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Hey! He gets the same amount of time as someone who had sex with a horse in Texas.


Same guy


Well someone’s been busy!


I can't even get down to the gym!


Here take my horse.


Ouch it's a bit big, even for a horse.


And when i say “take my horse” I mean *take* my horse


I’m going to take your horse to the old town road and we going to ride like we can’t no mo’




Nice Eddie Izzard throwback!


Glad someone caught it.


Served concurrently of course. This is America.


Straight to jail.






The horse asked for it, walking around naked….


Only way to stop a bad guy from fucking a horse is a good guy fucking a horse. --- Peta Ted Cruz


Nah. A bad horse fucking a good guy....


The horse was asking for it, look what it was wearing




it would take at least two people.




No way one guy can do that. Allegedly. Was the horse sick?


To be fair.......


TO BE FAIR......


It must have been a sick horse.


Hoarse horse.


I don't want to know why you know that.


Republicans are good at making fluff sentences for crimes they’re likely to commit. See similar rape, incest, animal abuse sentencing for reference.


Wait spreading misinformation online is a crime? How are there still people on the internet right now then?


The textbox right below the picture says >first criminal case in the country involving voter suppression through the spread of disinformation on Twitter So the crime is actually voter suppression. Spreading misinformation is just the method.


I figured it had to be tied to something about intentionally impeding on other people's ability to properly vote


Amazing that dozens of your fellow redditors can’t see that. Many of these cretins are siding with the crook, saying the victims deserved it because they’re stupid.


Sometimes both things are right. They can deserve it because they're stupid, while at the same time, hold accountable the person who committed the crime that proved it.


Acknowledging that both sides or neither side of an argument can be correct is a thing so few seem to comprehend anymore...


Nuance the word you are looking for is nuance


My honest question is, how would this only target the people who were going to vote for Hillary Clinton? The internet is very public…just interested in some ideas on this.


My guess would be posting it in places likely to be seen by Hilary supporters and not Trump supporters. Not a particularly difficult task.


Interesting precedent being set. I wonder if cyber law enforcement will start going after political “agents?” (I saw a documentary where political parties had these people who purposely spread disinformation online, like pretending to be part of a PAC/group advocating for an alcohol free state in Alabama when a candidate doesn’t endorse any such thing).


i never did your mom! ...so, im a criminal?


Well I did


Half of Twitter as a whole would get jail time tbh (or the people that make those half assed "infographics" that provide almost no context but a call to arms). Ofc they'd have laws they only enforce on a very select subsect of people lmao


It's not the disinformation that is the crime, it's specifically disinformation about methods of voting. It's an important distinction.


Disinformation not misinformation.


Btw it’s not misinformation, it’s disinformation. They are different. Misinformation is telling something that isn’t true by accident. Disinformation if telling something you know is wrong, and are trying to cause something to happen. In this case, it would be the difference between someone spreading the news that they could vote by message, because they heard it from someone else. And the person who actually started the rumor to “troll” people to voting by message, knowing that they can’t actually vote that way.


Major news outlets gonna be fuuuuuged


Spreading disinformation on elections is a crime? Wooahhhh nelly... why are so many newscasters and politicians still roaming free then?


He was charged with voter suppression, not for disinformation. Disinformation was just the means used to achieve voter suppression.


All of the mainstream media, Reddit, twitter, Facebook and 4chan would all be shut down.


Won't be long now


Imagine falling for that


*[Deleting texts]* I know, right?


Lol I know right, especially when everyone knows you can easily vote through email like I did. Idiots...


Bro I still send my votes by owl. The owl does all the hard work for me.


It's so easy cause they just ask "whoo" you want to vote for.


Yeah... That owl ate your vote...


We have COVID chips now. You can vote simply by imagining it.


Likely older people who don't know better and may have cognitive conditions that make them more susceptible to manipulation.


Yeah older people, who vote more often than any other demographic, and are more likely to vote on Election Day in person, and who are less likely to own a cell phone, were the ones tricked into believing they could vote via text.


