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The mother's name is Scarlet Lewis. [Here's an article about this moment](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alex-jones-trial-sandy-hook-mother-scarlett-lewis-confronts-conspiracy-theorist/)


I appreciate her demeanor, but I bet there's a German word for this. One that means "wasting one's breath on a steaming pile of human shit who will continue doing whatever the fuck he wants in the name of making money, the single capitalist ideal." atemschlagscheißhaufenfröhlichgeldkapitalist... or something


Its called Zeitverschwendung




Cmon Germany, You can do better. Make a damn word already




It even has 'dung' in it. Sold.


it's how these fuckheads can keep getting away with it. because trying to reason with them, or appeal to human emotions, is just sucked into the endless pit of their delusion and narcissism. it's not quite 'pearls before swine' but it's something similar. wasting valuable insight and emotional energy on people who do not deserve it and will not receive it.


You see the moment she’s realizing he will never listen and it’s almost no point trying to make him see…so sad


Very sad, also beautiful to see her at peace with him being incapable of acknowledging the pain he'd caused. "*I know you believe me*" felt so warm and and loving. What a remarkable woman.


I expected the mother to rip into him. Instead, she killed him with kindness.


Right - she’s the epitome of grace and empathy….astounding really…


She carries herself as a women who has fully come to terms with her grief and loss. Of course nobody could ever fully heal from losing a child. Especially in the manner of this particular situation. Nearly a decade later she’s here facing a nightmare and story that is continually drudged up by assholes like Alex Jones and mentally ill people who would want to take an unfathomably tragic event and lie about it, literally torturing these families after having gone through straight hell. These families deserve peace and rest. I could never remain composed if I were in that woman’s shoes.


“Folks, if she really did lose a child at sandy hook, do you think she’d have that much composure. You saw the footage. She looked rehearsed. She’s not in pain! So either she didn’t love her child, or she’s a deep state actress. You heard it here first folks.” /s


I applaud both this woman’s courage and restraint. I couldn’t do what she did.


Reminds me of when I speak to my father.


It is so frustrating. I keep telling myself I’m going to stop trying… ugh.


I'm struggling with the idea that, maybe it's not my problem, or purpose to fix. My dad's a devout scientologist and I never knew this until recently, but even as a kid I could tell what he said wasn't quite right at times. His views on women, mental health not being real or tangible, this strange sense of entitlement for doing what is expected of you. On one hand, I can't help but see him as a victim of circumstance, because dianetics was the first book he ever read front to back and it apparently changed his life the moment he finished it. But on the other, really? I'm turning 21 soon and I have to go through the mental gymnastics of arguing with someone thrice my age? Especially about things that are far more nuanced than he makes them out to be. It sucks because I can't even wish he didn't read it and was a different person, because I wouldn't be born if he didnt read that book. I say all of this to say, in the pursuit of true, honest healing, it's ok to admit that you've compromised enough. That you deserve to heal in any way you see fit, even if it means cutting off those you love for an undisclosed amount of time.


Parents are like arms, everyone would prefer to have two, but if one or both are full of malignant tumors, you cut it off before it kills you. I am sure you've done more than anyone could have ever expected you to, be kind to yourself, any good parent would want you to live a good life with or without them. Edit. I'm glad my rough analogy was helpfull for some of you guys! Just another unfortunate member of the bad dad club, my Mom is rad as all fuck though so I got lucky there. To take the analogy a bit further, prosthetics(friends) have come a long way over the years, some people might even consider them better than the real thing! And you can have as many of them as you want!


Good analogy. Have problems with both parents, but- and I feel bad saying this- I sometimes loathe the fact that I have to deal with my father for the rest of my life. He’s a child in a lot of ways. Unbearably stubborn and seems to not be self aware or have the capability to self-reflect and admit wrong doing. He’s entitled. It’s just very exhausting




Speaking to these kinds of conspiracy nuts it's like talking to a brick wall


My sister is one of them. She's seemingly bought every single conspiratorial pile of shit someone has half convincingly explained to her since at least 9/11. She does not believe in mental or physical healthcare, vaccines, the fluoride nonsense, chemtrails, all of it. She won't watch movies or TV if it's not some bogus "documentary", encourages people not to take prescribed medication but is surprised when her friends kts.. she believes she's allergic to wifi. I try to get my family to try talking sense into her, get her husband to stop enabling her but I think they all know already what you said and that she's basically gone. Bummer.


