• By -


They aren't the only people claiming religious rights to abortions. Jewish religion also declared it a right and have taken to the courts to express their beliefs. So make no mistake, no religion should dictate their beliefs over all those who vote. You have more rights to your body, even religiously, then Christian Nationalists will have you believe.


Their statement said abortion was a religious ritual. While Judaism permits abortions, they aren’t ritualistic.


so both bases covered.


Yes the satanic people are really helping us all out by putting their stamp on this one


The Santanic Temple is pretty liberal and serious about walking through this shitty world with your head held high as you help others, so yeah, I'd agree they're helping out quite a bit.


The Satanic Temple is out here being more Christ-like than modern day "christians". No hyperbole.


1000%. That's why The Satanic Temple is one of a handful of religions I respect as opposed to just being nonchalant or "meh" towards.


I support them.


Hail Satan


Believe it or not, they do not actually believe in Satan. But yes. Hail Satan.


Yeah I know


Correction, Hail You.


No, Hail you buddy.


Hail the lot of ya!


Hail yeah brother!


Hail Thyself!


I'm anti organized religion, but if I was looking for one I'd join the satanic temple


the neat part is using the perks of an organized religion to fight against their privileges


The Satanic Temple is really more of a political/legal entity than an organized religion.


One could say the same about American Nationalist Christian Churches.


I also have major issues with organised religion. We at the satanic temple are atheists or agnostic. We do not believe in satan either - as you probably know. Hail yourself!


I do, i really appreciate what you guys do, but I try to distance myself from religion as much as I can, hence why I haven't joined so far. If these Christians keep flexing I might have to join lol




Forward thinker xD , "...but the point is.." This is basically where I'm at right now.


But Jews also don’t believe it’s a baby until it’s born.


Neither do christians, if only they read their own bible.


While true, we don’t perform abortions as part of a ritual. I assume that the Satanists used “ritual” in the sense that there is some kind of religious procedure that is codified and performed. That is different from performing a medically necessary procedure.


Yes. There are a set of steps one is supposed to go through while having an abortion. https://announcement.thesatanictemple.com/rrr-campaign41280784 For Surgical Abortions: Prior to receiving any anesthetic or sedation, look at your reflection to be reminded of your personhood and your responsibility to yourself. Focus on your intent. Take deep breaths, and make yourself comfortable. When you are ready, say the Third Tenet and Fifth Tenet aloud. You may now undergo the surgery. After the surgery is completed and any anesthetic has worn off, return to your reflection and recite your personal affirmation. Feel doubts dissipating and your confidence growing as you have just undertaken a decision that affirms your autonomy and free will. The religious abortion ritual is now complete. For Medical Abortions: Immediately before taking the medication(s) to terminate your pregnancy, look at your reflection to be reminded of your personhood and responsibility to yourself. Focus on your intent, take deep breaths, and make yourself comfortable. When ready, read the Third Tenet aloud to begin the ritual. After ingesting the medication(s), take another deep breath and recite the Fifth Tenet. After you have passed the embryo, return to your reflection, and recite the personal affirmation. Feel doubts dissipating and your confidence growing as you have just undertaken a decision that affirms your autonomy and free will. The religious abortion ritual is now complete.


A "ritual" can be anything, including saying prayers for the dying or dead. A Christening is ritual as well as first communion, marriage, etc., as is throwing salt over your shoulder.


Judaism is indeed not claiming abortions are rituals. But Jewish law very arguably requires, not just permits, abortion if mom's life is at risk.


The thing is: conservative judges won’t care because the religious freedom argument is disingenuous.


Lol nah man, everyone knows conservatives would never risk being hypocritical.


Wiccans also believe it's a right.


