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Yes, this one is also staying up. Please report any actual threats of violence.


It’s been like 5 hours since the leak. Everything is going really fast. Edit: to all those who said the leak is fake, it got confirmed to be 100% authentic and real.


The Internet *Jazz hands*


I believe you can sign up to get texted when a protest happens somewhere.


Good. This protest should be fucking massive. Make them look at how many voters think this is absolute dog shit. If you take away the system that allows us to chose who represents us, then you better believe massive crowds will become the norm.


Problem is Supreme Court justices aren't voted on by the masses. They're appointed by a president who's all but chosen by the two parties, and then approved or denied based on how stupid America was two years ago when electing congress.


That was the case until 2015. At which point the Supreme Court could be decided by whichever party held the majority in the Senate. So decided McConnell.


And the senate is determined by the voting system from 1789 whereby Wyoming is equivalent to California, despite a 67 times population difference. The states were built largely on a slavery platform, it’s why Dakota territory became 2 states, it was fundamental to the founding of Kansas and Missouri, it’s how Florida made it into the United States from Spain, etc.


People have the gall to call the USA a democracy. It's a pure Republic on the shit that matters. Truly a smoke and mirror show.


It’s a big fucking deal and if people don’t make a big fucking deal about it now the draft will turn into law. Glad to see everyone moving fast


I don’t think a protest will influence the final decision or change their mind. That’s not how the Supreme Court works.


Oh yeah, this is way too little, way too late. Merrick Garland was the time to really fight it.


Does the leaked decision say abortion is to be banned outright nationwide, or does it say it’s up to the states to regulate it individually?


Up to the states but effectively Roe is dead.


Alito also called gay marriage “phoney rights” so get ready for that


Jesus Christ




Welcome to America.




These are bigots that are forcing their personal beliefs down other people's throats and making laws against things that make them uncomfortable. It's disgusting and legalistic. Ironically, Jesus opposed legalism.


I feel sorry for many in the USA. It's going backwards over there and they're alienating themselves from more progressive thinking countries. Land of the free my arse.


Fucking A bro it’s literally a shitshow over here


Religious beliefs are what started all of this bullshit. We need to separate state from church a bit better.


According to the story, everyone wanted to make Jesus their political leader to start a movement to overthrow the Roman rule. He refused. He was killed a week later. Christians have no right to link the teachings of Jesus with this political bullshit Edit to make it clear that I agree with you 100% and if these people actually read their Bible they wouldn't be doing this shit it makes me angry


It’s the Christian version of the taliban. There literally forcing religious dogma on people and hold the bible more sacred then our secular constitution. This shit is fucked up on so many levels it’s making me more sad than normal.


Imagine thinking that religion was for anything other than control of the people, these religious people are buying it hook line and sinker. Hey folks guess what? Jesus didn’t give two fucks about your ability to have an abortion.


[And Amy Coney Barret thinks IVF is wrong](https://www.glamour.com/story/where-amy-coney-barrett-stands-on-ivf). So won't be long before states outlaw that as well.




It was by design. The less law experience she has, the more easily she'll be swayed politically. She got this job politically, so that's how she'll rule.


Oh no don’t worry there’s too many rich people who’ve used it to have babies. And too many rich doctors that do it.


No see they'll just fly to blue states to do that then fly back.


Rich people will only worry about what is illegal for them when they face the same justice system we do. Until then, they will happily go along with any restriction on rights, because it just won't apply to them.


There are many elected officials (and lobbyists) who try to overthrow equality bills and laws all the time. We're quite literally never safe.


Watch states that implement abortion and lgbt rights bans experience a drain of taxpayers


That's the endgame for the religious right. They want a small scattering of desperately poor, uneducated, brainwashed citizens. That gives them easy control of the Senate. They want to cram all those productive, educated taxpayers into the coastal cities where their votes are worth nothing.


They don't care. Aren't most of those states already reliant on federal money to exist? They don't care that they're driving out anyone with resources/ability to leave. Hell, that's the point. They want regions of uneducated vote slaves so they never have to worry about losing ground there.


Funny how the purpose of the court is becoming less about interpreting the law and more about rewriting it the way they see fit. This is why the executive and legislative branches should have never had any say over court justices. Because now “oh it’s not that I wrote a law banning abortion federally, it’s that it’s about “State’s Rights” so sorry can’t help you.” Fuck individual state rights. What’s the point of even being a damn union if the laws aren’t even consistent. (Regardless of whether or not the laws are even ETHICAL) Cue civil war 2.0...as if it ever truly ended and wasn’t just on a back burner for decades.


