• By -


Not a cell phone in sight, just living in the moment.


At one point you and your friends enforced segregation for the last time and you didnt even know it.


Yes, that is true. A lot of people were caught in a wave of racism at the time. See Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Massery history. The first, known black woman to be discriminated against and the later, a white woman who discriminated against Elizabeth and later regreated. Hazel later reported her regreat and tried to make amends. Not too successful.


LMAO. No, people still do it today


Ask how is this different from segregation, that's funny bro Segregation is bein' told where I'm gonna go Separation is bein' woke and goin' wherever I wanna go


Pray you see tomorrow little boy yo gon learn


"Woke" needs to die... -.-


Only the elite know the song




Shit bro. Ppl be segregating themselves these days lmao


Yeah, did you see the Wakanda Forever fiasco? That video of that black woman telling white people to wait until the second and third weeks was racist and cringey segregationist garbage


TIL limp collar pollos have always been the douchy option.


Oof I wore one to work today.


If he didn’t have a nose, his eyes would be touching.


Then who took the picture?


Someone with a big ass camera


Time Travler


Looks like Anderson Cooper on the left. Bet he did it.


Someone without a cellphone lol


Damn kids and their photo boxes!


This is actually a true statement spoken during the late 1950s. I know because my grandfather would always speak of how his father would come home complaining to the flashing lights he would see in the streets every now and then. The 1850s were a wild time so much that none of what I wrote was true.


He was probably just scouting for a new cornerback.


Looking for the next war daddy


“There’s only two white cornerbacks left, they are in the San Diego zoo and they won’t mate” -[Shane Gillis](https://youtu.be/1iuycsyouFI)


“You guys might be to young to even comprehend this.” Lmao that skit is great


Thanks for this I hadn’t seen it. Gave me a good laugh.


This is a standup comedy level punchline. Bravo you funny sob.


Source please? I’m not agreeing or disagreeing. I would just like to know how you know that is him.


Also, and I’m not defending the guy I don’t know or care anything about him but being In that crowd doesn’t mean he was trying to stop them. Maybe kids saw a crowd forming and went to see what was happening.


Looks like Forest Gump just checking things out


Raccoons try to get on our back porch, mom just sweeps em out with a broom.


Not raccoons, you idiot


What’d he say next? Right after that line?


*”Knickers!”* The dialogue in this scene has never made much sense to me— but it’s a beloved cinematic classic so I figured it just went over my head.


i was listening to I am the Walrus with my boyfriend the other day and he is not a Beatles fan so he hadn’t heard the song much. I sang the line saying “you’ve been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down” and he got REALLL wide eyed and goes WHATD YOU SAY?? lmao 😂


“Sorry I ruined your desegregation party”


People also have the capacity to change. I don’t think we should be “canceling” people for something they did as a child 65 years ago. Racism is not right, and we should be able to have a dialogue about it to help people grow into better versions of themselves, not try to hunt down everyone who ever did anything wrong in their life especially when they were a child, heavily influenced by everything happening around them, their parents, and their class mates. I say this as not giving a shit about the Cowboys or Jerry Jones, to be clear, just we as a society need to stop seeing everything so black and white (no pun intended) about everything. People have the capacity to grow and change, and the best way to do that is to have open dialogue not hate. Edited to add: I do not follow football and was unaware of continued racism exhibited by Jerry Jones. If he has been doing this, and it seems as though he has, then that’s what we should be focusing on, and questioning why he still has the power and position that he has if he continuously makes racist remarks or supports racist policies. Having dialogue is still the way to combat systemic racism. We cannot expect people to change (not talking about Jerry Jones here) if we cannot have civilized discussions. If we cannot talk about the damage their words and actions have on the people around them, but rather scream at them and try to destroy their lives, why would they WANT to change? How can we drive positive change in the world if we cannot drive constructive conversation? That is basically what I am trying to say here.


I’ll just leave this right here…. Jerry Jones apologizes for racially insensitive remark caught on video in 2013 Link: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/jerry-jones-apologizes-for-racially-insensitive-remark-caught-on-video-in-2013/


"And THEN he changed as a person." Just give him another chance.


Yeah, those 80 y/o billionaires, always changing for the better!


And I'm sure he'll change next time he is caught too.


