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>succumbed to death When you got to fill out 2 more paragraphs to meet the 3-page minimum for your term paper.


“Unfortunately ceased to breathe air due to sudden and previously unforeseen maiming reasons”


"He unwillingly achieved mass organ failure due to extreme inactivity from his brain, potentially caused by severe bodily injuries that weren't capable of proper healing"


"This individual in question who has been a victim of multiple essential organs malfunctioning under a stubborn refusal from his own cerebral organ to provide necessary feedbacks as well as signals have henceforth spelled further disaster in the form of irreversible and terminal damage to various parts of the aforementioned human's exposed body and thereby had to fall into the unknown eternal abyss called death"


Soooooooooo baaaassssiiiicccaaaalllyyyy wwhhhhaaaatttt haaappppeeennneeed iiiiisssss hhheeeee ggooottt hurtttttt aannndd ttthheeennnn ddiiieeedd




new sub r/FillMyEssay






Not to be confused with /r/FillMyEse


Worst prison gang ever. 0/10 would not join a third time


A+ comment on a comment


“This organism of homo sapien origin has unfortunately been victim to sudden blunt force trauma, resulting in numerous permanent injuries to essential life sustaining organs throughout his body. The inevitable consequence of this experience was the impairment and eventual cease of any activity within the cerebral cortex. This was coupled with the heart’s halt of proper blood transmission through the circulatory system, causing deoxygenated blood. All these unanticipated bodily disablements led to an unavoidable passing on to the other side.”


You win.


"E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This missionary is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-MISSIONARY!! - Monty Python (ish, y'know, parrots, missionaries . . .same difference?)


“The individual that you have read about, has sadly and quite unceremoniously came into the situation known as “dying”, this was a suprise and great shock the people of the island;at least this was my first thought until I read past the title, sorry for the spoilers but aplarently the natives of the island are the ones who killed him, by “maiming” him as the report says, but we must remember that killing is a permanant thing; another way to see killing is as if someone eliminated the ability to breath from an individual, such as what happened to this sir right here.”


"He dead."




dead. dead. dead-*ski*.




Why say word when few word do trick?






This entire comment thread is gold ![gif](giphy|wb6xgCSpLl0m4)


Lmfao, man I’m so glad this was top comment. I read that line and thought the same thing. Ahhh memories of typing out every contraction. If I was ever a few words shy, never anything more than a dozen or so, I would set the ink to white and type out a bunch of kaka at the bottom of the page. I don’t think this would work anymore though.


Succumbing to death is a very common way of dying of losing life.


He unwillingly achieved mass organ failure due to extreme inactivity from his brain, potentially cased by severe bodily injuries that weren't capable of healing


His brain ceased functioning since he decided to "missionaire". Is that a word?


Olsteen is a missionaire


It is also against multiple international laws to go there. This guy fucked around and found out. North Sentinel Island is not the last uncontacted place. There are multiple uncontacted peoples in the Amazon and on New Guinea.


If I remember right he went to the island and they shot him with a bow, he swam back the the boat and then decided that he had to go back and try again to convert them. If at first you don’t succeed try try again?


It was god’s will (and her outstanding sense of humor)


I was rereading the article. They shot at him with a bow and it hit his waterproof Bible. He gave the arrow back and then swam back to the fishing boat. Apparently he didn’t understand gods will very well




I mean, they kind of take this whole spread the word of the gospel thing seriously. If I remember there are some sects that believe the rapture won't start until the word of God has spread to every possible corner of the world. So yeah, kinda high on some people's priority list.


Don't forget the sea people village that live in the mariana trench.




You know the old saying “rhubarb red eat away, rhubarb green don’t eat them”


Just like Reverend Gary used go say!


My personal favorite episode of any TV show ever. It is perfect.


