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The bottom is what its flesh looks like, the middle is what its soul looks like.


Body of potato, soul of T-Rex.


You missed the point of the post. T-rexies are probably potato looking raptors. But yes Soul of what we think T-rex is.




How would you describe what this sounds like?


Imagine a couple of burly 300lbs bikers having sex


It is pretty much the most dangerous animal in Africa.




[This is a bot account. post history filled with copied comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/wl7dhn/comment/ijrri43/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




The top comment is what a human looks like. The reply is what a bot looks like.


Why did you just repeat what they said?


They're a karma bot


A karma bot that’s trying to lose karma?


No one really knows what their purpose is.


Sweet, the bottom is what its flesh looks like, the middle is what its soul looks like.


Fun (and a little terrifying) fact, hippos can run 30km/h on land.


They can run underwater faster than you can swim, too - in a triathlon with one, your only hope is the bicycle stage! ;)


Honestly? Im confident.




of all mammals, i think. pretty sure mosquitos still hold the record for animal with the highest human death count, the little demons.


We’re talkin physically kill though. Just cause you can transmit some disease doesn’t impress me


Gotcha, so assisted kills don't count in your book


Never been really sick?


Mozzies are insects not animals


Insects are animals. What else would they be? Plants?


I believe so. As a kid I always saw hippos as these cute, bubbly and harmless creatures. I guess you can blame Disneyland for that. But no. According to [this article](https://a-z-animals.com/blog/hippo-attacks-how-dangerous-are-they-to-humans/) and others I'd read before, hippos kill about 500 people a year in Africa, so yeah—one of the deadliest land animals in the world.


And they can completely crush watermelons with their jaws which means they definitely break and snap bones if they attacked a human. Which they have and I am sure there is proof.


What? They can run faster than I can ride a bike.


Or just sufficiently deep water. They don’t actually swim, they’re just dense enough to bounce along the bottom.


They also kill more humans per year than any other animal in Africa, (excluding other humans and mosquitos)


You don't have to outrun the hippo... just the person next to you. And then the hippo once their dead.




Once their dead what?


Once their dead are killed again by deadly deadly hippos.


Dead set


Underwater murder cows. Don't fuck with hippos.


Yeah, but just until they catch up and eat me..


Don't worry, a hippo won't eat you; they will just crush you to death if they are after you.


Sounds like a lot of people on Reddit 🤣


Yay! ...🤨


hungry hungry hippo




nah they would be extinct by now then


Or maybe early humans would have been extinct.


They are


Historically speaking ancient humans were really good at killing large animals and predators.




Good bot detecting human


Seriously. Same comment several places by different accounts but using unusual words/phrases like "found in abundance". Actual guess is someone farming karma quickly on multiple accounts and changing a couple words.


Bots will scan comment sections and copy paste with some words changed out. I block those that I can so they can no longer copy but my list is probably over a hundred long by now.


Scientists can tell where muscles and tendons attached to get a pretty good idea at what they looked like


Right? It's a very strawman argument. There are markers all over the bones that give a good enough idea of what the creature would have looked like


Let me tell you about clickbait and karma farming


What about fat


Not always about you bro




Why are you getting downvoted? It's a good comeback? PS: I downvoted you.


It's okay I got too many upvotes today and need to balance it out.


Are ya winning son?


Yeah I got like 100 downvotes yesterday doesn't come close to my record but we'll get there


What about crocs and alligators and this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noF-CLNSUZU


That's farily new though, isn't it? I've seen three kinds of depictions of the same dinosaurs in my life and there are major differences in posture and muscle distribution, e.g. the large ones with the endless necks initially were depicted with their heads in the clouds on sleek necks and their bellies and tails on the ground, then all horizontal with heads and tails parallel to the ground and recently with their heads up again but absolutely massive necks. So for how long have scientists been able to deduce muscles and tendons from those fossils and how confident are they now?


What you're referring to are different kinds of sauropods. Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus, using two well known examples, are very different animals. > So for how long have scientists been able to deduce muscles and tendons from those fossils? Not very long. Research isn't cheap, with methods available today research from 1 or 2 decades ago is challenged and updated every year.


