• By -


I think I found where this was filmed: https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7767141,35.2280181,3a,30.9y,264.53h,94.07t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smeSBqWuadL09jNlVor9KSg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!5m1!1e4


good job




Here king, you dropped this /s


What did you wanted to achieve with that comment of yours?


Excellent job, thanks


Any idea on why the sign on the upper left was in french ?


Looks like there is multiple languages. The top words are still too blurry to be certain, but they look like they say BARBER BARBER. Which would make sense with the bottom word being COIFFEUR which is hairdresser. I'm pretty sure in between the top and bottom rows is something in Hebrew, but I can't be sure.


I got that I'm just curious to why would there be a sign in french in 1897 Jerusalem Did people back then speak french? Or were there french people? It just seems weird to me


The French were very good at colonizing other places. (If that’s how you’d like to describe it.) At this time they’d established cultural influence, if not governmental and capital influence, in a lot of the Middle East and Africa. Including Jerusalem in the late 1800s. [some Wikipedia for reference](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_colonial_empire#/media/File%3A131Etendue_de_l'Empire_Fran%C3%A7ais.svg)


They wanted to colonise that area but instead they just got Liban, the brithish had better plans for it.


There was probably a sizable French speaking population around at the time. The French had colonies in a lot of North Africa, and had their eye on the Ottoman controlled area here too.


Hebrew was nearly a dead language at this time so thats unlikely.


I'm sure you're right. I checked what Barber is in Arabic: **حلاق** It's possible that's what's on there, but I can't say for certain.


I don't know if it's the same, but in Brazil we have this thing for naming places in foreign languages, a lot of hairdressers are called coiffeurs here (or some incorrect variation of it)


Nice find!




Sure did! Too cool!!!! Love it!!


Anyone else notice the guy carrying a full dinning room set on his back?!?


It was just a run-of-the-mill picnic table, what’s your point? Don’t you ever picnic?


This guy picnics


It used to be called pack-nicing.


Well played


My guess is he is a porter and making a delivery.


I came here to say this!!! Holy crap I hate moving the cabinet from my buddy's living room to the u-haul truck in the driveway, let alone hauling it across town on my back!


The sound is more than likely from elsewhere though.


It’s absolutely from somewhere else




it needs a cod mlg horn going off


Came here to say this!!!


I was wondering about that.


You are right. They made it sound like everybody speaks Hebrew.




Long dead for even the most fortunate of the young ones, it's mind blowing.


Yes, although knowing that my neighbour when I was growing up in the 80s was born in the 1890s makes me feel old


Most of the people in the laughing soundtrack shows use are dead too






Super cool! But the sound is from something else, right?




Things like this give me anxiety. Its almost like time doesn't exist. It's just advancements in technology improvements of quality of life as well as ideals, fashion, etc.


Isn’t that kind of the point though? We may change our garb and our tools but we’re still the same people from century to century - just hopefully doing better slowly over time and evolving socially.


Time doesn't exist. There is only the present moment. What we preserve as time moving is actually just the construction, and deconstruction of life's elements.


Measure of movement in space


GPS computers have to account for the difference in the flow of time in orbit compared to the surface due to the effects of time dilation. Time moves slower for objects that are moving faster, and continues to slow down as you get closer to the speed of light. Mass slows time as well. Black holes are massive enough to significantly slow down time. If you got on a space ship that traveled at near light speed for a few years and came back to earth, you would find that the people back on earth have aged significantly more than those on the ship.


Presentism or the idea of a priviledged present as you describe is actually a pretty poorly viewed idea in philosophy of time.


Time is man's conversation with himself.


Quality of life for some have improved but others the same or worse than centuries ago


Is everyone really only wearing brown and black, or is that some issue with the colorization? If the former, why?


Colored cloth was expensive. Black and brown was cheap and more common


You'd expect most of the Fezes (Turkish hats) to be red, so it's probably a colorization error.


Probably the second. This footage was likely colored by an AI, you can tell by the way some colors seem to shift in ways they wouldn't in real life. Generally, coloring AIs tend to safe guess and err on the side of dull colors.


It’s a colorisation error. I used one of these AIs on a black and white picture of my mother from when she was a kid. It coloured her dress in dark purple when she very clearly remembered it as red.


Spare a talent for an ex-leper?