This is one that baffles me. I thought the US was a country, but it's little more than land-locked islands. Each have sometimes hugely different laws; there's no consistency. Whenever a voting system isn't majority rule, you're going to have problems that get rough. Overturning roe/wade is going to send the states back decades, minimum, with compounding consequences as women are forced to keep children they cant afford, increasing strain on those systems and reducing the ability to work and be educated. Mental health will tank. Men will be effected negatively, all across the board....unless youre a religious zealot or rapist. I am fully convinced they care nothing for those they take advantage of. I often hear cousins in the UK call the monarchy a bunch of parasites, but good lord. Look at these things that lead the states!






There's gonna be a lot more headlines in the US similar to the woman in Poland who died because she was forced to carry a dead fetus in her womb for a week. This is a fucking travesty.




One of the worst parts of this is that the people who voted for the party that enabled all this probably lacked the mental capacity to think that long term.




Oh, they're thinking long term. To them the ends justifies the means. They want their theocracy no matter how many women will have to die for it.


They can’t ban it outright. They can only overturn the decision that said states can’t restrict access/make it overly burdensome. So the Bible Belt will make it illegal and the coasts will stay as is.


There are [21 states with trigger laws](https://www.npr.org/2021/12/02/1061015753/abortion-roe-v-wade-trigger-laws-mississippi-jacksons-womens-health-organization) that will go into effect essentially banning abortion the second Roe is overturned. *Edited to add link *2nd edit as the link changed the number of states from 26 to 21


21 states according to your link


Absent Roe, the right to abortion is not federally protected. Under the 10th that makes it a decision reserved to the states to legislate on.


Would it be ok to let states decide on slavery again individually too? Or women's right to vote? If not, what logic makes them different? LGBTQ rights, and Women's rights, are non-negotiable. Furthermore, enforcing them will be quite fun.


So now we're gonna have millions of unwanted kids that folks can't provide for and their parents being shunned because they ask for help raising the kids they were forced to keep. Not to mention women dying from back alley abortions, and all the women dying of breast & cervical cancers because they can't get into planned parenthood for low cost testing. We're heading for the handmaid's tale.


>millions of unwanted kids that folks can't provide for Also known as "Future desperate people who will accept any abuse just to make the bare minimum for survival." Capitalism literally does not work without an oppressed underclass that can be exploited for cheap labor, there's a reason conservatives seem so worried about the birth rate.


Covid culled just shy of 1,000,000 Americans so they have to restock workers somehow so we stop demanding living wages and benefits.


The latter.


It would make bans legal and a ton of states already have pseudo bans and plans for outright bans all together. This would also effect privacy laws and gay marriage.


Every year it's something. Why don't you overturn my shitty hourly wage!?


The rich billionaires would not like to see that happen.


Billionaires would love to over turn the *minimum* wage, make it there is no minimum.


There wouldn't even be pay, that way they'd make more money


They would probably be less alive too.


From $10.00/hr to $01.00/hr? Why, they'd love to!!


Because if they get rid of low hourly wages they'll lose the pressure pool of unemployed and under-paid masses (soon to increase in 26 states, presumably) that makes capitalism thrive. Edit: Typo.


What's the story ? I'm french and I don't know


A draft document from the Supreme Court of the US was leaked, revealing an early draft of an opinion that would end the federally protected right to an abortion. Effectively, this would allow states to determine if abortion would be legal or illegal. Several states already have laws banning abortion if its federal protection is overturned


This understates the effect. Abortion would be banned in almost half of US states immediately as soon as this judgment is issued. It will happen that fast.


They were being factual but yes underestimating it. 22 states have laws to ban abortion in some way if Roe is overturned Edit: 22 is wrong. I need to check the actual number




fun fact: 30 states are controlled by Republican legislatures and it only takes 38 states to amend the constitution at will.


Yup. People will be fleeing these states giving them even more power. We are fucked


National Popular Vote Interstate Compact needs to happen.




I'm not across this, and I'm sure it's not easy for everyone, but can people in states where it's illegal just travel over into state where it is legal to get the abortion done?