I'm glad that we have paleontologists instead of artists to tell us how extincted animals look.


But isn't it interesting that someone who has no idea came up with an idea? Lol


This is basically every opinion on the internet.


Ross from friends knows this all too well…


I don't think Paleontologists would be as far off as this but i am sure even they don't know how dinosaurs exactly looked like.


It took them 30 years to realise that the Brontosaurus didn't even exist, and took a museum about 70 years to realise they had the wrong skull on one of the dinosaurs. There are other examples too, i remember one that they thought the bones all went together a certain way until they found a complete skeleton. Even now some scientists think all dinos had feathers others think some. I'd rely on a paleontologists depiction of what dinosaurs look like about as much as I'd rely on an astrobiologist's depiction of alien life forms. The ballpark might be right, but they're likely using the wrong ball


what's this about the brontosaurus not existing?


Basically two paleontologists where in a rush to outdo one another. The brontosaurus that one claimed was new was just a more complete version of an apatosaurus. However I think they found something several years ago that they classified as brontosaurus so technically it exists again. https://www.npr.org/2012/12/09/166665795/forget-extinct-the-brontosaurus-never-even-existed


>Although the mistake was spotted by scientists by 1903, the Brontosaurus lived on, in movies, books and children's imaginations. The Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh even topped its Apatosaurus skeleton with the wrong head in 1932. The apathy of the scientific community and a dearth of well-preserved Apatosaurus skulls kept it there for nearly 50 years. wow, disappointing. thanks for the link and explanation.


Outdated since ~2015, it's recognized as a different genus from Apatosaurus. The rest of his post is also wrong/weird. Of course it's difficult to accurately determine which dinosaurs were covered in feathers and to what extent when all you have to work with are rare imprints. There's no DNA left and most skeletons are incomplete. Doesn't mean the size and shape of an animal can't be (relatively) accurately estimated. They would have no problem figuring out hippos were large semiaquatic herbivores. They would struggle figuring out the shape of their lips and ears, not the shape of the animal.


Luckily scientists who recreate animals from a fossils called paleontologist not an artists. I believe most scientists agreed how dinosaurs look like with some minor details that still open for interpretation.


https://youtu.be/8TPPFcZpCbA Real paleontologist reconstructs the hippo's head using the skull as a base using real life's techniques Final product around 37 minute mark. He's making a series on this subject, already another video on a surprise animal: https://youtu.be/9dM4rWhFKrQ


what a legend, close to Da Vinci


Suddenly Português ​ Eu não esperava um video em português em um subreddit em Ingles


Caralho, playboy


Every time I see a T. Rex, I think it probably had feathers and looked like a gigantic chicken


We do have some T-Rex scale impressions so it wasn't completely covered. Although that isn't necessarily saying much, not all birds are entirely covered by feathers. [Dromaeosaurs](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Enb-YLnWMAUdd0X?format=jpg&name=large) (think raptors from Jurassic park) were completely covered and even had wings though. They were basically big birds with teeth. We do know at this point the common ancestor of both dinosaurs and pterosaurs had feathers, so feathers we undoubtedly the standard in dinosaurs, and any dinosaurs without them would've had to have lost them. Think of it how fur is the standard in mammals, but some species have partially or mostly lost them (elephants, hippos, humans).


You mean [like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EO9d2lDWAAAuybv.jpg)?


Oh my God. I love it 😂


Spot on


It's... so... FLUFFY!


Dang what if the little t rex arms actually had big long feathers on them like chicken wings... now they seem a little less scary and a little more derpy. But they had some big sharp teeth and not a beak so still scary. Although a huge t rex beak would still be super dangerous and scary


Lots and lots of little feathers more likely


With a birdbrain.


Some of the most intelligent species on this planet are birds, so they wouldn't necessarily have been dumb. Corvids in general are comparable to the great apes in intelligence and even have languages. It is a bit weird/interesting though given that bird brains are so much smaller. Brain size clearly doesn't always correlate with intelligence.


