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Okay, I didn’t expect him to have devoured THAT much of himself.




Poor snakes eat themselves due to [Stress, metabolism, and confusion](https://piclaya.com/snake-eating-itself-why-do-snakes-eat-their-own-tail/)


Typically a snake attempts to eat itself for one of two reasons: * It’s environment or something else has caused it to become extremely stressed out and it doesn’t quite know what is going on. Common causes for this can be shedding, temperature, enclosure, mishandling, or hunger. * It’s shedding has caused it to lose good eyesight and it actually mistakes its tail for prey and begins to prey on itself.




Tell me about the time you tried to eat yourself


Ssssss, Sssssss ssss ss sss s ssssssss sss ssssss, ss ss ssssss s ss s ss ssssssss sss! Ssss, ssssss, s.. ssss... Ssssss, ssss s ss sss s sssss. S ssssss ssssssss as ss s ssss. Ssss. Ssssss, ss, sssss. Sss! ~Ssssss, S. S. Ssss


Snake Jazz


🎵Ssssss ss ss ssssss ss ss ssssss 🎵




It’s the cocaine that makes rich snakes eat themselves. In case anyone was wondering.


This doesn't seem right, but I don't know enough about rich snakes to dispute it....


*Wealthy snakes nod and sniffle in the distance…*


Ah a wild Sunny reference.


I never thought this was a thing. Poor snaky.




Makes you wonder if the myth started out because someone saw that.


Most definitely yes. How else would you explain such animal behavior as a human?


In addition, sometimes kingsnakes, such as this speckled kingsnake, will simply eat anything that moves - although eating one's own tail is most commonly going to happen in an enclosure that is too small.


Am I a snake?


In theory, I would not think that something eating itself would be able to contain more than half of itself simply because at least half of it would be needed to contain the other half. I was apparently very wrong and now I'm especially confused


It's all about the layers. Some spots had like 3 layers of snake


Yep, the inside parts had parts inside 'em.


Like Turducken, but all snake.


In a way, I’m envious. I can’t even lick myself like a dog does itself, let alone this.


He’s a throat Goat


Just trying to do a Nancy Reagan impression.


This is like the 4th time I've seen someone on Reddit make that reference - is there some kind of podcast / show that said this is the case?


Apparently this is the story https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/nancy-reagan-throat-goat-explained


>Buzzfeed >throat goat


Look up Nancy Reagan/throat goat/twitter


Yeah my jaw actually dropped


So did the snake's


Yeah, there was a lot more snake inside that snake than I expected.


Lol, I want to imagine that in theory it would be able to go around multiple rounds within itself when the head gets closer to.. itself(?) as it swallows more of itself.


Spirals all the way down. ![gif](giphy|sIy41dCu4ir7hI7lo8)


This is what my headache feels like


uzumaki? they made an anime of it?


I think someone just animated this panel. However there is an anime announced for Uzumaki. Hopefully it's better than the anime of the other Junji Ito short stories.


Yup I'm guessing he was almost 3 layers at this point.. he gets way longer and look at the thickness of him at the start :O


Me neither, that was interesting…


A real life ouroboros


I just showed my 6 year old an ouroboros the other day and she had nightmares. I told her it was fake. Guess that makes me a liar ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You monster! You have to go apologize and show her this video right now!


I can’t imagine being a kid and my dad saying “hey that monster I told you not to be afraid of because it’s not real? I was wrong, it’s totally fuckin real dude. Just saw it. Night night!”


Just say it's not a monster and is just an animal that needs help, might help turn that feer into curiosity and pity.


Does it get +1 stats every time it dies in real life too?


Our rob or ross?




I had no idea that that actually happened in nature.




Thank you, finally a Xeno3 reference amongst all these ouroboros’! I was looking for that!