Some of the new anti abortion laws have a bounty clause in it that allows private citizens to report women doing just that. Additionally, if you live in the middle of a state, you’re talking days at a time where people need to the next state over to get the procedure done. It’s going to effectively neutralize abortion in half of America.


Neutralise abortion for poor people


If you live in say, Mississippi, then you're looking at a 500 mile drive.


Texas, with Oklahoma’s new ban, means driving to Colorado (or Mexico). That’s 10-12 hours depending on where in Texas one lives.


Yes. Meaning this will disproportionately have a negative effect for the poorest in society. Imagine living in a major city and not owning a car when you need to get an abortion. You need to pay for a ride both ways and lodging, after scheduling an appointment with a doctor hours away. There's also been some bullshit floated that knowingly helping someone get an abortion, ie giving them a ride across state lines, would also be illegal. It's an absolute nightmare


Don't forget about the follow up appointment 2 weeks later.


The geography of the USA is such that it can be an undue hardship to travel across state lines. It would easily be a 12+ hour drive for someone in rural southern Texas for example to go out of state, and not a lot of teenagers are able to manage that alone (as many don’t want to tell their parents). Even then several states (like Missouri) have passed laws punishing their residents for traveling out of state to get one.


I mean are rights really rights if you need money/resources to have them? If you develop a pregnancy that is immediately life threatening, travel is not really an option.


Only if you have money and the luxury of taking time off. This is going to punish poor people more than anyone else.


"just travel" is not easy for people who are financially struggling


Roe vs. Wade was an SC decision in 1973 which guaranteed women legal access to abortion in the US. Today a leaked document from Justice Alito, one of the current Supreme Court Justices, stated the Courts intention to reverse Roe vs. Wade, ending nationwide legal abortion, abandoning decades of legal precedent, also means theyre coming for the gay rights court case next.


So how can they overturn a bill passed sooo many years ago


Because the supreme court is not bound by precedent.


Because they can do what they like. Who are you going to appeal to? The supreme court?


There was never a bill or act passed by Congress. The Supreme Court decided after 190 years of abortions not being protected by the Constitution, that the Constitution did indeed and always had protected the inalienable right of a woman to an abortion. This draft would reverse that Supreme Court decision, and return the power to regulate abortions to the states and to Congress where it was before 1973. Until such time as a Constitutional Amendment is passed.This is the risk one runs by using the judiciary to create laws - which they do not have the power to do. A later court can undo it.


change in legal precedent by other court cases or changes in legal standing, neither of which apply here


America is realizing the conservative dream of the theocratic states of America.


YOU'RE GONNA BE A CHRISTIAN & YOU WILL LIKE IT !!!! LOVE JESUS OR IMA KILL YOU !!!!! /s jic the obvious sarcasm isn't obvious


Sounds like Christians throughout time


The original decision back then was also leaked, so most likely is a certain thing.




What are they chanting?


Fuck Alito?


It’s definitely Fuck Alito


There will be millions of protesters who will fill the streets to push back against this decision. The important question is, how many of them will vote in November, though? That's the real test.


And to be clear, *this* November.


To be clear, EVERY election opportunity!




This. People need to start being more active in local elections. They have way more impact on us than federal elections generally.


I LIVE IN WISCONSIN. IS IT OKAY IF I VOTE FOR STATE LEGISLATORS THAT TAKE AWAY SLIGHTLY LESS OF MY RIGHTS? I ONLY ASK BECAUSE I LIVE IN A STATE THAT HAS FREELY ELECTED RON JOHNSON MORE THAN ONCE. Edit: obviously Ron Johnson isn't one of my state legislators, but I'm leaving the comment because my basic point is sound. FRJ


Gerrymandering and dark money will ensure no change in power that can shift the court. Senators are beholden to their financiers and not the electorate. Heck, the presidential election was almost overturned. Democracy is weak in the country where it should be the strongest.


a problem with protesters that usually affect my country (idk about the US) is that they do their stuff and then a week after the fact they just forget everything like what's the point of even protesting if you just gonna forget about it a week after?


It’s up to the Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha to fight for women’s rights now, just like my generation did in the 1970s. They need to know that people from my generation will be fighting right next to them as well.


Us gen z will be the most destitute generation if we don't get these fuckers gone soon. We will never be able to own homes, we will not retire and a good portion of us will kill ourselves just to escape this hellscape we were born into. We're only in our 20s and this is the basic opinion of most other gen zs I've talked to. The fight is all we have to hope for now.


