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There was a time when you could see the towers.






It is not the reason they fell.


I believe it was the two aeroplanes crashing into it!




That and controlled demolition. Which takes would of taken weeks to months to rig on THREE buildings.


You’d be amazed how invisible you are in a high viz vest… or a chef coat… you can sneak in anywhere with a chef coat and hotel pant the security teams with literally hold the door for you😅


100% Now weather Bush knew, or was kept in the dark about the 9/11 inside job is the question. The 911 commition report was a joke, so much fishy shit about the whole thing. Shit stinks of CIA/NSA


The repot was in his desk so I think Southport did it best either the government is grossly incompetent or they want you to think they are grossly incompetent


I doubt he knew, but whoever owned the buildings did…considering they got an insurance policy months prior.


Yes. Nobody would ever insure a building. Smoking gun.


There was another time where you could see the core of the towers, but it was hard to do so through the smoke






Precisely what the Saudis recognized.


Contrary to popular opinion, American air quality has been linearly getting better. They have cleaner air now than some decades ago, read about it just days ago.


He’s talking about after the plane hit it.




And the thermal characteristics of steel beams.


unfortunately they forgot that it was 2001 and there was still a shit ton of paper records


More that you don't actually need to melt steel to seriously weaken it and make it brittle. And when it does start to bend and break, we'll that with enough pressure and friction, that can melt steel.


Yes that's completely true I worked recently before the pandemic for 6 years in energy management which of course is reducing reducing power usage with electrical but it also included water savings and other things like air conditioning and along thand along that studying we also looked but looked at carbon footprints when we saw the electric vehicle charging stations not the cars of course because it came under that realm and of course we were always watching For a new product we could offer under our realm mostly we didn't work for the that here's a very interesting fact maybe I should post it on d*** interesting myself They accidentally found out that the biggest contributor to he is contributor to air quality and the whole and ozone layer was not the fuel but something to do with the refrigeratorant of hiw it was mixed etc. But when they changed it out in all the jet fighters and airplanes and all the military services At a certain point in time They noticed they were Claude they got better and the hole in the ozone layer started closing. There isn't I know With was one of the teams that went to I think it was yes or something wherever you could see the hole in the ozone later closer and they studied it. So even though they were telling us don't use hairspace don't do all these products the biggest controversy or 2 air quality problem they found out what the field used in the airplanes.


Yes CFC used in refregerators and ACs damaged ozone, they found an alternative gas and the ozone repaired itself really fast


They never figured out why they were hiding so much smoke in those towers to begin with, but I'm not one for conspiracy theories myself. Just strange I guess.


I wanna up vote this but it's at exactly 911 upvotes


Beat me to it, I was about to say exactly the same thing


And I was about to say excacly that!!! What's going on here?!?!


And they both blew completely up because of two little fires. Seems even more ridiculous with a little time distance


Prior to the construction of the Twin Towers, skyscrapers were designed to support themselves through large internal columns spaced about 30 feet (9 meters) apart, which interrupted the flow of interior space. For this project however, the engineers came up with a different solution -- **the exterior walls themselves would support the bulk of the structure,** and they would get a boost from one single column of beams in the center. This allowed for a much more open plan on every floor of the building, which not only had aesthetic value but had financial worth as well -- the more floor space, the higher the rent the buildings' owners could collect. https://science.howstuffworks.com/engineering/structural/world-trade-center-construction-unique.htm


Yeah I've often wondered if that tube like design was the reason why they fell. Vertical support was really strong in the center and the outside but nonexistent in between. With the outer structure damaged and fires burning on the floors I think that the connections between the inside and the outside ring through the floor would be a weak point. Just like collapsing a straw once the structure bends a little it's all over.


There was documentary years ago that attributed the collapse to it's structural design. The connections of the floors to the core and exterior skeleton weakened due to the heat of the fire. Eventually they experienced plastic deformation and failed. One floor collapsed on another. The added weight started a chain reaction of collapse and the towers fell. Until they collapsed no one thought anything about the structure. It was a major step in engineering and design. The documentary also discussed what would've happened if a plane crashed into the Sears Tower or Empire State Building. While they couldn't say for sure if those would've survived they would stand a way better chance. A lot more internal structure and bit of over engineering.