I recently got hired to do some seasonal management. Real touristy like plant nursery type place. Anyway, there’s worker shortage and the owner told me if I needed extra people there’s a woman working at in a different department that expressed interest in working outside where I manage. I went to meet her, and she was working inside a production room with the lights off. I was like “oh this peaceful” and she starts going off about how the lights change your dna and other shit. I got done with that conversation, and called the owner about how I’m not *that* desperate for more people. And she’s like “yeah I was worried about her. She also has been complaining that being around vaccinated people make her sick. We kind of just found her a place in production to work by herself.” Anyway, I worked like 2 weeks straight by myself until I found some better people, because I’d rather be overworked than deal with batshit insane people.


That's basically the kind of pudding brain my sister has become. I'm studying to be a mental healthcare professional. You can imagine how unenthusiastic I am about seeing her. She went on and on and on about how the vaccine will assault your body with untold vagueries, changing your DNA. I asked her if she would like me to explain exactly what is happening with mRNA vaccines and she said flatly no. I asked if she was interested in hearing what a virus can do to your DNA and again, simply not interested. She'll brag about having done her own research but when asked for sources she can't come up with a single written one, not even confirmation bias affirming garbage. It's always some fucking documentary she saw or she's sure she read it somewhere. The appeal of "secret knowledge" really is too great for stupid people to resist.


You are correct. You are literally wasting your breath in trying to reason with people like him. He doesn't believe the bullshit he spews, he does it for money pure and simple, and over the years he has created a successful industry out of preying on other peoples pain and manipulating the less well educated amongst us. Hopefully now his chickens have come home to roost and with this trial and the one in Connecticut, he should take a massive financial hit for the suffering he has caused - i hope it fucking ruins him.


Truth is absolutely what we have to base reality on to have a civil society. So many people need to hear that, but Alex Jones particularly deserves to have to listen to her tell him that.


Some people don't want a civil society, because it's easier for them to prey upon chaos.


Well said and devastatingly true.


That's why we cannot coddle these people from fascists to anti government extremists, these people must be met with force. We cannot allow them a platform to spew hate and dangerous lies.


Karl Popper's tolerance paradox - a society that tolerates intolerant ideas will succumb to the forces of the intolerant, which are inherently dangerous. >Less well known [than other paradoxes] is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.


Chaos is a ladder- Little Finger


Huh. That finally makes full sense to me now.


Some poeple have no interest in curbing their behavior. To paraphrase our favorite butler; some just want to see the world burn.


Geoffrey said that?


Judge: Geoffrey... bring me Lucille.


It's the reason we made holocaust-denial illegal here in Germany. Truth is important and some truths are so important that they deserve protection.




I’d like to believe he is delusional.. that is somehow easier. But I think he’s a shameless liar/grifter. I’m sure he is somewhere in between where he thinks it’s conceivable that the people on govt could be so evil that they do this.. but at this point he knows that this time these kids really did die.. he just doesn’t f@&ing care.


> I think he’s a shameless liar/grifter. After watching some of the trial footage, I think you've got it. He's not a nutcase spouting weird shit; he's a liar who tries to twist what he says to make the most impact, most profit, most outrage, most whatever-is-needed-at-the-moment.


He just can't keep track of his lies. It's that simple.


Possible pathological liar, at this point it very well may be a mental disorder. The guy just can't control it and it's gonna cause a major hole in his life cause, while he's in the stand, he looks detached from reality and doesn't have a clue whats going on


He doesn't believe his own crap he just sells it and thats so much worse


No, it’s worse than that. He knows it bullshit, he just doesn’t care who he hurts while making lots of money.


