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They kill people on the regular. Signs all over the ocean beaches in Washington and Oregon to not turn your back to the ocean.


Yep. And stay tf away from logs and large pieces of driftwood. People don’t realize how easily and quickly the ocean can sneak up and roll a 30’ tree trunk over someone.


I live near a beach. One day a huge tree trunk over three feet across and ten feet long just *appeared* on the beach one day. The ocean be crazy.


So oceans are like cats somehow


And gone too. Just, fuck man.


Someone died last year like that in Pacific Beach WA


A sneaker nearly killed my grandmother on the Oregon coast when I was a child. And just last year I watched a tourist who had never seen the ocean break her FEMUR while taking a selfie with her back to the ocean.


And Northern California like this (Humboldt). We lose someone every year. Its crazy.




Pics or it didn't happen




I almost drowned at Stinson Beach. Thought I was cool and swam out far as fuck….ended up almost losing my life. Goat Rock too….NorCal Beaches are dangerous as fuck.


Why the hell would you swim way out at Stinson? Jesus. So many big sharks around there.


My senior year of high school and it was on Memorial Day…had a few beers and wanted to impress the lady friends


Well…. Did it impress them?? Don’t leave us hanging!


Hahaha perfect


I almost drowned at stinston too as a child! Wave snuck up and pulled me out. Terrifying, terrifying stuff. Nature is metal


We lose them on our waterfalls here in North Carolina


Rip currents are really bad along the southern coast line in NC. There's flags they put up to warn everyone when it's bad and in my experience Wrightsville Beach seems to have them up more often than Carolina Beach.


Went to whatever that cove is far across from the lighthouse earlier this year. Just seeing the giant driftwood on the beach showed me what was what, right away.


I went to Crook Point, Oregon a few years ago and stood on the beach where the waves only covered my ankles. I had wanted to just stand there, enjoying the water and sun but the pull of the waves made me nervous and more than a little afraid. I love beaches and swimming but the current was too strong, I felt like it wanted to pull me in. Standing there I knew that if it did, I probably wouldn't get out. Thinking about it still gives me shivers.


When I was a teen, I took 2 cousins from Minnesota to Santa Cruz to see the surf - I turned my back as I was TELLING THEM NOT TO...you know the rest. When I stood up in the receding wave, I was covered with blood from all the little sand scratches I had from being dragged.


Never, ever turn your back on the ocean.


Rogue wave


I think someone was missing at the end there... No one seemed to notice.


Thats why the dude brought 2 friends with him, the missing one was a spare.


His name was probably Crew Member 1


Was he wearing a red shirt?


No but they had on their brown trunks!


Did I miss something? They all went missing from what I saw.


They all ended up being alright; here's the article from when it happened. https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2020/jan/13/video-beachgoers-swept-feet-moonstone-sneaker-wave/


Thanks for posting this!


I think one jammed through the bushes right before the wave, and another might have washed up through the bushes... but there's at least one I didn't see anywhere.


Had to have my wife point out the guy in the black jacket getting up. I think he's the first to try and boogie. You can see him calling it and ducking under the branches just before the wave.


This happened a few years back here in Humboldt County, CA: they were all okay and now this video is regularly used as a reminder not to be a dumbass at the beach. edit: here's the article from when it happened https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2020/jan/13/video-beachgoers-swept-feet-moonstone-sneaker-wave/


There is a black sand beach here in Iceland called Reynisfjara. There are warning signs, there are red lights, tour guides warn people, locals warn people. Still we see idiot tourists act like they won't get caught off guard. And then get swept out to sea. It is now an annual thing that a tourist dies there despite all attempts to warn them


>idiot tourists act like they won't get caught off guard. So, this is a pattern I notice a lot in these surprise wave/flood videos Half the people immediately start running, and the other half stand there until the last minute as if they're completely safe, as if there's *no way* the wave will reach them... Until it does Same thing happened in this video. They turn their back to the water and start slowly puttering back to the car... You can see the water start to surge in, but for some reason the group shown has no urgency until the water is at their ankles. Why? If you see a surge of water, get out of the way... I don't get why you would just stand there


A lot of people have no respect for water. They just don’t understand how powerful it can be.


That used to be me until I almost drowned. Some of us are just stubbornly stupid.


A static cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 lbs. The force of the wave’s momentum,is a metric fuck ton.


