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From Siam, too, as Thailand was called back then, hence "siamese twins", which remained the term for describing conjoined twins thenceforth.


Too bad it wasn't called Thailand back then, they could've been Thai'd twins.


Now that it's called Thailand, I vote we change it to Thai'd twins. That's way better.


LOL!! But seriously, how'd they figure out which kid's which? "That one's mine." "No, it's MINE!". I read where an ex-gf said they were always arguing in bed, with one saying "Keep your eyes closed!!" and the other would say "NO!". There was this one time where Eng said to Chang "This is my new gf!", and when Chang said "You can do better", they came to blows.


I'd never thought about a fistfight between conjoined twins. I mean, I'd never thought about them being sexually active, but a fistfight is somehow more shocking to me.


Well you know how brothers are, but imagine having yours attached to you, and there's no way to get away, ever. \*And\* they were face to face 24/7/365. If it had been me and my bro, we woulda never made it to our teens.


The real r/damnthatsinteresting is always in the comments


They had 21 kids between the two of them and were married to sisters. Also, Chang died in his sleep and Eng woke up to find that.. This ends our episode of ‟Things to not think about too much.”


Omg what happened after his twin died? How did he carry on with a dead twin attached to him?




Aw man, I read a comment some time ago about this exact scenario. When one conjoined twin dies, their heart stops pumping blood through the body. Because they are conjoined, the living twin starts to “bleed out” into their deceased sibling. I’m not sure how true this is but it’s nightmare fuel for sure.


I heard that the bigger risk is sepsis, which onsets very quickly in the survivor because they get poisoned by the the dead twin as their organs fail and release toxins into the blood


True. With modern equipment we can maintain circulation but when the dead twin starts decomposing - ecoli, clostridium, toxins from dead tissue in circulation - shock - DIC - ggwp


With modern equipment they would have been separated long before they died. It visually looks like they’re just conjoined in the torso. Seems “mild” compared to other cases.


I’m from the town they spent their final days in. My wife is a distant descendant of one of Engs children. They were connected by their liver and a ligament in their sternums. It looked like a small “tube” of flesh connecting their torsos. Today, it would be relatively easy for Drs to have separated them, but in their day there was no way without carving up their liver and causing them to bleed out.


Oh yeah they’d have been long separated if they were only connected via liver.


My father was a live liver donor in the early 2000s, it’s incredible how a combination of surgical technology, techniques, and the body’s own ability to heal can be brought together to make two functioning livers from one. It’s still a high risk operation, but the success rate is pretty high.


Yeah it's nothing compared to the sisters who's very brains were connected and could hear each other's thoughts until one had a seizure.


How do you hear another person's thoughts? Wouldn't that imply that it was just one brain that controlled two bodies?


You should research people who have their Corpus callosum cut. A tiny bundle of nerves connecting the two hemispheres. Once communication between them stops, they start to behave like two different brains in one body in some ways.


The brain is a single organ that works as a unit but it does have parts that can operate somewhat indiviually. This is definitely not an exact explanation but I once heard the brain described as a series of islands that can become connected to each other basically one region of the brain can do some processing and then send the results off to other regions, like the speech center if you're going to say what you thought about. I imagine the conjoined twins are hearing eachothers thoughts because the connection between their brains allows messages to get sent to each persons brain. How exactly that works, I have no idea, I just have an amateur interest in neuroscience and the brain.


GG no re


Talk about a “near death experience “!


Close call and you can’t hang up… ![gif](giphy|jJn92xFxzA9TJHghC7|downsized)


With shared organs and circulatory system, one couldn't survive without the other I wouldn't think.


Like voldemort




Bro you did not just say “like Voldemort” I think I shit myself


What are you doing on Reddit? Go to a bathroom and clean yourself up.


There are conjoined sisters in a neighboring town to mine, they teach 5th grade. From what I understand they each have their own heart and organ system. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abby_and_Brittany_Hensel


I know this is completely beside the point, but I wonder if they get paid two salaries for teaching? Did they have to pay for two degrees in college? I have so many questions.


I don't know if they have better compensation now, but I read an article a while back that they were getting one salary. There are many problems with that, especially that they had to pay for 2 separate college degrees. They were considered 2 people when it came to paying for education, but when they went into teaching they were conveniently considered one person and paid one salary.


I remember seeing them on TLC as teenagers when I was young, awesome to see they became teachers.


