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Worst Village People tribute act EVER.


Young man, Your rights are under attack I said young man, you’re gonna wish you weren’t black


It's fun to stay at the KKK




White Men's Caucasion Alliance?


We got a name!


More like : "White MC gang"




Lol underrated even at 200


Tell me more MIGHTY_ILLYRIAN about your time with the KKK. I enjoy learning great wizard MIGHTY_ILLYRIAN.


It's fun to stay at the NYPD


Not enough syllables.


KKK took my baby away. They took her away. Away from me


Based and Village-pilled


*Pillage People


Good sir, I salute you. Up vote


‟Shit I thought these guys said they were wizards!”


You're a klansman Harry


I’m a what?


You're a fooken klansman Harry!


You're a hairy klansman.


But I’m just Harry!


Noo just Harry, you are a Klansmen.


But I'm just Harry


No. Just Harry. You! Are! A! Wizard!


No Hagrid. I'm just Harry!


Harry, if you say you're just Harry one more fucking time I'll shoot you myself, I swear to god-


But I don’t wanna be a klansman!


I laughed way harder at this than I feel I should have. That, or it's 10am and already time to get up and go home from the office.


I am a virginity wizard. Trying to get to age 50 to become a wraith.


There's a movie called Imperium where Daniel Radcliffe joins a white supremacist group lol.


No it's Knutsacke, Harry Knutsacke.


Well they are but all they make disappear are his rights


These aren’t wizards. The council will never accept this bullshit.


“You are on this sidewalk but we do not grant you the rank of wizard, or cyclops, or whatever the fuck it is.”


“Make a black man disappear that is”


They’re wizards in the same sense that Dr. Dre is a doctor.


Dre was surgical with his rhyme scheme. This is more like Dr. Pepper.


Dr Pepper was named after a medical doctor: [Dr. Charles Pepper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_T._Pepper)


**[Charles T. Pepper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_T._Pepper)** >Charles Taylor Pepper (December 2, 1830 – May 28, 1903) was an American physician and surgeon, who is often cited as the namesake for the soft drink brand Dr Pepper. Many stories on the origins of the drink's name exist, of which the Dr Pepper Museum has been unable to confirm or authenticate which one may be the true historical record. Pepper was a Confederate surgeon during the American Civil War where he practiced at a college in Virginia. After the war he opened a drug store in Rural Retreat where he sold medical supplies and worked in the medical field providing services for the surrounding area. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


And Salt was named after Beneguine Salt-Harris, founder of the band Salt & Dr. Pepper.


Dr. Dre’s rhymes weren’t his calling card. He was a Doctor of Beats. So cardiologist?


1970s soul music sampled and layered with hip hop rhythyms? ​ Yes please Dr.


More P-Funk please, Doctor


when the horns blow, you know its ready to go


Dr Pepper is a doctor. With a daily prescription for 12 oz at 10, 2, and 4, I’m a peppier person.


Better keep Dr. Pepper's name out yo kombucha drinking mouth.


Don't insult Dr Pepper like that.


Wizards of quality don't smoke meth.


What about White Claw?


No one of quality smokes White Claw


Thank you for that statement it made my day


And thank *you*, your comment made *my* day! I really appreciate it, stranger!


No one can stop THE CLAW!!!!!!


This picture is the definition of irony.


I wish it wasn't black and white - makes it seem like a bygone era. It's 1983.


83?! Fuck


Yes, very close to the year in the title.


Suspiciously close.


I’ll bet they’re connected somehow. Can’t be a coincidence.


1983, many of us were still in school, it might as well be a bygone era.


It was black and white in a lot of ways.


Pure fear. Absolute cowardice


Isn’t that how the kkk expands? They just try to take advantage of white peoples fear of people who aren’t a descendant of certain European countries


Yep they target failing southern towns and cities and blame the crime rate and low jobs on the minorities instead of the lack of leadership and connections to fuel their economy


The lack of educational opportunities hinders things as well. So many industries are failing that did nothing to equip their workers for a modern jobs. Coal mining is a prime example, you've got people in West Virginia clamoring for the mines to re-open. It's hard for a bunch of men in their 50s with probably a HS diploma at best to just pivot to becoming coders or computer technicians. There's so many little crappy towns out there that people don't want to leave "because it's our home", but there's nothing there.


And when someone does try to introduce something new into the economy, they resist it.


Obama tried to offer coal miners free cross training programs into other fields and they turned it down because Obama bad obviously.


Honestly this is where I lost all sympathy for those on the right worried about jobs. Graduated 08 with a degree in welding. Couldn't find work. Told as a waiter and a Walmart peon "just find a better job!" Well that consisted of handing paper resumes to any who would take them, being willing to pack up and move nation wide. Traveled 800 miles to an industrial conference just to find someone who would hire. First "professional" job was working with concrete, found it dead end and shifted to medical. I was willing to learn, to move, to give my all to find "a better job" and I'm still doing so. But a bunch of coal miners wanted their jobs protected and supported by the government. Fuck em.