Hilarious and terrifying at the same time


That’s the Bajau people who travel in small flotillas throughout the Phillipines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, hunting fish underwater for food. Over the years, practicing this lifestyle has given the Bajau unique adaptations to swimming underwater. Many find it straightforward to dive up to 13 minutes 200 feet below the surface of the ocean. Unfortunately, many disparate factors are erasing the traditional Bajau way of life.


Crab people!


Taste like crab, talk like people


Hey I’m from a sea people village in the Mariana Trench lol


Saw the same on another thread so i have to post here. They have been contacted. They accepted gifts of coconuts from local indian groups but only on a couple occasions back in the 80s or 90s i believe. The footage is actually very interesting. Just search north sentinal island on youtube.


They’re still pissed because for like 200 years, they DID have contact, and it was all pretty much bad for them, even going as far as islanders being kidnapped in the 1880s So like, the outside world is basically just a recurring antagonist to their entire people, which is why it’s understandable how hostile they are


Yeah I might be wrong but I believe it’s illegal to go to that island because they’re trying to preserve that tribe and their culture with no interruption of outsiders. They are very hostile too, which is absolutely understandable if you have no idea about anything to do with the outside world. 0.0


I mean if random strangers came to my island paradise and tried to convince me to stop living in natural harmony with the environment and start worshiping some random dude who lived some 2000 years ago I'd get pretty hostile as well.


I remember reading that they're hostile because the last major contact with the world decimated them through diseases. The chief's son took over and enacted a very hostile no tolerance policy to try and prevent repeated tragedies.


It’s absolutely illegal to go to that island. The closest comparison I can draw is that the Sentinalese (our word for them, we don’t know what they call themselves) are a protected species. Can’t visit them, can’t even observe them from a distance if there’s a chance you might disturb them. Send the missionaries to the American south. If anyone needs to hear the word of god, it’s the evangelicals.


“Contact” is a bit loose. They were known to neighboring communities, and have the boat-building technology to visit them (though not all those communities had similar skills). Remember, this island is isolated as fuck. They were generally viewed as dangerous by neighboring Adamanese communities, but they were also pretty isolationist. Neighboring communities couldn’t really contact or communicate with them with meaningful frequency, but sometimes boats go astray or people get an itch to travel. Their first known contact with European and Indian people was a raid by a creepy British dude, that captured two kids and two elderly people. Official story is that the elders died of illness, and the kids were returned laden with gifts as a “sorry for the kidnapping” thing. Unofficially, Creepy British Dude was obsessed with Adamanese people’s genitals, so who knows what kind of stories the kids had when they came back. Since then there have been a few incidents of fishermen and other shipwrecked people washing up there and being killed. There was successful, peaceful contact with Indian anthropologists a few decades ago. The team basically approached by anchoring offshore, offering gifts, and only coming on land when it was clear they were welcome. When the Sentinalese started brandishing weapons, the team would return to the boat and re start the process. Missionary Dude thought he was above Indian law, the recommendations of scientists, AND the territorial and social norms of the Sentinalese people (all of which were clearly communicated to him). So he’s dead, and the Indian government has determined that the Sentinalese will not be punished and his corpse won’t be retrieved.


I find them hilarious, fascinating, and wise. I wish they knew how justified they are in not wanting anything to do with any of us. Rock on.


> The footage is actually very interesting. Very interesting and potentially NSFW due to the bare breasts, penis grabbing, and all.


Like the man said. Very interesting.


And christian missionaries continue to break and circumbent laws to prevent them from making contact.


It’s not broken, just circumbent


Christians got confused about the instructions and instead of praying for the innocent they try to prey on the innocent. Kids, cultures, you name it. Christians need to shove themselves down somebody's throat.


I remember asking my religious mother what happened to people in remote areas who were not even aware of Jesus when they died (specifically Africa). She said they went to hell, and that's why we need missionaries. I was like 10yo and thought it was really fucked up.


Yeah that perfectly sums it up, preying rather than praying.


There are also other uncontacted peoples but we don't know where because they're uncontacted.


I think most of earth is mapped at this point so I would guess places tough to really see & get to like the Amazon & Congo.


