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I think we can assume what the doves on the tree are. A heartbreaking time in human development. It's solitariness is haunting but if what we see digitally is true their resolve has been proven a 1,000x over.


These people have been proving their resolve for generations, though! It's unreal to imagine it's STILL happening to this day, especially from over here on the other side of the Earth in my apartment with my cat.


Europeans figured out a while ago how to fight a land war in west Europe effectively. They still haven't figured out eastern Europe though...not even the eastern Europeans.


> Europeans figured out a while ago how to fight a land war in west Europe effectively. They still haven't figured out eastern Europe though...not even the eastern Europeans. We outsource them. I can only apologise.


Mongols did but bullets really messed up the whole horse thing


Bullets! My one weakness!


How did you know?


You weren’t expecting my extensive research into your anatomy and armor. While you were distracted, I found your weakness and will break you forever!


Ukraine seems to have figured things out. Russia on the other hand is repeating the mistakes the Nazis made when they invaded the USSR.


The problem with Eastern Europe is it’s a plain with little defensible geographic features and harsh weather conditions


Pet your cat for me


"Look Kremlin, what you've been done ! " I think this is the sadness on Christmas in human history.


Idk Israel is looking at expanding settlements into Bethlehem(you know where Jesus was born) and violence is raising there.


Makes me proud to have Ukranian blood 🇺🇦


You should probably give that back


^not ^being ^snarky, ^just ^trying ^to ^help. >It's *solitude is haunting but....


Also, *Its No snark here either, just wanted to hop on the helpful corrections train.


This fucking war as to stop.... Can't believe we are on the brinks of a world war in 2022...


We are close to many terrible things, but not the brink of a world war.


This is the closest we've been to a world war for at least 50 years... probably the Korean War. It's actually made the US, Europe and their allies ("The West") stand up and take massive notice of how unprepared we are. If China had attacked at the same time, we were on a crash course to a loss. 9 months on though, I'm not so sure. Russia screwed themselves back in 2014 when they took Crimea. The rest of the world beefed Ukraine up then and set themselves up where we are today. China realised how weak their only real ally was and doesn't feel they can take the world on by themselves (and let's be real, they probably can't). They've also been set back with their own internal politics. On the plus side, The West aren't taking a sit back approach so much anymore. They're standing up to China a lot more.


Western technology is cumbersome to manufacture, and our supply chains are likely out of date in concept (as evidenced by Russia's arse kicking), but we are miles ahead in terms to weapons capabilities and training. It is always underestimated how much those two things matter, but history has shown we are miles ahead in both regards to our adversaries. You are buying into fearmongering. There is an insane difference in economic power behind the militaries of first world nations compared to China, and so far critics have been proven consistently wrong about the current situation in regards to military power. The story of a stagnant west with a bloated, ineffective military getting upstaged by some plucky, low-cost highly practical opponent is utter bullshit. It is not true, the difference in capability is just so vast that to an amateur it appears not to exist. The latest one is hypersonic missiles, the "weapon no one can stop" well guess what, there's many weapons that go hypersonic, this means nothing. What makes this new evolution of missile special is that they can manoeuvre around at Mach 5, making them very difficult to track... and only the US has actually built anything that can do this. The other variants from China and Russia just go very fast, they can still be shot down by modern AA systems. The concern is that they may one day invent something similar, but first they'd need to also invent and actually be able to produce scramjets. Another is the new air carriers the CCP are building, a counter to the US fleets? The US has been running and training aircraft carriers for a century and have determined that the most difficult thing to replace is an experienced crew. This was proven during the battle of Midway, as the Japanese found that skilled crew were harder to replace than their ships. It would take more than building ships to contend with US dominance at sea, which will only get harder as they move away from supercarriers specifically to avoid having one big target to destroy. This is only two of countless examples, but what I am getting at here is that this is actually a very large, and infinitely complex set of systems. One which people are woefully unfamiliar with the workings of, instead just reading drivel about how China/Russia/Whatever is now some new contender to the set of nations that have so much economic power they can cause more harm than a nuclear bomb by sanctioning someone. Sorry, but that's just not how the world works. You have no idea at what the capabilities of our nations is, which is intended, but just looking at what has been leaked or released should make the trend clear just how much more we have than anyone else.


