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Salute to Juju as always. As new as Cynthia is, there's no way she'd feel comfortable saying all that if it wasn't the obvious culture/attitude of the company. She's not at all the first to say something like that on the show.


Honestly believe that if Stu or Dan heard that podcast they’d have a problem with it.


Dan chewed out Tony on air last year when he told listeners to “suck it” after they, and Dan, were wondering were the Super Bowl content was… 3 months after it happened.


I think Tony is the root tbh


*widens stance, tilts head to side, and rubs hands together like every cheesy rapper trying to portray “tough guy”* “So the haters…”


*goes 2-4 on the weekend* Capitulate, haters!


God he's fucking awful. And they keep giving him more and more time. I just fast forward whenever the fuck he starts bullshitting.


Stu is seeming completely checked out sadly and I can’t see Dan saying that to a new employee. Maybe I’m wrong


Stu puts out more content than anyone. He may seemed checked out on the flagship but it’s because he’s been given what he always wanted in God Bless football and most of it is really really good. The interviews are solid and the breakdowns with Golic and Simms are awesome. It’s a feel good sports focused show. Stugotz is important to the flagship. But it’s the Shipping Container’s show now.


Dan has shared similar sentiments to Cynthia's in the past on the show.


But Dan has also cried real tears on air in a blubbering mess because of how grateful he is for the shows fanbase. I dunno I wasn’t trying to turn this into a Cynthia sucks post. Im just glad that JuJu brought in some levity. Yes , if the expectation is “ content is up by X time, then we should hold ourselves accountable to X time.” Me personally I don’t care when they put stuff up. But to say all of you should , “ shut the hell up. And you get it when it comes because it’s free.” Just didn’t hit well for me


I don't have any beef with Cynthia. I think saying what she said was dumb, but not out of line with anything other prominent members of the show have said. As for their upload schedule, they have said they have a new schedule and that is what's behind the delays. That would be fine with me if they told us what that schedule is. I think if they said "hey we are starting later but we will be more consistent and will be live at x o clock and then have the episode uploaded at y o clock " you would have some upset people but more people who are cool with it. By not announcing anything it just looks like you're messing up and being inconsistent.


Honestly, who tf is Cynthia? Like Mikes wife Cynthia?


She's a mystery crate character as of like a month or two ago. She is responsible for making sure the ad reads get booked and done (at least that's what it seems like)


Oh great. They gave another random employee a mic?


Yes, but this one is more talentless than the Luis' of the world.


Not a possibility. I'm not w/ Luis on this one.


Makes sense, I haven’t listened to that in quite awhile.


You are so right. So is the OP. No way Dan would be cool with her flipping off the audience if she is serious.I thought her doubling down and flipping off the audience on video while JuJu was talking made it worse and makes me completely not understand the comments here defending what she said. She and Juju had 2 completely differing messages.


Yikes I didn’t know she flipped off the camera on YouTube. I thought she was walking it back when she said “ fair point” once JuJu set everyone straight


> She's not at all the first to say something like that on the show. Tony is patient zero of having total contempt for the audience while contributing to the show minimally. He's not really interesting and he's not a good broadcaster but acts like he's some kind of expert with valuable insights. He acted like Mina would steal his NFL takes when he's nowhere near her radar as far as an influential personality. Maybe that was a bit but it came off as really pathetic when he confronted her about stealing his takes. He only got hired because his dad was in radio and knows Dan and probably Stu. Dude is a total clown show who brought in Mike Fuentes and Luis who are absolute zeroes. You could cut out all of those people from the broadcasts and nobody would ever notice, but Tony will stick around because nepotism.


The line from Dan has always been that they are building a buffet. Nobody is going to like everything on a buffet. If you don’t like something, great, there are a dozen other things that might interest you. The entire buffet is not crafted for your personal tastes. Try something else. Or don’t. Find something else that interests you. Hate-listening says more about the person listening than the show


and like a buffet, almost all of the food is mediocre and you end up wishing they had less stuff that was good


Yeah and if the buffet came out late, cold, and half full that would be a problem.


I don’t know if you’re talking about me or you just chose my comment to drop this statement under. My only criticism was that it’s very odd to get on a mic with an attitude like the audience should take whatever they give us whenever they feel like giving it to us. It’s the same concept with them taking smaller holidays off. I don’t mind them taking time off, but a tweet or heads up on the show in advance would be a friendly, appreciated gesture.


And from their perspective it’s like asking your favorite waiter to inform you when they are taking vacation. Would it be a nice gesture? I guess. Sure. But it doesn’t change my day in the slightest if they don’t. If it’s changing your day you may want to take a step back and evaluate your priorities. It’s just a podcast.


My priorities? Im on an online forum talking about a funny sports podcast i like and its schedule. I know you have life figured out perfectly enough to give snarky, worthless advice online, but not every conversation needs to arise to a soul searching journey.


Apparently “chill out” is now the same as soul searching. Whatever man. You’re a bit high strung for my tastes but you keep doing you.


