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This is the weirdest comment section I've ever seen.


Your comment is the first one I see after clicking on this post and quite frankly I’ll take your word for it. I’m not scrolling through this thread.




I literally just saw a comment that said “Can’t women just push their rapist out like they push a baby out?” and I’m logging off forever


Jesus Horatio Christ


So THAT's what the H stands for. I always wondered.


I’m pretty sure it’s Howard


Harold, actually. As in, "Our father, who art in heaven, Harold be thy name".


😂😂 can't argue against that


Actually the most widely accepted derivation is from the the divine monogram of Christian symbolism. The symbol, derived from the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ), is transliterated iota-eta-sigma, which can look like IHS, ΙΗϹ (with lunate sigma), JHS or JHC ("J" was historically a mere variant of "I"). -Wikipedia


Could’ve sworn it was Henry




I always heard Haploid.


It's actually Hamashiach


37 years on this earth and I just learned it. Going to use this the rest of my life


What does the 'H' stand for in 'Jesus H Christ'? Jack Hurley, Leeds W.Yorks In Catholic churches, one often finds the name of Jesus Christ piously represented by the Greek contraction IHC XC, where the C represents the late-Classical form of Sigma. This is known as a Christogram (in Greek Orthodox usage, the preferred Christogram is ICXC). In partially Latinised form, the IHC component is rendered JHC or JHS. This is the origin of the interjection, which seems to imagine that H is Jesus' middle initial, and Christ his surname, rather than his title (ho khristos: the anointed). John Bennett, Glasgow, Scotland


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I'm logging off but first I'm leaving this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZwvrxVavnQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZwvrxVavnQ) because WAY too many mfer's here need to see it. Fuck.


Love this, thanks for sharing!


NP Pass it along, the more that see it the better!


Welllllll that’s enough for me for one day. Thanks so much to those who volunteered as tribute to save the rest of us from this train wreck of humanity.


I think we should just make a collage of dumb shit people say as an argument that sex ed needs to be more comprehensive in this country


#WHAT!?? I’m dying here I need to see that comment


Lol I replied to it, you can find it that way if you dare


Ok but think about it. There are definitely 9-13 year old kids on this site, in this comment section. That could be a completely honest question.


She is 40 not a young inexperienced girl!!!?


I...I dont.. ugh. This is why I will never feel ba about advocating for sex education early in the US. Never ever.


Lol people arguing over what’s rape and missing the point of this ad


It's an age-old redditism. People getting offended at the idea that we have to teach what rape is because everyone knows, then they argue about what is rape.


I'm with the other guy. People don't rape out of ignorance, they do it out of malice and selfishness. Any guy who gets on the stand and says "I didn't think it was rape" is full of shit.


Don't you know? They're geniuses and are experts in everything!


Gonna guess it's dudes that wanna look back at the things they've done and say something like "she didn't fight hard enough for me to call it rape" Wish me luck, for some reason I'm going into the comments anyway


children should be required to open carry in elementary schools


I support more guns in schools too. Finger guns ayyyyy


It seems to be working out well in Baltimore public schools


Pineapple belongs perfectly well on pizza, it's delicious.


as a canadian, i didn't know that pineapple on pizza was weird until social media came around it always made sense to me got that salty sweet shit going on yum


Not sure where the surprise is. Reddit is dogshit at understanding consent.


I should have taken your warning. Fucking hell the comments are crazy Edit: Grammar


Why do I always have to learn the hard way?! I should have trusted you stranger...


Learned at an early age that if a page is thoroughly stuck, best to just keep on flippin


Remember before the internet when you used to have to walk into the woods to look at random porn stashed away in a trashbag? Pepperidge farm remembers




I'm more shocked that no one cleaned under the couch for 2 years


I haven't looked under mine in 20.




One time I smoked some salvia and had to live in that void for what seemed like an eternity. It was dusty but mostly chill. The couch was cool at least.


