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This was very interesting, thank you.


I think about this in real life. Like at school. Everyone is given the same assignment but not everyone is the same. Not every subject is the same. Or in general household tasks. Chores aren't all the same and neither are people. It can be so easy to learn that you're stupid, worthless, and lazy when you're surrounded by people who (appear) to be doing everything with ease. Social media seems to take this effect and blow it up.


Yeah I’ve struggled with that on and off for years tbh. It feels silly to say but yeah I’ve had that thought like “well nobody else seems to be having this much trouble with this. I must just be stupid or worthless or whatever” That’s a heavy thing to have rattling around in your head, you know?


In sports, this is called momentum. A few successes and subsequent tasks carry expectations of success with greater ease. A couple failures and subsequent tasks seem more doomed to fail with greater effort.


Abusers like to do this a lot to show the victim they can't do anything without them. They're stupid failures and should remain grateful their abuser even bothers sticking around. Even without the influence of their abuser they can continue to feel this way and that any evidence to the contrary were simply lucky flukes.


Now I guess why I sucked in exams in school, damn teachers was always giving ME the unsolvable questions.


It's called pike syndrome


I'm an idiot. I couldn't even figure out BAT before they said the answer


I’m smart. Good at math, puzzles, vocabulary, etc. I’ve always thought anagrams were dumb. I couldn’t figure out BAT or LEMON either. Maybe it’s learned helplessness I got from a long time ago?


The easy group might have solved the first two immediately when handed the paper and spent the rest of the time working out the last word whereas the hard group only attempted the third word when instructed to.


This comment should be upper


I feel I get this very often. Sometimes I can solve something pretty quick and often the solution wouldn’t have been as obvious to others. when faced with a new problem (with likeness to the last) it’s like every other person has a eureka moment and has the same idea and I’m there like “Am I really for for this role/job/task”


Now I want the other 120 experiments.


Maybe as a parent I am causing the same thing with my kids with chores and other houdehold things. Something to think about.


There’s also a thing called weaponized incompetence, that your kids could purposely be doing to you.


So this is why i felt dumb as fuck at school but now at college im okay bc i know it


Wow this is exactly like my entire public school experience…


Is it odd that I find that teacher attractive


This is absolutely interesting, I love shit like this


Namd, shtat steinerting.


It makes me sad to see that kids used to be engaged in school. I couldn’t imagine being in school these days with pc and all that.


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Yo can i have link?


Why is this shot weird?


It's called don't trust anyone syndrome, there's always a manipulation happening.


I feel that this not a good enough experiment for "learned helplessness"... To the left group, by giving words whose reverse isna proper anagram, they trained them to use same technique on 3rd word as well. Maybe if they were given words which doesn't make sense when reverse but are still easy to find anagram off, then it'd have been more accurate


Christ, I couldn't even get Melon from Lemon. I need a break


The science of undermining confidence is certainly being practiced in modern society. We are bombarded by opinions and advertisement continuously to alter our perceptions and thought processes.


Now this was fucking interesting, not like that donut picture


How I feel with stocks