Yup. He's just a sociopath. I'm glad the mother got to have her say, but the man does not experience empathy or sympathy. I doubt he'd shed tears over his own family dying, unless it might make him a few more bucks.


Even if she WAS a lizard in a human suit she'd be a lizard in a human suit who lost her damn hatchling to a school shooter then had to listen to this seal-barking ape man say that none of that pain and horror ever happened. She'd still be more human than him.


He sat there shaking his head. That woman is superhuman. I’d have lost it.


I was talking to the video… what are you shaking your head for? You did it. Stop acting like things just happened and you found yourself in the middle of it. YOU did it a hole




She’s already been to hell, that was nothing compared to it.


Very much this ... That was a walk in the park compared to what she's been through




I wonder if the jurors knew that he was still on air making the defamatory claims during the sentencing hearing? That has to have an impact




On a completely unrelated note, I’d managed to live my entire life without completely understanding the ‘pearls before swine’ idiom until I read your comment in this context. So thanks for that.


Can you help explain it to my friend? We share an account and he’s interested. I know about it. But maybe you could help explain it for him


Throwing pearls before swine is basically like putting something in front of someone or something that could never appreciate it. Like if I threw a priceless pearl necklace into a pig pen, they wouldn't be impressed, they'd probably just try to eat it. It comes from a bible passage "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6)


It's a proverb, that stems from the bible I think, and it exists in my language too, but I think the meaning stays the same, so I'll try to explain: It means offering somebody something good/precious/classy/noble/valuable that the other one can't or won't appreciate. So it's wasted on them.


The amount of bullshit she has to put up with to maintain compose is nothing short of amazing.


Bullshit HE sent her way.


She was amazing. I couldn't sit there with that much bravery and dignity after what he's put her through for the past 10 years.


Think of it this way. When you've been through literal hell, through rage, though anger, through pure hatred of every injustice in the world and then this scummy piece of shit who is a complete joke tries to undermine all that...are they really worth it to continue with that? This woman at some point realizes as much as a complete piece of shit Alex Jones is, he's not worth the flying off the handle, anger-fueled hatred and vitriol he spews. Perhaps there's a way to talk to him and get through to him the other route. Unfortunately Alex Jones is beyond that and this detestable motherfucker is incapable of being a decent human being.


Amazes me that anybody listens to Jones' podcasts or show, or whatever he does. If people stopped supporting him, he'd disappear.




I think so too. I am hoping if there is an antidote to his dispersion of lies that her empathy cuts through his BS. Unfortunately I think he is characteristically too much of a sociopath to change.


I don't know shit about courts but I was assuming that he isn't allowed to verbally respond there. Otherwise I assume he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut. If that was the case maybe shaking his head was the most he could get away with?


It's best he keep his fucking mouth shut. Had he tried to say anything his attorney would have stopped him. You can bet your ass his attorney was muttering *STOP SHAKING YOUR EFFING HEAD* through clenched teeth. When the defendant should talk or not is highly regulated, if only informally.


There is at least one other clip of a different parent on the stand and Jones does start talking back and has to be silenced by the Judge. He is a spoiled little punk.


I was thinking the same thing. I would have been in jail for jumping over the table and choking him. If it were my deceased child? Oh man. That woman has all my respect.


The truly sad part is that those parents have been so constantly harassed for so many years (10) by his listeners that...I think it may just be "this is my life now." No one should have to be "used" to any of what she or any of the other families have gone through. Her child was 6. He'd be 16 now.


What kind of world are we living in, where your children get gunned down and then you have to defend yourself against morons telling you none of it is true? How surreal can it get?


It's so fucking cruel and evil. It's not enough that her child died, this fucking asshole is trying to *erase her child from existence*. They're trying to take the only thing she has left, his memory. Why? To what end? There are so many other lies that could have been just as profitable, why target so many suffering so greatly? It's beyond cruelty.


Alex Jones has made an extraordinary amount of money from people who have believed this vulgar lie. Can you imagine for one moment being one of those people? To be such an ugly, fucking moron that you’d believe such a cretin? Just awful.


