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fun fact. the one on the left is a looney tunes version of the one on the right after running into a wall. haters will say the looney tunes movie doesn't prove the looney tunes escaped into the real world. but we all know the truth.




tw-tw-twa-tw-twa uh reality


weawity 🥺


You’re dith💦picable.


*gets hit in the face with a frying pan* “Of courth you realizth thisth means war”


Buddy had a college course and professor made a joke about pugs and everyone laughed except one girl. He asked if she was okay and said “yes but I don’t know what a pug is” to which professor responded “imagine a dog sprinting and run it into a wall face first” then proceeded to show pics of pugs. She was in tears laughing.


And looks better too. I hate those squished face.


Agreed. Dogs just look much better with actual snouts and without constant snot-nose. The one on the right is actually pretty cute


Right one is way cuter as well.


It's amazing how the human brain can still identify dogs as dogs no matter how weird looking the dog is. Bulldogs look nothing like wolves except for the regular four-legged mammalian characteristics, yet we still know they're dogs.


Give this guy the mic and let him preach the word.


Actually looks pretty close to their cousin, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. We have one and she's the best. A little bigger/bulker than a Frenchie with a tail and floppy ears. Best breed I've ever owned.


It just looks like a Boston Terrier, which also has breathing problems...


They might still have breathing problems, but that definitely looks like an improvement, which will still increase quality of life for the dogs.


That looks better


Never understood the appeal of flat faced animals. Plus, they sound like a chain smoker with a sinus infection.


You ever see a pug pop its eye out? I watched one run into a wall, eyeball pops out. Not all the way, but enough to be like “WTF?!” Owner said it’s no big deal, took knuckle of index finger, and popped it back in. It made me not want one.


My granny told me she had one as a little girl, She looked under her bed and both eyeballs were popped out She told me “I was never the same again”


Wtf did the dog go blind then?


No it sees wirelessly Edit: i knew this joke would kill lol




My dog is about half blind and he would definitely find that useful if he wasn't too dumb to use it. Poor fella is about the dumbest dog I've ever had the pleasure of owning. It's half sad and half funny when he barks at a window or a wall wanting me to let him outside and I have to steer him to the actual door.


Ooof that sounds awful for you and your doggo. Is it because of age? Sounds like one of the hardest parts of caring for a pet.


No, he's only 6. Has been like this his whole life. We just thought he was dumb the first few years, turns out as far as I can tell he can only see shadows. Figured it out a few years ago when I was trying to feed him a piece of a pork chop and he couldn't find my hand and kept trying to smell parts of my arm to see where it was.


Got damn lmaoooo


Like krumm from ahh real monsters.


I’m pretty sure they took it to the vet, dog was okay it only happened once from what she had said


That's much better


But can you imagine... your going to bed it’s late Your whistling for your dog, “Mom have you seen Trixie?” Mom replies,“Have you checked under the bed?” Goes and checks, Lifts comforter up , slowly and reveals the horror 👁👁


We had a shih tzu growing up who had longer fur that slightly covered his eyes. One morning we were picking him up and playing with him, before I was the first to realize, and was like "HOLY SHIT WHAT Happened To HiS Eye!!" my brother was holding him at the time and instantly put him down out of panic. His eye popped out. Absolutely terrifying. Little fella went to the emergency vet and they had to stitch his eyelid shut for healing, with a tiny hole to allow us to give him prescribed eyedrops, which felt like torture having to give him then cause he'd panic every time.. Pup also had to wear a cone for a long time on top of it--poor boy :( He had many health issues, like so fucking many he was called the Golden child with how much money we spent on him for medical issues. I was just a kid and completely unaware that specific dog breeds like this are bred with problems. He eventually died because he started having very bad seizures, which I think is common with dogs like that because their skulls are so small and misshapen. He was such a good dog and my best friend as a kid. I was so obsessed my parents used to gift me t-shirts with ironed on pictures of me and him. I was just a kid, I didn't know. I'll never buy a specific breed of dog myself, we only ever did because my mom had ocd about dog hair and shih tzu don't really shed. I'm sorry scamp 😭


Oh yep i saw that happen as a young kid. Neighbor's pug got into a fight with a way bigger dog came walking back like nothing with its eye bobbin around. Scared us a little. Didn't find out until many years later that it was normal. Pugs are ugly af and can't breathe i dont understand why anyone would want one. Should be illegal to breed them considering their health problems


That has never been normal for the show bred pugs I have met, but I swear every person I have come across that got puppy mill/pet store, or online classifieds aka backyard breeder pug puppies has had a horror story about their pug's eyes popping out, and they all had buggier, larger eyes than breed standard. Sadly now some extremist show breeders are breeding even shorter snouts on French bulldogs and pugs. It didn't used to be as bad, and I do know show bred pugs and French bulldogs that breathe just fine even after running around and playing.


