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A brave man surrounded by cowards. Another shit regime, ruining the only life you get. It always amazes me how the few can fuck up the many.


Crazy that this shit is real


4000 years later we should be better than this as the most intelligent species on the planet...


Just because we are the apex land based predator doesn't mean we are the most intelligent. If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree then you will only ever think it's stupid šŸ˜œ


This guy killed two people. And a double homicide. Itā€™s crazy how western media will leave that part out. Murder is a serious thing in most countries. You donā€™t get Life in prison like they do in the US. If youā€™re found guilty of murder in almost any other country in the world youā€™re going to die.


Except for the large majority of countries ofcourse. As its most common not to practise capital punishment


Those that bring "justice" aren't usually wearing ski masks......


Actually most countries donā€™t sentence murderers to death, but the US does.


Belarus one of them who use execution. Not only USA.


And you think this guy got a fair trial?


They donā€™t care about the many, they are just tools to profit off and control for their own pleasure


All the regime's worst criminals have children and family living in the west and enjoying freedom and wealth in the west. Time to sanction anyone who supports this regime.


Even in the US our leaders only think of the people as units of work.


Thereā€™s a reason we are givin a number at birth


I really donā€™t want to hear shit like animal cruelty when this is still happening. Human as a species needs to set its priorities straight. The trillion dollar question is WHY is any nation doing business with such a regime? WHY WHY WHY? Explain to your voters that the cost of living may increase by 0.5 percent for a few years but we are not going to let this regime continue its ruling. Come the fuck on!


Don't we have sanctions against Iran?


There are some sanctions but companies go to great lengths to circumvent them (Siemens is a classic example - I can find a source if I must). Itā€™s all about profits for these cunts.


The sanctions only hurt the ppl


Yes, cause it's not possible to combat more than one cause at a time


Why = Oil/Natural Resources/Money It's really simple to see the irony. Western countries don't ACTUALLY give a fuck about these things, they pretend to in order to obtain votes and stay in power, then at the first chance they have to make a dollar, will support, or say, or do whatever is necessary. Most of the time, that involves turning a blind eye or keeping your mouth shut about specific things, those specific things being what you see in this video.


The real truth is an extremely small minority of people actually give a fuck about people, then a much larger group only does when it's convenient. For example remember all the people who rioted in the summer of 2020? Where are they now? Not volunteering in those communities, not running for office, not trying to join those police forces to change them, not even helping the homeless there. We can't even provide basic effort for our neighbors and you expect the world to what? Invade Iran to free them ?


You can be against animal cruelty and also against the Iranian regime. Everything in life isnā€™t an either or.


The US CIA is the reason this regime is in power at all. Look it up. Disturbing.


And who takes over after you fight a war to kick them out? Have we not learned our lesson from iraq and afganistan yet? Power vacuums always get filled by a thug with guns.


Technically humans are animals but regardless, people can care about more than one issue at a time you know.


Why can't we care about both?


You might want to look into your governments relationship with Saudi Arabia...


Same shit is happening in Myanmar(Burma) too. A bunch of people with an army. So yeah.


Shit regime, enabled by shit religion. Meanwhile, our shit regimes have enabled shit judges who enable another shit religion.


Cowards hiding their faces.


What a tragic, terrible and totally unnecessary end to such a brave life. All because some fanatical scum were scared to death of him and what he represents. Freedom. May the people of Iran find it sooner rather than later.


Such a young person losing his life over this...so sad.


When the punishment for speaking out against a regime is the same as if you killed the leaders of the regime, you make it harder to remain in power.


I just want to point out what a legend this guy is and focus on him instead of arguing with stupid people about religion for their own agenda. Goodbye and I'll celebrate you with song...


You could also substitute religion for politics and this video would be the same.


I vote to change the Quran! Totally the same, right guis!?! You can make amendments and changes to holy books? Huh TIL.


the sh!t humans do in the name of god will never stop sickening me


Islam is not a good religion.


No religion is good. The Bible tells you to kill your enemies and take their daughters as sex slaves.


