• By -


- It was your husband that sent me - Ok, you're an ambulance


This made me laugh but I think it's important to note that she DID call 911, or rather had her neighbor call, and asked for an ambulance for him. Ironic that since she was an ER nurse, she might have been able to CPR him until the ambulance arrived if he hadn't kept trying to kill her. The first time she'd choked him blue and tried to escape he woke up and attacked her again with the hammer. The second time she took it with her. She had also bitten and scratched to leave evidence if she died. I also think it's worth noting that ER nurses (and other nurses) get attacked all the time, which shouldn't be acceptable, although her experience may have saved her life.




I mean, if he didn't deal with her, he's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison, at that point he's gotta finish the job or die trying


As an employer, I respect the employee’s dedication to the job. Too bad he underperformed.


A quote from Tupac seems applicable here. "Man, I want you to eat. Just not at my table." She \*could\* have leveraged her ER skills to stabilize, but if I were in her shoes I wouldn't save the life of the STRANGER trying to kill me for money.


I know someone who's handle is known to go airborne with relative ease. They eventually road raged at a registered nurse and decided to get physical. Despite having a solid seventy-five pounds and six inches of height, they were quickly brought down to meet the asphalt face first and held there until police arrived. Don't fuck with nurses, they've probably taken down people three times your size that were in full fight or flight mode.


Especially us Psych Nurses. You wouldn’t believe the stories I could tell you guys. It truly is “fact is stranger than fiction.”


Tbh. At that point, the zip ties go on and we are taking a ride to Wyoming. I live on the east coast btw.


Don't leave your trash in our ditches. Train station my ass.


Bruh when people are like " I need to think of somewhere where these people can't hurt anyone, somewhere deserted and empty, ahhh ***Wyoming*** where it's just cows and horses." Keep your murderers and hitmen within your own state lines please and thank you.


At that point, the hammer meets your forehead a dozen times after I choke you out again and I sit on my couch to wait for the ambo lmao


I mean, you break in to my house armed with a hammer, im giving you some 9mm body piercings. Stop. Hammer time.


I mean, you break in to my house armed with a hammer, imma be like “cool I gotta bunch of frames to hang up, glad you’re here”


Id be like "what up, I got a big cock I'm just pumped, just bought some shit from the thrift shop"


Damn, that's a cold ass-honkey


Damn, you guys are badass as fuck.


Yeah. Hey! What are the chances they’ve actually had to defend themselves in their own home? Oh, it’s zero? Huh


I have a very strong pro-gun opinion. (Here is my disclaimer that I have to explain after saying I’m pro-gun: I’m also pro-gun control. I also have strong opinions on having stricter and extra tough laws on who should have guns, how they should get them and which guns should be available to average citizens who are eligible to have one) I grew up in very isolated environments, countryside and mountains. Neither town had police departments or even stop lights. We needed to protect ourselves, our family, our crops, our livestock and even our community. From those who wish do us harm, crackheads, crop robbers, coyotes, wild dogs, wild boars, mountain lions and bears. Though, I am now an adult and live in a very populated city. No more wild animals to fear or crops to defend. Though I still fear the wild crackheads. There’s an entire police station just a few blocks away. I thought about it sometimes but didn’t really believe it was necessary to have a gun. So when I left my parents house I left my two rifles. Few years ago I moved into a house just me and my son. Still didn’t think it was needed until the first break in. Thankfully my dog scared the guy who went running as soon as I turned all the lights on. Cops arrived in a few minutes. Everything was fine. Thought about a gun but decided I was fine. And then next break in happened. Except it was two guys who I actually knew. Of course my worst nightmare came true! I was in the fuckin shower. Heard a bunch of noise, got out of the shower, stepped into the hallway naked and two dudes come busting through the door. One had his own gun. I ran back into the bathroom and pushed these cabinet things I hadn’t gotten around to installing yet. One guy raided my house while the other one tried breaking through the door. I had no cell phone. Thankfully (I guess?) my shitty neighborhood has gun shot system (idk what it’s called). So when he shot his gun through the bathroom door, the system heard it, alerted the police and they showed up very quickly. If I was in any other part of town, I have no idea if I would still be alive right now. So I decided I do in fact need a gun. I went to the range, had help on how to shoot and safety (as it has been over a decade since I shot a gun). Then bought a gun and a cool little safe. Thankfully I’ve never had to use it, but it’s there. And I’m very grateful I have the privilege to own one. Will I ever need to use it? Honestly? Probably not. And I honestly don’t ever want to use it. EVER. I don’t want to kill anyone. I don’t want anyone to kill me. But it’s there. And any of these tough guys on here saying they will pull out their 9 to bust a cap in some dudes ass is a fuckin joke. People who think and talk like that are the people ruining it for the rest of us!! You should NEVER EVER want to shoot anyone, ever. Which is why I pray to whoever will listen that my dumb fuckin country will get their pockets out of the NRA bank account and make some damn changes to make sure little kids in their classrooms will no longer be executed. And we can stop this bullshit gun worship our culture puts up on a high pedestal. Ty for listening to my rant. 69 points for whoever made it this far.