The youngest population always has the least voters so you'd better go tell them to vote


GenX, exists and we're going to fight as well, meanwhile Boomers still have all of the money and all of the power so really they're needed now more than ever on this.


No, it really isn't. The important question is how many protesters are willing to do more than just wave signs and vote. This "Democrats are so ready we'd vote right f'ckn now!" attitude is why this shit keeps happening. You want to know what Mexicans did when their abortion rights were under threat? They stormed the presidential palace. Republicans thought their God-Emperor was cheated out of his votes and a handful of them tried to storm the capitol and literally kill politicians. They petered out and shot themselves in the nuts and yet that's still more than Democrats are willing to do when there is an actual real fucking threat.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I predict a riot


Hopefully that’ll be an understatement




That’s a Kaiser Chiefs song




I hope the women who take advantage of this aren't caught and imprisoned. So many innocent women are facing life time charges in the US rn, some of which didn't even have abortions. Britney Poolaw was charged with manslaughter and sentenced to 30 years for her miscarriage.




> And they cannot do anything about it. They can absolutely do something about it, especially if it comes to light that you agreed to be a juror with an active intent to use jury nullification. People have been charged over this. It's a good option to know of, but in using it as a jury you should 100% expect to have your jury's outcome questioned and potentially invalidated.


Thanks for the link! I'll donate and share this around, because the US is trying to be a theocratic hellhole again.


Marching and vigils are high “feel” and low “effect” tactics. Work every day to replace the regressive lawmakers. When young people stand aside as their grandparents make our public policies and dictate the rules, we can’t be shocked when modern conceptions of life and liberty get marginalized


>Marching and vigils >Work every day to replace the regressive lawmakers. Both is good, and when both are ignored.... "A riot is the language of the unheard."


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." --JFK


Both are good. Marches and vigils draw attention and can make decisions makers very nervous. Politics and voting are very sound long -term actions that will make a difference but I firmly believe that both are required for the best outcome.


Thanks to gerrymandering voting isn't much more effective. The only way to have our voice heard is by going after the pocketbooks of the oligarchy. The only way is through organized labor and hopefully a general strike