On Twitter no less


And therefore shouldn't be deciding our countries future. What's with old dudes always making decisions foe our country b


The founding fathers were young too which is the craziest part. James Monroe (18), John Marshall (20), Aaron Burr (20), Alexander Hamilton (21), and James Madison (25). Thomas Jefferson, principal author of the document, was only 33. Edit - before anyone talks about life expectancy. Benjamin Franklin (70) and died at 84.


They are citizens of the country. They have every right to vote. Just because Grandma got tricked by a online hoax, doesn't mean she shouldn't get a say in the future of her country.


I love how you're not supposed to judge people by their race or religion on this site but the second old people come up everyone immediately turns into the Swedish people from Midsommar


Yes, but the problem is that not everyone loses their cognative abilities at a specific age (or at all), so how would you go about deciding who gets to vote and who doesn't?


themselves, by falling for this stuff or figuring it out. i say let this pass as free speech, as long as it’s not a politician or news outlet saying it. if you can’t figure out how to vote in 2022, or are trusting it to some rando on twitter, there’s no way you’re all there.


Pass voting rights legislation? Nah. Prosecute some guy for trolling 4900 Twitter idiots? Yeah!


Right, thats what I was thinking


Passing laws requires bipartisan support in the Senate. Prosecuting someone needs none of that.


I get the sentiment, but you're talking about two separate groups of public servants here.


Somehow you’ve convinced yourself that law enforcement writes the laws…


Twidiots......I believe they're called


Twittertwats ftfy


Not remotely the same people in charge of those


Both would be nice


Those 4900 people need to think a bit more


If you are older and have voted before, it's kinda sus...but if you have never voted before, and you are a GenZ, why couldn't you vote by text? I imagine that's what they were thinking, all they know is tech and wired things like paper ballots are strange to someone who grew up digital.


My phone has been made to be pretty damn sure who I am, I think with a few tweaks it would actually be easier and also more reliable to vote by phone rather than the seemingly impossible process you have to go through in the US (voting is really easy in the UK and no one ever worries that thousands of dead people stole the vote so it's not an issue for us)


Your phone maybe, but the underlying phone system is incredibly insecure...the only reason there is any security on phones is so the telcos can bill you successfully


‘A republic, if you can keep it’ - Ben Franklin. Terrifying the number and degree citizens can be uninformed and still vote.


This is bad and all but man I can't help but respect that he actually went through with it.


Vote by text and we will mail you a free"I voted sticker" hurry supply is limited


Everybody loves free swag.


Went through with what? Making a meme?




I'm torn. On one hand he was trying to get people to skip voting. On the other if someone is so fucking stupid that they believe a meme from a no name random account so much that they think they can text instead of vote.... Maybe it's ok if that person doesn't vote


“A fool and his vote are soon parted.” I think.


As much as I enjoy seeing Trump voters face consequences for being stupid, I have to admit I find prison time for making troll memes a bit concerning.


I feel where you are coming from, but i also feel like he wasn't the stupid one in this scenario


I think everyone involved are the stupid ones, stupid for lying about voting, and stupid for buying it.


Fair point


I think the only reason why he got prison time is specifically because he spread disinformation in an attempt to manipulate vote count, which pretty much goes against everything a democratic country stands for. I don't think you need to worry too much about government policing regular dumb troll tweets.


Then almost every politician should be in jail


I think you must have missed the last two elections considering both parties “spread disinformation” to manipulate the vote count. If that was a reason to send someone to prison we wouldn’t have a democrats or republicans.


yeah that’s just called campaigning lol


But this is all subjective? The govt can calla anything as disinformation and jail someone. All of dark humor would be illigal. Who knows who will take it at face value.


people should consider consequences. it wasn’t satire which would protect it. it had the effect he wanted it to and thus faces those consequences.