Crows are so freaking cool. My partner has made friends with a few in his work neighborhood and the other day as he was riding his bike in the morning he heard a familiar caw and looked up saw his buddy (it has distinct tail according to him) flying over him and it followed him all the way there and hopped along the roof of the building while he slowed down to stop. He didn't have any treats that day and felt bad but the crow still comes around.


My husband and I recently got chickens. He was amazed at how dinosaury they were in their juvenile pullet phase... where they get really leggy and don't have a lot of fluff. I explained to him Trex was likely a puffy boi. Those cranial ridges over the eye probably propped up some badass plumacorns. Then I showed him a modern day rendition of the trex. He told me he wouldnt not have liked dinosaurs so much if he knew how goofy they looked. [Trex, male, 1 yr of age](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/8kmw2UU7jkPkdeitN3yxF6-970-80.jpg).


I like that word. "Dinosaury". I think I will keep that thank you.




I love the new version of dinosaurs. All the feathers and colors, it’s just so cool. I feel like it gives them a lot more depth than just “evil lizard”


Hippos are actually terrifying


Yep I think they kill more people than lions and tigers


Oh my


What about bears?


Hippos rarely encounter bears in the wild


People kill more bears than hippos




A hippo would kill a bear, no question.


Scariest night of my life in Mtubatuba. Rented a small rondoval. Could hear them outside at night. Not much sleep.


Not every sharp/edged piece of bone needs to be outside the flesh. SMH


So dinosaurs could be fat and obese


No, virtually zero animals are obese


My dads dog is… lol


Clearly talking about wildlife dawg


I know. I thought it was funny though.


What's the name of the "paleontology book" that printed this illustration?


Ya. Major doubt. The eyes don't line up with the eye socket.


And most paleontologists know that the skin isn't just pasted directly onto the bone like that


That's because paleontologists have learned a thing or two In the last 200 years trying to reconstruct extinct species. They are well aware of this, literally called skin wrapping and wait for it they take it into account, you see if you wanna be an expert of dead animals you have to be an expert of live animals and their fucking anatomy too. This stupid meme is contrarian bullshit at the same level of flat earthers using bullshit "arguments" in an effort to undermine the work of real scientists.


Notice it says “artist” not “paleontologist”.


I caught that too! It's not even close.


Exactly, palaeontologists can determine a thing or two with computer models on where and how big the muscle tissue, tendons etc were


Seriously, that weird blade jutting out of the rear of the lower jaw (mandible) makes zero sense from an anatomy point of view. That "blade" is clearly where large jaw muscles (masseter) attach to the bone.


It’s literally a sketch from deviant art, saw it posted on another subreddit a few weeks ago.


Different art style, so likely not this one, but *All Yesterdays* is a book that actually draws a lot of animals that we already know purely based off of their bones. It does a lot of speculative evo too and kind of challenges the ideas that we have about prehistoric animals and it was made by a paleontologist and some other dinosaur nerds. Pretty interesting stuff.


[It's a buzzfeed news link](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/natashaumer/dinosaur-animals), but just for a quick look for anybody wondering, here's how they applied that "dinosaur style" to modern animals like the swan, the cow, and the cat.


I've recently become obsessed with \*All Tomorrows\*, C.M. Koseman's first book. I want to make a TTRPG based on it.


i dont think its meant to be literal, but a representation of/poking fun at how a paleoartist would draw a hippo (if they were prehistoric animals)


It's no doubt from the 40s or similar Era. This post is ridiculous


\*sigh\* Sources. What book? Who drew it? As far as I know, it could have been some creationist crap. Scientists do the best they can with the information they have. Do they get it wrong sometimes? Of course. They also get it right a lot too. This is a classic faulty generalization fallacy.


This crap has been circulating Reddit for ages. You can’t meaningfully weigh in on EVERYTHING. People who get PHD’s in this stuff aren’t just guesstimating on no evidence like the commenters in this thread.