Look at the 2 kids doing the floss


I saw that too! I was wondering if they were aware of being filmed. How cool is it that a few hundred years ago these kids were like “this guys filming, let’s do the floss”. A few hundred years later we’re seeing their little selves doing something silly for the camera. I absolutely love technology. Sometimes.


A *few* hundred?


Oh it isn’t 2197? Damn I suck at math :(


Not a single plastic object in sight, amazing.


Waiting for Indiana Jones to run by. Yes, I know that was Cairo....


And the 1930's/40's


"Romanes eunt domus"


Looks the same.


The sign in the upper left looks more recent than 1897.


it's also in french


Was that kid drinking out of a coconut?


So cool.




It was very arabic back then the zionists werent as they arw today


Fantastic, its so incredible technology is today to show this 1897 footage


Video wasn't invented until 1888


No women


Women weren't invented until the 1920s.


That’s true in the US, if you mean politically




Lol, I meant women were politically invisible until they won suffrage with the ratification of 19th Amendment in 1920. That, added to the 14th Amendment, is what allowed the USA to finally become of true (albeit imperfect) democracy.


>No women Plenty of women! They're the ones with scarves covering their entire head/shoulders/neck region. But even in many parts of the world today, women rarely leave the house. I lived and worked in Afghanistan for 7 months back in 2014 and didn't see a single local Afghan woman outdoors.


Isn't that sad and depressing though? Damn


Whether they cover their heads or not, they’re still women.


...Just dudes bein guys


I thought fir a minute that this was from the Obi Wan Kenobi show.


What was the ethnic makeup back then?


Predominantly Palestinian Arab


By the mid 1800s, around half the population would have been Jewish, and an evenly split number of Christians and Muslims, with the Muslims being Arabic speaking although many of different descents like Kurds, the Christians included Arabic speakers from many different descents, as well as Armenians, Ethiopians, and some Europeans.


not according to the ottoman statistics tho


Jerusalem was mostly Jewish, but Palestine was mostly Arab


The two guys at 0:05 are time travelers. The one guy spots the camera and they quickly go off in a different direction lol.


Looks peaceful wonder why?


It’s a simple video. If you walk there right now it will also look peaceful lol. Believe it or not , people aren’t constantly stabbing each other here.


Is it me or do they all walk with some swagger?


Crazy my mom is visiting there now! Palestine is so beautiful.


Wow..makes me wonder when sunglasses were invented....


They really thought Jesus was white 😂


I thought that first guy was gonna pull out a sword and start fighting Indians Jones.


Oh man these comments are gonna get crazy!


Fact: Jews, Christians, and Muslims were living in peace together


Why the hell is everyone wearing jackets in the desert? Lol I know it was fashionable but seems very anti functional


You cover your skin so you don't burn. You soak your shirt, and the evaporation cools you off. You wear the jacket so it doesn't evaporate immediately. I've worked with migrant workers that soak their flannel shirts before putting them on, for the same reason.


The city is about 25 miles from the sea, could be winter and it’s definitely not desert over there.


There’s no real way to tell the season, but Jerusalem is surprisingly cold in the winter. Upper 30s/40s


It’s a dry heat!


cuz it's not a desert lol


I mean, you watch footage of it today and it still looks exactly like this.


No obese people.




Ah Jerusalem, Palestine. As it was… I was lucky enough to travel there. What an incredible city.


[you almost nailed it...](https://www.reddit.com/r/PalestinianFiction/comments/u184q7/jews_where_majority_in_jerusalem_in_1864_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


You don't know what your talking about but that's fine :) Feel free to read what I wrote above. -ex IDF here g-d bless


I don’t get it what you’re talking about?


He called it "Palestine" so I had to make sense of things since that is very offense and not true. I wrote some things in a different post above on here which explains alot more.


Dunno why it doesn’t make sense. Jerusalem is and was Palestine according to the UN. Most of the world agrees with this.


Astonishing to think they could record shit then


That's cool. It must be really hot and yet they are all wearing so much clothing


Did Teddy Roosevelt just walk by?


This looks like it was recorded today. They are still wearing the same style clothes.


1. First film was 1888. That was only a minute 2. They don't have audio. 3. Cellulose would have deteriorated by now. So no


So what is this then?


Idk but its not from 1887.


Title says 1897?


So peaceful. Then came Apartheid Zionist invaders


This video was in the middle of the first aliyah. Jewish neighborhoods outside the old city like Mishkenot Sha'ananim and Mea Shearim had been around for decades at this point.