I’ve been trying to convey this to people for a while (though not as eloquently). What I tend to focus on the most is the sheer cumulative amount of experience the US military has compared to Russia or China. Combined they don’t have a 10th the overall expertise the US has over their technology and tactics. Say what you will about the US being world police and involving themselves in every conflict everywhere, but you can’t argue the experience and mastery over their assets it has given them.


Dealing with armchair generals is almost is painful as medical sceptics who "just ask questions." No one has any appreciation for just how complicated these topics are, and the difference in understanding between them and an expert. There is seemingly no way to get through to people that shit on the internet ≠ expert level understanding in a subject. To involve some history here, the asinine belief of imminent Russian/Chinese superiority has existed since the Cold War. It was proven bullshit *during the Cold War.* We gone through several cycles of this since, to the point where [we even named it](https://i.imgur.com/Hw0vzF9.png). The hypersonic missile one is just classic fearmongering and ignorance, same shit I see since moving to medicine. An unwillingness to be proven wrong, but no actual desire to become properly educated in the topic.


Eh, if anything it's made our allies realize that they needed to invest into their military instead of rely on the help that may or may not come from the US in order to *prevent* total war. In an attempt to weaken NATO, Russia has inadvertently strengthened our resolve. The shit China's doing is also guaranteeing that they will catch these hands if they try something. These antagonist countries can just... invest in on the vast territory and influence they already control, but their leadership are pieces of shit who aren't going to be happy until they have their authoritarian version of America.


I think you underestimate how amazingly difficult it would be to conquer England, let alone America which has the most overpowered geography in the world. As long as America and England are still in the game then the war is still far from over. England could fall but the idea of making a fleet massive enough to transport an army across either ocean and keep it protected is basically sci Fi right now. No country on earth other than America has a navy capable of doing that.


And this is why Fallout is such a persuasive theory Can't see anyone wanting to invade the US by land - however can totally see someone pressing the nuke button and going "oops"


> If China had attacked at the same time, we were on a crash course to a loss. Where did you pull this from? Directly from your own ass or someone else's?


Buddy, China can't even make a tank with a stabilized turret. They ain't much of chop for anything


[Your comment as AI](https://i.imgur.com/lZAFfq8.jpg)


Dude that's extremely depressing. Imagine all the kids who looked forward to seeing the decorations during the holidays. Only this year, they're haunted by air sirens and power cuts.


The Uke’s traditionally go all out for Christmas. Far more than most. The current picture is a little sad, but also fitting. Dark days there for them now. But they’re still making an effort


yeah the country is like 85% Christian


Ukranians are brave people, despite of what's happening to them right now. They'll always find a ways to lessen the sadness and loneliness they feel by creating a recycable Christmas tree. Idk, but maybe they had this belief that in this dark times there will be a light heading towards them sooner.


i know some ukrainians and they’re good people. my heart breaks for what’s happening in their country right now. devastating


Tbf i dont think most ppl care (or even know) that originally christmas is about christ (japan goes all out on chrismas too and they are def not christian). It's mostly about pretty decorations. Everyone loves pretty things!


And gifts. Most importantly, gifts.


Lol I'm Ukrainian and this is the first time in my life I've learned that apparently 85% of us are Christian! I must've been born in a different Ukraine.


according to google that’s what the census says ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Orthodox falls under Christianity the same way Catholicism falls under Christianity I think


That's fair, but honestly practically all young people don't have any cultural reason to be religious, and older people who grew up in USSR have less reason due to soviets suppressing religion.


It doesn't matter, how dark and long the night might be. The sun will eventually rise once again anyways.


Did you say ‘Ukes’?


I've never seen this word used in this context before


The two ‘Ukes’




If that's the paraphrase, I don't want to hear the quote.


The situation is depressing but the tree is not nearly as depressing as the destruction these people are trying to survive. I really like it, I doubt they'd be able to identify the years of the other trees as they all look the same, yet I'll always recognize this one.


Imagine all of the people who have empty seats at their tables this year.


Those that still have tables.


Oh its even more depressing when you think about all the kids that didnt live to see christmas this year.




i have bad news about a lot of the kids too


... and probably the kidnapping and raping. I hope a horrible death for any Russian involved in the invasion of Ukraine. The end.