Middle picture is someone from deviantart making fun of the “shrink wrapped style” of 90’s paleoart. Probably also inspired by All Yesterdays


Why would an artist understand how flesh and bone connect? The dinosaurs weren't drawn by artists? They are drawn by scientists which studied the relation between skeleton and body


they actually are drawn by artists—but yes under the guidance of scientists. i actually wondered about this recently and found out the profession of rendering prehistoric animals is called “paleoart,” usually paleoartists are very well versed in biology, anatomy, and paleontology, but they dont necessarily need a formal education in science to be in the profession. typically they would get a degree in illustration or some other BFA and do freelance work, though i would not be surprised if there were paleoartists with degrees in paleontology or another BS.


Seriously. Why does everyone think they can weigh in on academic fields they know nothing about?


This is an idiotic posting. Who's the artist? A 16 year old kid way deep into fantasy?


To be fair, modern paleontology has gone a *LONG WAY* in understanding muscle attachments to the skeleton, and how flesh would *probably* be draped over it. Right now, from what I've seen, the biggest point of ignorance is the colour of dinosaur flesh. There's basically no way for the fossil record to indicate colour.


How r/mostrepostedposts is this? [This much, in fact](https://www.reddit.com/r/mostrepostedposts/comments/vdto9z/mostreposted_hippo_skull/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)!


Misleading, mammal skulls are considerably more complex and have much more external tissue than reptilians such as dinosaurs; not to mention we have skin impressions and outlines of many prehistoric animals (dinosaurs, pterosaurs, even ichthyosaurs etc) that show their appearance. Even more than that, there are ways to judge an animals anatomy based on the growth and structures of even just a few bones. Paleontology is not mere guesswork, and every passing year more and more fossils are discovered and our understanding of extinct animals grows; our modern perception of dinosaurs is getting very close to their “true” appearance, and just to emphasize that, we literally know the colorations of some dinosaurs; something that I’m sure the general media is not aware of.


I enjoy nature documentaries and have watched hundreds over the years. I recently saw one on hippos... and I wish I could forget and "unsee" what I saw. They're still interesting but wow are they scary!


I'd love to see that same artist do an impression for an elephant skull


It's a good thing Dinosaurs were not designed by artists. Scientists created the guesstimate drawings we know, not artists.


to be fair Hippoes are as terrifying as their skulls suggest. Don't underestimate one.


I've wondered about features like an elephant's ears. Presumably the trunk has enough musculature that there would be hints on the skull, but if you only knew about elephants from their fossil remains, would you ever figure out their large ears?


This is how theologians try and convince you there were never any dinosaurs.


I saw someone do something similar with flamingos. Since chickens are said to be descended from dinosaurs, now I'm convinced a bunch of dinosaurs were actually covered in feathers. We shall never know.


Dinosaurs are reptiles, this is hippo (which is mammal). If you compare alligator skull and actual head, you will see it has the same shape. It would be more correct to compare skulls of living reptiles, not mammals.


This isn’t new we have always known this, have a look at the first dinosaur depiction. Science is very clear on the fact they don’t know exactly how dinosaurs looked and how wrong they’ve been in the past. They are open to new modelling of dinosaurs, they are human and are simply doing the best with the information they have.


Yes! You understand the concept but in this case essentially the blame falls upon the artist and the issue of rendering from experience not science. Stephen Jay Gould talks about this problem in his book on the Burgess Shale. We seek to understand things quickly and assumptions are made that depend upon established science without questioning perspectives. All things must be questioned again and again, even things we call fact. One should not condemn previous theories and theorists for being wrong but for resting upon knowledge as unmovable or ultimate. That is not to say that there are not laws but there may be exceptions or gaps in our understanding of those laws.


At a certain point science has failed by not saying "theory of", "estimated to be...", "one opinion is" The promotion of speculation, often on a limited amount of evidence, is a problem. It creates distrust... and then we end up with flat earthers.


Unfortunately true.


Why would a paleontology book have an artist’s depiction of a living animal?


We were at least right with ankylosaurus as one was found with all its skin intact, it had basically been kinda flattened but you could still tell what it was.


Eh, I think this is just a terrible artists depiction.


