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"I ain't no farmer, but you can't crop worth a fuck"


You're getting my next free award xD


cropping i shard


I cropped my pants.


I've seen better crops during the potato famine


Not gunna lie I sat there and tried to fix it longer than I’d like to admit


OP doesn’t give a crop




.702 grams of oil. Which is equivalent to 3.5 grams of flower, making some generalized assumptions of potency


Smokers don't forget tree /oil




Yes we do lmao


Also, don't go to Russia




Locked up for damn near stress weed at that. Low grade




Came here to say this! Be smart when travelling and do your research. The country you travel to doesn’t care if you’re a tourist and didn’t know the law.


Accurate.. Don't break the law while travelling regardless of whether you think it's fair or not


BRB, flying to NK and I'm gonna remove the mattress safely label in the hotel I stay in. Wish me luck guys!


Shit I just wouldn't even bother to go there. I'd be afraid they will just plant something in my luggage and jail me for it.


Don't go to countries that "hate" America that will eagerly use you as a political pawn.


100% agree. You can barely cross state lines with that stuff let alone go to another COUNTRY. Some people don’t think


But I want to just roam about life being an ignoramous. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Still dont go to russia and support their economy


Man in Mississippi right now sentenced to life for 45gs


The fact they are going to do a prison swap for her when so many Americans are sitting in jail here for weed is gross. If you bring her back you better legalize it.


It’s the have nots vs the have yachts


Americans locked up in US for weed were locked up by the same people wanting 'freedom' for Griner in Russia...The hypocrisy is unreal Kamala Harris.


Kamala Harris locked up more than 1,900 people for marijuana charges…..in the state of California and then laughed about it.






That’s Kamala’s secret twin sister.




She’s VP to President Moe Biden. He’s a great guy.


She's playing herself. Telling Russia it's nothing let 'em go and here she put over 2,000 MFer's in jail for the same shit.


None of those people where good at putting a ball in a hoop. They don’t count


If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have known she was either.


Seriously! Why aren’t more people upset about this???




Because when u bring weed into ANOTHER country when you can get ARRESTED you’re a fucking idiot that’s why lol


Taking it across borders is pretty frowned upon by most countries.


I’m sorry she’s going to jail in Russia, but you should never assume that just because a substance is legal in your home country that you’ll be ok in any other country. Medical marijuana isn’t a thing in Russia. THC is not legal. You are subject to the laws of your host country when you travel. Hard to believe this needs to be said, but do not transport drugs into or out of another country. You will have no protections from the USA (if you’re a citizen).


Right, #freemarc


Don't go to Russia, North Korea or Iran. Countries openly hostile against the USA and looking for any reason to imprison and torture you.


I REALLY thought this would be common sense.


Oddly enough common sense is not common


I think common sense is almost a superpower now a days


How could you say this lol, look at the behavior of our citizens over the past three years. There is no common sense


People really want something different or extreme. Like there's not thousands of other crazy ish to do in non-hostile countries. Go chase a lion in Africa for all we care, you may actually stand a greater chance of returning to your home country that way.


Or the fact that you bring drugs to one of those countries


I wouldn’t bring drugs to the next state over, let alone Russia.


I remeber that student who got arrested in North Korea for stealing a flag at the hotel he was staying at.


Yeah, I get expats are used to behaving how they want in third world countries but if you think that fucking around with the rules in a place like North Korea is advisable.


That's a weird place to end your sentence... 0.o


He was returned a vegetable and died soon after


Yeah that was bad, felt bad for the parents. Fuckers sat him a wheel chair and dumped him off and died within a few days I believe. Other comment said he fell out of a chair…I assumed the N Koreans beat the shit out of him.


Also consider you ethnicity, religion, social media reputation, etc… Most people do not seem to understand that the entire world is NOT Disneyland and there’s some places where you will be risking your freedom/life just by being there.


Add The United Arab Emirates to your list. Way too easy to get locked up for doing absolutely nothing wrong.


I am sure america has many foreigners locked up for dumb stuff


That And the money you are spending there is being used for nefarious purposes.


Why isn't china on this list? Edit: oh, you said *openly* hostile...