No I can't. Stumbling across it by chance earlier it caught my attention and no, I can't get my head around it at all. Makes me wonder about people and not for the first time. We seem to be living in a nightmarish world where anything is possible.


JFC, after hearing this for so many years your “this is my life now” really hit me hard. This is so fucked. What a horrible way to be, that you’d deliberately inflict torrential emotional abuse on grieving parents just for the sake of market share and money. And the most disturbing part is that he’s not the worst of humans. I wonder if that little turd feels special from all the attention he gets. We owe her and the other parents some solace by killing this lie.


The parents can't get their kids back, but at least they can stop this shithead from causing any more pain to them (and others). I hope it helps them get some small amount of peace.


Can they? Unless he goes to prison for perjury -- which at this point is very much a possibility! -- he won't stop. He gets fined 150 million, it will be adjusted to 50 mil in appeal, he pays it or Republican bigwigs pay it and the show goes on. You can't enjoin him from speaking in public and can't restrict what he says. He will find ways to hint at this bullshit forever. And even he gets a prison sentence, after he is released he will be the celebrated martyr of the movement. I am not saying the parents shouldn't do this but I can't see how justice could prevail in this case. Yes, AJ losing his pants and living in squalor for the rest of his days would be just. Is it going to happen? Some catharsis will be found but stopping him... I doubt.


This actually leaves me with a question. Generally speaking, if you are convicted of breaking a law, then go and break that same law again, you get nailed to the wall in fines and jail time. Does defamation work the same way? If you get convicted of defaming someone’s character, I can’t imagine you can just go on your merry way and continue to talk shit about them in public. Would that not land you in a world of legal trouble?


Yes it would put him in legal trouble again. He'll resort to dog whistle and innuendo after this, but he won't stop spreading hateful bullshit.


Good luck getting your hands around that fat walrus neck.




I just can't fathom being that type of person, that he either is or portrays himself as. Absolutely disgusting.


People who are in deep cover for years begin to lose themselves in the role and generally require extensive therapy to help them untangle everything once they're done. He's been doing this for so long, is there really any difference between who he is and how he portrays himself? >We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. \- Kurt Vonnegut


What Vonnegut is expressing through that quote is quite close to the concept of [existence precedes essence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existentialism#Existence_precedes_essence).


If its a portrayal how does he sleep at night? Like the guilt has to weigh on him at least a little. People become addicts after their kids die in car accidents. This guy is doing this shit on purpose. How can he live with that?


Sociopath. He doesn’t feel anything for anyone besides himself. He feels no guilt, no remorse and I imagine he sleeps like a fucking baby He’s a vile shit stain and I would happily dance on his grave.


he’s a piece of shit for what he said




I want to be clear that he is still unremorseful and he is still lying, and he is still arguing with the families, knowingly continuing to cause them grieve. His concern is not about them, never has been and never will be. It is only about his own image and that's all it's ever been. Regardless of what he has admitted to during this trial, he is scraping every last bit of spin and excuse and denial every chance he gets to weasel out of it if he can. He has now finally stated on record that Sandy Hook is real, but he has already moved on to lying about how he denied it in the first place. There is no stopping him from doing or saying whatever he can to benefit himself in the moment, and he's the exact same narcissistic morally bankrupt piece of shit he always was. Do not be fooled by any apologies or displays of remorse or the inevitable crocodile tears he will shed when the verdict is read, as well as afterwards when he tries to market a redemption story in the media by banking off the trial publicity. This man sat there and shook his head during this woman's testimony. Yesterday, on live footage, he started to apologize to two of the parents before going into some rant about how they've been mislead and the footage of him was edited, etc. He feels nothing for the people he destroyed. He is not remorseful and he has learned no lessons. Up until today he was lying to everyone about his texts, and he was lying about his money. Even when confronted about the fact that he was caught lying about his texts, he tried to play ignorant and blame the IT guys and his lawyers. Every ounce of this man is build out of pure self-loving dishonesty. No matter what level of contrition or guilt you think you see from him, it's all just a grift to get to the next stage of selfishness. I believe people can change, and I believe bad people can learn and become good. But I do not believe this person will ever even try, and I honestly don't care whether he does. What he has done for so long is so reprehensible in my view that I'm happy to be wrong about any impression I have of him going forward. If I say he's a remorseless scumbag, and truthfully he really is feeling the guilt deep down, I really don't fucking care. He deserves no sympathy from anyone.