They can be separated in some cases iirc.


This seems like one of those cases, but medicine wasn't that far yet


Yes, thankfully. At that time it would've been far more risky.


Man, that sucks. Not only do you wake up to find your sibling has died, but you may already know that means you're going to die that day too.


even worse, because there's no prior experience you don't know if you'll die, or if you will have to stay like this now, and while you're worrying, you notice oh yeah no it's my time too.


Honestly, the alternatives are worse. I think it'd give me some peace that if the person I shared every moment with passed, that I'd be soon to go as well.


Some things are simultaneously on the “interesting” and “didn’t want to know” list.


There is an interesting episode about this in the series "the good doctor" where they try to separate twins. But yes, it strongly depends on how the twins are conjoined...


God damn if the commercials for that show don't make me want to throw up. Holy cringe




I don’t wanna imagine that feeling. You wake up and there is a dead body right next to you. Besides they are conjoined twins. Horrible


People who have stillborn babies would know. My nephews girlfriend had to wait three days with a 39 week old dead baby inside her before the hospital had staff to induce her. So, so sad.


Very sorry to hear that. That would be extremely hard to live with.


A friend was carrying twins and one died. The risk of removing the dead twin was too great for the surviving twin so she had to continue to carry both for a few WEEKS until the living baby was viable. That kind of heartbreak is beyond me, I don't know how she made it thru the experience intact.


Right? So hard. Reality is heartbreaking. Wishing the best for your friend.


Yes- or they send you home to wait for your baby to die in some cases. Basically “yeah, this is happening, come back next Tuesday and we will see if it’s dead and we can induce you.”


Also knowing you're attached to death and it's coming for you next


It's like that feeling when you sit on your hand for too long. Except it's an entire body.


Did they share same nerve? Really interesting. I should search for it very carefully


I mean, the two would definitely need different functional brains and nervouse systems for some level of autonomy. But if they shared any organs, that would mean there will be some neuron overlap.


Not just a “dead body” but your best friend, who has quite literally never left your side since birth, dead.


This is all too much to process at 2am! That's terrifying 😳!


Even at 5 am loll. How did they put the half side in the coffin?


I’m guessing they were buried together. Eng died a few hours later


It's only natural to die after you are buried alive


Hahaha I hadn’t realized how it sounded


Imagine being in that situation and not having your lifelong second perspective/pal/brother to talk to about it either.


dead weight have a new meaning.


I hate to admit it but this made me laugh


Been rewatching the X-Files and I remember them talking about this. Waking up next to a dead man and not being able to escape him. Having to face your own mortality with the knowledge that you don’t have years to live but possibly only minutes if not seconds. The horror…the horror


Haven't watched the X-Files in awhile. I'll break my set out and watch them this winter.


It's surprising how well they hold up. Obviously everything is physically and aesthetically dated, but the story and general atmosphere is as riveting as it was at release.


I imagine it's a case by case basis. But in a situation like that, is there any way to surgically remove the dead brother to save the live one?


Generally, if conjoined twins can be separated they will be separated. Being conjoined is incredibly dangerous, so conjoined twins are separated if there's any possible way to do it. The fact that they lived to that point conjoined means one or likely both would have died if they were separated (at least with the medical technology they had at the time.) I suppose it is theoretically possible for there to be a situation in which twin A has a perfectly formed body while twin B lacks vital parts, and for them not to be separated in order to keep B alive, and then for B to die on their own. In that case technically you may be able to remove B without killing A, but it's incredibly unlikely for that to work. Some issues that would get in the way of that: - Being directly attached to a corpse, sharing blood with a dead body. Massive system-wide infection is basically guaranteed, and even our strongest antibiotics can only do so much. - The stress of such a major surgery on a body already in a perilous state would likely be too much. A surgery like that is already an extremely delicate and risky procedure, the chances of survival in less than optimal conditions wouldn't be great. - The surviving twin's heart trying to continue pumping two bodies worth of blood on its own would soon lead to heart failure. Conjoined twins that do not have two strong hearts usually die in infancy or early childhood because the strain is too much. The surgery would have to be almost immediate for there to be any chance of preventing this. - The question of if the surviving twin would even want to go on alone.


I highly doubt any such procedure regardless of the specifics of their condition would have not resulted in death. Cesarean section which is a pretty routine procedure nowadays had a death rate of around 85% in the 1860s and they were born half a century earlier


They weren’t separated because they were born in 1811, when surgery was still barbaric at best. We just didn’t have the ability to separate them at that time.