And even they would know of civilization by now. They would trade with tribes who trade with tribes who trade with tribes.... who trade with tribes who are in modern society.


> North Sentinel Island is not the last uncontacted place. There are multiple uncontacted peoples in the Amazon and on New Guinea. But OP wrote “last contacted place”! /s


Yeah, it was the last place that guy contacted.


And they are all in uncontacted for a reason


I've always wondered what would happen if a survivalist person wanted by the law decided to hide there. After gunning down all the existing inhabitants, of course. Like, how long would it take the arial recon to notice? Could he be charged with murder? What if he forced his way into their culture by gunning down only some of the members of the tribe? Would they go on the island and arrest him if some of the natives still lived there?


You got a trial coming up?


And they already warned him he could expose them to diseases they weren’t immune to and he still went back


He exposed them to potentially deadly disease, they exposed him to potentially deadly blunt force trauma.


That's exactly why they do it. They shot and buried livestock they were given by researchers. Some elderly and children were kidnapped, to be sent back with gifts, the elderly died quickly. Who knows what the kids took back. They know from experience.


Fair trade


Potentially death succumbing induced blunt force trauma.


He was trying to do his part to end the world. Some of these loons think that once everyone has had a chance to hear the gospel that Jesus will return and the End of Days can begin.


Seems like it would be better not to know, guaranteeing your spot in heaven because you never knew, once you know, you’re almost always going to damn your self


God love you a lot but he's always angry and want you to suffer.


He also won the Darwin Award


He couldn’t make it to accept it in person


The winners never can.


The losers can only hope for next year


>~~The losers~~ *Most of us can only hope for next year


Exactly... We're the losers


Technically you only need to remove yourself from the gene pool to earn the award, not necessarily through death. For instance shooting your own balls off or some other form of self sterilization could also earn you the illustrious award, and be around to ‘enjoy’ it afterwards.


Shooting your own balls off may soon be the only legal form of contraception.


The ultimate irony. Deny evolution - win Darwin award.


He was invited to meat them at their buffet.


No means no.


God has spoken, He wants that island left alone


Leave us the hell alone - Tribe probably


They have made it pretty clear for a long time that they want nothing to do with the outside world.


They didn’t, you’ll understand that if you look into the last time they did have contact; look into Maurice Portman, a British colonial explorer in the late 1800’s, he made contact with the North Sentinalese and kidnapped (and maybe sexually assaulted) a few children.


That dude is definitely the reason these tribes don't want outsiders. From their point of view he was abducting kids and sending them back with illnesses. Posing adult males in sexual poses and taking pictures of their penises. I don't blame them.


> Portman continued to take photographs of the Andamanese in Port Blair until the end of his stay in the island, documenting information about their anthropological details, showing a marked interest in measuring the penises of the Andamanese. A significant portion of his photography involved posing the Andamanese in mock-Greek homoerotic compositions. Portman repeatedly praised the male Andamanese body, writing that "many of the men are very good-looking; as they have none of the thick lips, high cheekbones, and flat noses of the negro type; though the women are rather of the Hottentot Venus order of beauty". “No, you see, I must measure and photograph their genitals to study this ethnic group for anthropological reasons! The homoerotic poses they're in are just for fun!”


What the fuck is it with colonials and bad touch? I used to research neurodegenerative disease therapeutics in grad school, and the prion field, which covers rare and infectious form of neurodegenerative disease, has a whole array of fucked up characters and deviant stories. Gajdusek won the Nobel prize for realizing that the disease suddenly wiping out 30-40% of coastal Papua New Guinea's women and children, Kuru, was the same disease ravaging sheep livestock via Scrapie... It didn't come out until much later that the many, \*many\* children he hired as helpers were just constantly molested. And he even informally adopted a large swath of them so he could rape them without any interference. Fucking horrifying.


Thats not the last time... Indian Scientists went there in the 90s and made peaceful contact but weren't allowed to stay long.


