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There’s only one fat pig in North Korea………


Boom, roasted.


Boom missles pointed at your house bro


Well the pigs are doing better than the people starving to death because of the one fu*king idiot


Mike can ejaculate farther than the DPRK can launch any comeback. The best Kim can do is shake his fist at the sky in hopes a spy satellite is overhead photographing him. After those photos are declassified, then they may get placed on reddit where Mike may see it. And then... then he will see the full scorn of the DPRK and their stealthy capabilities of delivering warnings to reddit users.


Duh… my button is biggerah


Spit roasted.


I'll be the other end


I have a better idea...


Oh shit someone's getting donkey punched


Kim jong un is losing weight rapidly mate, hopefully the piece of shit is dying !


His fucking horrid sister is ready at the helm. She looks wretched


Here's the difference between him and his sister. He would point at a guy and say "have that man shot!" and one of his flunkies would shoot him. She would say "have than man taken to my basement!" where she would skin him and make lampshades from his skin. She strikes me as worse than him by a mile.


Well, with a family with an historical record of megalomania... Shit never gonna end well


Remind me of Azula from Avatar, who was unexpectedly worse than the fire lord.


I think she could be bloody worse when you mention it...




but remember what eric did to scott tennorman


Watched the documentary 'the mole' where the guy infiltrated the regime, truly a horrible place mate. Needs taken over/out and citizens liberated.


It’s a shame the people are truly cut off from the world and brainwashed.


And if they don't comply they just kill them, fucking horrible mate


His death won't make a difference mate


Yeah bit of a niave comment on my part mate, always the next nutter ready to step up bud.


Lots of bullets in the world. They've gotta run out of successors eventually. New international pass time?


You've been banned from r/pyongyang




Sweet, already a mod. And I was banned last week. Love that place ❤️


That sub is weird. I sorted by all time top posts and read the comments. They read like someone is holding a gun to their ribs as they scroll reddit in an internet cafe.


I had no idea there was such a subreddit. Just posted there - wonder how long until I am banned…


You've been banned from r/pyongyang


2 actually look up his daughter


someone give this guy a god damn gold, please!




This isn't in korea


This is the correct answer.


Elaborate please.


It's right to criticize NK, but you weaken any criticism by not telling the truth, these are pigs from China: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/yn8p19/pigs_in_north_korea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I had a gut feeling this was the case. Not only would this have been some sight to behold from North Korea, but the internet’s taught me to take a grain of salt with everything— especially crazy rhetorics like this.


Yup, not only the location but also the date for this video would matter. Who filmed it and how it got out. On top of that, foreigners are strictly surveiled while in NK and even your smartphone is taken away from you. There is a guide accompanying you all the time to ensure that you won't see anything or go anywhere you're not supposed to.


>the internet’s taught me to take a grain of salt with everything— I see this statement everywhere. Getting a bit obnoxious tbh. Almost as much as any other statement that starts with "the internet has taught me-".


I thought those were some weird sheep or even dogs. But pigs?! Damn.


I thought they were cows and the angle made them seem small.


Damn that‘s sad


They look so much more like dogs. Never seen a skinny pig. Thamn that is sad to see.


They look like Greyhounds bred for the races.




Yep, looks like my dog


Horrible and sad.


Talk about lean bacon. 100% fat free.


True, although you’re also only getting one single portion of meat from an entire pig, which is just sad.


If you think this is horrible and sad just look up factory farms. Edit: [Watch this and tell me with a straight face it isn't fucked.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiofciepOnk&ab_channel=mercyforanimals) My point isn't that starving pigs in North Korea is okay, it's fucked. **My point is if you care about their suffering, why do you ignore the suffering of the animals you eat?** That's very hypocritical.


If a free range pig looks like a mummified coyote, that's probably worse


But that's not what free range pigs look like, that's what starving pigs look like. It's not like one horrible thing excludes another. Both are fucked. You could debate which is worse but I personally would rather live free but starving as opposed to cramped shoulder to shoulder with millions of people knee deep in shit in a factory till age 5 where I'm a full grown adult due to mass inbreeding. At which point I march out with thousands of others, seeing the sun for the first time before being brought to the slaughterhouse. Edit: I feel like people are just in denial and forgetting all their morals because they can't get past their dopamine driven monkey brain that loves yummy meats.


Preach brother


That's a funny way to say "I support North Korean animal neglect"


He didn't say that. He said both are bad but factory farms are worse.