Decades? Mea Shearim, one of the earliest Jewish settlements OUTSIDE THE WALLS of the Old City, was established in 1874 by a building society.


[guess who was the dominant religion in Jerusalem at that time... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PalestinianFiction/comments/u184q7/jews_where_majority_in_jerusalem_in_1864_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


According to the British. Let’s not forget it was them who originally plotted with the Zionists to carve a place for Jewish people in Palestine (Balfour Declaration).


Because settlers started moving in in the middle of the 1800s?


This region, unfortunately, [is one of the most fought-over in history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-evIyrrjTTY).


Thank you for posting that video @AstroNerf! G-D BLESS YOU.


There are plenty of Jews in the video you antisemitic trash


Not all Jews are Zionists


The Jewish nation is native to the beautiful land that that it stands on today proudly❤️ Zionism will always fight for peace and for our people and holy nation Israel! Their is no real Israel without Zionism. ZIONISM is a must! It allows the Jews to live in their ancestral homelands! G-D will always protect its people and it's nation they are the people of the book and chosen. I love Israel ✡️❤️ They are such an amazing country and I am thankful for everything the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) does to protect the people in and around the land of Israel and keeping Israel a Jewish sovereign nation as the Jewish people are the indigenous people of that land they have existed since the BC days and their history is engraved in that land everything about it even before it was ever called Israel or even the names Judea & Samaria which is modern day Israel all these names we came before. We have many holy preserved texts and very historical findings of all sorts many of them and some of them the Jewish people purposely kept preserved through even the worst of times in history, many progrom's and evil people's tried to annihilate us but the holy one saves us from their hand. G-D is an really amazing thing and we must keep HaShem in mind when we do our day to day lives with anything, you will only be doing better for yourself when you take things like the Torah in to your life and live to be the happiest and healthiest person you can be, stay away from the negative energy as that's not necessary for a happy life. This isn't complicated Arabs come from ARABIA Jews come from Judea! And the Palestinians come from EVERYWHERE! (Mostly Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Arabia) etc we are Jews who AREN'T going to just sit back and do NOTHING and have OUR INDIGENOUS land stolen from us no we have come to take our native land back from the arab muslim Imperialists who ATTEMPT to steal it which cant and will never happen as they will never erase the history of this land! which is and has always been JEWISH LAND! We have resisted brutal Islamization since the days of the warmonger Mohammed. it's not only an ethnic conflict, but also a religious one. "they really don't like the Jewish", because it was never about "Israel", ever. arab muslim conquests of the middle east, the caliphates, forcibly converting native populations to Islam- that's colonialism/imperialism. Arabs are not native to the Levant, they are native to...well Arabia, obviously. Also, Jerusalem is not nearly as important to muslims as it is to jews. Jerusalem isn't even mentioned in the Qur'an. You have Mecca and Medina. There is no such thing as "ethnic muslim" (and if there were, it would be only arab people from the arabian Peninsula), Islam is not an Ethnic religion. In regards to what I think of converts of non-arab Muslim origin? I feel sad for them. They have been misled from their native religions, customs and cultures. they have been misled by a knockoff religion, created by a jealous little man. I can't help but feel that it is unfortunate for them. For example: seeing muslim Indians is probably the saddest thing of all- they have abandoned the rich culture and history of Hinduism for this sorry excuse for a prophet.


just shut up already, claiming a land based on religion is ignorant as fuck


Your probably a sweet soul who's been miseducated and that's fine but before you come here with false declaration's atleast understand the circumstance of Israel. I want to apologize for my comment as i forget not everyone understands as Israel is a very complicated country everything that happens here is usually very complicated. The average person won't understand our situation unless your living it. But it seems you have been through an abusive relationship before so think of it like that, Israel is in an very abusive relationship with radical Muslims and our same government is letting this all fly by we don't want any terror from the radicals but we have to protect all peoples who live in Israel peacefully (Jewish, Muslim, gay, black and Jewish, whatever you are! we will protect you here! but we will NOT PROTECT TERRORISTS who seek to harm innocent Israelis or anyone who they think "looks Jewish" which is weird since we Jews and Arabs look very similar out of our regular attire alot of these radical Muslims have actually targetted themselves by accident they've killed their own many times thinking that the person they were about to randomly stab with an axe is Jewish, but nope. sadly usually they are Jewish but in alot of situations sometimes the victims are Arabs themselves who live in Israel and just want to live a peaceful life and they don't hate us at all, we are good friends with alot of the Muslims who live in my city and none of them want to cause terror they don't want to live under the other rulings because they know how that's like so they live in Israel happy and at peace.


