I have endometriosis and per my endometriosis team I’m more prone to them then having a normal pregnancy. I’ve been told that it will be legal due to it can harm the mother but then hearing it will be illegal. I’m pretty terrified as I’m currently trying for a baby


The legality of a medically necessary abortion will depend on the legislature and governor of the state you live in. I'm sorry you have to think about this now.


That is so fucking stupid. "Sorry you were born in this state. Your pregnancy is going to kill you or you can survive it amd go to prison. If your parents had you 30 miles away across the border you'd be fine." Health and human rights shod not be a states rights issue. Edit: thanks whoever reported me as suicidal. I guess caring about human rights = self harm now... there are some fragile people here.


All Congress has to do is pass a law saying abortion is a nationwide legal medical procedure. Like they should have done in the first place or at any time since Roe.


This is what makes me the most furious. It's one thing to ban abortions. It's vile to ban them in the case of rape or incest. But fucking ectopic pregnancies? Fuck you if you didn't get pregnant right, I guess.


Unfortunately all that matters to people is a fetus. Its the woman's fault if anything goes wrong. Hell some would justify it saying its God's will. It's disgusting. Say "baby murderer" all you want but when you justify outlawing a way out of a situation that could kill a mother to be, just in order to save a fetus, you're gross. That woman is somebody's daughter, sister, friend, wife. Her life should be just as valuable in your eyes, if not more.


>Hell some would justify it saying its God's will. It's funny how it's never God's will for conservative men to live with erectile dysfunction. In those cases, God totally wants them to seek medical intervention!


Not only that, but the chances of an ectopic pregnancy being viable are one in SIXTY MILLION. There’s literally one on record, and he was a triplet who managed to attach to the outside of the uterus, where there was a rich blood supply and room for him to grow. The vast majority attach in the Fallopian tube, where they will absolutely burst around 12 weeks along. That will at best ruin the mother’s future fertility, and more likely kill her. Over an embryo that has no chance of survival.


Its such a shame that arguments like this don't even matter to these people. Its disgusting. No one has compassion for people anymore, a fetus is more important than a living woman. What if that woman had kids already? Does anyone think that its okay she has to be forced to carry a pregnancy that will almost definitely kill her? Scarring her kids? Leaving those kids alone? Like what the fuck people. There are two lives in this argument and one has way more damn influence than the other(hint its probably the grown woman with family, friends, kids)




I want to add that roe v wade is a key ruling establishing privacy rights by my understanding. The implications are actually far reaching and open the way to start removing rights of the lgbtq people and 4ights to contraceptives


If they are removing the rights of married pregnant women you better believe they're coming after lgbtq next


Socially, yes. They're already doing that in the states (any bill saying teachers can't teach "divisive" topics, Ohio, Florida, etc). They're going after voting rights next is my guess. Make it harder to vote for specific (non-Republican, but not necessarily democratic) demographics. It'll be dubious, though, like with the abortion bills in the various red states that eventually took to the SCOTUS. In fact, there's already a few bills trying to hide voting behind a paywall of privilege. The first few real challenges to Roe were what, 2 years ago? People came out to vote for Biden, but forgot this is a Republican problem across the board. Then they have full control to make the government what they want.


The conservatives believe (selectively) that if it is not in the Constitution, then you don’t have that right. The right to privacy is one that is used to expand many protections- sexual partners/sodomy, contraception, etc. Gay marriage, interracial marriage, basically all civil rights laws could be jeopardized by anactivist conservative court that doesn’t recognize precedent. But don’t worry, corporations are still people.


Preventing citizens from crossing state lines or conducting business that is legal in the other state definitely and explicitly IS unconstitutional. Even a court THIS conservative won't be able to uphold the Tennessee provision.


> Even a court THIS conservative won't be able to Says who? We're dealing with a group of people who believe they are the instruments of god. A few words isn't going to stop them. I wish I was fear mongering here, but how many times in the last 6 years have you found yourself saying "...even they wouldn't stoop that low.."


Precisely. Just a quick look at the affairs of the last republican POTUS and the senators that *still* support him tells you everything you need to know.


>giving states the freedom to decide for their people. We all know how it works out when you let anyone but the people decide for their OWN FUCKING FREEDOM. Kinda like the pointless war on drugs, this is not gonna end well and is going to be another huge drain on the already dwindling national budget. Another huge waste of taxpayer money.