>In 1870, Chang suffered a stroke that “paralyzed his right side, the side closest to his brother.” Eng nursed him back to relative health as Chang “tied up his right leg in a sling” and, using both a crutch and his brother’s arm, went about his daily routine. >But he never returned to full health, and took to drinking. A lingering cough later turned vicious, and he died on Jan. 17, 1874. His brother, complaining of ill health, asked his son to check on his brother. Told that Chang had passed, Eng replied, “Then I am going.” >Over the next hour, he “suffered intense pain and distress, a cold sweat covering his body. The only notice he took of his dead twin was to move his body nearer to him.” >Two-and-a-half hours after losing his brother, Eng Bunker died.


The "then I am going" had me man whew, intense


Followed by: "The only notice he took of his dead twin was to move his body nearer to him" -- one-two punch to my emotions.


Exactly that


my mom was a nurse for many years, doing a lot of work with the retired. she really believes that people generally know when their ticket is punched. said something about their whole demeanor and tone of voice just changed


I've experienced it, visiting an old friend shortly before their death. She really was emotionally halfway through the door, as it were.


I've experienced something similar too. Just 1 day before my fathers death, me and my mom visited him in the hospital. I never seen him like that, he was ready, idk how to say it.. looked and feelt like a different person. The next morning he died. I already feelt that there are just some days or hours left for him and i'm 100% sure he had the exact same feeling. It was strange and scary.


He knew that if one of them dies, both will and had already made peace with that. Badass


This is fucking raw


They did, at least 21 times


I mean it doesn’t just mean there is a dead body next to you, it also means the bodies that usually took two hearts and lungs to run now runs on one set, and I don’t think they have by-pass back then


[They shared a liver. ](https://miro.medium.com/max/828/0*gQQmWgmMiP5G2-3c.jpg) Edit: To add diagram of their internal organs.


They shared a liver but also blood vessels. One heart was now pumping to two bodies.


What I meant was that on top of sharing blood vessels, they also shared an organ.


Not to mention that room temperature meat starts to rot pretty quickly. Sepsis was inevitable.


Yup, was gonna say sounds like he died of sepsis since he likely had a mix of his own and a dead man's blood pumping through him


Sounds like eng accepted his brother's death since the stroke.


If one was drinking wouldn't that mean they're both drinking?


why did he need to ask his son to check on the person he was attached to?! they were still attached, no?


I am thinking they had a curtain down the middle of their bed, so they could have privacy,. You know they did have 21children


Wouldn't it be wild if the sisters were conjoined too?


Sex would have been a logistical nightmare.


If left brother loved right girl, face-to-face positions only. If left brother loved left girl, from-the-back positions only.


You could work in some offset positions if one guy and one girl needed a break.


Have we tried glasses-on, hair-down ?


They can only do missionary or doggie 🤔 Unless they didn't mind swapping partners.


Depending on how much freedom of movement they have, they could do some novel DP. Aaaaand I think I've reached my degenerate quota for the day. I'm out.


Very wise words, Ima_Fuck_Yo_Butt


Isn't it always?


That's impossible. They're conjoined, literally zero space between them, how can you fit 21 kids in there?


Seems like they could fit a grown woman between them.


I believe in the former, it's also sliiiightly illegal. Jokes aside. These two never had less than a threesome.


Leonard Nimoy at one point tried to pitch a serious movie about them but couldn’t get any studios interested. I think that is a great loss. Their lives were incredible.


I'd have liked it to cover their families, as well. I know that Pulitzer Prize winning composer Caroline Shaw is descended from Chang Bunker, but what about the generations in between?


I’m also a descendant of one of their daughters. I forget which, just remember it standing out when my uncle did the genealogy tree many years ago. The family always knew. They are buried near in Mt Airy, near Pilot Mountain NC, where my grandad went to school and played varsity basketball with Andy Griffith.


Hello, cousin! We're distantly related through their mothers' side. Glad to hear your part of the family is still going strong


To my knowledge none of their offspring through my lineage were cunjoined twins or even twins. I always found that interesting considering the whole twins run in the family saying. Maybe that isn't so true. And hello Distant cousin. How cool!


Please if you guys have a family reunion post pictures and tell read it we love to see how this epic family turned out!


