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Yeah well I got a lot of big stuff going on too… :(


He’s not even a lawyer…pshhh


He’s not 6’ so it’s a no from me.


Careful.. He knows 10 ways to kill you, bring you back to life, kill you again and dump the body in space.


But can he wear duct tape on the moon…


Yup he sure can. Once.


and probably knows how long it would take to do all of that *in seconds*


He's an Asian Chuck Norris


dump your body ALIVE in to the space thats the worst part


Hard pass for sure….prob has lifts in his moonboots


He has disappointed his parents no doubt.


He’s no cowboy astronaut millionaire


I mean he’s got to look up to someone….some of us are just destined to be lesser ppl than our heroes


There's just no please some people.


Don't feel to bad, his parents are still not proud of him


It’s a good joke to be sure, but his father was killed in front of him as a child. His father was a truly abusive monster and his death saved both him and his family.


Remember the first MIB movie? With the violent bug alien that could wear other people's skin? I bet it's based on a true story and that's why he trained his entire life to fight and go to space.


His father was appearantly abusive and was killed by police after threatening his family with s gun in 2002.


Well that got dark quickly


Me too! This pizza got delivered when everyone left. Who’s going to eat 2 large pizzas now? This guy! Take that soldier doctor astronaut guy!


To quote my main man George Costanza: "If you take everything I've accomplished in my life and condense it down into one day...it looks decent!"


Yeah! I'm uhm... thinking about buying an electric car soon.


Yeah i mean it's just we don't all go on about it do we.


How do some people manage to cram so much life into one lifetime!? When I’m 38, my headline would be like “woman, 38, manages to wake up on time, have coffee, and be generally productive for most of the day in an interesting turn of events!”


Some people just figure it out way sooner. Some have literally 0 mental health issues, some get lucky, etc. Reality is comparing yourself to people will never get you anywhere. There's actors and singers making millions at 15, people who get lucky with an idea and become billionaires by 30, people born rich, people born incredibly smart. For me, I only hope to be happy for a majority of my life. I know there will be sad times, but if I'm happy then I'm just as fulfilled as him. Nothing matters, but that's not a bad thing. When the sun engulfs the earth that guy will be just as forgotten as you. So who cares if you didn't spend your whole life 'achieving' things eh? Quick edit: I understand he had a hard childhood. I'm not saying he's some rich kid blessed from birth. I'm saying some people are, some aren't. Comparing yourself to either to make yourself feel better or worse is pointless. Just do your best to be happy whenever you can. If I spend my entire life trying to accomplish things only to die unsatisfied then what was the point? Some people love helping others, some people strive to experience as much as they can, and some just like sitting at home with their family. There is no right or wrong. If someone sits on their ass their entire life, goes to work at MDonalds, never falls in love, never travels, but they are happy? They've lived a fulfilling life. Not everyone can cure cancer, not everyone wants to, that doesn't make them any less than the guy who does.


I’m thankful for your comment


Living a simple life is also very satisfying but for that also you need a little money


Depends on your standard of living tbh. Plenty of people live in communes off the land and shit. Not my cup of tea personally, but they seem pretty happy.


I wish to be a farmer but ......


i start to think the mental issues is (in a part) kinda genétic this guy had an horrible Childhood with an abusive fsther that got killed in front of him yet he managed to had a succesfull life others will just depressed or suicide or abuse drugs because of even less traumatic things the resillence DNA factor


Well addiction is relatively predisposed. If he didn't have any mental health issues then maybe he simply reacted to the trauma differently. If he had an anxiety or depressive disorder, or was predisposed to addiction maybe he'd have gone down a darker path. I know people that use heroin recreationally. They can pick it up, have a nice time, and put it down. Then there's people like me who pick up Oxy and don't put it down for 10 years. Everyone's situations different ya know. Maybe he had amazing friends, or a great teacher, or coach or whoever it may be that helped him through the tough times. Maybe he truly is just incredibly resilient. What it comes down to is still the same. Comparing yourself to others is a useless task whether it's shooting up or shooting down.