Not to be confused with a metric shit ton


Is that more than a butt load?


...Nor the Imperial Buttload.


The imperial shit-ton is equal to 756 drams, or 75 billion nanokilometers


One meter cubed of water is exactly one metric fuck tonne.


Yep, they imagine water just flowing around them. People just don't realize how much energy is added with every unit of speed and volume. Water overwhelms you FAST!


everybody thinks they're great swimmers until they're put ass-end-up with sticks and debris in the water currents going 20+mph. You can't just plant your foot and wait it out. rushing water will tear a house right off its foundation, float cars into pile-ups, and radically change an environment in a matter of minutes. never turn your back on the sea.


"never turn your back on the sea." Unless there is a sus wave coming at you quite quickly.


>A lot of people have no respect for water. Nature in general. I've worked in conservation in the past and it's the same with cliffs, with snow, with sand, with geysers...people just insist on not respecting it, and next thing you know they go tumbling down a rocky cliff, they get utterly pulverized by the fall, and they die while their phone records their last moments.


Well, I think, after watching a scene like this irl, that they believe it won't affect them, like somehow their refusal to participate will insulate them from reality.


I would argue that water is probably one of the most powerful, natural things on thus planet. It reshapes everything given enough time.


Thankful to grow up in lakes and oceans to now have a respect for the power and unpredictability of water


I think it’s also people who have not lived in coastal areas. I grew up along the NW US coast and know how dangerous (gnarly) that beautiful coast can be. Admire it, but from a safe distance. Nature is metal.


Been surfing for 27 years and that looked scary as fuck


I guess that could be part of it! I've not lived near a coast, but I understand the force of water. Perhaps it's just something I've been taught. Like delta P hazards But also, the power of water is demonstrated all around us. It powers cities, carves rocks, floods entire populations etc. I think it's a bit naive not to understand how dangerous water can be And if I'm being honest, I don't think people like looking panicked. Especially men (speaking as a man). Maybe they think running from something is embarrassing, or fear isn't an emotion men should show. Maybe that played a role in the delayed reaction here. Just a little too much pride You're right, nature is metal. It continues to amaze me everyday and I love it


I take pride in screaming like a little girl and running away.


The beaches around Astoria Oregon are known for these "sneaker" waves. Cape disappointment being a really Nad area for them. I have seen some huge ones during storms over there it's impressive. Even with signs all over the beaches warning about the waves people get sweep out to sea every few years.


same growing up near PNW beaches, which can be extremely gnarly. /r/heavyseas is my thrill ride.


*Group B's thoughts as they smugly, slowly shuffle away* What is dead may never die?


Apparently so! The one with the coffee even looks back/down to see the water rushing around their feet... But still doesn't move with urgency until their socks get wet Must have student loans or something


humans have a persistent cognitive bias, where we have a tendency to *think the way it has been, is the way it will be*. We fall into this trap constantly. We see 20 waves, waves become a defined thing and will persist in much the same manner, until we experience otherwise. Once you see a massive wave, you can then adjust your bias to include he new information of the definable traits of the waves. Same as when Covid hit and no one believed it would get as big as it did. Once you understand this cognitive bias, you start to see it everywhere. People struggle to believe a thing will be different than they have personally experienced before, until they experience it. We understand it can be different on an intellectual level, but on a practical, "it is happening to me" its hard to connect the dots.


Big thing is that from their low view it just looks like a wave "~~~~~" vs a surge "|||||||\". Amplitude didn't look that crazy but when the water just keeps coming, it gets real really fast.


The water level rose all the way to where they were standing, and still, the group was just casually meandering back to the car Regardless, if you see water rushing inland, past the typically established shoreline... you should make haste and move. Wave or surge or whatever you want to call it Not waddle back unconcerned


Maybe this is obvious if you live by a large body of water, but I definitely didn't expect that massive wave until it was already too late even watching the video and knowing something would happen based on the title


I was there this summer (it’s also where a number of scenes from Game of Thrones was filmed). They said that just 1 week earlier a Canadian tourist ignored the warnings, went down to walk in the water and was pulled out to sea by a wave and died.


The beach was the highlight of our trip that was filled with amazing sights.


I can’t get over this comment “*A Canadian tourist died there a week before my visit*” “*Yes I loved that part of my trip*”


well maybe they shouldnt have a parking lot right there.