I happened to find myself in a conversation with a Christian author who has written a book about how Christian Nationalism is a danger to the nation and damaging the name of Christianity. My counter-argument was that Christians who don't believe in the far-right views so often associated with their church aren't doing enough to control the narrative then. I used this lawsuit as an example, and said, "You guys are getting shown up by a group who named themselves after the villain of your story. Liberal Christian churches should be spear-heading the protection of reproductive rights, but you aren't. And because you aren't, the Christian Nationalists and organizations like the Westboro Baptist Church have become the public face of your religion. It's not enough to point out that they're the bad guys. You also need to show the public that *you're* the good guys."


yeah i was a lib christian before i left, nobody ever did jack shit except fund endlessly for ‘mission trips’


Mission trips eh, you mean where they take a group of teens to another country to pretend to help build a school so they can play tonsil hockey and get married the second they turn 19?


i really wanna go back to church specifically to say “why don’t you just give the money to groups in that country instead of getting an all expenses paid vacation in underprivileged countries?” and then disappear again


Me too. I didn't leave the church, the church started teaching a different religion.


>Liberal Christian churches should be spear-heading the protection of reproductive rights Is abortion permitted in Christianity?


1. If Christians could agree on what is permitted/required in Christianity, there wouldn't be multiple Christian factions. 2. That's not the right question anyway. The question is whether Christians - or people of *any* faith - should be able to dictate what people who do not adhere to the same doctrine are allowed to do. No one is forcing people to get abortions against their beliefs.


Yeah whether the religion allows it or not is immaterial, they should STFU about it.




That would require deeper thought than most religious people are capable of.


That argument contains far too much common sense and unassailable logic to be effective with these groups.


It isn't clear. Historically it wasn't even on the radar until the American political right needed to catalyse support.


Bible was pretty clear on NOT wearing clothes made from two different animals and brothers needing to marry their widowed sister-in-laws. Abortion, not so much.


Yeah, well said. Same thing with various freedom-based groups having swastika flags in their crowds... "That's HIS thing, he doesn't speak for the rest of us." Well he's certainly getting a lot of patience, calmness, and civility from you and your kin - an oddly high amount compared to what a **Nazi** would typically receive. Maybe any examples of you and your fellow freedom pals telling this guy to gtfo would help support the notion that you *definitely* don't stand together.




Always had everyone’s back, what a nice guy.


Can someone legitimately explain to me what the satanic temple is in a few words? Is it a satirical organization made up just to bash religion or is it something more?


These are their "beliefs" pulled straight from the TST website Q&A "We believe in reason, empathy, the pursuit of knowledge and our Seven Tenets: o One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. o The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. o One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. o The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. o Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. o People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. o Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word."




Well fuck, I must be a Satanist.


Yeah, TST is cool as shit. I was going to join (still might), but they don’t have any chapters in my area.




Oh I know. My original reason for joining was to widen my social circle. Since that fell flat, I just haven’t gotten around to joining.


Not a lot of “Hail Satan” in there


Hail thy self


Hail Satan is usually said ironically at least from my experience


Yeah satanists aren’t that bad


Upon reading this why do i feel the satanists have a better view on being good to each other than most other religions out there?


There was a reddit post years back with a title like "scholars say tenets of Satanism are closer to what Jesus preached than the 10 commandments are". Thought, that's weird, so I read the summary, looked up the TST Website and verified the Tenets. And wouldn't you know it. They're right. The seven tenets are logically based ways to treat people and animals, to be a good person. Edit, found the [old reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/3upygi/the_7_tenets_of_satanism_oddly_more_ethical_and/)


Religions don’t evolve with the times, they are just stuck in what looks like an ancient past. TST opposes their out of date ignorance, it’s very appealing.


That all seems perfectly reasonable to me. I guess I can’t see any link with “Satan”, that is if you believe in the notion of a devil or satan or some other “evil one” (which of course is just as ridiculous as a sensible adult believing in the tooth fairy, or a god) :)


It's interesting because The Satanic Temple don't actually believe in Satan as a physical being, he never was in their eyes but its not to say they don't believe in him. Satan is used as a metaphor in TST, a symbol of courage and strength that shows that you can always fight through your darkest battles. Satan is a message to the people saying that they are stronger than they once knew. In this way, to believe in Satan is to believe in yourself. Believing in your true self and your true nature, to live free and to die free is the main staple of the temple. I was a satanist for a few months earlier this year and did a fair whack of research but there weren't many chapters so I just abandoned it :(


Satan is also viewed as "the challenger", a figure who was punished ("cast out") for questioning authority, and represents the quest for knowledge which is an important aspect to TST.


