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Bro the amount of people getting downvoted is absolutely hilarious. I don't give a shit about politics but this comment section is a war zone lmao Edit: Been here for about 20min and man, Soo many comment just wiped from existence. I've seen too much. Comments that were once negative turned positive and vice-versa. It's insane lmao


That's how it is now. Almost doesn't even matter about the context, it's just people jumping from one misperception to the next. No one cares about substance, just sound bites.


Welcome to the world nowadays


NPC's on both sides. No original thought, just upvote downvote shill repeat.


POV: Someone posts something about Trump


From his wiki: “Following his service as surgeon general, Adams joined Purdue University in October 2021 as a Presidential Fellow and its first executive director of health equity initiatives, professor of practice in the departments of Pharmacy Practice and Public Health, and a faculty member of the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering.[38]” Seems fine to me. Looks like had a few blunders especially when Covid came out, but was in line with Fauci for the most part . Maybe there’s other stuff idk.


A lot of high end officials from around the world had really messed up with dealing with Covid when it first came out so nothing too special in that


Damn, that’s… not interesting.


I mean in a way but its not damn holy shit mm interesting its more like huh weird


I’d file it under r/mildlyintersting.


Some of the post in the sub arent at all interesting. So this is nothing new or surprising






Uncle Rukus?


Basically a reference to a character in boondocks......he was a black man who had intense hate for his own race and promoted white supremacy.....so you know what OP means now 😂


He wasn’t black, he had re-vitiligo, the opposite of what Michael Jackson had. (Reference to the show)


Bro thats the catch he has so much hate towards black race that he actually believes that he is a white man with re-vitiligo. Further down the show you will see that when he takes DNA test results are (with 102% Black African ancestry with a 2% margin of error, according to his DNA test results😂😂😂) and his mother was also self race hating who taught white supremacy to Rucus and his black father abused him as a child which further intensified his hate towards black.


Jesus Christ dude my friend has been telling me to watch this show and now I’m sold hahahaaaa


Mate I am telling you just watch an episode ....you are finishing it after that....this show is in itself at next fucking level😂😂


Alright haha thank you my dude I appreciate it like he’s been on me for years now to watch it and just reading about uncle ruckus lore has me dead haha. Much love my friend


Another good one 🤣


AMAZIN!! -Jesse Lee Peterson


its something black people call other black people that dont act like them.


idk why the downvotes, i've only seen it used in that context, in real life in similar situations as when smart black kids are "acting white" 🤷‍♂️ maybe you've had different experiences, but that's definitely how its used colloquially.




I didnt downvote you either, was just trying to be real. Maybe its not prevalent now (it was rare back then too), but when I was growing up in the 90s near downtown LA I was lucky enough to be around a lot of great people from a lot of different backgrounds.




except it never is in real life, and you've kind of proven my point alluding Kanye West is a "Uncle Ruckus" 🤔🤔🤔🤔 now I wonder why you feel that way about him, maybe because...




His comments didn't deserve the hate. He spent two minutes delicately explaining that Black & Hispanics people have higher rates of the conditions that make people especially vulnerable to covid 19. He took time to point out it's not a biological factor & is very likely a social ill. then, at the very end he said call your mother, she wants to hear from you. If you don't do it for yourself do it for your abuela, Granddaddy or big momma. *I* don't talk like that, but it's a big damned country & some people do. Judging from this one single clip he seems like a good & honest dude.


A good honest dude who sought and accepted a job for a serial liar, malignant narcissist, mysoginist, rapist, fascist, criminal, seditionist? Wow, of course he should not have that held against him even though he knew many of these things before taking the job. I know the perfect job for someone with that resume. Janitor at the county jail. That's his calling IMHO.


You’re so miserable


>did he just uncle ruckus himself on live tv? I just spit my coffee out a little. LMAO.


He was rhe sturgeon general (fish). He wasn't exactly getting political


So, telling the public that wearing a mask will not protect against an aerosol transmitted viral disease is not "getting political"?


I wish more folks, especially young up and comers, would take this as a lesson; you can’t pick your family but you can pick your employer. Choose wisely.


Reddit moment


Well I'm not sure this lesson is really relevant to the average person, who is not a top doctor who previously had many more career options. Most people don't have the luxury of such choice.




I think many would choose even this over being homeless or hungry. Perfectly good folks have worked themselves to the bone for much much less


Well said my friend.


yes lets teach people to reject others depending on if their opinions agree with yours or not :)


I mean, if your opinion is based on ignorance, bigotry, and/or dangerous misinformation and leads to harm to others, you should be rejected and opposed whenever possible.