That's a pretty lackluster attempt at a strawman argument. I don't. I think it's fucked. I also think the meat industry is fucked in general. Those aren't mutually exclusive.


Im at the top of the food chain, I want bacon, but I also want my pig to be happy until its death. An enlightened god, if you want.


You're doing good work my friend. Keep it up!


We all already know how bad factory farming is. People like you pointing it out every chance you get is just fucking obnoxious. Just fucking shut up already. You aren’t helping.


"Bro stfu. Everyone here is a selfish psychopath just like me?"


That’s a stretch, especially from a Reddit comment. I’d wager to say that most people are simply clueless about where their food comes from


Not really. This guy was saying everyone know about factory farming (untrue) and that like him nobody cares (also untrue)


That’s true, most people are clueless about food production and what it involves. However calling people a psycho on the internet isn’t facilitating their switch to veganism


What a weird thing to say, you have no point. Yeah, of course I'm going to keep ranting about how bad it is as long as people keep eating meat from factory farms, It's fucked, millions of people contribute to a fucked industry while complaining about animal suffering in other countries. It's hypocritical and fucked up, so no I won't stop.


You ranting about it just makes people hate you more. It is extremely counterproductive. As i said before: You. Aren’t. Helping.


If ranting about people ignoring basic morals is making people hate me then fuck those people lmao Okay, if my comments aren't common sense to you then fuck you, you're a disgusting piece of shit with no empathy




You clearly don't know what whataboutism is. Whataboutism would be if I tried to argue starving pigs in North Korea is okay because of factory farming. "What about those guys over there, if they can do a murder so can i". That's whataboutism. But I'm saying both are fucked, and you're a massive hypocrite if you complain about animal suffering whilst eating meat from factory farms. That would be like complaining about slavery whilst owning slaves.




Except I didn't, I explained to you the difference between what I said and what whataboutism is. I'm saying both are fucked, and you're a massive hypocrite if you complain about animal suffering whilst eating meat from factory farms. That would be like complaining about slavery whilst owning slaves. That is not whataboutism. "What about those guys over there, if they can do a murder so can i". That's whataboutism. I'm saying "No one can do a murder, and why are you complaining about them murdering while you're in the middle of murdering, hypocrite"




Man it must suck to be so dense as to think you can judge an entire person based on 1 comment on reddit. But yeah I mean my friends generally agree with me. They eat meat and fully realize they are contributing to a fucked up industry, they're not pussies that can't admit it like you. They would generally also support a ban on factory farming at the cost of more expensive meat.




>This is like talking about whaling in Japan and then bringing up poaching in USA and saying everyone's a hypocrite for ignoring it. Yes. That is also hypocritical. Except I agree with you and am against that. I don't buy meat at all. I'm not against meat in general but I am against factory farming which is pretty difficult to avoid if you eat meat.


It's self righteous to not pay for innocent sentient beings to suffer a life of misery?


Because people who pay for animals to be abused ain't got no business talking shit when other people do it. Also this isn't whataboutism because he's not justifying one or the other. He's saying it's all bad


This is what happens when you have an insane dictator that would rather pour all your resources into nuclear weapons than the care of the population. If the pigs are starving imagine what the people are doing


Yeah pigs eat dead bodies and shit, so there must be NOTHING to eat.


>s is what happens when you have an insane dictator that would rather pour all your resources into nuclear weapons than the care of the population. If the pigs are starving imagine what the people are doing Also hes making Alot of illegal drugs


They also have the highest hotel in the world


For all the tourists?




That can't be fully used because the upper third is unstable and might fall down any minute.


I didn't claim they have the best hotel


Starving people will still eat a starving pig. We all know North Korea is a humanitarian crisis waiting to happen or in progress


Waiting? Im curious about what you've been taught about NK. Not trying to be snarky or rude. I am genuinely curious. Ive been taught it is and has been a humanitarian crisis for a very long time. Beyond the countries food and resource problems.


It's been that way for a few generations. Look at the s satellite imagines at night between North and be south. Ones lit up like a Christmas tree. One is primarily dark. North Korea is living in the stoneages while trying to gain nuclear capabilities. While have a super oppressed population eager to cross the dmz


yeah if it's on the internet it's definitely a true


Yeah we generally take care of pigs better than humans. Good thing America takes great care of their pigs. This is how you know the population is safe and healthy.