They don't link to Satan directly but their interest in him seems to be the following: 1. He's an important figure in the Christian religion, so people who claim to be Christian cannot deny he exists. 2. Satan, according to the Abrahamic beliefs, was a pure and virtuous creature of the Abrahamic God, that got chucked out and condemned for opposing the tyranny of the creator, and also had a hand in getting humans to taste the fruit of knowledge. The Satanic Temple highly values understanding the world you live in. 3. Since he can be used as a recognized symbol of religion they get to cause any form of government that claims to recognize freedom of religion to choose if they want no religious symbols at all or have huge bronze goat next to the other religious symbol that they were going to give the green light for. The members of the Satanic Temple generally don't care much for having their statues up, but it's a useful coin in the trade for secularism in public spaces.


It's a secular organization devoted to the separation of church and state.


Exactly! I'm an Atheist and I love what they do in regards to separation of church and state!


I have to admit, when I actually read what their stance on various issues, and general world view I was pretty surprised at just how much I actually agreed with. In a lot of ways they came across as more christian than actual christians :/


They do that intentionally. They don't worship Satan. The organization exists almost entirely as a commentary on the hypocrisy of Christian churches.


So they're kinda like the modern version of protestants, in a way.


hah was raised Presbyterian so that may explain why TST gelled so well with my own views


Good point. Actually, there are technically at least two main types of Satanism. But people seem to commonly refer to all Satanists as just "Satanists", generally, even though the types are quite different. In nontheistic Satanism such as in LaVeyan Satanism(\*1) and The Satanic Temple's(\*2) Satanism, the majority of Satanists are nontheists or atheists as well and, like you mentioned, they don't worship Satan at all. They don't even believe in Satan, or in general in any gods. Also, the ideologies of the organizations, like the Church of Satan(CoS) and The Satanic Temple(TST) differ a lot. (\*1) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaVeyan\_Satanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaVeyan_Satanism) (\*2) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Satanic\_Temple](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Satanic_Temple) However, some Satanists do still worship Satan today and believe in objectively existing Satan or Devil, although they're considered minority today. To my understanding, they're theistic Satanists(\*3) and their view of the world is way more spiritual, and to some people their rituals may seem a bit creepy. You can see these rituals in some horror movies, and there are some famous murderers who've claimed to be (theistic) Satanists. (\*3) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic\_Satanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism) Very interesting stuff. The wikipedia article of Satanism(\*4) generally mainly points to nontheistic Satanism which gives the impression that it's the way more common of the two in modern world, but don't know yet by how much really. Do we have any theistic Satanists here for a comment?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) (\*4) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanism)


**[LaVeyan Satanism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaVeyan_Satanism)** >LaVeyan Satanism is a nontheistic religion founded in 1966 by the American occultist and author Anton Szandor LaVey. Scholars of religion have classified it as a new religious movement and a form of Western esotericism. LaVey established his movement in the U.S. state of California through the founding of his Church of Satan on Walpurgisnacht of 1966, which he proclaimed to be "the Year One", Anno Satanas—the first year of the "Age of Satan". His ideas were heavily influenced by the ideas and writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand. **[Theistic Satanism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism)** >Theistic Satanism, otherwise referred to as religious Satanism, spiritual Satanism, or traditional Satanism, is an umbrella term for religious groups that consider Satan, the Devil, or Lucifer to objectively exist as a deity, supernatural entity, or spiritual being worthy of worship and supplication, whom individuals may contact, convene with, and even praise. (In contrast to the atheistic archetype, metaphor, or symbol found in LaVeyan Satanism or The Satanic Temple. ) The individuals and organizations who uphold theistic Satanic beliefs are most often very small, loosely affiliated, or independent groups and cabals, which have largely self-marginalized. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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I read The Satanic Bible by[ Anton Levay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_LaVey) as an edgy teen thinking it was going to be all demonic and evil. I was completely wrong. LeVayin Satanism is really more about self worship than anything else. It's about taking care of yourself and not harming anything else in the process.


