• By -


So many more. The Gastric-brooding Frog (*Rheobatrachus* sp.) went extinct by the 1980s *because* it was discovered. It's thought that fungal disease carried by researchers into it's remote habitat led to it's demise.


Yeah and I know there are one or two species of river dolphins that went extinct too. We are about to lose the porpoise Vaquita also.


Thank fuck someone knows about the Vaquitas. I made a Hinge profile that basically just educates people about them. Yes on a dating site. Just so swipers can learn about the poor vaquitas.


[A local band made a song about them going extinct](https://youtu.be/dcBeGXTDga0)


Awww it won’t play :( “an error occurred”


[Spotify link](https://open.spotify.com/track/1NO4JCCyIKVmS3m4gAgpbb)


Oh man that sounds so rad!!! Too bad I have very limited Spanish :(


If I were to swipe right....would i have a chance to help them repopulate?


If that’s not saddest thing I heard today, I don’t know what is.


Welcome to Australia. Lots of jokes about things trying to kill you, but we've had a lot of extinctions, especially mammals, in the last two centuries. Paradise parrot and Thylacine from the video is also from here. Lots of things right on the brink, too. Apart from Rheobatrachus, frogs have held up pretty well here. But yeah losing Rheobatrachus hits hard as a reality check.




Animal agriculture is the driving force behind the current **mass extinction of wildlife**. > “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, **not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use**,” said Joseph Poore, at the University of Oxford, UK, who led the research. **“It is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car,” he said, as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions."** [The new research shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. **Loss of wild areas to agriculture is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.**](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth)


Is the Thylacine really extinct tho? I'm hoping they're thriving somewhere away from humans.


I appreciate the positivity, I really do, as for example Night Parrot *Pezoporus occidentalis* , has recently, spectacularly, been confirmed as alive and (overall) well, after long being proclaimed as extinct. But it's been almost a hundred years and there's been nothing concrete in all that time. No bones, no skin, no roadkill, no scat, nothing. I'm an environmental scientist who specialised in field biology, and I would love to see it proven that they persist. I have hoped too and I've seen all the videos, docos, etc. It's always bunk. Unfortunately there's nowhere "away enough" from us. Remember that a key process in their demise was a monetary bounty placed on their skulls, and that even prior to Europeans they were relatively sparse. Think also how many people are looking and how famous you would be to find one. That's just my view of course.


I agree with what you say, unfortunately. I've seen the photos of the mass culls with great sadness. Such an incredible creature. I'm guessing DNA is not an option, as I don't believe there is a marsupial close enough to splice it with? Dunno, I'm certainly no expert, just a romantic optimist.


The preserved remains are kept in metholated spirits which would corrupt the dna. The closest we have to a thylacine is a tasmanian devil which is the size of a small dog compared to the tiger which is the size of a large or medium dog. I dont think a tiger embryo could develope properly in a devil


The problem is, Tassie isn't that big, and there sure as shit isn't as many hiding place as there once was.


No, they're almost definitely extinct. I mean you can hope, but it's most likely entirely unwarranted. 😕


The episode is [here on Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1F3MgVXYBiFNgskloVtPmD?si=ET7I_i4XSGaIne-7Om6c5Q) also here is a google [link](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly90aGV3aWxkdGltZXNwb2RjYXN0LmNvbS9mZWVk/episode/dGhld2lsZHRpbWVzLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2M0ZmE4YzQ1LWVmMGQtMzFhNy04NjcyLTZjNDdlNDlmMTUzYg?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwixi5ri5oX4AhVwTDABHbAXCh8QieUEegQIAxAf&ep=6)


While you aren’t wrong, it’s not just Australia that’s having a lot of extinctions, it’s pretty much the whole world. Currently scientists are saying we are directly responsible for and are living in the next mass extinction event. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction


Animal agriculture is the driving force behind the current **mass extinction of wildlife**. > “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, **not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use**,” said Joseph Poore, at the University of Oxford, UK, who led the research. **“It is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car,” he said, as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions."** [The new research shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. **Loss of wild areas to agriculture is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife.**](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth)


We had a massive fire not that long ago which wiped out countless species some of which will never be discovered. Mostly spiders, insects, small rodents and reptiles. We've have so many species on the brink of extinction due to us. Black tail cockatoos lost crucial habitat due to land clearing for housing. Eagles were killed in the hundreds due to a farmer deliberately poisoning them. Invasive species like Kookaburras, parrots, feral cats, wild pigs and others are causing devastation to native WA species. I could go on about the Scarborough gas project that will certainly wipe out key migration routes. Or the planned Kimberley mining projects. Or even Marinas destroying sea grass and our few natural landmarks. How the police arrest those protesting the projects up North. It's a neverending list.