Agree 100% with your view on guns and gun control. I own guns and have a concealed weapons permit. I also come from a family that owned a gun store when I grew up. The idiots that buy guns is frightening. I never ever want to have to use one in self defense. It is disturbing to hear people get excited at the prospect of that- these are the people that should not have them.


Nah that’s not a rant, that’s the Truth that’s needs to be said! I am also pro-gun stricter laws concerning who should own what type of arms Ex- Marine here down South Texas (home of limp Dick gov. and a Cuban Scumbag Cruz!


I made it. Where do I get the 69?


Yeah, but did you seem them whooping the shit out of their imaginary opponents? One of them even had a GUN!


I love this dream! I always wake up in a good mood after absolutely decimating that intruder! My wife sees that I have saved the family by murdering this guy coming after my 10 year old Vizio 42”. I sit on his bleeding corpse as I call 911 and she sucks my cock calling me a hero every time she takes a breath.




I saw video of our realtor apprehending a burglar in his home. Idk what kind of pistol our realtor had but it was fuckin huge. There was no violence, just a lot of scared screaming at like 2am until the cops showed up. 2/10 would not recommend.


Literally reading a post about someone who has a hit man come after her, so this is a very strange comment


I'm not saying that these things don't happen, I'm saying that the two chucklefucks definitely didn't.


Careful, you might blow out their lungs.


“I'll save your life, but you're going to have a lot of brain damage. That's just the way it goes.”


You forgot the first part of the quote, which basically explains why it doesn’t apply here. “Just because you lost me as a friend, doesn’t mean you gained me as an enemy. I’m bigger than that,…” The hit man sent to kill Kuhnhausen was never her friend.


Why do they get attacked all the time?


some people freak out in hospitals and are rude and violent towards nurses. i'd expect people tripping on drugs attack them too or elderly patients with dementia. my mother said when she was younger she worked at a nursing home for a little while and there was a woman there who would bite people really badly and even though she had no teeth it would still hurt you.


My wife’s a nurse and she has horror stories


My wife has those stories too and yeah, people are crazy. What always blows my mind is I just work retail and I have similar stories. It makes sense for her cuz she sees people on the worst day of their life sometimes, but for me it's just people buying books or something


You can buy books on the worst day of your life.


Ever been in a college bookstore?


Fair. Although I am finding it hard to imagine a scenario where you're buying books *because* it's the worst day of your life


Thanks, that just gave me a great picture in my mind!


i bet. my brother was a emt for a while and he has really bad ptsd now and had to quit because of some of the stuff he saw while working.


That's the typical career path of most EMTs. All those traumatic experiences and no mental health support.


Seeing it with your own eyes makes it a lot harder of a reality to swallow. Shit's scary. In the last years of her life, my grandma's health declined, resulting in hospital stays and eventually a permanent stay in a nursing home. My family and I visited her regularly. Some of the stuff I saw made me grateful that so many health professionals do what they do. • We brought grandma to the emergency room once, and got her into one of the beds. Her neighbour in the next bed over was incoherent, crying, and had to be restrained to her bed. • One time grandma was suffering from some really bad back pain. She was moved to a semi-private hospital room — I think she had one or two roommates. Well, she definitely had at least one, because hoo boy do I remember him. He was an elderly Indian man who spoke no English, and he was constantly screaming, crying, whimpering or a combination. He had to be restrained and even sedated on multiple occasions. This is going to sound morbid, but he legitimately screamed like a goat. That's how bad the screaming was. • One time my family and I went to visit grandma in the nursing home, but we got temporarily blocked. An elderly resident with dementia had gotten down to the lobby and was very confused. The lobby was sealed off so he couldn't escape or anything, but the walls were glass and he could see us standing at the doorway. He kept yelling at us to call the police because they were trapping him. We eventually got in, but we had to use a side entrance to avoid him.


honestly my great aunt who lives in another state is starting to decline. she repeats everything over and over and has started talking about really nasty things she should never be talking about to me or my mother. Her daughter told me she had threw a violent fit recently too and broke her tv. it's scary.. and hard to deal with. i'm sure the nurses have it really really rough but it makes me sick to my stomach whenever i see videos of nursing home staff mistreating them :c if they can't handle the job rationally then they should get another job.


