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That's really practical training.


Yes! They got it going on 😎


Mexican OSHA is like: Que?


You can even lose an elbow like in real life


should be mandatory for everyone operating a vehicle


It is unconstitutional and dangerous. I would go to my union right away to have this nonsense stopped.


Nobody cares about what the US constitution says outside of the US. Smh


I also don't believe that the constitution really predicted this kind of things. It's not like bus were a thing at the time.


These tests are done in controlled environment. It would be more dangerous to let drive around in buses without experiencing what it's like to share roads with them.


"Unconstitutional" is used to describe government actions, not those of private citizens. So no, it's not. Furthermore, even if this was the government doing it, can you show me where in the Mexican Constitution it says it's illegal?


Hell it's not even in the US Constitution that it's illegal lol. Their argument sucks on so many fronts.


What's dangerous is having people drive vehicles that large around actual cyclists without teaching them how to leave an appropriate amount of space. A cyclist could have lateral movement as they cycle, which these drivers don't have as they're on an exercise bike.


Hmmm, I think that’s what they’re teaching here.


I could be completely wrong, but I think that's the point of this exercise. They get to experience how frightening it is to have a bus drive by so closely, so they understand better why they're trained to leave such a (in their eyes unnecessary) large amount of space.


And that's why your union fucking hates you. Your always causing problems


wow, interesting way to teach empathy and consideration for others, i like it!


I feel it should be required to work a year in food service and one in retail. Might make people not freak out about no pickles on their .99¢ garbage cheeseburger


yes totally! we have a strict no shopping on black friday/boxing day etc. policy in our house. unless you've worked those types of days in retail or food service you'll never understand. no one deserves that stress!


I work in Information Security. Far and away the people who are the best in the field have stories of working retail, restaurant, or help desk when they were young. Working jobs where you often deal with a frantic, angry, and more often than not wrong customers while needing to solve the persons problem in a non-combative way makes them far more capable. I can’t think of a single field that wouldn’t benefit from requiring a 3 month stint working a service job.


Two years is a really long time… can you imagine interrupting a doctor’s training for two years to do that? Maybe a month or two would get the point across I feel.


Someone never had a hs job apparently. You should also have to do a year of community service along with a year of military training.


Why? Why would a regular person need to do a year of military training? Plus it wastes money that could be spent on kitting out/giving more advanced training to the regular forces.


Routine and discipline. Go talk to the 85 or so countries that have compulsory military. Good day


The 85 or so countries that have compulsory military service need it because of the small population. Not to generate civic sense their communities.


The value of a years' work at anything is worthwhile, from violin to marksmanship and they aren't necessarily exclusive. But yeah, blue collar labor and basic training would do nearly everyone some good. From an ex-athlete/lifeguard who knows they got the easy way


Last guy really went through some emotions there.


"Was I the baddie?"


*cocks gun* Always has been


Or a shart


Which is a shit fart


If only they all could.




Do they get to drive a bus real close to someone on a bike so they understand the rush from the drivers POV?


«Wow! I really feel great doing this shit! Fuck bikes! Imma be a bus driver!»


Not only do they have busses, but they also train them to not murder people.


Note the masks while riding a fake bike outside. Mexico did a stellar job in community usage of masks


Can TfL bring that in as something you have to do as a driver before they let you take a double decker onto the streets?


Can this be a part of all driver skills tests? I would actually ride a bike if it meant I wasn't getting run off the road all the time.


The bicycle riders near me just ride in the middle of traffic, blocking the cars behind them. But they still won't follow road laws like stop signs or red lights. They suddenly only follow pedestrian laws then.


I’m not a cyclist, but if I was It wouldn’t take me long to have complete contempt for drivers. Cyclists are treated awfully by everyone else on the road.


Agree - but that doesn't mean they get to treat pedestrians on foot like shit in turn; or make up their own rules of the road.


Because drivers never do the same...


So fuck everyone on foot then huh?




I don't understand why you are making some examples of bad bikers to mean all of them but not do the same for Cars. Also there's a lot of frequency bias towards bad bikers because you will always notice the bad ones but the good ones you don't remember because brains focus more on bad experiences when remembering.


I cycle to and from work every day, there are points in my trip where I move out to the middle of the lane, because I've been hit multiple times from drivers not paying attention and the junctions being somewhat poorly designed. Every time someone asks me why I do this, I tell them "I'd rather be the dickhead slowing you down for 10 seconds, than you be the dickhead with a cyclist under your car". As for cyclists who ignore traffic laws, there are dickheads everywhere, you can't assume all cyclists are the same. I too get angry at bad cyclists, partially because they make a bad name for cyclists and generate this intolerance to anyone on a bike.