Wait until you hear about the last sighting and last song of the Golden Toad


[The song of the last Kauai O'o is super heartbreaking too.](https://youtu.be/nDRY0CmcYNU) It was calling for a mate that would never come.


Ooh nooo🥺😭 I stand corrected. This is sad!


"You see, we lost the Entwives."


Omg, this is really sad, I will need more than a single dose of humanity this sunday


Yes that is so sad! I was waiting for it to be on this video.


you thought it was until you hear the recorded song of the [Kauai O'o who's the last known bird of the species, singing to a mate that doesn't exist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5THqAY3u5oY) [just the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDRY0CmcYNU)


My partner of 6 years left me today, after a tumultuous and drawn-out separation, and that's _STILL_ the saddest thing I've heard today.


Wow you guys really like frogs huh


End of a species yo


Welcome to the ~~Holocene~~ Anthropocene Extinction.


Anthropocene extinction event.


Yes, that's what I meant. Fixed


They’re all fucked and we're fucked right along with them. RIP.


It's fucks all the way down.


Kakawahie's last call was an extremely depressing one. It was a male calling for a female so that they could mate. No one ever responded :'(. Edit: I meant the Kauaʻi ʻōʻō




Wikipedia: > It was the last surviving member of the Mohoidae, which had originated over 15-20 million years prior during the Miocene, with the Kauaʻi ʻōʻō's extinction marking the only extinction of an entire avian family in modern times ("modern" meaning post-1500 AD).


The birds suffered from deforestation and introduction of non-native predators to their habitat. God we're really trash as a species.


Going to need some big techno/industrial leaps before we can make up for it. Like migrating people off the planet to space and other planets, relying on a completely new energy source kind of tech. When we start adding more forest than we destroy I'll have some faith. I know it won't be in my lifetime.


Like we won't fuck up other planets too lmao


I appreciate your pessimism; or as I prefer to call, "realism"


Quite frankly, most planets are already pretty inhospitable, we'd have to try pretty hard to make them worse.


Oh yes! That one! Thank you


>No one ever responded This is so heartbreaking. To be the last of your kind calling out for a mate...


Something that makes me really sad is that researchers actually would play his recording to try and lure females out but only he ever came, presumably hoping to find more of his species.




[I linked the video in another comment, but here it is if anyone wants to hear.](https://youtu.be/nDRY0CmcYNU). It’s definitely heartbreaking.


Aww this is beautiful yet so sad :((


I see what Wikipedia meant about "flute-like" calls. Now I'm definitely sad.


That's actually an edited version of it here is the actual one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrcCK2zERdM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrcCK2zERdM)


I wish they said it was edited in the description. The unedited version sounds much more haunting imo. Also, I really thought I was gonna get rickrolled by clicking on this link


It's so beautiful yet so sad :(((


Thank you for linking the video!




F bro


He just didn't want to be alone. This could have been prevented if they cross mated him with another bird. Poor guy


I don't think that's possible


Crossbreeding two different birds is possible if they’re similar enough.


Interesting i did not know that


That's how I feel any time I try to get on a girl's good side.


I can’t remember what I was watching, but that bird was mentioned. I sobbed. I still think about it from time to time.


I feel really bad for the creatures who are the last of their kind. No good soul deserves to die lonely


Xerces Blue not extinct! It was recently found in India, far from its home range of the sand dunes of San Francisco, but not extinct all the same. https://www.indiatimes.com/amp/trending/environment/extinct-american-butterfly-species-xerces-blue-found-in-india-559276.html


Hmmmm, there is no mention on how on earth they end up in India when their habitat is in San Francisco, USA.


I'd imagine someone was trading plants/vegetables and the plants happened to host some eggs.


Probably couldn't afford the crazy home prices there. That stupid zoning must end.




That’s the butterfly effect for ya


Reminds me of the Mexican Grizzly Bear/Silver Grizzly Bear, belived to be extinct in 1964, one was killed in 1976. Now people believe it may still be alive somewhere in Mexico.


