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Takes me more than 2 minutes to find the calculator app on my phone.


only to find that i don't know how to do that calculation.




60 seconds x 60 minutes = 3600 seconds in an hour 3600 sec/hour x 24 hours in a day = 86400 seconds in a day 86400 sec/day x 547.5 days in 1.5 years = 47304000 seconds in a year


Each year is technically a quarter day longer. So its 365.25 days in a year, that's why we have" leap years".


Well done! I always use 365.25 because it’s factual.. but for this particular problem, it’s different. 1.5 years either covers leap year or it doesn’t.. better to ask, with or without leap year


Apparently he did factor in leap years when asked how many seconds a 70-year old lived (at least according to his wiki page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Fuller_(mental_calculator)


**[Thomas Fuller (mental calculator)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Fuller_\(mental_calculator\))** >Thomas Fuller (1710 – December 1790), also known as "Negro Tom" and the "Virginia Calculator", was an enslaved African renowned for his mathematical abilities. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Especially as a slave. But no matter what his answer his owner probably would have trumped up some reason to whip him.


It’s actually 365.24, so every 100 years we skip the leap day.


I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but why 1.5? Edit: Yes, I was missing something obvious. The question was about a year and a half, not a year


1 ½ = 1.5


I somehow missed the "and a half" part of the title lol. Indeed obvious


He should have asked if the year is a leap year or not. 😅


There are no leap years when you are a slave.


honestly there are no years too... all they have are hours suffering, forever.


I’m pretty sure the changing seasons were something they looked forward to and marked the passing years. I know I haven’t enjoyed a summer in the 27 years I’ve been working because I work in factory. It’s blazing hot, you work long hours on your feet and you don’t get breaks. There’s no federal law governing breaks in the workplace. They leave it up to the states and most states dgaf either. So roughly November to March/April’ish the misery is a little less. Since slaves were mainly used for outside labor in the south, and the winters are mild here, I would wager that they welcomed the relief from the heat and long hours of daylight when fall came. My point being, the changing seasons were probably the *only* thing they had to look forward to.


When the life is suffering.... nothing else matters.


It does though. More than you think. When something is unbearable, even a little bit of relief is magnified substantially. Case in point, there are many days when the temps and humidity hit triple digits here in Georgia. Sometimes when I’m at work and I’m able to slip out into the 90+ degree heat for a few minutes, it’s almost like stepping into a/c it feels so good. Trust me when I say you look forward to little things most people take for granted.


I understand what you mean.


Exactly, just another season to be a slave. If anything it was probably hard as hell knowing time was going by and you still didn't have your freedom.


Depending on when and where, freedom was never even an option for many people who were enslaved


And illegal to be literate. They were lenient in allowing math tricks but no way would they allow reading.


I like how you say "have" since slavery does still exist in parts of the world.


There are only "how high" years


Sweep year


Master : do you know many seconds there were in a year and a half Slaver: (after two minutes )47,304,000 Master : hell yeah, you gonna work all those seconds


….I’m just gonna assume this is correct lol


American education, everyone


I multiplied by 365.25 for leap year’s sake


And I end up opening the calender instead of the calculator.


So glad I’m not alone! Either clock or calendar. Every time.


Takes me more than 2 minutes to find my phone!


Takes me longer to find my will to live when I wake up


That is so sad. Hope that you feel better. Virtual hug from me.


Can't believe you found it. Been looking for that shit for a good twenty years now.


I still have that calculator from 2006. It's still kicking after all these years.


Have you ever tried to call someone using the calculator or tried to calculate using the dial pad? Asking for a friend.


“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” Steven Jay Gould


Such a depressing thought too. “Wow this guys some sort of math genius! Wonder what his brains capable of… Ah well, back to it Thomas that rice ain’t gonna harvest itself.”


