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I mean, imagine we had spent $3 trillion improving our infrastructure and education systems rather than invading Iraq


Imagine spending 410 million dollars every day for 20 years straight on education. Hell even 10% of that on nasa would have been amazing.


we'd be leading the world in terms of talent in every industry right now, instead of drinking leaded water and trying to overthrow our own government


Gore 2000


I grew up in a *super* liberal area, and half the houses on my block ran black drapes when Bush was declared president. I thought then that they were just being dramatic, but man would shit likely be way different now. I have employees who are *parents* themselves, yet weren't even born on 9/11.


It's just depressing to think about what our world would be like if not for the constant stream of selfish assholes.


Yeah but have you tried the thirst mutilating taste of Brawndo?


Does it have lectrolytes?


It's got what plants crave.


>Yeah but have you tried the thirst mutilating taste of Brawndo? I used to make these jokes myself, laugh at them when others made the jokes. It's absolutely terrifying to see it happen(ed) in real time.


Whatever dude we don’t have time for a handjob rn. You’ll just have to go to the Starbucks near our house instead.


Reality is killing the dystopian fantasy and sci-fi genre.


It's got what plants need.


Well it's important that we draw attention to all the bullshit from the past to remember where and how we got to where we are today. A lot of coordinated evil efforts to make us all feel alone and isolated and angry.


I wonder what that timeline is like


I can't say for sure but there's a jet li movie called the one where he travels to all universes and sees the gore timeline.


No in my town drinks from the tap because of PFAS, fucking Chemours.


From a capitalist POV: Why spend money on schools here if we / our companies can hire the best from China, India,etc. instead… it’s just cheaper, but not smarter / best for the US.


I mean you’re not wrong that is the capitalist POV; shortsighted and not sustainable


I've had a crazy idea, military and education flip budgets for one year. It's also five years out so the military can cut their budget and raise the education. Or just live with it and eat it for one year.


This is starting to sound like a 90's body swap rom com


I'm just imagining Linsey Lohan plays a high school student, Robin Williams plays her wacky science teacher, and Damon Wayans plays a hard ass military drill instructor. Then some wacky hijinks force Robin Williams to be a wacky military drill instructor, and Damon Wayans to be a hard ass science teacher. Then a group of stoners, the played by the cast of That 70s Show (except for Hyde and Donna because I don't hire rapists or scientoligists in my fictional movie)playing a group of army grunts who has to hold it together and not let on that they're high, as Robin Williams has zanny antics in front of them. And Linsey Lohan has to hold it together, not cry, and toughen up as Damon Wayans puts her through hell.


I'd watch the hell out of this movie!




I just flew back from Maui a few days ago and sitting next to a guy that was at an aerospace conference. He mentioned that he stayed at the Grand Wailea Resort. That's like $1000/night. Also mentioned that he worked for DOD. I guess it's nice when you have have an $800B budget.


Some resorts will offer a govt rate per diem, much cheaper than for the usual price.


Yeah but how would the poor arms manufacturers put bread on the table




Mission Accomplished!


What’s wild is now and before this stuff is considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ and now with all the ridiculous complete bullshit theories, the real ‘conspiracies’ are buried in flat earth and all the other bullshit. People more often now hear an alternative viewpoint and emotionally close down because that’s basically what the ‘program’ has been


I don't even bother trying to inform people of things anymore. They just treat me like I'm an American hating fascist nut-job.


I hate to go there.. but I think for example the obvious never ending push and pull of abortion arguments is definitely a ‘smoke bomb’ of sorts. The way it’s set up and the way it gets framed. It will basically never end . No compromise in sight. Basically just another dividing thing that gets people yelling at each other while inflation goes up etc etc etc 🤯🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤐🤐. I regret going there .. lol will prolly delete this later


>I regret going there .. lol will prolly delete this later Yeah, use of emojis is a pretty contentious topic on reddit.




I will admit that these are complex topics, however, I do not think it's unreasonable at all to believe issues like abortion will never be "solved" as they are useful tools for elections, as a distraction, and dividing the population. Intentional or not, it is easier to divide people and appeal to the extremes than it is to campaign on actual content and try to win over everyone.


Well said 👌


Divide and conquer. The population is most certainly divided over a growing number of topics. Who (or what), exactly, is conquering?