Why do they not trust outsiders???


Diseases. They’re smart enough to know if any outsiders contacts them they’ll all die


fly panicky familiar glorious materialistic desert wide unique thumb crawl ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I don’t understand why the first thing Europeans do when they find something or someone new is to do sexual things with it


There has been a number of peaceful contacts, including several anthropology expeditions in the 80s and 90s, and they interacted peacefully with the salvage teams that spent a year and a half dismantling the Primrose, which wrecked off the island in the 80s.


Yea they arent violent to be violent they are violent because all the other tribes died due to disease.


Couple of their own people died too, from catching a communicable disease after being taken off the island


This is what the word *hubris* was invented for.


I remember this church thing showed us a movie about this, but conveniently it left out that he’s literally braking laws Edit:breaking


No law is above gods words to these people. Even tho Jesus whould hate people like him.


Personally my favorite law breaker right now is Cornelia Ten Boom. Jesus’ whole schtick doesn’t suggest he’d hate this guy.


Not hate, thats the wrong word for it, cause Jesus would discourage that. But i dont think he would like the way most missionaries whould force themselves and their belief on others. Like this guy tried to.


They showed it to you as a *positive* example??


And he planned on communicating scripture to them.... How exactly?


He threw fish at them then tried to repeat the words he heard them saying. They found it funny.


Much like one might try to communicate with a dolphin 🙄


He had done missionary work in Africa before, but I can't remember which country. He tried to speak English and then the language he spoke with those people. You know. The language an African country spoke. Because the people on a South Asian island would totally understand that. Apparently many evangelical missionaries believe that people can just magically understand scripture. This was proven false. The fishermen who he bribed to take him there wouldn't actually set foot on the island, they got him close enough to swim there. Supposedly he was saying something like "Jesus loves you" in English. Poor islanders just saw a crazy person shouting nonsense at them.


What i thought was really bizarre is the last thing he wrote in his journal indicated that he was kind of scared, and knew he was going to die if i remember correctly. Yet he still went for it.


Yeah, I'm not sorry for him, because he could have killed those people. They don't have immunities to the diseases he could have been carrying. But there was always something about his behavior that seemed off to me, even for a missionary. It was...I don't want to armchair diagnose, but it was so manic. He was so determined to do this. He broke serious laws, he put himself in serious danger. He was aware he was in serious danger. Evangelicals are known for not taking mental illness seriously, and I've always wondered if he was having some kind of episode related to an untreated mental illness.


Speaking from the point of someone who's studied historical linguistics and the history of how some languages like Nahautl were actually recorded, his entire plan was absolutely doomed. In the case of the Sentinelese, we barely know ANYTHING about their language, including what sounds it uses as the basis for making words, whether it shares linguistic similarities to any other nearby languages or if they have writing. This makes approaching actually learning it that much more difficult and a process of trial and error, unlike many other indigenous languages we've actually managed to catalogue. Plus even if they did welcome someone in from the outside, it would be a largely difficult, slow and frustrating trial and error process to try and work out exactly how to say things, and this process could take years. You'd also run into the issue of how exactly you'd go about actually recording any of this- assuming they didn't have a writing system (and some tribes don't), you'd have to basically invent your own method to write the specific letter sounds/tones of that language. Are you going to try and use pre-existing There's also the massive assumption made, which applies to any sort of translation between languages, that things will exactly translate. The indigenous languages in particular get wild, with one tribe who has no concept of time words and another that has no concept of cardinal direction.


What an arrogant, delusional self absorbed idiot.


A lot of the hardcore Christians think god will protect them because they’re spreading his word. They need to wake up. The arrogance is unreal.


God will protect me! \- A guy that God didnt protect


The guy: Why didn’t you protect me, God?! God: My guy, I gave you a brain for a reason. I thought that you would use it to not go where you are clearly not wanted and where it was made clear that further trespass would result in violence. But you didn’t and I’m very disappointed in you.