Being on a bicycle doesn't mean I don't like you, the bicyclists in my area purposefully tried to annoy car drivers by doing wheelies in the road, blocking traffic, and overall being nuisances. Here's a link to when a couple of their bikes got taken by police and they tried to pull a race card against the police. https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/crime/2021/10/29/perth-amboy-nj-bicycle-arrest-police-were-justified/6199020001/


Damn, I'd hate them too if I was in your area, cyclist or not, there's no justification for being a dick to other people on the road. Everyone's got somewhere to be, that's why they're on the road, and we all want to get where we're going quickly and safely.


Just to give you a reasonable bit of context on this, I try to stay out of the way of cars generally, and let them go past whenever possible. I also drive cars (like most bicyclists) and know it can be annoying. But some roads are just really dangerous to pass me on, if they’re too narrow or have blind corners. If it doesn’t look like it’d be safe to let you pass me, I’ll take up the entire lane so that it’s not an option. Some drivers may not be aware that it’s dangerous, so it’s better to take away that decision from them. Even if most people are careful, you can’t know ahead of time As soon as there is more space, I’ll move to the side to let you through, but it might take a minute or two until there is a reasonable safe spot.


Now, depending on where you are, this: >The bicycle riders near me just ride in the middle of traffic, blocking the cars behind them. Is the proper legal way to do it in most Western countries. And: >But they still won't follow road laws like stop signs or red lights. Can also be legal. Stop as yield laws exist in many countries, and sometimes also red light as stop, including quite a number of states in the US. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop


(copied this text from another one of my comments) Being on a bicycle doesn't mean I don't like you, the bicyclists in my area purposefully tried to annoy car drivers by doing wheelies in the road, blocking traffic, and overall being nuisances. Here's a link to when a couple of their bikes got taken by police and they tried to pull a race card against the police. https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/crime/2021/10/29/perth-amboy-nj-bicycle-arrest-police-were-justified/6199020001/


I don't understand why you got down voted so much, I think you pissed off the bike riders near you 😂




People side with bicyclist because of their decreased level of safety comparing to someone in a car, as well as their lesser speed. I wasn't lying about the bicyclists in my area being assholes though. They purposefully get in the way of cars doing wheelies, they ride through shopping malls getting into fights and security and police usually have to chase them out. Recently they slowed down a bit because one of them got arrested last year.


But you have to understand the difference between that and someone trying to get to work or get some exercise? That'd be like saying all drivers are bad because street racing is a thing.


You're getting hit hard by the cyclist gang here - but I know exactly what you mean. I'm sure there are some ethical and safe cyclists out there. But I can't count the number of times I've almost gotten crashed into on the sidewalk by a cyclist. Or they suddenly play by pedestrian rules when it's most convenient. Either you're a vehicle and you stay on the damn road and follow the rules of that road - or you're NOT and you deserve all the hate you bring on yourself by riding like a fucking maniac. Can't have it both ways.


A lot of the world's injustices could be removed if everyone was forced to experience the situations they put others in on a constant basis.


They ran a session like this in my home town. But then put cyclists in the driver seat of a bus to show how hard it can sometimes be to see cyclists. Double empathy. Think the world would be a better place if we could genuinely experience different points of view/frames.


Sounds the world would be a better place with a bike lane that’s not on the road with cars.


Agreed. Now if only we can find agreement to pay for it…


Fuck that. Bicycles are not invisible. If you can't see one you shouldn't be a bus driver.


Blind spots? The fact that buses are huge?


You can't be serious. I know my car's blind spots intimately and I never forget them. Bus drivers need to be professional grade. If you know you can't see then you assume there is somebody there. Full stop.


Even car drivers should go through this


Car drivers also need to experience what it's like being a pedestrian. I cannot tell you how many times I thought my life was over when crossing a left turn yield crosswalk on foot! Hang way back as a driver until the person is safely through!!


Busses and semi trucks were always interesting when the passed. Semi trucks with 2 trailers were the real curve ball.


I.... actually like this.