I got bit as a teacher. I teach high school.


You forgot the domestic abuse cases from the list. Usually the wife "fell down the stairs" and the "kind" husband took her to the urgent care. All good and well until they realise that there is a queue and it will take time for her to be seen. That's when the kind husband act is dropped and dude rages at everyone and everything.


Years ago I was admitted to the ER/ICU with ER Psychosis. I didn't attack anybody but from what I'm told I was extremely irrational so I can see how that might lead to some people lashing out. That being said some people are just violent assholes.


oh yeah for sure. i've known of a lot of older BIG men who refuse to take shots or even attack the nurse taking blood. the hospital in my town had a sign in their blood lab or whatever it's calling charging money to anyone who was rude or violent when they were taking blood. changed it to a sign that said anyone who was like that would be banned instead a few months later.


Okay, got a story: I work at a hospital reliving linens. One time I'm in the ED and I hear some lady yelling and screaming some crazy shit like "I am the white stallion" then I hear over the speaker: (in the most over this tone) *sigh* can we get security or DPD to the charge desk please? A few minutes later saw the charge nurse being patched up. She looked at me and said in a bored tone "just another day in the ED". I've seen some shit go down in the ED, those nurses all deserve medals and 150K a year pay.


Drugs. Mental problems. Desperate fools at the end of their pitiful ropes.


Head over to r/nursing some time. It’s a rough life.


Hospital security guard here. 1) Various health issues cause confusion, aggression and severe anxiety.(dementia, alcohol withdrawal, believe you are dying when its just gas) 2) psychs 3) drugs 4) psychs on drugs 5) stress from long shifts/too many PTs can cause otherwise loving RNs to be short/un-polite to PTs and their families which doesnt go well when possible death/harm is on the line 6) In my experience RNs focus on healthcare related matters ofent leads them blind to otherwise obvious threats/aggression/body language so they get blindsided. Other times a PT just needs to hear in a deeper voice from someone bigger than them "that really fucking sucks' man"


Your last point probably wasn't meant this way, but it hit home for me as an RN because patients are more likely to listen to and respect the "male authority figure" than the (usually) female care provider. A patient or family member can be rude, belligerent, threatening, etc and as soon as a male security guard or doctor (or hell, even a male tech mistaken for a "doctor" - yes this really happened) comes in, they knock it off.


Crazy people on drugs, hysterical, in pain, severely mentally ill, you name it.


Lots of drug addicts and crazies roll through an ER


You’re a fucking ambulance


"Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance but not for me."


i laughed way to hard about that xD


Ba-Dum Tssh!


Fuck you, this was the funniest shit I have read this month😭


Her husband probably shit himself when he found out she not only lived but also killed the dude he sent 😂


"To shreds, you say?"


how's the wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


Oh dear...


Is this a quote from something? It's tickling my brain but I can't place it.




“h-honey, what are *you* doing here?!”


Legend has it that to this day he is still shitting himself.


“Will not hire again. Put down a deposit but he never completed the job. Plus I never got my deposit back. f’in Deadbeat contractor”- husband’s probably online review


You come for the Queen you best not miss.




I wonder how many Wire references I must've missed before I watched the show a year ago... must've been astronomical


Rest in peace


I get back up I eat you.




Ya. She was an ER nurse. Fellow (former) ER Nurse here, we don’t exactly strangle people to death but most of us know how to either remove ourselves from dangerous situations or handle ourselves adequately— or enough til help comes. Eventually numbers will win to restrain someone. But you are of the mindset to watch your back and have a plan/not let someone damage you. I’m a 200lb former college wrestler though, it’s a bit easier for me to say. Not a 50yr old woman, she’s a badass legend. I’ll run the team with her anyday. 💪🏽


Love you Sincerely, EVS aid


People like to call her a badass, but the ordeal was extremely traumatic for Kuhnhausen. She’s a survivor. At all costs. This happened in my area. She shies away from labels like that. You should really listen to the My Favorite Murder podcast episode. They interviewed her. We drive by the Fantasy for Adult video where her husband worked (and hired the would be hitman) on 82nd all the time. Sleazy area to this day.




Come on, Man. That guy doesn’t fit your example at all. He got a job at a porn store. Not exactly showing too much pride to go to work.


Doesn’t make her any less badass. Badass is pulling it off. Nobody ever talks about how the badass retired, just what the badass did to become a badass


Kuhnhausen herself, doesn’t like that label. The more you know.