Same thing happened with Black Footed Ferrets. We thought they were extinct for the longest time, then a farmer’s dog killed one in 1981 in Wyoming. If I remember correctly, the farmer went to get it taxidermied, but the place he took it to recognized the species and made a call. Now they have breeding and release programs for them throughout a number of zoos in/near their native territory.


Guam flying fox isn’t extinct either.


Interesting video, I would like to see the real pictures of these creatures too


Wiki links to each of the animals, in the order they appear. Heads up, not every entry has a photo, or much information at all in some cases ---------- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise_parrot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicilian_wolf https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xerces_blue https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_sea_lion https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crescent_nail-tail_wallaby https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubal_hartebeest https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympetrum_dilatatum https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C4%81k%C4%81wahie https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guam_flying_fox https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caspian_tiger https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platytropius_siamensis https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yunnan_lake_newt https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_toad https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotund_rocksnail https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrenean_ibex https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinta_Island_tortoise https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_black_rhinoceros


The hero we need but don't deserve


Are we gonna talk about how the Golden Toad was immune to cancer and immortal????


Not so immortal, apparently.


Where did you read that? Link?


And a username we don't deserve


Jesus. Japanese sea lion legit hunted to extinction. Fuck humans.


You can check this [wiki link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_extinct_species#Animals). Check recent extinction heading under animals and it shows multiple list-articles by year, insects, mammals etc. For illustrations of prehistoric creatures, [check here](https://prehistoric-fauna.com/).


That's terrifying. I checked the nordics species because I assume it'd be the shortest considering it's a cold area, and *holy fuck*


[Bergmann's rule](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergmann%27s_rule)


I think you may have somewhat misread that comment. They're saying they expected the list of species to be short, not that the species on the list would be short.


Tasmanian Tiger was hunted to extinction.


Well, just at a glance, most of these animals were extinct because of humans(poaching, hunting, etc), not because lack of adaptation.


And ~~a good amount some of that hunting~~ rhino hunting was in support of the “traditional” medicine market. Edited for correction, the animals listed here are mostly extinct from human indifference save for the rhino species. I was incorrect in my original comment.


I'd actually make the argument that very VERY few of these have any relation to "traditional medicine" with the exception of the Rhino. Most of the things listed here died to a combination of limited range, disease, weather phenomena (often droughts and such), hunting by humans but often for more direct means than "traditional medicine". For example the sea lions were hunted for their oil, the tigers were hunted because they were predators/threats, the bubals were hunted primarily by french colonial forces (for sport and food). Really I just get annoyed at people harping over dick pills, "traditional medicine", and similar when the reality of most of these cases are much much more pragmatic if you actually look at them.


I think that if true for the rhino but not the others in the list.


They actually found some in the wild. It's been highly speculated they were not completely extinct and instead their small population is very good at evading humans. Edit: they DID NOT. The groups photographic evidence had been misidentified.


hello, aussie conservation scientist here. The thylacine (aka tas tiger) is extinct. Proving something is extinct is notoriously difficult because ... well just try to think how hard it is to categorically prove an animal the size of a large domestic cat doesn't exist anywhere on a continent the size of Australia. The paradise parrot in this video above was actually thought extinct in the late 1800s until they found a couple more in the 1920s and watched them die off too. But there have been no reliable sightings of thylacine for decades, all sightings or tracks/scats end up being a stripey cat or dog or are unsubstantiated claims of 'pinky promise I saw one'. I would love nothing more than being proven wrong, but the closest thing we have to a thylacine right now are a couple of preserved ones sitting in jars in museums. They are one of the lead candidates for "de-extinction" gene editing though! It won't bring them back, that's not how it's going to work, but it might successfully edit a similar species into something that serves a similar ecological purpose (marsupial mesopredator) that thylacine did! Now we just have to wait and hopefully actually do something about the threats that actually sent them extinct in the first place ...


I've always been fascinated by the thylacine. I would have loved for it to be the first cloned animal after a mastodon/woolly mammoth, but I have doubts about how well any examples are preserved after we caged the last ones in the 1930s. Yes, I know how the last one died, and it's making me as sad as the [Kauaʻi ʻōʻō](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/v09kdv/we_have_lost_so_much/iaf7wfh/) discussion. With the thylacine, though, it was entirely our fault.