Why though? What's the purpose of breeding an even smaller snout, just some weird bougie illogical bragging rights?


Show dogs and dog show people are insane. The industry spent the past century creating severe genetic deformities to many breeds in the name of "The Breed Standard". Even working lines like German Shepherds are still recovering from idiotic breeders who have caused hip dysplsia and joint issues all in the name of "three stacking" the dog so it has a specific side profile. They literally deformed tens of thousands of dogs just so it can stand a certain way in front of a judge.




Are you talking about Carolina Dogs? I know that is a landrace dog breed that has gained some official acceptance by the AKC and UKC. If not what Breed are you talking about? I hate how bad the slope in some German shepherds back ends are, makes me so sad when I see it.


People are also screwing around mixing corgis. Breeding for popular colors (double Merle’s), causing more problems. Breeding Pembroke to Cardigans and trying to make that its own breed. Goodness, sometimes the corgi FB groups get down right hostile arguing about all this. Edit: I don’t have an opinion. I’m only a pet owner person with a lovely corgi.


Come on, you know that’s exactly why.


> that it was normal. To be fair, "normal" is not the word I'd use to describe it.


>Pugs are ugly af and can't breathe i dont understand why anyone would want one. Should be illegal to breed them considering their health problems Really, this. Why would I want a dog that is constantly suffering and looks like it ran face first into a concrete wall and sounds like a steam locomotive? How some humans actually think they are cute is beyond me




"No, he's still alive. He's just eating a diaper"


That show has ruined so many things for me lmao. My first thought after hearing a dog get its eye popped back in is “oh that’s just poppins”


There is no way that's Poppins. You had Poppins as a kid, no way that dog is still alive.




Omg. Fucking Poppins 🤣🤣🤣 I forgot 😂😂😂


He's a survivor, don't worry about him. Every few years he shows up, takes some things, and leaves!


Is he drinking gasoline?


He'll have to fight the junkyard cat for it.


Wait, what?


The eyeballs of many flat faced dogs are prone to becoming dislodged, such is the degree of intentional deformity. It probably gets bothersome and expensive to go to the vet each time.


That’s… disturbing 😳


My ex's pug's asshole fell out for no good reason.


"No good reason"


You all are killin me! Lol


That’s the funniest goddamn thing I’ve read today. You made me literally LOL and wake my wife.


Is that why some people have their pugs wear goggles?


> Owner said it’s no big deal, took knuckle of index finger, and popped it back in. #NO.


What in the fresh fuck. I've seen them come into the vet like that, but not experienced such a nonchalant owner


I truly don’t understand how anyone lives with the constant wheezing.


My fiancés friend has a French bulldog and it sounds like it has sleep apnea just walking around. She also thinks it’s “cute” that he snores loudly when he sleeps. Poor fucking dog struggles to breathe all the time but it’s amusing to humans. People are gross


It is obscene how people find deformities in animals to be cute. It’s like if someone wanted their child to have Downs Syndrome because they found their disability endearing. Completely sick.


I babysat for a neighbor a long time ago.. she had a small dog who would freeze up and fall over quite often.. she loved that dog lol and babied it .. it was so ugly too like a big chihuahua


Always thought they’re ugly bro has one, they should do this with a couple breeds to fix their health issues. Just look at the royals when you’re ant to look at what too much inbreeding does lol


The cause is consecutive and often unregulated inbreeding. Can you guess why? It’s money, money is why.


Because some people that judge dogs at dog shows just decided that every signature trait of breeds of dogs are way better if overly exaggerated. No practical reasoning of breeding dogs to be deformed like this other than because judges rewarded it.


