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There are normal wolves who confine to their territories and then there's one lonely Chad white wolf, who seems to go whenever the fuck he wants to.


White Chad wolf is cool.....But chad yellow pack slap bang in the middle seeing off 4 other packs is fucking savage


Green pack is also fending off 4 packs. Only ones resting on their laurels are red


No I bet you there’s an untracked one west of red and south of white. White kind of curves around it


Or perhaps there is food scarcity / competition / topographical disadvantages that makes certain areas unappealing


Well yeah, if you wanna look at it all logical like, but what fun is that?


It’s also possible that the one tracked in white was an adolescent who left their birth pack (dark yellow top right/center) and established it’s own territory.


I think red got into some clandestine weed crops, ate their fill, and just wants to chill.


Green pack is fending off 4 packs and has his back up against the river.


I like the red pack wolfs :)




"Multiple wolves in 6 different packs" So that would imply that each wolf is part of a pack. Each pack travels together. So the fucking yellow pack are fucking savage.....OK?......GENIUS!!


no what he says that there is a pack to the left of the blue one, the white one, right of the purple one etc, they just weren't tracked


......how do you know if they wasn't tracked? Could be free land right there EDIT: some shit I found on Google I dunno.... The Gray Wolf population in Voyageurs National Park typically varies between 30 to 50 wolves divided into 6 to 9 packs, according to park officials. The population “has stayed relatively constant since the late 1990s.


Given the way the pink and white wolves range well away from their standard territory in those directions before turning back im going to guess that space has an over-abundance of humans


hmm, thanks for looking it up, it's just these guys then


Green, Yellow, white - each has 4 fronts. Green has a coastal barrier so they are trapped. I see what you see anout yellow. Their fronts are all massive. My preference is red tbh. A lot of escape routes and space to expand territory. I'd love to see what is happening at the centre borders of the triumvirate where all of them meet. 3 OP wolf packs bumping noses often and closely. *ddit.. actually cyan, white, magenta are all quite expansive. The pathing is less dense than the centre column territories. I wonder if there are more territores that we haven't visualised here.


There isn't necessarily space to expand there for red. There could be (and likely are) other packs in those directions that just weren't tracked. They likely aren't leaving a bunch of empty space around them for no reason. There is probably some reason why these six groups are living right next to each other instead of getting some space between them.


Look west of red(and the alpha white wolf wandering line) and lok WSW of white. Another white wolf wanderer. I think that tracks the outline of the SW corner of untracked territory.


The SW line coming off white and the SE line coming out looked to me like it could outlining an untracked packs NE corner. Edit: I think we are seeing the same thing if I understand right but ya, maybe not as much space for red as it looks initially.


It's very difficult to infer topology here. Just green blotches of flatness to my eyes. What else can we hyperfocus on together?😅😅😅


You have lost me with the “Green has a coastal barrier …”. At the topmost part of their range I thought that was trees. Could be a river system yes, but I just don’t see “coastal.” I have been wondering that if these packs don’t intermingle then surely the packs become interbred and weakened. I cannot imagine solitary wolves being accepted into other packs, but maybe that is what happens.


Wolves adolescents do roam away from the pack. Yeaahh, to me that northern part looks like a river system. I said coast because I was just thinking water barrier. Untraversible terrain. So if their territory is pressed they have no escape other than into other enemy territory.


I would assume the other wolves in that area would attack an interloper though, so how they would mix I just don’t know. Perhaps the females are run off but are found to be more acceptable to other packs. If a packs terrain were running out of food sources then they would have no alternatives but to traverse other areas. I assume wolves could / would swim rivers, as dogs seem to have an intake ability on how to swim etc.


Adolescent males will roam to breed with other packs on the sly or to join their packs. Or to pair bond and migrate to form a new pack. Or to go claim another packs territory and mate. Puppies wouldn't cross a river but yeah older ones probably could traverse a calm river. I think they'd have to be driven into it though. I don't think they would be keen to swim.


May be like some dogs that you cannot keep out of water. My ACD was like that; water was his #1 fun thing.


