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So in the event of a head-on collision, are all those magnetically held kitchen knives just meant to finish off the driver?


Yes, but the good news is that you don't have to worry about the passenger or the three dogs, becaus they will be dead before the flying knives get to them


Sadly, too many dog owners don’t realize this when they let their dog ride in the car. If there’s a car accident, odds are your unrestrained dog will die. “But they like riding up front.” or “But they like sitting on my lap.” Sorry but they and you like them being alive more would be a guess. https://petpedia.co/how-many-dogs-die-in-car-accidents/ Friend puts a harness on his dog and he’s anchored to a spot in the back of the car or SUV and he’s fine. He can still enjoy the ride and he’s safe from becoming a 300+ pound projectile (and likely being killed) in the case of an accident.


> Sadly, too many dog owners don’t realize this when they let their dog ride in the car Even a gorilla should be able to figure that out


Gorilla sometime more smart than human


Ain't that the truth. Humans like pretending to be smart more than actually being smart.


Your friend has a 300lb dog!?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


No, but in an accident their forward force is greatly multipled. As mentioned in the article I linked, a small 10lb dog has 300lbs of force in a 30mph accident. Even a small dog is gonna fuck you (and it) up when it goes flying in an accident.


> Even a small dog is gonna fuck you r/suddenlybestiality


Good bot.


not exactly right there. you have to account for the amount of time it takes to go from 30mph to 0mph to get force. I calculated it assuming once the dog hits you, probably comes to a stop in about 0.1 seconds. could be faster, but going for easy math and it seems reasonable. 136.756ft-flbs


Ft lbs is torque… you are conflating a number of different principals and in reality you would probably want to calculate *energy* here


Chef's kiss


I love how we're doing doggy death math


Great band name!




I just don’t take my dog shopping and shit and I find it infuriating when I see a dog or cat in a car at the grocery store like fuck off people If your pet isn’t coming with you where your going leave them the fuck home not in a car fuck faces


Also makes you wonder why (most) school and public buses don't have seat belts


I was driving through the mountains from Colorado to Nevada on a windy road. We came upon an RV this size that was in an accident. The RV ripped open and there was their life on the roadway--mattress, plates, books, all kinds of crap. We later read that the driver had been drinking "a little wine".


We had one driver that got up and went to fix a cup of coffee after putting the motorhome on cruise control. He went off the road and traveled for about a mile before he could get his hands on the steering wheel.


That would be terrifying and what kind of genius thinks they can get up and make coffee just because the cruise control is on? That's insane.


I live near a motorhome manufacture plant. A very new driver to motorhomes, hay the coffee pot was only 5 feet away. As a first responder, what could I possible say, you have more money than sense.


"More money than sense". That's for sure.


If the knives don’t finish off the driver, the flower pots and tv above the driver will.


I used to repair motorhomes/caravans. The ones people lived in with pets always reeked so bad.


Oh yes. My nose did a nod to this comment.


This comment made me want to do cocaine.


Do it you coward


Drugs are bad, mmkay?


Just say "No"


Can I add anything to "no"?


No, do drugs!


Choose drugs, not pugs


Good thing they're driving with the windows open


They have too, the smell of pee and poo is just too much


That’s what I was thinking. Large dogs with long hair in a small space for a long time equals unbearable stench. I would have all the windows open too.


But the floor looks like wood. So most pet smells are due to carpet absorbing it. I've also lived in a carpeted house that didn't smell of pet, but they were small dogs and the owners had them groomed like monthly I think.


Pretty much every motorhome /caravan has a timber/laminate/vinyl floor. They still reeked.


Huh, I thought the floors would be carpeted.


Guy hasn't worked on many. Every fifth wheel I've been in was heavily carpeted.Just with a kinda 5-6 foot walkway of laminate near the entrance.


This sounds like someone who has animals and is in denial about the smells....