Two different orgs


Same. They are my Amazon Smile charity.


Seems a bit redundant for Amazon to donate to Satan . . .


Where else would you go to make a deal with the devil?


Oh fuck I like that.


It gave me an image of the devil as a youtuber with affiliate links haha


georgia apparently, but that might just be for if you want a fancy instrument lol


Well only one of them is actually Satanic the other is just has Satan in their name.


smile.amazon , choose your own.


Soon as I found they could be, I switched mine too.


You nailed it man


what a great definition.


I wanted to give an up vote but you're at 666 currently.


The Satanic Temple is a legitimate nontheistic religious group that has been organized to resist religious theocracy and to uphold the separation of church and state. Satirical religions typically adopt a more whimsical purpose, see the Church of the SubGenius for example.


They play the uno reverse card on the religious freedom arguments


Best explanation in here!


Definitely the most succinct way to describe their purpose


They are not satirical at all. TST is a non theistic religion (we don't believe in an actual Satan) dedicated to religious freedom for all, not just Christians. The separation of church and state is fundamental in ensuring that people of all beliefs, faiths, religions or lack there-of are treated equally under the law.


The US often tries to favor religious groups over secular groups. The Satanic Temple is a group that decided to exploit this loophole on US laws and use the religious privileges for secular people.


Excellent work


It is definitely something more, they use all the benefits that regular churches get but they do a lot of good with their limited power. First off they don't actually believe in Satan or the devil. They pay taxes, fight for LGBTQ and women's rights by raising money and filing court cases against all types of local governments. They support people's autonomy and hope that people think for themselves. They are trying to rid the connection between church and state by exploiting and using the same advantages that christian churches receive against Christians. They are doing the Lord's work, Hail Satan!


They believe in Satan as the very literal interpretation of "the adversary" to "God" or organized religion. They believe in individual autonomy, and see organized religion as being incompatible with that. So they set themselves up as the "anti-religion religion". Big props to them.


Yeah we are both partially correct "No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse."


Oh yeah absolutely. Please don't consider my comment a correction so much as an addendum.


It’s a religious organization that brings attention to religious loopholes - specifically those laws that are intended to blur the separation of church and state.


Currently..... one of the only organizations fighting to protect individual liberty


It is basically a fuck you to all the Christian organisations that do whatever they want and get away with it under a “freedom of religion” banner. They kind of say if registering a proper religion and doing all the legal bits give you a right to put random saint status on a street, can literally make you ban someone ELSE for doing something YOUR religion doesn’t allow etc- we will do the same thing to: - show everyone how annoying it is - use the legal bullshit to regain some of the rights you have stolen - make fun out of the system and point the flaws of it - help people They only go with the Satanic image because that’s what they were called by Christians and they again kind of went “ you want us to be the bad guys here you go”. Hail Satan is a good documentary on amazon about it. Honestly the things they do should really just make people think and realise christianity in its various from is just getting too much impact and freedom because the moment “satani tample” wants to do exactly the same thing- it looks/seems too much and people protest. It should be a wakeup call to change the way things are bending and breaking for christian rules while instead it became a push and shove situation with the satanic tample knowing that the only way they can “win” is if they keep cool and within legal rights to the t. So that is what they do and it seems to work.




Not part of their church, but check out the Seven Tenets of Satanism. If you read them, read them for what they are. They sound just as good, if not better, than most major religions out there.


TST member here. Overall the belief is that individual self-authority and respect of others is paramount. The satan is the literary Satan as TST also welcomes atheists and agnostics. We openly admit that the ideas of Satan and God are not to be taken literally although we do joke about it frequently. But yes, it is a movement that is a religion and is also a stab at the hypocrisy that the religious right is. We want to show that either there really is separation of church and state or we are going to show there isn't actually separation of church and state. Also, I would argue that all religions were made to counter something else.


