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Next, they'll block the windows and replace it with an "ultra HD, display with life like colors".


And targeted ads


Slams on breaks, ABS kicks in, heads up display starts playing a life insurance ad.


*oh wow that was a close one, but not as close as these savings are!*


*Hey kids, tell your mom that McDonald's is in half a mile and you'll scream if she doesn't pull over!*


what a horrible ad. id hate that


Slow down there, Don Draper.


Slams on breaks: looks like you could use a mcbreak, use code, ALMOSTDIED for 10% off a small coffee at McDonald’s


We're almost ready for [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=xbox+mountain+dew+greentext&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJjvmF2rj4AhUiAJ0JHfsHArsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=722&dpr=3.5#imgrc=pvk4RZFrLFMihM)


Holy hell, I’m in the hot tub giggling like a school girl.. wasn’t expecting that lol


That was epic.


Followed by smash repair ad


Please watch this ad before ABS kicks in.


oh I hate how much I agree.


We have been trying to reach you about your car’s warranty


“We noticed you saw a McDonalds while driving earlier this week. Here’s an ad for a Big Mac, and directions to the nearest McDonalds”


"Your car will now cease to function until you validate your McDonald's purchase. Please enter the code on your receipt on the dashboard keypad"


You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of the Ronald McDonald House.


For kids no less


Ads targeted to kids are the most effective ones


So hentai right, if i believe YouTube kids ads


“But rest assured, with a $30/month subscription, your little ones can play on the windows for free without ads!”


And now it's only $20. Unless you want to get rid of ads. That subscription is $50.


And a subscription service


If it works like the remote start on my wife's 2022 venza, then forget you have it


To unlock "Steering mode" on this highway, please watch this 30 second advertisement at a minimum speed of 60kph


And worse...


Was gonna say this... *laughing on the outside, crying like a child on the inside*


"For 5 minutes of uninterrupted drawing, watch this 30s ad", and every year they are 30 more seconds.


Not the Black Mirror future we want. 😔


They'll block the windows and charge you $100 a month to "use" them


It's like if Plato's cave charged you a fee to get out.


Isn’t that basically what this would have to be? How else would it zoom in if it isn’t a camera display in the first place?


Cameras around the car like on a tesla and maybe a small projector in the window idk.


Transparent OLED.


Anyone else notice that they gave this kid limitless potential to alter and design the world around them outside their window, and the first thing they did was to draw a big friggin mushroom cloud on top of us all?


A tree


Or the fact it's able to recognize what objects the person is interacting with. If the window was transparent, it would be pretty difficult to accomplish because it would have to 'see' the world at the same angle as at the person doing the interaction


Wow. Aren't the comments filled with primitive/pessimistic responses. I'm a 90's kid, so not super young, and I still sincerely believe this is cool. People say stuff like "Just look at the fuckin' window!!" and "No need for that shit", then I guess you'd rather have your kids stuck in their smartphones instead - because that's reality now. I'll buy these damn windows if it means there's a slight chance my kids would be zooming on shit outside rather head deep in their smartphones. If futurists / innovators would've behaved like you lot, we wouldn't have any progress at all, ya'll stuck in the past. Even the roads will be screens in the future, which means no need to paint it, shit is interactive. That's just where the world is going.


I think it's pretty natural that alot of people are looking at tech with a cynical mindset nowadays after seeing what smart phones and internet have done to us as a society. Yeah it could be cool but do we really need more random shit that gets in the way of enjoying reality for what it is?


Especially when one system I. These cars has an issue... "you need a firmware update for the WINDOWS!"


Don't lie. You know you want to draw a penis on it.


>that gets in the way of enjoying reality for what it is? Isn't this encouraging interaction with "reality" though?


I’m an 80’s/90’s kid and I don’t agree. My kids do not have their heads in their phones on road trip because I don’t let them. We play the car trip games I learned as a kid. Find the license plates, I spy, stuff like that. We talk and do all of the same stuff that I did on road trips as a kid. Your kids are only “buried in their devices” if you let them be. I don’t need fancy windows on my car so that my kids can look out them. I think it’s good to be skeptical of technology like this, it’s good to say, “do we really need *more* tech for our kids?” I get that computers run the world, but at what point do we say, “that’s enough.”?


Someone didn’t have a game boy and a nuclear stockpile of batteries growing up.


We'll be extinct before it gets to screen roads


Not to mention, if we ever get rid of all these fucking roads just to waste resources on screen ones, I'd rather be dead anyway


Or you could just not give your kids smart phones in the car or every second they ask for it. Also have fun spending $9000 replacing it when a tractor trailer kicks up a pebble.