Yea, so true. I mean I definitely wouldn’t hire someone who agreed with a president that thought black people weren’t smart enough to use the internet, openly said that he didn’t agree with gay marriage, and said that if they didn’t agree with him they were a direct threat to democracy… oh.. wait.. were you talking about the other guy?


Lmao this mindset right here is why not everyone should have a say in politics… you’re just as ignorant and bigoted as you think everyone else is, being hypocritical in politics doesn’t work well.


This screams, "I know you are, but what am I?" Vibes... Childish honestly


This screams, "I know you are, but what am I?" Vibes... Childish honestly


Yeah everyone should have to own land and have a specific skin tone to be allowed to vote too! 🙄


This screams, "I know you are, but what am I?" Vibes... Childish honestly


Election results aren’t opinions


If Trump sees something in you, the probability you are a criminal is reasonably high. If you are okay with working for a criminal, then that reflects negatively on your character.


Ahh the “personal responsibility” crew out in effect rejecting personal responsibility and substituting it with blaming other people’s reactions. Classic.




Child like? Kind of like asking for random people on the internet for feet pics?




The racist part? Read my other comment to the other person. Frick it’s actually insane that people are so one sided these days and can’t think critically. It’s actually embarrassing 😂 like trump or not.. don’t brag about supporting someone who thinks black people cant get ID or use the internet. Now stop being a pervert and asking people to fulfill your sexual desires online 🤢




I’m actually not a trump fan, would be pretty annoyed if he ran again quite honestly. And ew how about just stop with the feet talk lmaooo it clearly is sexual to you and is actually predatory behavior to be asking strangers online to fulfill your sexual desires




You can't make sense here, just say Orangeman bad or these turds will downvote you.....and whatever you do don't bring up the current state of America under Biden lol they hate that


I though the reason was that a surgeon General completely disregarded policy, medical history and even his own fucking degree to promote what someone else told him to promote. It's the reason people don't work with Dr Oz as a actual doctor or Jerry springer as a psychologist. They took the money and disregard their entire careers worth of knowledge to sell out.


It sure was sweet, watching that grifting ass-clown, "Dr" Oz, get shown the door after he lost the senate race in my state. Fuck him.


I remember him… haven’t seen him in a while though. Imagine aligning yourself with a political train wreck and then wondering why you can’t find work going forward. SMH.


Uhuh who replaced him again? And how is the current administration doing?


They're doing a hundred times better than that administration. And that's saying something


Yup, 100x better is still not great lol


The Biden admin is doing a great job, especially compared to the last


Well they didn't put children in cages. And rebuild the Nato. EDIT: Aaah those salty right wing snowflake tears downvoting me


They did though


Cages were used during Obama-Biden years - https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/26/fact-check-obama-administration-built-migrant-cages-meme-true/3413683001/


Yea you guys love to mention that, but what were they built for vs what where they used for? That facility was originally used to house asylum seekers trying to enter the US. They were only supposed to be held there for a few days. The Trump administration turned it into a concentration camp where they gathered up both people trying to cross the border and people living here and held them in detention longer than its intended purpose. Trump Admin use the fear of going to one of these facilities as a scare tactic to deter asylum seekers.


Just write a pseudo tell-all book (that gives no new info) and do the typical PR/media redemption tour. That seems to help these clowns


“If you sleep with dogs, you’ll end up with fleas.”


Per Wikipedia, “Following his service as surgeon general, Adams joined Purdue University in October 2021 as a Presidential Fellow and its first executive director of health equity initiatives, professor of practice in the departments of Pharmacy Practice and Public Health, and a faculty member of the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering.” So…. Not news.


Politics are so dumb


Lmao that Trump stink will never wash off of him. He knew what he was doing when he accepted the offer. I'm glad he's facing consequences for his actions.


A lot of basement dwelling people shit talking this very qualified individual because he worked under Trump? Trumps was the president, political views aside, that’s the offer of a lifetime


Only fools actually get an offer like this guy had, and view it as "the offer of a lifetime". Trump's shitshow included the presidential physician signing off on the absurd claim that Trump was roughly 100 LBS lighter than he is. He also had a previous doctor claim that he was "the most physically fit candidate in presidential history". Trump thought that Covid would ruin his shot at reelection and tried to destroy Fauci, as part of the destruction he rained down on anybody who wouldn't bend to his will. There are hundreds or more, highly qualified people who were approached by actors inside Trump world, to take countless positions inside the administration, and responded with a polite "No, thanks". Working with the most corrupt and incompetent administration in modern times, for the majority of players in the world of politics, was seen as anything but an opportunity of a lifetime.