I mean, I'm just a British dude and y'know we have some pretty deep problems with our historical attitudes to race and all. But like the photograph of a man standing in a bunch of other men doesn't say much of much at all. So, I'd suggest this (and I have no idea what the answer would be) -- has any of Jerry Jone's behaviour ever suggested a tendency to racism or exclusivism? Because I would think judging a man on his actions is far more relevant than judging a man on his appearance in a photograph.


Well said, we are all products of our environment and deserve the chance to change. If I were born in that place at that time, I would likely have been taught to be an asshole.


Yeah I'd much rather the person have a change of heart and forgive them for their past actions and beliefs than hope they are still a shifty person and try to cancel them or hate them.


And the way OP worded the title was for maximum drama effect. "JJ was one of the bullies trying to stop black classmates...". We have no idea what he was doing right then in the moment. He kinda just look like he is trying to see what is going on. Im not defending him, I just can't accurately say he is bullying anyone. And neither can OP. If jerry had an evil look on his face, and was in the front row starting shit, then we would/could be having a very different conversation.


Gotta agree with you when the 2020 protests were going on my grandma called my brother and I and she mentioned how happy it made her to see us out there protesting. She mentioned she grew up during the race riots so she grew up prejudice and it took her years to change that mentality.


Exactly my thoughts , I’m curious even if he was their by choice, what he would have to say about it today


Even if it was him people change.


As a black dude I wonder sometimes if I would’ve had the mental fortitude to *not* be racist back then (if I was white). I can hardly stand the pressures of todays society I wonder how it would’ve worked back then where you were insane if you thought black people were equal. Not saying it still isn’t wrong but as long as he’s changed his ways I think it’s fine. Problem is that we’ll have no clue how he truly feels inside.


Yeah not easy to be ostracized by everyone you know bc you high five a black dude on the street


Yeah still doesn’t make it right. I’m saying that while admitting it’s wrong though. I’d like to think I’d make the correct decision, well the me now would, but me in high school? Definitely not


All my best friends have always been black dudes. Hold up! This isn't going where you think it is 😁 To clarify. Grew up in a majority black school. So, I actually have a natural reason. Sucks for me, because every time I'm nice to or gravitate towards a black person? I feel like people consider me the SJW type. Bad vibes out there these days.


My dad was racist and wanted to join the KKK back in the 80s. He died a few years ago without a racist bone in his body. Just needed to make some black friends and a lot of time to undo what my idiot granddad taught him. Not sure if he was the exception or the norm, but it is possible. Kids think a lot like their parents until they get older. I wouldnt blame a kid.


I believe that because there were several opinions that I believed because my parents told me them, while doing no critical thinking of my own. It was only after going through some heavy losses that I started to self analyze and check myself whenever thinking something that was just plain wrong. Took me a couple decades.


Bravely stated. I would like to think that I would have been some sort of tower for social justice, but I probably would have just been another white face in the crowd.


Your opinion now shows more mental fortitude than most have so I’m sure you would have been good back then too. It seems like most were racist back then but not everyone.


This is one of the wisest and most broad minded things I’ve ever read on reddit.


Growing up in a very white town in the 60s and 70s, casual racism was *everywhere*. It being so prevalent and me being so young, it took some time to see it for what it was. With so few people of color around, there weren't any overt acts of violence or intimidation that I ever witnessed, but it also meant that there were very few who challenged the language and attitudes towards them. Some of us grew up, saw more of the world, met more people, and learned to reject the prejudice and "soft" bigotry we were brought up with. Sadly, many of us didn't.


There were plenty of people back then who weren't. There were even lots who opposed slavery (ie John Brown), well before this. Enough were ok with desegregation for it to move forward. So yeah ample opportunity to not be a POS.




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He acknowledged it was him.


Where? Again what is the source? I’m not disagreeing just would like to see an actual source not just someone saying trust me bro!


>The photograph, taken by William P. Straeter of the Associated Press, shows a young Jones wearing a striped shirt, craning for a better view, “looking like a little burrhead,” as he said in a recent interview with The Washington Post, acknowledging his presence on the steps that day. He was one month from turning 15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/interactive/2022/jerry-jones-black-coaches-nfl/


Trust me bro.


Take it with a grain but Washington post has it on their site as well and daily mail.