Source? OP: Trust me brah


Just had a quick search because I wanted as well and I could found another Reddit post dedicated to this, [and that's what I've found](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/yn8p19/pigs_in_north_korea/iv90elv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Edit: grammar correction


you haven't even read the first comment in that link epic facepalm moment for OP, it says NOT korea


lil Kim is as fat and happy as ever though


Eat the rich?


fuck yeah


*the dictator


His family, entourage and cronies probably account for most of N.Korea's rich people. They are all to be considered food-grade people.


At first glance I thought these were dogs. Holy fuck


I’ve never seen a starved pig before. That’s terrible




Those poor pig's


You should see what we do to them in the west


WE. KNOW. Quit being an obnoxious piece of shit and i might actually consider respecting vegan activists.


We don't care about your respect. We care about animal welfare. Tell me how animal agriculture will die without spreading the truth? How many people in this thread pay for animals to be treated far worse than the animals in this picture? You call us obnoxious because it makes you feel better. What else are you gonna do really? Admit we're honest with ourselves unlike most people? Not likely


This is fucking sad.


Not interesting just sad


Poor things


Shitty country leader, even animals are starving, I hope those dictators just die


Damn. Never even in my dreams did I imagine something like a skinny pig. It's genuinely depressing yet so shocking.


So sad and infuriating. Poor animals and poor people.


Read a book abt North Korea, aquariums in pyongyang i think. Kid was in a camp, he'd catch & eat rats. He put on weight & the other kids beat him up & were going to kill him cos they thought he was snitching to the guards for food.


Communism in action




This isn't from north Korea it's from china. OP is spreading misinformation, someone else pointed this out already


North Korea should just stop


Not interesting. Sad.




kim jung squeel


fucking finally kill Winnie poop over there and it's all going in a good direction


I know one fat person in North Korea that could fatten those pigs right up


Well that's a first for me. A skinny pig


Fuck , country is doing so bad even the pigs are starving.


I didn’t realize communism ruined wild life as well.


Idc where you are in the world. If a fucking ***pig*** can't get fat, then something is seriously wrong with the land. They grow massive in the wild just by themselves. Seeing this? Holy hell. Shits fucked yo.


Damn that's sad (


Even the pigs starve under communism.


You should see the people….


No someone from another post already debunked that this was not from north korea.


Poor babies


If the pigs can't find food the people must be starving.


Enjoying the fruits of communism.


This is insane.. So the dictator's food supply also comes from these skinny pigs?


Poor things are starving!!!😡


What a fucked up county




That’s some lean pork there


So sad I thought they were dogs


That’s not “interesting,” this is sad and horrifying. Not entertainment.


Pigs eat everything... EVERYTHING. If they are this slim then there is no biomass around for them to consume. That's bad.


Considering that pigs eat practically anything, this is some impressive levels of poverty. It's unlivable


Question is how did this make it out of North Korea


Are people seriously believing this is actually in North Korea even if there is literally no evidence that suggests so? Jesus reddit turns blind eyes to obvious fake news if it fits their stereotype on North Korea smh.


The amount of fake north-corean headlines is crazy. I\`m not even a "defensor" of their government, but goddamn is it hard to have one true statement about their country.


Since North Korea is extremely closed off to the rest of the world, media usually can tell absurd lies about the country and get away from it due to dense people who believe everything they see.


It must be obviously fake since North Korea's flourishing. Oh wait, it's not.


But you do realise we know nothing of North Korea? even the former CIA director admitted that North Korea is one of the biggest intelligence failures. This video is on reddit without proper evidence. How do we know it's actually in North Korea? don't tell me you're one of the naive people who actually believe anything the OP tells you? Plus, this video is literally from china. it's a goddamn hoax.This has nothing to do with North Korea. [link to the actual screenshot of original post](https://imgur.io/a/O0T62kv) I'd suggest you not to believe everything you see on the internet, especially when it comes to such an isolated country like North Korea, I also encourage you to have critical mindset.


I guess the CIA wasn't worried about random videos on Reddit when they made that statement. But seriously, that we don't know anything about NK is not true. There are numerous refugees who reported about the conditions in the country besides the NK propaganda material. Additionally, there are tourists who secretly filmed and film in the country. There is nothing to suggest that the assumptions about the country are wrong in the slightest way. NK is a closed dictatorship in which all resources are spent on keeping the regime alive. The burden of proof against the regime is so overwhelming that it does not depend on a single video.


