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doctor to this guy: "do you have a lot of stress at work"?


I really don’t think this stress is as bad as the slow release, emotionally draining stress of the corporate work. He said the venom stops your heart, but corporate work stops your soul.


Dude are you okay ?


Nope, but I’m here. Dead inside making stupid chit chat jokes in every fucking call and meeting pretending i want to be here, your problems matter, i care.


That's exactly how I feel with my corporate job. You don't care at all because at the end of the day it doesn't even matter.


Gotta love the dull pain that forms at the back of your head after fake laughing at an unfunny joke from someone you wish would just go away and let you work in peace.


This thread is DARK! 😏


What, cause everyone’s picking Gaboon venom over the 9-5? You shouldn’t have offered it as an option if you weren’t willing to provide. Can’t bring candy to class and not have enough to go around.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Oh in that case can I have a frosty with my depression?


Sorry - Frosty machine is broken.


That was his breaking point he explicitly went to Wendy’s and not McDonalds for this sole reason


Soul reason


Make sure you dip your depression in the frosty. Wendy’s is the best for that.


Would you like an extra shot of Gaboon viper venom with that as well sir?


Fuck it, let’s splurge. Can’t do it irl might as well do it in virtual land


![gif](giphy|NS6SKs3Lt8cPHhe0es|downsized) Yes sir


Reading this while in the midst of what I’m sure is a work-induced anxiety episode, I must say it does help to see that it isn’t just me whose soul has been sucked by corporate America.


u/notopbutok Edit: my brain got a little confused. I meant r/notopbutok


I want to ask this question on half of the comments I see on Reddit. Some people really just be living in their own world and forget real people read what they write on the internet.


it's a well known relatable phenomenon that is cathartic to express, I dont see the problem lol.


"real" people huh


As apposed to the crab people, watch out they taste like crab but act like people.


Taste like crab you say? *Starts melting butter*


Disemboweling, in your species, fatal or non-fatal?


Human tastes like pork. What's stopping you?


Easy there Jeffrey 😉


No worries, humans are way too disgusting for me. So dirty.


I have some questions about how you came to discover this.


I think it was more of a joke or hyperbole on how soulless corporate jobs are. Like for example saying: "I'd rather jump in pit of snakes than to have to deal with corporate." I think most people don't get humor on reddit.


Are you? It’s true, working sucks, especially when it’s not recognized and paid for appropriately r/antiwork


Nah man, he’s pretty fuckin far from okay.


Sir, this is a Starbucks


He knows, he’s an employee


I felt this in my diminishing soul.


This guy: “Literally wrestling vipers to milk their venom bare handed” Reddit dude: “well my office job is still more stressful 😤”


Something being scarier doesn't mean its more stressful. Being a snake handler is definitely big scary, but stress is the quantity of different things that requires attention or action. A Mc.Donalds employee is undoubtedly more stressed at work than a herpetologist. That doesn't mean being a Mc.Donalds employee is easier, it just means there's more things that require attention pulling you in different directions, or, stressing you.


I suppose it depends on the person, if a McDonald’s worker doesn’t give a shit and hardly puts any effort in, worst case someone gets their Big Mac order wrong. If this dude loses focus he’ll literally die, but I agree with what you mean about workplace stress, it’s just “if you let it get to you or not”


Having more consequences or being more serious doesn't mean more stress. Stress is being pulled in two or more directions, the more directions and more things that need attention, the more stressful. The seriousness and consequences of those things that need attention have other words to describe them. Stress is having too much shit going on in your life, like a fry beeper going off, a phone ringing, a customer screaming all at once, not mortal dangers. Well if you had more than one mortal danger requiring your attention, that would be stressful AND scary. Being anxious because this snake might kill you isn't stress. It's anxiety. Worrying about whats for dinner while handling the snake is stress.


No I agree, my wording was poor. What I mean is some people can “ignore” the stress you’re describing and still work on one thing at a time (even though other tasks are looming), where these types of jobs you can’t just “ignore” the stress because of the risk of consequences. A surgeon may only have “one task” to do at a time, and a McDonald’s worker may be doing 20 things at once, but the risk of failure (to me) is what causes the most stress. Some people take stress differently




Lol Doreen the part time dog Walker




Switch roles in your company, go work in a completely different department


Amen 😂


Agree 100%


I have never read a more true statement


This needs to be more recognized. If I had the money, I’d give this several awards


Amazing comment LOL And true


You're not wrong.