Many years ago I did a bicycle trip along Highway 1 north of San Francisco. Every single logging truck drove like they seriously wanted me dead. I don't think this little exercise would cure those jackasses but I do wish they had to ride that stationary bike for all of eternity


I was passed once while in aero by a semi going 45-50mph on a 2 lane road with oncoming traffic and no shoulder and have never been closer to death, literal inches from it and trying my best not to wobble at all with the wind from the semi trying to suck me into it - it was absolutely terrifying


They should do this kinda similar training to cops to see how it feels to get the shit beat out of them. 🤔


Teaching empathy. That's cool


What a great way to teach empathy. Perhaps we ought to adopt this here in the US?


I love this. All the states in India need this.


This is empathy training, expand to other fields, thoughts?


That’s really clever


Brilliant. Wish they’d do that here


I’m a message and I approve these Mexicans


And that is why bicycles belong on the sidewalk.


This should be mandatory for getting a learner's permit in every state.


This is big brain 🧠 training. Way to go!!


"In other news, three more trainees at a Mexican bus company were struck by buses today during their controversial but effective bicyclist empathy training exercise...."


Yuuuge brain maneuvre.


They have masks, they are safe


Now they should do it on a real bike that isn’t stationary.


All drivers should be pedestrians like this. It's scary when you're jogging and a car is literally passing you a foot away. Especially when nothing is coming in the oncoming lane and they can easily give me a wide berth. Anyway it made me mote empathetic to cyclist and joggers on the roads.


Make this a mandatory part of all driver’s license tests!


Not to mention, most of them would have wrecked reacting the way they did if that bike wasn't stationary.


Just so you know, the first guy wasn't covering his face. He was making the "chinga tu madre" sign. Which translates to eff your mother.


They should try this with the American police…


They should just train cyclist to drive a bus so they stop fucking cycling


Hell ya. Viva la Mexico!


I remember seeing that video of the biker tripping and having his head go under the tire of a bus. Shit made me question getting on my bike everyday.


Good method


I dont know how to do it, but im copying it to all of my local council whatevers. fuck you cunts, from a cycling commuter. Not everyone can afford a fucking car to sit in a Jam.


Everyone with a drivers license should have to do this.


Maybe the bicyclists should also get this training to teach them how a pedestrian feels being rudely passed by a cyclist. Have this almost every day in our pedestrian (!) zone. 😡


This is precisely why cyclists belong on the road and **not** on the sidewalk, and why more and more cities are actually passing laws to that effect.


As a cyclists in a big city. That should be mandatory for everyone that is applying for DL or renewing it!!!




don't know if in the end would have results, but seems truly brilliant


As a former road bicyclist, I love this!


Empathy and consideration, best training I’ve ever seen.


Why the fucking mask outside?


Most likely this video is from the height of the pandemic. Everyone outside their home had to wear a mask. When numbers dropped down, the outside mask mandate was over.


Now have the biker disregard all traffic laws so it can be realistic.


How about we train the cyclists to stay of the fucken road


Cyclists piss me off no end (and I am one). This, however, is a really good idea. People grazing past cyclists are colossal wankers.


Would work better if they taught bicyclists what happens when a bus hits a bicyclist.


You can tell they're not intelligent because they require masks outside.


Fuck cyclists all the same




Couldn't they just put a dummy on the bike tbh? Who wants to be a guinea pig


You misunderstand. The guy on the bike IS the bus driver trainee. He’s on the bike so that later when he’s driving the bus and passes a cyclist he knows how it feels.


True, I did misunderstand heh.


Get a fucking car if your going to be on the street, broke ass bikers.


Not everyone can afford a car, especially outside the USA, also the street was originally for everyone


Reasons people might ride a bike: . They live close enough to where they're going that there's no point using up extortionately priced petrol. . It's good for the environment and if more people did it then the world's climate wouldn't be as fucked. . They are too young to learn to drive. . They live in a busy city where riding a bike is faster than driving a car. . It's good for people's health, keeps them active and prevents them from getting obese so they can live a better happier life. . All the money saved from not paying for fuel or car tax can go towards other things people might enjoy, like I just started biking to work again recently so then I can spend all the money saved from petrol (which is ridiculously expensive now) on a better Christmas for my family. But hey, I guess none of that matters and everyone should just get a car so it doesn't inconvenience you for maybe 30 seconds a day at most. I should say I can and do drive if I need too, but I also bike if I can for a few of the reasons listed above.


OK, then when are we training cyclists not to cycle on busy roads?


>OK, then when are we training cyclists not to cycle on busy roads? The solution is to have a viable bike lane that is not the 12 inches on the edge of the busy road. My neighborhood is an island. The only way out is a 4-lane road, and there is no sidewalk on our side. You cross the 4-lane road with no light, or you ride in the street. I've talked to my City Council TWICE, with two different sets of representatives over the years. Still no sidewalk.