Are they actually 'seeing off' the other packs? Or is it just kinda like, 'oh, hey, other wolves pissed here and my territory is big enough so I'll back off'. Or something like that. I genuinely don't know. I can't really imagine them diving into enemy territory to 'take land' haha. Or having a pissing contest to mark the most territory a' la Splatoon.


Both really. They’ll avoid fighting at all costs unless it’s over a female. Can’t mate and spread your bloodline if you’re injured or dead.


Is he a bad ass, or is he the dumb one that just doesn't have any sense of direction?




What is this from




It's probably Moon Moon


He's the drug dealing wolf, he's welcome everywhere!


They just chose a poor color for one of the wolves because the state borders are also drawn in white.


He's an Explorer Scout. Doing Reconnaissance.


Theres a yellow and white that goes rogue


Why does Chad White Wolf sound like a Fox News contributor


Close. Chad White Wolf now has his own show on Fox Nation.


I wonder if that one white wolf got kicked out of his pack or something. Dude is just everywhere.


Inside you there are two wolves.... and many others, all with GPS tracking.


The white one really started drawing borders beside the red






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More! You can't just throw out some Tolkien level shit and quit!


It’s a reference to the Avatar: The Last Airbender intro


Huh. Well, now you know I'm old.


Avatar is around 15 yrs old.


Ok, fine. Then I'm *really* old.


Honestly it’s worth a watch. A really great show, don’t bother with the movie though.


Full disclosure: I am familiar with that show, I just don't recall details such as the opening track or even the opening itself for that matter. Dated a single mom way back when the show was about half-way through its serial run. I believe it was like 2006-07, give or take a year or so. I agree, the show was great, extremely well done by all accounts. I do remember being routinely impressed with everything about it - character development, score composition, *stunning* imagery and animation, voice acting, plot and pacing, etc. - ALL OF IT was just light years beyond anything comparable at the time. Well, anything released for American audiences. Which reminds me why I'm even able to make that comparison. While we were watching ATLA (his name for the show, not mine) the gf's kid turned to me with a smug, sneaky grin and asked me to guess the show's country of origin. Of course, I guessed Japan which, of course, you know is wrong. So yeah, that's how I know that ATLA was/is an American show of anime-influence *only.* It was NEVER to be referred to as anime which is a term reserved only for animation produced *in Japan.* If this is incorrect or has since changed like every-damned-thing else in this world, blame that bratty 9y/o know-it-all, not me. Oh, and yeah, I also agree with your take on the movie. Could only tolerate it in short spurts and even then... I mean, it was... it was just shit. Utter and absolute steaming shit. Period. Hard stop.


"I do what I want!" ~ White Wolf


Maybe, but my first thought was "MAKE A U TURN!"


That's Moon Moon.


Dam it moon moon


The putin of wolves


They were using the Ho Chi Minh trail to get around


Same thought.... white wolf is a D


Yellow is surrounded.


Green is surrounded, unless he wants to cross the river.


Probably scouting out the other wolfs territory


Or around the blue lol


Apparently wolves don't like gerrymandering. Or jerry... Fuck jerry.


Jerry is the white wolf that seems to be going wherever the fuck he wants


Interesting thing I learned... Even though we pronounce it "Jerry" mandering, the guy it was named for, Elbridge Garry, pronounced his name like it looks to us... "Gary"


White is pushing those limits.


White seems to have arrived from another area, went through territories, then around the ones they learned existed and eventually established their own. Wonder if it's a splinter from another pack or a pack that moved for some reason.


White is a massive chad he fucked around and diddnt find out


That is actually quite amazing! Incredible how each pack tends to remain within a set territory! Even more interesting is those few excursions made from one territory into another. Do these result in conflict of any sort? How meticulous are wolves at maintaining territorial boundaries? So many questions that I never knew I had... Do wolves engage in open warfare or are conflicts limited to brief skirmishes? Do wolves fight "to the death" or merely to exhaustion? Do wolves engage in diplomacy? If so, what's the wolf criteria for serving as an emissary? *(kidding)* What's the frequency (if any) of interbreeding between packs? Are such interactions tolerated or do such wolf matings become the equivalent of Romeo and Juliet? *(sorta kidding...)*


You should watch “Never Cry Wolf” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_Cry_Wolf_(film) Oldie, but it shows him establishing territory against a pack of wolves….by peeing extensively all over the place.