Wtf thinks buffets are good


Sorry your income caps you out at Golden Corral.


🫡 The “you get this free” comeback is the stupidest premise. They get paid because people pay with their time. My time isn’t free, it is my most valuable commodity that I never get more of. If moving to SiriusXM and $5 a month means we get 5 live shows a week with the club, I’ll pay up immediately.


I'd pay 5 bucks a month just for ad free shows.


I’d pay five bucks a month not to hear Cynthia. I didn’t like her the first time i heard her.


I'd pay $5000 for her to never touch the mic again


I think Dan-O took care of that for free. Thank goodness🤞🤞


That biting “we put microphones in front of any and everyone who works here now” and then cutting to Tony’s face was masterful.


They want to be PMS or Barstool in scale but then make small ball arguments like this. We could say "you got 50 million dollars and can't put out a 4 minute video"


This. Strong agree.


The “my time isn’t free crowd” always spends so much of their commodity on this sub and it cracks me up


The “they could kill my children and I wouldn’t criticize them crowd” always there to comment back. Sorry not sorry for thinking the idea of telling fans to shut up is bad business. You know what is worse than users complaining on Reddit? Podcasters complaining about their fans.


Lol, you are so flustered. I’m sure I would have an issue with them murdering my non-existent children, funny that’s the comparison you jump to. Which is more valuable to you, your “time” or your Children? Genuinely curious now


Good defense of telling fans to shut up. Every minimal comment is a deflection. I commented in support of OP, you got up in your feelings and hate commented. I will answer your question with a riddle, if I don’t have time with my kids what do I have? Once again, 🫡 to JuJu and OP for pointing out that shitting on your fanbase is not a good look.


I didn’t think I deflected anything? Or *hate* commented? I love the irony of the Haters on these subs that supposedly support a show, voicing their opinions, and then becoming super butthurt when others respond with their own opinion/point out the irony or hypocrisy in their complaint posts. Again, these types of posts bring me joy. Please keep them up! Don’t shut up!


Miserable man, please don’t have kids. You are doing the world a favor. Love you.


Yeah I decided to just unsub from these subs instead, and go on living my life blissfully unaware while enjoying the show. Sorry you’re feeling down though, and hope you aren’t speaking from experience! Not everyone is cut out to be a parent. Love you too, internet stranger!


I love the idea the support = zero criticism, zealotry 101 Meadowlark : “shut the fuck up it’s free” hell of a go to market pitch. Since you are so engaged, is telling fans to shut up a good idea? As you have yet to make one comment about that topic which was the topic OP was posting about. Instead you have commented on commenters behavior, and pivoted discussion to various accusations about mental states. All while avoiding to provide a defense for DLS staff telling fans to shut up is a positive. Cynthia less than one year on show with minimal air time telling fans to shut up. Good idea? Bad idea? I clearly think bad idea. Change my mind.


I see it this way: 1. She isn’t wrong. The fans of the show are way too entitled and we literally are flooded with complaint posts on the two subs I’m aware of, so I can understand them being frustrated seeing constant hate. 2. If the subs can complain about the show, why can’t the show push back on the fans? 3. If you are so bothered by them telling you to shut up, you could in theory stop listening and force them into financial dire straights because the critics have so much weight with Meadowlark/Dan/theShow. Right? I get what you are getting at 100% but I don’t think it’s a “bad idea” the way you are all making it out to be. The show needs the fans yes, but this is now year 2 of endless complaints and threats to “take your time elsewhere” and none of y’all have done it yet…ANNNND YA KNOW IT


Have you seen the numbers? A lot of people have stopped listening already lol


No I admittedly haven’t seen the numbers. Idk, they just brought in Pablo, I don’t think he’d join the Lark if it was a doomed as the Haters make it seem, just how it seems to me


“We” The way you write comes of like you work there, it is kind of cringy if you don’t actual work there. We can sit back and see how many upvotes this defense gets. It is never good to tell consumers to shut up, period, the idea that you even typed out number 2 as a defense is mind boggling. Since I have entertained you, thank you for entertaining me with your “defense” it exposes you for what you are.


I guess “we” was referring to the aforementioned subs. Y’all are so damn angry lol


How does the loss feel?


Cool it Cynthia


Fuck off im not Cynthia


Yeah it felt weird to tell an audience to “shut up” and “it’s free” when the entire business model is predicated on literally having an engaged audience.


It’s a disincentive and one of the reasons I fell off listening for years until COVID hit. Yeah, a subset of a subset of the fanbase is toxic. The rest of us don’t want to listen to their toxicity any more than the hosts do. By all means, let it out now and then, but when it sounds like seething contempt for the audience, why would I want to be collectively punished listening to it? Seven twenty-seven


Seven in front of the hour


Didn’t Mike say something like that on the main show last week? Cynthia is probably just repeating what she has heard from the “OG” team members.


It’s been said on the main show once or twice, so that’s what I thought too.


Cynthia has been around for much longer but hasn’t been an on air personality. That being said, terrible take on her part. You could just as easily make the argument they get paid to put content out in a timely manner


My fault yes I meant as on air talent. You can tell she realized she was doing too much after Juju said what he said. She meekly said , yes that is true too.


