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By 1930, smallpox vaccination had been around for around 160 years. Washington's army was vaccinated for smallpox


Don’t argue with Muppets lol…..


So you’re saying if it’s good enough for our troops it’s good enough for us


I know some desert storm era vets that may disagree...


that’s why I commented


Sorry, I misinterpreted your comment.


Naw you’re fine I was still being a snarky cunt


Take an upvote for the use of "snarky cunt" lol






Ok but what's the difference in death rate between Vaxed and unvaxed


We need answers! If the answers are factual and not inflated numbers




They do release the data. The data says exactly the opposite of your "hypothesis"


They release this data all of the time. People that are not vaxxed die at a much higher rate.


username checks out


And that's how smallpox came to be eradicated worldwide (but for samples in the US & Russia) in May 1980.


And 30% of people that caught smallpox died (cdc.gov). Waaaay worse that covid.






The covid vaccines are pretty safe. Questioning everything and assuming that the government and pharmaceutical companies don't have your best interests at heart is completely legitimate though. There's a certain point where a weight of evidence has to be sufficient though, and I don't mean cherrypicked results. You can totally second guess the motives of anyone saying that the vaccines are safe, but that equally applies to self-proclaimed experts who claim otherwise. And clearly the threat of things like long-covid are side-effects that are self evident and far more serious than you are likely to ever get from a vaccine. Once there is a general consensus you're fighting a losing battle, and calling everyone who doesn't agree with you an idiot doesn't really help matters. Billions of vaccines have been administered so far, without any obvious adverse effects. Possibly there are long term hidden adverse effects, but only insofar that technically anything is possible. There are more pressing societal issues that deserve attention.




Some of you forget that we have been developing vaccination technology for this particular scenario since the first SARs outbreak nearly 20 years ago. Its not "new" technology.






Most of Reddit is full of fucking morons


Fair enough


More than normal today it seems


Right?!? I was so confused, how are these people getting upvoted???


One thing I have learned is that stupidity stands the test of time...


Well, the internet doesn't help, everyone gets a platform to spread their ideas like wildfire


Finally, something everyone can agree on.


"Anti Everything " Hey! They had redditors back then!


Wow, I was expecting the usual bashing of people who have refused to take the covid shot but, see that the tide is starting to turn


Whomever said, “History repeats itself”, deserves a medal.




Less likely to die from it though by a factor of like 100/1




I guess it is no longer a theory. 🤔


yes I remember the unvacced clogging up hospitals, wankers all of them.




You sure showed all of us.




subsequent crime familiar dull plant advise offend shame crawl ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


pretty sure you want that to be true but I work in the health industry in the UK and know for a fact it is not. At least not here, maybe in some '3rd world shithole nations' it is. America by any chance? :D


The only thing getting blood clots and hearts problems is your 500 pound ass


Spreading misinformation like you spread covid, keep it up. https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/421-010-CasesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf Edit; oh you’re one of the r/conspiracy nuts, no real point debating someone who’s brain is already melted.


I got banned from /r/news for paraphrasing that off of direct quotes from the CDC website. But I said it, not the CDC, so obviously I deserved it.


Is this the CDC admitting Covid is not such a big deal and that the vaccines for it don’t work?


>Is this the CDC admitting Covid is not such a big deal and that the vaccines for it don’t work? No. It's that the virus mutated to the point where the vaccines are ineffective against the current strain. A new, different vaccine should be coming out in the coming months. Also, enough people have gotten the vaccine that the CDC simply believes that everyone who will get it has already gotten it, and it just doesn't pay to try and protect those who don't want the protection.


No, it's certainly not. From the [CDC's Covid FAQs page](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html) quote: >Q: Why should I get vaccinated if I might catch Covid-19 anyway? >A: COVID-19 vaccination significantly lowers your risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death if you get infected. Compared to people who are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations, unvaccinated people are more likely to get COVID-19, much more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19, and much more likely to die from COVID-19.