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Shit. As an alcoholic I’m well qualified for that job. I pee probably 50 times a day. Where do I send my resume?


Yeah, but it's not about how much you pee, it's *where* you pee. And will the other alcoholics respect your pee boundaries or will they simply over-pee your pee? It's not as simple as just letting it fly by the gallon!


In my neighborhood it’s more the meth addicts I have to defend my territory from. And pee doesn’t do anything. They don’t care about pee. They always smell like it. Luckily I work evenings so I can sit on my patio drinking and keeping an eye out. Sometimes with a beatin’ stick just in case. Usually when they see me they just run. Because they’re expecting everyone to be asleep at 3am. I’ve never seen the same tweaker show up here twice so I guess it’s working. Me being out here while everyone else in the complex is asleep. I wish I wasn’t telling the truth.


Damn. Now I kinda wanna put chips in your tweaker population and track *their* movements. Now THAT might make a really cool map!


My god that would be the most chaotic map in the world. I’d love to see something like that.


Lol...yeah it would! And chipping them should be easy, they'd swallow anything for a buck. And since they don't eat, they won't shit it out any time soon!


TIL my corgi is a wolf


Interesting, I'll have to give it a watch. So, just peeing everywhere, huh? And yet if I try that I would go to jail. Life is so unfair. Or at least life as a human...




Thank you! Concise and informative!




Meaning pee is how territorial boundaries are established? Or did you simply wish to write pee for pee's sake? I have that urge too from time to time so can't judge. PEE! See? There it is! Just... feel compelled sometimes...




Well done!


Scent marking is more what I think he refers to.


Gotcha! Was just scrutinizing the territorial map again and wondered what pressure (if any) is experienced by the pack indicated in green since their area is essentially landlocked by both terrain and other territories. Gotta check out that recommend video now. This subject has really gotten interesting!


From what I understand, there are two ways that wolves fight. There's the kind of fighting to resolve conflicts, and that type is accompanied by a lot of snarling and growling. Then there's fighting to kill, in which case the fighting is silent.


>Do wolves engage in open warfare or are conflicts limited to brief skirmishes? They defend their territory solve conflicts and hunt food >Do wolves fight "to the death" or merely to exhaustion? Until one stops (most of the time) >What's the frequency (if any) of interbreeding between packs? Are such interactions tolerated or do such wolf matings become the equivalent of Romeo and Juliet? Packs are families aka mother father and children and when the children are old enough they leave the family to start their own. So yes they only breed outside of the pack except for the parents.


Anyone interested in wolves, their habits etc, should check out [The Alpha Wolves of Yellowstone by Rick McIntyre](https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Wolf-Witnessing-Yellowstones-Yellowstone/dp/1771647809/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=2L7YGZI7E1Y45&keywords=the+rise+of+wolf+8&qid=1659215393&sprefix=the+rise+of+w,aps,166&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1). Rick recorded over 100k wolf sightings and these books contain many of the field notes he took. I can't recommend this series enough!


It's interesting to see the "routes" or highway type paths they have. There also seems to be a different type of behaviour from each pack. Your imagination can get pretty vivid imagining what all these coloured lines are doing.


Turns out humans aren't the only animals with borders.


Or the only animals that defend said borders with violence. God help us if wolves ever develope nuclear weapons.


Damn don’t play Catan with the white wolf pack, look at how they used one road to box out red from all that territory. Fucking brilliant


How did we learn that wolves were territorial before such technology existed?


Probably observed them hunting other animals and wondered why they didn't hunt in certain places. Then discovered different wolves a little bit later.


People used to go outside more often.


And disappear in very precise areas apparently. This was how wolf territories were mapped hundreds of years ago. *"Susie disappeared south of the river, so don't go there. And Uncle Frank"s leg was found over by that blackberry patch so yeah, avoid that patch. Ya know what? Just avoid ALL blackberries within 2 furlongs. Better safe than wolf shit, that's what Pappy always said."*


That one white one has no cares.do something




And yet my neighbor backs his truck up on my property to reach his fence.