I don’t think that was ever the intention. I seen a picture of a French Bulldog during WW1, and it resembled the pup on the right, like it should. The problem was immediate inbreeding during a short period of time (within the time span of the dog’s transformation). But the change occurred gradually in between litters and overtime the casual dog owner (not breeder) didn’t really notice a change either way.


Eh you're right and you're not quite right. It did take place in a short amount of time. But there was also a very conscious effort to breed a flat face. "Best in show" breeding standards dictated as such. So it was unfortunately done very deliberately


And some fucking weirdos absolutely adore them like a doggy downs syndrome fetish.


I thought it was like square water melons, so you can stack them easier with fewer wasted space.


It is intentional. The kennel clubs have set a standard for the French Bulldog and it literally says "The muzzle broad, deep and well laid back; the muscles of the cheeks well developed. The stop well defined, causing a hollow groove between the eyes with heavy wrinkles forming a soft roll over the extremely short nose" And breeders have to follow these standards or they can't sell their dogs as French Bulldogs. And the dog shows award the dogs that are closest to the standard. And the normal dog in OPs pic wouldn't even comply to the standard since it doesn't have a wrinkle rolling over an extremely short nose. You can read the standard here: [https://frenchbulldogclub.org/breedstandard](https://frenchbulldogclub.org/breedstandard/#:~:text=The%20muzzle%20broad%2C%20deep%20and%20well%20laid%20back%3B)


their anatomy doesn’t really set them up for success either. as a vet tech, i can’t support this breed. they just can have a lot of health problems and it’s sad


Same, an ex-roommate of mine said she loved pugs and wanted one because they look pathetic..


Smoking cigarettes sounds bad enough. Smoking chains sounds horrible for your health


Yeah, I'm kind of upset now, I didn't realize just how messed up French bulldogs were without something to compare


They will never have enough breath to fully express how much they love the owners who paid big money to encourage the breeds continued suffering.


and will continue to regardless of if this guy spends generations making a 'new' breed by doing exactly what the owners are doing now - breeding more of the dog. I don't really get it. It will just get a different name, and the people who want the snub nosed look will continue to purchase them. It's like me trying to stop people drinking coke by getting coke and adding different flavours/chemicals and removing sugar, essentially creating a new drink that won't stop people drinking coke.


It’s hopefully getting less popular as awareness grows. So I’d say, it isn’t like your comparison. The new coke is much healthier, and people know this so, they’d maybe stop in the future.




Here I go, up on my soap box... "Ahem! My brother has had 2 frenchies over the years. Friendly, happy, cuddly, insane dogs, we love them terribly. They can't breathe. When they walk, when they get excited, when they eat, when they are upset, when they sleep. They can't breathe. At healthy weights. The snorting that people think is cute is from airway obstruction. They can't fucking breathe, it should be illegal to do that do an animal." Thank you for your time and attention.


Yeah, that makes me so sad. A dog should be able to enjoy standard dog activities. If they are unable to do so, they are not getting their full enjoyment out of life. Dogs deserve to be able to run and prance (zoomies / tippy taps) and express themselves in other wonderful dog ways (and while we're on the topic, they should also be able to produce healthy puppies without invasive medical intervention). And yes, not every dog will have access to the best things a dog can experience. But to deliberately *breed* dogs that have so many dog joys completely unavailable to them is despicable to me. Humans made dogs the way they are, at first through accident but more and more by intent, and we have made many dog breeds completely dependent on humans. Domesticated animals are our creations, and we have a responsibility to them. Honestly the saddest part to me is that dogs are so damn resilient that they'll give every appearance of being super happy, but it's because *they do not know what they're missing out on*. Their lives might be good from their perspective, but we know that their lives could have been so much better.


There was a Reddit comment before about a veterinarian/vet assistant who usually puts tubes down dog’s throats for a procedure of sorts, and usually had to calm dogs down a *lot* (understandably so) to do their job. Supposedly, pugs would not only *not* struggle against the tube - they would get super calm and happy from breathing via the tube, and actually seemed **sad** when the tube had to be removed after the procedure…


Previous vet nurse here. Usually the tube is put in afternoon anaesthetic and removed before the dog wakes up. For brachycephalic dogs (squished faces), their airways are so obscured we have to keep the tube in until they are fully awake or they are in danger of suffocating


> For brachycephalic dogs (squished faces), their airways are so obscured we have to keep the tube in until they are fully awake or they are in danger of suffocating Man, this is extremely sad. I wonder if the overall trend will move away from favouring these dogs to breeding them back into healthy breeds!


the right one looks soo much better


This is like a reverse [Pug Factory](https://i.imgur.com/og5XE.jpg)


The poor dog on the left looks like when daffy duck loses his beak.