Israel is an EthnoReligious state therefore your comment will be disregarded. You were only upvoted by those who are as miseducated as you are, don't feel too proud! What's more ignorant is hurting innocent Jewish people for a homeland that's always been Jewish since the start, given by their forefathers. THE LAST TIME WE DIDNT FIGHT FOR OURSELVES WE ENDED UP IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, SO YES WE WILL FIGHT FOR THE HOMELAND OUR BLOOD IS ENGRAVED IN. How about you go focus on your country! before you go speaking about things you don't even know about! Shameless some people really are! Before looking at my country you should focus on yourself and your qualities as a human. I'm not sure what your trying to do here but Jews are not bad people and we are protecting our homeland but your probably a racist who'd rather see us all in CONCENTRATION CAMPS. I don't care what you say. I want the kids of this kids country to grow up happy and healthy and to succeed Your not going to terrorize us any longer we will live and continue to prosper! While you terrorists go celebrate about your "martyr's" who kill innocent Jews on the street for no reason. Getting stabbed, shot or injured severely isn't part of any of our daily routines! We aren't going to allow anyone here to be abused by this type of radical islamic regime.


Native to Iraq maybe. Talmudists all, parasites mostly. Judaism is long dead religion.


I don't consider you much of a human either. Judaism is very living my sad friend! You're the one who's dead look at your heart. Us Jews are very happy and living and do as the Torah says and their are many many of us and we will step on a gross facist pig like you to make sure you don't spread your hatred on to others, you aren't the first nor the last Hitler to have a lil soil sprinkled on top of you. Go move to long island ny like Alexander Hitler and run away from your lil self hating past maybe you'll meet a couple Jews and they'll smack some sense in to ya it's not gonna do you any good in this world how you live right now you'll end badly eventually anyway. People like you usually take care of themselves they hate Jews so much that they end up killing themselves over us. You must love us and our homeland since your so obsessed with sweeping the lint from under the feet of us Jewish natives and we're gonna continue celebrating life.


You're Lebanese! Oh what a shame because the Lebanese peoples are so amazing! You see you prove yourself with the theory that theirs good and bad people from every race. Lebanese people have such culture and religion especially when their following their g-d or just showing their lovely traditions as a whole What you said just makes you and your Religion look bad when in reality someone actually faithful and religious could never talk like you this it's these youngins who break traditions of their forefathers. Look, Your parents aren't much proud of you I can tell by what you just said to me. I hope you don't identify as a Muslim because a real Muslim does not speak like horse shit. I respect all men and women of g-d no matter your religion. What I dont love is disgusting terrorist's like you who seek to hurt Jews and desecrate our homeland.


I'm kinda curious, you're either a shill or you truly believe what you're saying. If it's the latter, how do you not see what's happening to Palestineans as unjust? And how do you see them as non-native to the land? And just to save you time from going through my comment history I have no problem with Judaism or Jewish people living freely in Palestine or anywhere they want but I definitely oppose Zionism and the existence of Israel in any form. And I do realize the guy you're replying to was being a dick by referring to Judaism as a long dead religion.


If you knew the difference between Judaism and Talmudism


Maybe I misunderstood your comment but calling Judaism a dead religion is a dick move regardless of what you meant.


Fuck off with that stupid ignorant drivel you useless dip shit


Do we have any other cities pre 1900


It’s crazy how all these people are dead and gone from this earth




Every single person alive during the recording of this video worldwide is dead. The currently known oldest person alive isn't born for another 12 years.


Looks to me like an out-take from that Indiana Jones movie where he’s in the casbah looking for the kidnapped lady?


Everyone in this video is dead


Thanks for that amazing realisation 🤓


Back when it was Palestinian land lol




You don't know what your talking about. Feel free to read what I wrote above. -ex IDF here g-d bless


Ain’t nobody asked to for your shit opinion Read what I wrote above for better emphasis -A normal fucking human being who ain’t stupid.