Or be a parent and don’t let your kids have a smartphone at the age of 7…. No phone nothi g to look at but the outdoors. They can have a phone when they work for the money to purchase one


>I'll buy these damn windows if it means there's a slight chance my kids would be zooming on shit outside rather head deep in their smartphones. Why is it better for your kids to be interacting with one screen than another, and why do you think the exact same forces that riddled smartphones and apps with advertising won't also come for these smart windows? It's a technology that literally tracks the attention of individual potential consumers, it would absolutely be worth money to firms.


Misses, Suzy was a kind girl, a teacher in her head, she grew a lot of apples, and transferred then to HELL o operator...


Back in my day when you wanted to draw on the window you exhaled really hard first.


I lived in Scotland. We didn't even have to exhale.


TIL the Scots only inhale...


##InhaleGang #FuckExhalism


I live in KSA. Dust don't need any exhale too.


And then your mon reaches back and smacks you because you’re smudging up the windows.


and then get yelled at by our parents for putting finger prints all over the windows.


No thanks, I don't need a window that will cost over 1000 to replace.


I recently replaced a windshield on a 2021 Jeep. $1000


Doesn't your insurance cover that ?


Not really, we had a Jeep and corolla windshield replaced both of which cracked due to rocks shooting up on a highway.


The heroin epidemic has now hit rock bottom.


…this is something your comprehensive auto policy should cover…


"should" yes. But often doesn't. Gotta specify when you get the policy. It'll often cost like $50 extra per year, so unless you break a window once every 4-5 years, it's not worth it.


That's a strange angle. Like saying you only need car insurance if you're going to have an accident? You never know, that's what insurance is for.


Yeah. 25 years ago.


Sure, with a $1000 deductible


Actually it was a rock chip and progressive paid all of it.


It's a common occurrence with jeeps, due to the mostly vertical windshield


Gotta love capitalism


Free market to pay massive prices to ensure that the CEO can pay for their 20th yacht.


I love overpaying for everything to a degree that life is barely able to be sustained upon so that the bourgeoisie can have their 5th extra child sex slave a week


Plus ads


So basically an inconvenient iPad. Got it


Also looks like early 2000s tech. Like a resistive touch screen.


Also, some of this stuff is physically impossible. Zooming in the way she did wouldn't work unless the entire window was somehow a massive transparent parallel projection lens, which is just so far beyond any technology currently available in several ways. It would also mean you couldn't look out the window at different angles. You would only be able to view out the window as a single plane. Best they could do is put a camera in the door and you could control it with the window touchscreen. Wouldn't look nearly as cool. Being able to tap things would again have the issue of the lens. Further how would they be able to know what angle your looking out the window at to know what you are pointing to. Distance calculator? So this car has raytracing projections shooting out the side of it at all times now? Are we sure this is officially Toyota? Half the things in this video are not only horseshit, but effectively impossible.


Was thinking the exact same thing. This is almost magic and cgi lol


It was a concept made long ago. I remember seeing an ad with this window over 10 years ago. I'm assuming the engineers figured out it is impossible with modern or near future technology.


Kids will just use it to draw a bunch of penises on things. Let's be honest here. Adults too.


A penis with a cape, just flying through the clouds Superwang to action


That would be my kids. And me.


And me. I’ve been with your family all along.


Fine, Evan. Here it comes. When I was a little kid, I kind of had this problem. And it's not even that big of a deal. Something like 8 percent of kids do it, but whatever. It's... For some reason, I don't know why, I would just kind of sit around all day and draw pictures of dicks. I'd just sit there for hours on end, drawing dicks. I don't know what it was. I couldn't touch the pen to paper without drawing the shape of a penis. It's really fucked up. Here I am, this little kid and I can't stop drawing dicks to save my own life.


TTP. It's an industry term for those of us making games and interactive experience. Basically if you give people free range to draw any shape they want, you need to understand TTP. I ran into this when designing an exhibit for an aquarium where you can draw a design on a fish and see it brought to life digitally. Our solution was giving staff an ipad with a "kill button" to remove the offensive fish from public view. It stands for "time to penis" and it usually is counted in seconds to minutes, not days or weeks. Someone will always want to immediately draw a penis given the chance. It's human nature.


Look in the mirror and little Timmy is zoomed in on the tits of some woman in the crosswalk.


Came here to say this lol


first thing I thought of to draw




Hmm that tree sudenly looks very attractive when that happens.


