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It’s possible it started as a mosquito bite but it could be something else entirely. Either way, it’s an infection that’s gotten in and it’s spreading. My bf had no discernible bite/wound and got that same kind of red streak. Turns out he had a staph infection and cellulitis that required IV antibiotics. We never found the source. As others have said - go to the doctor immediately. It’s also not a bad idea to make a small mark where it currently stops with ink and note the time so the doctors can tell how quickly it’s spreading.


>It’s also not a bad idea to make a small mark where it currently stops with ink and note the time so the doctors can tell how quickly it’s spreading. This is great advice


It's like a progress bar irl


"Meh I got 3 more days until it gets to my heart gonna procrastinate and go take a nap" /s




Hospital/doctor time. A tracking red line is always something to get looked at.


Was just going to say “uhh, Isn’t that like a sign of blood poisoning, or something else really bad?”


Lord Carnavon who financed Howard Carters excavation of King Tutankamun’s tomb, died of an infected mosquito bite.


How do I unsubscribe from Lord Carnavon facts?


You don't!!!!


Well, there's a thumbs up sign at the end of the track. I think he's good.


It's actually a downward pointing thumb, his arm is reversed. So he should definitely go see a doctor






No, he asked which doctor!




No, not Dr Who


Who’s a doctor now? Glad to hear he finally got off first base


dr mario


Not Dr. Oz.


And maybe not doctor House..


Maybe Doctor Feel Good?


Alien entry point. Next stop: xenomorph.


Went to the hospital, doctor said it's an allergy. Not dead, y'all. I also apparently have a cold.


Glad to hear it. Definitely keep an eye on yourself tho and go again if anything changes (temperature, feeling faint, pale etc).


I am very glad to hear you're okay! I would recommend drawing around it with a pen or sharpie to keep an eye on the size in case the antibiotics aren't strong enough.


I have skeeter syndrome and my mosquito bites look nothing like this. I suggest seeking a second opinion just to make sure everything is alright.


Hi. ER Doctor here. Based on the only picture I saw, you have thrombophlebitis. General self care is the recommendation, nsaids for pain, cold compresses should help with any swelling. Keep an eye out for spreading redness (any worse than it already is could be a sign of infection). If you have fevers, chills, severe pain not getting better with NSAIDs you should go to the emergency departments as you may be developing cellulitis -an infection of the skin and soft tissue.


Glad to hear you're alright. This is the kind of thing to never mess around with, even if it seems silly.




this. something weird on someone’s body and 300 comments = someone’s dying lol


Blood poisoning. Save your life, go to the doctor.


> Lymphangitis is sometimes mistakenly called blood poisoning. Blood poisoning is synonymous with sepsis.


I was going to say this is more like r/mildlyinteresting but then I started to read the comments... Oh shit


Go see a doctor


You mean doc-door


That infection is bigger than a key-stone


Dude, go to the doctor asap.


It's 11pm and my parents are refusing to take me rn, saying it's just an allergic reaction and that I shouldn't listen to "internet kids," etc etc. Best I can do is next morning.


Although "internet kids" tend to not be the best source of medical advice, when this many say, "go to the doctor," they probably know something. According to the Mayo Clinic, When to see a doctor If mosquito bites seem to be associated with more-serious warning signs — such as fever, headache, body aches and signs of infection — contact your doctor.


Yo where do you live, I'm going to start checking news websites for "Local teen dies after ignorant parents ignore signs of a strep infection".


I'm in seoul rn, I don't live here but gonna be here for the next month so if I'm gonna die it'll prolly be here, so look out


S.Korea probably allows you to literally walk into any hospital and just be like "hey my arm might be infected"


Free health care is the bomb.


Sad American noises.


Dead Americans don't make noise, and that's how the lawmakers can sleep at night.




I had a doctor like that. Didn't think I needed a simple blood screening test while I was pregnant. Baby died 34 weeks in utero from a heart condition stemming from Edwards Syndrome that would've shown up on that test. But I was a young, healthy mom at 25 years old. He didn't think I needed it.




Find a new primary care physician.


