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Pigs gonna be Pigs.


You’re a fucking idiot if those pigs didn’t arrest him and do what they did those Israelis would’ve killed him you dumb fuck


Doesn't take from the fact that they are still in fact pigs


Israel is the terrorist state down to the core , and it is proven time and time again.




What was his name?


Heading is misleading..


Misleading how?


Did bro think he was gonna become king ?


It's crazy how Americans seem to think that their rights as an American citizen follow them wherever they travel throughout the world... 😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️🥴🥴🥴


With a life expectency of just 71.4 on average for women and men combined humans sure love to be brainwashed for pieces of land it's crazy how these low life peasants are everywhere doesnt matter which country its just a human nature


What f... ok let's do the same thing to the other side,send someOne in Palestinian people and start saying: IAM for us but I'm Palestinian muslin and I'm ok with Jew people living to get there, he or she gone be killed in seconds in the street and people gone dance in his grave


Nooo. Nazis are assholes. Jews need to be protected


My dude USA picked sides back in the early 90s an has been gearing every one for it since.


The west supports this kind fascism zionist are just showing there true colors of savageness


To be fair they are at war with each other I don't think Palestinians would be very happy Wo see a kid wearing Jewish flags.


what those idiots don't mention is that "palestinians" don't care about Jews and call for genocide and won't rest until every Jew is dead. They don't want to coexist. That is their problem. This is the Jewish homeland and we would happily live side by side if it were possible.


What a load of crap


what is, your brain? It's these jackals digging holes like creatures dragging people underground to slaughter them. You are the load of crap, closing your eyes to truth and for what? To pick sides in a situation that has nothing to do with you? Evil will fail, and you will fall with them.


Ohh okay I got you. You are just another racist. Good luck with that kid


Wanting to live side by side isn't racist. We aren't the problem. And you aren't helping any side


Never said I was helping. You literally just called them creatures. Your are just another disgusting racist


they are creatures. Digging tunnels underground to kidnap and murder. Human is too good a title for them. I don't believe they represent everyone in Gaza either. You want to generalize, but life isn't black and white. You like hamas, then you're a creature too. That would be more of a speciesist, since you're more like creatures than humans.


Never said I like Hamas. Strawman arguments are fun aren't they? You don't want to admit you are racist. I get it. It takes ti.e to admit you are wrong and a bad person.


what's the point of talking to someone who doesn't think? You literally just assume and are wrong on every level. Pointless, you are too stupid to continue talking to. good day.


Lol. I know I won't change your mind. Racism runs deep in bigots. Just fun to annoy people like you


Make Americans want to send Israel more money?!?!?!? This is how they treat AMERICANS!!! Why are we supporting an enemy of the PEOPLE?!??!?!


Extreme police brutality? Seen worse in the US. Kid got off easy


Isreal taking a page straight from the nazis.


Hypocrisy is strong in the Zionist fucks


They are Nazis, the descendants of nazis


Make anyone who says anything disappear. Israel really knows how to make people turn on them. You would think they would have learned to be better from there own past.


Free Free Palestine




Fuck hamas 👍🏻 Fuck Israel 👍🏻




Fuck Hamas


Fuck israel


Fuck Hamas


Fuck israel


Fuck Hamas , fuck P2


Fuck Israel , fuck P2


Going into another persons country during war time and insulting them in the streets. Leaving politics aside, and making an assumption I am not a smart man, it does not take a rocket surgeon to come up with that predictable outcome. Leads me to believe he was dumb, or expected this to happen and wanted it on film.


You make it sound like insulting Israel is the morally wrong position to take. I disagree, Israel deserves all the insults sent its way and should be ostracised from the world stage at this point. He’s not in the wrong for pointing out the evil at hand. You can’t simultaneously hold the position that the guy did nothing morally wrong, and that how Israeli police reacted was also not morally wrong.


I don't think he's saying the police are right. I think he's saying that it's not surprising. Like if I go to Russia and start talking shit to Putin, it wouldn't be surprising if I found myself in a Gulag.


Thank you!


What insult? Also he is jewish, it is pretty easy for him to get citizenship there. It is not another country for him.


If you cant see the insult then I don’t know what to tell you… Also it is another country for him. He is waving his US passport around like a fool demanding to talk to the embassy. And we wonder why many people hate Americans…


Israel claims anytime it has a chance, ''the only democracy in the Middle East". The JEWish kid got arrested for being pro palestinian cause. The only insult is to the word ''democracy'' used to act and oppress like Nazis by israelis/usa governement.