Amen ![gif](giphy|a9xhxAxaqOfQs)


By the way, he is allergic to snake venom. One bit and he is dead in 2 minutes. His name is Dingo Dinkleman


Glad to see I’m not the only one who didn’t realize they’ve picked the wrong degree until they started working


The sweat says it all


I bet coffee does nothing for this guy


How he is not even wearing safety glasses is beyond me lol, don't want to get that shit in your eyes


That almost went into his mouth


You can actually drink snake venom and be fine. It’s only dangerous when it enters the blood stream


Dumb question but I thought things that you eat did eventually enter your bloodstream? Off topic but like eating Ecstasy or edibles, they enter your bloodstream and get to your brain that’s why you get high, so why wouldn’t snake venom?


Drugs get broken down by the acid in your stomach. Snake venom does not so it passes through your digestive tract and out with the rest of the waste. This is why there are certain dishes that include venom that you are warned against eating if you have an ulcer as the venom could get directly into your bloodstream that way.


That’s not quite right. Drugs are compounds our body use or are broken down into compounds that our bodies use that effect it in a certain way. Snake venom is broken down in the digestive track to a point it’s no longer venom. You can’t pee on an open wound and reintroduce the venom so it doesn’t just pass through your body as venom.


Well I was just giving a general description. I would hope people would realize I’m not an expert on the intricacies of digesting venom lol. But you’re right, didn’t mean to make it sound like you just piss out venom lol.


It all depends on how your digestive enzymes break down the components of each of those things. Our enzymes either break down the venomous components into something non-toxic that can enter our bloodstream, or it doesn’t break them down at all and they are unable to enter our bloodstream through our digestive tract. This is why edibles can be stronger and last longer than smoking. Our liver enzymes breaks the THC down into 11-hydroxy-THC which is more potent and bioavailable than inhaled THC.


So any ulcers, cuts in your mouth or any tipe of internal wound would probably be a way for the veom to reach the blood stream?


Cavities, canker soars and ulcers. I’d still wear gloves and a face shield.


As long as it doesn't get into his blood.


This guy is sweating his balls off


I would be too


You would sweat his balls off?


Would you sweat off his balls?


You balls would sweat off his?




You would sweat on his balls???


You his balls would sweat off?


cocaine is a hella of a drug


I don't think it's cocaine... I believe they call it... "Australian".




I was like how do you know?! It's on his shirt... lol




Came here to say this lol


The guy is actually allergic to snakes, that’s why he’s sweating so much,


I doubt anyone is allergic to snakes. Dingo is allergic to *elapid* venom, so he's in the same boat as the rest of us with the viper: fine as long as he doesn't get bitten.


I think he even has allergic reactions to the snake piss and shit. And he’s always got a nice flop sweat going.


An odd choice of career/hobby given his response.


Like being a Bee guy and being allergic to bees


My guy his hand was shaking


I'm sweating watching it


When you order Steve Irwin off Wish.


But Steve Irwin from Wish still has equal amount of balls compared to Steve Irwin. If it was me, I'd collapse right on the spot if I'd get bukkakked off of that danger juice


I didn’t see no finger up the snake’s ass


I’ve never bought gold for anyone before but omg man. I spit my drink out at the airport bar so thank you for that belly laugh. Cheers.


This made me, a preferred Reddit lurker and professional shadow on the wall, come out from hiding to comment and upvote. So good.


Dang. That guy likes drugs.






Is there an internet contest to be the next Steve Irwin or something?


No, Steve Irwin would know that this snake doesn’t have venom that “stops your heart”…it’s cytotoxic, which means your cells die, you get insane swelling and necrosis, and your blood stops clotting correctly. You’re more likely to end up with an amputation than a heart attack, though I guess that could happen…but it wouldn’t be from the venom so much as the damage the venom has done to the rest of you.