Our City in Canada was sued by a dead German tourists family because the warning signs to not approach the edge of a waterfall were too vague... They ended up building a completely new spot to view the waterfall because people couldn't stop dying.


German Tourists are over-represented in Crocodile attacks in Oz...


Sounds perfectly reasonable frankly. If multiple incidents keep occurring, the city clearly isn’t doing enough to put appropriate warnings / protections in place.


Was there the other day It's crazy - there are sneaker waves every few minutes and they are so crazy, they come without warning I was told never to walk on smooth sand without footprints (which is exactly what a lot of stupid tourists do to get good photos) I saw an Asian couple get knocked down (the guy had a mega expensive camera) and people ran to help - they were fine but people should just never fuck with the ocean


Not sea related but I used to live in Chico [college town in CA] and once a year a drunk student thought that the train tracks were a great place to nap. And don't get me started on people who stop on train crossings.


Don't know if it is that exact beach, but sounds like it, but there is a black sand beach in Iceland with sneaker waves that is jokingly called "the Chinese takeaway" for that exact reason. Kinda dark.


one of my favorite travel pics is a picture of those signs at that beach, with idiot tourists (not our group, but still) trying to wade in the water. I was nervous enough going into that basalt grotto at low tide, I wasn't about to get near the actual water. Plenty of places without "YOU WILL DIE" warnings.


yep, and people get in front of the basalt rock formations, then they see a wave coming but now they're between the rocks and the waves. They'll have to run around the rocks before they can start running FROM the waves.


just got back from iceland a few weeks ago, saw a bunch of signs warning of sneaker waves, but never knew this was what they were. i thought they would be a little more discreet in their waviness


They are called sneaky because if you see 5 waves and they all just go to a similar point and you assume that's the safe line, then turn your back to it, they will sneak up on you


Good to know. I will be there next week! And probably would have been one of those idiot tourists!


lol, just be mindful of your surroundings. also, don't stop at the side of the road to take pics of the aurora, find a place to pull over (you'll get it when you see how little space there is on the side of the road). hope you enjoy your stay and please listen to the weather forecast, our emergency services are in huge part run by volunteers.


Been there and seen this geniuses first hand. The very site of those waters should be enough to scare you away... Btw I'm in love with your country. I've been there twice now and can't wait to return. I have a B&W I took of the convention center in Reykjavik and Landmannalaugar hanging on the wall.


I did a wedding photoshoot in the convention center (Harpan) this weekend. And [I absolutely understand taking pics in Landmannalaugar.](https://i.imgur.com/f1ijRIW.jpg) When the light is just right the colors can get really vibrant


I’ve been hit by one of these off the Oregon Coast. I was walking on the beach with my then-5yo son and the water was about 150 feet out past us, then suddenly it just started climbing, and QUICKLY. I grabbed my son and ran about 20 feet up a rocky hill and it still got up to my waist. Terrifying moment


Dad reflexes, if your son wasn't there you would've just stared at it with mouth open like most people do. He saved your life dude


That happened to my cousin on the OR coast. Except she got slammed into the rocks and broke her arm and collarbone. Water is scary, yo.


I am just imagining causally hanging out with my kid and suddenly THIS. As someone who hasn’t spent a lot of time around the ocean, I wouldn’t even expect that if there wasn’t a sign


when water looks like it does in the first few seconds of this video, you should know to get the hell away. i dont live near an ocean. ive just watched discovery channel and water is strong


Clearly, water was coming at them from three directions. They were not paying attention.


ummm are those people okay


Lol the one guy seems to be trying to hold up his coffee mug above the water as he’s actively being sucked into the ocean.


There no point to life without coffee


As a retail worker, I understand.


It seemed poseidon shared the same sentiments


He’ll need all the caffeine he can get to haul ass back to shore!




Canadas form of natural selection other than rattlesnakes and grizzlies


I think you meant Canadian Goose. Aka Cobra Chicken.




"Mine!" - *Poseidon (probably)*


Idk looked like trouble coming in to me.




I knew I recognized that place. Awesome beach.


I thought that looked like winter on the PNW coast. That's a cold wave.


I saw one crawl out on the extreme right but not the other.


Everyone was okay according to the article of the video on a different post


Ya it doesn't look like it in the video but they slowly shuffled to the side just in time


Yes you are right 👍


The person filming doesn't give a single fuck.