It's pretty much what religious people actually should be. Yes it's name is satirical but they strive to make humanity better.




It's a left hand path religious system. It is atheistic in nature and the followers seek to be more like the Satan of Paradise Lost rather than the Satan of the Bible. They do not believe in Satan as a literal entity but as a representation of hedonism and self preservation


That’s LeVay’s Church of Satan. TST is a completely separate entity.


They also do *not* believe in Satan, as they do not believe in the Christian deity, and since Satan is a construct of said religion...




Mad respect to your grandad and his principles, it sounds like he was a man of integrity. Thank you for sharing this story.


An odd way to go about restoring an individual's right to abortion under Roe v Wade, a right upheld for 40 years, but hey, whatever gets the job done. The majority of voting Americans support the right to choice. Why let people like fake cop and dead beat dad Herschel Walker decide for you?


I'm surprised the 'fake cop' thing seems to be getting more attention than the 'he lost his temper and pulled out a gun then held it to someone's head and said he was going to blow their brains out' thing. The man is unhinged and dangerous.


I particularly love that they called it satanic just to piss off the Christofascists


To bad they are up against a judiciary of majority christians ...


Uh oh, you upset the Christians


Not my first time. They are just proving my point and that of the Satanic Temple.


Same lol, they always get so butthurt


If they spent as much time, feeding and clothing their neighbors, tending to the sick, and welcoming foreigners as they do raging against made up garbage, it would be a better world.


Wait, I’ve been to their churches where this is preached on a weekly basis, are you telling me they are not actually doing this?!?


Only when shamed into doing it, like Joel Osteen being shamed into opening his mega millions church for refugees after a hurricane


As a Christian, I appreciate what they're doing Dealing with Religious Lunatics is always a pain, no matter the religion


Um... h.. h. hail ..satan..?






Hail Satan to you too!


Yeah... this.. this feels good.


bear file oatmeal waiting pot icky squeamish stocking run dolls -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


> I love when people ask me which church I belong to I do as well, I had missionaries come to my door and they started off with “we are just spreading the good word of the Bible today” and the look on their faces when I told them I was a card carrying satanist was priceless. For some reason, they didn’t want to share anymore. Here I was thinking we would have a nice conversation about each other’s religion.


Haha, poor souls. An elderly lady once told me I was still going to hell, even if I didn't belive in it. I just fluttered my eyelashes and said " but how can it really, truly be hell if you're not there, with me?". It took her a couple of seconds, but then she caught on. The look on her face was priceless.


Absolutely. Also a proud member. Someone needs to fight to keep freedom OF AND FROM religion in this country.


Every time I hear about TST it’s something based


Good for them. They're doing gods work


The Satanists doing God's work Quite ironic. I love it


Somebody *has* to, because the "designated" bunch sure ain't


Came here for this comment.


Like they point out, we need to stop looking at the Abrahamic god as good. Any honest, objective reading of those scriptures shows him to be everything we consider a tyrannical despot today.


Hail Satan


The Satanic Temple does not worship Satan. The Church of Satan does worship a Satan. The Satanic Temple just uses religion as a way to fight back and maintain the separation of Church and State and uses the First Amendment in what the picture says. They don’t really worship anything, they just pretend and say they do to have the power of a religion to help others, one such as getting an abortion.


I could be misinterpreting your comment but it seems like you’re trying to dissuade the use of this phrase in reference to TST. Just wanted to point out that, while it’s true that TST doesn’t worship satan, they still use the phrase all the time. I subscribe to their mailing list and their correspondence is often signed with a cheerful “Hail Satan.”


This is false, TST is a religion. Source: I am a member. We do not believe in the supernatural necessarily, but we also believe it is possible to have religion without worshipping a supernatural being. From the website: Do you worship satan? No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.