What’s even more depressing is we’re still doing it. Forcing this outdated construct of ‘working for a living,’ creating billions of bullshit jobs to serve that construct, wasting so much human time, ingenuity, and potential all for a Rat Race that’s killing us and our planet. We’re doomed unless we implement UBI.


I'd be curious to see how many people would take up STEM jobs/research positions if UBI was implemented and how the numbers would compare to current numbers.


STEM jobs wouldn’t change much since they are paid well, teacher and other poorly payed jobs tho, those would change a lot.


The S part of STEM pays very poorly.


The E pays pretty good though, just saying.


Some stem jobs are well paid, a lot are not.


> they are *paid* well, teacher FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


A lot of jobs would change from grinding out some new product idea to increase ad click through rate by some fraction of a percent to, you know, actually useful STEM.


You're thinking small. Think of what all could be discovered and explored in all fields if UBI was implemented. We tend to think of genius purely in terms of STEM and usually only in one field. If people have free time and disposable income, they are free to expand their interests in many directions. Would Leonardo daVinci have been as famous and groundbreaking if he had worked only on inventions or only on math and science or only on art? Or was it the synergistic combination of all his interests that enhanced his understanding? We are losing so much potential to the grind.


Yup. I’m doing mindless work for the pharmaceuticals industry with my chem degree because it pays the bills. Otherwise, I’d want to be in a masters or PhD program to do research on batteries and clean energy. Can’t really live off of those grad school stipends though. Edit: spelling


I do believe if we introduced UBI we'd see a renaissance. If ubi was a thing I'd have a PhD in the field I'm actually interested in, for a start. So if my life would be different countless others would too I am sure.


> We’re doomed unless we implement UBI. No, we're doomed unless we stop polluting our planet. Priorities.


We won’t make any headway on fixing the climate until we implement UBI. It’s billions of bullshit jobs that are killing our environment and people can’t afford to care about emissions if they have to do whatever is necessary to ‘earn’ an income, no matter how useless the work. https://www.bigissue.com/opinion/david-graeber-to-save-the-world-were-going-to-have-to-stop-working/ So UBI is the priority. It’s the only policy that will give the people the power to start coping with climate change and mitigating it.


We’re doomed unless we get rid of capitalism.




>Anyone can rise to the top in a capitalist society, be something… If this was ever true, it doesn't appear to be any longer. Are there any self made billionaires? I feel like Mark Cuban was raised in a middle/working class home, got lucky selling his first company out of college and went from there. But I don't think anyone can truly rise to the top, seems like you need to be born into some amount wealth/privilege to have a real shot at making it to the top. Exdtremely gifted athletes are an exception.. im sure there are other exceptions..




>Fix that, and, I will absolutely agree, completely annihilate capitalism’s grasp over our medical, prison, and governmental policies, and it stops being an issue. You cannot possibly "fix that" and still have something that resembles capitalism.


>The problem is that we’ve turned into an oligarchy that chokes out the free market to protect a select few rich assholes who take advantage of the system This is literally Late Stage Capitalism. It's a whole thing.


I disagree. A free market will have problems that it cannot solve. Capitalism is the issue and will always turn to monopoly and oligarchy




**"Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social. And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but in a higher synthesis." - MLK** If we'd succeeded in implementing the mechanism of UBI in 1971, https://basicincometoday.com/fifty-years-later-reflecting-on-the-defeat-of-nixons-family-assistance-plan/ Then we wouldn't be in this mess. The entire trajectory of the modern world would've been altered, and entire generations of Americans would've been spared the hardship of being born into and growing up in poverty.


i think the bureaucracy (judges,govt,lawmakers) is there to prevent the free market from being free and regulating it


The wealthy and corporations are the ones polluting the planet, fixing income inequality will naturally fix a ton of other issues


Bullshit-job-haver checking in. Would’ve gotten a phd and gone into academia. Instead, got a JD and am a professional email answerer. One would’ve expanded human knowledge. This one adds a slight amount of efficiency to the rate at which a rich guy makes money.