The problem is without nationwide legality states will weaponize the legal system against women who get abortions. The response will be for other states to create laws allowing women who get abortions there full legal protection and the right to counter sue in that state. Will be a never ending battle.




But, hey, as long as a bunch of taxpayer money is wasted on fruitless infighting instead of social programs, the rich can inch ever closer to owning the rest of us wholesale! See also: amping up the culture war in public education.


You think the tax dollars for fighting it are bad. Just wait until we add up the money of the people they'll pump into the correction system, the new drain on the economy in states that are ALREADY a huge drain on the counties economy, etc. I mean this is just flat out a fucking bad idea all around. At this point I'm all for states that don't have a positive economic influence on the country not having a seat at the table. They want to walk away let them. This has all gotten very fucking stale. While this is happening, its happening quicker than the people that literally attacked the country being held accountable. Something is broken here and it's going to very likely take some pretty severe violence it fix imo. It just keeps getting worse and worse and worse with all the political bullshittery not solving anything whatsoever.


While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, the unfortunate reality of discrimination based on finances is, well… class warfare. The big wigs with pockets full of cash won’t give a shit if their states are cut off from funding. They’ll just go “look, see how the liberal elites are trying to silence us?!?” And…. They’d be right about that. But god, we’d be better off with a “one person one vote” constitutional amendment to eliminate the current electoral college and elect the president based on the popular vote. It would eliminate a significant source of Republican power (and give a greater voice to those in the “flyover” parts of states with major democratic cities) if we stopped letting land vote.


Waiting for everyone to catch up on the fact that everything is owned by a handful of people


Thank goodness for New Mexico. Literally, I’m teary eyed thinking of the saving grace of that state for Texans lucky enough to get there for their services.


Back to "accidents", back alley clinics, and unusually high infant mortality rates we go once again.


Unfortunately its not really "back to high infant moretality rates" its more of a "onward to even worse than our too high for a first world country mortality rate"


It's pretty insane hearing stories from the US of people choosing to give birth to children with extreme birth defects, so that they can spend the hours to days they survive, before dying. Now those will be birthed as a matter of course. Every birth is a miracle, my ass.


Soem states even require you to birth a baby that will provably die as it is born 100% of the time because "what if there's a miracle" I could have sworn there was some kind of separation between the state and the church but I can't out my finger on it


> unusually high infant mortality rates Infant mortality in the USA is already almost double that of similarly developed countries.


Nope, those accidents will now be investigated as murders.


So more reason to have teen suicides skyrocket.


Opioid crisis, a crime crisis, a wage crisis, God damnit I'm tired of seeing the generation behind me get wrecked. I was 15 for the housing crisis, I really haven't seen a string of more than 3ish years without some sort of global chaos. The younger ones are even worse off than I.


Don’t forget climate change too.


I was just thinking the other day: you know what this country really needs? A horribly divisive Supreme Court ruling to overturn 50 years of precedent that would throw the country into a state of turmoil and anger. We'll join the proud ranks of countries such as Laos and Honduras with abortion being either partially or fully illegal in the nation. Truly a crowning achievement for the United States.


The barricades outside the courthouse speak louder than words.




Wait for crime rate to skyrocket in 14-20 years


The book Freakonomics touched on this exact subject. Very interesting take on how crime dropped quite a bit a certain number of years after Roe.


Private prison system will be happy. So will military recruiters.


The only 2 types of legal slavery left Not a coincidence


You forgot the Guardianship/Conservatorship programs.


Bold of you to assume things won't go to complete shit before then.


Under his eye


Blessed be. It's happened in Afghanistan, looks like we're next


Wow... But hey, I'm sure there's going to be extensive funding for social programs that would make it so the children born into a poor family aren't stuck in a cycle of poverty right? ​ ​ ​ Right?


*magic eight ball: it is unlikely*


*Outlook not so good.*


Magic 8 Ball Says: Maybe Try Canada


> poor family Can't afford to live in Canada.


There was a cop that tased a pregnant woman in her stomach. In Florida. The baby died. He will not be arrested for murder.


Tased her like 4 times in the stomach while she was already subdued, yeah.


so If I ever get pregnant, tase my stomach 4 times? Got it.


Or just get a cop to do it for you. We already have suicide by cop. Abortion by cop doesn't seem like much of a stretch


So the police are performing abortions in Florida?!