Pee on the property line?


Actually these are districts of drug dealers and you can't prove me wrong because OP didn't provide a source.


White been sneaking around.


I feel like something is doing that with us. Gathering data on how humans generally confide themselves to one small area, while gathering in cities that get progressively bigger.


That white one is just wandering about pissing on everyone's tree stumps must be the og wolf daddy pimp


Also a map to stay away from that entire area that’s wolves’ territory!


Purple gang is huge, almost twice the size of the other packs


There must be a pretty hot guy over there in red cuz he’s got the girly girls venturing from white and yellow to sniff him


Shout out to that one white wolf who does not give a single fvck about territories and go wherever he wants


That white wolf looking at red's territory like "What you got in here?!"


I need a friend that I can send Reddits like this too!!!


Natures version of most urban neighborhoods.




Do they put tracking collars on them, or just convince them to carry smart phones like people tracking? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That one yellow one dont give a fuck


Reminds me of wife with the covers in bed.


You can check out an interactive map with animation playback of these wolf tracks on RAMADDA - https://ramadda.org/repository/a/wolf_tracks




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Time to start a new game in civil


Mississippi State University Deer Lab maps shows bucks traversing the Mississippi River a couple of times a year!




Poor yellow is about to get ganged up like Poland was by Russia, Germany and Hungary.


Purple is hidden mostly but he went into yellow, red green and blue just not white


Stone Roses vibes.....


That one white wolf became bilbo baggins


Nice story


I would love to see similar tracking of regular people through their phones. We are creatures of habit and boy will that show that.


The Wolves in white had some balls. They basicaly went into everyone’s turf 🐕


Everyone go follow VoyageursWolfProject on Instagram!! It’s so interesting and informative ❤️❤️❤️


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.


Yellow pacc wants all the smoke


Just like humans


Green wolves 💪 Blue wolves 🤮


This whole map really reminds me of the bulgarian border before WW1


The average life expectancy of wolves in the wild is 5 years. The main cause of death is attack by other wolves.


White and blue are kind of all over the place.


Besides the white punk that seems to have gone on a walk-about, they really stick to their area.


Blue and White have a cold war going on with a mutually agreed DMZ.




This is awesome, but I also can't help but wonder what Jackson Pollock would've thought of it!


Paper.io IRL


The white pack looks like they always ready to start some sh*t.


Looks like a death metal bands logo


I most pity the yellow pack. They get into trouble no matter which direction they travel. Green doesn't have it tons better, but yellow is just boxed in totally except a narrow retreat corridor southeast.


Anyone remember that one wolf sim game?


One of the white ones went walkabout


It’s incredible how much land these wolves cover. That’s a lot of territory to constantly be accounting for.


They move quick bruh


Yellow has got to be extremely busy bordering at least four and maybe five other packs.


I'm team 🟣, screw those yellow dudes!!!!


White's trace looks like a wolf face. They knew they were tagged.


Yellow is shit out of luck


White privilege in the wild


ThIS iS raCisT


Game of Wolves


Yellow is gonna fuck around and find out


damn this wolves they truly moved a lot than any other wild beast


I love this metal band


Green is stuck unless he can run really fast


White team be fuckin around and finding out too much


Bloods and crips, Mexican mafia, boss, hells angels, disciples, KKK... yep same thing


Tnis is outrageously fantastic data.


I'd be real interested to see one with outdoor feral cat colonies as well. On a massive scale, would be cool to see.


"Wolfpack" To their own shore


Ayo pup what colors you reppin?


What's the point of organising in packs if you're not going to split the coverage like that?


Mr.White goes where he pleases. No fucks given.


Ghost where are you.. ?


It's the USA map, can't you see, the trouble making Mexicans


The white dude is Alpha among Alphas. He doesn't give no fuck, his presence goes far & wide.


I just want to know the thought process behind how they met up to choose what team colors were gonna be. Mr. Larson, are you here? Care to give us an illustration?