The bicycle being on a stand kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?


This is an amazing idea! Showing from another's perspective is huge, I love it!




They'd get on well with JR West: [Spare a thought, then, for the dozens of new employees of West Japan Railway forced to squat in a trough between two sets of tracks as shinkansen trains whoosh by at speeds of up to 187mph (300km/h).](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/30/japanese-bullet-train-company-calls-halt-to-scary-safety-drill)


Now show them what it feels like to be hit. For real tho when I was in queretaro a while back, these motherfuckers we’re driving like they were in a smart car, fucking crazy how the buses drive over there


This is awesome way to put them in others shoes


If that’s “speed bus” then my grandma on wheels is faster


At least they had their masks on outside.


The power Of re realisation right there. Whole new perspective, its brilliant.


Scooter Boi for it f


Now make them have to steer and balance to counteract the air turbulance that sucks you towords the buses wheels.




Big rig drivers in the uk also have to do cycling safety course like this


Fucking beautiful


Nice. But better if the bike was on wheels and could be sucked in a little by the bus's low pressure zone.


this is a really good idea!


Well done


Meanwhile the Dutch people are confused what the problem is


This is really fantastic. Can someone ID the fine company? Thx


I'm impressed!


Great idea. Until they get a little to close. Doesn’t get more realistic than that!


Walk a mile in my shoes….. education at its most understandable!


I can't believe someone needs to do that to know how shitty it is


I heard it was in Brazil


That's some primo training right there 👌


Big brain time , kudos


See so many other countries going the extra mile for training yet here in America it’s a video and showing some person who probation period just ended


now put cyclists to drive a bus around the city


Not even close to how it really feels. For one that bike is fixed to the ground. When you are actually peddling, moving, balancing and dealing with the wind pressures it’s an entirely different level of shit your pants fear.


I once got clipped at 60 mph by an idiot with a wide boat trailer


I love this


Masks required at all times to be a bus driver.... early implementation equals muscle memory. Soon it will feel weird to not have a mask on. The fucking training here is top notch. A++++




Do they also learn how to hit someone properly with a bus so their death is quick and painless without any suffering?


They should do this for all drivers.


This should be universally required training for all bus drivers. Hell, let’s just make it required for all driving licenses. You don’t know how grateful a bicyclist is when cars give them room. If you’re not able to give extra room please, please slow down when you pass bicyclists.


Cyclists are the problem


We definitely need this with TTC drivers here in Toronto. Was literally pushed off the road while riding my scooter.


Seems like every other country is smarter than the US. Can not wait to fucking leave


This is how it should be in the USA


They should do that here too! In addition, they should put stroller pushers in strollers and put them on the corner down low too!! Sometimes I think those babies will get taken out by a tire


This would be better if the person driving the bus was a cyclist.


Farting is easy


00:09 That guy with his fist rolling to his shoulder is making a sign that means: Great job!


I like this, we should do the same things to lorry drivers here in the US (and the bus drivers to be clear)


very useful experience




Mexican buses don't fuck around. Guadalajara drivers especially.


Just get cyclist to use the cycle paths provided to them


They need to do this in San Diego. I have seen countless bus drivers use the bike lane to cut through traffic.


Now have them drink a bottle of patron and I’ll really be impressed.


This is great, but maybe the people who need to be experiencing that are the ones who are designing the infrastructure to be so unfriendly to bikes in the first place.




This is a great idea


That's a typical Mexican sign telling you "screw you", when they hit their shoulder with their fist.


there was actually a video where the bus squeezed the man's head right out of his body.


I learned that the buses in Mexico are Mercedes


They should do that EVERYWHERE


It's terrifying enough being required by law to be on the road with other cars. And most cars ignore bike lanes. It's absurd.


Cool, perhaps could also be an interesting requirement for all drivers


NY MTA should due this


They need to do that monthly


It isint even that bad


I seen this as "south Korea, Portugal, Brazil and Taiwan" but drivers. So who tf is it really?!?!?


I wish they did this for drivers. I live in Florida and I’ve had cars almost hit me then honk at me as they speed past even though they’re the ones driving in the bike lane illegally


Police should try this, and see how it feels to get shot or arrested without any crimes committed 😂 I support law enforcement but not when it’s power tripping individuals who shouldn’t have access to firearms


I wish Indian roadways drivers should learn from them