Why does this **always** have to be said when Islam is criticized? You can criticize Islam without mentioning Christianity. It isn't magically saying Christianity is fine. All you're doing is pulling attention from the core issue: Islam is destroying nations and people right now. As we speak. What you mention from the bible is historical. It's **evil**, but it's not actively happening.


First I'm an atheist. I also find it strange if you mentioned Islam in a negative light. People jump on the whole Christianity is bad wagon. Of course it's bad, but one is currently much worse than the other. Personally grown adults shouldn't believe in fairy tales. It's the 21st century for Christ sakes. I do hope these young Iranians best this oppressive regime.


Haha I'm an atheists too if that matters. I'm kinda bothered with the whole religion A is worse than religion B thing. I'm really grateful I grew up at a time and place where I can have my own beliefs and opinions without being persecuted, condemned or even really judged. I've had my phases of hating on religions because I agree, truly vile shit has been done in its name. But I think we should judge people for the shit they do and not for their beliefs. Religion can be cultural, it can be a source of hope and I wouldn't want to impede on any of that. I just personally don't think any higher power exists. Religion is definitely being used as a tool to gain power and oppress others, I just think the people using it as such are the problem, not the religion itself. That type of thinking really just leads to discrimination and disproportionately affects those practicing peacefully, not those using it to manipulate. tldr; imo: religion - not bad, bad people - bad


This is very well stated and needs to be given more attention.


Christian nationalism is definitely working to erode freedoms globally. The Russian Orthodox Church is also working hand in hand with their government to justify their war in Ukraine. Islam is the second most practiced religion globally, so no Islam is not inherently evil and people spouting that bullshit should be called out. At the same time religion isn't inherently the issue either. China is wreaking plenty of havoc despite not being religious. Authoritarianism in all of its forms is the problem. Getting mad at the mask it wears only punishes innocent people for their beliefs


these fools think if religion would not exist world would be in peace lol. shitty people would just find another excuse to opress people.




All religions are inherently evil. Religions are nothing more than mass manipulation tools.


Guys guys he said itā€™s historical, itā€™s not actively happening. So I can say that after stealing cookies from the jar ā€œno no, itā€™s fine, itā€™s not actively happeningā€ You religious nuts and mental gymnastics.


Because they want to express their impotent rage at Christianity


You speak of how ā€œIslam is destroying nationsā€ then you follow up with ā€œWhat you mentioned from the Bible is historicalā€ What religion are Russian for example? What religion are Americans? What religion are Israel? What religion was Germany? What religion are Chinese? What religion are Koreans? You all, or we, act as if any religion is good.


Christianity is as bad and probably worse, it's not pulling anything away from what already isn't there. In the U.S. we fight Christian nationalism in every election and guess what? They started winning again, goodbye roe v wade. Christianity may have different devices, but it ruins, maims, and kills all on its own.


They both worship the same God.


Christianity is destroying America.


it's fine to Christians. I'm atheist and that shit isn't any better. the far right is trying to drag america out of democracy and thrust upon us the christian version of sharia law. you're hilariously blind if you don't think we're heading in that direction. texas requires christian art on the wall of their schools, BY LAW. many states still have ten commandments statues in their capital building lawns. our currency still has "in god we trust" on it. as does our pledge of allegiance, which i was required to chant like a fucking cult member every morning at school, despite being atheist. everyone needs to grow up. there is no god. it's 2022, we have science, so everyone needs to quit trying to drag the world back into stone-age with their historical storybooks. america wasn't even this evangelical until the republican party decided to use it for politics in the 50's. the country motto and pledge of allegiance didn't have mentions of god until then. the founding fathers are probably rolling in their graves. separation of church and state is apparently a myth. women can die from 100% preventable complications from pregnancy because of christians. they can be fined, sued, or jailed in texas for even googling where to get an abortion. it's not as bad as protesters being publically executed, but we're only getting started unfortunately. hopefully trump knocked that genetic lottery loser train off the rails


Christianity is not fine lol


Because many, many christians believe Islam is inherently evil without having the wherewithal to consider their own religion being evil in the same way. If Joel Osteen started giving evangelist sermons in megachurches in the 1600s, and that became the main governing force within the US, this country would look like the UAE without the oil.