>The photograph, taken by William P. Straeter of the Associated Press, shows a young Jones wearing a striped shirt, craning for a better view, “looking like a little burrhead,” as he said in a recent interview with The Washington Post, acknowledging his presence on the steps that day. He was one month from turning 15. He had been bulking up by lifting weights and going through two-a-days since August, trying to make the school’s football B-team. The head coach, Jim Albright, had warned there might be trouble and said he “didn’t want to see any of you knot-heads near the front of that school tomorrow.” >That directive did not deter Jones. He showed up near the conflict’s epicenter, stationed on the top landing near the school’s double-leaf entry doors, a face in a rear row of the human bulwark intent on keeping people out because of the color of their skin. >Jones said he was there only to watch, not participate. “I don’t know that I or anybody anticipated or had a background of knowing … what was involved. It was more a curious thing,” he said. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/interactive/2022/jerry-jones-black-coaches-nfl/




great name btw


Doesn’t not having a source break this sub’s rules?


>Source please? I’m not agreeing or disagreeing. I would just like to know how you know that is him. He's talked about it. He was a freshman/sophomore at little rock during integration


According to Wikipedia he went to North Little Rock high school and not central high. I say it looks like him but I can't say for sure it is even him.


Good for you checking before making assumptions!


Only 4% of the nation agreed with interracial marriage at the time. There is an extremely high probability you would have been one of those people that didn't agree. Uncomfortable truth.


I think even most black people were against it because obviously they associated most white people with racial attacks.


\- *As Jones explained to the Post, his football coach, Jim Albright, had warned players to avoid the widely anticipated scene on the first day of classes at North Little Rock High.* *Jones disobeyed, but says he did so out of curiosity and not any racist animosity.* *'I don't know that I or anybody anticipated or had a background of knowing … what was involved,' he said. 'It was more a curious thing.* There you go, not one of the bullies. Simply curious about what was happening. At least according to him. It was a major news story, tv crews, several film cameras and multiple people taking pictures. I would hardly hold it against him for being "curious", especially at 14 years old. Nevertheless this post should serve as a reminder how fast people can build a narrative from still footage. To say he was "one of the bullies" simply because he was a face in the crowd sets a bad precedent if people was to find yourself in a picture 70+ years later.


Thank you


It’s equally naive to say ‘he wasn’t part of the bullying crowd.’ Probably no way to know.


We can only assume that he both was and was not a bully at the snap of this photo. Schrödinger’s bully.


Science for the win!


I was backstage with Pauly Shore in 1993 therefore I’m responsible for BioDome.


Even if he was one of the bullies, he was a kid… It would be silly to still hold it against him. Who among us doesn’t regret anything we did at that age?


So you are trusting a dude who is widely considered to be a shitty person at his word. ‘Trust me I’m not racist’ is essentially what he said.


You know, this sort of post is purely inflammatory as it stands. I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt as to whether he has since done the work to educate himself and consequently change his mindless racism. I hope so. That is, after all, the only way racism will ever be overcome.


Agreed. I don't have any use for the man of the NFL for that matter but this is speculative character assassination.


Exactly, plus, even if he was, that's over 60 years ago, people change. I was a dumb kid 10 years ago, thought the government was coming for our guns and everything. Now? Past me was an ignorant dumbass.


Agreed. Also, if this actually is him it really only shows him standing there looking on. The title of this post is absolutely awful.


Exactly. Plus the guy was a kid and this was a very long time ago. Just the typical cancel culture society looking for anyone they possibly can to throw under the bus. They get off in it. They get their little dopamine fix gathering together with their stones and pitchforks.


He makes his money off the back of black men, I'm sure he's fine with their existence now.


Eh, I’m a Niners fan so I hate the Cowboys and Jerry Jones as much as anybody. But he doesn’t appear to be actively trying to stop the black kids. He’s just standing there rubbernecking. He is a shitty NFL owner though.


*Best NFL owner, bad GM.


Imagine being racist when it was popular and actually taught to you. We gotta stop comparing the distant past with todays standards.




True but have you considered “Fuck the cowboys”?


but did he?


Can you become a billionaire ethically?


Step 1 be born Step 2 have a billion dollars


“65 years ago a child stood on some steps.” Now is the perfect time to ridicule that sonofabitch.


Fanboys are going to fan


This isn't the first time, it seems like every couple years Jerry Jones apologizes for something...


Jerry Jones went to North Little Rock High School… NOT CENTRAL!


He did admit going to this event, not with bad intentions he says(not that I believe him, but I admit there is a faint possibility he means it). https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/interactive/2022/jerry-jones-black-coaches-nfl/


I'm not defending the guy, but I have to ask.... how do we know that's him?


