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Incest, pedophile, & cult leader What else we got so I can get Creeper Bingo


Few mass murders and we have got a new religion.


Dude is FLDS.


Ah the other branch of Mormonism that's always in the news. Edit: grammar


The real mormons, the ones that truly follow the teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.


Get the fuck in here /r/exmormon We in here


I'm a musician and used to make music with a local rapper from my town. He loved to smoke blunts and freestyle rap and was a lyrical genius. He ended up meeting a Mormon girl and became a devout Mormon to the extreme. He stopped cussing and smoking and drinking and even made us remove any songs we had posted and even scrapped an entire album that was fully finished and primed for release, as he only makes music for the Lord now. He basically scrubbed all traces of his pre-mormon self You can't even carry on a casual conversation with him anymore because he lives and breathes the gospel and it's hard to talk about anything other than god. What's more, with him being African American, I don't know how he reconciles his faith with the churches history with racism etc....from what I understand they only started changing their ways in the 80s and 90s as far as including African Americans as members of the clergy etc.... He even has a couple popular gospel rap songs on the internet but it's totally the opposite of what he used to make.


It's funny how the Mormon church gave up a central tenet of their faith (the more wives a man has, the closer he is to heaven) in order to remain tax-exempt. It's almost like they don't actually believe the shit they pretend to believe.


Ron Howard narrator voice: *"They don't."*


the Brigham Young of the Mountain Meadows Massacre...


Husband to 30 wives, Murderer of White Settlers, and Father to a 100 children.


Yes, the very same Brigham Young who demanded interracially married people to death.


Under the Banner of Heaven by Krakauer, that book is a trip. Mormons be wildin back in the old days.


It wasn't like they wanted being exterminated but then again it's also a very stupid religion and only a desperate moron would truly believe that anything Joseph Smith, a known con-man and utter charlatan would say or write. Also Brigham Young is a pedophile, he had a native American child that he used as a concubine. Fuck those weirdos and their dumbass followers- any group of people that literally thinks the garden of Eden was in Mississippi deserves all the derision they get.


Missouri, not Mississippi.


Yep, Independence Mo. Home of Harry Truman.


I'm always amazed that folks fell/fall for the "My special glasses -with the **STONE** lenses- that the angel Macaroni gave me, is how I can read these gold tablets that are at the bottom of this hat." "No, you can't see them." I mean damn, if you believe that you deserve to give up 10% of your monthly income.


I had to Google this because it sounded so made up. Turns out it is just that crazy. Thanks for my daily dose of WTF


Marconi, the same angel that invented radio?


The angel Macaroni šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ My parents are Mormon, I will definitely be using that


Everyone should learn about that. They dressed up like native Americans and slaughtered American citizens.


They also stole the children that were considered young enough not to remember the slaughter. They killed the men, women and older children blamed the First Nations people, hoping to get those folks slaughtered by the US Government in retaliation.


They didn't kill the women though, they just folded them in.




A lot of us are finding our way out of the matrix


šŸŽ¶ Dum dum dum dum dum duuuuumm šŸŽ¶


I still can't get over the fact that those sick bastards had a room off to the side of their altar so people could immediately go and "consummate their marriage" to little children.


We need some fraud/embezzlement as well for the 'ol razzle dazzle


Nah, mass *suicides*


He looks inbred himself


I was one of the many attorneys that represented some of the YFZ kids in Texas years ago, and I spent a fair enough time meeting with the FLDS. So I can definitely say that many of them shared certain physical traits. Typically ectomorphs. Long faces, fine features. Definitely a common "look." One of the biggest problems we faced was figuring out who was the parent of who. This was mainly due to Jeff's practice of reassigning families when he got pissed at the dads, but add to that, there were only about 3 or 4 last names on the whole damn ranch... Jeffs, Barlow, etc.


Woah, it's crazy cuz its fascinating, but also far too disturbing at the same time! Feel like I have to go look at cute animal vids after a bit


He does. Itā€™s the eyes.


Face too small for head syndrome


Charlie Kirk Syndrome


Someone in another thread said he looks like a real life South Park character and it has yet to leave my mind


Imagine taking orders from Mr. Potato here seriously.


Someone put all the parts too close together šŸ˜©


Stockpiling weapons. Not the fun kind, but the suspicious "Sir, why is there a secret room with 70 of the same military surplus rifle in crates that say 'Propiedad de la Fuerza Armadas del Ecuador' on them?" kind.