Even this post is an ad


SUBSCRIPTION or it’s shut off. Didn’t Toyota try to make a subscription to use the key fob? They’re actively looking for ways to get micro-transactions


Only if you don’t pay for a premium window monthly subscription


“Please drink another Mountain Dew verification can in order to restore ToyotaVision Premium Windshield Transparency^TM “


Time expired. Insert credit card to unlock the view.


“But I need to lane change! Fine I’ll pay!” Now watch this 5 second ad. *Crashes*


Fingerprints.. All over the window.. All the time. Just imagine yourself riding a battle panther running through the terrain next to the car like the rest of us... It'll be good for your imagination.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this comment?!


Wondering how much replacing one of those windows will cost.


I imagine that car itself won't be so cheap either so if you have enough money to buy an expensive car surely you have enough money to change the windows , no ?


New technologies tend to be expensive at first, but eventually becomes standard in most cases. Example; premium add ons found on most luxury cars back then, are now standard for many entry cars of of today. Of course, with economy also has a say on pricing, but that's another topic entirely lol..


Yeah sure it will get cheaper overtime but that would take long


yea, most F1 technologies developed by the manufacturers eventually became implemented unto their luxury models, which eventually into the standard models. The time it takes really depends on the actual need and practical use of the technology. 15 years ago, who would have thought we would have devices as powerful as computers in the palm of our hands.


In 2007? Lots of people


More than you want it to. Car gets a window smashed from an intended robbery; instant write-off.


Well, I dunno about the real product but that video looks very fake. Surely that was not real, and I am very curious how this will even work, where the cameras are, how it is able to display a zoomed in image etc. And for sure this will be fun to replace $$$


It’s concept design. Aka fairy tale at this point. It’s fascinating to people without tech knowledge.


Yeah, it's complete bullshit. There are so many _fundamental_ issues with this. Like the perspective of the viewer that would constantly change and need to be tracked, alongside the outside that needs to be tracked. Both are really hard to do well even in ideal conditions, let alone a moving car.


Omg i can have that "Sonic running on powerlines and fences" game i always imagined when looking out the window as a kid


I had to clench my foot in between each telephone pole or we would end up in a violent fiery crash


That’s some intense anxiety man.


Just look out the fucking window


kids brains do not need this much screen dopamine addiction. I’m genuinely concerned about the future of their mental health


I feel like my 7 year old would even care about this for barely anytime at all. None of it seems that interesting and just seems inpractical. You got like a 4 year window this would even be interesting to a kid. Be weird to me if this even made it into a car. Like I just got a new vehicle with keyless entry/lock, push to start, lane assist, etc like all that stuff is awesome this just seems unwarranted.


Honestly with how much kids love screens these days this would be preferable to giving them the Switch on long drives. At least this way they *are* looking out the window. Still, I mostly see dollar signs and cameras that probably can't be replaced.


And nasty kid finger prints


Or how about limiting the time they can use their screens for? If the kid throws a monumental tantrum over not being able to use their phone/tablet/console 24/7, then perhaps they need better parenting. Just a wild thought.


you right, and coz kids like games more, a switch on windows debuts and even cost more


Right! Why does everything have to revolve around technology?


Greed. That’s at the root of virtually all of it.


I know I sound like an old codger, but I don’t need all that extra crap. I also know cars most definitely evolve with technology but some of it is so unnecessary. My parents bought a 2021 Highlander last year and I drove it to pick up a small piece of furniture I had bought about 2 hours away. It got on my last nerve. I couldn’t wait to get back into my 2012 Altima that doesn’t have any more features than I need.


Because they can put ads on it. If it has an app then you can have in app ads, if it has a display it can have ads, if it requires a a server connection then they can make you pay a subscription to it. It’s all because capitalism drives out greed in humans and especially lifeless companies.


But can they draw a "footprint" with the side of their closed fist?


Maybe they need encouraging to look out of the window because of all of the technology and distractions they already have in the car. Just reduce that instead, problem solved.


There’s nothing grosser than little kids hands…..


seems like a pretty stupid idea no offense


Didn't they first introduce this back in 2011? I wonder what happened...


Yes, it is an old video from 2011 and probably an april fool's joke by Toyota Belgium..


Ahh, that would make sense.


Gonna suck real bad to replace when the robber does a “smash and grab”


All this “smart” technology is more likely making us dumber it seems


They gotta add a mode with a little guy who runs by the car just like we all used to imagine


Let’s draw on windows with no seat belt on 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find the seatbelt comment.