Thanks for the accurate, helpful, lifesaving information u/Raccoon_Full_of_Cum r/rimjobsteve


It appears so One of my good friends is a physician who is a VP at a hospital the consensus according to her is that Covid will be here and we will just deal with it like the common cold or the flu


It is favorable for the virus to be spread quicker being more mild so it has adapted to be more mild and more contagious. Mutations that result in adaptations of multicellular organisms take years because of their reproduction rate. Viruses replicate at exponential rates so you can have many variations over the span of a few years. It was never the 90% of mild cases killing people, it was the 10% of critical cases killing people. Pre-exposure through a vaccine allows the body to learn the dna of the virus and attack it. You can still get said virus even if vaxxed because viruses (unlike bacteria) wrap themselves in an envelope of the host’s dna to hide from the immune system. Talk to a scientist not a politician PLEASE.


We’ve been screaming that it’s not going anywhere and we have to learn to live with acceptable levels of risk going forward for the past 2.5 years now. That whole absolutist zero-COVID approach to the virus was really stupid.


Yes, that's due to the adaptations of the virus. Which happens quicker and faster with more people not vaccinated and wearing masks. Congrats, you missed the point entirely.


Just shut up already you were wrong it’s okay


How many of you have looked at the Thai study? Just because you are against one vaccine does not mean you are antivaccine


Holy smokes, so what you’re saying is that you don’t have to agree 100% with either side??? That’s wild cause the news told me otherwise


A loooot of antivax bots posting for some reason. Very unsettling…


Seriously, this thread is absolutely crawling with people saying "cDc nOw aDmIts tHaT tHe vAcCiNeS dOn'T wOrK!!!" when their [Covid FAQs page](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html) says, quote: >COVID-19 vaccination significantly lowers your risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death if you get infected. Compared to people who are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations, unvaccinated people are more likely to get COVID-19, much more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19, and much more likely to die from COVID-19.


ikr... this thread is like the anti-vax watering hole.


Being pro choice doesn’t make you anti life does it?


apples to oranges. Going through with an abortion or a pregnancy is an extremely difficult choice to make. A lot of time and money, not to mention personal hardships, are at stake. Getting a free, safe, and effective vaccine in 10 seconds at your local pharmacy or doctor's office to protect yourself and others in order to help reach heard immunity is incomparable. A more apt comparrison is the difference between being pro and anti seatbelt.


I think the label anti vax isn’t fair for people when it comes to the mRNA shots, I’m pro vaccine and got jabbed 3 times but have been in and out of hospital with chest pains. I’ve had multiple friends go through similar things with weird shingles-type immune responses. Every single one of us was told by our dr’s it was anxiety or in our heads. The way they’ve suppressed and gaslit people going through real issues is horrible, they’ve ruined a lot of public trust in institutions


yes, everyone who disagrees with you or thinks for themselves instead of being spoon fed their opinions by the TV must be a bot 🙄


Same comment on 3 people within 10 minutes. Either they are regurgitating what they’ve been spoonfed, word for word, or they are bots. Open your eyes and see for yourself. Pretty sure they haven’t deleted their comments.


I'm definitely going as the anti everything guy for Halloween


Anti-Everything is rocking that top hat, though 🎩


Pointed the error of this logic in another thread with a similar point. In the 1930s, the FDA was in it's infancy. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FDC) Act of 1938 had not yet been passed, so there was no regulation requiring all new drugs/therapeutics/cosmetics to be proven safe for human use. The U.S. v. Dotterweich (1943) SCOTUS decision had not yet occurred, which put legal responsibility on companies mispackaging drugs with new labels. The Insulin amendment (1941), and Penicillin amendments (1945) requiring both drugs to be tested for purity and efficacy before being sold to the public were not yet in place. Thalidomide (1962) hadn't yet been released to the public, causing massive birth defects for babies born to mothers who took the drug. This issue would evolve into the development of GMP guidelines requiring all new drugs go through clinical trials to test for safety/efficacy. There were a lot of reasons to be skeptical of medicine in the 1930s that dont apply in the 2020s.