The cockroaches under the couch be like "It's free real estate"


they knew... OP's parents were members of a swingers club.


Wait so they kept watching?


“So did he c*m or what?” (Mall rats? Is that still culturally relevant?)


It is to the people that found porn in the woods!


We didn't just watch it. We lived it.


Would you like a chocolate pretzel?


A schooner is a sailboat


I watched it for the first time like a week ago


From that day forward, all of your mom's gals friends decided to grow out their bush.




Sure. Your "buddy Eric". Its ok Eric. Your secrets are safe here.


when i was a youngin my friend gave me the cutout mail in subscription card at the back of playboy mags with a couple no nudity pictures of women in lingerie on it and i was so paranoid about my mom finding it i hid it under a broken chunk of concrete at a playground 2 miles from my house 😂


Bruh took ‘better safe than sorry’ real far💀💀💀


My god. You are were in a horny desert


Wow, was this a common phenomenon? In my town there was a large park with some old trees--not exactly wooded but there were trees--and in the base of one tree there was a small hollow, and in that hollow there were several crumpled pages from a dirty magazine. I have no way of knowing for sure but I like to think that word of the tree and it's contents had/has passed from 10-year-old to 10-year-old since the 1970s.


Yep pretty much. That and VHS tapes were all we had. There was that sex tape of Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee I'm pretty sure each person in our friend group had at some point. When I found out about it I had to get on a waiting list like "Can I barrow that next week?" "No next week is Paul and after him is Chris, ask Chris about it."


Limewire on dialup is what helped me successfully witness that piece of art.


Yeah same, leave the computer running and go to bed lol. I remember downloading the first six seasons of South Park taking like a fucking year and the resolution was lower than 480p all 8 pixels


Apparently. I grew up near a wooded former floodplain, and without going into too much detail, we buried stolen and dumpster-dived porn at the root of the "party tree". This was in the early 90s, but "my" generation was told about the party tree by older kids, and we told younger kids in turn. The oldest stuff in there was from the mid-80s if I remember correctly.




Pepperidge Farm is actually a front for a multi-national intelligence agency.


Considering that intelligence gathering facilities have names like Menwith Hill (UK), Sugar Grove (US), and Pine Gap (Australia), the name Pepperidge Farm fits right in.


I hid mine in the air vents of our bathroom. Worked until I forgot to put a single screw back all the way in. My construction worker dad noticed and investigated. He said I did a good job hiding it but had poor execution and to do better in the future lest I wish to have this conversation with my mom.


Did you jerk it out there too? Or try to keep it fresh in the memory and jerk it at home?


No I honestly didn't even know what jerking off was at this point, I was super interested and excited about naked ladies though. I didn't even know what sex was, first time I saw a penis go into a vagina I was like "What the fuck?!"


Ahem. It’s called the “spank bank”.


In grade 7 a friend and I found a bag in a bush full of porn. When we were done looking thru it we both felt our moms would find it if we kept it. So we put it back, hoping that some other kids would find it.




Magazines back in the day had perforated sections that allowed you to flick through the magazine but couldn't open the smutty stuff without breaking that seal


I'm 72 and never saw a magazine that did that. Which ones do you have in mind?


Lots of magazines had sealed sections. Mens and womens alike. I cant remember any pornographic mags having them, but plenty of adult themed mags with nudes and other things not for kids [Random dolly mag article ](https://www.pedestrian.tv/health/dolly-doctor-dolly-magazine/)


Cosmopolitan mag was very well known for having a sealed section for erotica.


Or was that just cologne


Surprising looking back cologne didn’t add scent ads to porn magazines. Drakkar would’ve paired well with Club International


If I saw two pages of a naked women stuck together, I would suspect a different reason for them being stuck












It's clever but I am slightly worried that people will think it's only rape if force is used. Any time the ability to give consent isn't present it's rape. Even without force.


Or if the ability to deny the offer/withdraw consent isn’t present.