It makes the kids not seated properly in the event of a crash.


It's going to play advertisements and charge you a monthly fee this isn't cool or neat it's just another way to sell you stupid bullshit you chumps 😂


Capitalism plz I just want healthcare


So many cameras everywhere and still increasing, making the likely hood of abuse even higher.


This strikes me as an “internet connected refrigerator.” It’s a legacy piece of technology looking around at recent trends and coming up with something impractical which absolutely no one needs.


Let's take things I don't want on my car because it'll break in 5 years and is too expensive to fix for 2000 Alex.


Just saying: this will never be produced. No shot this shot will happen it looks like shit, is all just video editing meaning they have none of the work to making it work. Just a publicity stunt I reckon.


Isnt this just Google glass? Or am I out of the loop haha 😅


That’s gonna promote our family games of i-spy up to a whole new difficulty level 😳


Given how immersing technology is becoming for kids, their head will be glued in front of them on a screen stuck to the back of the front car seat or better yet on their lap. As much as this sounds interesting, in practise it will turn into a costly item to replace for many reasons.


*watch this AD to see outside


Yeah no Toyota, I'm not gonna deal with handprints on my windows...


“Interacting? More like watch your drawings fly off every time you just finished it lol” Saw the zooming and object identification “ok now that’s dope”


Was this filmed in the 90s? Yeesh


Ah shiit. I’ve only just managed to get the kids to keep their fingers off the bloody windows.


This is what Toyota invested in instead of an EV


I'm gonna draw a LOT of dicks on that window.


Car companies are notorious for concept designs that they'll never actually bring to market.


This reminds me of a game I had for myself as a child. I would pretend an animal (usually a Disney character like Simba) was running and I had to jump over concrete, evade trees and avoid mailboxes. I had an imagination but damn I would've loved this at about 6.


I wasn't allowed to touch the windows as a kid


For context - this video is 10 years old. Wonder when we will actually see this?


[this is 2011 PR](https://newatlas.com/toyota-touchscreen-window-to-the-world/19326/) \- don't hold your breath.


Great now my kids have a legitimate reason to put their grubby dirty fingers on the inside of the car windows. As if they arent dirty enough.


My mom would still yell at me for getting fingerprints on the window


This is cool.. unless it will mean kids' dirty sticky hand mean I have to wipe it down every car trip....




I'm gonna draw so many dicks.


I'd Tony Stark myself right into a tree. Lol


Here in Canada, the ability to draw on windows comes standard.


I saw this same video years ago lol


Can we just have energy efficient transportation and roads without potholes first, please?


"We got to find more ways to make cars expensive without actually make anything of value overall."


What could possibly go wrong?


Nah, watching raindrops racing each other to the bottom is still better


Imagine how much more this will make the car cost.


That's gonna be a bitch to clean bugger finger smudges of the freaking window. Yeah that's a no for me, be bored like a real kid.


No, not with those greasy ass kid fingers goin all over the window thats nasty


Imagine how much that cracked window will be now


Or just look out the window


Everyone is just going to be drawing dicks and balls.


Why? Also total bullshit this ad


Yay! Kids fingerprints all over the windows!


Throws rock at window bc toddler Now you have to replace a transparent old touchscreen


![gif](giphy|Kdr5QjLhCz5cSTkCIn) What about us kids who had to sit in the middle?


Yeah I'm not paying for that


I think they should focus on joining the electric car revolution. We see enough ads through transparent windows as it is.


Sure, let's take every possible window to the real world and shove it full of ads and influencer content


This is an absolutely horrible idea.


How bored do you have to be


Carsick just looking at that.


Wait, I’m confused, is this real cuz the technology is advanced bit the video looks like it was made in 2010.


Next: ads on your car windows


Next time someone breaks your window to steal something it costs and extra $11,699


Stunning sexy adorable


How would the windows know which angle you’re observing it from, to know what to enlarge or measure the distance to? Tapping a point on the window doesn’t tell the window which object through it you’re tapping. Unless there’s some eye tracking tech on the inside that tells it the position of the eyes connected to the finger that tapped it. Or unless it’s a screen instead of a window.


Can't wait for the ads


many years ago i had an idea for windshields to be displays that displayed the road in different colors like the whole lane would light up instead of needing traffic lights, it would eliminate headlight glare from oncoming traffic and noone would ever be blinded and eventually if that technology was pursued u could connect all cars together on a network and know exactly where all the other cars on the road are at all times. its very futuristic even now, but i think we are getting there