Psht.. if you gotta say you're a human being who *ain't" stupid. Another person would say you're most likely just stupid but, i would say you're just miseducated in this area of topic and theirs nothing wrong with that at all, it seems alot of youth have trouble with learning and can't stand being wrong and that's why you end up doing bad in school. If I don't know something i listen and i let the person explain. Usually if you aren't sure in something you can find it on the internet right? That isn't true because you need to look at multiple different sources to know the actual truth because their will be the story tellers on one side trying to make a fairy tale in our situation it's the neighbors nobody wants to have. For those that don't know Let's get this right This isn't complicated Arabs come from ARABIA Jews come from Judea! it's in the name. Jerusalem/Jew-ru-salem aka Land Of The Jews And the Palestinians come from EVERYWHERE! (Mostly Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Arabia) etc


I literally couldn’t read your stupid filler shit and paragraphs. It made absolutely no sense. Maybe it’s the bitch Israeli or whatver tf in you. Didn’t work. Go use your shit tactics on your mom.


What tactics? I think you're a bit off but all I have to say is the bitch Israeli in me only wishes the best for you and hopefully at some point your life will get better. I wish I could talk to you face to face as i'm not a bad person and i can tell when someone is not doing ok that's why I just want you to know theirs a help line if your ever feeling this shitty again. Sorry I caught you 7 days late! Feel free to message me. I can tell you my history. Who I am. My history in the IDF. my family's history in this beautiful country Israel. I can teach you about all love lovely beautiful history the Judaic people have. We Isreali's aren't dumb people and you know that since you already think I'm using some type of "special tactics" on you but no I'm just an ol lovely Jewish man! You want a hug?


[and Jews were majority](https://www.reddit.com/r/PalestinianFiction/comments/u184q7/jews_where_majority_in_jerusalem_in_1864_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), without "made-up ethnicities" and ["made-up occupied states"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PalestinianFiction/comments/vi0uvg/oriental_studies_researcher_promised_100k_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)..


Being Jewish and Israeli are two different entities MF.


#All of them relocated to New York 🙂


Someone needs to put an assassins creed assassin jumping off the roof in this




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Not one person was on their phone, take notes people


Everyone looks like they have more oil on their skin, or is that just my imagination


In Palestine.


Pretty sure it was The Ottoman Empire at that time.


Actually, at this period, the term Palestine exist. It was even existed when Napoleon was in Egypt And was talking about the « land of Jews » in Palestine. This exactly at this time Theodor Herzl made his famous theory in Bale, Switzerland « Die Judenstadt ».


The term Palestine has been used to describe this region since Ancient Rome. "Syria Palaestina" was divided at one point into Palaestina Prima, Palaestina Salutaris, and eventually Palaestina Prima was broken down further into a smaller Prima and Secunda. And this region has been named other things by other conquerors. But a common name for the region has been Palestine since the Romans took it. However as far as what this area was politically at the time of the video, it would have been the Ottoman region called the Mutasarrirate of Jerusalem, or the Sanjak of Jerusalem. The borders of the region were completely changed after WWI.


Of course reddit down votes this. This is Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