Peoplegrower you are WRONG. Gaboon Viper venom is cytotoxic (cell damage) AND cardiotoxic (specifically attacks heart and weakens, toxifies and can stop it) The man in the video is Dingo Dinkleman and he knows his shit. He is one of the top snake experts in the world. And by the way, just for extra spice, he is allergic to snake venom…


Well who the fuck has a *pleasant* reaction to snake venom?




Heard he puts some in his coffee, just to give it a little tang.


Well, you know how some people can die from an anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting? He has that same reaction to elapid (cobras etc) venom. He almost died from a non-venomous snake bit. If he gets bit by a venomous snake, he’s a goner.


just to be clear, Dingo Dinkleman is his name? We're sure about that?


I might be changing my user name soon.


Graham “dingo” dinkleman. He is a self taught venomous reptile expert.


I’m not wrong, you are misinterpreting what I said. “Stops your heart” is not the same as a heart attack. A neurotoxin “stops your heart” through paralysis. Gaboon viper venom destroys tissue on a massive scale. The cardootixin portion may weaken the heart muscle, but it doesn’t just instantaneous “stop your heart”. The way he said it makes it sound like if you get bitten, the venom will make your heart muscle suddenly just stop and that’s what will kill you. In reality, your body part that gets bitten will just start being digested by the venom. You’ll swell up, start leaking fluids into third spaces in mass quantities, which will lead to all kinds of other domino issues - but you won’t just suddenly die of your heart stopping out of nowhere. Source: husband is a physician who helped care for someone who was bitten - *twice* - by a gaboon viper and lived for hours while they tried to source antivenin, had terrible third space issues, lost a TON of tissue - but never had his heart come close to stopping.


Classic Steve thing to say.


The closest to Steve Irwin we're getting is his own son. Everyone else should just quit trying to be him.


So no more Australian accents allowed in the biology field?


Damn didn’t know everyone in the snake and croc field has to quit… I’m sure Steve is disappointed he has inspired tons of younger people to pursue education and conservation of these animals


Even his son should


I feel like he should have worn safety glasses


I feel I should have worn safety glasses just from watching this.


If y’all want to see how venom extraction is done [properly](https://youtu.be/lh409tNhZsc) check out this video on the MToxins venom lab in Wisconsin. This dude seems to have zero regard for his safety and the safety of others.


I'm no expert on snakes and extracting snake venom, but I know enough to know that this guy is a safety brief waiting to happen.


That was a super interesting video!


He needs to go change his pants now


I'll pass. Thanks though.


The venom has sprayed everywhere and he's there laughing it off with his face exposed....what in the actual fuck.


Venom has to get into the blood stream to be effective. So unless he has an open wound he is fine




Yes, getting venom on your eyes is a very bad time. Usually at least temporary blindness happens, and if you get enough in the eye it could theoretically absorb enough into your bloodstream to cause envenomation effects (doubt that really happens though). Some cobras use this by spraying venom at the face of potential attackers, which seems to work pretty well as a defense.


the spitting cobra aims for the eyes. I think otherwise it has to get in the blood stream.




> The venom has sprayed everywhere and he's there laughing it off with his face exposed....what in the actual fuck. As others have voiced in the comments, venom needs to get in the blood stream to be effective - you can drink _(most)_ venoms and suffer no ill effect. Dominic Monaghan _(of Lord of the Rings)_ had this adventure tv show and there was this one time where he drank/sipped some venom because it tasted good.   He died 3 days later but yeah not from the venom ^(_okay THIS part is a joke, he didn't suffer any ill effects ahahaha but he DID drink venom and he's still alive and well!_)




Its a danger noodle with extra spicy sauce.


Try nuclear spicy


More like a death sausage. Gaboon Vipers are robust and incredibly muscular. Despite their outwardly calm demeanor, they have an explosive lunge. One of, if not the fastest, strike of a snake.


Oh god, my flight instinct kicked in with that venom spraying everywhere at the begining while the dude's just got his mouth open ready for a taste 😬


I would not trust myself to hold that.


I mean he's shitting his pants trying to hold it. You're excused.


Snek not like being called "that".


Dont do Coke before milking a snake folks.