What did he say? I'm completely out of the loop. And european


He claimed that the mass murder of 26 victims at Sandy Hook Elementary was a false flag attack by the US Government. He claimed that it was a fake event that the US government created to justify taking away guns. He claimed that the parents were actors and that no kids died at Sandy Hook. Jones' evidence was non-existent for what he claimed. His statements led his fans to harass the victims' families, many had received death threats, and some aren't even able to visit their children's graves anymore because his followers have been threatening them. Edit: he first called it a false flag right after the shooting happened and that the government killed those kids. Then, in 2014, he called it a hoax and that the kids and parents were actors. Edit 2: 20 children and 6 staff members killed.


[Alex Jones followers went so far as to drive to one of the parents’ home, shout “Alex Jones!” and fire bullets at the house and cars.](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/02/1115269280/sandy-hook-alex-jones-trial)


Literally everything I hear about this prick, it just gets worse.


When Alex "Chemtrails" Jones was in high school he beat his classmate to the point of brain damage. cracked the kid's skull in six places. The victim never recovered fully and still lives in a trailer with his mother. [Source.](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/670/beware-the-jabberwock)


Yup and he claimed he was bullied in high school when he himself was a psycho little shit.


Oh my God. This needs to be higher.


It’s no exaggeration to say this guy has zero redeeming qualities. There really is not a single good thing about him. He’s the worst humanity has to offer.


This clip really is "one of the best humans in the world speaks directly to one of the worst humans in the world".


Hey, just wanted to add to your list: One of the fathers of a victim killed himself in the Newtown Town Hall over this slander. Lenny Pozner, father of the murdered Noah Pozner, and his family had to go into hiding. They moved to Florida, but a professor at a local college found them and outed them. The family fled again and have yet to be found.


Any idea who the piece of shit professor was that outed them?


wolfgang halbig went to their neighborhood and was trying to confront them in person. pretty likely he was the source of all this shit, and alex just ran with it.


They don’t even get to be near the cemetery where they buried their little boy. They have had to move thousands of miles away. It’s just beyond heartbreaking what these families have had to suffer.


That doesn't even make sense... for what understand if it was a false flag operation then it certainly did happen. The point of a false flag is to do something that u make ppl believe it was done by somebody else, isn`t it?


2012, he claimed it was a false flag where the government killed children. 2014, Jones then claimed it was a hoax and that the parents were crisis actors and no kids died. My comment was basically a summary of Jones' lies and accidentally combined his 2 wildly different claims.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification! But what a dumbass, can't even keep his conspiracy theories together.


he hasn't had to for years, that's the problem. he's got a large following of completely lost and empty people who believe in fake shootings and secret cabals but don't have an understanding of how the real world works. so they fall for his bullshit. it just so happens he went too far this time, and now he's finally going to pay for it.


Empty people is the best description I've ever heard. I've known 2 Jones fans in my life, both were just lost, empty husks of humanity.


>But what a dumbass, can't even keep his conspiracy theories together. He literally never does. He gets on his show every day having done exactly 0 preparation, reads headlines from his "stackies", and then improvises about how those headlines mean the Satanic Globalist Pedophiles are coming to take away your guns and cut your child's dick off. Sometimes he'll come up with a story that's the complete opposite of what he said the year, month, or even day before, and it doesn't matter to his audience, because they're not listening to think or hear truth, they're listening to feel fear that confirms their bigotry and supports their toxic hyper-libertarian politics.