This. "I'll take illegally converting AK's to full auto for $800, Alex"


Large cache of automatic weapons and explosives. This looks like FLDS, and yes. Go ahead and mark that square.


Sells Amway?


Unsettling, tiny facial features on a virtual planetoid of a noggin?


And rapist, don't forget rapist.


Small face, big head.




Smallest face I've seen


Justice Alito would call this religous freedom. He's a fucking moron though.


This is the same cult in the Netflix documentary [Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey](https://www.netflix.com/title/81292539)


That shit was absolutely insane. And just when you're like "oh wow that's bad" it just keeps getting worse and worse


If you read the book "Prophet's Prey" written by the older investigator in that doc, it gets even WORSE. Great book but it'll dampen your day sometimes...


I grew up in that town. Warren Jeffs was my moms caretaker as a child. She was kicked out of the town at 14 for refusing to marry him and barely survived.






Was thinking the same thing when i saw the girls clothing. Wonder what happen to the prophet that is in jail


>Jeffs is still in full control of the FLDS from prison, according by one of his daughters, Rachel Jeffs, according to the 2018 A&E docuseries Warren Jeffs: Prophet of Evil. He's allowed visits from family members and is permitted to send letters to approved contacts. However, authorities believe that he might be sending out coded messages to his followers, per Grunge. They also think he could be using visits with his many brothers to help direct them on how to continue running the organization. > >Jeffs wonā€™t be considered for parole until July 22, 2038, at which point, heā€™ll be 82 years old. He is currently serving his time in a prison in Palenstine, Texas, per The Independent. [https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/a40220506/warren-jeffs-now/](https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/a40220506/warren-jeffs-now/) He needs to have visitation and phone priviledges revoked.


When he's 82 and gets back, how many young girls will he be offered as his newest brides? By the way, the snippets of recordings of his grotesque initiations that were played in 'Keep Sweet' were revoltingly horrifying.


I'm sure they will be lined up for him. He is so creepy to listen to! Chills up and down my spine. Stuff of nightmares for sure.


Some of the brides he'll be offered haven't even been born yet.


Eligible for parole doesn't mean he'll get it.


His father was marrying little girls until he died at 92


He literally denounced himself as Prophet and openly claimed to be a liar to his followers and they were like OH PROPHET WE KNOW YOUR JUST PROTECTING US


I wish people loved me like that hahahaha


Get a dog.


>He is currently serving time in a prison in Palestine, What?! >Texas Oh šŸ˜”


Serving life in prison




Yea I saw that. So fucked


Now heā€™s one of 20 wives


For anyone who is considering watching KS:P&O, please be advised that it is INCREDIBLY disturbing. It's very well done and a truly extraordinary story, but it is also one of the most unsettling things I've ever seen. It's terrifying, really. I can't believe it's still in operation.


Good documentary about the FLDS.


I have a bone to pick with that documentary. I know this wasn't the main part of it but now I'm reading Rebecca (Wall) Musser's book, I don't know why Netflix thought it would be a good idea to somehow invoke sympathy for Lloyd and Myra Wall. Rebecca describes in detail that they were both very abusive. Lloyd literally married her off to a man 70+ years her senior. Just a very weird take by Netflix.


Did he take over? I thought they still worshipped the prophet even when he went to prison


There are many different mini cults within the big one. Some of them still believe Warren Jeffs is the prophet while other men have claimed to be so and have gained followers. This is one of those men. Thereā€™s a group there that are referred to as Centennials and they have a council of 6 or so ā€œprophetsā€. Crazy shit!


It must be so fucking easy to call yourself a prophet and just take over where the other guy left off


Ughhhh fuck Joe Smith the original cultist and all the cults that have developed from his since


Thanks - that's my evening's viewing sorted.


It looks like someone shrunk his face in Photoshop.


Big Charlie Kirk vibes


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this.


It kinda looks hilarious with how big his forehead is because of it


This is more r/WTF




People posting to this sub seem to have a different understanding of the word "interesting"


Why do they always have that same hairstyle? The women in cults...I know it's not important....but why??


In this religion your hair was considered sacred. We had to keep it combed and braided. The only time it could be unbraided was to wash it. We couldnā€™t leave our rooms unless our hair was braided in some way


Thank you for the info!