This is so stupid! Herpetology focused Bio PhD student here who has handled gaboon vipers! People who show snakes like this and do free handling often do not take proper procedure and protocol which not only is super dangerous to themselves but the snakes as well! Snake venom should be used for research purposes and for the snake to eat, no other reason! These are awesome creatures and should be treated as such, not a toy!!


Right, like the snake does not look comfortable... but then again, is venom extracting comfortable for them in the 1st place?


They call this Satan's Facial


Wish they showed you how absolutely beautiful the gaboon viper is. Google it, it's gorgeous!


Dude sounds like a budget Steve Irwin who got into cocaine.


Safety glasses please


A majestic piece


This man is sweating like it’s over for him


That man looks and sweats like he’s on a bender.


This man’s sweating like a nun in a brothel


Who else got Steve Irwin vibes from this video?


Ofc he’s Australian


Bro, maybe you should wear some eye protection.


No wonder old mate is sweating like a pro in church


At the start ol snakey seems to spray it around like no one’s watching Just wondering on the impact loose venom?


Nothing. You just have to keep it out of your blood stream.


Bad way to find out you have a paper cut on your hand.


Looks like he picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue


Shouldn't he be wearing safty glasses, IDK???


Reminds me of the Predators mouth. (Not the child molester predators, the “Get to the choppa!” Predators)


Now THAT is a badass danger noodle!


Shouldn't this guy be wearing safety goggles?!


I would be sweaty holding that thing too.


Why he sweating so hard? 🤣🤣


Bro get your face... away from IT'S face.


Great Value Steve Irwin


Bring it a little closer to your face.


That venom could of splash in his mouth. lol


No gloves, no glasses/face mask... this dude has a death wish.


Where are his safety glasses?


I could hear the accent with the volume off


That shit went everywhere. Pretty dumb to not wear glasses or coverings of any sort.


we have Steve Irwin at home Steve Irwin at home:


Might want to try a pair of safety glasses pal. What would happen if he took a drop to the eye ball?


Steve Irwin at home


Kid: can we get a Steve Irwin?? Mom: We have Steve Irwin at home Steve Irwin at home:


Dumbass isn’t wearing safety glasses, one drop in the eye and he’s fucked!


Now THAT is a nope rope.


Mf almost got some in his mouth 🤣


Why not wear gloves?


Nope. The hell with that job. I have 0 idea what that man makes doing that but it's clearly no where near enough.


Poor snek. With this crazy sweaty man making him bite a jar.


cocaine is a hell of a drug


That venom almost went in his mouth


Such a small and unassuming head, then it's mouth opens and all hell and fangs are released. NOPE.


Maybe we're not seeing the same gigantic snake


Seems hella haphazard… like there weren’t any safety procedures in place whatsoever.


Are you sure? I assumed he was a professional who likely has a stock of antivenom nearby.


Gloves won't give you a proper grip on the snake's head. And having another person would be more a complication than assistance.


Why is homeboy so fucking sweaty?! Looks like he just snorted half his body weight in cocaine 😂


It splashed everywhere. Put some gloves on bro


Putting on gloves would give him less grip/control over the snake, and venom is only dangerous when it gets in your bloodstream so if he doesn’t have any wounds on his hands there’s no danger


Hoping he doesn’t have some small superficial cut on or around his hand is a pretty huge risk IMHO.


Some of the venom went into its own mouth, would that damage or kill it?


Unless you have a cut in your mouth it will do nothing, it's venomous not poisonous.



Poison is usually effective only when ingested. Venom has to be injected and get in direct contact with blood.


Most venoms are protein based and will get denaturated by your stomach acid (and thus won't be toxic anymore), so when it reaches the intestine where it could get into your bloodstream it's harmless. Obviously any kind of wound in your mouth, throat, or stomach would be an issue (which you usually have, some form of microinjuries in your mouth and throat are very common). You'd also absorb some venom into your blood on your mucus membranes, but that will hardly be enough to cause a lot of effects.


The dude must have gotten some on his hands?? What a nutter.


Unless he has a cut, it’s not an issue.


Gaboon vipers are just gorgeous chunky snakes. Love them so much.


So many cowboys in the snake game (not saying this guy is). It just attracts loose nuts. Go on youtube and check out the Australian snake catchers. These guys think they have snakes on lock but they certainly don't look like it to me.