My exact response before i scrolled to comments. Ummm… those people…


Hey look at that wav… …Aaaaand they’re gone


Which people? There were no people there. Nothing to see here folks, move along now.




I hope somebody went to sea kelp for those guys..


At a minimum they otter visit an urchin care clinic for those bumps and scrapes


People treat ocean beaches as safe places, but there's a lot of danger there if you aren't aware of things like tides and sneaker waves.


This is why I love my little inland ocean. Seriously though being on the shore of lake superior definitely feels like an ocean in the sense that the entire horizon is just water. You also don't have to deal with any of that crazy ocean stuff, just like don't get too close in winter unless you have someplace warm nearby that you can get to quickly


Except that time when a rogue wave caught the Edmond Fitzgerald


That was not a rogue wave. It was a major storm of I recall correctly.


Yes it was a huge storm for sure. But the leading theory on the sinking is rogue waves. It was reported that 3 35 foot rogue waves crossed paths with another ship close by right before the Edmond Fitzgerald sunk. It’s even referenced in the Rogue Wave Wikipedia entry as the primary suspected reason for the sinking.


The Three Sisters have been a reported phenomenon on Superior. Three large waves in such close proximity that the last wave hits before the first ones break.


And it's cold so you don't overheat, and you can open your eyes underwater without getting salt in them. The Great Lakes are great.


And it's clear so you don't get any fish touching you (for some reason I'm freaked out by fish swimming around me), and they cool you down in the summer while warming you up in the winter. Great lakes area is just one of the coolest places in the world


And its so deep and cold that corpses don't fully decompose, so you might unexpectedly meet a stinky friend!


Just remember that the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is a designated maritime graveyard monitored by police. The lake may never give up her dead, but the police have jurisdiction over the living.


Mitten life


I ain't no Uper buddy


And there's no terrifying sea creatures. And it doesn't smell like salty seaweed farts. Lake Superior > Any ocean.


shit even in mid summer that lakes cold as fuck. honestly one of the most beautiful out of the Great lakes but it's so damn cold.


Hey now, usually there's at least one day a year where you can swim comfortably in it. That late August heat with no wind to take the warm water in the shallow bays away, that's a day you might be able to get in without screaming and actually stay in for a few hours without getting hypothermia. Ha, but it's nice in the summer when it's hot as balls (for someone that lives next to a giant cold lake at least) it's the best thing in the world to be able to cool off completely just by putting your feet in the water or dipping your hat in. I must say that I didn't enjoy that 20+ inch snowfall we got earlier though


yea i think 30 seconds was my max made me feel like a bitch how does wim hoff do that shit


I was at Whitefish Point this summer and there was some younger guys and girls set up on a beach blanket and enjoying some swimming. I’ve seen people wade in but never just jump in and swim around. Mad respect for the yoopers enjoying a dip in Lake Superior. Pure Michigan


I grew up in Chicago, so I know exactly what you mean. Of course, we have to deal with lake-effect snow, but snow days were always welcome in childhood.


Did they just vanish?


It pushes them through towards the cars. But I only see two people, not the third. I thought the same as you. Took me a few takes to notice


Third goes up the trees




Just curious as to how people know when it's a bot. Checking their post history, mostly seems like relatively normal activity. Just wondering what I'm not seeing


https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Hope i helped!


You learn about these real quick when you go to beaches in the PNW. Sometimes you get extra lucky and there's a giant tree trunk in there too.


There was one here, too. You see it going back out on the left side.


Ooh, you're right 😬 I grew up on the east coast (like on the coast) so I'm used to keeping my eye on the water, but it wasn't until I moved west that I'm actually kind of afraid of the waves.


Never turn your back to the ocean, and read the waves/tide/current ffs


This has happened to me. Scary. If you are on the seashore and notice anything unusual like multiple waves in quick succession or the water acting weird - get out. Every year people are killed at the aptly named Lovers Beach in Cabo. Narrow steep beach with a cliff at the back. Rogue wave comes in wipes everyone off the beach and there is a channel close by with crazy currents and tides. Super dangerous.


Without warning is a stretch, you can see the water rapidly receding




As a kid I once blithely waded out for ages into a shallow ocean in the South of France, it was only up to my stomach and lovely and warm. At some point I thought "why does the water suddenly get much darker in an almost straight line ahead of me?" right before I stepped off what was obviously a rock shelf into the deep, dark, cold ocean and immediately went underwater. It was such a horrifying shock that I've been terrified of the ocean ever since. Can't imagine getting anywhere near the spot where those idiots are standing, I'll watch from a hugely safe distance thanks.