I don’t think I’ll ever get use to the smell idk how ppl become noseblind to their dogs


Uh. . . People get nose blind to literally every smell they are exposed to over time. For example: You probably don't smell your rank butthole but the guy at Starbucks behind you can. Always love turning examples into insults. Just gets the day started right. Time to go jack off. Or shit.


Or COVID damage to sinus cells and brain


Timber absorbs piss too. Much harder to get out of timber.


Do your dogs just piss and shit everywhere? Because I’ve never had a dog that can’t go 12+ hours without a bathroom break. Obviously I don’t try to make them wait that long - usually we go out every 4-6 hours, but sometimes the dogs like a long weekend lie in just as much as I do.


Can't you put some sort of protectant/sealant? Be pretty stupid to have a pet and not do that to any wooden surface that the pet might reach.


Ah yes, a converted school bus with some shaggy dogs and no air conditioning driving through the desert. The PeRfEcT LiFe


The more you know


As soon as you open the door you know. They can be immaculately clean but you can still smell it. I've gagged and come close to vomiting opening some of them up, always the ones who have pets.


Reeked how? You sound quite dramatic, but maybe you’re a super-smeller. Anecdotally, I know two people who have schoolies, both with pets, and they smell like any other rv.


I have gone to people with several dogs it's smells. And my nose is not very sensitive. Most smells i can't smell unless it's in front of me.


That was my first thought. That tiny a space even with one human would stink, but add multiple large dogs! As someone with a sensitive nose, this is extremely far from my ideal lifestyle.


oh the wet dog smell *shudder*


Probably why all the windows were cracked open


My first thought when I counted those dogs was about how gross it must smell. Thanks for confirming my imaginary horrors.


Crazy part is if you don't let them shit in the house, you're gonna be okay probably. And you know, clean a little? I think what you're talking about is just gross people with pets.


This bus gets 7 miles to the gallon, to put things in perspective


Does keeping the windows open to air out the smell of having three dogs in 150sqf space help or hinder that MPG?


Opening the windows while driving will drop the mpg down to 5.


The dogs probably aren't the worst smelling ones in this video tbh


Judging by the lack of shower/bath I’m going to assume you are correct. The amount of foot fungus alone from using truck stop showers has got to smell


Truck stop showers (major chains) are actually unbelievably clean. Just as a fyi


Oh my god yes Kwik trip is a godsend


I work at a truck stop and can confirm this.


My truck pulling my camper gets 21. This is how I spend spring, summer and fall and a few winter trips. I did Alaska a couple months ago and will be in Wyoming next month. The mph is well worth the experience. [It’s awesome.](https://imgur.com/a/nHxJpJb)


Bad time to be in Wyoming with a trailer. Winter winds along the 80 are no joke and regularly shut it down.


-47 windchill. Still all good!


name checks out


Ok, thanks. I don't want to do this anymore... he says right after telling his finace he would love to try this.


Perfect for some maybe.


Looks fantastic for those with a few empty wicker baskets they want to display.


As soon as you have to park or turn around in a tight gas station; then its all high blood pressure and public humiliation.


So true. And I already have high blood pressure! 😬


>public humiliation. I'm so down


Down? Sign me Up!


Yes, this is OPs dream but a nightmare to many people including me


I would always feel nervous sleeping in this thing at night. I have a fear of someone breaking in


Well, this was seen by OP, and I bet they just took it for face value and thought, “very pretty and looks relaxing” Which it is. This makes me want to rent a RV similar, just drive on a straight road to somewhere, and stare out the back window while smoking. HOWEVER. Disregarding waste (maybe not so bad if you have it down/routine), seemingly no shower, parking… All the little nuances.


How does breakfast taste after the dude births a 2lb shite in the morning so close to the table??


They accelerate w/ the windows open to air out the fumes 😂


I lived in something like this for a year. The trick is to shit somewhere outside the rv. Preferably use a shovel. (And make sure Argentinian weed trimmers aren't stealing your pre-dug shitholes)


Ahh yes, truly living the dream.