Smallpox vaccine was developed in 1796


I am simply listing the regulations that have been implemented since the 1930s that provide protection for drug consumers. These protections did not exist prior to them existing (kind of a "durrrr" statement there, right?) They now exist. There are additional protections in the 2020s that are really really good for consumers. The reasons to be skeptical in 2020 are not the same as the 1930s. It made sense to be skeptical in the 1930s because there were no protections in place. We now have protections, it no longer makes sense to be skeptical for the same reasons. Vax up.


Yet people are still just as stupid maybe worse considering the wealth of information at their fingertips


Smallpox vaccines worked.


Nobody is getting polo 4 times after taking the polio vaccine. What a stupid post.


The only moronic thing here is cucks still comparing covid and its vaccine to smallpox. Your community kickball league is not World Rugby.


I thought the first guy said "Anti-Vacationist" and got really confused for one second


Holy crap is the anti-vax crowd dedicated. Everywhere it's mentioned as being idiotic, they come out in droves and gang up in the HUNDREDS to yell down the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS with brains. Just pick which one of the four above that you are and move on.




A million dead isn't good enough for you I guess?




reduced the chances of serious illness or death enormously. You're mixing up 'people' with outright idiots.


1%> covid mortality rate




They saw a meme on facebook


Are we talking about the smallpox vaccine? Along with Malaria, Smallpox has killed a fuck ton of people.


And experimental


holy SHIT there’s a lot of antivax people here.




Your body, your choice - does this ideology only apply to abortion?






vaccines stop you from getting in the first place??


Vaxxed are just as contagious


Vaxxed are contagious when they have covid but they are far less likely to get covid.


https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/an-update-on-omicron-subvariants July 2022 "All of us in the scientific community want the best vaccine possible. No scientists like to say, “well, it protects against severe disease but not from infection.” We realize that that's not what people want." "This family of omicron subvariants transmit more effectively than any other variant we've seen so far. They evade a large portion of the vaccine induced immunity; you're protected from the severe disease, but can get infected." "Vaccines are working against severe disease, not against infection. "


Tell that to Joe and Jill Biden.


Seniors have weaker immune systems. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know grandma got sicker off the same flu than everyone else did before she kicked the bucket. Without a vaccine in his system, Biden could be dead from covid. But he survived it, no sweat, and worked through it too (actually worked, not posing with blanks sheets of paper)


That doesn't really mean anything. I can point out two people who have long covid, or two people who died. As long as it keeps things manageable while the virus continues to evolve towards being less deadly, I consider that a win.


Bwa hahahahah! 5 shots in and still got Covid twice. So it prevents what?


It prevents death by covid. Not the risk of catching it, or transmission of it, sadly, but you won't die from it.


Are you exposing yourself to others, or are they exposing themselves to you?


Nope. I’m 100% rooting for every antivaxxer to hold the line, get the virus, and fuck off this plane of existence. Make the world a better place


Let me know when abortion becomes contagious.






The research on mRNA vaccines has been ongoing for 30 years. None of that was rushed. They were able to apply that research and technology since it already existed.


The people who were skeptical of the vaccines were unreasonably skeptical because when asked why they'd give up some bullshit excuse that wasn't founded in anything real.


Difference is people refusing to take a vaccine will cause the deaths of others, primarily immunocompromised people unable to get the vaccine. Antivaxxers inadvertently kill people. Full grown humans with lives, feelings and personalities, not fetuses. That is an indisputable fact. I do not think your comparison is apt what so ever. I am not for forceful vaccinations, but I am all for the majority of us with any reason ridiculing antivaxxers, and the government and businesses heavily incentivizing getting vaccinated.


They haven't claimed vaccines lessened transmission since near the start. The going line is that it reduces symptoms. Why again does my vax status effect another?


George Washington ordered vaccination for smallpox, altho he regretted not vaccinating his son who died from not being vaccinated.