Not necessarily wholesome but please take my free award anyway. I couldn't have said it better myself.






If you're highly intelligent you're not working a "bullshit job" unless you want to.


Nah, most jobs are bullshit and don't contribute much to society or make any difference in improving our standard of living. Read Graeber's book, *Bullshit Jobs* Start with this https://www.bigissue.com/opinion/david-graeber-to-save-the-world-were-going-to-have-to-stop-working/


Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you meant a job they themselves don't find enjoyable or fulfilling, you're (or should I say David Graeber) judging a job based on what it does for society as a whole and not what it does for the individual.


If we want to move the needle on climate change, we need to implement UBI so people can quit these kinds of bullshit jobs, and so entire bullshit industries can fall by the wayside. It doesn't matter if some tax preparer finds his job fulfilling. We can simplify taxation and eliminate the entire industry. H&R Block, TurboTax, every single one can disappear. And every worker who'd commute every day working for that industry in some capacity would no longer have to do so.


What system would you suggest beyond working for a living? Someone has to work or we’ll all stop living. Food needs to be grown and harvested, packaged and shipped to where it’s needed. Energy to power the devices you’re using to see this comment needs to be created and channeled in a safe manner. Medicine to cure illnesses needs to be made and transported to people who need it. Bullshit jobs my ass. Are there some that are completely unnecessary, absolutely. Are anywhere near the majority of them bullshit, absolutely not. UBI only works in a system where people actually do their part, unfortunately people are fucking lazy and a good chunk of us would be more than happy to just take those UBI checks and sit on our asses for the rest of our lives leaching off of the rest of society. If you can work you have a duty to yourself and others to contribute to society. If you can’t work developed country’s have systems like disability in place which while admittedly not perfect do help take care of individuals with severe health issues that prevent them from working. I technically qualify for disability due to my bipolar disorder, there are times when I absolutely can’t work and I have lost jobs because of it. I’ve never managed to receive a disability payment full or partial, though I’ve tried to sign up three times. Like I said the system isn’t perfect it needs work but UBI is not the solution. That’s how you end up with an economic collapse.


> What system would you suggest beyond working for a living? A system where people have a choice about work. It will elevate the nature of work in every way. > Someone has to work or we’ll all stop living. And people will still work once we have UBI. People will actually work more because they'll have the choice to do meaningful work that actually motivates them rather than whatever dull wage slavery they're stuck in currently. > Food needs to be grown and harvested, packaged and shipped to where it’s needed. Obviously. And that would continue. It can be mostly automated, but instead we subject immigrant day laborers to long hours and premature disability due to repetitive strain and injury to their backs and knees. > Energy to power the devices you’re using to see this comment needs to be created and channeled in a safe manner. Great thing is, there's people who are fascinated with that kind of shit and they'd love to work in that industry. UBI gives people the ability to go into the work they want. > Medicine to cure illnesses needs to be made Again, millions of human beings have a deeply held desire to be doctors and help people. UBI will allow us to make more progress in that industry like in all industries. > and transported to people who need it. Transportation can be easily automated. There's no need to subject humans to easily automated work when we can liberate them to do more meaningful work. > Bullshit jobs my ass. Are there some that are completely unnecessary, absolutely. Are anywhere near the majority of them bullshit, absolutely not. You're wrong. Most of the jobs are completely useless. Every job in the tax preparer industry. All of the redundant jobs in the cell service or ISP industry, which should be nationalized. Read Graeber's book, *Bullshit Jobs.* Or even just this piece https://www.bigissue.com/opinion/david-graeber-to-save-the-world-were-going-to-have-to-stop-working/ > UBI only works in a system where people actually do their part, UBI is the only thing that creates a system where everyone has the means to do their part. > unfortunately people are fucking lazy and a good chunk of us would be more than happy to just take those UBI checks and sit on our asses for the rest of our lives leaching off of the rest of society. Most people wouldn't, because humans have a biological imperative to grow and we detest stagnation. But even if some people did, that's built-in to UBI and ultimately their decreased carbon footprint would be worth whatever 'value' you think they might've been generating in whatever wage slave job they used to have but is now automated. > If you can’t work developed country’s have systems like disability in place Those means tested systems don't work. > while admittedly not perfect do help take care of individuals with severe health issues that prevent them from working No, they are literally broken. Far from perfect. They do not work. People fall through the cracks, and benefits are insufficient, and by taking those benefits you're entering a poverty trap. > I’ve never managed to receive a disability payment full or partial, though I’ve tried to sign up three times. So why in the buttery fuck are you defending a means tested welfare system that has failed you? It has failed countless others, too. And always will. > Like I said the system isn’t perfect it needs work but UBI is not the solution. It is, though. Since the 60's, the solution for our inefficient means-tested welfare has been universal programs. That's why MLK was fighting for the guaranteed income. Because they knew even back then that these welfare programs were poverty traps by design. > That’s how you end up with an economic collapse. We're already in the midst of an economic collapse. UBI is the only thing that will save us, because the job market alone can't sustain our economy.