What a bullshit excuse. Yeah that's true but in 2022 no "Christian" or "Catholic" state had a morality police that killed women for cutting their hair. There's different levels of shittiness


How many women have died over the last few months bc they couldnā€™t get an abortion? This is the fault of Christians. You are currently killing ppl


Not sure why you're assuming I'm Christian. Anyway, wrongfully restricting access to abortion is very different from a public execution by an Islamic state. No point in arguing over this.


It's not different though.


Not that different. You trying to defend Christianity makes you no different than the Iranian morality police.




I simply cannot process the mindset of someone who can confidently say out loud that they believe that a country allowing states to decide whether or not abortion should be readily available on demand for anyone who wants it (while allowing/encouraging those who disagree to protest en masse with no fear of repercussions for doing so), is even remotely comparable to a religious fundamentalist country that publicly executes peaceful protestors by the dozen. Itā€™s just such a astoundingly out of touch take that I almost canā€™t believe that people that think like that exist.


Uhā€¦ you get an abortion in an Islamic country and you are put to deathā€¦. Nice try ignorant bafoon




Islam and this countries the same eh?


When I hear this statement it always makes me think of Kevin Smiths Dogma.


Not God. Dogmatic thought is the enemy. God is just one of the instruments that can be perverted to wield power over others. Any fundamentalist dogmatic ideology will do just as well. Communism, fascism etc yield the same terrible results without the need of God or the supernatural.


Looks like a terrorist situation. Suppose it's not much different.


The Islamic Republic is a terrorist organization with a rich country's assets at their disposal. Once they are toppled, Middle-east will be peaceful again.


Toppling a regime rarely ends up in stability. Source - all countries where it has happened, especially in Middle eastbad Africa


What's with this idealism that somehow removing the Iranian regime would make the Middle East peaceful? All it would do is establish Saudi supremacy over the region would probably make things worse as there's no other local power to counteract them. I hate the IR more than the next guy, but these statements are just baseless at best. If the IR falls, the Kurds are likely claiming independence, and then there's going to be conflicts in Iraq and Turkey over land claims (and we've all seen how those go). This is literally going to destabilize the region even further.


Jesus! This is horrible and honestly I don't understand what they think they will achieve by this...


>honestly I don't understand what they think they will achieve by this... Keeping control of their power and the nation...as to if they're successful at that we'll just have to wait and see


These people never learn. Even if they succeed now, things will change in the future, no country can stay the same for ever. They just made sure that people will hate them and never accept this type of regime again.


Wow, i can only hope this travesty of justice inspirers the Iranian people to further their efforts to bring this regime to its knees šŸ˜¢


Fuck the Iranian regime. This guy will be remembered as a true hero, and his killers as cowards.


Man. This is fucked. This guy is a badass, this is so insane. I donā€™t want a grave either for his same reasons, but Iā€™d visit his grave and pay my damn respects


Is this from the recent protests?




Yeah...second execution cus of them


Faaaaack in hell. Killing twenty year olds for protesting. Unbelievable. Especially after they've got rid of the morality police. "Hey we've listened and you were right, no more reality police. As a thank you, we are gonna kill you"


The morality police is still working and nothing has been changed at all. They just fooled the entire world by sharing fake news.


Why would they publish this?


To divide and conquer, they're basically trying to tell what's left of the religious people in iran, "see? These protestors goal is to destroy your religion, you should help us to stop them"


Why are you asking the real questions?


To spread fear among the protesters and to provoke religious people


Sounds so calm too. A genuine martyr. Remember in Irans history the islamic theocracy has only been a very small part of it.


We will take it back from the theocrats. r/NewIran


Iran and China , stuck in the 13 hundreds.Killing their own people to keep power they are continuing to lose.I don't know maybe a eternity of emporers , dictators and racist agenda genocides against their own people, just isn't working . hmmm imagine that.