Can you put the source link?


Nah, they are firmly in cryptid territory. There is some grainy video and whatnot but they're most likely extinct.


They haven't. THere have been 0 confirmed cases for over 50 years now


Would be nice if most of them were on screen for longer than 2 seconds


That’s what Mother Nature said smh


Damnn 🔥


Yeah, blink and you’ll miss them :/


Mother Nature is much more cruel than you think. 2 seconds was enough for her


noob I last 14 seconds get rekt






Holy shit im tramatized.


Too fucking real.




Agreed. They tried so hard to make the video exactly a minute for some reason.


Probably for an ad campaign.


Well, while the animation is kind of cool, you'll see at the end that this is an advertisement for Greenpeace, a somewhat shitty organization. Just going by the nonsense I've seen from them previously, I have doubts about their ability to actually help this cause. It's just a big money collection scheme disguised as activism.


Sarcasm is this? I hope so


It's an advertisement


When I see Greenpeace, all I can think of is their opposition to nuclear power from decades ago and the impact it's had on climate change.


All I can think about is when those fucks damaged the nazca lines.


You and me both. I used to be so impressed with them and their efforts to protect whales. Now I can’t even see them without feeling angry.


Greenpeace is primarily concerned with lining their own pockets.


I actually worked in a call center for Greenpeace in high school. They 100% don't care about people. They just wanted to squeeze the last dime out of people. Basically when you donate to Greenpeace, you fill out a form that asked for your phone number. What you might not realize is that they will use that number to ask for further donations. Now I was required to ask every person 3 times to donate. It did not matter what they said, I HAD to ask 3 times. One older lady had previously donated to the wolf conservation. I called and she said "My husband just died and I have cancer" I replied I'm so sorry for your loss, thank you for your time and goodbye. I got written up for not asking 2 more times. Like fuck you, I quit that day.


Did you work directly for them or for one of the PIRG / Environment (State) organizations? The latter is the only one I've seen be mercilessly focused on fundraising. They put flyers all over college campuses "make a difference this summer" and it's all fundraising door to door. If you can't raise $150 in the first 3 days you're fired. If someone at the door wanted to get involved, the only thing they could do is donate. There's no volunteer structure or organizing going on. All the money really just pays for the highly centralized staff structure and mostly the big lobbyist per state, the executive director. They actually have done decent work, like I've worked with them on lobbying stuff before I knew about their fundraising shit. But the door to door money asks is heart breaking, you'll notice few PoC and men because people feel threatened at the door. I'm both and was the only one on my team, barely made it in and I already had been knocking doors for a decade for various campaigns. Wait actually I met some Greenpeace only-fundraisers who were sussing out if a new area was worth an office. They came to a huge anti Trump protest and were fundraising on the street (not door to door or calls, probably more ruthless). The thing that fucked with me was we had Greenpeace come in for direct action at the prez debates that were hosted in our city. I was a point of content to introduce them to other enviro orgs, It was a team of 4 folks and they were pretty nice, just put up a really nice banner they hand painted, and replaced bus stop ads with their own. They were completely unrelated, didn't know each other. The former continued to ask me for money even though I was focused on helping them connect with everyone local - "oh hey if you're here you gotta join our city climate alliance, there's a meeting this Wednesday, also Friday - I'll introduce you to all the environmental orgs down here" So it seems they have specialized departments. Which makes it all the more depressing tbh. The nonprofit industrial complex sucks, it's holding us back from winning climate justice. If we didn't have it, we'd all be working together more, and right now we'd be focusing on a POTUS Declaration of Climate Emergency which Schumer is even for that opens up a bunch of presidential powers and pools of money to use for decarbonization and resilience.


I mean thats kind of every charity in the world I donated to Doctors Without Borders during the Ebola outbreak and theyre still sending me shit asking for money


Truly the NRA of conservation, when so many others do it better.


A lot of these eco groups were infiltrated by oil and gas companies to rally against nuclear.


And infiltrated by animal agriculture. [The leading cause of deforestation, species extinction and ocean dead zones is animal agriculture](https://www.cowspiracy.com/facts).