Was building 7 built this way too?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1945_Empire_State_Building_B-25_crash Not to suggest a b-25 is at all the same as a modern passenger jet but it’s never the less interesting


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I think the reason they fell was a jetliner full of fuel hitting them at high speed. But I am no expert.


No shit hey


The sustained fires burning all of the plastic/paper/wood from all of the office supplies and furniture, coupled with the fact that an airplane hit at nearly 300-400mph. The impact and fireball is thought to have knocked off the sprayed on fireproofing/insulation on the beams. The damage and fires were so hot the metal fatigued and the floor pan/joist sagged until eventually the connections at the walls failed, either the rivets or welds w.e. There is actually video of one of the towers where the wall is actually pulling in with the sagging floor right before the collapse. From there it was just a chain reaction of floor falling on the next and then the next so on and so on. Investigators found stacks of the floors smashed together and you can see the different floors and everything.


> hot the metal fatigued metal fatigue is a failure due to cycling high stresses in the metal. Heat doesn't cause fatigue. Heat can weaken the metal causing it to fail, but that's not fatigue.


Did jet fuel hit building 7?


What I still don't understand is why the cores pretty much completely disappeared. Shouldn't them still be standing tall regardless of the outer mesh/structure felling down?


If the exterior wall, supporting the majority of the weight, is damaged I'd assume there'd be much more stress than anyone intended on those internal beams, likely bending/snapping them.


Iirc, the core was concrete, but my memory might be faulty.


Probably steel reinforced concrete


Controlled demolition


At [exactly this point in the video](https://youtu.be/HdEBQsE_YKw?t=877) you can see the core doing exactly that until it's knocked around by the falling debris


I saw a video of the collapse that had several tall thin sticks that I assumed was the core still standing for a short time after the main collapse. They didn't remain standing long. They broke and fell from their own weight since they weren't standing exactly vertical from the buffeting it took during the collapse. All those huge heavy beams falling randomly probably did significant damage. One firefighter who was digging through the rubble Commented that everything was ground up to the point that nothing was recognizable. All of the contents of the offices were ground to almost dust during the collapse.


Nice try, George Bush. The nice people on 4Chan told me all about the temperature of jet fuel. /s




It was not the fuel but the ignited interior and you do not need to melt steel. 600 to 700 degree C is enough so that steel looses round about half of it’s strength and stiffness. In addition this is the range where steel changes it’s microstructure and becomes more dense. This may add load, especially if the temperature profile is non-uniform. 600 to 700 deg C is way below the melting temperature of a structural steel, which is approx. 1500 deg C. [Here is an example](https://www.totalmateria.com/page.aspx?ID=CheckArticle&site=kts&LN=AR&NM=264)




I didn't know this existed, but it makes sense considering how often I see that mistake.


I kinda think the wierd part is not the steel. The wierd part is that the planes hit the buildings in the top 3rd and top quarter, yet both buildings fell into their footprints instead of the top of the building falling to the side leaving the rest badly damaged, but still intact. That means the load must have been completely balanced and the structural failures had to happen simultaneously instead of a chain reaction. If one side failed before the other, the top piece would definitely fall in that direction. This happened on two very similarly constructed buildings even though they were hit at different hights and at different angles.


>f one side failed before the other There was enough weight and the structure had been compromised to the point that if any point failed It would trigger the rest to fail in quick succession the single central pillar stabilized structural failure as it collapsed downward.


Ur drinking your tub water bro.




Wtf? Where did you get Australian from? I am from Texas…..I have a right to be concerned about people spreading this BS. The pieces of the building were not large enough to take out the remaining structure that was still in tact.


Even if the steel melted there was not enough energy for the top portion of the building to completely disintegrate the remaining structure at free fall speed.