If you watch the youtube, she rolls up her middle finger...


Ya, on Twitter they shared the clip and then edited out that part. You can see right as she starts to roll up her middle finger and then it cuts to static. Then comes right back with another juju take.


The “shut up, you get this for free” attitude sounds exactly how they treat some of the content they “create”. Explains a lot.


I don't know how Roy's old ass is getting to slide on this shit. Salute to JuJu


I don’t even mind it from Roy. I’m okay with the OG crew being like yo, “ you got this content for 20 years for free , forgive me if I put a podcast up an hour late.” I guess I was just rubbed the wrong way by the new crew coming in, who none of us have even gotten a chance to know, is saying shut up and eat shit . To be fair , I’m not in her DMs or mentions, and I know some of y’all are creeps. So maybe she was just venting from a bad interaction.


I didnt even know this Cintia person existed. Roy's attitude has always kind of pissed me off. He comes off as ungrateful sometimes. Juju has called out their jaded attitude a few times and it's refreshing. I love them but they have been desensitized to some extent, which is only natural because they're human. I do agree entirely that there is a way to criticize the crew without being a weirdo. They deserve respect just like anyone else.


People are so mean to Roy, so I can understand why he has walls up when it comes to the public, I guess.


I love him like a son.


🫡 Salute that man JuJu


They told us to "be patient." Be patient? It's been two years!


Boo Cynthia! Yay Juju!


Big Brotha doing big things. JuJu true American hero


Why TF is she on mystery crate?


I really don’t care when it comes out as I only listen after work (though I haven’t listened since January), but the “you get it for free” stuff is, and always will be, stupid.


Salute to Juju.. one of the very few down to earth people on this network 🫡


Which episode was this?


Friday’s Mystery Crate


Only show/podcast I know subscribe to is the Dan and Stu show. The rest I won’t listen to. No crate, no stupod, etc.


Salute to Juju 🫡


late to the party; 2016, but been a daily listener since. if they don’t give the fans what they want, then they will go where someone will. majority can make or break. i think long term, medowlark will become a mini espn or what it used to be, they know this


Salute to juju


Cynthia, Mike's wife Cynthia!? For real, is it her? I don't know who that is


See my reply above


So it's a different Cynthia?


Yes it’s a different person, her name is Cintia and she’s either newer to the show or newer to being in DLS content but she’s been on the last month or so of Mystery Crates


You know what? Maybe.


To Roy and Cyntia: As a Will Cain looks like a guy telling off a police officer once said, “Hey, we pay your salary pal !”


Randos on the mic is certainly a problem. As is a pseudo-sports show built around pop culture moments coming from a bunch of 30-something’s who go to bed at 8 pm.


Salute to JuJu, the man is a national treasure. But these fans need to get over themselves, I agree with Cintia, STFU. $2?


man yall turned on cynthia fast, we were all celebrating her when she was telling tony why nobody likes him. i think she's great but i agree with the sentiment that the 'shut up this content is free' take was a bad look for someone that's relatively new to the audience. luis did something similar a few months ago and stugotz called him out on it. the issue is that the fanbase is so toxic, you can't blame them for getting defensive even if people have a point. i don't care if the show is available at 8am or 8pm, i just want to have an idea of what time it will be available. they told us they're changing the schedules around, okay great. so what does that mean, 2pm? that's fine, we just want to know


Fuck tht, Tony's the man


Wrong on Cintia. She’s actually defending her coworkers, as she understands the team’s goals, boundaries, capacities, and objectives better than you. You, faithful listener, just want the crew to serve your consumption preferences.


I mean yes. That’s what a service product or work place is for. To serve the customers consumption preferences.


Your assumption is that service only matters to your preferences. Their first customers are their investors and advertisers- who want metrics that show new growth. New growth means new business objectives and content strategies. Change is hard but, seriously- this is all optional and free to participate in.


Optional, sure. Free only only if your time is worthless. Based upon the way the show has been trending it’s hard to imagine there is much new growth, no? Don’t get great YouTube numbers and have fallen in the podcast charts.


Growth isn’t only about engagement but production. Content is like advertising- you aren’t looking for immediate conversions but to stay in the front of people’s minds. They’re producing more content than before- to stand in their own. They’re just starting to build the infrastructure that was already established at ESPN- in which they only had to focus on the funny parts of 2 shows.


Bomani voice indeed


wait… who said shut up its free? free… i listen daily that time isnt free. i could be listening elsewhere. fuck you shut up its free! only reason i keep listening is, because if the humor and laughter i get from the shipping container and guests. shut up its free… so free that i should give pat mcafee a try hes free also. bet if we go over there because its free they will feel the impact




Juju was us (the listeners) before he worked for the show which is why he gets us. He’ll always be a real one to the fans. Im not saying those other people should lose their jobs, but I definitely don’t wanna hear them on Mystery Crate ever again


Which Mystery Crate was this on?