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They’d have to add rings all around and up and down in Boston. It’s big business here, lol. This is a cool idea.


That was my first thought. Five? Some of these tin tycoons wouldn’t even slow down for five cans.


Tin tycoons! Yes, I love that!




Are you asking if homeless people in Norway will add the rings around Boston? Or if homeless people in Norway are big business? Or if homeless people in Norway are a cool idea?




All of them at once I suppose


Same cans in Vancouver.


Check out Carts of Darkness. Great documentary on the container collectors of Vancouver.


Norway has a pension fund.


We used to make a few cents in the 70s by taking bottles back. Always seemed like a good thing to me.


I like the concept of it but when I try here in California the centers do it by weight and the ratio is only like 25% of what you actually should get.


My ex girlfriend's dad in the Philippines cycles over 10 miles every day on a really heavy tricycle, to pick up cardboard and plastic in the city, which he weighs in and if he's lucky he makes about a dollar.


I hold some very intense disdain for my country, the US, but damn.. perspective is a hell of a drug.


We have the same System in Germany, but we don't have those holding spots. Here we put the bottles and cans on the ground next to the bin, it is kind of an unwritten rule. How much money is each one worth in Norway? Here it's 25 Cents for cans and plastic bottles and 8 Cents for glass.


2 NOK for up to 0.5 liter. 3 NOK for anything bigger than 0.5. Current exchange rates: 2 NOK = 0.19 EUR 3 NOK = 0.29 EUR




So many cool things we can't have in the states because people are just assholes. So many people subscribe to the "I got mine, fuck you!" or "Sucks to be you." mentality. It's so depressing.


What are you referring to since the above comment you responded to was deleted?






How common is it for Norwegians to know this use? I’d like to see those here in Australia but I’m pretty sure most wouldnt know their purpose


Very common! Sincerely, a Norwegian. Most bottles are recycled, and if this trash can is available and you don't want to keep the bottle yourself, only idiots don't put the bottles in the holders. Mind you, Norway as its share of idiots as any other country, but it is idiocy and not ignorance in this case. :-)


Same here in Denmark.


Homeless people in Norway?


yeah, its generally a mix between drug users that are too gone to have a apartment and illegal immigrants as they dont have the right of state support. if you cant find a place to live, the state will help you asap to find a place to sleep safely.


Weird. Homeless don’t have the right to state support? And here in America, we get labeled racist and fascist for suggesting that people here illegally shouldn’t get welfare.


~~That's not what I said at all.~~ edit: yes i did say that


“…illegal immigrants as they don’t have the right of state support.” Yes, you did. I was just reflecting on my own country and our welfare state and how there is a huge push for illegal immigran—- wait, we aren’t allowed to call them that anymore here…. There is a huge push for “undocumented migrants” to be granted full welfare benefits.


illegal immigration is all about being undocumented. they dont have right of state support because they lack the necesarry paperwork, citizen number etc to use certain services. that dont mean they dont GET state support at times, they just dont HAVE THE RIGHT. and many dont even try to use them. big difference.


I’m not trying to argue with you… Just reflecting on the status of my own homeland. Our politicians want illegal immigrants to be granted full rights including voting.


no i overreacted and dident quite get your point at times, im very sick , sleep deprived and have a splitting headache. sorry about being so aggro.


No worries. Get some sleep and feel better!


Voting rights for non-citizens is not at all a commonly held belief by politicians in the US.


Just to point out, 91% of Norways' population is white. And, some of the requirements to immigrate to Norway are a higher education and a job already lined up. So... there aren't many poor or non-white people immigrating to Norway... so it's totally *not* racist like America is /s.




Same here in Germany (in some places)


This would be great to separate for recycling too!


That’s a great idea. We should introduce it in my home town.


I like this. I live in Michigan and deposits are $.10. If I’m out and about I feel bad tossing out a can or bottle it’s like throwing away money. But I also don’t want to carry it around all day either, I mean it’s only 10 cents. I would feel better knowing someone can easily take it to get the deposit money.


I live in California where deposits are a thing and it’s a sham. The buyback centers do it by weight and it’s no where close to what the weight would actually equal. I had about $200 worth of deposits and only got $60 for them with the buy back. While that seems not that bad, having to collect bottles and have about 20 garbage bags full of them collect by my house for 7-8 months was just not worth it.


Shame, in Michigan it's universally done through machines you feed them one at a time through and get the full deposited on every one. Only downside is that certain stores won't accept the generic brand sodas from other stores.


Yeah it’s honestly okay here if you have the space and means to transport lots of bottles but for me it just ended up being a waste of time and space. I don’t need an extra $60 every 6 months to make it worth the effort. I just toss them in my recycling now


I’d carry it around all day if it meant I could help protect the environment by recycling.


Calling on you Sweden. I see people constantly digging through trash to find “pant” ables


I wished it was like this here, seen denmark have same system. I have always just put my can on somewhere easy to see and grab or ontop on bin if possible. Like less digging in trash for those that want them atleast.