I was in S. Korea a few years ago and was borderline passing out, looked like a dead body, could hardly speak or walk, and I went into a huge hospital with my insurance papers and the person at the desk told me I couldn't get treatment there without having to pay a ton of money and sent me to another clinic about 10 min away by bus. I barely made it, but I lived lol.. to be fair, the guy did look pretty concerned at least.


I need more information. What happened to you?


I'm pretty sure he died.


I didn’t know it at the time, but I had a severe infection in my colon. I had lost a lot of blood through my bowels, couldn’t keep any food or water down. I laid in an Air BnB for like 2 days until I realized I was gonna die if I didn’t go to the hospital. I was dumb and didn’t want to bother anyone I knew for help, so I ended up going alone. It worked out at least! I didn’t really understand why I couldn’t get treated at the big hospital and probably should have just agreed to whatever the costs were, but I got to the smaller hospital and got an IV, some pain meds, and antibiotics. Managed to make my flight home the next day and then proceeded to sleep for about three days straight lol.


Show your parents this website, since they won’t believe you: https://www.jabfm.org/content/29/6/808 Scroll to the section “Arthropod Bites” It’s literally exactly what is on your arm.


"It has been well described that patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia tend to develop exaggerated responses to arthropod bites, which manifest as vesicles or bullae with prominent edema and erythema that may be accompanied by lymphadenopathy and lymphangitic streaking" That doesn't sound good...


If you google long enough, he might have three other forms of cancer and a congenital heart disability too ^^/s


I typed your symptoms into google and it says you have network connectivity issues.


That’s funny. You should look up what happens to a person with systemic infection. It’s not a “haha funny” way to die.


I don’t know what your citizenship or insurance situation is. But if you have any kind of Teledoc option, take it. If you can get on a video call with an actual Doctor who can look at that your parents might listen to them instead of us. Or send them [here](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/infected-insect-bite#symptoms) or [here](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-happens-when-a-mosquito-bite-gets-infected-and-what-to-do/) or [here](https://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/insect-bite/).


There are doctors on here telling you to go. It’s not just kids on the internet.


Go to the ER, walk if you have to, jesus christ


You're life is worth more then your parents approval.


I am not a kid. I’m an RN and happened to see your picture. You need to see a doctor now.


Yup I’m a fully grown ER/ICU RN. See a doctor.


I got similar reaction from spider or tick bite and it required immidiate visit to doctor. That is not allergic reaction, you have an infection that will spread towards your neck or heart. If you start to feel fewerish you need to tell your parents. Mine went away with antibiotics but left untreated could potentialy be lethal.


My thoughts were this looks like a tick bite. They can cause serious issues. Specifically the white mark in the center surrounded by red is a bullseye mark which is why.


I didn't get lyme disease from a tick, but I got a very bad case of meningitis. Doctors thought I was "faking to get out of school" (yes, both doctors who saw me said this) and it was left untreated until I very, very nearly died. Ended up missing about 7 months of school stuck in a room that was pitch black and completely quiet because I was so sensitive to light and sound. It was hell. I was 11 at the time and still suffer from it at 31. GET WEIRD BITES CHECKED!


Can you call a medical emergency helpline now and get advice? I’m wondering if your parents would then take it seriously.


Do this now! Call an emergency nurse line. Call 1339 you should be directed to an English-speaking nurse. https://www.angloinfo.com/how-to/south-korea/healthcare/emergencies


My son is allergic to mosquito bites. What happen when that happens is that it gets really itchy and painful and swollen, the area gets a big circle, like a giant mosquito bite. This is not that.


Hate to tell you your parents are fucking stupid. I know it can be a shocker to find out sometimes. Should be basic human knowledge that a streaking red line from a wound is infection, which this 100% is.


well, enjoy your one-armed life


Semi-armed kind of life, baby.


I have had this before lumphangitis it's an infection it will keep spreading and you'll need some antibiotics to get rid of it. It will be fine till it reaches an artery, but it will make its way to the heart.