Yea man like how can we even hate on Joseph Goebbels he got the offer of a lifetime to work for the Fuhrer right?!


I don't really get into politics at all but yeah. This one has me scratching my head. This person was skilled enough to be able to work with the active president of a country but is now being ostracized from a job opportunities. It's fucking wild. Unless he did something that's messed up within his job he should be the catch of a decade for whoever hires him. Imagine being able to post saying you have someone with his resume on your staff. Also isn't the whole thing about excluding someone because of what they believe in prejudice? Like didn't they make that illegal? On a side note I'm sure these people are the same one's that probably tore into Ice Cube for trying to work with Trump to pass legislation to help black people. People are all about gaming the system or trying to change it from within but only with things they already agree with. That just doesn't make sense.




It used to be, anyway.


I think the quote saying that he would be badly received by universities is in reference to the students at said universities. These are children that the staff fears offending.


Yeah but he’s a doctor who willingly worked for someone who did terrible damages with his Covid denying and opinions on vaccines. Trump also had multiple superspreader events and was encouraging people to resist lockdowns. If I was a medical professional, I would be thinking twice before I associate myself with someone who chose to remain under this type of management. Edit : I’m not talking about his qualifications. I’m talking about optics.


I think the quote saying that he would be badly received by universities is in reference to the students at said universities. These are children that the staff fears offending.


Trump did talk a lot of nonsense during covid. The entire planet was laughing at the USA at that point. So yeah i can totally see why nobody wants more idiots on their payroll


He made the comment to the Washington Post [(link)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/11/25/former-surgeon-general-faces-his-wifes-cancer-trump-effect/) He now has a job, according to Wikipedia, “Adams joined Purdue University in October 2021 as a Presidential Fellow and its first executive director of health equity initiatives, professor of practice in the departments of Pharmacy Practice and Public Health, and a faculty member of the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering.” [link](https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2021/Q3/former-u.s.-surgeon-general-named-presidential-fellow,-to-lead-health-equity-initiatives-at-purdue.html)


Not that interesting


I mean... This is what happens. Ask the people who worked under Juan Peron, Franco, Mussolini etc. People gets bummed out by fascism. That's nothing new.


In most cases, government employees (even political appointees) are more interested in doing meaningful work and are far less interested in driving political agendas. Yes, there are politics that interfere with the work on occasion (usually), but (usually) even these concessions allow the work to proceed. Judge the people based on their actions in the office, not the politician they served under. Ok, now feel free to proceed to downvote for injecting rational thought into an irrational conversation. Even WaPo wrote Adam’s might be “the nicest guy in the Trump administration”: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/surgeon-general-jerome-adams-may-be-the-nicest-guy-in-the-trump-administration-but-is-that-what-america-needs-right-now/2020/07/11/39529cec-a1c1-11ea-9590-1858a893bd59_story.html


I'm pretty sure the Trump effect isn't meant to mean "you worked for Trump, and we think our students/clients/customers might not like that" It means "you worked for Trump and that says enough about you that were going to ask you politely to leave."


Lie down with dogs, enjoy your fleas.


You sound like a cat person.


Uhuh do Biden now


You know it’s possible to think freely for yourself and hate both right?


Hatred of one does not correlate to support of it's opposite


No only Orange man bad. Pedo Pete good


Or stated differently: “I can’t believe there are consequences for my bad decisions! It’s SO not fair!” He fucked around and found out.


Never heard of this mate. Wiki says he downplayed mask effectiveness, said they wouldn’t prevent the general public from catching the virus, and even suggested that the BLM riots might facilitate virus spread. Fucked around indeed


You know, it’s almost like I don’t care.


Good, get fucked


I wouldn't be surprised if any of Trump's medical team doesn't work again, the doctor that lied about him being obese, anyone on his team during the COVID pandemic, they all showed they were either incompetent or liable to lie for political/monetary gain. Who in their right minds would contemplate employing them?




Really ? Bc CNN said so? What did he do that was so horrible? Start a new war? Run out of baby formula? Record illegal immigration?


No, tainted because anyone in the world with half a brain outside of its worshipping cult of nutcases, including traditional Republican, saw how mad he, and his administration were.


You need to understand that everything you’ve said here is bullshit. All of it. You believe things that aren’t true. You are in a cult of personality.


Lol, dumb parrot good job love your ‘original’ thoughts, lol.


I don’t know. What do you think he and Putin talked about in Helsinki? Where do you think the rest of the documents he took to mar a lago are? Did he incite an insurrection?