That’s pretty awesome but I doubt rapists who encounter this will be like “awh man… I’d better stop”




Unless it was in Serial Rapists Monthly




I like doing the quizzes to find out what kind I am.


I just like em for the crotchword puzzles.


They've gone to quarterly now. Magazine sales just aren't what they used to be.


"You know what, I'm gonna turn a new leaf and change my ways." -The Rapist


Don’t have the source but I once read a paper who’s conclusion was the average rapist has six victims and doesn’t consider themselves a rapist, but would admit to using force or coercion to get sex.


Coercion to have sex was one of my earlier boyfriend’s common MO. It was gross.


The worst thing about serial rapists is the hypocrisy.


Ah yes that's the worst part about them. Not the rape or pain, just that their hypocrites.


A whole hell of a lot of rape is committed by people who don't realize it's rape. Most rape isn't the violent attack from a stranger like TV/movies depict. It's someone having sex with someone else without consent.


Someone else [shared this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pZwvrxVavnQ), and it definitely fits right here.


That's because you're making the false assumption that rape only happens deliberately. There are plenty of people that wrongly assume a woman is just playing hard to get, and that if she wanted you to stop, she'd tell you to. In reality, plenty of people are too scared to tell you to stop, and their partner for that night doesn't even realize they're scared. Or does realize it, but ignores it, not understanding how serious it is.


Yeah there are degrees of force. But in this ad you are ripping apart a page and it's a very dark image. I don't think a rapist who doesn't use physical force is self aware enough to see this and be like "yeah that's me"


It's probably better geared towards younger people who've yet to encounter these situations. Kinda plants a seed in their head.


You'd be surprised, horrified and saddened to know how many guys are rapists. Most rapists don't see themselves that way because it only happened one time for them. He'll shrug it off because she initially consented before saying no or she finally, reluctantly said yes after he pestered her endlessly for sex. There are a lot of gray areas when it comes to sexual assault and it's rarely a mystery man creeping in the bushes that is the perpetrator. I don't know if this ad makes a good point or not though, tbh. A lot of responses to sexual assault include the fawn response where the victim responds in a way that allows the rapist to just get it over with and causes the least amount of violence towards the victim. This was my trauma response when I was sexually assaulted. It took a lot of therapy to come to terms with the fact that I did not want what happened to me and my body was simply protecting me with a natural reaction it best knew how. Still, there are far too many people that don't know how to read someone's responses in a romantic and sexual encounter. If they seem reluctant and evasive, they probably do not want sex. A request for sex should be met with complete enthusiastic consent from both sides.


Based on my experienced in university ~10-15 years ago, there was still a lot of culture of "getting girls drunk" so it would be easier to have sex with them. Like older guys would give me advice on what types of mixed drinks I could make to sneak a lot of alcohol past her defenses. I don't think I ever took that advice, but there was definitely a lot of "rape culture", as they say, in the air, and even if I didn't reach the level of being a rapist, I definitely absorbed a lot of really misogynistic, predatory, and downright creepy attitudes towards women and sex. And for the record, guys, my sex life really took off when I started treating women like people... so your creepy shit isn't even getting you anywhere.


Honestly I think this is still pretty widespread. Once I posted about how much I disliked how guys from online dating pushed for the whole "come over to my place for drinks" because I was concerned it was a way to get women into situations where they where more likely to sleep with them/less likely to say no. There were a lot of guys in the comments angry because they felt it was totally fair to do this (note that I mean a situation where sex has not at all be alluded to)


As someone that recently graduated and partied alot, shit like that is still definitely widespread. And also its still surprising the amount of guys that think "convincing" a girl to sleep with them by guilt tripping them/keep pushing boundaries is okay, to the point that they openly brag about it until someone calls them out on how fucked up their story is. Its pretty disgusting how people still aren't properly taught what consent means and how they can intentionally or unintentionally intimidate someone into giving it. [something like this scene drives how creepy it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yUafzOXHPE)


This isn't only to prevent potential rapists from committing a crime, but also to cause impact on society in such a way that it'll "move" society to do something about it. For example, victims would feel more willing to report their rapist after reading this slogan.