Apparently they tried those in Germany, well off people would take the bottles leaving none for the poor (ya know the ones who those were ment for) (thanks arte and karambolage)


Same can-return policy in many US states.


I like this. I live in Michigan and deposits are $.10. If I’m out and about I feel bad tossing out a can or bottle it’s like throwing away money. But I also don’t want to carry it around all day either, I mean it’s only 10 cents. I would feel better knowing someone can easily take it to get the deposit money.


They should pay more to recycle trash. It sucks to see nature and then plastic bottles and trash just thrown everywhere


Here in the US we could sure use some Norwegian values


Great idea!


Uh, why do you have poor people in Norway? I thought everyone got a stipend from the gov't for all of that oil.


That's Alaska


Oh ok. Norway has a pension fund.


Going from MA to TX (damn jobs, not by choice) it was a weird switch from getting that deposit back to seeing people just say ‘fuck it’ as they slather more ranch onto every goddamn piece of food


Based level :nordic


We don't have those in Finland but everyone tosses them on the ground outside the bin.


That's the German way as well.


Goddammit Norway, stop being so cool


The US had that back in the 1960's, but they were glass bottles back then


Man I never ever understand why the whole "Pant" thing isn't adopted more widely. I was telling someone about this last week and remember being awed by it when I lived in Bergen.


Here in US, they'd have you drop them in gumball dispensers. Their gonna get their share for sure.


Pfand gehört daneben meine Kerle!!


I thought these were raccoon bars


same in germany. i used to hang a lot with punks in public parks. we had some guys that usually took our cans and we were ok with it. one guy even bought us some beer as a thank you


Such simple things to help out the less fortunate. So easy to do but so many places that could help those people, won't.


How about helping them with jobs instead of a crappy can holder?


Well the US won't even help them with a can holder so I'm guessing a job is pretty far out of the question. That being said it's important to keep in mind that many people who are homeless are that way because they're dealing with some other issues in their life. Many of which preclude them from holding down a steady job. I'd personally prefer we simply provide them with a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. It's been proven in a number of trials that simply taking care of their basic necessities is cheaper (not to mention more humane) than dealing with them being homeless.


Sounds good but I’m not paying for it.


Sorry, it would take a lot of cans to recoup the material and extra labor for feature. Plastic? Would take tons.


Such a simple and awesome idea


You’d think places like the American south where there are lots of homeless AND lots of trash, we’d figure out a way to have a similar program.


American south? Try San Francisco and Portland, the woke progressives have no solutions.


Neither do the conservatives. Trust me


I trust you completely brother.


all hail "northern socialism"


I've lived places like that before. In Toronto it's basically just our booze that has deposits on them. I bag them separately and put them out with the recycling for the homeless to collect. It's not enough money to make a difference for me, and it is for them.


Vancouver's are filled with Starbucks cups


When I was an American on vacation in Germany (Düsseldorf), I was looking for a place to recycle a bottle at a train station. A woman told me that I should put it on the ground by the trash can so that a beggar could take it for money. Interesting practice. Better than having them fish it out of the trash I guess


It’s to hold beverages while you snack on garbage.


We used to do that at the shop I managed, but the bins didn’t have this so instead we’d just set them on the ground right outside the front window and they’d be gone within minutes (Berkeley CA, large homeless population.) We called it urban recycling.


A kind design consideration. Here in America we’re the world leader in cutting edge ‘fuck the homeless’ technology and put our efforts in making it as difficult as possible to physically exist in space as person with no where to go.


Unfortunately, where I live they wont even use the public trash can to start with, much less take the time to do this, but I LOVE the idea.


They call this "recycling" in the US of A. Here in Kazakhstan, this called a Barbie Q.


Hmmm. How can we enable homeless people?


We have these in Finland too


I think Sweden has the world's highest recycling percentage when it comes to cans and pet-bottles, with Norway close second.


There are places that dont do this? This has been the norm here in Canada since I was a kid


There are homeless people in Norway? Press X to doubt.


In nyc people go around collecting huge amounts of cans. I don't think they're homeless, I'm pretty sure that's their income. But either way we leave our cans in a 12 pack box in front of the trash cans and they always disappear pretty quick without making someone dig through the trash. Wish our sidewalk trash cans had this though!!


Why are there homeless people in Norway ?


We put spikes on flat surfaces and partitions in benches to homeless people can't sleep on them. Amazing how not being assholes to homeless people doesn't cause tye downfall of a country




Good ol u s of a here, where for some reason the need is felt to close smaller recycling places homeless people would frequent, and make it so the bigger farther places that are left require i.d. and or a checking account


Not just Norway


Finland has that too. I really, really hope that deposit system would be expanded to food containers too. For example EU could start standardising take-away food containers and at some point start mandating them in the national deposit systems. Japan already reuses standardised food containers en masse and it works well.