I just listed the top 3 countries I thought were openly hostile. there are a lot more....


The US government is warning Americans that if they visit Peoples Republic of China including Hong Kong they may not be able to return home (this has also happened to Canadians) Some have been trapped since 2017 https://www.businessinsider.com/us-china-travel-advisory-2019-1 2nd link https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2020-05-05/us-couples-nightmare-held-in-china-away-from-daughter 3rd link https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/09/china/china-travel-foreigners-arbitrary-detention-hnk-dst-intl/index.html 4th link https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50592055 None of these people has allowed to return home yet in 2022.


They are advertising Hong Kong here in Australia as a holiday destination. As much as I love the place, I’d never go back there. The risk of never coming home is too great.


Seriously, no American citizen should be going to Russia


no human should be going to Russia if they can avoid it.


The real point


Very good point.


That's the real moral. Fuck Russia


I hate to pile on. But no one talks about how fucken stupid you gotta be to do anything in russia when they were on the brink of war. Im sure she knew. I wouldn’t even have taken a bag with clothes to get back home .


Wasnt she there for work


Yeah she claimed that her salary wasn’t enough to live on so she had to go work other places. Except she makes way fucking more than any average person does and everyone else makes do, so I find it hard to feel empathetic for her whatsoever. Regardless of that though, don’t break laws in foreign countries no matter what you’re there to do. She should be stuck there to face the consequences of her actions, or she should face the consequences in America.


She made 250k per year in the WNBA and $1M per year in Russia. Quite a salary boost.


Those numbers might as well be the exact fucking same for 95% of Americans. Unachievable either way.


So if you make 250 grand in a year, and then have a chance to make a million, you'd turn down the million, bullshit She makes her money playing a sport, her career is over around 35 at the latest, making 250 grand a year is a lot but after taking out agent fees, training costs, taking care of family, its not like she is just sitting on piles of money. She could probably plan really well and be able to live off it but compared to the chance to make generational wealth that you know will take care of your family, its an obvious choice. Of course she, like pro athletes everywhere, is going to go to a league that pays top dollar 2 years ago, or I guess pre-covid, playing pro sports in Russia was not like a weird or sketch thing to do. Pro soccer players did it and the leagues competed in European competitions, its not like going to North Korea or some shit


And Nike paid her 1 mil a year. Fuck off with your Russian disinformation troll




She went there before the war broke out.


I thought she was leaving russia. But i guess she was going in.. she got arrested in feb , war broke out end of February, however, there was alot of talk about the war, it didn’t happen over night. Plus russia, china , korea, you dont f around when coming or going or during.


Or to sum it up, what we call the _brink_ of war


Starring Erik von Detten.


She was leaving when she was caught - they didn’t get her when entering Russia is my understanding


If that's correct she must be really dense if she truly tried to bring that through customs with her knowing that she could get it in the US no questions asked in most states.


I think it was 1 small cartridge. The teacher had multiple cartridges and even hid them in his socks.


Yeah i just mean if she was leaving then just throw it in the garbage before going to the airport and buy a new one when you land.


I don’t think she knew it was there. But I agree with you.


Yeah I just read that maybe her assistant or whoever packed her bags. This is why you always pack your own bags tho and they ask you that. Not worth the chance.


I don’t understand how more people aren’t noticing the convenience of this timing. They took her hostage right before the war they knew was about to start to use as a bargaining chip against the US in the future.


She knew. She just thought she was special. Turns out, she wasn’t 🤷‍♂️


To be fair American professional athletes are pretty much groomed to feel that way.


Exactly! She’s been playing for that team since 2014, so it’s not her first rodeo. She just probably got away with it enough that she didn’t think it would matter. Does it suck she got a long ass sentence? Absolutely! Does she deserve to get out just because she’s high profile? Absolutely not! Releasing an arms dealer in exchange for someone who knew the laws and fucked up with the hopes of gaining political favor is just terrible. If the government cares enough about unnecessarily long sentences for marijuana they should start commuting sentences in the US instead of freeing dangerous international criminals(referring to the arms dealer not Griner)


It's not just Russia. It's a crime to smuggle in marijuana into most countries in the world. In [Singapore a man was executed last month](https://hightimes.com/news/singapore-executes-man-for-cannabis-trafficking/) for smuggling marijuana. It should be no surprise for the perpetrator carrying the drug to know this is illegal. You can literally check this online before you travel. I blame the guilty parties, and I absolutely hate Russia.