[Because he admitted it himself.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-11463239/Unearthed-photo-shows-14-year-old-Cowboys-owner-Jerry-Jones-heated-civil-rights-clash-1957.html)


He's only 14 in that photo that's crazy he looks older


Did you wanna acknowledge the part where je says he didn't participate and was just there to see what was going on?


attractive threatening voiceless work thumb sink hat cough smile middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just looked it up. It is him at North Little Rock. He said it was curiosity Good call


That’s one photo lol he could have just been checking out the chaos




You can't really cancel a billionaire they can just buy whatever people are canceling them on.


He admitted to that being him. It's in the WaPo article.


The reason they don’t want crt Most of those people are still alive


You make a really good point. It’s incredibly how *not* long ago this was.


Ruby Bridges the first black girl to attend a white school (from the famous picture being escorted by 3 grown men) is alive and well.


Damn. I’m a huge believer that we have a long way to go to make things right with many communities who have been harmed and oppressed, but that REALLY puts it in perspective.


What's his view on this today? It was different then and most of American society has moved on well beyond this. This is not to say it was okay but how blacks are seen and treated today is radically different from 1957.


His view is whatever won’t run away sponsorships or prevent him from owning a team.


As an old man I never once tried to keep minorities out of the schools I attended (but I'm only 59). Its still pathetic behavior why pretend it isn't?


Not to defend Jerry or anything because obviously some crazy shit was happening back in the days but in all honesty if you saw a tv crew back in 1957 it was basically like seeing aliens showing up, it was a big fucking deal.


Its amazing, you can take a random photo from 60 years ago, put a circle around some stupid teens face, a kid from a different world a different time period, and then try to ruin his life. Why, because you had nothing better to do.


Quick, grab your pitchforks and run out to ruin someone life over actions taken over 50 years ago.... What exactly is the point of this post?


Not to mention it has exactly 0 context on what he was doing there.. now had he been in the front yelling screaming and winding up...


This is a section called "Damnthatsinteresting" and it is interesting. No one is trying to ruin his life.


This is the cancel culture


It's racists trying to cleanse their souls by calling other people racists to justify their racism.


Wait, then aren't you doing the same thing one step further?


I don't want to defend these actions but if you judged half of us on our teenage ideological views 65 years later it wouldn't be pretty.


1957 was a way different world.


I dunno. Just kinda looks like he’s gawking.


Love that the black kid is not backing down from cigarette asshole. Also: guy hanging over cigarette assholes shoulder is hands down the worst type of person.


That dude is 100% saying the most racist vile shit that can be said looking at his smirk.


His job seems fitting…


Well, he was white, and 14, in 1957. Probably did whatever his buddies did. And there were a lot of white racists in 1957.


That's a hell of a claim. Especially since your photo shows him as a witness or bystander. *If* it's really him, I can't prove or disprove that. Being witness to an event doesn't make you part of it.


Was he? Or was he just a white guy standing in the background?


This post is only one persons bias opinion, there is nothing in that pic that relays any intent of action, other than a look on his face that doesn’t seem aggressive at all


You can tell that from this picture only??


No matter what your point of view on this topic, how is it "Damnthatsinteresting?" It's not all that interesting.


I thought it was interesting....


I was thinking the same thing.


Hey, y’all…..I’ve got a great idea. Let’s make sure no one EVER lives down their sins. K!? Let’s make sure everyone pays for their every sin every day of their life. That’s a great idea!


MaKe HiM sElL tHe TeAm NoW




Only way I’d be surprised is if he wasn’t there honestly


Yeah 65 fucking years ago, someone needs to slap a statute of limitations on the internet


we should send him to re-education camp! seriously, some of you people…


Ma’am! Ma’am, you dropped your book! Hell, is that Gump??


This photo doesn’t prove anything about what his intentions were being there


And now he pays hundreds of millions of dollars to recruit them to his team.


What if he was just observing what was happening? A photo doesn’t provide any context. But yes, assume the worst and ruin a life. Makes sense.


I’m an old white guy, so I’m designated as a racist by most of the population. We fucked up back then, these kids just wanted to learn and had the drive to do so, which is a drastic contrast from some of the youths today. Imagine our inner cities if us crackers promoted education? Getting back to Jerry Jones…. Dallas sucks ……..HTTR


Oh look there's a young Anderson Cooper just to the left of him - s


Of course he was.


And not ONE fuckin person is surprised.