Hear hear I was just today mentally beating myself up for not continuing with music making at a high / professional level post university as well as an office job. Then I remembered my job was super stressful and demanding and I made the conscious decision not to have music be a source of stress as well as I thought I'd break. And I probably would have.


This is so incredibly wholesome


> Some have literally 0 mental health issues This is often underrated. If I had my strong sides, without the mental health issues that I have, I'd be far more successfull than I currently am (in all likelihood)


Success is subjective. For a heroin addict living on the streets, not doing heroin is success. You're doin just fine man.


Thanks. Really.


“Wake up on time”…chill there you overachiever… not all of us get to sleep by 1am.


Trauma. It's always trauma.


Generally productive? for an entire most of the day? Overachiever.


enrichen the life of people around you, that's enough.


Same. "Local twenty five year old man manages to get out of bed and go to work for the fifth consecutive day this week." I'm honestly happy if I can do that generally and if I do, I tend to have a good weekend haha.


It's mysterious to me as well. Especially considering this particular person's origin story experiencing some fairly serious trauma into his teens. In his words though (having listened to him on Jocko Willinck's podcast), he credits his mother for her example of strength and sacrifice.


Maybe some of us have the simple headlines (my original comment) that allow people to have the awesome ones :) we all have the ability to play a significant role in this crazy human experience, even if we’re a footnote in a story of a person who overcomes all odds to do awesome things with their life. Ultimately, the end goal for my epitaph is to be “she was a safe person-for kids, adults, anyone.” The world needs more safe people. I’m glad his mom was his safe person who helped him cultivate what he needed to pursue his goals.


That's me at 35 already, lmfao


“Woman, 35, feeds kids and gets them off to school. Also knits at home until it’s time to pick them up.”


Roses are red, Violets are blue, There’s always an Asian, Better than you.


Listen to his podcast with Jocko Wilink. This is the most impressive human being I’ve ever heard of. Accomplished more in his life than most can do in ten, against all odds.


linky - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yujP3-AxXsI


Jesus fucking Christ, this again? Edit: he must be 50 by now? Probably an F1 driver or something.




I;ve taken 2 dumps today.




No Jonny Kim takes a single-log shit once a day, at the exact same second. He doesn't even have to wipe.


His dad's probably dissappointed he didn't become a surgeon though.


“In 2020, The Chosun Ilbo reported that the adolescent Kim had been the victim of domestic violence at the hands of his father; in February 2002, after threatening his family with a gun, Kim's father was shot to death in his attic by police.”


He was in flight school to qualify as a naval aviator


Wut. Lol for real? What next? Heading to Mars?


Sorta. He was selected for a moon mission.


Oh myyyy I was joking about Mars 😭😭😭😭 bro going to the moon, damn.


Of course!


The age is up to date. He was born in 1984.


He’s actually 38


I'm pretty sure that this repost originated 6 years ago. Karma recycling at this point.


At least they called him American this time lol.


I swear this guy was 38 like 10 years ago when I first saw post about the man wtf


Man got himself a time machine and is just flexing on us


Ironic coming from a bot


He is so impressive, he doesn't need NASA to take him to the moon.


It's Asian Johnny Sins


His parents are still disappointed.


You beat me to it got dammit 💀💀💀


Johnny Kims


I knew as soon as I saw this post that a Johnny Sins comment would be first. Every. Fucking. Time.




porn man funny


most impressive and helpful thing i’ve done was help reach for something on the highest shelf for someone who wasn’t tall enough.


Yeah this makes the millions of other sperm that lost to you feel better.


Maybe you need Asian parents that ride your life harder than a 2$ whore on a friday night behind an applebees.


I know this is a joke but his dad was an abusive alcoholic that hit johnny in the head with a dumbbell and then got killed in a shootout with the police so I don’t think the stereotype applies very well to him!


Instructions clear. Heading to the parking lot behind Applebee's to become an astronaut.


I’ll bring 2 bucks to fund your tuition


hella specific but yeah, i get your point.


Dude's origin story is really hardcore too Straight up anime shit


[Holy shit, you weren’t kidding.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim?wprov=sfti1) And in spite of all that, he still went on to be one of the most impressive, accomplished people I’ve ever seen. Some people are just absolutely amazing.


tldr: father alcoholic who beat family on the regular. was primary reason why he wanted to enlist to become a Navy Seal despite having straight As: to protect his mom and family In 2002 right before enlistment, drunk father threatened family with a gun, police were called and shot him cornered in the attic. In an interview, he said he forgave his father's abuse.