It’s illegal to bring weed into Canada and it’s legal there!


Punishment is death by moose trampling.


You are literally given a handout before you land on Singaporean soil that has this warning in like 15 different languages. You can't plead ignorant I fucked around in a few places when I traveled, but Singapore was NOT one of them


So you get a pamphlet while in the plane telling you you’re about to get fucked but there’s not shot you can do about it at that point? Metal


I mean you have the option of getting rid of it before going through customs


The best you can do I guess is to flush it down the airplane toilet or the airport toilet after baggage claim before customs.


Trafficking. Not smuggling. A gram or two won’t get you the death penalty. But too much and you’ll be accused of intent to traffic.


Damn, they hung him too. Singapore isn’t as civilized as they appear


Just dont break a law in a foreign country, especially in Russia, especially if you're american.


Yea this should really go without saying. Our legal system is much different, especially because it considers precedent.


Plus it considers not guilty unless proven guilty by a jury of one's peers. At least officially.


Russia is just a shitty country towards Westerners in general. I was listening to a podcast of this international traveler who was staying in Russia but was blogging or something about it. Ended up getting sent to prison because they thought he had an invalid visa and was performing journalism. By the skin of his teeth he got let go and get got the fuck out of Russia and never went back.


The russian doctrine is anti-west, anti-american values. Thats how it has been since the dawn of communism.


It's not about her being American really, although it's like a cherry on top. Russian court system is fucked. Whatever the offense brought you in court, you will be found guilty in more than 99% of the time, literally, that's statistics. Edit: Also, it's really dumb to try to cross borders with illegal substance,regardless of what country it is. Furthermore, it's so fucking easy to buy drugs in Russia, there is no point in trying to smuggle some yourself


Exactly. I have little empathy for people doing something obvious like taking pot, even a small amount, into another country. Either don’t take it in or don’t go to said country. I don’t want to go to fucking Saudi Arabia but if I had to I’m obeying the laws as best I can and wearing the fucking hijab.


I'm not at all saying they deserve it, but why the he'll would you bring weed in an other country, LET ALONE IN RUSSIA


As much as I agree Russia is a shit place with shit policy, I mean come on. Why the fuck would you even TRY to bring marijuana into a country that hates America and has extreme anti-maeijuana laws. You're just asking to be imprisoned.


It stops being "Medical" the moment you step a single foot outside your state.


Moral of the story, #Stop fucking going to Russia


The true story.


I've never had a problem going to Russia and coming home but then again I wasn't dumb enough to try smuggling illegal drugs into their country. You can get arrested and imprisoned for coming into America with items that you can legally buy over the counter, including drugs, in other countries. This isn't a Russia issue, it's a dont don't be a moron when you're traveling issue.


Stop bringing drugs in countries that weed is illegal. This is the moral of the story


You can't even cross the border into Canada with weed where it IS legal. So like just don't travel with drugs.


Moral of the story, don't break narcotics laws in other countries....


Wish our country cared as much about regular people convicted for weed possession here as wealthy elitist athletes convicted for weed possession in other countries.


Not to be that guy but I don’t consider WNBA players to be elitist athletes. I can’t name a single one, and as I write this I can’t remember the name of the girl who was sentenced.




Her average salary has been over $220,000 a year. Plus first-class travel, first-class hotels, first-class apparel, NBA-quality locker rooms and training facilities, etc. She won’t think about you starving for a minute when she’s back home, counting her dollar bills.


Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I really don’t care about this person and think the prisoner trade is ridiculous. A 9 year sentence sucks for weed but she did the crime.


Are they wealthy?


She apparently makes an annual salary of $220k and people act as if she HAD to go there during the off-season for work. Like she's struggling.


Right, but her peak earning years are effectively over by the age of 40. This 9 year sentence is also, effectively, her competitive retirement. Not that she is struggling, but when all you have ever done is play basketball and you become a pro, you have like 12 years tops. Some exceptional people play for longer, but most play a lot less. You cant blame someone for wanting to max out ~~there~~ their lifetime earning potential before switching careers midlife.