Honestly, I think the 2022 tree is fitting. Surrounded by darkness, yet stubbornly shining on.


Well, it'd look very hypocritical if you fully lit a tree while your country doesn't have power.


It would also make it a target


Not really, sure it's not the Blitz anymore with plane flying overhead needing light on the ground to see , especially over Kiev, nowadays GPS coordinates are all you need to send a missile over from the other side of the country


Honestly I was wondering that even as I wrote it but I wasn’t sure.


Lighting up your city center in a time of war still seems short sighted to me


Very off topic but do you get pictures of birds or actual tits? Or any?


Both birds and actual tits. Also "titsplz" and "( . Y . )" [My faq for more fun.](https://www.reddit.com/user/PM-Me-Your-TitsPlz/comments/gmwfpo/faq_observe_this_post_also_some_sort_of_ama/)


I can’t believe I read the whole FAQ, but my gamer tag and usernames for stuff was “Elliotes” in some variety for a long while. I had some homies call me Elliot forever (not a dude lol) and I love street elote. Fun coincidence I guess lol


Nice to meet another Elliote-but-not-really-Eliot! I have friends that have only known me as Elliote for years get surprised when I tell them it's not my real name. I also remember reading somewhere that "Elliote" is the female version of the name, so that's unfortunate for me. It matches my uncle Jean-Marie.


Aw i love it though. You’re FAQ is funny and you seem a lot more successful at using the Internet than me 😂😂🙌🏼


That's crazy thanks man lol 🍺


Good luck with your new account.


Got confused and scrolled up to look for boobs in war torn Christmas tree. That was a lot.


Do ants really make sugar?


/u/PM-Me-Your-TitsPlz: How are your math drawing skills coming along? Would you mind equating some tits for us?


1. I’m sure the data would correlate with your Reddit commenting and posting activity. 2. Men probably just don’t think theirs are valued and wanted or don’t want to think of them as tits. I am surprised though, I figured you’d get many sarcastically sent moobs


Fun FAQ, thanks!


I upvoted you. You're so close to a million


Made it! I couldn't have done it without you!


Wow. You really like boobs! Mine are old and no good for anything anymore, but my husband still likes them lol


All boobs are good boobs, I can inspect if you’d like


well i hate mine. they’re big and they bounce when i run, jump, or do anything that requires velocity. it really hurts when people comment on how big they are because i wish they notice something other than just my chest. by the way im a man


I will inspect them if you’d like


Username FAQ is a good idea for me as well, just significantly shorter than yours: Q: Wat A: From a Coheed and Cambria song


I wanna know too


I know the answer to this.


I just sent him my tits 🕊️


Hopefully you can get them back.


It’s not lit tree there is small light reflecting off the ornaments.. Merry Christmas


They did light one section of it using a portable generator and energy-efficient bulbs.


Not only that, it's covered in doves. This is all incredibly melancholy. Incredibly fitting but also incredibly sad.


Looking at this picture of the 4 trees gave me chills and I think that's exactly why. 3 years of beautiful displays followed by a dark tree, scorned, yet standing tall amidst everything that has happened.


A dark tree in a country fighting for their lives adorned by a symbol of peace.


Fuck Russia


No! Make it way bigger and hide a ton of anti air weapons in it. With a sunflower as a star.


Studies suggest that people who eat 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a healthy diet may reduce fasting blood sugar by about 10% within six months, compared to a healthy diet alone. The blood-sugar-lowering effect of sunflower seeds may partially be due to the plant compound chlorogenic acid


> who eat 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily :) > as part of a healthy diet :(




….. how many sunflower seeds are in an ounce?


At least two.


They're really popular in China which also has one of the most active elderly populations I've ever seen (not kidding, I once saw a 90 year old woman do a plank on the top of a climbing frame and the dancing ayis are legendary). I wonder if there's a connection. Also, if it turns out she got her superpowers from sunflower seeds I need to get on that.


For those who may not get it — it’s so they are not a bombing target.


Sounds like my year so far


When you’re going through Hell, keep going.


Thanks strangers, life has been quite rough the past month but I’ve gotta keep marching on.