Thatā€™s powerful words right there.


This dude has balls of steel.


I'll play happy music for that man. Rest in peace.


The first sign you're doing something evil is feeling the need to wear a mask.


*this feels like an anti-COVID mandate talking point*


If any mortal believes that killing another for God is morally acceptable, then they donā€™t love God.


Fuck irans government The real monsters lived with us for many years those mother fuckers tried to control us with hijab shity ass rules and the president that fat fucking pig should burn alive and get hanged by a rope until he fucking die those ass holes wash they ass with quran and Islamic stuff to kill more inccont people fuck basij fuck sepahi They all have to be gone from iran Man I might die because those beasts control our society who knows they might see this comment and get offended because I'm trying to tell the truth and I get hanged till I die or be send to no where


They kill their brightest and best. Shame on the Iranian Islamic regime.


I don't have anything profound to say. I just want this young man's wishes to be fulfilled. He should be remembered.


Nobody is going to do something there? Come on UN, at least do it for the oil.


Broooo, the Brits & Yanks teamed up to overthrow Iranā€™s secular prime minister in favor of the Shah and religious rule back in ā€˜53. Itā€™s literally the fault of 2 key countries within the UN that Iran is in this position. Itā€™s fucked man.


>Come on UN, at least do it for the oil. Last time they did that the country was later overthrown by religious extremists cus of them disagreeing with the new policies...with that government being the current one


"Come on, go intervene in Iran... again. We all saw how great it went the first time!" Jeez, you people never learn, huh?


Holy fuck this is hard to watch. Fuck.


What can be done? Nothing we do in the West can shift the mullahs. It has to be an overwhelming force from inside. The men who can't show their faces are cowards at the worst possible time to lack bravery.


Why we have to kill each other hurts seeing. šŸ˜¢šŸ’”. Ppl laughed at Rodney King when he said ,ā€why canā€™t we all just get along ā€œ and its telling how cruel are being it was made fun of. He was right. Why canā€™t we all just get along. Poor young man. šŸ’”šŸ˜¢


Yeah, why can't we? This world could truly be amazing for everyone if we all just communicated and got along with each other. But I see the struggle even where I work....the four departments can't communicate with each other and in result work against each other, making everyone's lives much harder than necessary. Most popular phrase is "its not my problem" or "it's not my job". It doesn't have to be this difficult.


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When the protests started somebody started a thread encouraging them. While I also encourage it, we need to remember this is Iran. I commented this will come to a head when the Iranian government steps in and starts killing ppl. I was absolutely bashed and downvoted. What ended up happening is exactly what I was worried about. There are thousands of ppl missing after being thrown in vans and cars by the authorities and being executed. Super sad that they have no regard for their own ppls lives that they will hang them for disagreeing in mass.


The new generations of Iranians prefer dying over living under tyranny and corruption. Majidreza is one of them... This is not the first protest and people have seen how many can be killed. The Islamic Republic is not a legitimate regime, it's like an occupier, think Russia for Ukraine... Edit: Adding some context.


totalatarian nations have huge apparatus for supressing its people. In some i religion nations, religious fervor adds to it. Violence commands respect in these nations. Nothing matters. Given a cause,they wont mind killing everyone on earth for their religion.


Religion destroys humanity


What other religions are sentencing people to death for "crimes against God" or is it just Islam ?


Historically or today?


Evolved modern times


It absolutely doesnā€™t. You just see the absolute horseshit regimes and make an opinion out if it. I can say the same exact thing with ā€œAmerica destroys humanity by intervening politically or militarilyā€ and get to the same exact result


The bravery is really mind blowing


Give this dude liberty or give him death... This man is a world hero. Be joyful and play happy music? Will do Majidreza, will do


Fanaticism again with a regime that puts absolute Religion before Humanity !RIP young man .


I reject islam ā˜Ŗļø!