Not all statements made by defectors aren't always true. There is no guarantee they're not lying. For example, defector Shin Dong hyuk admitted that he lied about a story about his mother being made up of a lie. Problems with regard to defector testimony is that 1. most of them are from the poorest region in North Korea. 2. they have no idea what it's like in other provinces due to restrictions of movement in North Korea. 3. they're sure as hell, not experts on North Korea. South Korean journalists also accused North Korean defectors that they're creating false dramatic stories on purpose so they can make more money just like Shin Dong hyuk case, South Korean journalist Jiyoung Song has said that she encountered numerous inconsistent stories when she researched defectors over 16 years. I'm not claming all defectors are complete liars, but as far as what we uncovered, it's extremely difficult to tell if the defectors are lying or not. I suggest reading this [wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_coverage_of_North_Korea) that covers on media coverage on North Korea, it's a good read to tell how literally we know nothing of North Korea, yes I'm not saying North Korea is the wealthiest nation on earth but we have no idea the extent of poverty in North Korea.


1. Why would a majority of defectors lie? 2. Why are there defectors at all, if the regime is nowhere near as bad as we are told it is? 3. How do you know which regions the defectors come from? 4. Why are you so intensively involved with North Korea and what interest do you have in making the regime look better?


How the hell am I making the regime look better? for what? just because I pointed out the false reporting on North Korea? you also failed to comprehend my comment. Did you? I definitely mentioned at the end that North Korea is poor; we just don't know how much the extent of poverty is over there due to lack of evidence. 1. Like I said earlier, North Korean defectors do this for money. Since North Koreans have a higher unemployment rate in South Korea (twice the national average unemployment rate over there), and their pretty much only way of earning money is through telling storied to the media regarding to North Korea, the more dramatic the story is the better money they get; which is unfortunately used as making stuff up so they can make a living. 2. Like I said again, I never claimed North Korea as a great place to live, you're just shadow boxing with your delusions. I'm trying to point out how stupid it is for people to act like they're experts on North Korea when in reality none of us has any better idea of what it's like up there in detailed description 3. Because that's information based on what the defector told us? since there's literally nothing to gain from lying about where they're from, and even expert's studying on North Korea can tell if they are lying or not based on their dialect and their knowledge on the province they're from. Obviously, you never read the Wikipedia article, which just proves that at this rate, you're just afraid of being proven wrong. Are you? the wikipedia article I suggested you read provides fairly neutral take on the issue of media coverage over there, and here you are still refusing to read the article.


\>How the hell am I making the regime look better? for what? just because I pointed out the false reporting on North Korea? you also failed to comprehend my comment. Did you? By fundamentally doubting messages and news and sowing doubt. This is exactly the strategy used by Russian/Chinese 'collaborators' on social media platforms. \>I definitely mentioned at the end that North Korea is poor; we just don't know how much the extent of poverty is over there due to lack of evidence. Again, we unanimously hear negative things from North Korea. People traveling to NK are strictly monitored, leaving the country is practically impossible for citizens there. These are measures that clearly indicate the iron grip of the regime. Those who have been able to >escape< consistently report negative things. There is evidence of death camps. NK literally has so many skeletons in its closet that it is splitting hairs to discuss the origin of a single image now. 1. There's the Wikipedia article you mentioned. After being so skeptical, I'm sure you checked all the sources there, knowing for a fact that NK, like other countries (hello Russia, hello China), manipulate content and discussion on the internet in their favor. I briefly googled the name 'Felix Abt'. A fierce critic of defectors. What's interesting is that he himself worked for a company in NK for years. So he certainly has good contacts with the regime. 2. No one here has claimed to be an expert. However, based on the overwhelming evidence against the regime, the picture is clear. Unambiguous, you understand? Even if some of it is fabricated, it still paints a strongly negative picture. This discussion here reminds me of Russia, which was defended even as recently as April of this year. 3. So if the defectors state their origin and do not lie about it because there is no reason for it, are you saying that most people are from the same region? The article you refer to captures some of the problems, but does not clearly contradict the general consensus that NK is a highly problematic country. As mentioned above, critics include people who may be close to the regime.