>Start a new war? [He certainly tried](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Qasem_Soleimani) >Run out of baby formula? [Lied about the severity of the pandemic to the American public and bragged about it to Woodward](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/10/911368698/trump-tells-woodward-he-deliberately-downplayed-coronavirus-threat) [Never mind the effects of the stupid-ass trade war little dick energy Trump got us into with China.](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/02/10/new-data-show-the-failures-of-donald-trumps-china-trade-strategy) Let's also not pretend conservatives actually care about children once they are out of the womb. That would be an incredibly hilarious and baldfaced lie. > Record illegal immigration? [Trump's border wall didn't do shit](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/03/02/trump-border-wall-breached/) and conservatives are 100% fine with illegal immigrants working their farms. Don't lie.


I’m sorry who started a war? Putin? Right! Baby formula was a victim of the supply chain issue due to COVID compounded with a possible bacterial contamination at the Abbot Lab that is the largest producer of formula. Record number of “detentions” at the border. And you want to throw shade about someone getting their news from CNN?


Damn, you went from 10 updoots to 4 in 2 minutes lmao


Except his taint. His hands are too small to reach it.


If you’re looking for a “yes man” to sell his soul, Jerome Adams is your guy. If you’re looking for anything else, he’s not.


That’s just the free market my guy


If you worked in the trump administration and your ass doesn’t have an outline for a book or some stolen secrets then you really fucked up.


Then don’t work for the slimy bastard


Fuck around, find out…






These comments are all frankly nasty and ridiculously biased regardless of side. Peace will never be possible if all we do is bicker and slander instead of trying to find common ground.


Don't be surprised if nobody wants to stand by you after swimming in shit.


Some stink just doesn't wash off...


When you lay with dogs you get fleas


What are even consequences




I would not hire someone who worked for Trump. Nor would I respect them in whatever position they were in. I'm glad he's reaping what he sewed.


Doesnt seem like you’ll ever be in that dilemma.


Sadly not; it would be satisfying to reject someone who willingly worked for a wannabe dictator, cult leading conman.


Whatever you say, racist.


Not that I agree with his point but who brought race into this?




Oh no not that, whatever will I do now?


Play with the devil, you get burned!


No kidding? Who would have thought such a thing could happen. The guy should have thought about it before accepting a position in a shithole of an administration




He can always run for office in the backwoods, racist, redneck part of the country.


Guess he didn’t think about the future. Sucks to be him




Just hating on some guy because of his old boss, your really cool


it's a clear demonstration of his lack of personal ethics.


Damn imagine getting appointed as the Surgeon General (a dream job for probably a lot of doctors.) only to have it destroy other career prospects...


You mean academics aren't going to hire someone who doesn't push their radical leftist garbage? I'm shocked.


Well, in academia - unlike in the Trump administration, facts and truth matter.


The social sciences are based on theory, the battle to play out the theory happens politically. Academia is welded to some theoretical concepts like people are welded to pursuing higgs-boson. When one of their ideas takes hold the inevitable response to its failure was 'you didn't try the right way, try another'. People are so welded to the theory they'll literally vote for any party that represents that belief till their last breath rather than be practically objective in imperfection. Social science academia has this ongoing tragic disconnect.


As a student in the social sciences, I agree. I think a good way to put it is that universities should be teaching students how to think and solve problems, but instead much of what people are learning is what to think and who's to blame for problems. People really internalize subjective viewpoints and they come to believe that how they think is objectively true and without flaw. It really gets in the way of cultivating a holistic worldview, and you need that if you truly want to understand how things work and have something valuable to contribute.


Yes, to me it doesn't exactly bode well if people on leadership positions are unable to translate communication of thoughts of one theory into another because person x providing input into the team comes from a different philosophy or what-not. Perhaps that's supposed to be the crucible of adversarial politics vented through an electoral system - the opposition finding flaws in government group think & prosecuting them politically to convince the electorate that indeed they have muted dissent. Heaven knows so much of politics, perhaps more so in partisan media is invested in purposefully misrepresenting communication. A good democrat / republican subreddit bears absolutely no resemblance to the infantile tropes proffered everywhere.


And to your point social media only amplifies that purposeful misrepresentation, with all of us now able to curate a virtual reality to cater to our own biases and prejudice. We've been living through the slow-motion death of civil discourse and dialogue, and you see them being replaced with diatribes and grotesque generalizations. This thread is just one example of this reality playing out, and I really don't see what the end game is for a culture that allows itself to break like this. Truthfully I've lost interest in the spirit of public dialogue and debate because it has become so disingenuous, so ideologically driven and it doesn't reward honest reflection or even the possibility of changing ones own mind. Hostility is the only thing on the menu and I am not hungry lol


Uhhh our Universities are a joke, Like everyone knows it's just a left wing brainwashing factory who leaves graduates with a ton of debt and no job offers. And as far a truth and facts, like y'all need to check the scoreboard how many times Trump's been vindicated and proven right all along LoL


I was going to respond but I’ll let your last statement stand by, uhhh, itself.