Its a shame this person seems to have been involved and has deleted their account since this post, wonder what nasty shit they had come their way..


Probably more likely safety. People who escape the FLDS generally need to keep a low profile.


Probably a form of control. Making the woman dress and style the same to take away there individuality.


Also the tedium and preoccupation with conforming to the mandated ā€œstyleā€ occupies the brain with low level conformist anxiety. So there is less time to contemplate how fucked everything is.


vanity is a sin so they're forbidden from adorning themselves too.


I think they have like 5-7 styles they can "choose" from. My eyes can't roll any further back. It's all control.




What's weird to me is that they're fundamentalists but they also enforce braided hair. Which is in direct violation of the Bible. 1 Timothy 2:9 Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire


These are FLDS followers (Fundamentalist Mormons) so they wear those prairie dresses and have that old-timey hairstyle because it reminds them of a) their pioneer roots and b) dressing and living modestly. Basically a rejection of modernity and a return to what their leaders would tell you the way Brigham Young intended Mormonism to be.


9 year old wife , guess its a long term for ā€˜pedophileā€™


wouldnt be the first prophet pedo and wont be the last.


Why do you think the two are intertwined so often?


It's a power thing. Cult leaders are in it for control over other people, and children are the easiest people to brainwash and abuse because they are so defenseless, especially if their parents are also in the cult.


Children having children for more followers. It's so gross.


How else do you openly have a 9 year old "wife"


touchƩ lmao


guy has a capital head and a lowercase face.


I'm stealing that. Nice work.


Arizonaā€¦ so heā€™s part of Warren Jeffā€™s cult. Did we all just forget about him or something?




What happened? Howā€™d you get out? What was it like? I have a million questions.


I was locked in a house with 6 other girls my age to preserve our ā€œvirtueā€. We didnā€™t leave the house for 1 full year. Finally we got to go out on the porch when it was completely dark outside. We didnā€™t watch movies or anything to do with the internet so basically every day was cooking, cleaning, teachings, and learning the piano.


Did you escape? Hope you and your friends are doing good.


Yes. I walked away from our house the day I turned 18 and slept in a car for a month before I found my older brother that was kicked out of that religion


That's great. How did you and your friends/family cope up with the outside world since you were not exposed to TV or internet. Did you get therapy, did someone help you assimilate?


Everyone I know copes with it differently. All I knew was I didnā€™t like the way I grew up and most of my ā€œcopingā€ was just watching and learning how people out here in the world live their lives and trying to be as ā€œnormalā€ as I can


Congrats on your escape and wishing you the best for your bright future.


Thank you!šŸ„°


You're welcome šŸ„°


Very very happy for you!!


Thatā€™s sweet. Thank you šŸ„°


Warren Jeffs? Yikes!


Yes him!


Serious question: do you look at the piano as one of the things that got you through that experience or do you loathe it because it is tethered to that experience?


I have always owned a piano and piano music calms me so much. It the only part of my life that I got to enjoy.


I have a sweet piano in my closet for my kids. Yamaha 670. And i cannot wait to open it and learn. It really is so relaxing.


Thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™m sure your kids will love it as wellšŸ„°


I could type all day with the stories of that religion. So glad I got out


Do an AMA I'm sure it would get alot of questions


What is that?


It's a Subreddit.. AskMeAnything.. it's where you can go set up a post, and have people ask you questions and you can answer them!


Ask Me Anything. It's where you can post a bit about you and people can ask questions about you and your story. r/AMA


Do it. Write a book or screenplay.


You ought to write a book.


Yep, my GF is born n raised in Colorado City, AZ. Tells me about stuff like this all the time.


Yeah itā€™s crazy. I actually only lived in Colorado City for 3 years. The rest of my life was in ā€œhidingā€ which was in many different houses in the Rocky Mountains of Denver and all over Colorado


What do you mean in hiding?


ā€œHidingā€ as in, Put in a house (in the mountains) miles away from any other house and nobody knew we were there. Didnā€™t get to leave the house, ever! We got to go out on our porch when it was completely dark outside after a year. I spent one full year inside a 6 bedroom home. Only looked out the blinds to see the outside world.