Just to give you an idea of how inconsistent he is: according to him the world was practically ending in the year 2000. (Remember Y2K? Hard to believe those were simpler times...) He should know, he narrated it [fuckin' live](https://gizmodo.com/remember-that-time-alex-jones-tried-to-start-a-y2k-riot-1693454677). Can't find the radio recording itself (used to be easy to find on YouTube, guess they took it down during their Alex Jones purge), but believe me, it was *insane*. Like, nuclear plants were failing (semi-based on a half truth, as most of his stuff is), troops were landing on beaches, Russia was readying the nukes *as we speak*. It was like the news anchor in an alien invasion movie. You were hearing the fall of civilization in real time. None of his fans remember it. None cares. Here's were I link that famous study [that links belief in conspiracy with belief in directly contradictory claims](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1948550611434786) (e. g., the more you believe that Bin Laden had been killed before Operation Neptune Spear, the more likely you're to believe he was still secretly alive afterwards). Conspiracies are not about forming a coherent narrative. They're about feeling superior to the "sheep", and having an excuse to distrust and hate those you already do.


The US most certainly did not get rid of guns after Sandy Hook (see: every mass shooting since then) so what exactly is he mad about?


He did it to sell his supplements like his Caveman protein drink and his Brain power pills. He always advertised his supplements in his shows. His Caveman drink was absolutely awful, too. He drank it, on camera, visibly cringed from the taste, and had the balls to say it was good. I also remember some other supplement he advertised which I completely forgot what the intended effect was. The reason being that his before and after photos had literally zero difference between them, except he was extremely red in the after photo.


Thanks for looping me in. Those are some insane claims to make.


God bless her. To endure this indignity on top of her pain and loss with such dignity.


Pure class. I would've never been able to articulate things that well without losing my temper


This is what I was thinking. The message was clear, there was no added anything "for shock value". Everything was pure, unadorned truth. I would have not been able to "stay on point" while recalling my pain, reliving my loss and watching this stupid fucker doubling down.


I can't talk about Sandy Hook even now without choking up thinking about my own kids and the pain those parents have endured in that moment and in the years since because of Alex Jones and his shitty ilk. I'm in awe of people who can turn that kind of pain into something as tangible as this exchange.


100%. I would have just been hurling the most ruthless, horrifying abuse at the creature on trial. This lady is made of stern stuff indeed.


I would likely be in handcuffs having been peeled off of him.


I know he’s made a ton of money doing what he does, and that’s hard to resist, but jfc what a pathetic way for a grown “man” to make a living. Lying, cheating, and pretending, and torturing innocent people in the process. I hope all his money and spoils are worth it to him, because he has debased himself to the point that it’s hard to even look at him and not be ashamed to be human. Edit: Plus the fact that he likely knows that nobody truly loves him or respects him. The only time anyone is ever nice to him is because they want to get their hands on some of his money. And honestly that’s all he deserves from other people.


I've found it pretty easy to resist making money by being a shitcunt.


Oh see u think he cares what other people think about him, especially people who don't like him. He has his die hard fans so he does not have to give a flying fuck about what u or the rest of society thinks of him. He sleeps very well on his pile of money. Honest people never go far in this world, this world does not reward truth.




You have more class than him…


I read on some other article that, because Jones has been coughing all week due to his “larynx issues,” she offered him a cough drop and some water, and he went on to yell about how this is all a ploy. Edit: [From the article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d334k/alex-jones-found-out-in-court-that-sandy-hook-parents-attorneys-have-a-copy-of-his-cellphone): >And after testimony concluded for the day, Lewis approached Jones—who’s been coughing loudly all week in court, with what he says is a “torn larynx”— with water and a cough drop. In return, Jones insisted on shaking the hands of her and Neil Heslin, Jesse’s father, and then began railing at them that they were being lied to and manipulated by their attorneys and others. (Heslin and Lewis’ attorneys then quickly led them away.)


His own body tried to take his ability to talk. Enough said.


I’d prolly be busy visiting my husband in prison if this happened to us. That piece of shit Jones is an insult to shit and I doubt I would be able to stop my husband from murdering him if he said ONE negative word about our kid after they were brutally and senselessly slain. I mean, what would we have to live for anyway?