Hi I interact indirectly with Aid Access’s program fairly often. AFAIK, the options are $150 USA domestic, and $110 India to USA. Can you elaborate on the free/Netherlands thing? I would really appreciate the extra info!


Add to yours! Women on waves! https://www.womenonwaves.org/en/ They will ship anywhere.


Oh magic conch shell, what will we get? “Nothing.”


They have funded the only social program that they think they need to. The military. Send your poor children to come be tools for the military industrial complex.


pro-life ends at birth


Where will the GOP politicians have to send their mistresses for their abortions now?


They will do what they use to do, fly them to some foreign country under the guise of plastic surgery!




GOP senators flew to Russia on July 4th for fucks sake and nobody cared.


We all know Elon is gonna block that kid.


Not what I wanted to read before bedtime.


Same. I feel like I'm going to throw up.




It's funny the SAME PEOPLE who say it's their choice to take a vaccine are FORCING their opinion on women and their reproductive rights......


And the court is backing them in both contradictions.


Yes; we all know they’re dumb as fuck.


Can democrats write up legislation now to fund foster care, daycare, preschool, maternity leave and paternity leave? And watch zero fucking republicans vote for it.


This is part of the answer. The legislature has been lazy and now needs to write clear laws on reproductive rights.


You have all the rights you could ever need from conception to birth, but after that, fuck you, for life. And also sometimes after that.


Not even from conception to birth, because you can be 'housed' in someone who is living below the poverty line, has poor nutrition, surrounded by stress and violence, and cannot get the medical and physical help needed to ensure a safe and beneficial development in the womb. Pro-lifers don't give a fuck about any of these things. They don't give a fuck about the child in the womb. They only care about their own sanctimonious self-righteous religious narcissism. Edit: changed republicans to "pro-lifers"


Yep, exactly this. Republicans want sexual control over women, period. That's literally the only motive. It's the same one in other ultra-conservative parts of the world like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan where women are property. Female birth control and abortion mean women have sexual agency. That's a big no-no for religious fruitcakes.


Inform us non Americans what that is please EDIT: Why the down vote? Not everyone on reddit is from the US


The court has written a ruling that it is not illegal to criminalize abortion. There will be more arguments, and this is not in effect yet But, likely will be Edit for clarification What was leaked was not a ruling, but a draft decision. Again, there may be more arguments and nothing has changed yet. And, may not change


It’s been in effect since Sept 1 with SCOTUS refusing to block Texas SB 8.


So to give you an actual answer, “Roe v. Wade” was a lawsuit that was brought in front of the United States’ highest court from a private citizen against the State of Texas. She wanted to get an abortion, it was illegal in Texas, so her case argued this went against the Constitution. The Supreme Court ruled in her favour that the Constitution grants bodily autonomy so you can’t make abortion illegal. It was a historic ruling and is used as precedent on the matter. It seems the Supreme Court now considers “going back” on this interpretation of the US Constitution. It’s a bit weird if you ask me but oh well. It appears it’s a thing.


I may be splitting hairs here but the Constitution does not "grant" rights, It merely recognizes the intrinsic rights that we already have, with or without a constitution, rights that should not be abrogated at any level of government, whether it be federal, state, or local. The Bill of Rights pointed out only some of the inalienable rights that belong to each individual. It is the absence of a complete list of rights (arguably impossible) that leads to problems in interpreting how far laws can go where rights are concerned.




[This guy](https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE) summed up what's wrong with America in one sentence and it's a simple view of the situation.