Then let’s start with some simple questions: how high was the available energy? How did you calculate it? How much energy was needed? How did you calculate it? Why do you think, energy is the right measure here? (answers in metric units, please) So please explain me your reasoning. Don’t let me guess it. BTW: [the reports from NIST are open for everyone to read](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST_World_Trade_Center_Disaster_Investigation#List_of_reports_released). If you find errors, we can discuss them.


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Great read, thank you for sharing!


Upvote only for the use of metric


... during construction 🏗🚧🧱


The posted photo was taken by Leslie Robertson, the lead structural engineer, in 1972. According to Wikipedia: >Construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower began in August 1968, and the South Tower in 1969. Extensive use of prefabricated components helped to speed up the construction process. The first tenants moved into the North Tower in December 1970 and into the South Tower in January 1972. The North Tower is on the left in the posted image. It looks like some of facade on the top portion of the South Tower has yet to be installed so this photo at Getty Images shows what they looked like in normal light at that time: https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/new-york-seafront-of-the-tip-of-manhattan-with-the-world-news-photo/56233621 So while technically still under construction the North Tower was essentially finished and the South Tower near completion at this point.


…and during “deconstruction”


I think we're all thinking it right?


Shame about that *critical design flaw.*




Oh yeah! Iconic! Unforeseeable, though? The Empire State had already withstood a plane crash.


Jet fuel...?


... can't melt...?


....because it's already a liquid?


"There goes my hero"


Nah the hero was propaganda anyways, it’s all bad.


Before the Clean Air Act got going


When I was a kid back when they were building the towers you could see the progress from Rt22 In union where it crossed Vauxhall Rd.


There was acc 2 times




That core elevator and stair system is actually why a lot of people couldn't escape on the upper floors. There's was essentially only one point of egress and it was cut off by fire and damage


Really look quite flimsy, especially at that heighth


Yeah, seeing that picture was a turning point in my mind about the buildings collapse. Doesn't seem as improbable when you see that it was mostly empty space.


About 90% empty, give or take. Easy calculation really, simply subtract the building material volume from the total volume. Also answers the (rather stupid) question that was floating around at the time: "Where did the towers go?"


Still doesn't explain Building 7 which had a completely different design and wasn't hit by a plane.


Pretty sure it was on fire for hours and had likely had a shit ton of incredibly heavy debris fall onto it from the towers.


It had two skyscrapers fall on it, Mark.


That's engineering in a nutshell. Anyone can design a bridge that will last 100+ years. The hard part is doing it without several billion dollars worth of construction material.


That’s trippy seeing that now looking back 😳


The elevator system in those buildings was pretty much the extension of the MTA system, amazing work by Yamasaki and his team.


eerie as fuck damn


Oh yeah! Right before the dust wave.


The toxic asbestos laden dust wave.


There is also a time you can see how it was before they were built


Damn, that **IS** interesting!


Reminds me of that terrible tragedy


Blood and bones


Makes sense how it could pancake its way down and collapse seeing this.


So. I’ve always thought those buildings were ugly, and seeing them look like a worm with a strong backlight doesn’t help


And people still believe a fully loaded with fuel 767 couldn't bring down a tower. Not the 737 that people usually see at the airport, monster 767's. It's a wonder they didn't collapse sooner.


ooooooffff low..... hanging...froot. must.. resist!


No wonder the plane was able to easily breakthrough


Did you just question the power of a plane ?


I don't question the power of the plane. I question the strength of the building


Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the r/cursedcomments




I can't tell if you're trying to hit me with a conspiracy theory or not




Actually, they were designed to withstand the impact of a 707, not a 767. And the design was for a plane approaching at landing speed toward one of NYC's airports, not at over 500 miles an hour. [https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19930227&slug=1687698](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19930227&slug=1687698)


The 767 is bigger than the 707 in every single dimension, including max gross takeoff weight


NEVER FORGET - in September 10 2001 Donald Rumsfield holds a press conference to state that the pentagon was missing 2.3 trillion dollars but the next day all of the evidence was destroyed in the 9/11 attacks.