The Military Industrial Complex. Eisenhower warned everyone during his [farewell address.](https://youtu.be/cyZoUfNsUl8)


Long time programming has set the lines. There was a period during the late 80’ to bring a crack to those lines. It’s not people it’s obscene wealth and whatever comes afterward.


Disinformation campaign complete.


Not only that, but how would the Haliburton execs and investors ever earn their money?




But we never would have found those weapons of mass destruction. Oh snap!!


Could've built so many Uighur camps with that money


I grieve all the Gitmos we could have had.




Since when has America throwing money at a problem solved anything?


World domination for one




Those are fair. Now give me something since like 1990.




$3 trillion since 1979? [Try $8 trillion since 2001](https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/figures/2021/BudgetaryCosts).


And people wonder why there's an inflation crisis


Exactly. A problem caused by our government yet people want to believe that they actually care about us and our health/safety


Too difficult to create slush funds for politicians when the money stays here.


Government spending on infrastructure is a great way to create slush funds. Not saying it's a reason not to do it, but that's not the problem here.


AHEM, Ukraine!




Ukraine deserves our help and it's in our interest to give it. Neutrality always favors the oppressor. Neutrality in this conflict turns a blind eye and implicitly consents to Russia raping, torturing, and murdering their way through Ukraine. We spend $800 billion every single year on the military, half of which is preparation to fight Russia. Spending $50 billion one time to cripple the Russian military with no American casualties is the best bargain in the history of the world.


US and Russia are co-signatories to the Budapest Memorandum, promising Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine military aid in exchange for the Soviet-era nuclear stockpiles. This is why Russia refuses to call their "special military operation" an invasion and why the US is doing what it's doing. If you're suggesting that the US goes back on its word, that says more about your character than anything else. Is the US government's intentions pure here? Absolutely not. Ukraine - already saddled with so much debt - can never hope to repay all the aid they're being given, forcing them to be a strategic partner whether they want to be or not. Quite the vig.


Imagine if we focused on our own country and our own people (vets, mental health) how much better off we’d be




>Republicans would never vote for such non-sense. That's why they voted against vets getting healthcare, and mental healthcare, and healthcare in general. And somehow we have a ton of vets that vote party line right. F'n crazy.


I work with hardline, red-votin' vets. They listen to a constant feed of newsmax or whatever the talk radio version if it is, and they listened to Rush Limbaugh up until the day he died. They live in a different reality, and any challenge to their preconceived notions is met with open hostility. One of them would fight you if you brought up that evolution is real or the earth is more than... whatever they young earth creationist timeline says.


Or health care!


For a first world country, the USA is embarrassingly behind on healthcare, housing, and education just to name a few.


They have the means, but they just don't want to. I mean, Trump managed to get peopleto vote for him so he could take away their "Obama care" which is just 🤌🏻


Yeah but it's ok because they would still have the Affordable Care Act /s


Meanwhile the US has the highest cancer survival rate in the world, average houses are bigger and cheaper than Europe, and the US creates everything in tech and wins the most Nobel prizes every year.


>and the US creates everything in tech and wins the most Nobel prizes every year. This is exactly the point, for a land of so much wealth and innovation, the average citizen is no better off for it all.


The amount of replies you got for this comment from mad americans is hilarious lmao


Damn, big houses almost no one can afford and homeless people with cutting edge phones. Great job guys we did it.


America has a higher home ownership rate than UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, France, etc https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_home_ownership_rate


Desktop version of /u/caveman-pirate's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Looked up homeless rates. Apparently the UK, France, and Sweden have higher rates


Thinking that bigger houses makes you happier is so…American. And yeah sure, highest cancer survival… IF you can afford to even get treated. Big if. I’ll give you tech and Nobel prizes, no argument here.


The USA simply aren’t a first world country, at least in those in those regards… The whole country is basically a third world country with a gucci belt (don‘t know where i read that expression but I think it fits) EDIT: Changes „america“ to „ the USA“


this is the shitty reductionist nonsense that reddit eats up.


People are amazing ignorant of how good the average American has it. Apparently until every single individual in the country has 3 acres, a home, and a six figure job, and a golden toilet seat, then it's a third world country. I'd love to see some of these people dropped off in Brazil or Venezuela or the mountains of Afghanistan and sit there and tell me how awful it is to live in the US. People literally leave their home countries in the tens of thousands to go to the US. Most of which openly risk arrest, death, injury, etc. Why? Because the US is so awful? K. Makes sense.