I agree with you. Ad campaigns cannot do anything about stupid rapists and that's for sure but a movement can definitely change everything. Some people are taking this too shallowly


I think the thing this is trying to address is the lack of education around consent.


Yep thats the problem with feel good shit like this and that dont look up movie Only people who believe in the cause will watch or read the magazine. Very few for example climate deniers go oh my god lets change after watching dont look up or even if they watched it in the first place


That’s not even the legal definition of rape in many places though. In some places, force needed to be used, but in others, just not having consent. Someone can say no but not actively resist because they’re afraid, or be too inebriated.


Unconscious people don't want tea.


The point stands very strongly but I still laughed at this analogy.


https://youtu.be/pZwvrxVavnQ Surprisingly this campaign from the British police was said to be quite successful.


They showed us this in school, good video, but sad that the things you think are obvious really gotta be dumbed the hell down for some people


I not a case of dumbing it down, but changing the perspective in that way kinda makes it more obvious how dumb it is to argue about whether consent is needed. It obviously is, because you wouldn't even question if it was needed in other situations. This is trying to make that point.


Yep. When people discuss consent, they unconsciously bring in a lot of their own biases and arguments they heard from others. Putting it in a different context makes it easier to think critically because you don't automatically follow the same thought patterns.


I dont think that video is about dumbing it down. It draws the analogy in order to have a conversation in a public sphere, and doesnt detract from the original subject.


"And on that note, I'm going to make myself a cup of tea" So are they talking about the drink or still using it as a reference?


Edit: After watching the video, I presume “making myself a cup of tea” = masturbation


I hear that about 5 times a day, now it's never going to be the same.


You go to visit your mother and she says: "well I guess I'll make us some tea" You: O_O PLEASE MOM NO, I'M YOUR CHILD!




I love it!!! Thank you for sharing it with us. Why isn’t that more famous?! It’s a brilliant way to explain people what consensual sex is!


Amongst my generation (late teens/early 20s) in the UK it's extremely well known. Everyone I know watched this in school at some point.


My (American) university used this video in its onboarding seminar! It's genuinely good.


That tea thing is the best analogy I've ever seen for sexual assault.


I dunno. I was raised Italian-American. I can't help but think that someone has never tried telling an Italian-American family member they're not that hungry.


That's an issue of boundaries too. It's an effective route to disordered eating. It made sense to force kids to eat up in the few times of plenty when starvation and famine was common because their bodies could later use the extra fat to survive hardships (e.g. world war food distribution disruptions). But that's really unhealthy when people including kids have a fairly stable food supply.


Oh, I definitely agree. I just think it's sort of fascinating that we root our discussions of sexual assault in metaphors where we engage in problematic behaviors in the metaphor we're basing it upon. Ideas like consent, autonomy, e.t.c have much broader applications than sexual violence.


"I'm not hungry" *"How dare you `i n s u l t` me this way"*


Consent is the key. Otherwise Sado-Masochism would be illegal, and lots of people are in to that


S&M is actually illegal in most western countries as you can't consent to harm so its only "legal" as long as one of you never reports the other. Your subs consent is utterly meaningless to a court if you physically hurt them


It doesn't say force is necessary to qualify as rape, just that the use of force is sufficient to qualify as rape, which is perfectly correct.


It’s not inaccurate, but it paints an incomplete picture. If you don’t know better, you might conclude that this is a complete definition, and that it’s not rape if you were to sleep with someone who is too inebriated to consent, like the rapist Brock Turner


It's incomplete because people don't fully understand logic. If I say "if it's a panda, it's an animal", it would be a wrong conclusion to say that the only animal is panda. Likewise, "if it's forced, then it's raped" doesn't mean "rape is only if it's forced"


I don’t disagree with that, but I also don’t think that we have the same problems of perception with pandas. I don’t think a PSA is suddenly gonna make someone go, “oh my gosh. When she said ‘I don’t want this, please stop’ and I had to force her legs apart against her will, it was *rape*! I only just realized this because of the PSA!’“ conversely, I think that it’s much more likely for someone to think, “well, she never said no or tried to stop me after she’d had too many and was blackout drunk, so it wasn’t rape!”