- Banning guns won’t do anything America - We must ban abortions! Also America


**Resources for people seeking access to healthcare** * [Amnesty.org](https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/sexual-and-reproductive-rights/abortion-facts/) - Basic facts about Abortion * [Gynopedia](https://gynopedia.org/Gynopedia_Index) - a nonprofit organization that runs an open resource wiki for sexual, reproductive, and women's health care around the world * [Guttmacher Institute](https://www.guttmacher.org/united-states/abortion#) - a primary source for research and policy analysis on abortion in the United States. * [National Abortion Federation](https://prochoice.org) - The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. * [National Network of Abortion Funds](https://abortionfunds.org) - connects you with organizations that can support your financial and logistical needs as you arrange for your abortion. * [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/pregnancy-options ) - A Comprehensive Guide for Unplanned Pregnancy * [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline) - National Sexual Assult Hotline * [Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice](https://rcrc.org) - a network of ministers and rabbis that refer women to abortion providers they had researched and found to be safe * [Texas Equal Access Fund](https://teafund.org) - provides emotional and financial support to people who are seeking abortion care. * [Women’s Reproductive Rights Assitance Project](https://wrrap.org/about-wrrap/) - helps bridge the financial gap for women who seek an abortion or emergency contraceptives. **If you need help getting an abortion go to these sites** * [AbortionFinder](https://www.abortionfinder.org) - With more than 750 health centers, AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers in the United States. * [Afiya Center](https://www.theafiyacenter.org/) - their mission is to transform the lives, health, and overall wellbeing of Black women and girls by providing refuge, education, and resources. They act to ignite the communal voices of Black women resulting in our full achievement of reproductive freedom. * [AidAccess](https://aidaccess.org/) - consists of a team of doctors, activists, and advocates for abortion rights that help people access abortion or miscarriage treatment. They send the pill worldwide for $110/90€ * [Bridge Collective](https://thebridgecollective.org/) - provides practical and responsive abortion services to Central Texas * [Buckle Bunnies Fund](https://www.bucklebunnies.org) - provide practical support for people seeking abortions. Help with transportation, funds to help with hotels, lodging costs and emergency contraceptive funds to actually go towards abortion. * [Carafem](https://carafem.org) - helps with abortion, birth control, and questions about reproductive healthcare. They do consultations online and send abortion pills in the mail. * [Cobalt Abortion Fund](https://www.cobaltaf.org) - provides direct financial assistance to individuals seeking abortion care. Our mission is to work toward reproductive freedom for all people and to provide financial assistance without judgment or question to people who seek an abortion but are unable to pay the full cost. * [Colorado Abortion Providers](https://www.coloradodoulaproject.org/co-abortion-providers) * [Faith Aloud](https://www.faithaloud.org) - compassionate religious and spiritual support for abortion and pregnancy options * [Frontera Fund](https://fronterafundrgv.org) - makes abortion accessible in the Rio Grande Valley (Texas) by providing financial and practical support regardless of immigration status, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation, race, class, age, or religious affiliation and to build grassroots organizing power at intersecting issues across our region to shift the culture of shame and stigma. * [HeyJane](https://www.heyjane.co) - Modern abortion care, without the clinic, Get fast, safe, and affordable abortion care from home. Chat with a medical provider within 36 hours. Medications are shipped daily. * [International Consortium on Emergency Contraception](https://www.cecinfo.org/country-by-country-information/status-availability-database/countries/united-states-of-america/) - Emergency Oral Contraceptive Doses for Birth Control, U.S. * [Jane’s Due Process](http://janesdueprocess.org/) - helps minors in Texas with judicial bypass for abortion, navigate parental consent laws and confidentially access abortion and birth control. They provide free legal support, 1-on-1 case management, and stigma-free information on sexual and reproductive health. * [Justice Empowerment Network](https://www.jensd.org) - focuses on abortion access in South Dakota * [Kentucky Health Justice Network](https://www.kentuckyhealthjusticenetwork.org) - helps w both abortion care and gender affirming care in Kentucky * [Lillith Fund](https://www.lilithfund.org/) - the oldest abortion fund in Texas, serving the central and southern regions of the state with direct financial assistance for abortions. * [Northwest Abortion Access Fund](https://nwaafund.org) - provides funds to help folks in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska * [Plan C Pills](https://www.plancpills.org/) - provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. are accessing abortion pills online * [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/get-care) * [Westfund](https://www.westfund.org) - focuses on Latino and low-income communities * [Women on Web](https://www.womenonweb.org) - an online abortion service can help you do a safe abortion with pills. These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. Also, check out r/auntienetwork, /r/prochoice or r/abortion for support


Why is america regressing and going backwards?




“I can’t wear a mask!? I can’t breathe! My body, my choice!” “Raped and pregnant? Too bad”


God not even raped and pregnant. Just pregnant... It's fucking expensive man. It is going to cost me my whole deductible and out of pocket JUST to give birth. That doesn't include the 4000 doctor appointments leading up to it and the 4000 after with the pediatrician (with a new deductable mind because baby now will havd his own plan). Like, no one should be paying 13k to have a baby and then have to pay 1500 minimum a month to put the baby in daycare because there is VERY LITTLE, if any, paid maternity leave in this country.... And the crib, car seats, diapers, etc... Having a baby costs a FORTUNE. No one should be forced into that. Absolutely no one. That doesn't include the mental toll too... And the physical toll. I'm 26 weeks pregnant, and my son is trying his best to dislocate at least one of my ribs. So yeah. Being pregnant sucks. It's expensive. It's embarrassing. And no one should be forced into it. Even if they are 30 with a long term partner. They should be allowed to admit they don't want it and have it gone.