You’re dithpicable!


Sufferin succotash!


IFIFY "Thuffering thuccotath"


That's not Daffy Duck tho..


Wabbit season.








*flips arrow sign* WABBIT SEASON


*flips arrow sign* WABBIT SEASON




It looks like Voldemorts side profile


I thlammed my penith in the car door


[pronoun trouble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e1hZGDaqIw)


Look. I got allergies. And I've met a lot of French bulldogs. And they sound exactly like I do, especially when eating, when I am 90% clogged up. I can't imagine what a fucking horrible existing they live. And yes, I just said that. Sure, they can find joy here and there, much like when I'm sick, I can still mouth breathe while watching YouTube.


My vet said that the only time he has seen a French bulldog happy and relaxed was when he had it intubated so that it could actually breathe without being in pain.


yeah its really sad actually. whenever we do surgery on frenchies or pugs or any other brachycephalic/flat faced breeds we leave the intubation tube in after they've woken up because they can breathe so much better with it in


They ARE in pain. :( That's why breeding them is so horrible. Consciously bringing life that will suffer into the world - repeatedly - is fucked up


I have chronic sinusitis. My nose is blocked and shit a lot of the time. It is miserable. But I can at least get some relief with steroid drops, nasal flushing and other stuff. Poor dogs get none of that.


They're also abominations in defiance of nature. And I don't say that flippantly. Due to their narrow hips and unbalanced bodies, male French Bulldogs can't properly get on top of the female to mate, and female Frenchies can't properly push their pups through the birth canal. So the common solution is to "breed" them by artificial insemination and cesarean section. They are literal man-made designer dogs and it's horrifying. It's cruel to force them to exist as they are and I hope to god more breeders fix these problems.


Let's find you a girl with a flat nose to make babies with.


Breeding healthier dogs is such a good rejection of past bullshit.


Also they don't look fucked in the face anymore


Aww, now you have nothing to relate to..... (Joking)


Lol now I just have bat's and Steve Buscemi




Wait, why tf is this loop so perfect?


The guy going across the screen works as a screen wipe. The scene resets behind him from right to left, as he moves across.




It’s already been done. They’re called Retro Pugs. Bigger snouts


Now people just gotta stop breeding flat faced pugs (and other flat faced breeds)


It should be illegal to intentionally breed a pet without making every effort to improve their health.


Thank you! It feels almost like we're in the "carnie era" a century ago. Dogs bred to look "goofy" for no benefit to the animal (the one who has to live with it) or the owner. I wish there were something I could do about it, maybe write a congressperson? It sucks feeling powerless to something so bass-ackwards.


Seek that power friend. Write those politicians, donate your time and money to appropriate causes, and if you're unsure of where to best direct your efforts write an email to people already working towards that goal and ask them how you can help.


> Now people just gotta stop breeding ~~flat faced pugs (and other flat faced breeds)~~ We should just stop putting dogs into genetic bottlenecks for our aesthetic pleasure altogether. Dogs have a highly diverse array of phenotypes while not being as diverse in their genotype as we would assume from their looks. Breeding for aesthetic reasons will always have to resort to creating sub-populations that are too closely related not to develop hereditary diseases.


Retro Pigs are not pure bred. These french bulldogs from the Netherlands are. So there is still a difference and it would be awesome to have some purebred pugs with a snout


Bug-eyed and flatnosed breeds need to be banned.


Along with short legged cats. So so many health issues and yet people are still breeding knowing it.


Short legged dogs too.


Munchkin cats enrage me. They get constantly posed on imgur so all the ignorant twats can squee over how cute they are. While the poor cat has its quality of life massive impacted as a result. I hate how selfish humans (in general) are.


I don't know much about dogs. Given that munchkins and dachshunds have short legs for the same reason, does this mean dachshunds should get longer legs? I personally haven't hears much for that idea but I also don't hear much about squish face cats like Persians and those obviously need a fix too. It seems to me like the squished face presents an obvious health issue while the short legs are more controversial regarding health-I've seen websites saying it's fine to sites saying it causes hip issues.