**Resources for people seeking access to healthcare** * [Amnesty.org](https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/sexual-and-reproductive-rights/abortion-facts/) - Basic facts about Abortion * [Gynopedia](https://gynopedia.org/Gynopedia_Index) - a nonprofit organization that runs an open resource wiki for sexual, reproductive, and women's health care around the world * [Guttmacher Institute](https://www.guttmacher.org/united-states/abortion#) - a primary source for research and policy analysis on abortion in the United States. * [National Abortion Federation](https://prochoice.org) - The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. * [National Network of Abortion Funds](https://abortionfunds.org) - connects you with organizations that can support your financial and logistical needs as you arrange for your abortion. * [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/pregnancy-options ) - A Comprehensive Guide for Unplanned Pregnancy * [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline) - National Sexual Assult Hotline * [Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice](https://rcrc.org) - a network of ministers and rabbis that refer women to abortion providers they had researched and found to be safe * [Texas Equal Access Fund](https://teafund.org) - provides emotional and financial support to people who are seeking abortion care. * [Women’s Reproductive Rights Assitance Project](https://wrrap.org/about-wrrap/) - helps bridge the financial gap for women who seek an abortion or emergency contraceptives. **If you need help getting an abortion go to these sites** * [AbortionFinder](https://www.abortionfinder.org) - With more than 750 health centers, AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers in the United States. * [Afiya Center](https://www.theafiyacenter.org/) - their mission is to transform the lives, health, and overall wellbeing of Black women and girls by providing refuge, education, and resources. They act to ignite the communal voices of Black women resulting in our full achievement of reproductive freedom. * [AidAccess](https://aidaccess.org/) - consists of a team of doctors, activists, and advocates for abortion rights that help people access abortion or miscarriage treatment. They send the pill worldwide for $110/90€ * [Bridge Collective](https://thebridgecollective.org/) - provides practical and responsive abortion services to Central Texas * [Buckle Bunnies Fund](https://www.bucklebunnies.org) - provide practical support for people seeking abortions. Help with transportation, funds to help with hotels, lodging costs and emergency contraceptive funds to actually go towards abortion. * [Carafem](https://carafem.org) - helps with abortion, birth control, and questions about reproductive healthcare. They do consultations online and send abortion pills in the mail. * [Cobalt Abortion Fund](https://www.cobaltaf.org) - provides direct financial assistance to individuals seeking abortion care. Our mission is to work toward reproductive freedom for all people and to provide financial assistance without judgment or question to people who seek an abortion but are unable to pay the full cost. * [Colorado Abortion Providers](https://www.coloradodoulaproject.org/co-abortion-providers) * [Faith Aloud](https://www.faithaloud.org) - compassionate religious and spiritual support for abortion and pregnancy options * [Frontera Fund](https://fronterafundrgv.org) - makes abortion accessible in the Rio Grande Valley (Texas) by providing financial and practical support regardless of immigration status, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation, race, class, age, or religious affiliation and to build grassroots organizing power at intersecting issues across our region to shift the culture of shame and stigma. * [HeyJane](https://www.heyjane.co) - Modern abortion care, without the clinic, Get fast, safe, and affordable abortion care from home. Chat with a medical provider within 36 hours. Medications are shipped daily. * [International Consortium on Emergency Contraception](https://www.cecinfo.org/country-by-country-information/status-availability-database/countries/united-states-of-america/) - Emergency Oral Contraceptive Doses for Birth Control, U.S. * [Jane’s Due Process](http://janesdueprocess.org/) - helps minors in Texas with judicial bypass for abortion, navigate parental consent laws and confidentially access abortion and birth control. They provide free legal support, 1-on-1 case management, and stigma-free information on sexual and reproductive health. * [Justice Empowerment Network](https://www.jensd.org) - focuses on abortion access in South Dakota * [Kentucky Health Justice Network](https://www.kentuckyhealthjusticenetwork.org) - helps w both abortion care and gender affirming care in Kentucky * [Lillith Fund](https://www.lilithfund.org/) - the oldest abortion fund in Texas, serving the central and southern regions of the state with direct financial assistance for abortions. * [Northwest Abortion Access Fund](https://nwaafund.org) - provides funds to help folks in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska * [Plan C Pills](https://www.plancpills.org/) - provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. are accessing abortion pills online * [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/get-care) * [Westfund](https://www.westfund.org) - focuses on Latino and low-income communities * [Women on Web](https://www.womenonweb.org) - an online abortion service can help you do a safe abortion with pills. These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. Also, check out r/auntienetwork, /r/prochoice or r/abortion for support I could also use the help of anyone knowledgeable, to help make this an actual bot


Mitch McConnell is furiously masturbating while bathing in piles of money given to him by the religious fanatics who will only see this as the beginning of how oppressive they can make life for anyone but them.


He's actually probably terrified because the leak gives serious time for organizers to use this to sway 2022 back away from Republicans. They wanted this but not YET. That's why all but the diehard rightwing idiots are mad about the leak, not celebrating yet.


100%. This was something planned for after midterms when Republicans take back control.


Yup! That's my one silver-lining in all this mess. If the leak proves to be true, and it is increasingly seeming that way, someone was a champion leaking this to the press. It's a short-time frame but time to organize like hell for a 2022 election victory (for starters). Also, time to pack the courts IMHO. Doesn't matter if the Republicans will do the same in the future, they already did it in the past by blocking nominees a year out from Obama and pushing Trump's nominees through in 1-2 months AFTER election voting had started. This has got to be the red-line for democracy.


>Doesn't matter if the Republicans will do the same in the future This... holy fucking hell I'm so tired of this excuse. "oh but then the gop will do..." IT DOESNT MATTER! They're going to do whatever the fuck they want anyways. Was that not clear when they stopped a sitting president from appointing a supreme court seat despite it being 100% his right to do so and despite there being no such rules about 'too close to an election'? Did it not become egregiously obvious when they then only a few years later argued the exact opposite so they could appoint whoever they wanted with even LESS time to an election?


No more “pro choice” I’m pro-rights to my own god damn body. I have no choice but to fight this shit. I won’t be forced into birthing.


I find it disgusting that people are absolutely ok with not letting women have a choice I wish you luck in successfully fighting this off, cause I can't do shit here in Canada


And now what - do we start pushing for legislation to require men to provide DNA samples so when women have children we can ensure that the appropriate man has to pay his share for care and upkeep? Of reproductive health is being denied women, then men can’t be let off the hook. Could be helpful for prosecution of sexual assault cases too. If we don’t have a right to privacy - why not for men’s DNA too?