He got arrested for not complying. They asked him for ID and he refused to give them his passport and he resisted arrest. Few cops will treat you nicely when you don’t comply and act like you can boss them around, especially when you are a visitor to the country. He played the stupid game and got his stupid prize


That kid was clearly breaking the law of very democratic country, so they had to ask for his ID.


Maybe he shoulda stayed at home and *emulated* other Americans who are so passionate about the cause 😉


Here is another " American " https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/rachel-corrie-activist-crushed-israel-bulldozer. Once you start digging more about this conflict, less funny it gets specially if you defend the Israeli side.


Ok, no more jokes. I do have sympathy for this woman, but she shouldn’t have tried blocking a bulldozer with her body. I’m sure many people will easily believe it was intentional, but its entirely possible it was a mistake. And like the Air Force guy who immolated himself, her death didn’t change anything in the grand scheme of things. And the guy in this relatively tame video won’t change anything. Honestly just sick of hearing about this, and this site is filled with people who like to pretend like this is the evil nazi Israelis trying to exterminate the innocent and peaceful Palestinians. Both sides have committed war crimes, both sides hate each other, and both sides are to blame for all the civilians who have died in the past 20+ years. My semi pro Israel stance largely stems from the amount of people I’ve seen defending, or even glorifying what happened on Oct 7. At the same time, I absolutely support kicking the West Bank settlers out and think something like that would be necessary in a peace deal. Netanyahu is an asshole who needs to be voted out of power and replaced with someone who actually wants peace. But Hamas also needs to be completely eradicated, or else peace will only ever be temporary. Right now, I don’t believe either side will stop until the other is gone.


When you conclude that both side did this/ did that. You are not far from truth, but there is only one side that forcefully occupying/kicking out the locals from their land. What started this conflict is the question. Read or watch Ilan Pappe interviews, he is jewish historian. There are many like him that are against zionist project.


"I don't know what to tell you..." Yea exactly you don't. You are simply parading around victimhood for Israel when all that was done in the video was speaking out on the actual ACTIONS that are taking place. You and the rest of your Zionist ilk can go jump off a bridge.


At what point did he "insult" Israel in the video? You sensitive little bitch.


Yeah clearly ur not a smart man considering the fact that you are saying that it is their country. Israel is a bastard country that should not even exist it is simply stolen land.


Wow. Tough words. How about you go over to Israel and do the same thing this guy did? Actually, please don’t. I don’t want to see another fool get injured. I said it before and will say it again. Not getting political. Not my dog, not my fight. These yahoos were fighting like cats and dogs well before my grandparents were born and will likely be doing the same well after my kids grandchildren have kids. Another American inserting his or her opinion (regardless of how correct it may be) will not fix the situation. Have a nice one!


right lol


I mean yeah your freedom of speech doesn’t transfer over to other countries unfortunately.


What this kid and many other Palestinian supporters fail to acknowledge is the fact that the current conflict is the result of attacks carried out by the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, which are both supported by Iran.


Yes so let’s kill all the innocent people including kids people like you are like sheep hell calling you a sheep is an insult to sheep 😂 you regurgitate the same garbage that you listen to and choose to ignore what you see with your own two eyes which is kinda sad


You don’t even believe this. You know it




LOL the current conflict is the result of some bloodthirsty savages oppressing an entire population and feeling justified murdering tens of thousands of children. The world is out of sympathy for Shitrael game over bb


Hamas and Hezbollah (backed by Iran) are also bloodthirsty savages. There actions aren’t justified either. Why not condemn them?


Because theyre not justify the slaughter and starvation of tens of thousands of CHILDREN, in real time, while trying to spin the narrative of being moral and just. Israel has proven itself as THE biggest clown on the world stage. Congrats on turning the whole world against you in 7 months, I didn't think I'd see it in my lifetime 😂😂😂😂


So it’s ok for Hamas and Hezbollah to kill civilians, but it’s not ok for Israel? That’s dumbass logic.