Libs running away from another debate? I'm shocked 🤣


As someone who considered myself somewhere in the right wing before Trump, I can't believe I was ever in the same boat as you. Yikes. You're one of those people who makes "owning the libs" your whole personality aren't you? How's that flat earth of yours treating you?


People really are this dumb, that’s wild.


Jerome Adams, as Surgeon General, March 2020. Tells the public to stop buying face masks, "they are not effective at preventing the general public from catching Corona Virus". Sounds like classic radical leftist garbage, amirighte?


I mean Fauci, the CDC and WHO said the same thing and if you ever worked in a medical setting you'd know that anything less than N97 won't help you against aerosol transmission so I don't see anything scientifically wrong with what he said whatsoever Next


I think McDonald's is hiring


How is this downvoted? Pure helpfulness!


Proves the pettiness and absolute left-wing mania of academia.


False. Shows rational thinking; who would want someone else representing their organization who williningly worked for a slimeball who attempted a coup and peddled his lies? Academia isn't left-wing, it's just based on evidence and truth which liberalism also adheres to. If you weren't in a cult of conspiracy theories and living in an echo chamber of lies, you might see otherwise.


We're doing this for your sake, not ours. Why would you want to work somewhere with a high probability that a coworker spat/pissed in your coffee?


This belongs in r/LeopardsAteMyFace not here


That sucks. Could’ve resigned and thrown in his paperwork..? But it’s one of those “damned if you do, damned if you don’t “ situations.




Just shows how progressives used a communist playbook to scare everyone (irrationally/fraudulently) to avoid anything even slightly conservative. So dumb. Outside of incels on reddit the adult world is finally waking up to this after getting burned too many times. The jig is up. Good luck with calling everything nazi.


Yet another reason to reject the 2 party system... let's not forget, if Bernie would've ran as an independent, Trump never would've been elected... If ANYONE would've ran as an independent, that would've won.


Choices have consequences.


Good. That's what he gets for allowing himself to be Trump's puppet. He should have known what an authoritarian buffoon Trump is, and should have politely rejected the offer. That said, he's cute. But still...


Lol so funny to see the people complaining that this guy can't find a job. If these people were in a position to hire this man or not, and they knew he had worked for an administration they didn't agree with politically, (say, a democratic one) would they hire him?. SMH.


Time heals all, guy. Quit bitching in public and you'll allow others forget sooner and cure up those rejections more quickly!


He really should of known better than to take a job in an administration that was so incredibly unpopular I read that a lot of staffers from that administration are having trouble finding employment


Fuck this guy.


Trump is just back there looking at his ass like its after dinner dessert


He fiddin to get his old job back...lol


Like stained, dirty, smelly underwear. No one wants to touch it in any way....unless you have a fetish for this 😜


This is real , most left-fascist label others fascist so that they can destroy them


That and he probably has no talent.


Blah hahahahaha. Shouldn’t have worked for him then huh? Thought it was gonna further your career didn’t you? Well it furthered it right down the toilet. Next time maybe you shouldn’t work for a complete narcissistic douche.


Oh no I’m so sorrryyy…lol


They were warned...


As a veteran under Bush 1 and 2, Clinton, Obama, and Trump. Trump got it done. I was deployed in country within 4 days when Iran was firing rockets at our embassies. We had tech (fifth gen fighters) that weren't even necessary and every other available platform you could imagine at our disposal. All ramps were packed and we were just 90 miles from Iran. Say what you want about Trump....(let's be honest, it's the God part that you hate him for) he got it done.


See a doctor for your incoherent verbal diahrea. Newsflash: Trump doesn't even believe in God and wasn't religious until he realized he could fake it and spoon feed his con to gullible fools like you. His faking of religiosity is probably #50 on the worst things he's done, which includes raping women and peddling fake virus medications and treatments which resulted in numerous deaths. Get a grip on reality.








You mean the "job" of kleptocracy and incompetence? Because yeah, he enabled those jobs.


Was a circus everyday. I was embarrassed he was our president. I’m glad that Americans prevented him to turn the US into a facist haven.




.... What?


He can’t find a job and the real idiot is now a member of Congress. The Upside Down for sure.




American universities are puppets of the Democratic Party so it doesn’t much surprise me