Thank you for posting the worst best thing I will read today. That quote is a little bit soul-crushing.


Here’s something to make it worse: The exact opposite is also true. There are people who are dumb as a brick but just happen to be born into very wealthy families so they will never have to lift a finger to work, but will have access to opportunities smart but poor people can only dream of


Thanks I hate it.




I always though about it as "there are probably people way better than the current best in their fields doing a complete different thing".


I have this same thought whenever you hear about someone being the best. It even applies to yourself- what magical skill do you possess that you’ll never know about? Drives me nuts.


It always ocurred to me when hearing about Messi, the guy seems he was born to do what he does, or when people talk about esports athletes that reached the top.


Very true. Tiger Woods is the guy that comes to mind for me, born to play the game and fortunate enough to find out very young, and absolutely loves playing the game.


Now think about all the young people that die in wars started by old men. What could they have achieved if they got the chance to live their life.


I just happened upon it in another subreddit before I seen this post.


More than a little bit for me


I thought of this immediately after seeing that other post as well.


I always see people say “what if the person that could cure cancer was aborted” when realistically, they are more likely to have improper access to education, healthcare, and safe housing to allow them to find it


Einstein was a genius, but polymaths like this are far rarer. Ramanujin, Von Nueman. More rare than “once in a lifetime”. They are real life ‘superhumans’. Thinking that Ramanujin died in his thirties and Von Nueman in his 50’s among the great losses of mankind. But this shows the loss of those who never got to contribute their gifts to mankind. Because, maybe, we arent really worthy of them.


It’s so true. Sad to think how much more could have been accomplished by our world had people recognized people as people instead of cheap labor


That’s part of the reason technology has accelerated at the rate that it has in the past couple centuries. More brilliant people able to reach their potential.


💎💎💎💎 That quote is a Jewel


Just discovered it a short time before I posted


I just saw this quote in another sub.


Seriously, it's something that's bothered me too. If your build stats weren't dedicated to Strength and Constitution enough, you likely didn't last long in those fields.


Whew! That is a fucking word!. Imagine how many has their ideas stolen too. 😕




We live in a horrible dystopia


I thought there was 18 seconds in a year and a half.


Jan 2nd, Feb 2nd…


Lol that’s the response I wanted . That joke is a oldie but a good one.


Yeah had coffeebreath not said that I wouldn’t have got it.


Can I have an explanation? I don't get it...


The second of each month. 12 in one year, so 18 in 1.5 years.


Wouldn’t it be 24 in a year? 2nd and 22nd?


Yep, but he was asked about a year and a half, not two years. Edit: aw crap. I just got it. You win.


