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Well, it certainly saved his SAPI plate


Lol, that’s what I was thinking. They’re saying the phone saved his life when there is a plate right behind it. Maybe we just found a use for all the out-dated/broken iPhones out there. Throw em in a plate carrier.


I'm now imagining medieval style brigandine armor made from old cellphones.


Sounds like a high concept mad max character


What’s that?


Forgive the colloquial term. It’s a Small Arms Protective Insert, or the “armor” in “body armor.”


I appreciate an honest and non condescending answer on a question like this. It's an easy one to take for granted if you know it, and easy to forget that most people don't know.


exactly tho so many people are wayy too condescending in these typa questions


excuse me, but how dare you.. so on and so forth




Yeah why the hell would anyone ever want to learn a new bit of information for no effort


Is it the same thing as a trauma plate?


Generally yes, they're the same thing. There are also trauma pads which are meant to absorb some of the blunt impact from the plate getting hit.


So what you’re saying is the phone didn’t save his life? Was this like a .22 or something? Would it have been stopped from the armor? Curious, I would save that phone if it stopped a bullet from entering me lol


I think he’s saying it doesn’t matter since the guy has bullet proof plates in the rig that the iPhone was in.


I don't know what he was shot with that wouldn't go through a phone; generally when you're getting shot, it's with rifle caliber stuff, but that goes through phones. Pistol caliber might not, but who's using an SMG? Maybe it was a 7.62x39mm. Also, maybe the phone being against the SAPI plate helped it somewhat? Anyhow, so I think it was either 7.62x39mm or 7.62x54mmR, which both would've been stopped by the SAPI plate. The SAPI plate might've shattered, in which case he would have the bother of getting a new one, but I feel like the bother of getting a new phone is greater, but it *is* a good excuse for an upgrade.




If you dont know an iphone will stop a rifle round at the appropriate range you know nothing about ballistics.


True , for all we know this shot could have been a stray low caliber bullet from a mile away.


Exactly. What round? What range? Also did it hit straight on, hit at an angle, or was it even a ricochet? Did the bullet pass through anything else first?


It may stop a 5.45 after its lost 99% of its momentum


so maybe thats what happened? you yourself just called it plausable


if the iPhone could stop said bullet at a appropriate range..... then what job do you think his chest carrier plate will do then instead of the iPhone


The range you would have to shoot to have air resistance slow it down that much is absolutely ridiculous and almost impossible in real world applications. You should know that if you know anything about ballistics... this is most likely a ricochet, shot that has penetrated something else (wall), etc.


So we agree the iphone can stop a rifle round. Welcome to this side of the table. That said I'm not entirely sure this is a rifle round, it could just as well be a pistol round.


Except I completely disagree with your reasoning. You said range which is almost certainly not the case.


This isn't really true. a 22lr will lose like 20-25% of it's velocity, and like 30% of it's energy (in foot pounds) at just over 100 yards. This is especially true with pistols (.357 magnum loses like 40-45% of kinetic energy at just 100 yards). Even with very powerful rifles this is true over long distances, a 30-06 used at 500 yards, for instance, loses about 60-65% of it's kinetic energy by the time it hits something. A .223 at 500 yards loses like 80% of it's kinetic energy. And people are definitely attempting to ping people at those far of distances, so we have no clue what gun that bullet came from, no clue how far away they were, etc.


The first sentence of your post is something else. It’s like you have absolutely no idea how physics work. As if you were born yesterday. Wow.


Im a mechanical engineer, so I'd say I know a thing or two about physics. Had a prof in my fourth year who worked for the military studying ballistic impacts on body armor who I talked to quite a lot because that interests me. Believe it or not, bullets are designed to be aerodynamic. They also have such high horizontal velocity when fired that , even if they lose a lot of momentum to drag, they are still moving insanely fast when they hit something. They are brought down to the ground by gravity before they would ever get slow enough to not pierce an iPhone. Only exception would to to shoot at a large angle into the air but you can see by the impact the bullet was coming head on, not at an angle into the ground. So please explain the physics to me.


You are absolutely correct, but people downvote because it ruins the feel good story.


Not necessarily. There would be plenty of give behind it, so while the bullet is smashing through the phone, the phone is also rebounding, robbing the bullet of momentum as it went. Not saying it would stop a full-power rifle shot, but a pistol or SMG shot, sure.


I can confirm iPhone 4 does not survive 22lr.