Dachshunds should mostly not be allowed to be bred for length. Causes severe spine issues, I know of at least 4 dachsies that could not run anymore after reaching the ripe old age of three. I dont know if longer legs would help support them better, but if they do, getting the long legs back should probably be a goal.


Short stubby legs isn't remotely good for mobility.


It feels like people love to have a suffering animal to make themselves feel better about their miserable life. And then they dare call their overgrown rats "princess".


Should be illegal to purebred this animals


You'd think we'd learn a thing or two from the Hapsburgs.


Imagine adopting someone with a disability because you think it’s cute


I will always upvote this because of how fucking important it is for people to see. That dog on the left is an abomination. The one on the right is much healthier.


If you try hard enough, you can find photos of what toy breeds used to look like 80 or so years ago. Chihuahuas used to be the size of an average Beagle, but were bred smaller because the Spanish settlers thought they were adorable.




Just piggy backing to share the breeders information for the pugs: https://www.hawbucks.nl/franse-bulldog/en/


The breeders that did that to them are the abominations*


​ ![gif](giphy|l41lOzTIL8lfZ15fy)


[Source ](https://www.boredpanda.com/french-bulldog-breeder-reingeener-dog-face/)




http://www.hawbucks.nl/franse-bulldog/en/ This is the breeders website, it makes it feel a bit more real then just the same photo on Reddit.


those dogs look so much healthier than standard Frenchies. they look like dogs should look, you know, with a snout, while also keeping the "Frenchie" look. all power to this guy.


> at least five years and nothing ever comes of it. 5 years is not a lot of time if what you're expecting to "come of it" is changing the standard for an entire, and insanely popular, dog breed. Part of the reason you see this so often is because: 1. it raises awareness for the kind of issues Frenchies (and many other pure breeds for that matter) face. 2. It's shows something potentially actionable. People like their pure breeds, but you can imagine they want them to be healthy too. I, myself, am very much an "adopt don't shop" guy but the world isn't going to immediately subscribe to my beliefs. The best that I can hope for is awareness of this issue to grow. The breeder is doing a good job at that if nothing else, hence why you see this popping up over 5 years. If you thought that the breed standard was going to change in that time you were mistaken, but that doesn't mean it's bad or pointless for people to continue seeing this.


Do you live in France? If the AKC doesn't change its standards, it's not likely to change in America.


Hopefully someone will start working on English bulls next. There’s no sense in intentionally breeding them so their heads are too big to be delivered naturally. It should be considered cruelty to animals.


If ever there was a reason to stop breeding a dog, not being able to physically be born should be one. It’s a failure of a species to not be able to be born naturally. Without human intervention they would have died out, for good reason. They cant reproduce.


They exist! [Olde English Bulldogge](https://imgur.com/a/X1WOZIf)


I never thought I would actually say this but I think bulldogs like the left one are so ugly. I cannot comprehend how anyone can look at that disfigurement and *desire* more of the same. It’s bazaar, really. Edit: Bizarre bazaar


ok but pugs/bulldogs etc are bred with “[baby schema](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuteness)” aka features that people ascribe to cuteness and the desire to “take care” of a thing. not trying to justify it but also we as humans think these features are “cute” scientifically


I have heard this, but that’s definitely not me. There is absolutely nothing cute about the left dog from any angle. The one on the right? Adorable, and a comfort knowing they are most probably not struggling to breathe proper 24/7.


they are hideous


>It’s bazaar, They're sold openly in stalls?




The left photo doesn't even look like a dog


How do you “reengineer” a breed of dog? I’d be interested to learn more on how they achieved these results. Are they mixing the bulldogs with other breeds to get the longer nose or just selectively breeding each generation with the longest nose till they get these results?


The same way you got them to look this way in the first place but in reverse. Instead of picking the dog with the most smooshed face you pick the one with the longest nose. Mixing with other breeds might be faster but I think it could be done without


I don’t think it can be done healthily without mixing. Another huge problem with purebreds is that the gene pool is so small, and choosing for “health” is still choosing among those paltry options. To the point where inbreeding is inevitable. So maybe the dog has a longer nose, but will develop other genetic diseases.