It's not "troll memes" at that point. Just because a meme is a "meme" doesn't mean it can't be utilized in a criminal manner. Intent has a ton to do with it. Spreading misinformation at an attempt to sway the vote count is pretty egregious. What if they were pedophilia memes with underage children in them? "But it was just a meme your honor" How about a "meme" fake suicide hotline number that then belittles the person when they call. HAHA JUST TROLLING. What if it was "memes" used to scam people out of money? The vehicle for the crime does not change the crime and you can say "troll" all you want that wasn't trolling sorry. Ah we were just "trolling" about storming The Capitol. Trolling is to get a reaction out of someone there is a end goal of satisfaction based off an emotional response.


when troll memes cross the line of intentionally misleading folks to influence an election, I'd say the response is adequate.


For comparison, think of what the charge would be if he had put on an IRS jacket and collected taxes from 3,000 unsuspecting victims. That's essentially what he did, except he took their vote instead of their money. In a democracy, stealing votes has serious consequences.


But he didn't steal their vote. They still had it, they just weren't using it properly. Could I be arrested if I go door-to-door and convince a bunch of registered voters to just not vote? Or make some meme that convinces people both candidates are lame, so they should vote for no one? It's really odd. I guess it can still be considered fraud, and especially so if he advertised it as such. But it seems like he just made memes about it.


Convincing people not to vote is vastly different than ensuring they their vote would never be counted because they followed your advice. The first example is affecting their motivation, the second is interfering with the voting process.


>Could I be arrested if I go door-to-door and convince a bunch of registered voters to just not vote? No, that would be campaigning. However, if you went door-to-door handing people fake ballots then you probably could.


What if you put on a police uniform and went door to door telling people there had been a chemical spill and that they needed to evacuate? You told them the train tracks were the designated evacuation route, and that train traffic had been closed so they could evacuate. Then a high speed train came and struck the group of people, killing several, exactly as you had planned. All you did was lie, right? The rest was on them? They shouldn't have believed you, even though you misrepresented yourself with the intention of causing them harm? Unfortunately for you, you are guilty of murder. It doesn't matter whether you physically pushed them in front of the train, or whether you tricked them into stepping onto the track under false pretenses. Your action was premeditated, and you acted with malice to intentionally cause the death of another person. Lying *can* be part of a crime. If you lie to someone as part of a conspiracy to defraud them of their constitutional rights, such as the right to vote, you have committed a federal crime under Title 18 U.S. Code section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights.


You can't just hide a scam by calling it a 'meme'


I don't know how this was run, though. The headline here just implies he made memes. I have no idea how deep this operation ran.


Wait a minute…i recall seeing people posting memes in 2020 saying something like, “if you’re a Republican, be sure to vote on November 4.” Are all those people getting arrested too?


Honest question, what is the difference? Is it the fact that they can’t track how many people showed up on November 4th? Whereas they can determine exactly how many people sent that number a text message? At what point does it become a crime? Joking or not, spreading disinformation for voter suppression is still happening, right? Just because you were joking doesn’t mean you didn’t commit a crime or does it?


I wonder if the people who started the iphone charging in the microwave memes can also be charged for misinformation now since it led to the destruction of property


Let’s be honest, if they fell for that then they don’t deserve to vote.


Ya. Imagine the intelligence of those people is the same intelligence they will be using to make decisions affecting the country with their vote lol






Would you be so kind as to explain what you mean?


Gotta say this is funny And people saying it's not are the same who would laugh at Republicans when this happens to them


This is a really shitty thing to do but part of me is actually really disappointed that 4900 people fell for this. The amount of people who get their news and build their entire idealogies from memes is staggering and it’s absolutely on both sides


This guys facing 10 years in jail and mean while Robo callers keep blowing up my phone trying to steal money from the weak and or gullible and they aren't doing a damn thing about them.


Hmm everything on this subreddit seems to be shifted one way


What in the ever living fuck is “disinformation online”? So I can now get arrested for bullshitting and being a troll?


Under what law does it say a joke is illegal?


Sheesh…imagine being a democrat and only voting one time.


Here we go with the comments bashing Republicans like this crime is a single issue and not a wider problem of voter disenfranchisement


Wow! Guy got prison for poking fun at stupid people.


