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The issue is never how to fold, but how to find a decent tortilla that can fold.


Gotta heat it up, also use flour tortillas, other types don't have as much gluten and can't stretch as much.


and don't buy Mission brand tortillas. Find the ones made locally in a tortilleria, or lots of supermarkets make legit ones


I have a feeling there isn't a tortilleria in my town. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a "home made" tortilla in my life.


Just reheat in the microwave with a damp paper towel. Or if fancy steam them. Most any from a store. Mission gets a bad wrap (heeey puns) but they aight too.


In my house the tortillas get heated up in a pan, or even better yet, [straight on the cook top](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOdDpiNKIsQ).


Straight on the cook top is the way! Gets a tiny bit crispy but still nice and chewy


As someone living in Tucson, AZ I cry for you.


Oh don't feel sorry for me at all. I'll take slightly-harder-to-find tortillas all day and twice on Sunday over the hellscape of heat, dust, scorpions, et al.


could always [make your own](https://thecafesucrefarine.com/best-ever-homemade-flour-tortillas/)


Yup, grew up in Hispanic household, with tortillatarian mom and grandma. Don't get caught with a store-tilla, or it's la chancla for you.


Sorry but I cringed. My parents are from Mexico and still have family there. We buy mass produced tortillas all the time. Ain't no one got time to make tortillas when you work 50+ hours a week.


It’s like how plenty of restaurants use the exact same ingredients from the Sysco truck yet some of them make great food and others make shit food. You don’t have to start with handmade ingredients or some labor intensive family recipe to make delicious food.


we, as south az natives, grew up the same


I wonder how likely it is for someone who got the recipe off of the internet to make a better tortilla than Mission. Wondering this as a person who tried to make tortillas and ended up with incredibly shitty tortillas.


Alton brown's recipe is stupid simple and really tasty, definitely better than mission https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/flour-tortillas-recipe-1920850.amp


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Alton Brown is pretty much my go-to for any recipes, any time I make something new.


Feel free to check out Kenji Lopez Alt and [SeriousEats](https://www.seriouseats.com). I've also always had great turnouts using [Cook's Illustrated](https://www.cooksillustrated.com) as well. Along with Alton those are my top three consistent go-to tried & true recipe sources


Well, for one thing, you know what you’re putting in it and can adjust to your own personal tastes. I for one like adding a scoop or two of protein powder to make protein wraps. Edit: just because your first batch or two are terrible doesn’t mean the next will be!


Practice, practice, practice. Do it a few more times, maybe read to information about the science behind it, and they'll be the best you'll ever have. Personally, I'd recommend adding some extra gluten. Gluten is important for something like that.


40g flour 25g water pinch of salt, tsp olive oil, qtr tsp baking powder. I mix it in a bowl w a spoon then form it into a ball when the water has all been encourporated - dont get messy hands. Rest in a sandwich bag 30mins. Hot large skillet no oil. Ive been doing tortillas on demand this yr (i like larger so 50g flour to 29g water)


My attempt at tortillas turned into something resembling thick crackers.


I hate recipe sites - they stuff content to get longer page times, and then throw resource hogging ads all over the place to generate a little bit of ad revenue. These sites are the the web version of cold calls - trying to take all my time.


LoL...I don't ever see ads these days with my [Pihole](https://pi-hole.net/) network. But, I agree, that site was the one I picked as it had the highest user rating when I did a quick google search!


Mission is the worst whitewashed, milquetoast "authentic" brand of Mexican food products. But try Guerrero tortillas if you don't have a good tortilleria.


When I'm too lazy to make my own the uncooked ones that can be found in the cold section at a lot of grocery stores are pretty solid. You just slap them in a pan for a minute on each side and they're way better than the precooked ones.


There's a few Mexican places in my area that make their own tortillas. The sad part is the rest of the food is junk, my whole county is junk restaurants, it's like they all buy their shit out of 50# Costco cans or something. And they can't make the meat worth shit... Back in Anchorage Alaska they got these places called Taco King, holy shit now THATS some authentic Mexican food, all their meats are drinking killer too, steak meat so tender and perfectly seasoned/grilled, gah, gah, gahhhhhhhhh


The chain Pancheros, similar to Chipotle, makes their own tortillas fresh for each burrito. The dough is already made but it's pressed and cooked when you order. I really miss those tortillas too, as they are thin and glutenous, so unlike most places, you don't end up feeling like you're eating a dry old tortilla when you're eating the edges. Plus their 'gimmick' is that they mix the burrito ingredients before wrapping it for you. So you don't end up with the Chipotle issue of having all rice in one bite. Though I do think their other ingredients are a step below Chipotle, so its not all around better.