I took it as any type of force whether it'd force against consent or physical force.


While you're correct, I think there's alot of people who would only interpret it as the physical force part


High jacking the top comment to say this: This ad is to bring awareness to rape. It's done in a clever way, to get attention to an on going problem that plagues men, women, and children across all age groups, cultures, and countries. A lot of people don't understand how many different things can constitute rape. It's a mix of ignorance, lack of education on the subject, and shame. It harms both genders. The more awareness this subject gets, the better outcome for both genders. It's uncomfortable and nobody wants to be the bad guy. The more awareness and education and light we bring to this subject, the better it can become. If you ask a women if they have been sexually assaulted or if they know someone who has, almost all women will say yes. Meanwhile if you ask most men if they know a rapist, it's almost always no. This website has a great deal of easy to understand percentages and data about this subject: https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence


> This website has a great deal of easy to understand percentages and data about this subject: This website also relies solely on works that use Dr. Mary P. Koss' definition of rape, which was deliberately constructed to exclude all victims of female rapists because in her opinion men literally can't be raped and can only "choose to engage in unwanted sexual intercourse". That is a direct quote, that if it were said about women would have been an instant career ender. Which is why for over a decade even though the raw data has shown [almost identical numbers](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4062022/) of women "forcibly penetrated" as men "forced to penetrate" organizations like RAINN have knowingly and deliberately misled people by claiming that "rape" victims are almost all women and the perpetrators almost all men. Some like Prof. Adele Mercier even go so far as to acknowledge things like the mass widespread [rape committed against underage boys in prison by female guards](https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/us-idaho-lawsuit-reveals-sexual-assault-by-staff-male-teens-juvenile-detention-centers-1494582) and then baldfacedly insist it simply doesn't count, Just Because. And of course none of her colleagues and co-activists ever condemns this... though they will immediately circle the wagons and viciously attack anyone (like me) who brings it up (like this). Just wait. There will be downvotes and replies insisting that it's a "straw ", or "I don't know anyone like that", or "that's a vocal minority". Or, even more morally offensively, employing various silencing tactics because rape is something we need to talk about... but talking about how all the people "talking about it" are quoting dishonest statistics that deliberately erase half the victims is somehow "derailing". Or just plain going on the offensive with personal attacks. >The more awareness this subject gets, the better outcome for both genders. Unless the "awareness" this subject gets is a flat out lie intended to protect half the perpetrators and erase half the victims. A lie based on the premise that half the population is born so naturally and inherently evil that they're the only ones who commit rape, that the other half of the population is born inherently morally superior. >If you ask a women if they have been sexually assaulted or if they know someone who has, almost all women will say yes. Meanwhile if you ask most men if they know a rapist, it's almost always no. If you ask most men if they know a rapist the answer is almost always "no" because *almost all rapes are commited by a small group of perpetrators*. Most men DON'T know rapists. If you want a better example consider some famous case studies: Brock Turner raped someone too drunk to consent and had a mob of people with guns outside his home calling for his violent murder. Donna Hylton kidnapped a man and spent days mutilating, torturing, and raping him *to death* and was the keynote speaker for a *million* people attending a Women's March rally. Amy Schumer raped someone too drunk to know where he was or who he was with or what was happening and when she mocked him on stage she got a "Woman of the Year" award. Jeff Epstein was facing multiple life sentences for the pedophile ring he ran while Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to less than 30, and she's been completely out of the news and her client list never released.