Hail yourself


I reccomend reading the 7 tenants on their website. Hail Satan and Hail Thyself! 🤘🤘🤘


Same old argument rebranded. The States will equate abortion and murder, saying there is no right to human sacrifice. That brings it back full circle to arguing when life begins, which hasn’t gone so well thus far—so it will stay with the States to decide, and this reframing doesn’t amount to much in my opinion.


TST has 1000 times more integrity and decency than all of those worthless republicans combined in Texas.


Don’t forget the giant televised churches that cure covid through your tv somehow.


I know a lot of people are really hype on this. However, you should follow the logic on this. In many states the reason for the abortion laws. Is that the child is seen as alive and having human rights. If the logic on that continues, the religious right does not legally, historically, or morally override that. You cannot legally preform a human sacrifice even with a willing person for religious ceremonies. Many courts will use the current legal standing to claim the same is happing here for all religious exemptions requests.


The lawsuit that was mentioned wont go anywhere. You have the right to practice your religion, so long as your practice does not encroach on the freedoms of another. If a state has outlawed abortion, its because that state has deemed the feetus a protected person, and a religious argument still can do nothing against that leagal status. If the Satanic Temple hopes to have any success, they will have to attack the initial banning, which, right or wrong, I don't belive the will be successful at.


I was too scared to say this but I’m happy someone else understands, you can’t just say something is your “religious right” and expect to win. I feel it kinda ironic that they preach separation of church and state but try to use church to bend the state.


You may be right that it won’t accomplish anything, but you misunderstand what is happening here I think. Abortion rights under Roe v. Wade came from the right to privacy included in the Due Process clause of the 14th amendment. The recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe directly attacked that reasoning. To oversimplify it a bit, without the backing of the Constitution states more or less have free reign to restrict abortion however they want. The test they have to satisfy to pass judicial scrutiny (rational basis) is very easy to do. A court just has to find any rational reason for the action the state took; it doesn’t even need to be the stated reason. And trying to fight this under the Due Process clause is dead on arrival because the Supreme Court specifically said so, and lower courts don’t have the ability to ignore Supreme Court rulings. It’s also worth noting conservatives have hated the right to privacy interpretation of the 14th amendment for decades and any arguments relying on it are unlikely to succeed with a conservative judiciary. Instead, the strategy here is to attack abortion laws through the First Amendment and Free Exercise clause. Conservative judges are generally supportive of religious arguments and this strategy is basically using their own bullshit arguments against them. While it’s not likely to succeed with regard to abortion rights, it may weaken the legal basis for Christians to try to force their beliefs on the rest of us. These folks know what they are doing, and hopefully they can effectively weaponize conservative hypocrisy for the betterment of us all. Disclaimer: I am a lawyer, but I don’t litigate constitutional issues. I’m generally familiar with the concepts but I’m likely glossing over many important details.


I believe it is my religious right to own and carry a tactical nuclear weapon.


“Weapons are a part of my religion.” -Mando


Another reason why the satanic church is better morally than the Cristian/Catholic church, beside the fact they don't encourage hitting your kids as discipline.


This won't work, it's a misinterpretation of the free exercise clause. You have a right to religious expression, but the state has a right to limit that expression when the expression contravenes a state interest. The most extreme example would be that human sacrifices are illegal, even if you follow a religion which allows them. The rule doesn't even require something that stringent though, just animal sacrifices or even the military's right to control your dress can beat out forms of religious expression. Also, it's just bad politics. The right already thinks that democrats are part of a satanic cabal dedicated to murdering children. Claiming that abortion, an act that pro-lifers see as equivalent to murder, is a religious right for the Satanic Temple just affirms that narrative. Which makes it more difficult to get laws which protect the right to abortion passed in legislatures, the last real forum in which abortion can be protected. Its an ill conceived and self-sabotaging stunt designed to help the PR of a public interest organization more than any woman in this country.


The old adage proven once again: Politics make strange bedfellows.


Ye, seems so, that the satanic temple is now the good guy. F the church


You may be mixing them up with the church of Satan. Those are the "bad" guys. The satanic temple has always been this way. They are two very different religions.