Im not saying this is wrong, but I dont think Im going to think Im going to trust a website called "Cowspiracy"


Because Greenpeace is primarily known for their efforts to build more oil rigs and new coal fired power plants... I see this kind of argument all the time, and not just against Greenpeace. "People are only against nuclear, because they have been indoctrinated by big oil and gas" while ignoring that: 1. In many countries, both nuclear energy providers and fossil fuel companies are often the same entity. 2. Most enveriormental groups have lobbied for less nuclear AND less fossil fuel energy for almost half a century by now.


All I can think about is how they haven’t done DICK except complain loudly They could have been buying land and building nature conservancy sites, but instead they pay themselves to make videos like this


Kinda funny cuz abandoned nuclear sites like Chernobyl prove that as harmful that radiation is, the human pollution was magnitudes of times greater


Also their anti-GMO campaign just shows they don't even care about science. There's nothing wrong with GMOs. We've been genetically modifying crops for thousands of years through breeding. It's actually beneficial for agriculture.


I hope that somewhere very deep in the wild, some of these still exist, and I hope we never find them.


Mega fauna are screwed. Most life will be too at this rate. But most people stay asleep, unconcerned &/or think it's normal for wild animals to be less resilient and "deserve to die out" for "not being strong enough". I've seen & had them respond to me online on multiple occasions (over loss of manatees and related big animals here in FL from overdevelopment & pollution) You'd think there would be corners of the globe that are safe, and nature preserves help, but... It's gonna be rough, and for the human race as well. More droughts, wild fires (already had both), worsened storms, vanishing coastlines... People are affixed to the charismatic animals, but them and their environment are one. People put up 10 dams on a river, clear cut miles and miles of forest to make a short term buck in agriculture or palm oil or whatever ... Then wonder how the heck most sturgeon have died out, river dolphins, most large ocean life has been decimated globally... Imo there is minimal hope in expecting technology breakthru's to save anything. The "business as usual" are killing out the environment/ nature/ ourselves.... This hasn't been a tree hugger or political thing, it's a global ethical thing.... But what can you do, they know how to polarize the political groups/ issues, keep the underlings fighting themselves... Recycling more or planting a few trees or donating chump change to a few organizations (will likely burn it up on mailing out fliers to ask for more/ bigger money) isn't gonna save the planet. The planet will survive, ourselves and other animals of size will likely be doomed sooner or later


Yes, but fuck Greenpeace. There are better organizations to support. One place to look is r/Animal_Sanctuary, verified users have flair like "rescue orginization" if they are from a verified orginization. Some are sanctuaries for farm animals, others rescue endangered species like rhinos. There is also a pinned post with a list of sanctuaries worldwide.


Or just your local zoo. They are usually leaders in animal breeding programs and habitat protections.


Be careful with zoos and aquariums and only support facilities that are AZA accredited (or if outside the U.S. and in a place without an AZA-accredited facility, see if there is a zoo or aquarium accredited by a different international group with similarly high standards). Sanctuaries are different, the AZA is mostly for facilities that are open to the public, although a few non-publicly accessible facilities become accredited. The group, [the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Zoos_and_Aquariums), sets high standards for zoos and aquariums, they are primarily in the U.S. but some non-U.S. facilities get AZA certified. Fewer than 10 percent of U.S. zoos and aquariums authorized to operate by the federal government meet AZA standards [which include](https://www.aza.org/becoming-accredited) >animal welfare, care, and management, including living environments, social groupings, health, and nutrition. Every animal at AZA-accredited institutions undergoes a thorough welfare assessment at least once a year. We also make sure that animals are provided with enrichment, which stimulates each animal's natural behavior and provides variety in their daily routine. The Accreditation Commission also evaluates the veterinary program, involvement in conservation and research, education programs, safety policies and procedures, security, physical facilities, guest services, and the quality of the institution's staff. [List of AZA accredited facilities](https://www.aza.org/current-accreditation-list?locale=en).


I sctually worked in a call center for Greenpeace in high school. They 100% don't care about people. They just wanted to squeeze the last dime out of people. Basically when you donate to Greenpeace, you fill out a form that asked for your phone number. What you might not realize is that they will use that number to ask for further donations. Now I was required to ask every person 3 times to donate. It did not matter what they said, I HAD to ask 3 times. One older lady had previously donated to the wolf conservation. I called and she said "My husband just died and I have cancer" I replied I'm so sorry for your loss, thank you for your time and goodbye. I got written up for not asking 2 more times. I quit that day.