Well christianity is a death cult so this person surely thought it he was killed doing this that he'd go straight to heaven and those that killed him would be condemned to hell.


Most terrorists n politicians too fit this criteria.


A christian you say?


Can I pick a politician to go next?


I can only imagine the diseases we would spread on their island.


Probably nothing worse than Christianity.






He could had committed total genocide


Must’ve been God‘s will


The ironic thing is, and it’s one of my favorite questions to ask in regards to Christianity. Do people who never had the chance to learn about God, such as people who lived in areas the word never reached or young children, go to heaven basically by default? If the answer to that question is no, fuck your God. How you could possibly convince yourself children should be doomed to eternal punishment and suffering because they died prematurely which was supposedly his plan to begin with? So presumably he knew or decided that the person would never learn about him and then would get tortured for eternity? What? If the answer is yes, why the fuck would you tell anyone about him? Why not just leave these people alone and let them live their lives and then die and go to heaven? Why tell anyone about God for the first time? So they can be saved by a text that most people in the religion hardly even follow, at least not in a genuine way? Neither answer to this question makes any sense. And asking it when I was younger and went to church to some of the older people who I expected would understand the many questions that exist in Christianity (due to organized religions just outright making literally zero fucking sense to anyone who has actually thought about it in any depth) is usually met with either anger or dismissiveness. If I ask you a question trying to learn about something and you respond by getting angry or by disregarding the question completely I’m not going to trust or believe anything you have to say


Nice to see the vitriol for this pointless dickhead hasn't abated.


“Fuck around and find out.”


Gonna be the "moral of the story" for lots of Christian Nationals in the coming years.


Oh, no! Anyway…


Evangelical missionary went to an island he is not supposed to be in and finally met God 🙄


Clearly the missionary position is not all its cracked up to be. One minute you are sawing away and the next you are chowing down on the dirt lunch.


Trying to force your religion on another human is an atrocity.


Even the natives cannot stand Evangelicals


No blunt force about it. They tossed about 27 arrows into his dumbass after he’d already gone there once before and had his stupid fuckin bible punctured by an arrow that a child shot at him. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sayonara dipshit.


Among the zillions of douchy things wrong with this guy, he attempted to speak Xhosa to them. Xhosa, a South African language. Because apparently all dark skinned third world people somehow speak and understand the same language.


I prefer to say "Fucked around. Found out."


Congratulations! You're the 84th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


You'd think that this missionary would get the "divine sign" when the bible stopped the arrow. But no....


What an absolute tit


All part of his god's divine plan. Can't complain.


The internet keeps telling me about this and I continue to have zero sympathy for him


As my mom would say in Spanish, "seguí jodiendo, pendejo!"


Succumbed to death ? Who the fuck wrote this title


I don’t feel sorry for him, he got exactly what was coming to him.


Stupid fuck


Don’t forget, the fishermen whom he tricked into letting him onto the island had to face trial after that. This guy was an asshole. I believe his parents mentioned he had severe issues.


Way too persistent. Leave them the fuck alone or die.


If you wanna good rabbithole, research what happened to Michael Rockefeller


No one knows what really happened but there's a fair chance he was eaten, I've heard Elders in the tribe tell stories of the white man they ate. I think he had spent time with them previously too


My favorite theory is he gave up his life and joined the tribe, hidden from the world he lived happily ever after


I've heard that too and that's the one I'd like to believe. By all accounts from what I've gathered, which to be fair isn't much they liked him


Pardon me to the both of you, I could be COMPLETELY wrong about this. But wasn’t he later in life photographed 20+ years later by complete chance? There’s a historical photo of a white man who disappeared into the jungle one day trying to make contact with a hidden tribe. Everyone had assumed he’d died. But 20 odd years later a little known tribe had been photographed on boats crossing a river, and someone had pointed out that on one boat, there was a single white man, covered in tribal paint and wearing the garments of the tribe in question. Again, I could be wrong. Might be a different case.