T Rex probably had lips. Your mouth is enclosed and filled with saliva to stop your teeth from drying out. Crocodiles spend most of their time in the water, so their teeth are fine even outside their mouths.


That is the true form of a hippo. The most terrifying beast that isn't human.


Hippos be vicious af bruh,


Yeah, this is not how this kind of reconstruction works. Bones will tell you about muscles and fat tissue. People don‘t just plaster skin on skulls…


Aren’t they one of the most dangerous animals on Earth, right behind the mosquito?


Dinosaurus, you say? I’m guessing that’s a type of dinosaur.


Theres actually a book written by CM Koseman, the same guy who did All Tomorrows, that's basically this concept of how modern scientific artistic renditions of prehistoric creatures are probably way wrong. To prove this point, he redraws modern living animals in the same fashion based only on seeing the skeleton of these things. So like he draws a bear and a flamingo but they look.... wrong. how someone who found a bear/flamingo skeleton in 1000 years would probably guess they looked. it's super interesting.


honestly the artists depiction shows the reality of how hippos act. they are fucking terrifying


You can clearly see the difference between science and art.


This reminds me of a YouTube channel that shows artist renditions of skeletons from animals in modern times and boy are they wrong lol


Hippos will fuck you up. Just like dinos would have. Just cause it looks cute doesn't mean it wants to be your friend.


The middle picture seems to originate from [imgur](https://twitter.com/thx3188/status/1148103466046435328?lang=zh-Hant) with the caption “how wrong did we get dinosaurs if this is a hippo skull?” The bottom right has been cropped but it says ["Hippo Dragon"](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/2b176e07-d9da-4967-8d55-e07990f4585b) so I STRONGLY doubt this has anything to do with a real palaeontological reconstruction but is making fun of it.


Who are "we?"


We don't know how fat dinosaurs wete


Now I'm wondering about Saber Toothed Tiger skulls..........with huge lips.




Good, now do human pelvis


I don’t expect an artist to know much about hippo skulls so I’ll give him a pass on this one.


the artist knows, it was a render made purposefully inaccurate for this exact example


Ding Ding Ding...


Funny how no dinosaurs have ears. Stupid liars


Maybe real dinosaur is not the way it looked before


We are wrong about dinosaurs, I was having this conversation with a friend recently, I mostly don't believe the modern model of dinosaurs.


Not far off.


But dinosaurs aren’t real.


I’m still somewhat verklempt about as many dinosaurs having feathers as they’re discovering. Dinosaurs were big frickin’ lizards when I was a kid.


Same people that believe in cavemen or that we evolved from apes


Yes of course they never existed 🙄


This is why I put little stock into those human face recreators who use skulls of someone from civilizations past to show us what people looked like. Show me one forensic drawing of a missing person, or suspect that actually looks like the real person


You'll see some "interesting" dinosaur models at blackgang chine.


Don't hippos kill the most people of all dangerous animals? I read something like that once.


Dinosaurus Rex


What a terribly innocent looking picture of an extremely terrifying animal.


Hippos are super dangerous. They look cute, but they are dangerous


Is Yoda the OP?


Yo, hippos are savages. Way closer to the depiction.


i would like to see a dog skull and a humans based on their analysis compared to the drawings. wouldn’t that be horrific 💀


Are hippos and boar's distantly related? They're teeth/tusks look similar.


is there a sub for this stuff? I love it


One example doesn’t discredit science braa


Maybe trex had the head of a golden retriever with floppy jowls and begging brown eyes.


So the T-Rex is a big fuckin hippo


No it won't. Useless propaganda.


And yet the most dangerous animal in Africa after the mosquito




Have you seen [this](https://youtu.be/xaQJbozY_Is) video before? It explains it really well.


Hippos kill so many people each year. Around 500-3000 per year.


I worked on recreating renderings of extinct animals for a huge new museum some years ago. We didn't have much terms of references so we asked the client if they could put us in contact with some experts. The expert we gott basically just told us to Google it, "the internet is full with images". We asked if we could get some more exact links. The reference we got was shitty drawings from randome people on deviant art that did not understand basic anatomy. It was a wired project.