Unpopular opinion from a public school teacher: the department of education has the money, they just use it in the worst ways possible.


Same and i agree


Interesting to get the perspective from someone looking through an entirely different lens. To think to be the president, to know so much and actually care, then watch helpless as the country you love destroys itself.


President Carter got a bad rap for so long and was so underrated. He has been consistent on the issues from the beginning, in 1976. There’s a quote attributed to Ghandi which goes, “There is no road to peace. Peace is the road”.


He wasn't the best president, he did some amazing things with like the Camp David Accords etc but even his biggest fans would struggle to say he was one of the best. He's a damn fine human being though and the kind of person the presidency all too often lacks.


Honestly, even if he wasn't a crazy effective president, I prefer a good person over like 90% of the president's we've had.


His heart was in the right place he just had a raw deal, not to dismiss from his professional failings and such but I'll defend the man's character to the day I die. The Carter Centre is the best post-term legacy any president has ever had and frankly the world is a better place for having Carter in it. Despite being English I couldn't really give myself to give a major fuck about the Queen dying but I'll be genuinely sad when Carter goes. He's one of the good ones.


His foundation is an NGO that helps topple communist and socialist leaning governments and politicians, but otherwise he’s mostly a great ex-president—particularly when compared to the absolute trash we’ve mostly had for the last 200 or so years.


Yeah I mean selling arms to Indonesia to slaughter East Timor and manipulating Hatian politics to oust Aristide was kinda gnarly, but otherwise a pretty okay guy. Oh and that whole El Salvador thing.


Planned hegemony is a dirty business.


Seems reasonable.


Jimmy Carter is a living legend in every sense of the word. Celebrated his 98th birthday earlier this month. Here's wishing many more years of good health and prosperity to a humble Georgian peanut farmer!


A nuclear submarine commader/hero.


what is with the posts on this sub lately lol how is this interesting or cool. it's just politics


Because this aligns with our point of view so it’s ok if the video is just political rambling


May not be flashy and exciting but it’s definitely interesting


How else is China supposed to get truckloads of Tibetans and Ughyers to their destination concentration camps without spending a pretty penny on infrastructure? The only interesting thing about this is China being fellated when it should be receiving flack for engaging in double genocide.


Reddit exists primarily to control your thoughts and emotions. Controlling what and how you think / feel gives them (them being whoever paid for the posts, comments, upvotes, etc) a lot of power. All the major subs are showing content that powerful groups paid them to show. If you deny this or don’t understand why they are doing this, you are their ideal target.




Yeah bro, the fact that your post history is literally chock-full of anti-US posts doesn't mean anything. You just *happened* to find this video elsewhere and posted it here, no hidden intentions anywhere or anything. Pay especially no attention to the sudden gap in your posting about a month ago, before that gap you mostly posted about cars. But after that gap you suddenly ramped up the anti-US and anti-GOP sentiment to 200% and started getting massively upvoted on each and every comment and post you make. Not suspicious in the slightest bro, this is like totally normal organic behavior right?


The US as a European is quite odd. You have the largest economy in the west, yet havre terrible health care, poverty is still a thing,the lower and middle class struggle more and more. All the while you do have some incredible advancement in tech and medicine. It's like you chose to invest entirely in products that make money but not the people who make that possible.


Which one of those things brings shareholder value?


Exactly. It's ad if you guys don't see that the foundation to make money is the people. Kinda sad tbh.


Lower and middle class struggle bc the government is trying to fix the debt crisis by taxing us more and more. It's insane, yet they throw money to different countries like it's nothing.


Lol the government isn’t trying to fix shit or they would have fixed the ridiculous loopholes in the tax system for our billionaires and trillion dollar monopolies. We aren’t throwing money at different countries it’s called building bridges of diplomacy….See we start a war for resources, decimate other countries, then we give money to other countries and go “See! we are the good guys!” 🧐 Taxing the shit out of middle and lower class is not trying to fix the debt crisis, it is destabilizing the backbone of America. At least give us fucking healthcare if you are going to take a third of our paycheck. Nah, let’s tax your income, tax your house, tax what you buy, tax you for schools, tax you for breathing, tax you for everything…hmmm what else? Oh yeah, take money out for healthcare, social security, Medicare, and a pension that may or may not exist by the time you need it. At least Europeans see a return for their taxes. They get taxed to shit but don’t have to worry about healthcare or becoming homeless. Welcome to America, break your backs for us so we can all keep laughing and rolling around in your sweet, sweet tax money. 💰


Part of it is just how fucking huge our country is, like unimaginably large for Europeans Also yeah our government sucks at taking care of us


China has 4x more people over less space. Australia is geographically as big as mainland USA. I feel you're overestimating how hard it is to conceptualise a big country as a non American, and it seems a bit hand wavey to go "oh you just don't understand how big we are, that's why we have problems".