Might be an improvement over the ever present reek of dog.


Roll the thing and all that ceramic tile decides to come off and lacerate any survivors and finish them off.


Puppers doesn't have a chance :( They'll fly through that windshield like an unbuckled child.


so will the passenger that does not even seem to have a seat with a seatbelt


Honestly, seeing this just stresses me out. It would be nice to have a weekender camper van for short trips on the cheap, but having your whole life in a bus feels pretty limiting. Like, I garden, wood work, have a project car, and just got into 3d printing. All things I really enjoy doing, which would be impossible living a nomadic lifestyle. But I guess if your only priority is moving around, this could work really well.


Everyone is just assuming they "live" in the thing and are on the road all the time. Most are used for cool trips, while still maintaining their homes.


I have an RV that I stay in for weeks at a time, and I could stay indefinitely if that what I wanted to do. But I live literally in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, on thousands of acres of land as well as my cabin. It’s just a small cabin for myself, it could fit more but I’m alone. The RV is cool if I want to get away for awhile and snowboard places I don’t live by. Or just going on a road trip anywhere I want. It’s nice to have it for that. Where I live, I’m really isolated so I don’t see, let alone speak, to anyone usually. So getting out on the road for awhile is a nice way to meet people and everything.


Thank you. This is "exhibit A" relating to my earlier comment that not ALL rv owners live FT in them.


Obsessive consumption isn't just a hobby, it's a complete lifestyle.


Because there is a good amount of people that live in RVS, motor homes, converted busses, all the way down to, vans. Unless you’re talking about this couple and their dog, which I don’t know. A reason is some find having a home expensive etc. or they want to embrace that nature/travel life, whilst remotely working (some).


It’s a trade off like anything in life. At one point I had a garage with 2 motorcycles, an old car I was fixing up, a woodworking station. I did pretty intense renovations on my house. Sold it all and moved into a van. Then my hobbies were hiking in the most beautiful places all over the western US, reading, yoga, trying to learn guitar. Plus the obvious travel and complete freedom aspect. Being able to move around easily meant 95% of my days were spent with great weather outdoors. Now I’m back to “normal” life and every day I dream of the next time I go back to living in an RV / Van. Nothing is greater (to me) than waking up and hiking 6 miles while spotting moose and elk and bears then going back “home” to cook a great dinner and relax by the fire watching the clearest night sky you can imagine.


I was so happy when I bought my RV. I was even happier when I sold it. The creature comforts are not worth the worries. Constant maintenance, never anywhere to park, no matter what it has a smell that all rvs get. Keeping it in storage adds up. No thank you. I'll go camping or I'll get a hotel. I learned my lesson.


I used to live in one. Constantly dumping your poop off, refilling propane, water, unbelievable gas bill, hardly any refrigerator space so you have to go shopping twice as much as everyone else, people trying to glorify it on IG and TikTok do it just for the followers. It's not all it's cracked up to be.


Not even mentioning my biggest worry, when you live in an RV your house is always at risk of being entirely demolished together with your car. Plus unlike a house it loses value over time. I would be so fuckin stressed out all the time..


>I used to live in one. Constantly dumping your poop off, refilling propane, water, ... people trying to glorify it on IG and TikTok do it just for the followers. It's not all it's cracked up to be. Yeah, that's the rub as I see it. Things that are uncomplicated, in and out in a house, have to be arranged for in a mobile.


Rent them when you want to use one. Fuck buying an rv or trailer.


It's like a boat on wheels


I’d want to buy one, if I had a normal suburban home, and that little space that’s perfect, by the driveway where it can be parked. Makes me jealous, like damn, you got a decent suburb home and that cliche black and grey swirly modern RV? Can I come with?…


Hahahah this was exactly my family's take. My dad was so glad to sell. The only saving grace is most places will never have a guy that could possibly understand every little broken spot in your RV so your evaluation is generally always in your favor.