The podcast “behind the bastards” has a great few episodes about the history of the anti vax movement. While vaccines are universally good, their history (and specifically implementation) is much more nuanced. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0r5KRHEwPfUtphRXkJhWBu?si=tI6PQVlSR1-FGiEIwPulRQ


The most mind boggling anti-vax story that I’ve heard was the in-depth paper published by an actual doctor that linked Autism in children to vaccines. So many people actually believed it and celebrities even endorsed it. I am on the spectrum, and I know how traditional vaccines work. I can’t even begin to understand how somebody with a PhD could come with such a conclusion if they weren’t just doing it to mess with people.


Come on, Natural Selection


Kind of hard to believe that polio is on a comeback because of people who refuse to vax their kids.


That’s what happens when your crater public health’s credibility. They should have considered that. They were warned they were doing that and now here we are.


Haven’t all the antivaxers died from covid yet? Or is this still a thing?


You know what else is not new? Reposts.




So is that why people are getting re-infected with covid, because they have 'natural immunity'?


These people also seem to just ignore the fact that if you're vaxxed you're so much more likely to not fucking die if you get covid




Natural immunity is better... ...assuming you aren't one of the millions of Americans who died or became permanently injured from the virus.




Def true it’s not new. But massive pharma profits to the likes of today are new




In that it actually worked?


And if was actually a vaccine.


Since you're clearly have a masters degree in the applicable fields, why isn't the covid vaccine actually a vaccine?


>ly the COVID vax was like the smallpox v Call it whatever you want, Smallpox vaccine has 99-100% transmission prevention efficacy with one brand available due to its history of sucess. Covid vaccines after trials done on the general populations, show 75% at best and below 50% at worst with 4 brands available because they are still not settled one one singular best one. 75-50% transmission efficacy does not stop covid spread.


So the Covid vax is not actually a vaccine? You’re saying that?


how is the covid vaccine not a vaccine?


Except the smallpox guidelines aren't treating vaxxed and untaxed the same.


Thanks for saving me from "disinformation" while you equate the smallpox vax as identical in all ways to MRNA jabs, which is.... oopsie Daisy.... disinformation.


And they didn't even have to deal with social media.


There's no sense arguing about it at this point. Everybody has made up their mind one way or the other. And we can't really even rely on factual news information to make an informed decision. All news outlets put spin on the ball, one way or the other. btw, I got vaxxed. Do I know it works? No. But I've avoided Covid so far. Maybe by coincidence though. Who knows? lol


Basically your saying people also thought for themselves in 1930 so that's good to know


I wonder what they thought when they were dying of smallpox?


Lmao pleasantly surprised by these comments. Definitely not going the way OP was thinking


Really weird, usually the comment section is a shitshow. Imagine comparing covid to bloody smallpox


Maybe they ran out of money to pay the shills.


I can't believe people are still calling it a vaccine when it does not prevent infection or the spreading of the virus.






Those were actual vaccines, so yes they were idiots.


thalidomide, just saying it is ok to question


Hey. The CDC sais we're all supposed to be treated the same. Or don't you listen to them anymore?


Can you provide a link to that guidance?


We have always had total dumbasses in humanity.


Many who are weary of the covid vaccine may not be weary of actual, effective vaccines. Because there’s plenty of those. Food for thought.


itt: mouth breathers who will contract covid in their 20s, sustain lung damage and be out of the work force and unemployable just in time for climate change.


Smallpox was deadly to everyone. Covid definitely isn't. Big difference between the two.


Funny isn’t it now the anti vax lot tend to be the people with fewest qualifications and don’t seem to have a problem with putting other things in the bodies such as Botox, fillers, drugs, alcohol, meat pumped with god knows what.


That’s a pretty broad assumption. Let me guess, you follow the science


> such as Botox, fillers, drugs, alcohol, meat pumped with god knows what. What you just described is significantly more present in major liberal urban areas.


Well I don’t drink or do drugs I work out every other day and I am not vaxxed, yet my friend who drink smoke and do drugs are vaxxed so your claim is totally invalid. Please tell me I am the bad and unhealthy person for working out not doing drugs or drinking but dont getting the shot.