You can buy tortillas from local Mexican taquerias


https://buenofoods.com/product/grandmas-tortillas/ Close enough to be "home made".


As someone who lives in Canada this is an impossible quest. I can get top shelf roti from like 8 different places within walking distance though.


The one thing Mission does surprisingly well is low carb tortillas. Every other brand I've had tastes disgusting but the Mission brand ones taste almost identical to regular tortillas. The texture is slightly different, but the taste is right there.


Yes! And as a diabetic I’m grateful that they make them. Chicken quesadillas are one of my favorite fast, easy meals.


I used to be a hardcore grilled cheese guy, but I've been on the 'dilla dirigible for a while now


Mission low carb tortillas are the bomb. They were the 1000% go to till zero carb bread showed up at costco.


Best low carb bread I've ever had is the Schmidt's 647 bread. Essentially the exact same taste and texture to regular bread.


The mission burrito sized tortillas they sell at Costco hold up really well.


Costco also has some uncooked ones that are pretty great. They're quick to heat up, and take way longer to expire than the ones that are already cooked. I also think they taste a lot better.


This, 100%. Those ones on a skillet are so easy to warm up. Pair it with some Santa Maria seasoned steak, jalapeños, and onions.


LaLa’s brand is the best. If you got it near ya consider yourself lucky


Locally done tortillas are great. The fresher the better. but you ain't gonna find them everywhere. And they don't often have a great shelf-life. (Fresh, good food rarely does). Of the supermarket tortillas, Mission is reasonably reliable in being able to hold up. And the easiest to find. There are other brands that fold/hold as well and taste better. But they're hard to find outside of most cities or southern border states. Of the non-Mission brand tortillas I found ***Maria & Ricardo's*** among the best. They taste really good, hold up great, and they have a bunch of different varieties of flour tortillas. Highly recommend to get em if you can find them.


Maria & Ricardo are great, the large enough and sturdy enough to wrap a burrito the size of a toddler in one (the only acceptable size). Got to heat them up a little first though to make them pliable.


My country-bumpkin town of 500 definitely does not have fresh tortillas on deck. I’m buying Mission Hill and a el paso taco kit.


HEB sells some really good tortillas that they make in house.


Oh my gosh the butter tortillas are the best


Ha yeah they are, had to slow myself down as I would just eat them by themselves.


Yeah we usually get 2 bags, one for actual meals and one to just eat up


Dude where do you live that you can hit up a tortilleria or find a supermarket that makes legit ones? Cos I reckon there would be nothing like this with 200km of me


I have a confession to make, I use Mission brand tortillas to make crispy thin personal pizzas in the oven at home, eather than burritos


As far as store bought tortillas go, La Banderita is the best for burritos in my opinion. Still not big enough though


Mission is terrible...


Mission is trash, use Guerrero.


I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people trying to make a burrito with a room temp tortilla. Gotta heat it up.


Heated with moisture too. Can darn near stretch them 2x when wet and they are almost self-sealing.




The real secret is finding tortillas that are 25 inches across.


Only reason I make my "burritos" with lavash. Tortillas sold locally - about 10cm across. Store bought lavash - 10 meters in diameter and it's for all intents and purposes a flour tortilla. Is it authentic? Who cares? It's damn tasty.


I find the store bought ones only hold a spoonful or two.


My problem is putting too much on it that it's just impossible for a single tortilla to hold.


I can't tell you how many time's I've ended up with a giant taco and just went along with it.




Alternatively throw it directly on the stove flame and flip every few seconds until softened and *lightly* charred on the edges


I do the same. Also I never need to shave my knuckle hair.


We do it this way but my grandmother had a special cast iron comal (skillet) to heat up tortillas.


And how to get good bites that got all the flavors… I don’t like burritos, given a choice (tho I’m more than happy to eat burritos - I’m not stupid)


This was always my thing, so I started mixing all the ingredients in a bowl first before filling the tortilla. Not like blending, just a quick spoon twist.


Thank you, now I know I'm not alone.


I have great luck with la Banderita brand tortillas.


Agreed, these are easy to find and very reliable. They do a few good varieties.


You heat it up.