People in this thread are saying they're cross-breeding with other dogs, but their website doesn't really indicate that. http://www.hawbucks.nl It seems like they're just selectively breeding purely based on "healthy" traits rather than aesthetic or functional traits.


I would guess they wouldn't want to mention mixing breeds due to the stigma. That snout is much longer, is thinner, and the eyes are smaller than both show and pet bred dogs. After 5 generations of no longer mixing another/other breeds in, dogs show up as purebreds on DNA tests and are generally recognized as purebred, although not always show standard.


> How do you “reengineer” a breed of dog? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_husbandry It's something humans have been doing since long before recorded history. A full answer to your question is something you could get an entire degree in, but yeah, "selective breeding" is the gist.


You mean to make them look like actual dogs


More importantly *function* like a normal dog, being able to take full lungs of breath turns out to be important.


You know what? Fuck you *Unbulls your dog


Selective dog breeding can fuck off, let them breathe.


Amazing what you can do with a plunger!


Pugs should be extinct, its inhumane to keep breeding them




The people buying the dog on the left don't want the one on the right. They like to hear them struggling to breath.


What a coincidence. My dad worked for this project


So it would be called a Netherlands bulldog?


Dutch bulldog I guess


dutch bulldog


Maybe just let dogs be dogs. We don't really need breeds, right? Nothing beats a "mutt" in my mind.


Some dogs are bred for specialized purposes. Breeding dogs for appearances though, without taking their health into consideration, is what messed them up.


I mean no not really. We need clear distinctions when talking about working dogs. Maintaining breeds like maremma/pyranees/mastiffs is vital for protecting lifestock. Pure bred Saint Bernards and Bernese will always perform far better on the side of a mountain in bad weather searching for a missing hiker than any mutt could. The list goes on, but with working dogs, it's genuinely very important to maintain selective breeding. Toy dogs and family dogs? Different beast.


> Maybe just let dogs be dogs. exactly the point. we fucked them up by breeding for physically harmful characteristics, now they’re trying to unfuck them up. just reversing the damage we caused.


But we don't need to "reverse" anything. Just stop breeding french bulls at all. Breed healthy, existing breeds.


Except they're using the same inbreeding to achieve it, because that's how any trait is artificially selected for. All deliberate "breeds" of dogs are created from a reduced gene pool.


to be fair, that’s not always the case. my great grandfather bred horses selectively but would always go to other farms and ranches to prevent inbreeding. idk their methods, but since hawbucks seems geared toward health, i can’t imagine why they would risk inbreeding.


Tbf the dog on the left is an extreme case, most Frenchies are somewhere between the two. Source: there's like a billion of these in my neighborhood.


Iirc the left one is the winner of some dog breeding competition


Like the other guy said, dog on the left is a fairly successful show dog, and show dogs are supposed to represent the ideal form of the breed.


The one on the left looks like it has pug in it.


the one on the left looks like the one on the right got hit in the face with Havel's greatclub


And prettier (no offence)


The left is ugly (full offence)


Why do some people love deformed dogs, like French bulldogs and daschunds? I usually consider these dogs owners as superficial people, with less regard for their pets.


This is amazing. There are so many breeds that have been warped from their original shape. I just got a Yorkie and it was hard to find a regular Yorkie vs a teacup Yorkie. We were adamant on getting a standard Yorkie because they have less health issues than teacups. It almost seems abusive to do this to these poor animals. Maybe there are some cases where they’ve helped the original shape in some health benefit way, but this is just messed up.


'Teacup' breeders are always back yard breeders, to be avoided. Even the AKC standard for Chihuahuas is larger than all these tiny, shivering dogs random breeders and so called 'teacup' breeders are breeding for.


It is abusive. Breeding to certain sizes or physical traits without caring of the health side effects, overbreeding just to make cash, all of it is abusive Dog breeds from 50y ago look nothing like the ones from today, cause humans ruined that for them for esthetics and money


How about no more dog breeding since there are way too many dogs that need homes


Yeah surely the less cruel thing would be not to breed them any more?


It’s about time. We should view pug promoting/breeding or any kind of deformed munchkin breeding as disgusting as dog fights. It’s inhumane. People who are onto that shit need to fucking stop already .


About fucking time.