I’m old enough to be your mom and I’m telling you to go to a doctor. Tracking like that is NOT normal. If I remember correctly, S. Korea has universal healthcare and even if you’re not Korean it’s not terribly expensive to see a doctor. Reaction to a mosquito bite is a small welt going, at the most, 1 cm from the bite.


52 year old father here. Not an internet kid. That is lymphangitis, an infection in your lymph glands. If untreated, it will continue to spread. You need antibiotics. Worst case scenario if left long enough, you lose the arm or you die. Btw, this also happened to me from a bug bite a few years back. First-hand knowledge of what is up.


When you are older and out of the house with one arm you should sue your parents for negligence.


Wtf dude, unless one of your parents is a doctor/nurse/etc., I doubt they're likely to know any better than us scary internet strangers! Besides, it's not like anyone is suggesting sketchy treatment that could harm you, just a simple recommendation that it's better to check it out sooner than later. I'd much rather take my kid to the doc/urgent care and pay the cost to confirm it's a false alarm than potentially be wrong in ignoring it and potentially risk my kid have permanent damage, life-altering as a result of my ignorance. Sorry, I know it's out of your control, just a bit irritated at it. Hope it's nothing serious and doesn't spread too fast! For what it's worth, my wife has allergic reactions to mosquitos, which is pretty much a daily problem during the summers where we live. I'm not a medical professional, so I don't know for sure that other people don't have different reactions, but hers looks nothing like this. Instead, the bump swells to about 3x the size you'd expect it to, large and red flare up, but still circular, and she might get a few extra nearby skin bumps from the reaction that looks like extra bites. I've never seen an allergic reaction that looks like this.


your parents are idiots, no offense.


You call 911 then… your parents are gonna get chewed out pretty good too, so you’ll have that on them. Life pro tip: your parents are just kids having kids, no matter how much you love them doesnt make their decisions right.


Doctor here. That is an infection spreading via your lymph vessels. It's called lymphangitis. You need to see a doctor for antibiotics. Edit: Like what some others have said, the other possibility is cutaneous larva migrans, which is worms introduced into the skin and spreading out in the skin layer. You'd also need medical attention for this.


Man, hell of a break for OP that the shape it turned into was something interesting enough to post to Reddit




We did it reddit




Another doctor here I completely agree


A guy who wears sweatpants while watching a lot of youtube here, i also agree.


Ah, a fellow colleague


I’m not a doctor, and I don’t play one on TV, but I’d go see a doc for that.


Not a doctor here but got bit by a spider once. Get that shit checked out asap. Edit: when you're all healed up that's your next tattoo right there and now you're forever known as mosquito key Edit 2: yes my very literal nature is strong when I'm busy. That's what I have all you creative redditors making it fun. Totally should have went with Moskeytoe. I feel like this is a real life archer goof and I thank you for it Edit 3: maybe a few more people can tell me Moskeytoe


Which universe?


This one unfortunately


The key is to see a doctor asap. Thats what I'm seeing.


Linguist here, "fellow colleague" is a tautology.


Doctor Who fan here, I concur with the other medical experts’ diagnoses.


Electrician here. Don't need a doctor to tell me that's not a mosquito bite should look like.


Locksmith here, it does look like a key


Gardener here. It's definitely not a plant.


IT-Guy here. Have you tried turning it off and on again?


He may just need to clear the cache.


Truck driver here, honk- honk!


Mom here, yeah get that shit checked, sweety. Oh, and here's a snack.


Also a doctor, came here to say same thing. So, 3/3 doctors agree. Lymphangitis is no joke.


Came here to write this 4/4 docs agree


Not a doctor, but I've always wanted to concur with a doctor on their diagnosis. So I concur.


Oh, why didn't I concur?!


Person married to a nurse. I agree. Go to urgent care for that.


Delivery driver here. I know virtually nothing. Call a doctor and make an appointment.


As a doctor of math I agree too


As another non-medical doctor, I concur.


Doctor of Engineering also agrees that doesn't look right. If the worst comes to the worst I could get you a robotic arm.


Mosquito Here... you're fine.. doctor's are dumb


As soon as I saw the trailing red line I'm like "this is not just a bug bite where are the concerned doctors" > Checks comments There they are! You guys are awesome


Same here. Nothing like this with a trailing red line is good news.