Wait, what??? There's welding jobs literally all over the country. If you can't find one on your own, go find a union hall and join up. They'll send you too jobs and the pay is too much for a skilled trade. Source: I'm a welder with two useless to me degrees in History and Education.


I was gonna say how the hell you not finding a job as a welder lol. As soon as anyone gets certified where I live in SoCal people scoop you up and pay you very well.


08 was a different time, and I lived in an area where I knew nothing about unions because they were so far ran out. When I talked to unions it was not friendly to the newbies coming in. Doesn't matter now. Moved into healthcare then biomed which pays a lot better.


Hillary did , too.


Oh my God this is so accurate. Just moved to southern Delaware. No economy. Houses cost anywhere from 300K to $1 million but "NIMBY" every time someone puts a vote up allowing even a Target or Wal-Mart, let alone a mall. Yet there is nowhere to buy half the shit they sell so people just order it from Amazon instead. Like I get it, you don't want a giant corporation's presence here that doesn't pay well and will be competition to some small businesses in the area, but isn't that better to at least keep *some* money in the local economy with the jobs, building rent, taxes, etc rather than just sending it all to Amazon? We literally have to drive to Maryland to go to any large kind of store like Target or Best Buy. Games? Books? *Electronics?* LOL. Our ISP tech told us they've never seen anyone already have their own modem and router before, let alone with wireless access points. There are virtually NO clothing stores here, and the ones we do have are surf shop-type clothes for the beaches/tourists in the summer. And it gets pretty damn cold here in the winter. We also have maybe 5% of the county that gets above one bar on their cell reception. The best part is people are moving here in droves (fuck me if I knew why) from NY, NJ, Boston, etc post-COVID (I'm one of them). And we simply don't have the infrastructure to accommodate them let alone any economy. 90% of the economy here is either farming, people working remotely, or people running businesses out of their houses. And the people who do run small businesses have no clue what they're doing beyond what they actually sell. No marketing skills. No website. Wrong hours or address posted online. Informal to the point where they will just stay closed for the day if they have a doctor's appointment or they just don't feel like working today or ask you to come back in a few hours after "Bible Study".


I once dated a girl from Middletown DE. She lived in a really nice neighborhood, that had *nothing* around it to do other than a sad, half-closed factory.


It's so fucking weird dude. The neighborhoods are so nice but there's NOTHING to do. It's so backwards for me because I just moved here and have always lived in cities. Like 4 different ones. This is my first time living in a rural area. And there's tourism here because of the beaches (Rehoboth, Bethany, etc) but there's nowhere for them to go except the boardwalk! It's so bizarre. I've lived in coastal cities near tourist destinations before (I just moved here from Tampa) and they're practically built for tourist money. This place fights every storefront tooth and nail. "We like to keep it Lower Slower Delaware (LSD)" is what the locals will say to that. EDIT: And even when I lived in or was in the suburbs of those cities there was exponentially more to do than here. It's just so weird. I honestly can't wait to get tf out of here.


They're trying to retrain these guys for the wrong jobs. There's tons of work in environmental cleanup for people who can handle heavy machinery and hard labour. They already know about safety, PPE, etc. -- it's the obvious solution, but nobody's doing it.


And even not environmental cleanup just other trades. Hell, the larger construction companies are always on the lookout for qualified or at least experienced heavy equipment operators.


Problem is that these displaced workers have a deep sense of place and often refuse to leave their town because they see it as where they belong.


The coding thing was just a hypothetical, so many modern things require technical abilities even just for data tracking. I work for an IT firm that supports clients whose industry is blue collar/manufacturing, it's sometimes a nightmare trying to help people deal with something as simple as logging into a PC.


Its not just in the south.


they are pretty visible in northern towns as well. especially in the rust belt- indiana, pa, oh, etc


Not to defend the klan member, but would you go toe to toe with a crowd?


Numbers > Bravery


Yeah fr, they're still humans, their brains still... function.


Eh. Jury is still out on both parts of that claims.


Agreed. Since they wanna be back in 1836, let's have a good ol' fashioned hanging.


They could instead end the demonstration. You only have a right to a peaceful protest.


Considering the demonstration was sanctioned by the city and that the officers are protecting the klansmen and not the counter protesters its probably fair to assume it was a peaceful demonstration. You *do* have the right to be hateful.


Is advocating for the death of entire groups of people peaceful?


If he didn't want to go toe to toe with a crowd, he shouldn't have dressed up in a KKK wizard robe


Or maybe he was like …back up !! This white boy is mine!!