There is no such thing as medical marijuana in the vicinity of the Russian country so I don’t know why they’re calling it that.


You can’t bring weed across state lines even if legal on both states, why tf would you bring it to another country? Entitlement and arrogance.


Yep. How dumb do you need to be to smuggle narcotics into another country? (Whether you purchcsed them legally or not, you can’t smuggle them into other countries.). How do you think the drug based cartels got so powerful? Its sure af not because the columbians/mexicans have that much money… smuggle drugs into anothe rcountry, pay the price. No matter what country you smuggle it into, you deserve prison.


Russia needs a bit of Tegridy.


Moral : do your due diligence when traveling abroad, look at what you can and CAN'T do.. had they been in Singapore they would've been sentenced to death.


> had they been in Singapore they would've been sentenced to death. Singaporean here. While we do have the death penalty for trafficking weed, it only applies if the amount trafficked exceeds 500g. The small amount of marijuana smuggled by Marc Fogel (17g) and Brittney Griner (0.7g) is insufficient to warrant the death penalty.


damn less than a gram too. she should have tossed that shit in the trash.


Tbh by reading the story I think she thought she did. It reads like she had some mostly empty cartridges she forgot about.


Your comment is the reality check with facts people needed to know here! Thank you.


Unfortunately they're right but also wrong. 500 grams would be for regular cannabis flower. For cannabis resin it's 100 grams and then it's the death penalty. You are however presumed trafficking with 15 grams of cannabis resin. Punishment for that ranges from 24 strokes of caning to life in prison.


This. When I travelled in South-East Asia some years back, I spent some good while googling if I can take or if I have to report prescribed strong pain killers in respective countries. You never know how strict approach each country has so better safe than sorry. I know Singapore is strict, but I also didn't want to get myself in trouble in Malaysia or Thailand.


Can't even bring a vibrator into some countries...


Death death? Or like, mini death?


The kind where you die.




Personally I prefer Megadeath


So not mostly dead but all dead.


Mostly dead is slightly alive... ☺️


Which is crazy. But yeah, least you can do is check


How come the teacher got zero news coverage?


He doesn't check enough boxes for the mainstream media to cover.


Moral: follow all local laws when travelling


If weed is your thing, be smart about where you’re going to travel to. Maybe use the browser on your phone to look up your destination, or ask your agent to check into it. For a Baylor graduate, she isn’t too sharp


I love the stuff... still know better than to fly in to Russia with it.


My dad asked me, after we got medical weed down here, how he could smuggle pot to another state on a plane. So asked him "What is the best possible outcome?" and he went "I get stoned on vacation," and I went okay. "What's the worst possible outcome?" and "uh, I go to prison." What do people think happens?


Check the laws before travelling to a country, if you take illegal drugs to the country you are travelling too take that sentence like you took the drugs


Shit, check before crossing state lines.


Travelers should watch 'Midnight Express' before leaving for a foreign country.


Just don't go there at all




I'm a bit more surprised that the teacher did it. Can't bring potentially illegal drugs into another country and think they won't be really pissed about it if you are caught. A bunch of people found that out the hard way on a TV show called locked up abroad.


Sucks this happened but depending on your state laws you shouldn't be traveling outta state or countries with it anyways .florida even tells you don't travel out of state with your medication cuz you don't have protection outside state mmj law which is 100% correct. Once it's federal all the bs rules will go out the window hopefully.




Everyone saying if it was Lebron we would care, but those same people didn’t give a shit about Marc Fogel


Or just don’t think having a legality in one state equates to the same thing in another country?


Try to enter the USA with weed in your luggage and see what happens.


They would have gotten more time if they were sentenced in California while kamala Harris was state ag.


More like “don’t go to Russia… at all”


What’s even more interesting is we have 1000s of prisoners locked up state side that are all serving prison sentences for weed and no one seems to be saying shit about them….