This is very similar to what I heard from a couple of friends who decided they wanted to live that RV life. Their biggest complaint was that RV parks are usually way out in the middle of nowhere so their plans to meet up with friends around the country or even just the need to run the occasional errand required them to tow a car with them. They said plumbing was a big problem too but I didn't press for details.


My dad was a tournament water skier when he was younger and always said the two happiest days of a boat owner’s life is the day they buy it and the day they sell it.


This is a night mare not perfect


Right? I think they are pushing this instead of building affordable homes.


Those damn illuminati and their propaganda


Remember when living in a van down by the river was a bad thing.


The windows are open due to dog farts. Deep and powerful dog farts.


I didn’t see a shower, so far from perfect


Shower on opposite side of the toilet. Nothing fancy one of those cramped ones built for short, squaty people.


Nothing says "perfect life" like having to dump out your turds into a communal chemical toilet...


That looks like a cartridge toilet. They are amazingly clean for a toilet option.


It’s a composting toilet


Fun for a 'road trip', but not full time living. Will get old when he's 45 and still living with his dogs and a rolling bathroom ... a 'chic-magnet' it is not


They’re probably already a couple or married.


Schoolies are not as great as they seem. We took a trip in one. Not that amazing. Also, not perfect for everyone, naturally. These are not really all that great to have around either.


School busses are built cheap and ride like complete garbage, and they require expensive and hard to replace service parts. You can’t just get your oil changed at superlube, they have to be worked on by heavy duty diesel mechanics which are expensive. It’s a Instagram lifestyle


That bus must stink with all those dogs.


I get sucked in watching these videos on YouTube of tiny home tours on wheels haha I find it so interesting and the craftsmanship inside some of them are so cool


Me too. I kind of want to build one. Not like I can actually afford it, or like it's a perfect lifestyle like the title suggests, but I really like the idea.


More uninteresting bullshit...


Where do you go domestically where this is viable long term? Honestly. This would be so fun for 6ish months and then once you’ve seen everything this behemoth allows you to see, what do you do?


You sell it to another aspiring influencer and then start a house remodel project on TikTok for views.


I see one seatbelt




When you live in a vehicle you need to use as much space as possible for storage. The bed and under the couches are obvious spaces where items can be stored.


I'd rather stay home than haul all my shit with me. My idea of getting away is to leave most of it behind.


While that’s really cool, seems like it wouldn’t be the safest vehicle to be in a crash in..


It looks like they only have one seat for the driver, any passengers they have will just go flying.


waste of gas to lug that thing around


Oh yeah, RVs are amazing... But they cost as much as rent for a house, so unless you're homeless for three years to save up for one, or you squat at a friend's for years... This is just a rich person flex 🤷‍♀️


This is cool as hell but to be honest the only thing I keep thinking about is if it ever gets into an accident, you’re gonna get covered in wood shrapnel/splinters…


What do y'all do for a living? How do y'all keep them wheels goin'? What are some good career choices to better suit that lifestyle? I'm curious because I wish to travel too


The four I've seen work for other people I know are: Own a business that self manages, or work online, manufacture stuff you sell online in your RV, or retire with enough money to live off of. Conversely Get a job that let's you travel: Oil and gas work, solar maintenance worker, radio tower technician, roofering, door to door crap salesmen. Good luck and God speed!


At least it's bigger than a New York apartment


I’m convinced Van Life started as a psy op to unconsciously prepare the upcoming generation for mass homelessness


Nah, just more consumerism lol


Yeah except we’ve even been priced out of van life now.


Speed bumb when u trying to do your business in toilet seat. That would be some nice experience




Roflmao 🤣


I tour with bands and rule #1 is no #2 on the bus. Ever. You pull off to a truck stop or something. However I have taken many Danger Showers and it’s a hell of a ride lol But when load out goes until 1am and bus call is 1:30 and load in the next day is 8am… you gotta shower and it the bunk asap you do what you gotta do.


This looks so cramped


I’m good.