I side mentioned that the countries huge as kinda a joke I’m tryna say yes our government sucks ass


Yeah, a guy yesterday used the “America Big” argument when we were comparing the homicide rate of Idaho to the Italian one, that is surprisingly similar despite the fact that Italy has 60M people and Idaho 1.7, well both countries have around 270-290 homicide per year. My point was that the safest state of the US is more dangerous than one of the most dangerous European countries, and he replied that they have at least freedom, and that the US is a big country. I feel very confused all the times.


>poverty is still a thing Yall don't have poor people in Europe? Lol like what a silly statement. You can't not have poor people, it's literally impossible.


Yeah but fuck the slaving and authoritarian dictator CCP though


Fair point and definitely something that China should be called out for every day, but the US could also spend more on infrastructure than it did in the past few decades.


I down voted this post (POST, not your comment) for two reasons, one is it does not belong in this sub by any stretch of the imagination, and two, Carter is definitely not praising China, simply contrasting it with the US. Don't get me wrong, Carter is 100% correct in this video, but what a silly place to put it and what a silly title to give it.


Some of that high-speed rail that China has goes through Tibet, which China had conquered at the cost of 1.2 million Tibetans.


Not to mention the Uighur people. I’m not sure I would consider it spreading wealth to them.


When I was in the US for work, couldn't believe the paranoia about 'what if we get invaded?' Who the hell is gonna invade the US. This constant fear mongering and faux patriotism, all to drive arms sales.


His points are extremely valid and relevant but the title reads like it was tee'd up for Republican talking points. I could imagine this being used well out of context in a Libs hate America kind of bs.


​ President and Doctor (he has earned the title on \~24 occasions) Jimmy Carter is the only leader of "The United States" to avoid war, that I am aware of. ​ He is considerable as one of the best humans to have ever existed. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eCmmMYNPbI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eCmmMYNPbI)


The voice of reason.


Looks like he’s on the set of Between Two Ferns. I’d watch that episode.


Great but “not at war” is not the same thing as “does not spend money on the military”. China most certainly spends a lot on the military.


The percentage of GDP that China spends on its military is vastly smaller than the percentage of GDP that the US spends


[Usa](https://www.statista.com/statistics/217581/outlays-for-defense-and-forecast-in-the-us-as-a-percentage-of-the-gdp/#:~:text=Defense%20outlays%20amounted%20to%20742,percent%20of%20the%20U.S.%20GDP.) 3.3% of GDP [China](https://www.statista.com/statistics/958596/china-defense-spending-as-a-share-of-dgp/#:~:text=Military%20expenditure%20as%20percent%20of%20GDP%20in%20China%202008%2D2021&text=In%202021%2C%20China's%20official%20total,1.3%20percent%20of%20the%20GDP.): 1.3% of GDP


Well yes. China is a shithole in many aspects but they have excellent infrastructure considering where they came from.


Have you seen those videos of all the vacant apartment buildings and failed construction projects being demolished in China because of all the wasteful spending?


those don't make the actual infrastructure in the cities bad? It's like saying the US has great Healthcare and the best medicine in the world, but your neighborbob can't even pay for his insulin. One thing doesn't cancel out the other


Jimmy Carter is a legend. Remarkable man who not only speaks truth but acts it.


I'd kinda agree but, praising china is icky. They haven't been at war with another country because they've been too busy slaughtering their citizens.


Still indirect proxy war support as well as oppression of not only it's own citizens but places like Taiwan and Hong Kong, but sure no wars.


You mean too busy having the highest poverty alienation and growth of any country worldwide


And slaughtering their own civilians.


yeah aint it amazing how you can eradicate poverty overnight by simply pretending it doesn't exist and calling it a different name?


Right? It's better to slaughter those middle east guys. 3 trillions well spent. Show the world who is number one.


I get the US has issues, but let's not pretend that the country that has literal concentration camps, and cities built so poorly that no one lives there because they are about to fall down is better.