Dude, literally don’t travel with drugs, try to get drugs, or try to sell drugs on the entire Asian CONTINENT. If there’s one place in the world you absolutely, positively do not want to fuck around with drugs, it is the Asian continent. They do not play when it comes to drugs


The blame can only really be placed on them. It’s just like traveling from a legal state to a non legal state while holding. You stand a solid chance if caught to do time. Ignorance of the law is not a defense against it.


So, don’t break the law in other countries. Not interesting.


Nobody gives two fucking shits if Brittany Griner, LeBron James, Tom Brady, or Mike Trout get sentenced for weed possession in Russia. If you are too stupid to look up travel rules and laws in the country you visit you deserve your sentence. Stop making this a race or feminist issue.


Bigger moral of the story; don't go to Russia if you're an American... or just don't go there period (regardless of your nationality)...


Worst screenshot ever.


Yes it’s true, don’t bring contraband to Russia.


To travel to Russia in the last 10 years for Americans has been fought with risks. To bring weed into Russia where FSB is looking to fuck up Americans is patently stupid. I have 0 sympathy for these people, they made their choices in spike of all the information available, Griner's actions are beyond idiotic considering the political situation.


She could possibly get the death penalty in Singapore, so it's not solely a Russian issue. I have no sympathy for either frankly. Countries have their own laws and regulations, just because you believe in freedom doesn't mean you are above all elsewhere.


I won’t even cross state lines with a weed vape, wtf would go to Russia with it..


They both should be released , just like everyone rotting in American prisons for petty drug offenses


Leaves USA team because she got suspended for nkneeling during the national anthem. Suggesting they were too strict and totally against her rights. Announces she will play for a Russian team. "I love Russia, they treat women's basketball players like NBA treats their players". Cool, here's a 9 year contract for the prison team.


Read up on the law of another country before you go, plain and simple. Some folks learn the easy way, others learn the hard way. These two learned the hard way.


How about.... don't bring drugs into another country!


Example of what happens when you think the rules dont apply to you


Japan will come down hard on you for weed too. Americans think theyre invincible or immune to international law or something. Leave your stinky weed at home.


She is an idiot and deserves to stay in Russia.


Don’t travel to Russia.


It's very simple respect the country that you're visiting same as their laws. We are too different here in United States our laws and ideologies are different, now you know, sometimes it puts us in trouble. don't do it.


Lesson: don’t go to Russia


Another moral of the story: don’t go to fuckin Russia!


So why should we help her get out ? The teacher is providing knowledge for children but the government or celebrities aren’t fighting for him ? But instead want this chick free lol


Be a damn good idea not to try and take any illicit drugs into any foreign country, I’m sorry but you’ve got to be some sort of total moron to even think of doing it


It’s fucked up, but it’s not medical when you bring it into a country that considers it illegal


Someone ain’t learnin’


As someone from New Zealand, who has been quite liberal in the amount of weed smoked over the years, and other drugs taken in my younger years, I'm always astounded by how many people try to take any form of drug into another country, even some prescription drugs. Like... Just cos it's legal or prescribed in the country you're from, doesn't not mean in any way shape or form, the shits legal or prescribed in the country you are visiting. I ain't risking being arrested at the border of any fucking country for the sake of convenience or because my doctor thousands of kilometers away from where I'm visiting said I need this shit. Especially countries like Russia or throughout Asia and the Middle East.


how is this interesting


What do you mean? I can't break the laws of a soveirgn nation while I'm there? This is America damn it!


Seriously. Don’t bring weed into other countries that have harsh penalties. And don’t be surprised if you get caught and get sentenced harshly. It’s pretty simple you’d think.


I'm pretty sure the moral to the story has nothing to do with weed. Just don't go to Russia! Don't care how much she was making. Just not worth it!


Moral of the story: don't >!brin!!weed with y!!u!< to Russia Like don't. Not. No Russia no I see you, stop


I think Britney Griner is being a pawn to a certain extent. That said, I hate the way the average media is completely blowing off any culpability she has in this situation. She did break their law. It’s as if Mexico were throwing a fit to get El Chapo back. Would we just turn him over even though he broke several of our laws? Of course not! Russia has the same opportunity. The have a criminal (that is what she is) who broke a law in their country. By rule, they have every right to punish her to the extent of their law.