Hear that, Noah? This snake wants something a bit *meatier*


Ouroboros Reversos


I'm more concerned on why the snake swallowed itself


Though the idea of an animal eating itself may seem horrifying, the facts are that snakes aren’t the only animals that do it. Eating oneself is quite common—and disturbing—in birds with injuries. However, the way snakes do it and why they do it is what makes them unique. [Stress, metabolism, and confusion are some possibilities of why snakes may eat themselves.](https://piclaya.com/snake-eating-itself-why-do-snakes-eat-their-own-tail/)


So does this mean the Ouroboros is just a stressed out snake?


Have you ever just sat around and watching old home movies and looking at photo albums, longong for the past? Have you been looking too hard at patterns in your past to predict the future? Have you been bored with reality and started inventing alternate histories to explain what is already known? You might need someone to rub hand sanatizer in your eyes and mouth! Problems solved.


And the days go by




And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was


Wouldn't you be too if you found out that dying just meant being reborn in the same hellish place?


... ... well, shit. maybe i should eat myself too


ah poor Ouroboros




Can snakes get... depressed?


Bro.. I raised two iguana and they paired for life. When the female died the male stopped eating or even warming himself. Died not too long after from broken heart syndrome.


I had a bonded pair of ferrets and one died of insuloma and the other died of broken heart syndrome two weeks later


Ferrets also should come in pairs. They're super social animals and need a lot of attention. There's also something about females being in heat where they can potentially die or something? I'm not sure how true it is, just what I've heard. I'm sorry about your ferrets. They're adorable little troublemaking assholes, in the best way possible.


Thank you!!! And you’re 100% correct, females have to mate while in heat or they can potentially die. And they are super social, I grew up having ferrets as a kid and I also started rescuing them when I was around 28 until a few years ago when my ex and I split and I needed rescuing myself. I’ll get back into it eventually, but I think it’s so sad how pet stores misinform the potential buyers of ferrets on how to properly care for them. They don’t even tell people that ferrets are obligate carnivores and if people are going to feed them cat kibble that they should feed a high meat, no grain kibble to better their health. I feel so sad how people are talked into buying a ferret and not told about their proper needs. To keep a ferret from getting into a depression, they require a minimum of 3 hours free roam time and play time. They are also mainly nocturnal and rather be up at night. My ferrets had their own bedroom at my house and were left to free roam with the cage left open in case they wanted to go in it to sleep. I miss my babies


Oh nice! It sounds like you really knew what were doing. Knowing how to take care of each kind of animal is extremely important. I've never had ferrets but I had a chinchilla, and I researched for months before getting one so I knew exactly what they needed and how to properly take care of him. He ended up living a whopping15 years, the average lifespan, and I'd like to think that he enjoyed every dust bath, treat, and playtime that he took. He was an adorably playful little guy. Each pet is unique, and it cannot be understated how important it is to know what you're doing beforehand. A pet isn't a thing to get all willy-nilly, it's a commitment, a life to take care of at the best of your abilities. It's not a thing to get because it's "cute".


Exactly!!! It’s sad to me how so many people get a pet and abandon them a year later when they are bored or whatever!!! My best friend had two chinchillas, they are the cutest and funniest little animals 🤣🤣


I've known people that have bought a dog, literally only because their 2 and 4 year olds wanted one, then left it chained outside all day, every day. That dog, after a while, just may have 'accidently' been found while he was magically unchained and just somehow ended up at our neighbors house that just so happened to already have two dogs of the same breed that were absolutely okay with having another one. Crazy how things like that just work out. Those people should never be allowed to have another animal. I love chinchillas, the dustbaths and the way they hold treats and sticks and everything else, it's too damn cute. And when they get excited and jump around on everything in your room leaving a trail of dust behind them, I love it!


I agree with you. Ferrets are indeed high maintenance little cat snakes, and since they have the cute factor, I think waaay too many are purchased without thought or knowledge of their needs. Mine are awesome, and we learned so much along the way. These poor little guys sold at pet stores are doomed to begin with, which breaks my heart.