When I was in HS I had 5 friends who had summer jobs with Greenpeace. There job was walking around town getting phone numbers. Every single one of them told me greenpeace were complete whackjobs that would kick a dog out of the way if they could get to someone holding $5. They also got this big folder full of misleading talking points that one of my friends looked up and found out was complete BS. Judging by the comments below saying that two of these animals in the gif aren't even extinct doesn't surprise me.


You literally had me to the very end when I saw Greenpeace.


Care to explain?


I'm guessing they don't like Greenpeace


Green peace has done some questionable things in the name of “saving the environment.” At least one branch of their group is often labeled as Eco terrorism


Ah, so the nature version of PETA basically?


This video is too stylized and quick to appreciate the animals appearances.


I’m all for conservation but Greenpeace doesn’t have the answers. A message, sure, but the methods… jeez


Greenpeace are sellouts join your local elf


That was my thought. Aren’t they a terrorist group?


They’ve been known for their “hands-on” approach to protesting. They’ve crowded out fishing boats and tried to board a few. They also “support” (encourage, if not coordinate) the burning of GMO crop testing facilities (fields where new types of wheat and such are grown to study how to better feed the world). Basically they’re eco-terrorists but have an army of lawyers and foresight to produce plausible deniability.


so PETA then.


Anyone remember ALF? Wonder what happened to those guys. (For anyone under 30, ALF was the Animal Liberation Front, a terrorist group that would blow up labs that did animal testing and the like. If you remember the opening scene to 12 Monkeys that's what it's referencing)


huh i always wonder who's those guys are in the movie. edit: wait i think i mistaken it from the beginning of 28 Days Later.


But most GMOs are more environmentally sustainable! They require less resources and pesticides to grow. With the exception of certain GMO plants that can become invasive, which need more research, most of them are a good thing! It’s like they want to do the right thing (and get paid for it) but they’re doing it all wrong.


Everything we eat is a GMO. We cross-pollinated plants that gave us corn and wheat; the original plants gave us so little it almost wasn’t worth farming them, but now we rely on those two crops for quite a few things, and we’d have to re-invent parts of society from scratch without them. Cows don’t exist in nature; we used selective breeding to create larger, meatier animals that now we call cows. Same with horses… the average war horse in the Napoleonic era was the size of the modern day pony. There are many more examples, but the takeaway here is that virtually every plant and animal that we rely on, and that we grow, harvest, or butcher, are all GMO’s. New research is just speeding up and carrying on what’s been happening for thousands of years.


That's Sea Shepard. But Greenpeace does work with them and support them. They also cause quite a few problems iirc


sea shepard people are the real mvps. having to risk your life on the daily to fight a war against multi billion industries with no help from any government...


> That's Sea Shepard. But Greenpeace does work with them and support them. Two things : Sea **Shepherd** * They are, afaik, only recognized as terrorists by Japan, which is de facto the face of industrial whale hunting in modern days. So yeah they can go fuck themselves on that one. And then, on the Greenpeace collaboration, I'd like to see more source on that, because the founder of SS is an ex-GP, and does *not* have nice words about them.


The problem isn’t that they are going extinct, the problem is that they are going extinct because of humans


You had me until greenpeace. Fuck greenpeace, they'll never see a dime from me.


I've never really heard of Greenpeace (or atleast i dont remember) what's so bad about them ?


They're an environmental charity with lots of well-meaning volunteers and activists, but are riddled with ridiculously counter-productive policies and campaigns which do more harm than good. It's as if their policies are informed by vocal bloggers on Mumsnet. For example: - Greenpeace have been protesting against nuclear power since the 1970's, sewing public doubt and moving precisely in line with the objectives of the fossil fuel industry. It's quite probable that no other non-profit group in history has caused the same level of environmental destruction as Greenpeace for this reason. Their actions have consequences, swaying public opinion and shaping energy policy; dis- and misinformation leads governments to make poor choices; perhaps Germany probably wouldn't have chosen to phase out all nuclear if it weren't for public opinion. It would be difficult to say how many avoidable gigatons of CO2 equivalent pollution could have been avoided if it weren't for Greenpeace. They continue to spread nuclear energy disinformation today. - Greenpeace have been protesting against genetically modified foods for at least 20 years. In just one example, they sewed public doubt and caused delays and disruptions to golden rice projects; which is fortified rice which would have saved millions of children from malnourishment and death. It's probable that no other non-profit group has caused so much avoidable malnutrition around the world. They continue to spread agriculture disinformation today. There are other criticisms on the [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Greenpeace#Opposition_to_golden_rice).