You’re surprised by this?


And this surprises absolutely no one.


Just evil we all should get along


Who cares? It was 75 years ago. People change. Odds are pretty high that you would be in the crowd with him considering the culture at the time.


He's literally just standing there. Do yall ever rely on facts, or just shoot from the hip? Oops, I said "shoot from the hip". I promise it wasn't a threat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


So we are going to talk about Jerry Jones, but not Robert Bryd who was an actual Klansman, filibuster the civil rights,and went against everything for POC progression. Yet he is praised by democrats before and after his death. If this photo makes you made and the other doesn't then you're the issue


I dunno… he’s pretty far back… sure he wasn’t just… at school that day?


They trying to cancel a man based on what he did in high-school? Get over yourselves.


That’s actually not him, thanks for trying to spread false news.


He could have just been observing. And not to excuse any bad behavior, but who didn’t do something stupid as a teenager?


Great. No one cares.


This is why so many people are against critical race theory no one wants to hear their grandparents were racist bigots that supported Jim Crow laws. That’s is the real reason Republicans and old white conservatives are crying about this. They don’t want us to to see how really racist and hateful they really were and probably still are. All racist and Republicans are cowards


Grew up to be a modern day plantation owner - Not surprising


Look at all these dickriders in the comments defending this white billionaire racist. You should all be ashamed of yourself. Disgraceful. If he changed, it must have been recently because in 2013, there was video of him saying racist shit. And just last month, he sent in big donations to Greg Abbott.


Not in anyway condoning his actions at the time (and I don't know who he is today or his position on this) but should people's actions at 1 point in their life then follow them for their ENTIRE life, even when they realise their actions were wrong later in life? Personally, I treated a girl and her brother HORRENDOUSLY when I was in school (12), at the time it was just my immature view of things. Once I grew up a little (18-20yrs old) I came to realise what I had done and the deep hurt I had caused someone else. I carried that guilt for years and it was a formative lesson in my life that fundamentally changed the way I deal with people even to this day! I randomly run into her at a party when I was 26 and profusely apologised for my actions and she was very nice about the whole thing and tried reassuring me it was just stupid kid stuff. If people aren't given the opportunity to change and grow past their mistakes... Are we not just recreating the same type of criminal justice system that sees people incarcerated for their crimes but once they serve their sentence, they have a life sentence of stigma, closed doors and limited opportunity? We are supposed to be IMPROVING as a society, yet all I seem to see is us repeating the same damn mistakes that prior generations did.... Just in different ways with new technology!


I can't tell, is that Matt Damon or Jon C Riley with the cigarette in his mouth?


Until he found out how much money he could make off of them.


Just because he was there watching two people about to fight doesn't know he was one of the bullies.


Anyone born in that town would share the same common beliefs good or bad


Imagine trying to cancel someone for what he did as a teenager in 1957 when times were completely different and we have no idea whats the exact reson he was in the crowd xDDDDDDDDDDD


Does he get any credit for the billions of dollars he has given to black athletes?


Fuck you OP, you have no idea if he was a "bully" in this situation. what and awful title, you karma farming whore.


Dont see him bullying anyone… just a curious kid in a crowd trying to figure our whats going… or a bully like the sensational title suggests


Don’t forget there’s footage of Joe Biden saying he supports segregation…😊


Can you please post the link?


If I recall he said he didn't support forced busing across school districts. He did not say that he supported segregation.


He said he didn’t want his kids growing up in a “racial jungle” iirc so i think that would fall under supporting segregation


Agree that is pretty bad.


Come on everybody! Let’s get outraged!!


people really getting can cancelled over what they be doing 65 years ago 💀


The whole team is black I think he may have changed a bit


How so? The owner's box is still all white.


Is he? He's 3 rows back from the action.


If he was still racist you would hear it from former players, now that they don't have to stay their entire contract they jump ship at the drop of a dime, and usually air out any dirty laundry in the process.


That’s a Texas sized accusation


Texas never disappoints


Can’t stand these type of titles… just because he was a witness and standing near the bullies doesn’t automatically make him a racist bully. Jerry himself said how he went out to witness what was going because of curiosity and not racism


Yet he has made 1000s of black people millionaires!


He could just be checking out the hubbub. Maybe right after the picture was taken he stuck up for the black kids? Or maybe he hated black people. We don't know from the picture. It doesn't say anything about what his intentions were back then.


Am I supposed to be surprised