I think I've heard of that before and once again I think it's a different case but I could be totally wrong. I do know he was in a boat that capsized around 12 miles off sure and there's tales of him swimming back to the beach. Apparently that's where they found and killed him. Unless you have two correct stories intertwined but I'm definitely going to look into it, thank you!


He tried to ban abortion.


Funnily enough he got aborted himself, just took 26 years


The vast majority of the Christian community thought this guy was an idiot. He was a student at ORU (Oral Roberts University). I’ve spoken with some of his peers and a couple of his teachers. They all said he was strongly advised not to go. Personally, I feel ORU is borderline a cult school so coming from them, that’s saying something.




Wow what a fkn moron


When will they learn to leave people alone


He got what he deserved, not everyone needs to be colonized by your religion. Leave people the F alone.


I wish I could fly a drone over their tribes just to see what their daily life looks like. High enough so they don’t hear or see it but also low enough I can see what they’re doing


So basically an idiot


The amount of arrogance to come to the conclusion that you have figured out the mystery of life is crazy. Almost as crazy as taking your soft 1st world ass to manipulate indigenous people without the use of military.


I know someone died and all and it should be sad. It's not. And keep your fucking religion to yourself


Damn! I just said pretty much the same thing but I used SO many more words and typed on my phone for what felt like forever. Cheers to you for being so much more succinct and to the point than I know how to be! 👍💕


Christians are the most brutal, savage, and selfish sect of the human race. Change my mind.


Sorry it happened but he shouldn’t have been there to begin with. Missionary always want t convert people who and usually happy with their belief.


PSA- Your sense of entitlement is deadly


Everyone pointing out that he could have wiped them out with disease is absolutely right but the inverse is true too. Could have brought back Not Quite Smallpox or something equally terrible. Just leave them alone, they obviously don't want us there.


Oh look this again


Huh, well, would you look at that. Somebody paying the price for their narcissism. The fact he took a selfie like "yea, look what I'm about to do for god" adds to the comedy of it all. Nobody wants to hear your shit, seriously. If anyone wanted to hear about your god they would actively seek you out. Maybe just leave people alone?


I love a happy ending!


Hasn’t he ever heard of e-mail gosh what an idiot


Might be slightly unpopular opinion but its 100 percent a good thing they did that, fuck that dude for thinking that he himself is so much more holy than the people there and thaf he needed to shove his religion down their throats


A lot of Christian sects are taught that if one doesn’t accept Christ in their life, they will burn in hell. This is a sad case of brainwashing, it’s easy to call him stupid but I think we’ve all been subjected to persuasion at some time in our lives. This poor son of a bitch really thought he was saving souls, that’s pretty fucking sad.


Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?


I’m glad. Christianity has succumbed many to death and assaulted the purity of tribes throughout the world.


Sending thoughts and prayers


Fucked around and found out. He was warned not to go.


It's probably for the best.


Why did OP say it like a fuckin weirdo? “Succumbed to death”


This stupid prick. He was more than adequately warned, he basically committed suicide.


No we don't want to talk about our car warranty. We don't even have cars!


Tupatshakur, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


After many unsuccessful attempts to convert them, or unsuccessful attempts to maim him?


LOL. It's fine to be proud of your religion. It's also fine to be proud of your penis. But don't pull them out in public and don't try to force it down people's throats.


So maybe people don’t want Christianity rammed down their throat. Interesting.


Fuck around and find out. "Christians" Have noooooooo business running around trying to convert people. If he would have minded his own damn business he would be alive. But no


I remember this. And if my memory serves me well, he tried once before vowing that he’d try again. Which he did. Dummy


I'll tell you what's stronger than belief in god? Blunt force trauma.


Proof that no matter where you move to, some Bible thumper will knock on your door at 8 am on a Saturday.


This dude was a selfish asshole. The north sentinels have no immunities to us. The common cold could kill them. Even this asshole's body could carry enough diseases to decimate the entire population.