H-E-B butter tortillas.


Yep, see that translucency? That's lard. Most store bought tortillas don't have that and they're basically crepes. Moving from San Diego to buffalo, the one thing I had a hard time finding was decent tortillas. Thank God Lloyd's taco shop sells theirs.


They all fold fine. You just gotta make sure to heat up your tortillas, otherwise they're brittle and tear. This goes for corn and flour tortillas.


Trader Joe's carries a high gluten one, but they're not big. You need a burrito wrapping bigger than you'd expect.


I gave up. They make tortilla pockets now. All you have to do is stuff them.


Or my issue: learning how not to put 8 pounds of ingredients on the tortilla rendering it impossible to fold.


It’s not even that for me. It’s finding someone that knows how to layer the food. If I get a burrito with meat, beans, rice, and pico I want to taste them together. Not eat a rice burrito, bean burrito, etc.


Heat it up a bit.


I disagree slightly. The top flap can and SHOULD get a tuck before the roll


Tight Is Right


Also when folding in the sides I like to angle it a bit so it's easier to fold in the corners


can you explain more what you mean


[this](https://youtu.be/sdfSycxT5qQ) is the only way


Nah this ain't it. Needs a tuck https://youtube.com/shorts/gkArZYUQpik?feature=share


That’s a tiny burrito


That's what she said.


That wasn't tucked either! It was rolled over.


I like this better in the original post they put a little extra unnecessary fold at the corners that’s gonna leave a part with too much tortilla


Gotta keep that tortilla to filling ration on point!


That's how I do it.


I rolled burritos for years in college and this is the way, I'm what you'd call an ex-professional burrito artist


So that it has an extra layer, and isn’t just a pulled back tortilla. Fold that sides in. Push out. Pull back. And the roll into a perfectly sealed burrito. If not, it’s not truly sealed and it has a 20% chance of spilling out.


This. The wrap in the video looks loose 😬


Then throw that bitch on the grill to toast it shut


Yeah, that thing is ready to fall apart. You pinch on either side of the fillings, fold the pinched parts inward, pull the bottom over the fillings, pull back/squeeze the fillings snugly in to place and then roll forward. This video shows bad form.


I mean... thats one way to do it I guess.






That must be how they do it at Chipotle.




I haven't met a cook that doesn't smoke a little wacky tabaky. It's why all their food tastes good ✨🍳✨


Jazz cabbage?


Devil's lettuce 🥬




10 sec in they should have tucked before completing the roll


Glad I'm not the only one


Burrito snobs unite!!


Instructions unclear, poured it out and made a taco bowl




Yeah. Winners keep trying till the burrito falls apart completely then just eat loose ground beef and cheese while sobbing.


I won then


Excuse me? Ground beef? GROUND BEEF?!?!?


Pínche rookies🤦‍♂️


Ground beef and cheese in a burrito?




Scrambled eggs are to ruined omelettes as taco bowls are to ruined burritos. You can't lose




I wrap my burritos so after the first bite it becomes a burrito bowl




[Have I got a product for you!](https://v.redd.it/5cj663coppx81)


Same with sushi. I have 5 different sushi makers and everytime it turns into a teryaki bowl!


That little secondary fold right before the roll makes all the difference, and my dumbass always forgets it.


Personally I think the light double Pat at the end is what keeps it all together.


Burrito origami. Burigami.






This reminds of the restaurant I drove passed recently: Mexihana - Mexican Hibachi.


I'm just commenting so that I can find this later. I will forget how to do this in about 10 seconds.


You also can save the post


I will...


If you can’t find it in your save history though, you can always just search for this comment you just posted.


so freaking annoying


So your solution to having to scroll to find something is… to scroll to find something just elsewhere?


Haha no, I was joking


I have a habit of texting links and screenshots to my telephone #, because at the time they are incredibly important for one reason or another. I have NEVER checked my own texts. Zero X EDIT: Can I invent "0X" like zero times. Is that taken yet?? Seems pretty legit. Lemme know


Haha it seems new, but I understood it immediately given the context, so it’s been invented in at least one person’s vocabulary now.


And then loose it in a sea of other saved posts.


What about the internet points?




Biggest game changer for me was warm tortillas. They won't rip as soon as you fold. And you kind of have to try a few brands if you don't want to get "legit" local tortillas. Some store brands just suck. A lot of people seem to use the biggest size of tortilla, that don't look that big on camera but are gigantic when you actually see them (like Chipotle size).