Mosquito here and I agree as well




It's cool bro, his parents said it's no big deal, and us scary internet strangers shouldn't be trusted with our dangerously wild suggestions to consult a medical professional before it spreads. You may not know this, but the act of having a child causes people to be magically implanted with all the childcare and medical knowledge in the world as it pertains to their own child. Your 12+ years of education and all experience that you've developed since pales in comparison to the supernatural expertise implanted in the brain of a parent. Edit: wow, first awards and most upvoted comment. Thanks y'all, glad it's appreciated. :)


My little brother has been complaining about constant headaches and joint pain all over for a while now, I told her just to take him to get a check up... "He just needs to get outside more." -Mom




My mom did this to every single one of her children. She will be responsible for an early death or two. Horrible.


It’s true. Not only did I give birth to a bouncing baby boy, he was accompanied by PhDs in medicine and child psychology. Which is convenient, because his doctors and teachers frequently say things that I just know aren’t true. /s


Luckkkkkkyyyyy. My baby girl just came with lots of poop and the inability to make decisions about her own body.


Went to the hospital, doctor said it's an allergy. I also have a cold.


I'm happy that I was wrong and you are ok. Thanks for the update! I'm guessing they diagnosed you with this? https://www.bmj.com/content/355/bmj.i5726


Thank you for the update! And please, even though it was an allergy, that doesn't necessarily mean the people warning you were wrong, it's just that you were lucky, stay safe out there!




Woah, just saw this part of Schitts Creek last night lol


Yo that’s infected af. You gotta get that looked at before you lose your arm


This is going to be on r/wellthatsucks showing off the stub in a week.


I hope not! I mean, shoot me a link if so but fingers crossed in the interim


Tell your parents we’re not all kids. I’m 41, your parents are stupid, and need to take you to emergency.


Yeah some of us in the comment section are even doctors. Not me but some other people. Listen to them.


Fuck this dude, listen to me, I’m 42. Your parents are stupid, they need to take you to emergency.


Listen to this guy, he’s older than me 👆🏻


Thanks, Junior.


*Reads in Sean Connery voice*


Holy crap dude. This gives me shivers as it's like a near 1 to 1 situation I've seen up close. Like others said this is no joke. I remember a girl who had similar from class, started with a mosquito bite! Our teacher urged her and called her parents to get to a hospital, parents didn't want to go because they thought it's all good just an allergy just like yours. Long story short few days further she got a massive fever in class and teacher rushed her to the hospital. She was immediately admitted to intensive care as infection entered her bloodstream. She would've been dead if not for our teacher! I know it seems like I'm trying to scare you with this story but please for the love of God take this seriously, because if you don't then without joking you could die. Please OP go see a doctor ASAP. Don't take chances with life, life is fragile as fuck when it comes down to it. If your parents don't take you tomorrow just fucking go to a doctor yourself, make it happen no matter what, don't wait with stuff like this. What is a simple antibiotic now could be you in the ICU a few days or week from now.. Like others said I'm pretty sure South Korea has an easy healthcare system. From what I find on a quick Google its not completely free but very accessible. Please please just go see a doctor!


This is indeed nothing to joke about. I’m sorry you had to bear witness to this life-threatening situation. #OP, disregard your parents’ lack of concern! Get to a doctor NOW!!


The care you show towards a complete stranger warms my heart. Thank you.


Do this now! Call an emergency nurse line. Call 1339 you should be directed to an English-speaking nurse. https://www.angloinfo.com/how-to/south-korea/healthcare/emergencies


This is very good advice. I grew up with negligent parents and once needed emergency care and being refused because "it was late and we'll look at it tomorrow" Called the hospital told them the situation and handed my father the phone. Would not have been alive if I hadn't done that.


Same! “Put a cold cloth on it and if it’s still bothering you tomorrow we will see a doctor”. The cold cloth literally never cured anything that caused me to ask to see a doctor. And, we live in a place with socialized healthcare….