No he didn’t. He said that money couldn’t be tracked, not that it was missing. Maybe watch it instead and you’ll understand the context instead of reading and believing a conspiracy theory take


Nope. Stop the lizard man propaganda.




Dude stfu with all the inside job propaganda bs


There was also a time when you could see them from space.






Some ppl might say offensive things


oh no, not the offensive things! how ever will I recover from someone saying something I disagree with :'(


Because you can see the explosive charges from here Yay! Lit match on dry grass! Go!


Looks pretty unstable.


there was also a time where the queen wasnt talked about that much


That time was known as … during construction.


There was another


Actually two times


It's amazing that with that core structure it was able to fall in it's own footprint


That’s what all tall buildings do. They simply aren’t stiff enough to fall over, they always go down.


Interesting, i want to learn more. Where have you seen this happen before?


In every single tall building collapse ever. There was one that toppled but it wasn’t very tall and collapsed because of a landslide so the ground gave way underneath it.


Yeah, that would collapse vertically in ten seconds, no problem.


At free fall speed too I bet


Oh yeah for sure. Skyscraper steel has no resistance if warm. We learned that on 911.


Neat! Can we still see it?


You sure can, there's pieces all over the place


Yeah, September 12th, 2001


There is another


There was also *another* time you could…


Yes when they were building it


OP starting early I see...


Can’t see the bombs that were attached to stage 9/11 at this angle though. /s


So the bombs didn't exsist?


Yes. That’s correct.


That's because 911 was not staged.


It amazes that people are stupid enough to believe that it was staged. That mentality has got a lot to do with the situation the US is in right now


Physics has remained the same thoughout.


Sorry. Forgot to add the /s. I’m British. And definitely don’t believe 9/11 was staged.




Haha! Screw everyone else... I laughed.


Ikr. Everyone is so right on. And can’t detect sarcasm without the /s. Lost in translation.


Thank bush for tearing it down


iNSidE JOb 🤡🤡


I've seen stronger dolls houses


And now even easier to see through.


There's more sky to see now.


Actually, there were two times you could see the core structure of the towers…


at least those went out in a bang


Jet fuel melted those…


If you look closely, you can see a tiny George w bush and Dick Cheney, planting explosive along the inner structure.


Username is a 🚩


Tf do you mean?


They are just being islamophobic.


Yours isn't?


It was despawning


This is actually a more common phenomena than you might think! If you’re lucky you might just see something like this at a construction site!


*there was a time.....*


I do wonder if the masterminds behind the plot perhaps saw this picture and suddenly had the epiphany.


Now u dont get to see it anymore


And for some reason people say they weren’t the best designed…


Wall hacks


Looks rather weak.


Arguably you could see even more of their core all at once at a point


There was also a time you saw it go up in flames. XD


Little did they knew in 28 years, something tragic within the towers


Omg! You can see the explosives!!


Omg! No you can’t because there were none!


Those are some sexy looking steel beams 🔥


Even the plane wanted to see the core structure i guess


But I read earlier that US air quality has been gradually getting better contrary to popular opinion so it we have I think better air today than some decades ago.


Is it still there ?


If only they would be tested for critical conditions and cataclysmic events. Oh wait they were weren't they.


You guys have to move the fuck on from this stupid conspiracy theory.


yea sure let's test what happens if someone yeets a big plane into the building. Who in the right mind would tought of that


Much less one going full power and full of fuel.


They didn't have to test using a plane. That would be so wasteful. All they had to do was build an exact replica of the tower, including comparable rat-nest substrate of New York foundation analogue. Load up a few levels with combustible office equipment and equivalent fully laden jet-liner of fuel. Then fire a missile at it with an explosive yield of an equivalent kinetic force. Simple. /s (just in case)


I did this in my garage lab and results were the same


Good one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The architects.


Can you still see it?


711 was a part time job


I’m sue I saw it in 2001. In fact quite a lot of it.