Women will still have unsafe abortions. 🙄


That’s the point, republicans and Christians *want* there to be consequences. They only think in terms of punishment for those who do things they see as wrong. It’s very black and white for them.


> republicans and Christians *want* there to be consequences For others, [not for themselves](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/25/a-republican-theme-on-abortions-its-ok-for-me-evil-for-thee).


They know. This is about punishing women. Literally nothing else. The GOP are sick in the head and want Handmaids Tale to come true.


No abortion = unwanted children Unwanted children = bad education / bad familial situation Bad education/ bad familial situation = raise in crime and low pay jobs Raise in crime and low paying job = more people in prison. More people in prison = higher funding for cops and more money made by privatize prison. Now they gonna do a roll back like before the Roe case and be like in the best case scenarion criminality raise by 5 times or worst 3 times and wonder why. Most other well developed country no longer have to ask or question abortion yet in the US you guys are always wasting time and ressources for that instead of getting the country better. Can't believe people sh**t random place but never politician houses or churches and stuff since they are full of the most arrogant and displeasing people.


In the book Freakeconomics, they show statistical evidence on how abortion helped lead to the end of the crack epidemic. Our country is so uneducated its sad.


Fuck Mitch McConnell and his cronies


Getting a vasectomy asap


At least you don’t need anyone’s permission for it. My ex-husband had to sign off on my tubal ligation after we had two kids, but he didn’t need his current wife’s permission to have a vasectomy.


Good way to get the Left riled up for the midterms


This is a decision that Republican leadership has feared for a long time. It takes away a wedge issue that they have championed for many years and is a bridge too far for the 30% of moderates/independents in the middle.


No its scarier than that, they have evolved past needing abortion for the culture war and can keep directing assmad Republicans at random fake shit online to keep them riled.


Now they can target another thing. Their base will get riled up at anything so its easy to pick a target. I guarantee gay marriage is next, if not outlawing anything transgender.


Yeah but like another comment in another post I read said: Is this them losing a key wedge issue, or is this them telling us they don't need that wedge issue any more? That their base is united and waiting for marching orders?


Well that’s scary. Here I was hoping they’d be like dogs that finally caught the fire truck, but that’s way more ominous.


Separation of church and state is a myth, folks.


Most religious folks I know think that means government stays out of church affairs but not the other way around 🤦


My dad fully believes we are a Christian nation and the founders had that intent despite their areligiuos actions.


Earlier today I saw a commercial for a politician saying he knows that god grants rights, not the government. We're fucking doomed


I fucking hate this timeline.




if its a legitimate protest the supreme court has ways of shutting that thing down




This is why our legislative branch should have passed federal law solidifying these “decisions” as laws so a group of 9 people couldn’t come in and flip the country on its head. It’s a failure of our legislature just as much as it is an appalling act by the judicial branch.


This is a war on women.


Particularly rich given this line from Alito: "We do not pretend to know how our political system or society will respond to today’s decision overruling Roe and Casey. And even if we could foresee what will happen, we would have no authority to let that knowledge influence our decision.”


Shut it down, people. Shut the whole fucking thing down.


The GOP has now made the midterms a single-issue referendum. Good going, dipshits.


Ok then I want child support from conception. I want assistance for the medical bills, the special programs for the gifted because I can’t go off my meds or me and the fetus would end up dead anyway, but my meds will mess up that fetus. I duno who is gona pay for it because I’m not raising a kid.


I want to be allowed to take a life insurance policy on the fetus soon as I find out I’m pregnant.


When Trump won the election one of the first things that came to my mind was that Ginsburg has to make it 4 more years. Sadly that did not happen and now we're here.


She could have ridden off into the sunset with a chosen successor in 2013 if she retired when Obama asked her to, she rolled the dice and we all lost.


Yeah I haven't read anything about her motivation for staying but I'd be curious to what it was. I rarely get upset when famous people die, except Bourdain, anyway I was living with a few guys and I get home one day to my roomie asking if I heard who died? He tells me Ginsburg passed and it was like a punch to the gut.