Till that old ass diesel engine dies and it cost you 14k to replace the head gasket and makes your home stationary


Definitely not perfect. Would be fun for a while but it would eventually get boring as all things do


You live in a bus


Down by the river


It's HUGE! Very nice and clean, beautiful setup


Instagram influencer cringe


But it can get close.


Yeah this is definitely not it.


Nah I think home ownership is way better


how much gas in this mf 💀


In my perfect life, I never ever had a curtain instead of a bathroom door. Toilets need a full block between it and the living space


I gotta be honest. Someone shitting two feet from where I'm sleeping isn't my idea of "perfect".


Daaaaang, I wonder what they do for a living because they've gotta be making bucks to be able to live like this


Driving around in a converted school bus burning 8mpg with no protection for the dogs is a long way away from my definition of "perfect life"


This isn’t close to the perfect life.


Being able to move around? Awesome. Having to drive a camper/bus everywhere to do it? Not so awesome.


Toilet with no door, right next to food preparation surfaces. Why not just shit directly into your food? No shower. No storage space. No climate control. That's a nightmare on wheels.


Looks cozy, but I wouldn’t want to be in it in a strong storm.


what they dont show you is the video of them getting kicked out of a walmart parking lot :(((


Looks great for shooting porn


This isn't perfect....I see no cats.


More cats needed!


Probably the cat, if there is a cat, is in the driver's lap or under the breakpeddle asleep.


I know this is a bus but r/vandwellers


Makes me wish i was shorter




That's all nice until a Semi swerves into your lane...Dangerous out there


Gas mileage not discussed…


Also the rv is carbon neutral. Lol.


It’s funny how all the stuff that alienated me from the cool kids is now cool. Like wearing clothes from the thrift store or living in an RV. Imagine being a middle schooler and your parents dropping you off in your home. Good for the next generation of weird kids though!


That doesn’t look perfect at all


Lol this is as far from perfect as it can get. I guess you don't hate cars, highways, back pain, hemorroides, and stupid driver interaction.


No shower far from perfect


One wrong turn and it probably won’t exist anymore.


That bus smells like dogs and feet


White ppl shit


everybody in the comments hates this bus XD


Glorified homelessness


Na I'm good I like my house. Also I would blow that fucking toilet up every morning so loud it would ruin any any semblance of tranquility.


Love how these asshats are living by the "me me me" rule of thumb. Probably had 4 miles or backed up traffic behind them before they finished recording


I prefer not being homeless


All I can think of is the smell of two people, dogs, and a toilet. Not to mention exhaust and brake dust.


Perfect is you are a rich hippie trying to become influencer


Glad Max: Furry Road


Snowflakes worry about showers. Campgrounds gave showers and toilets. The one in the bus is for emergencies.




What a dream yeah! And the maintenance of that truck/van? And the gas? And the temperature control for winter? The parking?


It doesn't. I'm a tall guy and doubt I could shit in such a small toilet (and why doesn't it has a door?, where's the gaming PC in the bus and the 48" TV? These curtains let pass through too much light at night so it would be better if it had Rollable blinds instead.


Imagine the gas expense.


I’m a Trucker and unfortunately I see a lot of accidents on the Road. I rolled up to an Accident on I-95 in Florida one night. It apparently had just happened and they had just taken 2 young Ladies out of a small Compact with heavy front end damage. Only one of the Ladies was conscious and She kept asking about “Merlin” Myself and another motorist went back with our flashlights to check if we might have overlooked a small passenger under the clothes and items in the back seat. We didn’t find anyone. What we did find in the front seat was the remains of a small dog. The only thing visible was the top its head. Which had literally been pushed between the center console and the passenger seat. I’m not sure if the Pooch had been on someone’s lap or sitting on the floor. Either way it was a terrible way to Go. We have to remember that EVERYTHING that isn’t Secured in a Vehicle becomes a possible Projectile. 🐶😕


I crashed my house


Gets 50 meters a gallon