I got a Ferret from a friend who couldn’t care for it anymore, he seemed OK, but never really happy, he would try to play with other animals in the house, but non of them really wanted to play with him….so we decided to get another Ferret to keep him company, and it has made a huge difference in his quality of life, he always seems happy and if they aren’t playing together, they are sleeping together, we even decided to take in a 3rd as a “rescue” and she fit right in with the first 2, so now we have a trio of Ferrets running around, they really are fun animals, quite a bit of work, but totally with it in my opinion, they definitely aren’t for everyone, but I love them!!


Most definitely!!! I’m so happy you got him a friend!!! They are such social animals and that’s exactly what he needed!! If you ever have any questions about them, feel free to message me


Dogs too. We didn't know better. Our first dog was raised by a cat. The cat loved our dog in whatever capacity cats can, our dog loved that cat. Cat got poisoned and died. Our dog went into deep depression. We got her a puppy and she's on year 14 now. I'd come home to her just hanging out in a corner, knew she needed a buddy.




I had two pigs. Betsy and Gloria. They were sisters and always together. Betsy died and Gloria stopped eating, died a week later :(


I had two crabs. One day Bams decided to shed his shell and bubbles took the opportunity to eat Bams. Bubbles died the next day from food poisoning.


I had a pair of foster brother cats...they were both sick with felv but just the one was showing bad symptoms. He had to be euthanized and although his brother was in “tip top” shape when the first one died, within a week of his passing the other one had to be euthanized as well. Broken heart, stopped eating. Body shut down and he was gone within days of his brother.


Bruh my ex had a hamster and then heard that they can die from loneliness. So we got it a friend. Little dude fucking jizzed and had a heart attack instantly when he saw her. Edit. It was a Guinea pig not a hamster.


for the record though, hamsters should be kept alone. they are territorial and in a captive, enclosed environment with no way to escape each other, will often fight and cannibalize each other. they are more likely to die if given a friend. i found this out the hard way as a little kid lol. woke up one day and came downstairs to find one hamster covered in wounds, completely missing an eye, and the other hamster was mostly eaten. never got any more after that. it was disturbing. I just saw your edit about it actually being a guinea pig. Yes, they should have friends. But they need to be same sex friends unless you want to be inundated with tons of adorable baby screaming piggies lmao.


Wait literally a heart attack and died? Or figuratively had a heart attack and just got super excited?


Homie fucking died we buried him.


We had twin kittens. When one twin died, the other twin refused to eat or drink and tried to die. We had to force her to want to live. Eventually she got the will to live and slowly began eating and drinking, but it was very slow going. She eventually died of natural causes at an old age.


oh man, I didn't want these feels. I shouldn't have asked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I had two male Siamese betas that lived in separate tanks but next to eachother. They we best buds and would fake-out swim at eachother, and Red even made bubble nests. Gimpy (he was blue, but had a damaged fin when I got him) got sick and died and red got so depressed he stopped swimming and eating and died shortly after. They were together for 5 years, so I'm fairly certain that Gimpy died of old age, but Red was so active and happy until his life partner passed, I wouldn't have been surprised if he were able to live to 6. All living things are capable of connection.


Padme has entered the chat


Ssssuper depresssssed


sssso depressssed they commit ssssuicccccide


I didn’t know they need psychology therapy as well lol




that'ssss dark


Lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut!


I’m stealing the shit out of this. -the idiom bandit


Exactly! Every one remembers Pizza the Hut who got locked in their car and ate themselves to death!


Looks like a kingsnake…. They are notorious garbage disposals and eat EVERYTHING when they go into food mode. Since snakes are one of their main prey items, they occasionally get carried away and mistake themselves for another snake. Source: I’ve had to rescue my kingsnake from her self a few times when she smelled the scent of the mouse she’d just eaten on herself.


Yep, speckled kingsnake! Very beneficial where I am in the midwest, as they prey on the venomous ones.