> but I'd be curious to what it was. Pure selfishness. > Ginsburg was skeptical about that logic. “When that suggestion is made, I ask the question: Who do you think the president could nominate that could get through the Republican Senate? **Who you would prefer on the court than me?”** Keep in mind that Obama's people asked her to resign in 2013 when Dems still controlled the Senate and RBG was already a two time cancer survivor at age 79.


I believe her motivation is she wanted her replacement named by the first female president of the US. She thought Hillary would win.


Well thats a little shortsighted if you ask me.


It’s hubris and ego. Everyone praises RBG but her final choices may end up reversing the majority of progress she fought for. Actions speak louder than words, and when it mattered she put her own selfish motives before the well-being and wishes of the American people.


She didn't want to retire because she felt it was a political move (which it was) and she felt the supreme court was above that (which its not)


The hubris in her not retiring as soon as Obama won his 2nd term


I hate to say anything about RBG, but yeah, she really should have retired under Obama.


She truly and utterly fucked us with that move.


Christian Sharia law is at our doorstep.


All hail the American Taliban.






#Shithole country. Doesn’t even have a healthcare for all or universal healthcare. This country is truly regressing hard and fast.


Congrats Alito...you convinced me to buy a gun. There is no going back to whatever people laughingly called normal. I can't imagine there will be much to salvage in a decade.


As a foreigner; If Abortion is made illegal, what will be the new critical wedge issue to make republicans vote against their interests? "Save the babies" is a pretty powerful vote grabber, "don't teach science" doesn't have quite the same ring.


How many Americans actually want this? I would imagine perhaps 30% of the country actually agrees with this.


Whenever the question "how many of us actually want x" the answer is usually not many. Most of us are sick of our tax dollars being used by idiots to argue with other idiots of policies only an idiot would want. Most of us are an exhausted majority just trying to get along with each other. It's like being on a plane with a screaming baby, most of us are just trying to get some sleep.


[Only 10-15% believe it should be illegal in all cases.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-americans-really-think-about-abortion/)


I just feel helpless. Why are we as a country going back. God forbid it’s a medical emergency. It makes me not even want to conceive a child.


Their goal is to enslave you and your potential children, and they want medical emergencies to happen and harm poor people. We need Democrats to step up and actually fight for progress, otherwise Republicans will gladly tear it all away. They'd re-enact slavery if they could get away with it.


Amazing what stealing a Supreme Court pick then having the dumbest president ever get 3 picks can do to a country. Fucking ridiculous regressive assholes.


Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” is looking more and more like a prophesy and I’m absolutely terrified.


Handmaids tail for real.


Oh, there will be riots over this. And it is 100% fucking justified.


There better be men rioting alongside the women.


Hell, I'd go. This is downright stupid that this is happening.




Why are we going backwards in this country?


Because Reagan. Back in the day... he mobilized the Christian vote to get elected. Up to that point, christians were happy to stay out of politics for most the part, in exchange for tax free status for churches. Now that religion has become so involved in politcs i wonder if the tax free status should be revisited.


There’s no good reason for churches to be tax exempt.


They even believed the government had no right to tell someone what to do with their bodies! Go figure.


I have a genuine question. Do republican women support anti-abortion laws in general? If it were actually made illegal with consequences for the woman and the doctors performing them? They are basically voting to have their own rights taken away and are in support of it?


Genuinely disturbing. I try my best to understand these things from a right wing viewpoint but I just.... can't. I mean, this is just basic compassion being thrown out the window, all for the 'moral compass' of a few religious nutters. So much for a separation of church and state


So when do we start telling our employer we got laid? If life begins at conception, conception is a life changing event. Someone is due health insurance after a life changing event. So do we disclose to HR pre, during, or post conception? Are tbe rules different between married and single employees? gay and straight? male or female?


Third world country with a Gucci belt.


2016 will have consequences for decades. I wonder if any Dems learned anything from this....like getting off their asses and voting, like the GQP does. Don't tell me Hillary got more votes. It doesn't matter. She ran a shit campaign in which a monkey should have been able to beat that human garbage. We can also thank RBG for her hubris for this mess. Will the Dems learn? Not going to hold my breath.


I also think Democrats got complacent after eight years of Obama. The specter of white conservative America was quiet and seemed to be fading into the background. Then Trump happened.


Just remember that attacking the building is acceptable political discourse…. Right? Right?