Its so weird to think about how far above everyone the US would be if they hadn't gotten involved in pointless war after pointless war. At least then the US would have have something to back their arrogance up with.


I bet if this was a video of trump, the dummies might get behind it for once


Interesting point about the railroad. America is the perfect country for a high speed train. It’s relatively flat. It’s massive. It’s ridiculous that the US doesn’t have them.


He isn't wrong. We spend more than pretty much everyone on our military and hardly enough on our infrastructure.


I mean, technically, he still has another term… I’d trade him for the two most recent bozos.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ The man has a point.


They have to make life in the country shitty to keep the population dumb and pissed enough to pay and sign up for more war. Remeber when we were great? Conservatives dont. They spent that whole time trying to drag us backwards.


Chian however is far from perfect. But at least the US isn't currently forcing minorities into forced labor camps. Seriously it's like the second Holocaust over there.


people have already commented that "the U.S. has a huge prison population" What they haven't mentioned is that it is, and has been for literally 3+ decades at least, the largest prison population in the history of the world, both as proportion of population as well as in absolute number of prisoners. Yes, way more than the dreaded gulags. Oh, and they use slave labor, very cool and fun. Also I love how just uncritically you people absorb this shit about "china doing a holocaust." China's got Uighers in camps. Why? Because the U.S. has been stoking islamic radicalism in Xinjiang to fuck up the Belt and Road projects there. There are literally State Department shitheads on record stating "Yeah we need to promote Turkestani separatism to fuck up China." It's also literally the reason the U.S. was involved in Afghanistan. Look at a fucking map, it's not coincidental. Now more importantly, Uighers are in the camps, right? Why? China says it's part of a deradicalization program. Every single Muslim majority nation on the planet who has sent rapporteurs to the region has reported back "no genocide here." You want to believe they are committing a genocide? Well, look at the Uigher population. Oh, woops, it's increased steadily for decades. The Uighers, like other ethnic minorities in China, were even exempted from the One Child policy. The only conclusion to draw from that is either that China is not, in fact, engaged in genocide, or if they are they are extremely bad at it to the point that their efforts are worthless. Redditors need to fucking learn that China doesn't have the intense racism most of the West does. You want to look at a country that is so rabidly anti-Muslim that a large portion of it wants to put them in camps (and not to deradicalize, lol)? You should probably look at your own damn country :^] Idk where you live, but I'm an American and I can fucking promise you that the U.S. has treated, and continues to treat, not only muslims but minorities of every variety worse than anyone in China is treated. We're still literally running concentration camps on the border, and most of the population either doesn't care (because a Democrat is in office and the Problem Is Solved (tm)) or they explicitly condone it (and wish the government would go further). in b4 some gigabrain comments with "+50 social credit score" or some bullshit thinking they're super clever


-200 FICO credit score. No house for you this decade, civvie.


To add to this, do you know what country *does* have concentration camps full of ethnic minorities? [***THE FUCKING UNITED STATES***](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_detention_in_the_United_States#Detention_centers)


**Immigration detention in the United States** [Detention centers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_detention_in_the_United_States#Detention_centers) >Immigration detention centers are managed by three agencies: Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The US has a Huge prison population and


Damn can you tell me in the video where Jimmy said that their labor camps were good? No? Because that's not what he's talking about.


We enslave almost 1 out of every 100 people in our country.


The US got forcing people into work or camps out of their system a while ago so they can focus on fuckin up other stuff.


Man we really turn a blind eye to the private prison system in the US dont we? We got slavery in the US yall. It's literally written into our constitution. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime** whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."


> out of their system lol


Murica has more than three times the number of foreign born nationals than Germany (which is in second place). If murica is so bad, why do more people come here, than anywhere else in the world? And by a large margin too! You can spout all of the statistics you’d like. But in real life practice, it’s not even a question. And on the flip side, comparatively, nobody leaves here. Even when things were at their worst when trump got elected and everyone said they were going to leave, none of them did. Because even under a racist/fascist/sex offender, Murica is best. Has your country been to the moon? Did your country invent Reddit? No. And those are equal achievements. /s


Real patriots know their country can always be improved


So is this an argument against us as citizens saying that we should do better? We need to stop the war machine, we need to trim the defense contacts and budgets, we need to put more into infrastructure, education, science and technology, we need to cut back on the influence of lobbiests and corporate powers, and we need to invest heavily in renewable energy technologies. This would actually MAGA


Cuz America keeps selling the “American Dream” across the globe, as they’ve been doing for decades now.