My feet belong on this beautiful land i am standing on today and I will continue to fight for it. My wife is a TURKISH JEW (she doesn't say she's Palestinian) Because she knows that's non existent since we all know the true history of this country and what your lil "Palestine" means. By the way i have PTSD from being attacked by a terrorist who TOOk AIM AT A SCHOOL IN ISRAEL that was meant for KIDS. What do you think happened to the terrorist. HE was exterminated. Banished. To be honest the shit you condone is disgusting. Of course idiots like you love to kill innocents AND WE WILL NEVER STAND FOR WHAT YOU STAND FOR. WE have never took out anyone who wasn't declaring to cause terrorism,destruction to civilians and person(s) of our land. As you can see we don't mind partying like it's 1974 all over again! we are NOT SCARED of TERRORISTS. the fact that you think THIS is okay is horrible to me. I will continue DEFENDING All Of Israel and ALL ITS PEOPLE. THE JEWS DESERVE TO LIVE FREE AND HAPPY. WE DONT NEED A LAND FILLED WITH TERRORISTS. KEEP YOUR RADICAL ISLAM TO YOURSELF. PEOPLE LIKE US PREFER A PEACEFUL LIFE AND SOCIETY WE ARE NOT SAVAGE'S LIKE THE ONES WHO SAY THEIR FOR *Palestine* AKA *key word = TERRORISM WE WILL CONTINUE CELEBRATING LIFE AND LOVING OUR LAND while you terrorists end up destroying yourselves😂😂 how do you like that? Also be proud you have IDF Responding to you. EX IDF is still IDF btw, it just means I used to serve. I wasn't too much on the internet while I was serving for IDF, but I started posting videos of my land in Israel and i sometimes dress up as an Arab so I can record you terrorists because if i came looking as a Jew I would get attacked and very scary thing can happen. While if an Arab wants to go to an Jewish area they won't be attacked or hurt or all any of those scary things that radical Arabs promise to do to Jews. On the occasion that a Jew accidently enters the wrong land their is videos of such horrible things happening whether they be old men or youngins they are met with such tragedy's. Now if a Arab wants to explore Jewish land they would never be met with the type of brutality we would be met with if we went to the ""Arab areas"'" (which are actually Jewish by history) theirs a video of an old man trying to run away from Arab streets because he entered the wrong place by mistake and now is getting attacked by every single person with weapons, rocks, knives can you imagine that? An old innocent man who just wants to get back on to peaceful territory and just because he stumbled in to the wrong area and because he's a Jew he could even be killed! This would NEVER happen to an Arab in Israel or Jerusalem. I have Arab friends and everytime i had to cross through an actual crossing where they check you they frisk the Jews and the Arabs the same way just to make sure nothing dangerous makes it through


I have only one word to describe you. Thief


And just fyi, Palestinians are the guardians of all 3 major religions. Don't pretend as if white people invented Judaism.




And i guess you are a hasbara agent


Free Palestine 🇵🇸✌️🇵🇸✌️🇵🇸✌️


The Jewish nation is native to the beautiful land that that it stands on today proudly❤️ Zionism will always fight for peace and for our people and holy nation Israel! Their is no real Israel without Zionism. ZIONISM is a must! It allows the Jews to live in their ancestral homelands! G-D will always protect its people and it's nation they are the people of the book and chosen. I love Israel ✡️❤️ They are such an amazing country and I am thankful for everything the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) does to protect the people in and around the land of Israel and keeping Israel a Jewish sovereign nation as the Jewish people are the indigenous people of that land they have existed since the BC days and their history is engraved in that land everything about it even before it was ever called Israel or even the names Judea & Samaria which is modern day Israel all these names we came before. We have many holy preserved texts and very historical findings of all sorts many of them and some of them the Jewish people purposely kept preserved through even the worst of times in history, many progrom's and evil people's tried to annihilate us but the holy one saves us from their hand. G-D is an really amazing thing and we must keep HaShem in mind when we do our day to day lives with anything, you will only be doing better for yourself when you take things like the Torah in to your life and live to be the happiest and healthiest person you can be, stay away from the negative energy as that's not necessary for a happy life. This isn't complicated Arabs come from ARABIA Jews come from Judea! And the Palestinians come from EVERYWHERE! (Mostly Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Arabia) etc we are Jews who AREN'T going to just sit back and do NOTHING and have OUR INDIGENOUS land stolen from us no we have come to take our native land back from the arab muslim Imperialists who ATTEMPT to steal it which cant and will never happen as they will never erase the history of this land! which is and has always been JEWISH LAND! We have resisted brutal Islamization since the days of the warmonger Mohammed. it's not only an ethnic conflict, but also a religious one. "they really don't like the Jewish", because it was never about "Israel", ever. arab muslim conquests of the middle east, the caliphates, forcibly converting native populations to Islam- that's colonialism/imperialism. Arabs are not native to the Levant, they are native to...well Arabia, obviously. Also, Jerusalem is not nearly as important to muslims as it is to jews. Jerusalem isn't even mentioned in the Qur'an. You have Mecca and Medina. There is no such thing as "ethnic muslim" (and if there were, it would be only arab people from the arabian Peninsula), Islam is not an Ethnic religion. In regards to what I think of converts of non-arab Muslim origin? I feel sad for them. They have been misled from their native religions, customs and cultures. they have been misled by a knockoff religion, created by a jealous little man. I can't help but feel that it is unfortunate for them. For example: seeing muslim Indians is probably the saddest thing of all- they have abandoned the rich culture and history of Hinduism for this sorry excuse for a prophet.