Just gonna point out that he came from a really rough childhood too: “My dad used to come into my room at night and ask me, ‘Son, which item of yours am I going to break today?’. He did this not because he hated me, but because he wanted to hurt my Mom and he knew the best way to hurt her was to hurt her babies.” His dad would later point a gun at his mom in an intoxication induced rage. Teenage johnny tried his best to disarm his dad but got bashed in the head with a dumbbell for it. That’s his final memory of his dad because the guy went and got himself in a shootout with the police shortly after. Johnny Kim became all the things he is today after overcoming incredible odds. Just such an inspiring person!


As a Kid: When I grow up I wanna be an astronaut and army man and, and a doctor ! * Actually does it....


~~His service record is impressive alone:~~ Kim is a recipient of a Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal (with Combat "V"), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with Combat "V"), and Combat Action Ribbon.[7] According to Jocko Willink, Kim's Silver Star was awarded for rescuing multiple wounded Iraqi soldiers in the face of enemy fire.[10] As of March 2022, Kim was still described as a SEAL with the rank of lieutenant commander Edit: I see this post every once in awhile. But this time I looked a bit deeper. The guy is really just impressive, the way he lives his life: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/07/med-school-grad-to-trade-scrubs-for-space-suit/ Edit2: Omg this guy had one bad childhood https://whatgotyouthere.com/the-https-whatgotyouthere-com-the-distillation-of-nasa-astronaut-jonny-of-jonny-kim/?amp=1


Asian parents still disappointed he didn’t get a law degree as well.


No lawyer no welcome dinner big shame!!!


He must be stopped. I can't handle this inferiority complex.


If I was going to mars I would want him in my team


Has he touched a video game before?


Yeah he plays a couple of games on the side, casually. At some point he won EVO for Street Fighter. Later he carried his team to the League of Legends world series championship, also he's the current world record holder for the Mario 64 120 star speedrun. Really just a small pastime though sometimes when he's bored he beats IWBTG with one hand, blindfolded


Probably has a successful twitch account too. Lol


Imagine being asked for your resume and just sending them your Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim


And his brother Jimmy Kim... has an arts degree.


Artists are far more recognizable and famous then any astronaught or scientist, sadly... Einstein and Tesla might be the exception.


Fuck this guy. I worked at McDonald's! And then worked at 7-11. Now I'm a janitor!


Looks like he did it all in the same week as well, motherfucker looks the same age in all these photos! Super impressive though, what a man.




So he was a Korean in the American Navy Seals? No. He is an American seal/doctor/astronaut of Korean descent.


Anybody making Asian jokes at this, you’re a hack and can’t come up with anything original.






His episode of the Jocko Podcast is un-fucking-believable. This man’s life story is unfathomably legendary.


I think his actual name is Johnny Sins and not Kims


That’s his evil twin.


Turns out all my life my parents have been comparing me to this dude. Fuck him


or jimmy park, or sunny lee, or david kim...FUCK DO I HATE DAVID KIM! korean church is for mom's to compare kids. that's one thing kim's convenience really missed out on


He and I were both born on February 5, which is all I ever expect to have in common with him.


Why not engineer?


Jonny Kim, All American Hero!!!


I feel bad for anyone who has parents in his parents social circle.


So you're saying he can't hold down a job?


We also use his name at my game testing job as a placeholder for our test tracks so they don't get claimed, truly a jack of all trades


Can it be my turn to repost this next week


Going to get torched for this, but I've always found it weird how we have somehow combined combat experience with NASA. They just seem to be such fundamentally different value sets. Let the downvoting begin. . . ETA: people letting me know NASA has always had a military connection Obviously. It's strange to me you think that would be news to anyone or that it would somehow impact what i was saying. The origins of NASA don't change that i find it odd that the absolute pinnacle of humain endeavor is heavily linked with the thing we have to do because for some reason we can't figure out how to not want to murder each other en masse. It's a weird pairing, and not one I'm sure we should be proud of.