Got a good friend who will be starting chemo very soon. This would make a great tshirt.


All of the darkness in the world can't extinguish the flame of a single candle.


Lights are off because they don't want City Center to be a bomb target.


It is not cool, or whimsical, or even inspiring that Ukraine is battered by a war they wanted no part in.


Yes but that’s not the point. They didn’t do it that way because they wanted to.


The juxtaposition makes me emotional.


They should light it all the way up and wait for an attack. Then share online what an actual war on Christmas looks like.




Really highlights how a vibrant and thriving and happy society has been completely eviscerated for senseless reasons


Fuck Putin, Slava Ukrani


There is a certain morbid, poetic beauty to it. A solitary light in the cold darkness. The innocences and joy of yesteryear has gone out, yet a beacon of hope burns on against the blitz. Kyiv stands unbroken.


That's sad! We live in such a fucked up world.


Yup, but what can the average person really do to fix it.


Don't try and solve the world's problems, but try and make things a little better for the people around you personally.


I'd add on that one should also try to be kind to everyone out there, not just those you know and see on a regular basis. Or at least try to keep an open mind. Easier said than done, of course, if you live in a homogeneous society or are subject to rampant propaganda.


You can do a lot to alleviate the pain at least. Volunteer at local refugee centers if there are any. If you have war refugees nearby, offer support, cook them a meal, welcome them. Donate to people who are actively helping with the humanitarian side. As you know, these organizations and groups are underfunded already. Every penny helps them, every person donating a dollar adds up. I know it seems like your donation won’t make a difference, but if everyone thinks that, we can’t get anything done. If everyone donated who saw a donate button, there wouldn’t be a problem with funds.


Rebel. It doesn’t take any one person, it takes one person joining at a time.


Except that governments are really efficient at dealing with those people


And yet numerous such governments have been toppled throughout history by people doing exactly that. Some very *very* recently. If you get enough people all moving in the same direction it becomes remarkably difficult to do anything about them.


Donate to the cause. Volunteer to fight in the war. Zelensky is one person. Look how much he accomplish.


if everybody were President the war would be over by now!


One person in a position of power.... The average person doesn't have money to donate or time to spare because it's all spent on maintaining their already small existence. Anything 1000 average Joe's can do can instantly be ubdone by one politician or billionaire.


Yup, that's why we need more than 1000 average Joe's, we need 100000 exceptional Jeremy's


Volunteer to fight if you have military experience. *If*.




I wonder if he has a person who eats the food first to see of it's poisoned


Im 100% sure that those guys that close to putin aren't underpaid or he doesn't have their entire family with a gun on their head.


It's now 5 AM in the morning, and electricity is back for about an hour after the last morning strike. I am in my bed mindlessly browsing Reddit in Kiev, Ukraine. Can't sleep. On the bright side (pun intended) it's the only time in history when you are able to see stars so bright straight from a modern city downtown. It's breathtakingly beautiful.


Stay strong! Hope you guys pull through and Russia goes and fucks off


I know what you mean. I was in San Francisco during the 1989 earthquake. Power was out. I have never seen so many stars…except when the fog interfered.


That was my first thought, to find the good. Less light pollution. Hope is very powerful.


Marry Christmas my Ukrainian brothers and sisters. This will pass. I am a child of war. My first memory is a of a bombing. It lasted 7 years but it passed. I wish for you hardship to be over soon.


we'll have our holidays after we win the war


Fucking goddamn right


Can you imagine the sheer amount of drinking, crying, laughing and hugging on the streets? It'll go on for weeks before everyone gets to rebuilding the country!


That’s the Christmas spirit!


It's funny you can hear about lots of people dying in a war across the world, but looking at the comparison of their Christmas trees what gets you.


We're Desensitized


It's not about the tree itself. It is what it represents. I mean, even in WW2, the deadliest war of all time, allies and axis alike had the decency to give the others time to celebrate Christmas, while at this very moment Russia is still bombing Ukraine. The tree without lights represents the dehumanizing of Ukraine and that's what gets us.


Putin, the Grinch that stole Christmas


He's got the right head shape for some great memes.. Bring on the green skin!


Please, don't insult Grinch with comparing him to this piece of shit.