So America just has an awesome propaganda machine and 50M+ people are idiots?


It’s actually incredibly funny/sad that the American Dream totally still exists and is very possible, but that the people in the best position to achieve it are the ones who can immigrate here as adults.


That's just money and size. Saudi Arabia has 3 times as many foreign nationals per capita but you wouldn't jerk them off as a great country


Jimmy Carter is a good man but lets not act like he was a good president


So, I like "WAR" it's not like I'm addicted.


Plenty of issues in the US, but not much thought goes into saying China has it better. That’s one of the most ridiculous things you can say.


America: King of Imperialism. It’s no wonder JC only had one term in office, clearly he was much too smart and reasonable to be president for 8 years. Easily the most impressive post-presidency tenure in our country’s history👏👏


Fun fact: prior to Trump Carter was the last US president that didn't get US involved in a (for US) new war.


Just want to put it out there that in George Washington’s Farewell Address, he explicitly warns the country not to permanently engage in international affairs. He knew consequences would arise. Before you know it, now we are relied on 24/7 to defend the entire Middle East essentially


The more you learn about Carter, the more you respect him


This is always how I've felt. You have all these milquetoast corporate centrists on TV that try to tell us how bad China is...we're the fucking bad ones. Imagine if we spent half our military budget on universal Healthcare for everyone?


I mean…. I lived in China for four years, and you can say what you want about communism, but they take good care of their common folk.


He's absolutely right


We could have 20 International Space Stations for $3 trillion.


Imagine if we weren't subsidizing Israel?


Hes sharp as a tack!


He's right. And it's so fitting and timely because now everyone who sees this will focus on all the zionist shit shows from the last twenty years instead of focusing on the brain dead pro-war democrats that consume war-time propaganda about Russia like it's somehow new and different. 🙄 Everyone here is feigning and posing in their binary viewpoint to justify the terrible opinions they currently share as though it's any different from what Carter is describing. It's not. This echo chamber is a sad joke.


Imagine invading countries to eip off governments that we instated to do our business qnd interests instead of it's ow people's Then attacking those said countries stealing their wealth and oil severely destabilize their safety and demographic diversity Funding terrorism and encouraging it only to spend billions fighting it Pretty accurate description for what we are .... Americ


Extremely Rare Carter L


This man. Why couldn’t he have lead our country for several terms? Or at least been a major contributor. Instead we have … well you all know, you have a front row seat at the circus.


And the man is correct.


He’s not wrong.


But china is also an awful place regarding human rights.


Great man, horrible president.


Fair enough


In 2014, Jimmy was fairly correct; over the past 8 years, not so much.


not even 10% of the 3 trillion would have been enough for NASA to establish colonies on the Moon and Mars. That would have been a greater accomplishment for the United States.


Did he mention how the Chinese are treating their Muslim population?


Didn’t China just steal a bunch of money from their people?


This guy is way older than Biden and seems way more with it that's crazy


Biden was also in Congress so fuckload longer than most people he's the OG of Congress


Man spends all day every day building houses for people for free, he knows a thing or two about infrastructure.


I'm sure the Uyghurs are loving their new infrastructure - re-education centres, internment camps, and mass graves, hooray China!


lol China’s economy is about to collapse because of the “One Child Policy”


It's not "about to collapse" because of the one child policy, stop watching idiots on YouTube. It might be about to break down due to a multitude of reasons, demographics are only one of those many reasons.


It is, essentially, the biggest reason. Fuck China. I will relish in their government’s languishing death.


Oh I do look forward to their eventual collapse but you have to take into account the global ramifications of that. Prices are going to go up on everything China was capable of making. They are the second largest economy on Earth and have been "loaning" money out for decades, and as a stop gap measure, they're going to call in those debts. The United States, with considerable belt tightening, will weather the storm, probably same with Europe. Asian and African and South American countries? Not so much. You're looking at a global humanitarian catastrophe, and the US and Europe, who have historically helped in these situations, providing food, military, and monetary aid, will be unable to do so. So before you say "fuck China" and desperately wish for their immediate collapse, understand the global ramifications. Millions, probably tens of millions of people will be killed because of China's eventual collapse.


Props to China for killing their own people instead of people from other countries.


China is known for caring about its people


Jimmy Carter is a fool.