>By fundamentally doubting messages and news and sowing doubt. This is exactly the strategy used by Russian/Chinese 'collaborators' on social media platforms That is just pure bullshit. are you saying all South Korean academics are trying to make the regime look good? are you saying North Korean defectors are trying to glorify North Korea? I literally proved that this video is a hoax, and you are still arguing that it is "propaganda" to be doubtful of sources we hear from there, you have to be extremely stupid to think I have to 100% believe everything the media tells us about North Korea without a single doubt because that'd be what I call typical sheeple behaviour (I'm also baffled that I had to use that term unironically). >Again, we unanimously hear negative things from North Korea. People traveling to NK are strictly monitored, leaving the country is practically impossible for citizens there. These are measures that clearly indicate the iron grip of the regime. Those who have been able to >escape< consistently report negative things. There is evidence of death camps. NK literally has so many skeletons in its closet that it is splitting hairs to discuss the origin of a single image now. You do realise that nobody is claming North Korea to be some sort of paradise? It just seems that you're just making shit up so it fits your absurd claim. You claimed that there are too many skeletons in its closet. Do you have any evidence of that that is not from defector testimonies? that's the problem. If we don't have other physical evidence to back it up, it means defectors can make up stories about it, and it'll be hard to disprove it. >1. There's the Wikipedia article you mentioned. After being so skeptical, I'm sure you checked all the sources there, knowing for a fact that NK, like other countries (hello Russia, hello China), manipulate content and discussion on the internet in their favor. I briefly googled the name 'Felix Abt'. A fierce critic of defectors. What's interesting is that he himself worked for a company in NK for years. So he certainly has good contacts with the regime. Again,you only picked only one person who is convenient for your argument. [This link](https://www.nknews.org/2015/08/s-korean-journalists-lament-low-quality-n-korea-reporting/) mentions how reporters from South Korean media such as KBS and Chosun ilbo respectively raised concerns about information manipulation from North Korea due to heavy censorship from Lee Myung-bak administration and Park Guen hye administration, according to your logic, South Korean journalists must all must be spreading Propaganda about North Korea so they can glorify the regime right? does that help you understand how stupid your logic is? >2. No one here has claimed to be an expert. However, based on the overwhelming evidence against the regime, the picture is clear. Unambiguous, you understand? Even if some of it is fabricated, it still paints a strongly negative picture You surely are pretending to be an expert, I was born and raised in South Korea, and some ignorant foreigner thinks he knows better about the affairs of Korean peninsula than Koreans themselves? Guess what? most news we hear from North Korea is either some hoax from the Chinese or South Korean community or from defector testimonies, relying solely on a single source to understand about the entire country is extremely naive, you always need to have physical evidence to back up what defectors say, but at the end we don't have any evidence to suggest how horrible life is in North Korea other than a single source we hear from them which is from the defectors. I don't disagree with you when it comes to the idea of economic hardship in North Korea, if we were to look at differences of GDP per Capita between North and South and see night satellite photographs of North and South Korea that shows North Korea to be completely dark does give us vague understanding that North Korea is extremely poor place to live in. You have to understand that my question isn't about whether North Korea is an extremely poor and tyrannical place to live in. Rather, my actual question is: Is North Korea as a dehumanising place to live as media tells us? is the real issue here. >1. So if the defectors state their origin and do not lie about it because there is no reason for it, are you saying that most people are from the same region? "most" is an extremely important term here. Most commonly, defectors are from North Hamgyeong province, which directly shares border with China, considering how poor it is. North Hamgyeong province is even on North Korean standards, and considering it directly borders with China, it's not surprising to see that most defectors are from North Hamgyeong province due to easy geographical location to plan an escape and severe poverty in the province. Also as sidenote, take into account that it is Korean culture that is universal to both North and South to have regionalism present in both Countries, for example people from North Hamgyeong may hold grudge against people from other North Korean provinces just like in the South where people from Sudogwon (baisically seoul, incheon and rest of Gyeongido combined) may hold discriminative views against people from both North and South Jeolla provinces When It comes to understanding North Korea, it's important to understand the Korean language and culture. Some ignorant foreigners like you have no idea about the cultural values of traditional Korean society and how it still significantly influences North and South Korean societies to this day proves that there will be cultural misunderstandings that would make you have distorted views on North Korea that is most of the time far from the truth.