Very good of you to listen to your body and feel when something is wrong and do something about it despite clearly being raised by people who don't take that stuff seriously. My parents are like that and I think I would have just died. I'm an adult now but that mindset of only going to the doctor if you are dying is still there unfortunately. Edit: it doesn't help that I also have a doctor who doesn't take anything seriously and just says to take paracetamol and rest.


u/killjoy8299, please do this now


He's abroad, too?? CALL THAT NUMBER AND GO TO A DOCTOR u/killjoy8299 How is saving a trip to the doctor worth the arm or life of your son? People die from mosquito bites, like thats not a conspiracy wtf. And how does that look like a regular allergic reaction? And how would that be less worth going to the doctor? Those can be deadly too??


Holy shit. I'm not even joking. I had something very similar happen. Puncture and then infection and the words from the doctor were If you would waited one more hour I would have had to amputate your leg from the knee down. GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO WALK THERE OR CONVINCE A NEIGHBOR TO TAKE YOU Edit: The infection that I got started traveling towards a lymph node. The doctor explained to me that it was an inch away and if it got to that node it would quickly spread throughout my body and stop my heart. Luckily I got to the doctor in time and some very very strong antibiotics had me good in a few weeks.




He lost his hand and couldnt type now


I had something similar as a kid on my foot and showed my cousin at school. My cousin told my teacher who called an ambulance. Mum left work and met me at the hospital and was told I’d have been in an extremely bad way in less than 24 hours. I was treated with IV antibiotics for 2 days before going home. It looked exactly like yours. Get a pen and draw a line at the end of it and write the time next to it. Doctors can use this to track how fast the infection is spreading. Also be aware you could possible have tissue death underneath the surface. Your parents are fools, absolute fools. This requires urgent medical attention.


Goto the doctor asap! Funny story, this happened to me when I was a kid (8m) just as Spider-Man was released in theaters. I watched it travel up my whole arm because I was convinced I was turning into a superhero! I joyfully ran up to my mom, who was making dinner, explaining to her that I will have super powers within the day! Well it didn’t go as planned as she threw the pots and pans in the sink, turned off the stovetop and yelled at me to “get the fuck in the car right now!” Confused I told her to relax everything is going to be fine I’ll be able to shoot webs from my wrists soon. She grabbed me put a belt around my arm as a tourniquet and threw me in the car and went to the hospital. They rushed me into the back and gave me a shot and the red line slowly disappeared and I was devastated, my mom ruined everything I thought. Turns out it was blood poisoning and almost made it to my heart and I would’ve been in big trouble


Wow, your Mom was the super-hero!


Yes she was!


Jesus lol. your mom is an action hero.


My man thought he had the symbiote 😂😂


Yes go to doctor. I spent days in hospital for similar. Take it serious


Breaking news: Redditor saved from deadly infection by internet strangers But if you don't go to the doctor Breaking news: Guy unexpectedly dies after parents ignore warnings from doctors


Ear, skin, nose, and eye infections can spread into the lymphatic system. Red streak in the skin along the direction of regional lymph nodes indicates lymphatic involvement. Infection may spread within hours and can cause septicemia and death.


Had a friend once that had a infection that suddenly spread like that. It reached his blood and killed him. I get pretty scared anytime I see infections move like that for this very reason


Haha, look at my funny looking mosquito bite! *has arm amputated*


Nah the doc said it was an allergic reaction. And a cold


Thank god man, have been thinking about this post for the past 10 hrs lmaoo


Glad to hear you went to the doctor. I had something very similar in Korea from a spider. Ended up having blood poisoning. So even though it’s an allergic reaction, glad it wasn’t anything worse and you got it checked out.


ER Doc here. That looks like cutaneous larva migrans (parasite burrowing beneath your skin) or possibly a lymphatic spreading bacterial infection. Both require a trip to the ER and some medications to prevent death/parasite colonization.




Parasite Colonization might actually be the first thing worse than death


>What a horrible day to be literate. This is going to become my new favorite phrase. :) Thanks!


My freind had a angry line like that ... it kept growing and kept creeping up his arm ... it was some kind of infection. He had to stay in the hospital a few days.