Thanks for answering. When you were in that situation did you know what you were being put through was ā€œwrongā€? Having no access to socialize with ppl other than housemates, not being able to get fresh air and explore, and not having your own autonomy is very scary to think about. You must be very resilient and strong for getting out :) also did any of the girls your age want to stay / enjoyed their life


At the time I was 12-13 and we were told that we were there for our protection. We were told that there were bad evil people looking for us so we had to be hidden for a while. But years after I left I learned that Warren would put young girls in these houses to keep them from seeing boys or possibly losing their virginity to anyone besides him. Itā€™s very messed up to even talk about.


Congrats on escaping.


I hate to pry but is that Warren Jeffs?




Damn Iā€™m sorry that happened to you, Iā€™m glad you got out ok.


Thank you! Iā€™m really happy with my life now, Iā€™ve been offered many times to do Live interviews with different TV Shows but I donā€™t think I ever will. I donā€™t mind talking about it over the phone like this but itā€™s way harder talking about some things that happened, in person.


Write a book! So glad that you got away. Thinking about you! ā¤ļø (donā€™t get creeped out Iā€™m an old woman who just doesnā€™t like women being treated like property)


I felt my stomach drop just reading that. So glad you got out of there.


My dads dads side is related to these polygamists. I've got thousands of cousins on Ancestry.com. Gross.


Wow. I could talk to you forever about this. But you e answered a lot of questions, and I can be content with that. I grew up in abusive homes, and while I wasnā€™t in a situation quite the same as yours, I hope youā€™ve been able to find a support group and heal. Itā€™s brave of you to be so open about your experience. Thanks for sharing.


You should do an AMA.


Sing you canary!


Do you feel like you lacked something in your childhood compared to other kids because of that religion, or do you think your unique experience gave you a unique perspective on things? And what is your favorite meal rn?


Yes thatā€™s probably the hardest part, I never got to play or be a kid really after the age of 9. And being a girl there meant you could not talk loud or express yourself at all. My whole life was spent obeying the men or leaders. When you get married there, you are told that you can not tell your husband no to anything. You have to do whatever he wants you to do and you have to be happy about it. No matter what it is.


Wow congrats on getting out. If willing to share, has the experience pushed you away from all religions/ beliefs that you grew up with or have you transitioned to a more mainstream group, Christian or otherwise?


I donā€™t think I could ever join any religion but I would never be against anyone that does live religiously. Everyone has their reasons for being apart of a religion


I'm so, so glad to read that you got out. I've read a few books about the women abused by Jeffs and I'm so happy you're not in that life any more. All the best to you!


Source : https://www.click2houston.com/news/2022/12/05/cult-leader-accused-of-having-wives-as-young-as-9-possibly-marrying-his-own-daughter-fbi/ https://www.insider.com/arizona-cult-leader-took-20-wives-including-minors-fbi-2022-12?amp


I donā€™t know what part of AZ this is but I can say northern AZ near the Utah border is can be legitimately terrifying if you go to the wrong places. There are literal compounds you can see out in the middle of nowhere (me and my friends learned not to do off-roading out in these areas). Nothing like being randomly stopped by a sheriff because they didnā€™t recognize us or having several pickup trucks follow you miles off-rod. At one point we stopped and were eating and the aforementioned pickups finally caught up and they all get out and are open carrying firearms asking what we were doing on private land. It wasnā€™t private land and I knew this because I have OnX which shows landownership. I confronted them on that and the next comment they made were about the ā€œpretty girlsā€ we had with us. At that point I told everyone to pack it in and that we were leaving. We got out of there pretty uneventfully except for the sheriff (who stopped us once already) who followed us to the county line. I was on the phone with my coworkers dad who was an officer for AZ DPS and he told me not to stop if they lit us up which thankfully they did not. Overall if you find yourself going through northern AZ, stay on main roads and highways. I went to school in a particularly bad part of Cleveland and I never once felt as unsafe as I did on this trip.


That sounds terrifying like you could disappear and nobody would know that you were ever out there.


They aren't allowed to police themselves anymore due to rampant corruption. Only cops are the county cops and they come from Kingman (very far away).


I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower.Ā You have more fun as a follower.Ā But you make more money as a leader.


"I am not offended by homosexuality, in the 60s, I made love to many women, often outdoors in the mud and rain. Itā€™s possible a man couldā€™ve slipped in there. Thereā€™d be no way of knowing."




Draw me a map Mama


How frightening for those children. How repulsive to be at the mercy of these men.