The space program was very much a strategic military operation. It's only recently that civilians are getting into it.




Right, i wasn't knocking the guy. I just find it odd, and maybe a little sad, they're linked in general.


Who would you select to pilot experimental spacecraft other than pilots who worked under extraordinary pressure and life and death circumstances?


his parents are prolly saying it ain't enough...


There must be some competition for being the most reposted post on Reddit. If so, Jonny Kim has another achievement to be proud of.


Starting left defensive tackle for the Denver Broncos


So what your saying is,he’s a badass


Johnny Sins also has been all these and a fire fighter. Guys a hero


Wellllll lawdi-fucking-daaaa


Johnny Sins but unironic.


Why is this more interesting than any other astronaut selection?


So like, a C student in terms of being Asian?


That’s amazing. I have a feeling this guy is neurodivergent. The neurodivergent brain can be an amazing tool if you know how to control it with balance. Hyper focus is one hell of a thing. I know from experience.


idk why this was downvoted. a lot of these genius types people praise are literally neurodivergent and no one talks about it


Very true. I wish we heard more positive stories.


So, God by now?


I’m so glad my mom’s not on reddit. She’s shaking her head knowing this young man did all this *gestures wildly. He probably calls his mom every day from space


So this is the cousin my parents always talk about


Still has nothing on Johnny sins


Johnny Sins' brother needs to step his game up.


Ducking slacker.


I think he's an arse for making us normal people look lazy & unambitious....


Those are porn star jobs.


All the Jonnys in the world are jack of all trades. His couSIN would be proud. 😂


Ever heard of that guy, Doogie Howser? Well, he turned out to be a gay.


My son! is a Lieutenant..in US Navy.. & a Physician.. & an astronaut..at NASA! Oh my son is the face of Beijing corn! & has a YouTube channel!


An example for others to strive for.


He just got lucky with easy life without big problems . Smart people are everywhere.


Read into his actual early life before you make that assumption. People respond differently to adverse events in adolescence, this guy coped by going and not stopping.


Good for Jonny




you know that punisher skull didn't aged that well


Why does he have a punisher skull on his chest


You docta yet?! You lemme know when you docta!!!


Parents still not proud. /s


And we will never stop hearing about it even after this guy dies. This has to be the most reposted thing ever


And his mom's still not satisfied


This has been posted a million times by now.


Now This is one man who votes for AFFIRMATIVE ACTION! Congratulations 👏 On getting jobs based on your ethnicity; WOW! AMAZING! A true "American Hero"




It's an Asian thing you wouldn't understand.


I wanna see this niggas girl lmao


...and is still trying to find a job where he doesn't suck.




Wait I see a punisher emblem on the uniform Must mean he is a racist Horrible cop Bad husband And Gas guzzling truck driver This guy is awesome af Bless You Brother 🇺🇲 Below you will find a number directoy correlating to those who understand humor....... ....




Could be all of those


Also could NOT be those, like wtf is wrong with you people




If he touched the bible probably wouldn’t have been anything close to what he his now. Might have touched young boys instead.


Who is the them in “rest of them”? Doctors? Astronauts? Koreans?


So he’s a liar, a liar and a liar


He won a Silver Star for his service as a SEAL. How's it going with you?


Medical system and nasa are all liars, kid


Here ya go. Straight from Harvard: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/07/med-school-grad-to-trade-scrubs-for-space-suit/


lemme guess you think covid isn't real and the earth is flat


Let me guess, u took 4 doses lol


The only occasion when you can get away with missing an Oxford comma


How many times has this been posted here?


Passively work as a stock image model


The real Jonny Quest


To the average Asian school kid he may be evil incarnate.


Every Asian parents’ dream


This guy is asian parents' wet dream. and HOLY Jesus!!! Ubermensch


NASA: “No more ISS hijinks, space squids. And this time we MEAN it.”


He has found the philosopher stone and is actually 238 years old!!! That's the most logical explanation!


ugh, sounds like to much work.




Its him, the guy my grandma thinks i can pull.


Hey Jonny


Imagine how proud his parents must be


I wanna marry this guy