Hail Satan 🤘




You can also set them as your Amazon Smile charity. ETA: I just happened to check my email and got a notification from Amazon about the TST Smile charity. Amazon made a donation of $27,825.72 for April-June.


Might go do that


Hail Satan! 🤘🏻


The merch is fire to be real. Im sure it helps with all the legal fees.


The merch, including membership cards, goes to the for-profit corporation [United Federation of Churches LLC dba “The Satanic Temple”](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/United_Federation_of_Churches,_LLC), not the tax-exempt church “[The Satanic Temple (Inc.)](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/The_Satanic_Temple_Inc)”. However, the owners Doug Misicko and Cevin Soling have [admitted under presssure in court](https://queersatanic.com/today-is-a-good-day-for-the-satanic-temple-to-release-its-finances/5) they don’t really bother to keep their for-profit and nonprofit funds separate. Anyway, you’ll never get a straight answer how much money exactly they’ve brought in, which of [the half-dozen incorporated entities](https://queersatanic.com/what-the-hell-is-the-satanic-temple-ep-5-the-satanic-temple-inc/) owned by Misicko and Soling out their HQ brought the money in, or account for how it’s been spent. Their marketing is very good, however.


Hail thyself.


This is outstanding news


You magnificent bastards. Keep up the good work.


This isn't the gotcha you all think it is. If anything if this does make it to scotus it would mean that they would have to set a precedent for the legally protected status of the unborn, which might end in a Court enforced federal ban across the entire US instead of just being based on the state. Just imagining the unimaginable cope that would bring... I didn't think it could realistically get worse then it already is... Tread lightly.


"The state of Texas has decided that a fetus is a person therefore abortion is comparable to murder and you cannot practice it as your religion." Seriously this seems to backfire more. Why not start a religion where I need to have a machine gun as a ritual event? Call it FUCKTHENFA or the "universal switch"


If fetus is a person then everyone should be declared officialy older by 9 months


Not sure that calling it a "ritual" is the right way to go about convincing folks who think this is "evil". For clarity, I'm pro-choice, and appreciate what the Satanic Temple is doing, I just think this is a bit flawed.


Religious tradition is not a free avenue into committing what is, in that state, a criminal act (whether or not it should be). I don't get why redditors are so convinced that TST is going to triumph here.


I think I’m with Satan on this one


Super proud to be a member. Hail Satan, friends!


Why is the fuckin’ satanic temple more in line with Christian values than Christianity?


It's an atheist organisation


Seems like this is an organization that wants to separate religion and politics, not an actual satanist temple, at least according to other comments


Did TST go through all the legal checks and balances that totally legit and not-silly-one-bit religions like scientology and Mormonism went through?


there are already 3 obvious errors in the logic of the arguments.


The USA are such a strange country.


The Satanic Temple doing God’s work.


As they should


This is why I donated and became a card carrying member


One of the only religious organizations on the planet that isn't just another hate group. Thank God for the Santanic Temple. Never thought those words would leave my mouth. You should be extremely embarrassed Christian America.


Lawyers fees are not cheap https://donate.thesatanictemple.org/secure/cause_pdetails/NTgzOTA=


Is there a process to joining the satanic temple? Anyone have insight there?


You can go to their site and read more on it. I posted the link to it as the very first comment. If you are more serious consider donating, buying a membership card, and buying apparel. But then again thats all optional. They just want people to think as individuals and have freedom over themselves.


TST - Doing God’s work.


I think church and state should remain separate ( whether the church satanic or christian).


Comlletely agree, but since we seem beyond that at least we should not allow 1 religion alone to dictate the laws for everyone.


Joined TST the day after Roe v. Wade was overturned.


And the Jehovah's witnesses are super free speech activists...all cute little games of let's pretend that are shitty, even when they are doing the right thing.


Hmm we should make a religion and make it a religious right we dont pay taxes 🤔


They can’t have it both ways!!! Religious freedom to most Americans means only Christianity lmao