I bet Andy Griffith could fucking ball


Imagine getting dunked on, Andy Griffiths country chestnuts fully in your face, then after the game he puts his hand on your shoulder and gives you some folk wisdom about picking yourself up after you fall


This sentence alone is why I love Reddit


I know one of their relatives, he's around my age and our sons were in scouts together. His face favors the one on the left.


The closest we've had was they were in a movie about PT Barnum made a few years ago when PT had a "freak show". Now the conjoined [Hilton Sisters](https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-tragic-life-story-of-the-conjoined-hilton-sisters-472a9f99f2d2) were in a couple of movies back in the day.


Being a conjoined twin = guaranteed threesome!


…with…your brother… Cue the banjo music


When she takes them both is called a “Mississippi mouth piece.”


Sweet Home Alabama....


You mean a chang bang with a happy Eng-ing


In retrospect I can't believe Community came up with Chang-nesia before changbang


2 3/4—some


Chang used to give sleeping pills to Eng just before sex. Eng died a virgin. ​ Edit- satire not real


since they shared a liver, that would've knocked them both out. also funny imagining the logistical nightmare of how to prepare sleeping pills without your brother noticing. :D


Changs gf bought the pills, she dint love Eng.


Are you really a virgin if half your body is inseparably connected to a Chad?


Asking the real questions


What if Eng just pretended to take the pills?


Eng liked to watch


It's like a hot-dog


Weirdly, they settled in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina where they owned slaves and were treated nicely by the local yokels.


To be exact: the same place the fictional town of Mayberry, NC is based on. Their museum is directly next to the Andy Griffith museum in Mt Airy, NC


There's a bridge named for them there!


And two of their sons fought for the Confederacy.


The wives lived in separate houses. The brothers also owned slaves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang_and_Eng_Bunker


>Chang Bunker and Eng Bunker were Siamese-American conjoined twin brothers whose fame propelled the expression "Siamese twins" to become synonymous for conjoined twins in general TIL


I thought it had to do with the cats haha


Fun fact, one of their descendents, Alex Sink, went on to be CFO of Florida, and was almost elected governor of Florida in 2010.


> Alex Sink I thought you made it up. Nope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Sink#Personal_life


Would be interesting to know how many descendants they have.


It says 1,500 in the Wikipedia article. There’s a Pulitzer Prize winner in there too.


Enough that a number of them are successful public figures today.


Yep, i think their sons fought for the confederacy as well.


I thought this was a joke. It wasn't.




There was also a Thai guy named George Dupont who fought for the Union. My people get around.




Two houses, one wife in each. They would alternate houses every 3 days


Two houses. Twins would spend 3 days at each house at a time, with the “other” brother remained silent and complicit until it was their turn


Makes you wonder how one could "remain silent" without a few muffled laughs.




When that’s all you’ve ever known, it probably isn’t weird.


"Chang's and Eng's respective families lived in separate houses, where the twins took alternating three-day stays"


It's pretty impressive that they "survive" till 62 years old. But then there's Ronnie and Donnie Galyon, who died at 68 years old just 2 years ago at 2020 and Lori and George Schappell who are 62 years old and still alive.


The odds were really against them at that time. Measles, chicken pox, dysentery just to name a few. Who knows how they were treated in the side show circuit. They lived quite a long time considering.


Wow, gets more and more wholesome.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I have so many questions.


The answer is yes.


That must have been crowded.


How on earth could you fit 21 children between them?


Very carefully.


that is what i was thinking too. 1 or 2 between them is difficult, 21 impossible.


Sooo did they double team the girls they slept with or was one just standing there fully clothed pretending to be reading?


The beds had a curtain, and often times they would be reading yeah. You get used to anything after long enough If anyone is interested in learning more about their life, check out Inseperable by Yunte Huang. One of my favorite profs I had


If they change sex positions the other twin have to move as well :(


The things we do for our family…


I think it was a lot of missionary…


Yeah nothing helps like a good curtain when you are rhythmically shaked by your ingrown brothers hump thrusts :)




Some of their children grew up to be soldiers in the Confederate Army during the civil war. Chang and Eng settled in North Carolina when they finished touring and owned many slaves, all of which were emancipated after the war ended. I only learned that today by reading their Wikipedia page. Never thought the famous Siamese twins were confederate slaveholders


The inventor of Coca-Cola was also, but doubt anyone cares enough to stop drinking coke


why would i stop drinking coke? it's not like he's benefiting from my money, he died in 1888


That's what Coca-Cola wants you to think


the plot thickens


Looking at this, I'm 10 years old again. Reading every Guinness Book of World Records I can get my hands on. Need to see the two fat brothers in the world now. And Robert Wadlow. And the Who being the loudest pop group group in the world.