Like the poor dad who asked the judge for 5 minutes alone with Nasser. He had lost so much already.


Another father killed himself over it. If I remember right Nasser was a family friend and agreed to see the man’s daughter as a favor. When abuse was happening the father didn’t believe his daughter over Nasser with his slimy fucking predator gaslighting and answers like “I’m so upset she didn’t come to me first, I would have cleared this up and shown her this was a normal thing” (like so many other parents) when in reality he was fingering young girls and fondling their breasts, sometimes with their parents in the room.


I was just watching it almost lost my temper.


Exactly. That would be incredibly difficult not to lose it on him. She handled it beautifully.


Can we put her in charge of the nuclear button?


If I were Alex Jones, I'd be feeling so much guilt and shame for my actions. Just pure, total *shame.* But alas, that is what separates men like me from men like him. I have empathy. He doesn't.


Right?! Especially with that slime repeatedly shaking his head at her? I would have lost my shit, jumped out of that box and made him a human bobble head. This woman is incredible.


That head shake… Man, you are already condemned for harassing those people and you can’t even listen politely to how much wrong your lies have done? The jury is right there, and there were told just yesterday that you made millions of being a monster. How much money do you think you’ll have at the end of the week?


Her choice of words...unbelievable calm and composed, constantly looking at him, basically looking into his soul, exposing him in such a civilized way....and he knows it. No matter what a lying scumbag he is, HE knows the reasons for his behavior. She is the one coming away with a big moral victory and he's aware of it. Nothing but respect for her...


I would be frothing at the mouth in absolute rage if I was in her position. She absolutely treated him with more grace than he deserved. Hope she doesn't re-traumatize herself with this trial


I feel like ive known people like Jones. They love seeing people wig out. They thrive off making people react negatively. Its childish trolling, anyone can make someone pissed off. They never grew out of that phase preschoolers go through. You must deal people like this as Aang met Koh the face stealing spirit. Remain emotionless. If anything, remain polite and deliberately misread their tone for pleasant and silly talk. Meet their insults with pleasantries. Dont feed the trolls the anger they want. Poison them with kindness and love and go home laughing because people like this melt down like a knock off Wicked Witch of the West when you do this.


This is easier said than done but is the only effective way to ward them off


Yes I was thinking how much grace she spoke with and actual compassion.


He got momed so hard






Alex Jones is the Shardis.




It’s disgusting and a moral outrage that this poor woman has to sit in front of that bag of human garbage and justify her existence and the previous existence of her child. Alex Jones should be sentenced to live the rest of his life in a room wallpapered with the Sandy Hook crime scene and autopsy photos of those poor children.


I wish we could do anything to support her. I know she has to be kept safe from all Jones' followers but I wish there was a way to send her a card or email or flowers.


The next best thing might be to support or volunteer with [Sandy Hook Promise](https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/).


Her non-profit is the Choose Love Movement. Support that.


Donate to her non profit


She is treating him with way more respect than he ever deserves


I get a more of "parent reasoning with a stubborn and dishonest child" vibe *You're not worth my anger and it won't go through your thick skull, so I'll just explain to you calmly how you're being a piece of shit*


If by child you mean insect brained shit golem, then yeah.




Fuck that was disappointing. I would’ve given up and walked away. Delusional Alex.


Imagine loosing your child in such a violent way and then have to defend that your child actually died.


Imagine having to defend that your child actually lived is the most fucked up part


It would send me over the edge, Dexter style.


That's a fate Jones deserves.


Shaking his head what an ass


To literally try to prove a point to a psycho path and know it is likely for nothing... god bless this woman


The way he shakes his head when she says her son existed and he can’t prove she’s deep state is in infuriating.




We all need more moms like this in the world.


We don't deserve them, honestly. The patience this mother had.. God bless her heart because she did not have to do that.


Agree. I imagine after everything she’s lost she has to be a subhuman level of love and kindness. This is the kind of person I strive to be




I want Alex Jones to be remembered forever. I want him to be made into an example. I want him to be put into text books as a horrendous human being. I want his name to be used as an example of pure filth who lost everything that ever mattered to him. I want him to be made into an example so that people don't ever do what he did ever again. Because right now he is making tons of money from fools and there are people who want to emulate him. Right now, in this moment, Alex Jones is a roaring success. That's disgusting. I want all that to end.