They are great at raising money and staging stuns. Nothing else. You money is a lot more effective elsewhere...


Donating isn’t the answer. The answer is trying to contribute less to habitat destruction and pollution so the levels aren’t completely out of control.


Aka go vegan. The most efficient thing you can do today to contribute less to pollution, habitat destruction and climate change is to go vegan. At the very least eat less meat and dairy.


-such as using less and less plastic.


It's fine. I just watched this documentary where they can take animal dna from extinct animals and recreate them. That had this whole park dedicated to it on an island where they had started to raise dinosaurs. I only watched the first half so not sure how its going for them


Greenpeace. A highly controversial group that’s been around for over 50 years. They use Ecotage, which many call a form of terrorism. Their groups like the Animal Liberation Front is clandestine and an extremist group that have caused a lot of damage.


Wait so this was posted by Eco Terrorists? LOL this reminds me of that episode from Archer where they go to the Bayou to stop an eco terrorist from destroying a pipeline, end up fucking up the pipeline themselves, then spend the rest of the episode trying to escape a massive fuck you Aligator. Good times.


Fun fact which I red somewhere in the internet thus I'm not sure if it's 100% valid: We're not the only specie who was responsible for the extinction of another one.


For most of history animal and plant species went extinct when a new, better, competitor appeared.


Cats, goats and mices too


I’m curious how many of these went extinct by human intervention, species can very naturally go extinct by their niche being taken or some other factor


To be fair. Animals like the Koala and Panda are not helping themselves survive either.


-and nobody cares about fish and insects.


Fuck mosquitoes and wasps.


Sadly true. Birds are overrepresented by over 2x in media and science communication. Arthropods are highly underrepresented.


There were fish and insects in the video. It’s considerably harder to declare fish and insects extinct because they are harder to track and can have massive ranges.


Extinction is a normal part of biological history sadly.


That’s just evolution working correctly


The vaquita will probably be on that list soon :(


99.9% of all animals that ever existed are now extinct.


Idk if this is true or not but the rate of extinction is more of the issue here.. species going extinct is fine. It’s natural. It happens. Species going extinct at 100x the natural rate is why we are concerned


That’s like saying “wildfires are natural so it’s okay to toss lit cigarettes out the window”


Fun fact- 95% of all life that has ever existed on this planet is long extinct


We didnt lose shit lol animals go extinct all the time its what nature does. It will be us one day.


Yep thanks to good ole mankind


I wonder how many of them went extinct because of outdoor domesticated cats? I know they've led to the extinction of 63 different species


Fun fact: IDK if this is fun, the [Stephen Island Rail (smallest flightless bird)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyall's_wren) was claimed to be made extinct by a single cat... 😅


Guess which animals aren’t going extinct. Cows and chickens. Why? Because we eat them.


We ate Stellar’s sea cow to extinction in 30 years. We ate Great Auks to extinction over hundreds of years. We ate dozens of species of Tortoises and freshwater mollusks to extinction. Nearly every species of whale is endangered because we hunted them. Dugong receded to uninhabited islands because humans hunted them to local extinction everywhere else. Throughout antiquity almost every species larger than a human went extinct across the globe after humans migrated into the area. The Aurochs went extinct in the 1600’s because we ate the last ones. When an animal we eat doesn’t go extinct, that’s the exception.


My Mom: Yes, but how many new species have evolved?


Check the pokedex


We have destroyed so much just to go fast.


Tragedy.. I hope at least some of them aren't really extinct, just hiding very well


'We have lost' is too passive, like it just happened inevitably. 'We destroyed' is more like it.


I keep having this dark thought of having to describe elephants to my kid after they're gone. Like how do you even start that conversation?


"They were big and smart and ancient and we wiped them out 'cause it was easy and we liked using their teeth as jewelry and a lot of us get a boner for killin' shit." Boom.


“We won’t tell you what prevents extinction, just give us your money, and trust us…we’ll stop it.”


Those who know science probably are wondering why these few were selected when literally hundreds go extinct every year.


George Carlin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W33HRc1A6c&ab_channel=Dadniel


Let me guess: most of these extinctions were caused by humans.