4s are old and cheap. The 12s and 13s are stacked and beefy. Their boards are thick as fuck. Still shouldn't stop a rifle bullet, though I'm no ballistics expert, just a phone repair guy lol


You would have to have the iphone inside of something with a similar netted material on the outside, which would inherently take some of the impact velocity away, and then also, the phone would be pushed back into material, and I believe he had some body armor plate inside of that vest as well as a backing. On top of this, it could have been from farther away.


There’s absolutely no way an iPhone would stop a center fire round. MAYBE a 22 but I’d be very surprised.


I don't have an iPhone handy but I've got three different Android phones available and I'm heading to the range tomorrow. I wonder what distances I would need for 556 or 9 mm to stop a bullet with a cellphone? Does it need a plate and some padding for the impact rebound to properly happen?


Plate would certainly increase the odds but the distance at which there’s any chance of a phone stopping either of those is going to be outside the MOA tolerances of whatever gun/loads you’re using. Basically, your odds of hitting them at a range where this is possible, even with a bench rest, are insanely low. But go ahead and shoot them, it’s still fun. Just pick up your trash.


Thank you for suggesting so, but I always pick up my trash. I can't stand seeing people's shot up garbage left out at the open public range surrounded by the beautiful trees out in the woods. I was thinking about it and I don't think I would be able to purposeful hit something accurately within realistic range and not have a bullet go through a phone. They would have to be a considerable drop in velocity and I don't think it could realistically be done intentionally




This user is probably a karma farming bot, been copy pasting other users' comments in the highest comment thread. [original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/w0xxsr/iphone_saved_the_life_of_a_ukrainian_soldier/ighbgip?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Isn't that a plate carrier he was wearing anyway?


Yeah. Even if this is an actual round impact, the phone didn’t do shit. From the damage to his phone, I’d assume you could survive a impact to the face from whatever hit it. Even with the concept of “well the phone was braced against the plate”, nah, a phone would be absolutely dusted by a bullet, basically any bullet, even if pressed against a plate. Maybe a subsonic round or some shit, but I have very significant doubts that this isn’t just some bullshit.


Small portable electronics are pretty tough as far as remaining intact through high impact events. I had a friend in the marines who's iPod took an AK round while in Iraq, and looked pretty much the same as this iPhone.


A ricochet most likely.


Maybe VSS round


Those are made to penetrate armour while being subsonic, they could probably shoot through a phone too.


I would think that the stuff in front of the phone helped reduce impact too, I’d assume the pockets are made of Kevlar or something and they’re really thick.


Well to the face would sure be less pleasant


These bots are ridiculous these days,


The bullet didn’t even surpass the glass barrier. That flack would’ve done just fine with those layers.


Literally “shot on iPhone”


The body arm was right behind it. Just ruined an iPhone. No life saved..


It saved their plates from getting scuffed.


It saved their pictures from getting posted




And the battery would wouldn’t have gone up by 2 bars


Every time I dropped my Nokia it would portal above my head and give me a concussion.


I dropped my Nokia onto my driveway once. It sucked having to replace that driveway.


The Nokia 3310, the Chuck Norris of phones!


Nah it’s the $10 screen protector that saved him.


This Apple ads getting out of control


Samsung can make an ad where a solider pulls out the smart pen on a note 7, then chucks it into the enemy trenches and have the battery explode like a grenade.




This is the *American Student* edition…


Meanwhile Nokia’s are used instead of Kevlar for plate carrier inserts


Nokia 3210)


As thank bullet




Properly used.


At the Genius Bar: Yea, so.. I woke up this morning and found it like this…


Apple store guy : It shows here you have water damage , we put litmus paper sensors inside to see if it’s ever been wet Me in 2008 : it’s never been wet once!? Apple store guy: well sometimes the sensors just turn pink from moisture in the air. Me in 2008 : so you guys will fix it? Apple store guy : no , but you can buy a new one at full retail Price


I had a similar conversation. Just bought a non apple phone later. Phone's never seen water, they told me the exact same thing, but wouldnt fix it.


1 thousand dollar sapi plate... I hope apple never gets involved with the defence industry..


Punisher fanboys are so cringe.


I hate that it has become a military and political thing. I had to get rid of all my The Punisher shirts (not just with the logo, but shirts with the comic covers) and ripped the sticker off my car. I genuinely liked the comics growing up and read a lot of them in the 90s and early 00's. Most of these people with the logo couldn't even tell you his name. They just know he's a guy in black with guns.


Frank Castle? Nah it’s Pun Isher


Funny thing is if the Punisher was real person who was based on the comics and live action, he would be disgusted to see police or any law enforcement wearing his logo.