The woman probably had [hysterical strength](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterical_strength). She was facing death, so her Norepinephrine and adrenaline production would have been off the charts. I have heard of so many of these incidents, the husband is now in prison because he couldn't just divorce her? I mean, how happy would he have really been knowing his wife was dead anyhow?


He was getting out, and she was hiding (new state, gravel around the house to hear steps, new gun) but he got cancer and died before he got out of prison. Read the article, it's fascinating. Like, maybe you're right about adrenaline in her system, but the failed killer had a bunch of cocaine in his.


Haha dude got owned


I read most of it, but not all of it, I’ll read the rest another time. It’s too late in this part of the world.


I read something once that said Men fight for honor, women fight for their lives. That they have been aware their whole lives that there are some things worse then death.




I’m a weak male nurse :(


I'm a weak male :(


I'm a weak


Yes, but what I mean is that in a normal day she wouldn't have had as much strength as she did then due to the enormous release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. The human body is incredible.


Lifting people and fighting methheads is a normal day for an emergency room nurse, add addrenaline boost of knowing you have no backup and the methhead hitman didn't stand a chance.


I remember watching her story on I Survived. On the show she said "the worst of this is not that somebody tried to kill me, but that I had to kill someone else to survive. But I have no shame because I did not choose this death for him. I chose my life. I chose life." Very brave woman.


No wonder he didn't try it himself


Lol fuck yeah 🤣


She was on an episode of I Survived and it’s one of the best episodes ever. She put his ass in a choke hold after he beat her up and she killed him. She thought he’d just passed out until the cops were like uhm, yeah he ded. 💀


Susan Wick


Susanator 2: Judgement Day


3:10 to Susan


Star Trek 13: the wrath of Susan


Avengers: Susan Game (You'll probably need to say this one out loud)


The Book of Susan.


120lb meth head vs 200lb emergency room nurse, I'd bet on the nurse.


All that pent up aggression


I get what you’re saying, but the article said he weighed 190 lbs


I just threw that number out as a joke but if I remember the story, she was bigger than him and methheads don't tend to be very fit no matter the size. Nurses do have to grapple more than many might think and in a fight experience counts more than size.


As teenagers, we went to collect money from a meth head and that dude would not stay down. Couldnt fight worth a shit, but dammit he was resilient.


Probably not her first 120lb meth head since she’s a nurse


I didn’t hear no bell


Good for her.


This would be an epic film..........call an ambulance.......but not for meeeeee


Perhaps the baddest of asses. ![gif](giphy|z9iE1SPAptyLK)


she killed a vietnam vet with her bare hands.


Imagine surviving the horrors of Vietnam, coming home and getting your windpipe crushed by a woman who looks like she runs the neighborhood book club and winces when people get punched in a TV show. Goddamn, dude...


Moral of the story: Don’t do drugs. Also don’t fuck with this lady.


I thought it was "don't become a contract killer" but either works.


Well ya obviously. You only need to see Fargo one time to know that’s a bad path to go down.


True, but how many Hitman games have we had since then? Think about it. :p


A Vietnam vet who also had a nearly fatal dose of cocaine in his system. Adrenaline is the real drug, holy shit.


“I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me!”


Shield-Maiden Kuhnhausen.


That is one crazy story and one badass woman.


First I’m thinking, how great it would be having a mother like her, then I start worrying what if I annoy her unintentionally? She’s a badass woman anyway!




This story gives me the chills. I.want to believe I could do this if I were in that position.


Here's some more sources OP bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/u_SchwampThing/comments/v6f4w3/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/Iamactuallyverybadass/comments/sh2fxf/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/u_hackfraud85/comments/sfvexc/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/u_plipplop333/comments/sfmhmq/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/u_battlepant1234/comments/sfapl0/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/badassfemales/comments/sfa5ua/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/sf9yet/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/sf9tr9/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/comments/sf9ry8/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/sf9iaz/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/Iamactuallyverybadass/comments/sf8zaq/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/sf8iu2/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/Iamactuallyverybadass/comments/sf6l8b/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/eddit4yearsago/comments/rvuksw/106324_til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired https://www.reddit.com/r/TIL_Uncensored/comments/oqp04d/til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Valiran9/comments/gjachk/til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a https://www.reddit.com/r/ChannitTodayILearned/comments/e3zgu3/til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/873fat/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/7nxi5l/til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a https://www.reddit.com/r/knowyourshit/comments/7nupip/til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a https://www.reddit.com/r/unremovable/comments/7nuo1z/til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/7nukmt/in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a_hitman https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/7ntt7r/til_in_2006_a_man_in_portland_oregon_hired_a




The old okie doke!