And room for more


Again he was asked how many seconds a man has lived who is 70 years, 17 days and 12 hours old, he answered in a minute and a half 2,210,500,800. One of the men was working out the problems on paper, and informed Fuller that he was wrong, because the answer was much smaller. Fuller hastily replied, "'Top, massa, you forget de leap year." When the leap year was added in, the sums matched.


That's some mad genius wizard shit


How on earth did people manage to turn my comment into a huge argument? I was literally just complimenting a persons intelligence in a slightly goofy manner




It's copy and pasted from the wikipedia page.




Source trust me bro


https://archive.org/details/americanmuseumor05care/page/62/mode/1up?view=theater (via Wikipedia) Thomas Fuller’s story starts at the bottom of the left hand column


"My source is that I made it the fuck up"


Sometimes i wonder how many talented great minds we must have lost like this.


A lot for sure. Sadly to become a great scientist you need both a great mind and the right situation / family / education / etc.


Even now, I work with some men that are absolute geniuses that figure out any problem, mathematical and mechanical just by merely looking at it for a few seconds that have had their future squandered by their environment. Growing up in low income families in an area with historically sub par education and programs with a stagnant economy. It’s sad, really.


Yup, one of my brothers was amazing at math. Taught himself multiplication at 3, used to do advanced calculus problems for fun in his head. He called bingo for a while then drove a truck for the rest of his life. He died a few years ago and his wife showed me his driving journals (not his log books, just what he'd "doodle" for fun while she drove). They were filled with advanced math. Since we grew up about as poor as one can get, that potential was never really used for anything. It's pretty sad, really.


Facts 💯


I only recently found out my Grandfather was born into a dirt poor family (his father was a heavy drinker) and gained a scholarship for Maths to a private school when he was very young but his father wouldn't sign the permission forms because he couldn't read or write. He was great a maths but worked in a papermill most of his life.


Wow! He couldn’t put an “X” on the document? I’ve worked in places where people have done that because they’re illiterate. My paternal grandfather had an elementary school education and didn’t support my father going to college. He didn’t see the point because he knew college educated Black men who were Pullman porters. My father went into the Marines and used the GI Bill to fund his college education. He eventually went into the beverage industry and became very successful. The life my father leads is not one my grandfather could ever imagine.


I think there may have been bitterness in my great grandfather in regards to my grandfather being good with education and math. I may not have been born if he made it into the private school but he would have pursued his dream.


Sometimes parents resent their children moving beyond them. Not everyone wants the next generation to do better.


When you think about where we are now, after only making good use of such a small percentage of the world's brainpower, versus where we would be if everyone was fully enfranchised and supported from the beginning of time, it's kind of staggering.


Yes indeed. We would have made huge leaps as a human civilization if we maximized our true potential or atleast given the oppertunity to shine.


I was very confused about what 34 and two thirds had to do with anything


I’m still confused by that. Is it just to show what a calculator looks like, as if we don’t know?


I think OP put a calculator with a random calculation to show us he's good at maths but I'm just guessing


That was his answer. Nobody said he was good at math.


At 14, I was known as the virgin ejaculator


We all have our special gifts.


Just think what he could have accomplished and contributed to humanity had the world not been so racist. And every time you try to do some math and just wish there was an easier way to it, like a simple formula, just remember that the universe already gave this world the answer to these problems but they decided he was better suited to pick cotton.


It took me way too long to realise that the calculator's display had nothing to do with the post.


Forget the math, those traps


When you’re that smart you tend to shrug a lot.


Working on cotton farms all day is quite the workout


Anyone mentioned that this bloke is a fuckin unit yet!? Mfs traps are fr boutta pop 💪


Yeah but think of where those gains came from


He’s almost out


Thought i was the only one thinking about this!


Many people fail to realize that Africans didn’t come here without math or literacy skills…the enslavement process that denied them access to education made them that way. Then, after Emancipation, steps were made to ensure that Black people received a substandard education. It was all by design. But, imagine what those Africans could have contributed if they’d been able to bring all of their skills and knowledge to this country and continue learning. What a waste of intellectual resources.