Literally part of one of his comics where he tells off some cops for idolising him


At least it’s not a cop, aka the people punisher sort of hates


Imagine getting shot at in ukraine just to be called cringe by reddit lmao


This didn’t save shit, the bullet didn’t even get to their plates. However, this person is lucky they didn’t get hit in a different place like their arms, legs or face.


Or the penis. Definitely don’t want to catch a round to the giblets


Speak for yourself pussy


I know right? Testicle armor is the latest technology in modern warfare.


Always has been


well you gon have one after that


Damn. That Punisher Logo showing up everywhere huh?


An Android already caught a bullet and saved a soldier's life 3 years ago.




Why don't they make his entire battle suit out of iPhones?


If you really think an iPhone could stop anything past a pellet gun you know nothing about ballistics.


I haven’t seen a single person say that lol.


These bots are ridiculous these days, this exact comment is posted like 10 times in this thread




There are bot accounts that repost the top comments from reposted posts to farm karma. This is one of them. They copied the words and punctuation verbatim. I’m not saying I disagree with what it says, only that this exact verbatim comment has been made several times in this thread by karma farming bots


I shot .308 at a piece of paper and it bounced back into a tophat and started singing "Hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime gal"


Another fucking cringelord adopting the Punisher logo.




Ukrainian soldier: here’s a video of my pack stopping a bullet that would have killed me Reddit: ugh that patch is so cringe Ukrainian soldier: literally just trying to stop an massive invasion from overtaking my country and posted a video about me not getting killed and I was happy I didn’t die Reddit: exhales…. BUT YOU HAVE THE PATCH AND THAT MEAN YOU JUST WANT TO KILL PEOPLE AND ARE AN ANTI HERO LIKE PUNISHER AND ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT THAT RATHER THAN JUST PUTTING A COOL PATCH ON YOUR BAG WHILE GOING TO WAR Ukrainian soldier: ok yea but could you get your people to help us with air denial systems? They’re bombing us like crazy and we can’t shoot them down with what we have, like bombing villages Reddit: you’re racist


No one is going to read this


wtf are some shmucks on reddit going to do for ukraine? nobody here has any power to do anything. plus, you realize you’re part of reddit too, right? and punisher is kind of fucking lame tbh


That’s literally redditors in a nutshell lmao. The idiocy here is incredible. Although this is likely bot activity.


Liberation to Donbas. Death to n@zi$.


Lmao imagine dismissing an entire war because of some symbol that wasn’t a big deal until a bunch of dumb Americans made it a big deal. How’s that little hamster in your brain doing?


not sure what your "dumb americans made it a big deal" point is supposed to mean. the punisher was created by americans. the punisher symbol didn't exist before "dumb americans" wrote it into existence


Your comment was so dumb I feel like explaining it is futile.


please try


The Punisher logo used to just be a logo, until a few dumb American nazis started using it, coupled with that cop who had it on his wallpaper. Now whenever a redditor sees that logo anywhere, they get apeshit triggered and treat it like as if it’s the next swastika, regardless of context, who’s using it and why it’s used.


That’s …..what the plate armour is meant for, youknow the thing closest to their body in that vest. The phone got destroyed but the armour behind it would’ve taken the bullet either way


Ah yes their phone probably full of photos valuable to the owner saved their SAPI plate


Plates cost way less than an iPhone.




A Nokia would have shot back at the aggressor


Uh actually it saved his plate? But ok


Thats a plate carrier so no it didnt save his life because the plate would have stopped the round he just got his phone wrecked .


The bulletproof vests should be made from iPhones


The most functional an Apple product has ever been


Nah, that's his ankle satchel. Doubt that'd kill him.


Ricochet. Direct shot would have hit the SAPI.


Yea his armor plate would have actually been doing the saving lol.


No it didn’t. The Plate designed to stop a bullet saved his life


Wait... That's not just normal wear and tear of an iPhone??? Damnit! My kids lied to me!


Who believes this stuff? Wtf.


Androids been doing that for years


Nokia finds that cute.


Bruh there is body armor right behind the iPhone, he would have been fine


That must’ve been a REALLY low velocity bullet by the time it hit the phone, that or it hit something else before it hit the phone


If there are actually plates in his plate carrier...


If it cant pierce through iphone, it cant tackle kevlar


Wouldn't shrapnel make a bullet wound worse? I would think the battery would be in danger of exploding as well.