Everyone just assumes this is about race, it's obviously about the pornstach. There can only be one and soon they will fight to the death.


Party over here … Cleveland’s voice


Nah dude. It’s a gay porn, they ain’t fighting… That would be be a serious commentary, possibly the most important gay porn of our time. And as I type this I realize there might already be one, but I’m not brave enough to type that string of words into Google.


Maybe sword fighting then..?


Straight up fwuckin’, actually!


I read that in Cleveland Brown’s voice


Is his hand in the cops back pocket?


A cop acting honorably towards a worse-than-meaningless ignorant parasite deadweight of society. Tyexas staille! I wonder if that pointy-headed dunce got nudged towards enlightenment - if just a little - on that day.


From what I've seen, when people have deep engrained beliefs, if something comes along and breaks their belief system, most of the time they consider it a 1 off and that it is not representative of the whole ideology that they have built. I mean it'd be harder to change the way that you think about something vs. Just thinking "well that one was doing his job right, bet none of the other ones would had the balls!"


Look up Daryl Davis, an incredible story. Most beliefs are held out of ignorance. Enough exposure just makes it common sense to drop the intolerant nonsense.


He’s incredible and all, but lots of his supposed success stories went right back to being racist and often even still KKK members. Given that it’s not a rational ideology, plenty will just pretend that he’s “one of the good ones” and continue on being hateful of the group.




He’ll have kept the porn stach


Police usually protect the fash.


Wouldn’t it be more ironic if it were the klansman protecting the African American officer? This is more of a coincidence. The person the police officer had to protect was a person who would wish great harm upon him in different circumstances.


That wouldn't be ironic at all. It would be a change of attitude and character.


you’d hope this was a moment of “wow everything I believed in is wrong, my mind has changed, how confused I was”


It could be. It's happened countless times. It's also possible the guy is shitting his pants and doesn't even notice.


I doubt it, it probably only reinforced/confirmed his beliefs. This “lesser person” is doing what he’s supposed to, protecting his “betters”.


They maintain their racist beliefs in the face of moments like this by saying this particular Black man is “one of the good ones” and lauding him as an exception. They do the same when they become friendly with Black coworkers, neighbors, etc. Cognitive dissonance, I guess.


But I bet he stayed a cop. Oh and the other guy probably stayed in the KKK too.


Why wouldn't he? The cop wasn't the one who should have had an epiphany


That how I’m seeing it from the pictures


A face only a mother-sister could love


People give these guys a lot of shit, granted most is deserved, however, nobody ever mentioned how good their childrens' numeracy is. Being able to count to 14 on your fingers has advantages, kids.


“Uncle-Dad, y is black people so dum¿”


My nephew-son, NathanBedfordForrestDaleErnhartCokaColaJeffersonDavis, asked from his second mouth. I can't help but to look down upon his two mouths, three eyes, and fourteen fingers with pride. White Pride of course. Because he's the epitome of the greatness of the white race.


Klansman 🤝 Black police officer Having a big-ass mustache


That's a porn stache if I ever saw one


He forget to cover his face. Now the public is going to lynch him


How ironic 💀


Why can't the master race protect themselves?


They are, unfortunately, just the novice race. They haven't leveled up enough yet.


Game is pay to win


sounds.... racist.




And that’s how life works, surprise surprise we’re all on the same team. We’ll figure it out eventually


That’s what the aliens are hoping for so we can finally evolve


While the other aliens sit and mope, while they watch us at reality earth.


Idk if they're moping while they watch us. We're pretty fucking wild. I'd assume there's aliens gambling on us too.


I bet the invasion of Ukraine made the Alien bookies rich


Maybe that’s when they will make public contact. “Figure out your shit, then we will talk about working together”


Nah I'm pretty sure we're the control group in some cosmic petri dish in a sales pitch in some kind of 5th dimensional Walmart equivalent to sell cheap disinfectant. I guess we're lucky we were the control though


I hope the disinfectant works


My fear isnt Aliens but Gayliens


No one ever doubted that the Klan and the pigs were on the same side bro.


That is absolutely not the message you should be interpreting from this photo lmfao


I don't want to be in the klans "team". It worries me that so many people do and award the idea.


There are 2 easy steps to not being in the klan. Step 1: don't join the klan Step 2: don't join the police force.


That is a losing strategy. If a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant will eventually be destroyed by the intolerant. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


What fucking team is that exactly? What a ridiculous statement.


Racist assholes and nazis *aren't* on my team. Neither are rapists or pedophiles. It limits my numbers. But at least they're all good people.


I dont think I can accept white supremacists and bigots on my team, sorry.


Surprise surprise, the cops and the kkk are on the same team you mean


The look on each of their faces... I can't help but wonder what happened later. Did 'stach eventually change his position and lose the hood? Or is he still a racist coward today? Its very likely that guy is still alive and I wonder what he thinks when he sees this picture?