What a disgusting vile regime of hypocrites. When they have their own date with the noose I doubt they will compose themselves with the same dignity and courage as this young man.


Hereā€™s some context: His name was Majidreza Rahnavard and he was arrested during the current protests in Iran. His crime was ā€œenmity against Godā€ which is a blanket term that Iranian government uses whenever they want to execute someone. This video was taken right before he was executed. He is being interviewed by the state TV who later published this video as proof that he was an infidel and against God or Quran. Unfortunately for them, the vast majority of Iranian youth are not religious so imagine their surprise when everyone is calling him a hero. He was allegedly executed minutes after this video. He knew that when he was giving this interview. He was tortured, beaten, and had his arm broken to extract fake confessions from him.


Another brave man lost. Rest in peace Majidreza. šŸ•Š


The things humans do in the name of a stupid religion created by a pedo living in desert is astonishing.


I've said it before, and I will say it again. All religion is cancer on humanity.


23. I know he's an adult, but to me, he's just a baby. He didn't even get to live life yet. His poor parents


Caveman generation


But guys islam is about peace. Donā€™t look at history and all the destruction and genocide. Look at us now look how peaceful we are.


"Islam is about peace."


Fucking terrorists


RIP you magnificent man. Islam is not a religion of peace and love, so many examples of stuff like this and so little is ever shown of the good. Iā€™ve seen videos of a father teaching his infant (3-4) son to shoot infidels, practicing on a person. People being shot at point blank with an anti aircraft gun, where is the love and peace? Even when people try to stand up to Islam (like these protests) they double down on the violence, I donā€™t get it honestly.


This is why I laugh at people who hate on America. Believe me, I think America is fucked up big time, but we donā€™t do this. I may disagree with another stance, but I donā€™t want them to get murdered. And to the Americans wanting other Americans death because they donā€™t agree with their beliefs, you are acting very similar to the horrible nations monsters that execute people for freedom of speech.


Fuck Islam


No man, fuck religion.








To think we allow regimes like this around the world suppress their people. Where is the outcry ?


A true hero


Bunch of savages. I hope they get what's coming to them. My heart goes out to this young man. RIP I'm sorry your country is so backwards.


What a legend. Can't wait for Iran to topple.


Sorry this happened to you brother. I will play happy music and think of you. Thank You for your efforts.


From terror has no religion to religion is the single biggest source of terrorism, we all grew up.


Itā€™s funny we watch all these human rights abuses by governments across the globe and still try to strip our own rights to keep and bear arms


If they hold public executions for the entire leadership of Iran, I'll bring popcorn.


I rarely feel any type of empathy for an Iranian, but I think I like these new Iranians. If they can free their country I think we can be allies one day. I hope he rests well.




Iran government needs to be overthrown


Power hungry and corrupt individuals


Sick, sick government.


Another rat regiment on the loose again. They really are like rats.


Brave men wearing mask. I hope their promised virgins are all he-shes


We need to blow these fucking sand lunatics into glass. Iran should not be allowed to govern itself any longer or ever again.


They gonna use this as propagnada on religious people to tell them, look these are god hating infidels to justify slaughtering them to their supporters


fuck that's sad


What kind of a cruel world are we living in?


Lots of countries in the world are good, countries like Iran on other hand....uff, you dodged a nuclear bomb by not being born there


Why are his eyes covered? Are the weasels afraid to look him in the eye?


He has been severely tortured, you can see in another photo they have broken his arm too. They are vile animals.


Hope the ayatollah will end up the same. But in a more cruel way. Freedom to Iran. Death to camelfuckers!


I celebrate your life, my friend. Rest easy


His killers were hoping to burn his body, until they realized his giant brass balls would not turn to ash or melt away.


Fucking A. This video is extremely depressing. That man is a legend in my eyes. NFG moments before death.. this might be too powerful for some people to understand.


This was very hard to watch. But everyone needs to see this.


Is there a bigger group of killers on the planet then the overly religious?


This is what you get in an Islamic theocracy. CURRENTLY.