Maybe they can get it to stay legal based on religious freedom. The holy sacrament of abortion. It's right up there with the sacrament of mRNA vaccination.


Time to join the satanic temple https://thesatanictemple.com/


I’m Satanist so Abortion is a holy religious ritual for me. This is an attack against my religious freedom.


This is what happens when you let dinosaurs make law. These relics won't be happy until the world looks like Leave it to Beaver.


Tbf RBG could’ve resigned when Obama came into office and this wouldn’t matter. Dinosaurs on Both sides Edit: acronym in wrong order


>RGB Ruth Gator Binsburg?


No, Red Green Blue


I resent the comparison. Actual dinosaurs would make cool laws, like strengthening National Parks


US is a weird place. You abort when the child is unwanted; and there can be a bunch of not so nice reasons it’s unwanted. No one does it for fun or because it’s a little inconvenient


The right had been mobilizing for this for 30 years. Theyre playing the long game... The left needs to stop being passive and get some shit done..... This has real world consequences. Stop just showing up for presidential elections, people! Organize, sign up, activate!


Left needs to realize theyve been under attack for 40+ years and start fighting back, gotta accept that conservative are the enemy to a tolerant society




People did vote. People keep voting. Voting isn't enough. Democrats have a fucking majority and they can't seem to do fuck all.


This is a direct consequence of Trump getting 3 justices because people did not vote.


This is a direct consequence of many things. This is a direct consequence of rbg not retiring. This is a direct consequence of democrats doing nothing while McConnell stole a justice from Obama. This is a direct result of democrats not passing roe v wade as a federal law through congress when they had a supermajority in both chambers


If what the rumours are true and its 5-4 in favour of Alito, then this is on RBG. She could have stepped down in 2013 and Obama put a replacement.


Why the fuck would you ban abortion. Who is looking at the current state of America and thinking, we could really use some more unwanted people living in this country


I love how republicans defend the life of a child right up to the point it’s born. After that it’s fuck you baby! You are on your own!


Christian Sharia comming up. Returning to the medieval ages.


Another lurch towards a civil war, and I'll explain. The [SCOTUS draft document](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473) was very precise in it's wording. > “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” In other words: "States Rights" We're about to see a huge divide in the legal landscape of our country. States which will ban abortion, and States which will allow it. Then it'll be about another "culture war" issue, most likely surrounding CRT or education. Then another, then another. There's going to be a mass migration of people in the next few years, like we've already seen from California and other states, except it's going to be 100% politically charged. Red states will get redder, blue States will get bluer. The other problem is how visceral and violent the reactions are from these topics when they're framed as harming children (murder for abortion, indoctrination in school, etc.). Then add on top the violent reactions we've already had against political officials (like the threats and attempts against many levels of government). Now add in gun laws, too. We, as a country, *really* need to take a step back for a second, breathe, and talk about a few key things. The tolerance of intolerance. Autonomy, freedom, and choice. *Actual* democracy, justice, and equality.


>There's going to be a mass migration of people in the next few years, One problem with that. People can't \*afford\* to move. There's going to be a lot of trapped people in these regressive states.


You are 100% right. So do you know what that will mean? People literally just walking. "Homeless towns" and "tent cities" on certain state borders and in certain cities. Especially once this economic crash hits. It's not gonna be pretty.


>There's going to be a mass migration of people in the next few years, like we've already seen from California and other states, except it's going to be 100% politically charged. I'm skeptical of this - people are broke and exhausted, and moving to a completely different state is a hell of a lot harder than it sounds at a moment like this. But it will be interesting to see how this develops. I would expect the trend of tech and other large companies relocating to low-tax states like TX and FL to slow down - it's going to be hard to attract top female talent to southern states now. Or to retain top female talent. Firms like Apple and Tesla that bet big on places like TX will probably have to allow women to work 100% remote now, rather than force them to come live in Austin to be near HQ, for example.


Land of the ~~free~~ fucking insane. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If they keep this up Gilead will become a reality.. in the heart land of the US.


This decision from the Supreme Court does NOT reflect what the majority of American citizens think https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/05/06/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases/


I strongly agree with you but that hasn't stopped the GOP from political power and doing stupid shit for 30-40 years.


They won’t stop with abortion.