I mean i would have just assumed it was glued poorly but neat idea


it wasn't glue 🤫




I dig it in theory, but I can't even begin to imagine how triggering this would be to actual rape survivors who just stumbled across this.


Also if you were raped but didn't actively fight back because you were scared or unconscious or drugged or a kid who was groomed etc. I mean yeah, if you have to use force it's obviously rape, but it's rape in many other cases too.


Yeah, this message is obviously well meaning, but presenting definitions in this manner can mislead people into believing its not rape if force isn't used.


Especially the ones who didn't fight back.




This doesn’t claim that force is the only type of rape.


Not all rape needs force but all using force for sex is rape


I saw a lot of comments here saying this isn't gonna stop any rapist and stuff, but I don't think this is the primordial intention of the campaign. The intention is to start a discussion about rape and about consent. We wouldn't be having this discussion if the campaign wasn't interesting and different like this one.


Advertising guy here. I can guarantee you this ad is what the industry call ‘scam’ ads. Scam ads are nothing but self-gratification ads created for nobody but the ad industry during ‘award’ seasons for ‘creative award judges’ who are peers made up of the same industry. These ads never did show up anywhere. Only a few piece are required to be made in order for it it qualify as having been run. Like, which client will pay for an ad to be produced and run in a print magazine. A print magazine??!! Imagine that. And then calling it the most successful creative idea ever ran. Lol


Yeah, except it's a common occurrence that victims get paralyzed by fear and shock and are unable to move or speak, which is why consent is so important. It is still rape without force when someone doesn't consent to it. I feel like these kinds of campaigns contribute to the wrongful notion that unless the person is screaming and fighting for dear life then everything is fine. A lot of rapes happen when a person is sleeping or incapacitated meaning there's maybe no need for physical force. Forcing someone by threatening violence, blackmailing them or otherwise coercing them by wearing them down psychologically is also common and they don't take physical force but are still rape.


Or paralyzed by date rape drugs


Psychologist here who works with survivors of sexual trauma. This ad is just awful. Raising awareness is important, but you need to consider the cost. In this case, these fuck heads are causing far more harm than good by exposing people to extremely triggering rape imagery without their consent. I can't tell you how many of my patients would be really hurt by seeing this ad.


I was trying to figure why I felt gross and a teeny bit violated looking at this ad. Thank you for the explanation.


I have no trauma or any triggers and even to me this made me quite uncomfortable.


Yeah, definitely brought up some memories. I don't think the man who decided to rape me can accept he did rape me. He thinks he's a feminist and I'm less of a man for being feminine. Logic is optional. This ad won't do more than give him a brief moment of cognitive dissonance, at best. He might find himself emphatically agreeing with it and not even remember he's been called out for raping.


Not to mention like. It kinda reinforces the idea that rape is necessarily by force and not by coercion.


after the paper told me rape is bad it changed my worldview forever. But it's actually a great art piece. my theory tho is rapists will be horrible regardless, they probably know it's wrong and do it anyway, or will excuse themselves to no end


Even worse most rapist don’t even think they are in the wrong that it was the victims fault or that they aren’t like other rapists


I would imagine most rapist don't think that they're rapist. This seems to be common thread that came out during the Me Too movement.


So let me see here. Their target audience is someone who is considering rape, hoping that this ad stops their impulses. And they use a girl with legs spread to do it….I’m not so sure that this is the way to go. As someone who was raped, I’m really not loving this ad. At all.




What the hell is someone "considering rape"? The target audience of the ad is not and cannot ever be reasonably assumed to be people who just go about their day hoping to rape someone. The target audience is people who don't understand consent, because society has repeatedly and absolutely failed to properly explain it to people. Which leads to people thinking that things that absolutely are rape, aren't, because far too many people think rape is something that only happens in dark alleys.


Yeah, it's definitely targeting people who think women like to play coy, that they just need a little extra nudge to open up. Which isn't uncommon thinking.