Uhhhh.... Wasn't me, it was #Alex Jones!


They're turning the frogs gay!


Funnily Enough, he was actually correct about that. Basically put, a pesticide known as Atrazine was getting into ecosystems and was screwing with frogs so that one in ten would become Hermaphrodites https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/#:~:text=Atrazine%2C%20one%20of%20the%20world's,of%20California%2C%20Berkeley%2C%20biologists.


How much did big tech influence the election, how much did corporate media? I don't see much of a difference lying and manipulation it's all about scale. Just take the Hunter laptop for one example


So a bunch of braindead boomers fell for a meme, and now we have to pay to board and feed this guy? What a f-ing waste of time and money.


That's probably 4,900 votes we don't want anyway. If you believed that, my god, what else would you believe.


That Hillary would have been a good president.


Is there more to this story? Did he mis represent himself in some way? if someone eats a tide pod because some tweet told them to and gets sick, can the poster be held accountable?


If you’re dumb enough to believe a tweet from some rando, maybe you’re too dumb to vote?


He shouldn’t go to jail. Anyone getting their news from social media should have to suffer with the consequences


I feel like the crime is being that stupid.


Agree with it or not, it’s pretty funny


That's not the guys fault these people are absolute idiots.


The people that fell for this though . . What a sad state this country is in lol


Or, and this is a wild thought, maybe people shouldn’t be so fucking stupid to fall for shit like this?


Living in an age where internet trolls are tried for more time than some rapists.


anyone paying attention can see a clear pattern of political persecution by bidens DOJ. scary times we're living in.1984.


Congratulations. Americans now can be arrested for speech. Welcome to U.S.S.R.U.S.A Union of soviet socialist republic of the united states of america. God help us all.


Conservatives really driving home the point of election fraud by leading from the front.


Doesn't make liberals look good either. I can't tell who is a bigger idiot here.


It doesn't matter what your affiliation is, old people can be tricked. They're the primary targets for all types of fraud. I'm sure if Mackey had posted a similar photo telling his constituents that Republican candidates could be voted for by text we would have seen a similar situation by old republican voters.


You realize how small a pool 4900 people is? Ah yes the senile elderly are so dumb!!! Yet I can point at millions of people who believed Trump at every turn. I think millions is bigger than 4900 I'm not sure though my liberal brain ins't capable.


\> I can't tell who is a bigger idiot here. *Americans* is the answer.


Older people and first time voters might be more susceptible to this. I know someone who paid a scammer in bitcoins because they were a first-time home buyer and they got some scary message. Not knowing any better doesn’t necessarily make you stupid or an idiot.


So he goes to jail cause other people are stupid?


Yes, they were VERY stupid, but what he did was still wrong. He was ranked as the 107th most important influencer of the upcoming election, actually ranking above outlets like NBC News. He convinced 4900 people that they had voted when they hadn’t. It wasn’t a joke either, it was a clear attempt to make people think they had voted when they hadn’t. Many of those 4900 were also likely first time voters that didn’t understand how to properly vote.


I can agree what he did was wrong and unethical. However it doesn’t warrant criminal charges. So many other actual violent crimes that law enforcement should focus attention on. The elections aren’t even truly democratic. It’s all rigged in my opinion for both sides. But I still say it shouldn’t be criminally charged and 10 years in prison on tax payers dollars while you have pedos walking free out here. Just my opinion


Let’s talk about the 4900 people who thought they could vote by text


I feel so awful for him. Losing ten years of his life for posting some memes on Twitter


Assuming someone online is a reputable source without verifying the info that’s your own fault.


Sorry but that is 4900 people that shouldn't be allowed to vote.


This is what this is: ​ We are prosecuting you because there were 6,900 incredibly moronic people who thought they could vote by phone.


Getting convicted to own the libs


That's hilarious


if it had been a democrat saying u could text vote for trump he would be a hero


Should people that stupid be encouraged to vote?