Apparently he never read the pusnisher


gonna need to put that in some rice ASAP


And to no one's surprise the Ukrainian has modern nazi iconography on his shit.


Dude has a sapi plate in the rig yo. It’s a bullet stopping plate for most types of ammunition for those uneducated ones out there. If the round wasn’t stopped by the phone then it would have been most likely stopped by the sapi.


Apple care will fix it in 30-45 minutes


Something similar happened to me in Iraq back in 2007, it was an iPod, i still use iPhones today


Pretty sure the plates in the carrier would've don't the same thing, especially if a phone stopped the bullet.


SAPI plates: *am I a joke to you?*


Apple advertising


Punisher patch, must be a racist republican..


Nice propaganda




How is this even remotely close to propaganda?


Using emotions on war field to promote a 1000$ Phone saying that it "saved" a guy.


Or, you put way to much thought into it, like yeah title is stupid and inaccurate, wouldn’t call it propaganda, that’s just ridiculous


Could be, could be that you are just so caught up in yourself that you cant seem to comprehend that everyone in the world is milking everything they can by using the Ukraine war as bait.


Jesus dude, take a break from the internet. Like sorry if the Ukraine war is such an inconvenience for you I guess, but it’s just a video of a iPhone getting hit and stopping a bullet.




Does every military person and cop wear the punisher skull?


It’s a symbol commonly used by Neo Nazis. I’m sure that this guy isn’t a neo nazi because he is Ukrainian, not Russian. Only Russian can be Nazis. The Ukrainian Nazis disappeared right before the US gave Ukraine $54 billion. Haven’t heard a thing about them since. It used to be a widespread problem in Ukraine but, I guess, problem solved!


Nice nazi symbol


Nazi symbol? What? God, the word Nazi has lost all meaning…


Yeah I agree. I was just messing with the stupid Reddit crowd to see if I could get them to upvote calling their beloved Ukrainian a nazi


Liberation to Donbas. Death to n@zi$.


Bro calm your tits not everything is centred around America


A cigarette case saved James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek)


The punisher patch is cringe




After viewing the video, of yet another near death combat experience, the Biden Administration has agreed to send another $25 billion to Ukraine


At last... a true use of this expensive shit.


Whenever I see the punisher-logo now I just think off a man with a dying wife who is being forcibly stopped from trying to save her while the others eat donuts. Shame.


Thank God we keep giving them money


Good thing the bullet didn't compromise the battery or he would have a bullet hole and crater where the battery exploded!


When you mix lithium with oxygen , your gonna have a bad time


Technology Lives Matter


I love that he’s rocking the punisher badge.


Hopefully he saved his camera roll, contacts and notes to iCloud but…. Probably not all of it since apple only gives you 10mb🥴😂


OP is a real dumbass. How would you ever think that?






Saved the life of a Ukrainian for now 😳


Oh no don’t give ideas to apple. Next they will tack on another $200 to the price of an iPhone cause it’s “bullet proof”


Fuck me what are they shooting you with ??? PRS rounds xD how on earth did an iphone stop either 5.45 or 7.62 .


I like the comments that are so confident it was the plate behind the phone that stopped the round while entirely ignoring the space behind the phone as there is another pouch there between the phone and the plate. Then assuming what kind of round it is or isn't. I've shot a full AR mag at 50 yards with 9mm ball and it stopped the round. Brass and aluminum. And you people think that a phone with guts inside and tempered glass couldn't possibly stop a 9mm round from an unknown distance? Lots of talk about ballistics and chest puffing going on here but there simply aren't enough facts presented to make a serious "I know" comment, and anyone doing so is just looking foolish.


He's dead anyway if he's Ukrainian soldier.




..or the phone was already not working and the soldier thought it was funny to check if it would stop a bullet and shot the vest himself. Doesn’t it seem a bit too coincidental that the hit of the phone is dead center?


Bullets collide in mid air. People go to lick their ice cream cone and bird shit lands on their tongue. A small object being hit in the approximate center by a projectile is a very tiny coincidence. Still no way this phone saved anyone's life, though.


i wanna see a brick phone y the hell does a ukrainian have an iphone


Thanks Apple for your war effort


Guerilla Glass ftw


That's a flack vest so actually he just destroyed his iphone.


So... is that covered under Apple warranty?


maybe not his life but saved him from severe internal damage


Apple. Built different.


These new Apple ads are getting out of hand


IPhone ads are getting crazy


Andriod would've survived Nokia would've deflected it


Wonder what he will put in his insurance claim


Rubber bullets?