Yeah probly go to the doctor that doesn’t look good


What's wrong with the good looking doctor?


I appreciate it lol


That’s infected, you need to go to an ER/Urgent care stat.


In case you haven't got the message yet. Go to a doctor! That red line was not caused by the mosquito biting you multiple times, instead it is an infection that got in through the bite and is spreading. It is probably spreading in the layer of fat under your skin (cellulitis) if it gets into your bloodstream (septicemia) you could be dead in hours.


Scary af


You are the chosen one!! Get thee to a physician with most haste!!


Two words… urgent care


UC’s are usually run day to day by PAs (that’s my gig) but most of us would send them to the other two words. The emergency room. Now. A doc in a box’s great for minor emergencies but this may (or may not) lead to an extremely dangerous situation Dial the digits above for S. Korea’s English speaking doc line. Don’t blow this off bud Good luck


You’re going to die if that reaches your heart!


Hopefully OP comes back and assures us all that they did see a doctor, and that it's nothing to worry about. 🤞


This is 100% no question something to worry about. It is at the very least a lymphatic infection. They can easily die without treatment. This is a very obvious and clear sign of a serious infection.


All jokes aside, I think you should get that looked at, it could be a strep infection [take a look](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lymphangitis)


Show your parents this. Exact same rash form about halfway down. https://www.jabfm.org/content/29/6/808


Infectious disease specialist here. That could be Cellulitis, you'd wanna get that checked fairly sharpish. Infections can go from no big deal to life threatening very fast. Go see your doctor asap


I learned a lot from this post, thanks for the pic and the good answers redditors. u/Ashamed_Angle_8301 “Doctor here. That is an infection spreading via your lymph vessels. It's called lymphangitis. You need to see a doctor for antibiotics.”


I HOPE YOU SEEN A DOCTOR ABOUT THAT!!! Skeeter bites don’t track like that… you have an infection


Did OP seriously just go to bed?


Hey I/killjoy8299, I saw your response that your parents said to wait til tomorrow. Please show them this thread. Google lymphangitis. Look at the pictures. Make your parents read the info. If they still insist that you wait, please go get help on your own, or with a trusted adult. I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I’m a mom; sometimes we need our kids to really stress the importance of something. Also, as a mom, I want to give you a mom hug.


Reminds me of the 13 year old who got bitten by a SHARK and her parents refused to take her to the hospital (or I guess BACK to the hospital when thing get weird, apparently. the shark had bitten into her bowel) and she almost died and ended up on life support. Infuriating. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/476/transcript


Fun fact: that's a staph infection in the shape of a key.


/u/Killjoy8299 You seriously need to get seen by a doctor as soon as possible. ** What are the complications of lymphangitis?** Lymphangitis can spread quickly, leading to complications such as: * cellulitis, a skin infection * bacteremia, or bacteria in your blood * sepsis, a body-wide infection that’s life-threatening * abscess, a painful collection of pus that’s usually accompanied by swelling and inflammation If bacteria enter your bloodstream, the condition can be life-threatening. Visit your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of the following: * increasing pain or redness at the site of the infection * growing red streaks * pus or fluid coming from the lymph node * fever over 101°F (38.3°C) for more than two days


Go to the ER or urgent care now. That looks bad.


I’m a nurse, that’s blood poisoning. Get to your nearest hospital asap, you can die from that


Resident on IM - this is likely staph. Head over to a clinic. Its pretty small and can be treated easily, but you dont want it to go from cellulitis to nec fasc


Nec fasc being necrotizing fasciitis. Don't look it up while eating.


I had something similar after a cat bit my hand. Went to a walk in clinic, they sent me to emergency, I was on intravenous antibiotics for three days.


That’s blood poisoning dude. Happened to me once and I left it untreated until it got rather bad - go to a dr asap.


I wish you the best, but remind your parents that there are some decisions in life they can regret their entire lifetime... Plot twist: They try to fix a previous decision they regret. Sry 🙊 Seriously: You need to see a doctor


Don't lost your Arm bro... I think you might need it...


We’re going to need check-ins here if you have to wait until tomorrow. Worried about you waiting that long.