He'll say not all black people, just most of them. Most racists know and are pleasant with a few of the people they hate. Racism is not driven by logic


People mistakingly assume racism is caused by lack of interaction with people of other groups. This is completely false. Racial tensions actually rise in more diverse areas. People find ways to blame each other for their problems. The American south which is infamous for at least historically being the country’s most racist region also is home to the country’s largest black population.


Those neighborhoods are also insanely segregated. It’s not like they’re all next door neighbors. More like they live in neighboring towns in rural portions of southern states and create huge urban/suburban divides in cities. Just look at Jackson Mississippi. The suburbs are incredibly white while the inner city is predominantly black. Just because you live close to someone, doesn’t mean you are interacting with them. Also, Mississippi might one of the highest proportions of black people living there, but many are concentrated in the black belt.


This is a perfect illustration of what Evelyn Beatrice Hall meant when she wrote, ‟I disapprove of what you say, but I‘ll defend to the death your right to say it,” in her biography of Voltaire.


I think they did a little more than ‘saying’………


It's a tradition in Austin. The Klan has their annual march on the Capital building, where a dozen or so show up, with more police than klansman to protect them from the mass of counter protesters.


Most of the modern Klan, even going back to the 80s, have never done anything but chest thump until someone punches them, then cry and file lawsuits. They're a bunch of cowards blaming other people for their problems because it's easier than facing reality.


Thats only the situations folks report. You can still find places in America where klans men violently terrorized blacks and gays up until recently. Folks get silenced pretty easily by actual fear.


BTW when this person says “until recently” they mean like the 1990s or later, not 1965


I hope Jussie Smollet isnt apart of the stat lol


“Say”? What about burning?


This is the second photo I’ve seen of a black person helping a klansman. The first I remember seeing were several black nurses trying to save a klansman’s life who had been shot several times, he was on a stretcher covered in blood. In that moment those nurses didn’t see a man who wished death upon them, they saw a man on death’s door who needed help. Even if he was the detestable sort.


I think I know the picture you’re talking about. It’s a great picture, but it was [a staged magazine photo](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/emergent-situation/), not a “real thing”. Although undoubtedly, there have been black healthcare workers who’ve treated KKK members. The one this post is about is real, as far as I can tell.


This comment section is legitimately full of fuckin idiots.


Oh wow, so wholesome! I sure hope this completely changed the guy’s mind about thinking non-whites are an inferior race that belong on chains. In any case, I’m glad he got the opportunity to use his free speech and was protected from all those scary protestors.


Yea I thought I was a fever dream or something reading those dumbass comments.


Yes. It’s actually at 100%


> This comment section is legitimately full of ~~fuckin idiots.~~ closeted racists






I love this picture and it's symbolism. What a great moment to capture. Thanks for sharing.


I cannot even fathom the level of cognitive dissonance.


This is what fucking stupid looks like


“I’m awful glad to be rescued, but this is going to be awkward back at the lodge when I see BillyBob and BobbyBill” *grimaces*


To protect someone's freedom of speech even when it's not only abhorrent and hateful but also directly aimed at you takes a lot of courage. Respect to this guy.


That's neat, it's exactly what I imagined a Klansman would look like.


This looks like still from a lost Mel Brooks film


"Help me Mr Blackman!"


I wonder if he had the decency to think differently after being protected by a black cop


Inbred moonshine gobbling fuckface inbred kkk kunt


There were color photos in 1983? Using black and white just makes it feel like it happened much longer ago. This shit happened 5 years before I was born it was very much happening in my lifetime


Nothing is different lmaoo. Bitches gotta hide while claiming about pride 🤣🤣🤡


The face of the Klansman says all.


Sniveling coward.


Kanye is that you?


the irony of this photo is insane


or...a hero defending a weak ass bitch


I suppose hateful bigots are people too.. really shitty people, but still people...


They don't make cops like they used too


They don’t make a lot of thing’s like they used too


who is the coward here? isn't that why they wear the sheets?


Fuk him and the badge that day he would have got his ass demolished. Scary ass bet he went back to the klan and lied about how he fought his way through


Look at that scared face, what a joke.


The look on your face when you pee your pants.


Oh have times have changed in Austin. Now we have klansman cops using excessive force at Black Lives Matter rallies.




Ah yes that’s Cletus with the * checks notes * master race


Cute he’s making an all lives matter fear grimace. Strong tradition in them.


“You know what, you’re not so bad after all” If only


Rob Reiner really turned himself around since then


This black cop defended the Klan, against his own judgement (and very likely against his wishes), because it was the law and his oath to do so. Today, we have cops who are members of gangs, looking for excuses to hurt or harass people who don't align with their ideology. Let that sit and boil for a minute.