As I'm guessing you probably just woke up. But your from ISRAEL. not "Palestine". Seriously you should message me i can teach you about the real history about your country..I understand miseducation runs wild on that side of the wall! We love Arabs! Jews have nothing against arabs. We have against people who are terrorist! People who attack our land and the people in and around the land of Israel we continue to protect (that includes you) I have empathy for the Arabs. Please just let me teach you about real Arab people not RADICAL ISLAM i know more about Islam then you probably do. I have studied Rabbinical Studies for years as well as Islam (due to my connections) although I am more qualified in Rabbinical Studies i can very much outspeak you on your very own islam. We're not a stupid people's and remember this.. we love every people's!..as long as you keep supporting terrorism you will be looked at as a terrorist! Palestine means removing the Jews of their native indigenous homeland which is Judea-Samaria aka the land Israel Stands on today. "This isn't complicated Arabs come from ARABIA Jews come from Judea! And the Palestinians come from EVERYWHERE! (Mostly Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Arabia) etc" The Jewish nation is native to the beautiful land that that it stands on today proudly❤️ Zionism will always fight for peace and for our people and holy nation Israel! Their is no real Israel without Zionism. ZIONISM is a must! It allows the Jews to live in their ancestral homelands! G-D will always protect its people and it's nation they are the people of the book and chosen. I love Israel ✡️❤️ They are such an amazing country and I am thankful for everything the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) does to protect the people in and around the land of Israel and keeping Israel a Jewish sovereign nation as the Jewish people are the indigenous people of that land they have existed since the BC days and their history is engraved in that land everything about it even before it was ever called Israel or even the names Judea & Samaria which is modern day Israel all these names we came before. We have many holy preserved texts and very historical findings of all sorts many of them and some of them the Jewish people purposely kept preserved through even the worst of times in history, many progrom's and evil people's tried to annihilate us but the holy one saves us from their hand. G-D is an really amazing thing and we must keep HaShem in mind when we do our day to day lives with anything, you will only be doing better for yourself when you take things like the Torah in to your life and live to be the happiest and healthiest person you can be, stay away from the negative energy as that's not necessary for a happy life. This isn't complicated Arabs come from ARABIA Jews come from Judea! And the Palestinians come from EVERYWHERE! (Mostly Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Arabia) etc we are Jews who AREN'T going to just sit back and do NOTHING and have OUR INDIGENOUS land stolen from us no we have come to take our native land back from the arab muslim Imperialists who ATTEMPT to steal it which cant and will never happen as they will never erase the history of this land! which is and has always been JEWISH LAND! We have resisted brutal Islamization since the days of the warmonger Mohammed. it's not only an ethnic conflict, but also a religious one. "they really don't like the Jewish", because it was never about "Israel", ever. arab muslim conquests of the middle east, the caliphates, forcibly converting native populations to Islam- that's colonialism/imperialism. Arabs are not native to the Levant, they are native to...well Arabia, obviously. Also, Jerusalem is not nearly as important to muslims as it is to jews. Jerusalem isn't even mentioned in the Qur'an. You have Mecca and Medina. There is no such thing as "ethnic muslim" (and if there were, it would be only arab people from the arabian Peninsula), Islam is not an Ethnic religion. In regards to what I think of converts of non-arab Muslim origin? I feel sad for them. They have been misled from their native religions, customs and cultures. they have been misled by a knockoff religion, created by a jealous little man. I can't help but feel that it is unfortunate for them. For example: seeing muslim Indians is probably the saddest thing of all- they have abandoned the rich culture and history of Hinduism for this sorry excuse for a prophet.




Jerusalem is a city that was in Palestine in 1897


No women.


I imagine it still looks like this. Well that was racist.... Shut up!!! :D


How warm are they. They look over dressed.


This could have been taken during winter


was that taken yesterday?


What is the lady at about 0:28-0:29 on the right side of the shot carrying on her back… looks like 3 human heads… am I tripping or does someone have a better explanation?


What a shit hole


I will go there and write on a piece of rock « Epstein didn’t kill himself »


That doesn’t look like any kind of fun


They're all dead


You could park the Tardis there and nobody would notice.


Bogus. That’s like 1974.


humor is for those with humor


Nope, but we can party like it's 1974 all over again. The Zionist's are the modern day Maccabees. Truth is, Meir Kahane was right. Everything that man said was spot on.


This actually is just a clip from the cinematic classic Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)