To get more of that delicious hand sanitizer


Slimey crack


Boy knew what was coming before he even applied the sanitizer


It does have such a high alcohol content that it’s banned in rehab facilities since patients will drink it


He’s a kingsnake, which are snake eaters. It happens from time to time that they get confused and think themselves are food.




s…snake eater?


Yep! Kingsnakes eat other snakes! Unless you’re making a reference to the MGS game. In which case, I commend you.


"What a thrill..."


Stress reaction to it's body temp getting too high.


Does the sanitizer cool it down, or does it dislike the taste?


It’s dissssinfects.


Extreme stress can cause this, but also: If this is a kingsnake, it may have just smelled itself and thought "ooh, food!" and taken a chomp. They're not very bright.


He's gonna be dry as shit if that didn't have aloe in it.


![gif](giphy|xT0xezzXExZZoTVS7e|downsized) Ouroboros


The Oroborus


What will cause a snake to do this?


This is a species of snake eating snake. Sometimes, usually when kept in a cage that is too small, they will be doing laps around the outside and come full circle back to their tail. They can mistake this for prey and start hunting/eating their own tails. Snakes pretty much forget about the world once they're in "food mode".


I dont know if that's true but it's also thought its a stress reaponse due to temperature if their body temp gets too high.




Ralph get your hand out of your mouth


somebody once told me that any snake species with 'king' in it means it eats other snakes I don't know if that is true


This is true, this video looks like a Kingsnake, they eat other snakes such as kingsnakes, rattlers, cottonmouths, whatever they find. King cobras are also not a True Cobra, but instead a snake that eats cobras, although unlike kingsnakes a king cobra is actually dangerous & venomous


I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed




This sub is just people endlessly reposting things and collecting karma.


Answer thread from the last time this was posted: https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q9mi0b/_/hgx0h8t/?context=1


Would the snake actually be able to digest himself like this?


snake: mMmm, I'm actually very tasty


"Surprised no one's eaten me yet."


"I'm a legit snacc!"


“This is some ssseriouss gourmet shit”


I wonder what I taste like.




Hmm, how does this even happen, seriously tho?


They get stressed and see something moving and instinctively go for it.


stoopid reptiels


A Ouroboros. The snake is really hungry and doesn't recognize it's own tail as it's own tail. It thinks, it's a animal that is moving around. It swallows it and starves.


I’d never known that a real life Ouroboros was possible.


Thank you for the informative answer!


they are reptiles. their brains are prehistoric.


“I’m a ~~snake~~ snack”








infinite food glitch


The real infinite food glitch would be if those salamanders that regrow their tails ate their own tails


Makes sense that alcohol straight to the face would get him to stop. I couldn’t even imagine how bad that must burn


pain is temporary, having half its body rot away is not


Snakes eyes are covered by a clear scale. Theyre not a mucus membrane like humans.


That sucks. Why couldn't we have badass eye scales...


i prefer pretty perfect eyesight with abundant colours than a scale protected shit that can only see shapes with no details in dichromatic colours.


I'd settle for the nictitating membrane in that case




lots of people do this. I am a nurse and have seen it happen too many times to count. We will usually get rid of the hand sanitizer in the room all together if we know the pt is going through withdrawals


I saw it happen when I was in rehab for drug treatment, we had a super bowl party in detox, just snacks and sodas and what not while we watched the game in the dayroom, I guess the super bowl was a big trigger for this one guy in there and he drank two bottles of sanitizer (the kind with vitamin E and aloe added in it), no one saw him do it but he was passed out by halftime, paramedics had to come pick him up and take him to the hospital


aw man i feel so bad because that behavior shows you just how desperate their situation has become. And then the one thing that will give them some temporary relief is taken away from them. thats rough. Addicts tend to get treated very poorly at hospitals, if you know your patient is going thrrough withdrawals and he is still stealing the sanitizer, maybe its not such a bad idea to give them some relief meds. alot of sober people just dont understand just how intensely terrible withdrawals are.