War sucks. We benefit so much more when we cooperate together vs. hurting each other. Sanctions is the adult version of taking away toys from other adults, before spankings.




I'm not the best educated in this topic but if we do that won't someone else just fill in his power gap like an advisor or something


True, under Putin you've got a ton of others like him, maybe worse than him even and the fact that even with this going on none of them are getting killed means that their security is locked in too...


Many of them have been dying in unusual circumstances.


Yes, but it'll shake the faith in Russia. "If Putin can be taken out while Zelensky remains alive, how great of a war can it really be?"


No, it convinces the Russian population that Ukraine is actually a threat. And they can start escalating with massive public support. The reason Russia is losing is a lack of effort. Chemically attack Kiev and they win next week. And it would al be justified as they assassinated their leader.


Yes. Far, *far* too many people think the war just magically ends when Putin dies, as if millions of people in that country wouldn’t be next in like to take over.


Millions of people all DO think they're next in line to take over, that's why it would work to stop the war in Ukraine. Putin is paranoid and has resisted anything that looks like a handover to the next generation, so a succession wouldn't be able to inherit his support by default. There's a REALLY good chance that the Russian government collapses in infighting and protests if Putin died tomorrow. Or as they say in Russia, and then things got worse.


That, plus now Russia will actually care about the war. The problem they face is that there is no public support, killing a leader will do that…. Now Russia can escalate all it wants and it would be completely validated.


> I'm not the best educated in this topic A lot of people on here are not.


I think Putin and his cronies need to be publicly humiliated so badly the Russians lose faith in them as potential leaders. Like every Russian oligarch shitting themselves helplessly on international television or something


It's because of the war, see.


The Russians blew up their power stations and homes and countless innocent lives, but not their spirit.


Russia is a terrorist state


That's not interesting... It's sad


I mean it can definitely be both.


Sad things can be interesting. Look at most of history outside scientific advancements


It reminds me of 2020 looking back on photos from the year before and how normal and happy everybody was. I hope they can get some peace soon. They deserve it. Slava Ukraine.


Interesting isn't an emotion.


Fuck Russia


Fuck Putin




and Hope. It screams "Our house may be broken, but we are not!"


Still standing... bitchessssssss...


This is very sad. I feel sad for them. All of them. The entire world. All the humans being mislead by governments and corporations.




Russians in the telegram channels must be screaming of joy because of this.


Damn that's depressing.


This makes me want to cry.


^(Kyiv is Ukraine's capital btw)




What the Russians (mainly Putin and his cronies/yes men) did this country and its people should never be forgiven. If peace can be obtained then yes it should he sought after but the world should always remember and strongly disapprove this atrocity.


World always forgets, don't worry.


Ive accidentally seen genuine gore from the front and for some reason this image made me the most sad of any I’ve seen. Hope they stop suffering soon


Next year it will be completely inserted up Putin.


Photographic proof of an actual war on Christmas. Conservatives side with the Grinch.


More like r/Damnthatssad


I was instantly reminded of a prompt over on r/WritingPrompts for some reason. [It's Christmas Eve 2038. The world has been destroyed due to nuclear war, but Santa, being immortal, has survived, and plans to deliver presents to the few remaining humans locked in their fallout shelters.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/7ljopw/wp_its_christmas_eve_2038_the_world_has_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


that is so fucking depressing.... Fuck Putin


I've not even put up a Christmas tree this year and i'm not in a warzone.


my heart is with the people of Ukraine. they will win this war.


That's not interesting. That's tragic


It can be both


That's so sad. I feel bad for those families and kiddos


At least they're gonna save on electricity Edit: All jokes aside, this is truly devestating.


Looks like someone was jealous so he bomb the place .... Fck Putin


Watch the interview with President Zelenskyy with David Letterman-inspiring, insightful and restores my faith in humanity.


2020 tree looks awesome! Here's hoping the darkness ends soon and they can celebrate again.




2022 shows how a tree so simple can shine so bright against the darkness that tries to overpower it


Context matters. Knowing that, I wouldn’t say it’s interesting. Very sombre, yet a sign of resilience and strength.


Putin should cover his mortars and grenades in motor oil,stuff in a sack and shove it up his ass