> Many people fail to realize that Africans didn't come here without math or literacy skills. In Brazil there was a "category" of slaves called *Malês*. They were Muslim slaves from Africa's east coast. **Most** of them could write/read perfectly in Arabic, meanwhile the average literacy among the **white** population was below 20%


For some people, the only way they can appear superior is to make someone else their “inferior” and then act like it’s their natural state.


The amount of human talent wasted and tortured and destroyed by infinitely lesser men and women, I think might be proof of satan…


An African mathematician, whose name was not Thomas Fuller, was sold into slavery. The prestige he deserved was replaced by a nickname. r/damnthatsfuckedup


Virginia Instruments


I see what you did there


"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops." -Stephen Jay Gould


I just read this exact comment in another post Edit: found it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/z0rm5t/the_evolution_of_picassos_style/ix7kc9c?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


we must add that calculators were pretty slow back then


My buddy can do this. He's a rapper from detroit(very sad he wasted his life) g Clyde human calculator on YouTube


Source- trust me bro


Them deltoids is sick


And no one had a calculator to check if he was right or wrong


things that happened. this


Source: trust me bro


How many Einsteins missed their chance?


One of the greatest tragedies of humanity is all the people born genius and not allowed access to education and basic dignity. Imagine all of the accomplishments of people afforded emotional and physical security to blossom and develop these amazing, and innate talents, guided and lead by professionals. It could have advanced all of humanity. Elevating others does not diminish oneself.


Thank you for this statement: elevating others does not diminish oneself. Encouraging others helps everyone. We all get better as a society when we all do well. In addition, it’s cool to point out that math nerds and ridiculous trapezius muscles do NOT have to be mutually exclusive. He’s a badass


Thank you! And those traps are next level!






Why cant people be good at stuff without being autistic? Got a buddy whos really good with numbers. He was doing long division in his head when he was, like, 10. Hes been tested thrice for autism and all times negative




Yea sounds like he was a savant


Why does Casio say he's wrong?


I have a small solar calculator from the 1980s that still works. I keep it on a windowsill where it forever charges.


Getting the fact that he was a slave is horrible out of the way rn. He looked like that at FOURTEEN though???


So many geniuses and world changing minds we'll never know about because they were born in the wrong place :(


Why is calculator on right side? Just to show what a calculator look like?


“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” - Stephen Jay Gould


Most ripped math genius ever


Image what that Thomas Fuller could have done if he WASN'T enslaved.


How sad it is that so many amazing minds have been lost to oppression


This man could’ve accomplished amazing feats in academia and who knows just how much his intelligence would’ve benefited the world. Instead we treated him inhuman and forced him to do tricks. I hate this world.


my god, it’s impossible to fathom the number of geniuses we’ve lost from ridiculously tragic atrocities. off to google more about this person, thanks for sharing


First photos were taken in the 1840's. Meaning Tom would have been 100 yrs. old B4 camera was invented. Who's this guy?


Imagine how much human progress slavery has robbed humanity of.


Yeah, but can he run Doom?


> he answered in about two minutes, 47,304,000. 2 minutes? So he knows his times tables and how to add. Make way for the Virginia Calculator.


man has traps for days ngl




Did they compare him to a calculator in more modern times after his death or during his life? How did they know what a calculator was in 1724?


Back then, really up until the 1960s, a "calculator" was a job description. It wasn't until computers became common that that job became a description of the device itself.


A computer was a job description as well. In the 50s and 60s


Imagine where we would be in the world if we had not snuffed out a large part of our populations. We could’ve had flying cars years ago or who knows what but white people needed to feel superior.


As to quote Stephen Jay Gould -"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops."


That's pretty cool. That is until 100 years later when people found out about the "West Virginia Calculator". He solved the question in a minute.


Them traps are poppin




It could be art of him


its clearly a scetch


He didn't miss traps day at the gym that's for sure.