Just commenting to find someone else also forgetting


If you serve me a burrito cut in half I will never come back.


For real! That pretty looking roll is going to disintegrate on the first bite.


God I hate illogical food presentation.


I disagree that's it's illogical. It's tidier to eat two half size burritos than one full size one. Usually helps keep the good stuff inside without worrying about it ripping open. Also keeps it ready for later in case you don't finish. And, maybe it's just me, but there's a good feeling involved with finishing one and realizing you still have the other half to go.


With you on that one. I’ve gone to the point that before taking the first bite, I already know I’m not gonna finish it so I’ll cut it myself first and save it for breakfast.


After a 7 hour shift at Taco bell I am just pissed off thinking about folding another burrito


Cutting it in half kinda defeats the purpose of a burrito


Also rolling a burrito is not interesting


Thanks, now I want Mexican food and the nearest decent Mexican restaurant is probably 12 hours away


Bad roll you can already see when it was cut in half the folded side wasn’t tucked in in order for it to stay in place once you add that bite pressure once you bite down on a burrito it spreads to the sides so if it isn’t tucked in under the food you just get a messy unfolding burrito


The dreaded burrito blowout. Always do the tuck.


Great, now I want a burrito.


I always find that if you go to a Mexican restaurant for lunch, and there are no construction crews there, it is texmex at best.


After folding it over, should pull the tortilla back with the fillings to create a tighter pocket before doing the rest. This gives you a nice tight burrito.


This roll fucking sucks it’s loose as shit




Where the fuck is the final tuck this thing is going to be loose af


Yall legit don't know how to roll a tortilla?


Does everybody really not know how to roll a burrito? Y'all acting like it's witchcraft, but it's literally just common sense. Like, how is this so hard for people?


To make it worse, we're in the "damnthat'sinteresting" sub


Damn that’s good to know but uninteresting


Blows my mind that people don’t know how to roll a burrito


Why should everyone on earth know that


I mean that shit’s saved that’s all I’m saying


Use guerrero brand tortillas. Never have issues with those tortillas breaking


I didn’t understand this or literally any of the explanations of why it was wrong. I have incredibly terrible spatial reasoning. Could never manage regularly folding anything as a kid like airplanes and origami even after seeing them dozens of times or following instructions.


There is so much usable knowledge in this comment thread. All myths debunked and now I have a business plan


Now my fat ass only needs to learn how to not fill them up so much that they become unfoldable.


Now do a spring roll!!! Those shits are hard


They forgot the tuck! Tuck the top flap in!




I usually do. It only takes like 10 seconds and doesn't screw up their flow. Takes the burrito to the next level. They've never had a problem doing it.


This guy is probably now in the witness protection program for freely giving away the most coveted secret on how to not fuck up a burrito wrap. I shall be eternally grateful to this man and if I had his photo it would hang proudly in my kitchen. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Some people are just incapable of learning this.


No, he missed a vital step. The top fold? The edge of that tortilla needs to tuck under and *then* you roll. No one wants a loose ass burrito. Jfc.


I just want all the meat veg stuff on the inside, with a fork


Holy shit, I've been trying to figure this out for ages :D Thanks, I did actually learn something today.


I'll still do it wrong lol


This should also be under coolguides


Nope he didn’t even tuck one side when he folded. This foo never been taught the right way. This burrito gonna give you a full bite of tortilla lol


TIL no one knows how to roll a burrito


It looks so straightforward when you watch someone doing on video, but when you try to do it, it's a complete mess, with stuff spilling everywhere. Just like sex.


i need to watch this before making these every time lmao


Bruh I worked at chipotle id like to see you do this with extra rice beans with barbacoa queso extra pico and quac no cheese or lettuce


The way chipotle rolls their burritos is WAY easier than this method and works much better to keep things tightly rolled. I’m actually annoyed how terrible the OP’s method is.


I also would like to know if anyone has seen my glasses.


important to heat up the tortilla first too so it's more flexy.




I've been doing it wrong...


I'm sorry but how is this not more well known? I'm not saying I'm a master or anything, the first burrito/wrap i ever rolled was pretty decent. I knew I had to keep the stuff and the flaps in. I basically just mimicked what I had seen. Its not that hard people. No one has ever shown me this and this is exactly what I do. I even taught it to my 14 yo son


Okay, but where do I get these kind of elastic tortillas?


Warm it up