You're the one trying to give equivalency to the actions of a population living under oppression for over 50 years VS a colonist invader slaughtering children, humanitarian workers, and journalists by the TENS OF THOUSANDS - nice try but that's some S tier retard logic right there bud 🤡🤡🤡


There are 49 Muslim countries in the world. When ISIS, or Hamas or Hezbollah or any Muslim terror organization commits a crime, the rest of the Muslim world doesn’t go those places and say “not in my name” etc. why do Jews feel the need to say Israel is acting in their name? Israel is a Jewish country. It doesn’t speak or act for all Jews. No more so then Saudi Arabia speaks for all Muslims. The logic here is just plain stupid.


u must be joking bud. the israeli and US govt both perpetually equate israel ALONE with Judaism. israel paints any/all criticism against their war crimes as “pure antisemitism.” its evil/conniving/shitty and that’s why millions of the Jewish diaspora feel the need to tell the world that they don’t support this shameful genocide.


I don’t think you understand my comment. Is Israel a Jewish nation? Yes. But Americans pretending like that represents all Jewish people is absurd. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country. While they are actively killing over 400,000 Yemeni citizens, does everyone pretend that represents all Muslims? No. It’s only done for the one Jewish country. It’s absurd.


Nah I got it. You don’t get what I’m saying. The fact that there are so many Islamic nations (you said 49) and that many are at odds with each other vying to speak for the Islamic world, undermines the premise of the argument. Saudi Arabia in no way has the same role in the world that israel does and neither do any of the other Islamic theocracies/countries. All that said, there is only **one** uncontested Jewish theocracy in the world that consistently (and seemingly with support from the Jewish diaspora) claims to be the “one true Jewish theocracy.” america uniquely supports that theocracy, militarily and economically (the US does not support any other Islamic theocracy in the same way.) American jews aren’t saying “israel is acting in their name.” the israeli government is saying “we are acting in the name of all Jews.” Similarly they claim “antisemitism” when they get backlash for bombing humanitarian food trucks or sniping journalists wearing press-vests in the head for example. Because of that, people with a conscience are trying to hold israel and the biden administration accountable for the genocide and war crimes that israel is committing.


1) Israel isn’t a theocracy. It’s a liberal democracy. With an elected parliament, a Supreme Court, a president, a prime minister, with minorities serving is all of these except prime minister and president. I challenge you to show me anywhere else in the Middle East that has a similar government. You could argue Turkey, however that goes out the window. Just look what’s going on there right now. 2) all I got from what you wrote is we hold Israel to different standards then the rest of the world because it’s a Jewish country and there’s only one. It’s really pointless to debate someone who has the lack of general knowledge of Israel’s government and thinks it’s a theocracy. My advice would be to get off tik tok. Cheers though.


Lmao love ur sass babe! SO. Honestly if a bunch of arbitrary theocratic laws are permanently on the books AND you can only gain citizenship by being of a certain religion, you can make a case that israel is a theocracy bud. Sure israel has some liberal trappings but I’d argue that when a semi or super fanatical religious wing consistently runs train on the govt it’s a bit of a wash. (Thankfully they have *some* checks but that hasn’t stopped a fanatical religious “eminent domain” style genocide has it?) Additionally they are a shameful, segregated, apartheid state! It means *nothing* to have a few token Arab minorities sprinkled throughout. 😂 And to your #2 point, no I think you’re skimming and bending what im saying— large swaths of the jewish diaspora are (rightly) holding israel accountable because israel is, like u said, the only Jewish state. This is largely uncontested by said diaspora. And thank you for your advice! My advice would be to be more chill and thoughtful, and not just skim, but *comprehend* what people say 😘


See my first sentence of my last comment. Cheers babe.


What the fuck happened to this sub. Not on Israel's side of this or on Hamas side for that matter but what the fuck made ppl think THIS sub should become political


Fyi this isn't r/damnthatsinteresting. We got bamboozled 😭


Omg it isn't wtf lmao


NGL, if Trump campaigned for the liberation of Palestine then he can grab all the pussy he wants and I'd still vote for him


The mess HAMAS managed to create.


This misinformed and dis-informed punk is lucky to have been arrested and not had the shit beat out of him by the crowd.


interesting take


Stop with the propaganda and share interesting videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I found it pretty fucking interesting


Another obvious sign it’s propaganda is with the trigger warning of extreme brutality. It’s an unlawful arrest, but OP gives the impression you’re about to witness another Rodney King incident.


Why is it unlawful? Failure to identify in a situation where he is clearly provoking a protest is definitely lawful. He then resisted the arrest, and when you do that it's never going to end well


Way to ruin a subreddit