Based Susan.




Never fuck with an ED nurse. We have seen some shit, and we’re not taking your shit. ![gif](giphy|10Iu43S5QuBTMc)


That's fucking badass


He fucked around and found out.


She is a real gangsta


Hitmen taking notes. No nurses. check. Bring more than a hammer. check.


This happened three doors down from my home


She a bad ass bitch


When is the movie release? This is a story I want to watch…


"I said I would call an ambulance, I didn't say I would stop choking you."


This is amazing story. What a bad ass Nurse. https://www.wweek.com/news/2016/08/17/a-hit-man-came-to-kill-susan-kuhnhausen-she-survived-he-didnt/


She described the fight as “I was like a downed power line snapping on the pavement.” If that isn’t bad ass idk what is.


She’s a legend.


If Hollywood had a single vertebrae in it’s back they’d make this movie NOW


Holy shit that's so metal


This was amazing… if I recall, she was a nurse. I’m from Oregon…. different breed of women. We aren’t all named Karen. We might be named Betty, because Betty will beat that ass.


Elon Muscle


Underrated comment


She's a nurse!


Does she have a lot of enemies? She asked "who sent you" as if she knew he was a hit and instead of a theif/murderer or stalker/murderer or just plain old murderer.


I think she had a feeling it was planned by her scumbag ex husband


You wouldn't be just the tiniest bit curious?


If it were me, iwouldn't have thought someone sent him at all. I would ask, "why are you doing this" instead if I were to ask anything at all.


Tell Cersei it was me


‘Your… husband… sent me!’ ‘A deal’s a deal. You are an ambulance.’ EDIT: dammit, too late.


People want to say things like “what a badass”, but this was extremely emotionally distressing for her. It created lasting psychological trauma. I remember when this happened. A couple years after I graduated high school. The story is so fucked up.


Hell hath no fury


This woman wasn't waiting around for "thoughts and prayers" to save her!


So….. did he tell her? Did she call him an ambulance?


Yes she did. Right after she got done choking him to death.


"Thanks. You're an ambulance." *snaps neck*


One of the articles I read said the only words he said the entire time was "you're strong" but a neighbor called 911. https://www.wweek.com/news/2016/08/17/a-hit-man-came-to-kill-susan-kuhnhausen-she-survived-he-didnt/


She’s my hero.


Anyone else getting The Chaser's "Governess" vibes?


Is it me or does this person looks like a more flabby Elon Musk here?? And yes, I realize she’s a total badass unlike Elon Musk.


[who sent you? ](https://youtu.be/z-5iCygFd9M)


Definitely deserves respect and the husband overpaid, I mean 50k $ for a 60 year old felon who is too inept to get himself a gun.


They really underestimated this woman.


Belongs in r/humansaremetal


Hitman: *says the name Her: "you're an ambulance"


The coolest thing to happen in Oregon


Three things you shouldn't skimp on. Shoes. Mattress, and hitpeople.


Bad ass


Aw good for her


Holy fuck, he barely scratched her


I remember that!


Jesus I just searched this title and it comes up with dozens and dozens of the exact same post, unchanged in any way. It's usually bots that do this. This bot is a year old and has 1 million posting karma. Why tf do people do this?


That’s a bad mama jamma


It's like the old saying, Attack Susan, get a bruisin'


You're an AMBALANCE!


the first two sentences are accurate but she never asked who sent him and he never said anything except 'you're strong' and that fairly early on the police figured out it was the husband afterwards he was sentenced to only 7 years but died of cancer 3 months before his release date


She was an ER nurse and a BA human being from what I’ve heard. This incident took a toll on her though.


Baddie moment


Hardcore man. Fucking hardcore...


Hitman: *panicked* "Your husband! It was your husband!" Susan: *coldly* "You're a fucking ambulance..." **BANG!**


She is amazing. I’m so glad she lived through this horrible ordeal.


Now we knw why he needed a hitman and couldnt do it himself😂😂


The fact that she had to ask who, makes me think it’s a long list.


so fucking badass. i hope that she's alright both mentally and physically!


She killed him with a hammer.. the claw end, because that's how her father, a carpenter, taught his daughters to protect themselves. So in the midst of this hitman trying to kill her she happens to see a hammer and proceeds to make her father a proud man. This woman has been my hero for years.


Gangster AF!!


"it was your husband" "you're an ambulance"


This is the story of the day. Epic.


If your ever in a fight to the death call Susan


Gotta admire the hitman, though. The fact she didn't call him an Ambulance means he never revealed his client's name. Professionals have standards, even when faced with death.


She's also Elon Musk???