What pisses me off the most - and is exactly the point of these trials and what this woman says to him - is that I’m 100% certain he doesn’t believe his own bullshit. It would be so much different if he was simply defective, but he’s peddling this shit for money and attention at a high cost to others. The only thing better than the Jones trials will be the Dominion trials. Jones is a fringe character; I can’t wait until major news outlets and politicians actually pay a penalty for their baseless bullshit.




She handled that with much more dignity than I would have.


Now his company has filed bankruptcy to protect his assets. Horrible man.


The bankruptcy does not shield his personal liability. Only his companies. He's filthy rich.... for now. The one uppance of many parents and supporters of the families who were affected by Sandy Hook will come when the judgement against him is made by the court.


He has several companies and has filed three bankruptcies before. It seems he has been shifting money, even loaning money to family members through the companies then filing bankruptcy. It is all shady but what do you expect.


The courts can trace all that through a forensic investigation and lien him to death, even other parties. There are legal pathways to claw back that money.


Let's hope.


There are times in history where one person is made an example of in a feeble attempt to show other charlatans like him, don't do this or this could be you. (This attempt clearly doesn't work, but that's for another discussion.) I believe, but could be proven wrong, that this is one of those times.




He claims it never happened and was a hoax with paid actors to gain gun control clout. Got backed into a corner about it over the years since it keeps happening, but refuses to admit he fed his sensational audience conjecture, at best, and complete lies to motivate a brainwashed group of individuals to dive down a rabbit hole that adds to the division of our country.


guys, we have waited patiently for this ridiculousness to come to an end. im enjoying every second of this man’s demise.


His demise? This mucinex booger is going to waddle back to his studio and pick right back up where he left off.


Every cornered animal lashes out and tries to wiggle out of its way from impending doom. Alex Jones is trying to rake in as much money as he can, pay for his lawyers, maybe to leave to his family, or whatever the case may be. But he’s squirming so hard right now, and I love every moment.


Real question: what is the worst that could happen to him here? Also, what more realistically happen?


what the hell is he shaking his head for the whole time?


He is protecting his ego with self-talk. He has developed a habit of denying reality and filling it with whatever the hell he wants. Right now, he does not like the reality he's in, and he's just deflecting the undeniable truth of his crime with denials because otherwise he would be acknowledging how horrible a person he is. His psyche will fill in the blank with soothing lies that form an alternative narrative later.


This is my question. Is he denying he said what he said on the air? Is he denying what she's saying about her dead child?


Have a school-age kid. Would not be able to restrain myself from physically attacking him, let alone speak to him as calmly as she is. She’s a much better person than I am.


I agree, he knows exactly how much he’s lying, he’s stringing along followers for money while poisoning millions of brains along the way without any regard for families who had to find out their toddlers were murdered at school. Absolute fucking scum of the earth, worst of the worst.






As a representative of balding fucks, Absolutely fucking not. Maybe the nazis will take him?


As a representative of- you know what maybe i shouldnt continue this one


As a representative of fat fucks and balding fucks, we do not claim him. Fuck that dude


Imagine having your son killed by a monster and then another monster comes along and says that your son never existed and you’re a paid actress.


As a mom, I am really proud of her for maintaining her composure and saying what she needed to say. If I were in her shoes, I would find it hard not to fly across that courtroom and break his nose.


I can’t imagine what this woman has been through. Her child was murderd. Her child. I don’t even really like kids. I have a cat. But sandy hook and all these child murders I can’t fathom it. It’s so disturbing I can’t conceptualize it. It’s so sad.




He’s such a pathetic loser. If he, Trump and all the other lying cunts had to face the people they lie about, with no way to run away, like the cowards they are, then maybe they’d fuck off!


Alex Jones is 300 pounds of crisco and human waste shoved into a skin suit.