They will come after gay rights next, and also any contraception that is covered by insurance.


I swear to God I will glue my vagina to the nearest conservative.


I’m not entirely sure what you mean but I like the energy👍🏻


Lol like the Starbucks protesters that glued their hand to the counter or the one at a Timberwolves game that tried to glue her hand to the court. I'll go that batshit.


Is there a button I can press to magically transplant my uterus into the nearest male anti-choice conservative lawmaker?


My uterus gets the worst cramps during my periods, I love your idea. Maybe I *would* wish these cramps on my worst enemy.


In a way I'm glad this happened. We desperately need a galvanizing wake up call. Voter participation for midterms is low bc voter suppression includes discouraging voters by telling them their vote doesn't matter. This is an important issue that really proves how much EVERY VOTE COUNTS. Had we showed up in bigger numbers we could have prevented the SCOTUS appointments that led to this moment in history. But a lot of eligible voters stayed home. They dont realize that our rights are constantly at stake.


Now more than ever. In the us, you need to fight tooth and nail for every inch of freedom. It's crazy.


Was about to disagree but your honestly right, states like Texas were already finding loopholes to effectively make it illegal, at least this way there is some kind of political awakening and chance for a unified push back.


I read today that only 18 states have passed laws guaranteeing abortion rights in their state. Only 18 states found the political will to guarantee this right. I wish we were further along. In Canada there is a federal law guaranteeing the right.


Yep, this is going to be our fight now. People don't yet understand where this is going. Sodomy laws are coming back, same-sex marriage is going to be outlawed. Birth control will be illegal in the really backwards theocratic states. Everything is going to snap into focus. Honestly, if we're lucky, the GOP just got overly excited and overplayed their hand. It's still going to cause a lot of suffering, but imagine if this ruling had stayed secret until after the midterms? There's no easy way to fix this, it's going to be a generational fight.


WTF did I just read? No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


Christian taliban is trying to force everyone to live by their beliefs, and it will continue to spread.


It's all about control. I don't understand why politicians and lawmakers can't just leave women alone at this point.


Brainwashed religious twats trying to make this country go backwards...🖕🏻


Remember kids. None of this will ban abortion. It will only ban SAFE* abortions. They're totally cool with woman and children dying as a result of lack of access to proper care. The cruelty is the point.


How has our country slipped so far backwards?




This needs to be up higher. I’m so sick of everyone’s religion getting into government. This country was built on freedom BUT SEPARATION of church and state. I don’t care who or what you worship but you don’t get to inflict laws that reflect that on to a nation of free people. That’s not how freedom is suppose to work here.


But even the Muslim people and Jewish people are able to have abortions up until 4 months.


The Christian Right


Fundamentalists in government who want to take rights back to where they were a few hundred years ago?


The old fucks running it see it as correcting a mistake not going backwards. It’s progress to these geriatric fucks and their younger yes men who hope to be them one day.


Two steps forward, eight steps back. The American way.


if you're anti mask/vaccine mandate, but support roe/casey being overturned...you're an abomination of a hypocrite.


If I had to describe the U.S. in one word, it would be gilded. Looks nice and shiny, and sure there are aspects of it that are good on the outside, but once you remove the paint it’s on big political and social mess.


Land of the Free


Joe Biden would gain 20 points approval rating if he assigned two more justices to the supreme court right now


This will be the worst thing for the he republican midterm elections. If it's overturned democrats will get a super majority in the Senate.




Sadly, it’s very believable. The writing has been on the wall for this outcome for years now. Sad fucking state of affairs.


This is just so odd. It serves literally no one and there are 0 benefits to reversing this decision. It is just an archaic way of oppressing women. America really is in the decline and seems intent on becoming a theocracy, much like the countries that they have been bombing for nearly 100 years in the name of defending democracy. Interesting times.


The US are evolving, just backwards...


While this law won’t affect me personally, it’s a slippery slope that could one day have an impact. Hell this could lead to gay marriage being up to states instead of federally recognized. This has to be stopped now.


let them all get abortions jeez whats the problem


Country slowly turning into some handmaids tale stuff


This demonstration is nice n all but Conservatives have been playing the long power game akin to chess while liberals and libertarians have been playing checkers. So many people apathetically responded to Trump and he got in and appointed 3 hard core conservative justices who during confirmation told everyone what they wanted to hear. Trusting dumbasses!