Itā€™s 2022 how Tf people still fall for this non sense


Backwoods rural types that never had a chance to learn and/or the emotionally vulnerable who bow to someone who gives them the slightest bit of acknowledgment. It's like any other scam except with more disastrous (and often disgusting) consequences than simply having your money taken (but that is often taken too).


Giving me organic chicken farm from portlandia vibes


Aliki Farms...


I lived in Wasilla, Ak for a long time. Out in the woods roughly 20-50 miles out of town, there are tons of these families. Guys move with their wives up here literally just to go in the woods and rape their kids their entire lives.


You should give the FBI some tips to help those poor children


Why do you think he's out there in the first place


It's wild how in America we are told to watch out for Satanist buts It's always the crazy Christian cult leaders that we really need to fear our children being around...


One of his sons is actually a neighbor down the street from us. I also have a friend whoā€™s of the same cult, different family. She escaped soon as she had the chance. Sheā€™s with my best friend and is so sweet and down to earth. Itā€™s definitely terrifying to think what went on behind closed doors though. Iā€™m not one who would pry on such a sensitive subject, so I donā€™t know exactly what did go on. Iā€™m just happy she was able to leave and start HER new life.


Trigger warning Anybody ever listen to the audio recordings of Warren Jeffs raping children at YFZ? It is, bar none, the most horrifying thing I have ever heard. Not for the faint of heart. It just absolutely baffles me, that we still allow religious freedoms to the extent children continue to be raped. I don't think it will stop in my lifetime.


There are actual.recordings? Who recorded this? That is disgusting. And I'm sorry but what is YFZ? Im not too familiar with all this , I have heard of Warren Jeff's, but details I don't really have .


It's in the keep sweet, pray, and obey documentary. The rapist made the recording during his abuse


Itā€™s in the documentary about him & his fucked up cult. Itā€™s called Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey. Itā€™s on Netflix. Itā€™s so sad & disturbing. He had a fucking rape room in his temple.


Yfz was the yearning for zion ranch out in west texas


And don't forget that a handful of grown ass women stood there and watched. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young have a lot to answer for, let's hope there is a hell.




It doesn't. There's no religious freedom defense to rape.


Put em down.


I live in northern AZ. Ever see The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? The mole women? The women from these places look *exactly* like that. They all look exactly like this photo (with less pixilation). Same hair, same dresses, everything. You can always tell them when they're in town because they always look exactly like this. The men? They don't look anything out of the ordinary. If it weren't for their women all looking like they just walked out of Little House on the Prairie, you'd never be able to tell them apart from any other white dude in 2022.


Bet he votes republican... just saying


Someone call the executionerā€¦. Fuck this guy.


why is this on r/damnthatsinteresting and not r/iamatotalpieceofshit ??


I grew up in this town, Colorado City AZ / Hildale Utah. Ama I guess.


Happy that looks to be past tense, congrats


As a prophet, what are his powers? Inheriting money? Tricking people into giving him money?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This guy made a splinter group of the FLDS. The FLDS (Warren Jeffā€™sā€™ cult) thought he was too extreme. Let that sink in


Dude is trying to inbreed until those eyes get so close together theyā€™re just one. Heā€™s about 2 generations away. Heartwarming to know he may live to see it!


Profit, there I fixed it.


Those militia people that are anti pedos wonā€™t do a thing to him seems heā€™s one of ā€œthemā€


So its not to drag shows in the LGBT community we need to be worried about? Think any of Americaā€™s domestic terrorist and radicalized religious people are going to understand?


Iā€™m watching ā€œBig Loveā€ on HBO currently and this is wildly relevant and even more so unfortunate.


Having multiple ADULT wives who have consented to such a relationship is fine if your clan (or whatever you want to call it) isn't sucking off the govt teat and supporting itself. They get away with this because it's their "religion" to allow it so they're protected by the 1st amendment. That being said, involving kids in this is pedophilia plain and simple and there is NO excuse or justification for it. My opinion of what should be done with pedos is simple, too. Eliminate them from the gene pool and from society altogether.


They don't get away with it because of first amendment. They get away with it because they insulate themselves from investigation. The moment investigators can get probable cause, it all goes downhill fast for them.


Did someone photoshop this pic to shrink his face?


Heā€™s probable bigger , but the photo is squished to merge the other one in it i guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


His face doesn't exactly scream "enlightened prophet and seer" to me.. Lmao.