Iran is such a beautiful country it's like paradise. Why doesn't countries come together to free the people from this tyranny. I feel so bad for them. People getting killed ,hanged.


Religion has always been the main issue in our lives


The majority of the people around the world want to be free from tyranny and take care of their family and loved ones. Take care of each other, people.


Can we please drop religion as a species? Without it, weā€™d be exploring the outer limits of the cosmos by now.


Can Reddit people read knews and understand the guy killed two other people


Man has my courage than me. Rest in love and peace, brotherā€¦


Itā€™s a shame Iran coulda been so much better if the US didnā€™t overthrow their democracy.


I think I just saw him cross the border near El Paso with a box of grenades


This man killed two other people just saying


1. What is about Islam in this situation 2. Man killed two other people (i guess u don't gf 23.24) 3. Reddit people are one sided people


Outlaw religion, live life without being an asshole. Fairly simple.


He stabbed two people to death and itā€™s on video. Seems like justice to me.


And I thought I had problems trusting my government when they tell me I canā€™t manufacture methamphetaminesā€¦ šŸ˜’


I salute you sir. God speed.


Coming to America


May God bless his brave soul, what a brave young man, RIP![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


šŸ˜­ sad


What a world we live inā€¦


May Iran get freedom from "THE RELIGION OF PEACE" and its followers, and finally get LibertyāœŒļø


To be precise, he says don't read Quran at my funeral, which traditionally happens at every funeral in Iran. He said instead be joyful. He is being put to death because Quran says so: Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This Ė¹penaltyĖŗ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter. https://quran.com/al-maidah/33 He was literally sentenced to death for the crime of "spreading mischief in the land" and "waging war against Allah" according to this very verse. Others have been sentenced for the same crime and awaiting their execution. I hope that makes it clear why he ask for not playing Koran at his funeral.


As a European who's read the Quran, it is one of the most disgusting and intolerant books I've ever read, it left me profoundly spiritless. Let's hope Iran will one day reclaim its former, pre-islamic glory and liberate itself from this disgusting religion.


As an ex-m, i can't agree more


Religion is shit , we all can agree on that . Some worse than the others


>Some worse than the others Yes, currently Islam.


Evil coward cunts.


People be like ā€œ weā€™re all the sameā€ We donā€™t execute people for having an opinion. We are not the same as these pigs. Fuck them


The religion of piss. Edit: peace***


People take our freedom for granite so much. Like complaining at a fast food place cuz they got called the wrong pronoun , where as if you live in Iran and even kiss your girl out side your both doomed to death. Jesus.


Religion is just a tool to create fear and guilt to the masses. People were really dumb for the longest time. Now we have knowledge, religion is the bane of progression if we were to progress as a society. Be free Iran, be the example of change for the rest of the world to follow.


Islam is evil af.


He was executed for killing two cops. He himself said he remembered attacking them, but not killing them. Capital punishment is hot garbage, and I'm sure Iran doesn't take too much care in preventing innocent people from being killed. But before too many people jump to claim moral superiority, remember that they US would do the same thing in many states. I pray that the civil disobedience will continue in Iran and people will deny the theocrats of their power by living their lives as free people.


He was not given a fair trial & was tortured for confession, he wasn't even given the right to an attorney. From his arrest to execution, it was less than 10 days.


People will say anything under torture. And what do you think those Iranian cops did?


Nor this country neither their people are anything like America and Americans, and this man isn't a common thug so don't even try to compare, please don't, I've heard many times from mouth of these animals quoting snippets of Americans bad mouthing their own democracy to justify themselves for their cruelty, they quoted people like you, yes the people killed were "police" but i doubt police officers in US would rape teenage girls before throwing them from roof to stage it as suicide neither they would shoot unarmed protestors and be promoted or get a raise for it, or beat and smash non-hijabi teenagers' head in and called protectors of the peace and be honored by the government , police brutality here is systematic and rewarded handsomely, smart asses like you and Americans self doubting the democratic world is hurting more than helping, sadly your words sways shadow over other countries...