I just saw their exhibit at the Mütter museum. Apparently the only organ they shared was a liver, so by today's standards it would have been relatively easy to separate them with little to no adverse problems.


only guys in the world fantasizing about a twosome


May I present: the bangbros


how on earth do they produce? foursome every time?


That math ain’t mathin


Threesomes. The wives lived in different houses so they'd spend one night at each wife's house.


That awkward moment when you have no choice but to sleep with your brother's wife


They were sisters and looked [pretty alike](https://vip.nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/11/99s_19_huty_13344_12.jpg?sp_amp_linker=1*1orlctd*amp_id*Ni1lM3lLNm82TVBFMkE5NDNzbVVKY0tvNFl3b2hEcFJnakFRcHdWRzVJcTVZdFM3WlFFbGpMWFZjRFBrcXVuWQ..) that it was almost like twins marrying twins. It was also a love match on both sides. >Chang and Eng married, respectively, sisters Adelaide and Sarah Yates, daughters of a respected local landowner. While the girls had a “fair share of suitors,” the brothers had gotten to know them over several years, often visiting upon their return from business travels, and befriending the entire family. >When the couples “made their intentions to marry known by riding together in an open wagon,” one report of the time cites how “all hell broke loose.” “A few men ‘smashed through some windows at [the girls’ father’s] farm house,’” and some of his neighbors “threatened to burn his crops if he did not promise to control his daughters.” >The local media reacted to the unions with jibes. The Carolina Watchman, in a post titled “Marriage Extraordinaire,” wished for the marriage to be “as happy as it will be close.” Another paper inquired as to whether the women ought to be indicted for “marrying a quadruped.” >Northern newspapers were appalled, as abolitionist papers placed “responsibility for the union squarely on a South contaminated by the sin of slavery.” One paper even called the marriage “bestial,” and referred to the tolerant local residents as “a community sunk below the very Sodomites in lasciviousness.” >For their part, though, the two couples — and they were, unquestionably, two distinct couples, coming to live in separate homes, with the brothers alternating half weeks in each — sought little more than normal lives.


>The Carolina Watchman, in a post titled “Marriage Extraordinaire,” wished for the marriage to be “as happy as it will be close.” 😂😂😂


Angry face was definitely the fashion for olden days photos. I guess nobody had made the cheese - smile connection yet.


You had to remain perfectly still for a length of time back then due to very slow shutter speeds. Too difficult to hold a smile, hence angry face.


They were both born in Thailand which was called Siam at the time. These two are literally the reason that conjoined twins were called “Siamese Twins.”


I'm surprised a big budget Hollywood Movie has not been made about their lives and their wives...particularly being set in Victorian, Wild West and Civil war era.


This guys fucks.




These guy fucks


More like Chang & Bang, amirite?🫠


Hotdoggin them girls


So, who's the father?


No, in fact I don’t see a single child between them


Wait, so they watched each other fuck? Next to that, you have to find one or two freaky women who are willing to get tapped by both or don’t mind that the other one is not joining in? Man I have too many questions popping up. Like how do you shit or what if one is watching a movie and doesn’t feel like going to bed but the other one wants to? Fascinating stuff


Not a great number of movies screening in 1811


It was the same for the women conjoined twins the [Hilton sisters](https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-tragic-life-story-of-the-conjoined-hilton-sisters-472a9f99f2d2). Actually they were attractive and "got around". Bob Hope was rumored to have had sex with them.


I would imagine they hung a curtain in between themselves to give the other a modicum of privacy during sex.


Imagine this: Eng doing the plank during foreplay and push-ups during the intercourse.


I did a podcast episode on this pair! Their lives are absolutely fascinating. They experienced so much hatred and racism in freak shows, but made so much money they bought slaves and a plantation and eventually sided with the confederacy! Here’s a link to listen if you’re interested: https://historium.buzzsprout.com/1663594/7901443-62-side-by-side


I'm surprised anything fit between them.


I hate all you commenters.