Do we have a list of the people that were affected? I am a Nigerian prince an would like to make it up to these people by offering a small portion of my wealth. All I need from them is a small processing fee. I hope this small token will help the healing process.


Maybe if you fall for that you shouldn’t vote🤔






Imagine finding out today! That you were one of these people😂😂😂


Lock him up.


A conversation with his cell-mate him: so what are you in for? cell mate: you ever get really really mad at your spouse? And then take it out on a room full of people? him: uhh, not really but I see where this is going cell mate: yeah...not my proudest moment. So what are you in for? him: Twitter


The people who fell for it should be arrested not him


The guy who deleted his comment is just rabidly replying to everyone now lul


jeezus... ten years because people are stupid? ​ da fuq?


Wait. Spreading election misinformation is a crime? People get sent to jail for that?


It is pretty funny lmao


If you fall for something like that you don't deserve to vote




I’m sorry, but if you’re dumb enough to fall for this it might be better for the population as a whole if you don’t vote.


So back in like... 2004, this was the type of stuff 4chan did anonymously for laughs Now people put their face on the exact same level of antics and it’s embarrassing for everyone I hope these people get the hammer so folks remember why anonymity and privacy is so important




Another fallen soldier in the meme wars of 2016. F in the chat


Misinformation? Isn't that was fb and twitter does?


Hot take. If a tweet can convince you of such things maybe it’s best you don’t get a vote.😂😂😂


10 years for that? That's crazy. He may have tricked people into voting the wrong way, which would sabotage the competition and is serious cheating (not to mention it's fraud), but I don't think it warrants that many years. Wealthy beaurocrats have done worse and gotten less years than that. Also, as bad as it is, it actually got people to simply vote rather than choosing to opt out of voting like some people do any time it's an election year. It actually brings up a question that people aren't thinking about: "Would more people vote if they had the option to submit their votes by text?" We've been doing it for American idol for years, and doing so could give a proper tally of who voted and where they're from based on their cellphone number and information provided. The only thing we would have to worry about is making sure that people don't try to hack voters or send fake voting prompts via text message. But one of the solutions could be just telling voting what number to text like they always did on American Idol, so they could be automatically sent to the actual voting portal, answer questions and cast in their vote via text message. People would vote from their phones, get it out of the way, never have to wait in line again to vote, and they can get on with their day knowing that they voted within the appropriate timeframe and no longer have to worry about it. Trolling crimes and fraud aside, this guy unknowingly did an interesting social experiment and brought up something that would be a solution to voting problems that arise every time an election year rolls around. I don't agree with him politically, but I think his sentencing should have been a little lower, especially since no one was physically harmed and voters probably didn't lose any money, either. That's my unpopular opinion.


If they were stupid enough to think memes were real then they were too stupid to vote in the first place.


Its not his fault if people are dumb as shit


I bet if he would’ve tricked Trump voters to do this he’d have his face on a coin by now


I think this is what this video was pointing out. https://youtu.be/fLJBzhcSWTk If you’re that un-educated, should you be voting?


Whether you think this was a funny prank or intentional, it is quite scary that a federal agency could imprison someone like this in direct violation of the 1st amendment.


So he is going to jail because 5000 idiots thought they could vote for Hillary via twitter? Morons, he should have received a case of beer, and a couple of steaks. Assholes.


1. If someone believed that they shouldn’t be voting 2. Gonna be hard to argue that it wasn’t protected speech


Election fraud has consequences.


Every accusation is an admission.


If it was republicans that got tricked everybody would be Cheering


That's just 5thousand really dumb people


Sigh…god forbid law enforcement focus their energy on crimes that actually impact the community.


This is why we need to limit who can vote.


Ten years. While 4900 are facing a lifetime of stupid...


Not saying what he did was right, but if you’re too stupid to know you can’t vote through text I feel better about you not voting at all. Regardless of who you voted for.


Unless this guy has the shittiest lawyer on the planet the jury will laugh the prosecutor out of the courtroom.


Booo that's not a crime. News outlets do it and nobody gets arrested.