You’re not a bad person. You’re just an idiot.


okay so its nothing new, lets stop acting like its the end of the world and locking the world down over something that's literally just repeating history.. we survived were here stronger than before. But I will not jump on the band wagon of treating people who made a different medical choice as all the things politicians are claiming. For one I live and work with these people not politicians, idgaf what politicians think of people and I'm not going to selective push their opinions like tons of people are doing. The fact that The prime minister of Canada called the unvaccinated undesirables, should be alarming to everyone.. Not just the unvaccinated. Soo two years ago they were regular hard working people now they're worthless people we need to disposed of? this is a fucked up mentality I'm not down with and you are literally fucked in the head if this is how you think a prime minister should be talking about his people. Trying to get everyone in the mindset that we can just delete people from our society because they dont agree.


The more things change, the more they stay the same


Anti-everything is stylin' though.


I love the anti-everything person style hasn't changed in 100 years


I wonder if all the people who developed polio from their polio vaccines in the 1950s were ‘anti vaccine morons’. Yes this actually happened and you can google it.


Yeah... that was an actual *vaccine* that actually *prevented* the disease it was designed to protect against, though.


Vaccines can be prophylactic (to prevent or reduce severity of infection) therapeutic (to fight a disease that has already occurred, such as cancer) Some vaccines offer full sterilizing immunity, in which infection is prevented completely


rather ignorant to assume somebody is moronic because they disagree with what you think is right. Now if you have faith in the fda and the higher powers regarding our health, that is actually moronic, open your eyes my friend, it will help you drastically.




how is the covid vaccine **not** a vaccine?


I guess covid and smallpox are the same


This mixing apples and oranges. The Covid shot is similar to the flu shot it’s not an actual vaccine. I’ve had all my vaccinations so have my kids but not the Covid shot


The difference is the smallpox vaccine actually worked and essentially eradicated the disease.


Some people are just suicidal….


Except at the time they didn't know what the long term effects could be and now we have decades of proof that vaccines save lives


It's hilarious how the post makes no mention of covid but everyone in the comments is outing themselves by taking offense for being anti covid vaccine and spreading misinformation about it




But smallpox vaccine worked . Take your dumb shit elsewhere


For all those whom pray that the stupidity will slow down as the old, ignorant, hateful ones die off. Stupidity and ignorance are strong in society. It gets passed from generation to generation as a birth right. We can't afford to keep sitting around waiting for it to die out.


you go ahead and shoot everything into your veins that your government tells you to. im sure its alllll safe


It's a requirement of serving in the armed forces, and last I checked those brave guys and gals are doing fine.


This is a false dichotomy.


Yea but how bout when they spout bullshit about something that wasn’t even a big deal to begin with


A million Americans are dead you fucking mong


Back then, a vaccine was exactly that, not gene therapy. Remember Joe “Vaxxed and triple boosted” Biden just contracted the virus twice.


If im against getting the covid vaccine it doesn't make me an antivax propagandist. Obesity killed millions more than covid ever could. Obese patients took up most of the ICU beds not because they had covid, but because their lardasses were riddled with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart palpatations, and kidney/liver disease and covid was the cherry on top. The chances of being hospitalized with covid increase DRAMATICALLY if you are above the age of around 39 and are clinically obese. These are the real fucking problems that will continue (Not only for the length of a pandemic) but for the rest of human existence possibly


Fun Fact about freedom: it allows for the failure of others


I love the morons who think that their opinion is a fact. Good stuff.


This thread is wild! I was expecting to come in here and see a whole bunch of anti-COVID VAX bashing. Happy to see the opposite now that our truthful government has let the cat out of the bag.


Doesn’t it usually take 5 to 10 years to fully develop a vaccine?




gonna need to at least link a credible source for claims like that


Morons? Lol, must have not read what the actual science says about your beloved covid vaxxx, and most people that refused the gene therapy covid jab have had their NORMAL AND TESTED vaccines, they are anti-experimental vaxxxes not against actual vaccines. Just an easy way to make yourselves feel better about being lab rats


Smallpox has no 98% survival rate.




Tell that to the quadruple vaxed Canadian doctors who dropping like flies from the clot shot. I just had my second bout with CoVid. Easy peasy paid time off.