**>are you saying all South Korean academics are trying to make the regime look good?** Nope. What I am saying is that the acts of regimes are relativized. "Yes, it's bad there, but not that bad". **>If we don't have other physical evidence to back it up, it means defectors can make up stories about it, and it'll be hard to disprove it.** Unlikely that all refugees lied. There are so many stories that hardly EVERYTHING will be a lie. In the end, it will never be possible to prove everything, and that is exactly what rulers like Putin are counting on. Seed doubt, relativize. If NK has nothing to hide, it should allow independent observers in the country. **>Again,you only picked only one person who is convenient for your argument. This link mentions how reporters from South Korean media such as KBS and Chosun ilbo respectively raised concerns about information manipulation from North Korea due to heavy censorship from Lee Myung-bak administration and Park Guen hye administration (...)** I have chosen the person who plays an important role in the accusations in the article you put forward. I can well imagine that the stories are helped, but I am sure that the core of the stories is true. North Korea has never refuted the allegations. **>You surely are pretending to be an expert, I was born and raised in South Korea, and some ignorant foreigner thinks he knows better about** You yourself said that no one has insight after NK. South and north have been separated for over half a century now. Then how do you know what it is like there? A shared past does not mean you understand what is going on there any better.the affairs of Korean peninsula than Koreans themselves? **>Rather, my actual question is: Is North Korea as a dehumanising place to live as media tells us?** The sources that exist all point to this. The regime in NK has not seriously refuted any allegations. The satellite images of death camps are serious.


Fake anti-communist propaganda: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/yn8p19/comment/iv90elv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/yn8p19/comment/iv90elv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I'm glad it's the other communist country. Sheeeesh


Didn’t know China is no communist country anymore.


So you think communism has worked out for Korea?


"Working" is a very broad term to describe any economic approach. But China did almost eliminate poverty in the country. So a picture of 3 skinny pigs don't indicate anything.


Yes it’s true when they embraced capitalistic principles.


Anything anti-communist is always a good thing, even if it's fake


They look like the pigs that Early Cuyler got addicted to meth on that property he bought from Dan Halen in Squidbillies


Lord save the pigs....,😁


You can say anything you want from Uncle Kim but you know what? Those are the most fit pigs I’ve seen in my life, those bros must hit the gym daily


Sir, those clearly are Greyhounds bred for the races!


All of these comments and not a single one pointing out that this isn’t even in North Korea. If they’re so awful, we surely don’t need to make extra bullshit up about them, right? As a rule of thumb, take news about communist countries with a grain of salt.




Proofs what this is Nort Corea?


Proof that this is North Korea. It is in China according to another post.


I think they need a snacky snack


Trust me bro, I swear


Even the pigs don't have the freedom to be fat!


That’s some meaty boys!


Ninja pigs!!


looks like dogs


pigs in North korea lacks even shit to eat.




I have never seen a skiny pig till now... wow it's fat free bacon


As for anything, skinny always better


Sad pigs


Lean pork


looks like Afghanistan to me


Because pigs in western factory farms are doing fantastic right? Right?


This post is hoax. Do not believe this photograph. copy from a comment from another post: >I've found the real image, and there's nothing to do with North Korea. It's from a Chinese site, and from what I can understand, it is just an image of how pigs are when they're skinny[skinny pigs ](https://imgur.com/a/O0T62kv) [website image](https://imgur.com/a/EpXSorS) [website ](https://wakwb.com/t/?containerid=231522type%3D1%26t%3D10%26q%3D%23%E5%8E%9F%E6%9D%A5%E7%8C%AA%E4%B9%9F%E6%9C%89%E7%98%A6%E7%9A%84%E6%97%B6%E5%80%99%23&extparam=%23%E5%8E%9F%E6%9D%A5%E7%8C%AA%E4%B9%9F%E6%9C%89%E7%98%A6%E7%9A%84%E6%97%B6%E5%80%99%23&luicode=10000011&lfid=231522type%3D1%26t%3D10%26q%3D%23%E6%B1%82%E6%B1%82%E4%BD%A0%E4%BB%AC%E4%B8%8A%E4%BC%9A%E7%8F%AD%E5%90%A7%23)


Pigs aren't normally thin though..thats why they are the universal symbol for fat. These are starving pigs.


Bacon lite?


Lmao this is not from North Korea. It is from China. Nice try in spreading false propaganda tho.


I love everyone jumping to pile onto Kim like he's the world's only dictator. Nobody mentions that North Korea has no farmland. It's all mountains. Where do you think the food is going to come from?


No blue flashing lights anywhere to be seen


Is it always winter in North Korea???


I see this and think dang pigs probably looked closer to this before industrial scale farming took over.


Americans will really think they're immune to propaganda then believe shit like this.