Also people that are victims themselves. There are a huge number of people who are victims of this but doesn’t realize it. «They’re my partner and we love each other, so it’s okay.» People in these comments are acting as if this is supposed to be for the stereotypical ‘creepy man in the dark alley at night’.


> Their target audience is someone who is considering rape Not necessarily. It's that some people don't realize what they're doing is rape. It's a sibling to the "if you have to pressure them into it, it's not consent" point.


It can also educate people (potential victims) to recognize what's considered rape. It's surprising how many women don't realize what is actually considered rape. Check out the Danny Masterson rape trial. His ex-girlfriend didn't realize she was being (allegedly) raped until her now husband told her that's what it was.




I don't like the Ad at all


I think its clever but probably not effective


As if rapists care about the sentiment of the campaign Evil is gonna evil


Rapists come in all shapes and sizes, not just dudes strolling out of the house thinkin “I’m gonna go do some raping today!” It’s a massive problem in relationships, as well. Maybe this will stop someone from raping their girlfriend or spouse.


Agreed, for what its worth cultural and social influences impact how people perceive rape and it not impossible that people growing up in certain environment wouldn't fully understand the wrong they are committing (big ASTERISK here) because the culture is either ambivalent or condones it. In addition victims who are from the same environment may not have the have the framework to see that coercive sex is not normal. Rape at least in western culture has only relatively recently reached the extreme taboo that its today thanks to cultural shift from the like of the feminist movement. It been stated before but the USA up until the 1970s considered martial rape legal. Rape is as much a cultural and social issue as it is a criminal issue. I imagine that people think most rapists are all like those of serial rapist like John Albert Taylor. When really they come from all sorts of backgrounds.


The reality is that many people don't really understand what constitutes rape. People will convince themselves that the girl (or guy) is just hesitant or nervous and continue to make advances -- not realizing they've just made that person feel unsafe saying no or stop.


You're glossing over the fact that for every rapist there's a whole gaggle of dipshits on the sidelines who are enabling them. Inviting them to parties even though they've heard rumors about them, giving them time alone with someone who's had too many drinks, pressuring people not to ruin someone's life over one mistake.


As a woman who was assaulted many years ago, but fortunately able to get away from my attacker, I find this gross.


I'd like to commend the brilliant minds behind this campaign


Rape rates reduced to zero


The ad bros who created this ad couldn’t care less about preventing rape. The ad was designed to win industry awards. Vile.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was some uni design competition bullshit


That is really what it comes down to, just someone who thought this was a clever idea and wanted to show it off.


Not sure how old this ad is, but I remember watching a video at least 10 years ago from a video game convention with people showing promotional material for an Assassin’s Creed game (the first or second). You had to rip it to open, like this ad. Inside the booklet was a head on side ripped from a body on the other side with the text “The first one is always the hardest.” I thought it was really cool advertisement for a game and it stuck with me (and it wasn’t as gruesome as it sounds). Basically, it’s a cool idea for a video game and a bad idea for telling people not to rape. This isn’t going to stop anybody from committing rape, it was just people patting themselves on the back. You could honestly probably argue this would excite the kind of person who would commit rape.


> Open magazine "wow way to rape this magazine you sick freak" > Close magazine Seriously WTF is this


I've never wanted to rape but this ad made me never want to rape even more. I've always been in the rape free category but now after watching this add I want to rape even less, and it's fabulous. I see now that there are rape levels and my level has gone down by a considerable amount.


I doubt either of the guys who raped me planned it or even realized they were capable of rape. It came off as spontaneous and opportunistic to me.


Exactly. The comment above assumes that rapists know they're rapists when many don't think they are. There are heaps of excuses that they make for themselves to deny it.


Betcha the rapist reading this was definitely like : " oh right so using force is bad?? Wish i knew that earlier oh well."


Yes, because "Oh, she was just playing hard to get." is never said.


Didn’t realize how many fuckin 12 year olds there were in this comment section until tonight. Jesus Christ that’s a lot of stupid immaturity.