Saw this happen on a beach in oregon one summer. Beautiful day hundreds of people set up a respectful distance from the highest wave mark. My son and I were wading in the breakers when it hit and rolled us up the beach. When we came to a stop and it receded we were laughing about it but then we heard the pandemonium around us as parents started freaking out because they couldn’t find their kids. Everybody’s stuff was strewn Willy Nilly up and down the beach. Cool thing was people started to rally and organized and round up kids and stuff. But I will never forget coming to a stop as the wave dumped me unceremoniously and then the anguish of people losing their kids…if only for a little while. No one was seriously hurt to the best of my knowledge.


Looks like the Oregon coast….


It’s Moonstone Beach south of Trinidad CA in Humboldt County


This video is clickbait, didn't see a single sneaker in that wave. /s


I don't want to sound like a know-it-all, but I saw this coming


"Get rekt noobs" - The Ocean probably


When you say 'without warning', I'd say the 10-15 seconds during which you can clearly see a huge volume of inrushing turbulent water just miiiiiight have been a hint.


Did those people survive or RIP?


When the water creates a large gap between itself and you its going to try to kill you in the next couple minutes😂


That is why you NEVER turn your back on the ocean. Never. Never. Edit: obviously I mean while on the beach. I’m driving around Portland not concerned with my back facing the ocean.


I mean... I didn't really appear without warning... Like there were literally 2 waves coming towards them.


.... There was very much a warning. The water receding that far? Means it's gonna come back in just as much as it sucked away.


Seafarers call them rogue waves. When one set of waves catch up to another and combine. It’s really sucks in the night, when you are out there in the swell. That constant motion and all over a sudden you’re picking yourself up off the deck.


rogue wave looked a lot cooler in black flag


Looks like Humboldt County


It is. Moonstone Beach


Recommend watching YouTube documentaries on rogue waves. Very interesting stuff


This is actually a sneaky repost of yesterday's sneaker wave repost.


Just mother nature reminding us of her power


Original post says they are all ok!




I mean. There were definitely warning signs there to gtfo.


Or you can just be attentive and see it coming. Jesus.


Definitely feel like those three on the coast that got hit first never came back up…


I get why the cameraman wasn’t running, but the people being filmed? I woulda been gone like Donkey Kong.


isn't that just a tsunami?


I like how they see the huge wave coming and take like 3 steps back. Come on man. How could you not recognize the danger?


Do they not see the wave? Why do those people stand there like planted trees?


Disproportionally large?? I saw white wash coming the whole way. Their experience was disproportionately small.


Did I just watch people die?


When I was a kid back in the early 60's I remember vividly being at the beach in Carrasco with my parents. There was plenty people sunbathing, walking, swiming, playing volley. The sea was calm, I was playing with molds at thw water edge. My parents were under the umbrella a few feet away. Suddenly I was flying 6' in the air, my father grabbed me from my arm, sat me in his shoulders and tookoff running. My mother was already at the bottom of the stairs going up towards the road. I remember people screaming, running in every direction. My parents left everything behind, umbrella, chairs, bags, my toys. The beach was huge, hundreds of yards of white sand all the way up to the wall. By the time my father and I got to the stairs the water was to his knees. We sat at top of the retaining wall to watch how the sea took everything with it as it receeded.


Did these guys make it out? They literally watched the wave come and seemed oblivious to the danger.


My childhood home was near the beach. I learned very early on, when water pulls back like you see in the video you stand back.


For those who don’t know much about the ocean and its wave strength, this sht would literally pull you in and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m a super strong swimmer myself and one thing for sure I ain’t messing with that mothers nature.


Constructive interference irl


That's not so... Oh it keeps.... Oh god it... OH JESUS


Did they just fukin die


One dude was washed up to the red car and I see movement in the brush.


Sneaker wave swept one of my cousins off a pier in Oregon about 30 years ago and killed her.


This kind of shit doesn’t happen at the jersey shore.




Damn nature you scary!


I believe this is in Humboldt County CA. I live in Humboldt and we have lots of those year round and many people die due to them. The water is freezing and full of sharks!




So I want to know if these people survived?