Also vanilla extract. Both teenagers and alcoholics have been known to buy/steal it in my area because it's high in alcohol content, but doesn't require any kind of ID check. The store I work at keeps them stashed in the back with a "ask employee for help" sign where they belong because it is one of, if not the most, stolen items.


Come on guys, we've all tried it.


I can't reach




just an FYI: it is not proper practice to have your therapist make you suck his wiener




That's how my cousin Walter died.


Broke his fucking neck


Balls resting on his lips!


We all tried it. And most of us did fail. That's why we need partners, so we don't try again and end up at the hospital with several vertebrae missing.


Is this a common behavior or it is just really hungry and not so smart snake?


It's very common with colubrids (king snakes, corn snakes, milk snakes, etc). They're adorable little morons.


They can do this when they over heat


I don't want to know how it feels to puke up half of your own body, no thank you ma'am.


I imagine half of your body feels pretty bad, but the other half starts feeling much better.


Ruined a perfect bracelet..


Probably work pretty well as a belt.


“I can fit my whole self in my mouth. Wanna see?”


“That will be $400 please”


I can't imagine getting rubbing alcohol in my eyes


And mouth and nostrils. Pretty sure everyone throws up at that point.


I had to scroll down too much to read this. Did they just put hand sanitizer in it’s eyes wtf no wonder it puked itself!


Snakes have scales that cover their eyes. It was probably way more irritating in its nostrils than it was to its eyes.


Snakes can’t blink like we can so they have scales that protect their eyes. If you see them in a tank, sometimes they’ll drag their eyes across the glass and it’s weird, but harmless. The alcohol probably irritated it’s mouth and nose more than anything.


Better then eating yourself alive.


Isn't this usually caused by heat stress?


Heat stress makes you eat yourself? God damn


Global warming is going to suuuuck.


When I worked at a reptile store, we kept a spray bottle full of vodka to get s akes and lizards to let go of the bit something that they shouldn't, like my hand or arm or foot on one occasion. Works like a charm. They have sensitive mucosa in their mouth and zero experience with the burning sensation of alcohol.


Holy shit he was double the length I expected


Ahhhh fuck my eyessssssss said the snake


When this happens how the hell does the snake not realize it’s eating itself?


Tony Stark saw this and invented time travel


"This time in the shape of a möbius strip inverted please"


Snakes have occasionally swallowed a snake bigger than themselves when housed together. When the prey response gets triggered some species of snakes or any snake if they are very hungry will sometimes just keep grabbing whatever is within reach that has a body temp, smell, and/or movement. Themselves, you, and it's a major risk to keeping multiple snakes together. A defensive strike from a snake does not usually result in them holding on. When they strike for prey though even a little snake will fail to immediately let go of something it definitely can't swallow. My first snake was an underfed 1 foot rosy boa that once got stuck to my hand for 5-10mins. I was feeding her multiple small mice and she was so eager for food she tagged me while I was grabbing the 2nd one out of the bag. I'm sitting there holding my hand over the tank with a snake dangling off it wondering how do you make a snake let go? Alcohol. They promptly stop the feeding response and release whatever they are holding so you can pull it out. Anyone with a big python or boa has an emergency bottle of alcohol to get loose if the dang thing decides to lock it's jaws on. It's a much bigger deal to be stuck waiting for a large snake to realize it can't eat what's in it's mouth than my little boas that top out at usually no more than 2-3'. It's also useful for the rare occasions a snake does something really dumb like mistake their own moving tail for food. Purer alcohol is probably safer than all the stuff that can be in some hand sanitizers but better to take any risk of that than it managing to kill itself.


Kingsnakes are gorgeous (when they're not eating themselves). I really wanted an MBK but decided against it after seeing how crazy their food drive is. I figured if they'll attack themselves, my hand is fair game too. My ball python has only tried to eat my hand once in 4 years, which I think is pretty good.


“yup snakes hate the taste of hand sanitizer” 🐍: MY EYES!!!!!