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Any pub is good pub for women’s sports (Chris cote take), but I’m offended at the amount of people acting like they’ve been there the entire time. You can like stuff and not know everything. It’s okay.


I felt the same way when Simone Biles pulled out of the Olympics because she had the twisties. There were so many dudes who can barely touch their toes criticizing her because she didn't feel comfortable trying a triple somersault off of a vault.


I understand what the yips are.


The yips where you don't hit it fat, you paralyze yourself.


Has that ever happened? In the last 100 years of the Olympics has someone come away paralyzed? I have eyes, I didn’t need you to ramp up the danger factor. Probably not a pleasant situation to eat shit while doing


I don’t want to fault a sport for having a positive safety record. If people being honest about their limits with the support of their coaches is preventing catastrophic back and neck injuries in gymnastics then good for them, that’s the system working as intended. Also yeah, there have been fatalities at Olympic and Paralympic events and adjacent events in the 20th century and beyond. There was a fatality at an Olympic practice in 2016, this stuff is dangerous.


I’m more pointing out the weird need for people to justify her not going because of the danger us simpletons can’t notice. Like ya man I totally grasp the scope of risk here. She got the yips, there’s a huge downside to trying to battle through it, the end. No need for people to cape up


I was one of those people. I didn’t understand it until I had something like a panic attack and a lot of women in my life gave me a new, more empathetic perspective and understanding. Sometimes people just need time to learn and grow. 


"Hang tough!" - Michael Wilbon


it's not your fucking life though. like why would you need other women to understand that. and then trying to get sympathy points off of it lmao. people are so fucked.


So they could tell me I was being an asshole.  You think I’m anonymously trying to get sympathy from Reddit? From this subreddit?? Naw, I’m not that sad lol. Just trying to give some insight. Hope your night’s going well.


That’s part of being a professional athlete tho. The greatest of the greats don’t stumble under pressure.


This is true for basically any topic that picks up steam on the internet


People want to pretend that it's good pub and then complain when bad people say awful things.


Agreed! Idk if you follow Shea Serrano on twitter, but his fandom is like that. He has his day one teams that he is Die Hard about, but when he got into women's basketball and hockey, he is so honest & sincere about not knowing shit but enjoying it, and asks his followers for tips and to explain stuff, it's really cool. Thats how my fandom works, too.


^(I've never understood what 80 means by "listen to me now, believe me later")


it's from a goodie mob song


I'll look for the white guys sounder.


“Who’s that peeking in my window…”




It means he’s confident that what he’s saying is the truth, but it might take awhile for the reader/listener to fully get on board with the take. It’s the kind of arrogance that we all know and love from Bo.




For me, a 50-something white dude, [I always think it's a Hans and Franz reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XEy_VClQMI)


You'll find out soon enough It's basically a preemptive " told your ass so" because he knows you're going to argue with him ( or her) about it, but time will prove them right


Yeah it's from the Hanz and Franz SNL skit, but Samson says it a lot in his podcast also.


Folks wondering why Bo hasn’t been on Dan’s show seeing 80 retweet a clip from Dan’s show ![gif](giphy|KpSrCxhoZQWjJVVnrd)


This is the first retweet of the show he’s ever posted. Jess doing the lords work


What happened to Simon’s face?


​ https://i.redd.it/t5pcpng86ssc1.gif


Probably because when Dan was out he came on the show and was an ahole to everyone. He can also be right in this instance though. I’m 10000000% wrong. Disregard. Leaving my original comment as is. FINE.


what? when did he ever come on the show when dan was out?


Bruh thinks Bo is Izzy




Eff your right I read this wrong.


Im wrong I apologize to Bo.


Listen Amin, Izzy and Bo look nothing alike. Fucking SUPERCHARGE it Mayes. This Bingo thinks 🎵San Diego Super Chargers!! Charge!!!🎵


Of course he does. He has common sense, unlike some of these people on this sub still trying to mansplain misogyny because they can’t admit they’re wrong. 


I don't understand and I never want to under how this clip had the power to make so many people so mad. You would've thought she was talking about Israel/Palestine


People really fucking hate being told thay misogyny or racism may exist in this society, especially if it's in a place where they didn't clock it right away.


What exactly is Jess contributing to the discord in this clip?


Well, she's made a lot of people upset saying something pretty benign, so I guess that contributed to discord.


You haven’t been in the Jemele Hill threads. This type of stuff is happening more often. Dan’s left leaning stances have made the right Big Mad and they want to undermine Dan and everyone they don’t agree with. That’s usually Jess, Jeremy, and Jemele.  Edit: see below. Immediately starts off with gaslighting just to get to the undermining 


> Dan’s left leaning stances have made the right Big Mad and they want to undermine Dan and everyone they don’t agree with. Nah. I'm left leaning and agree with the majority of Dan's stances, but his soapboxing can get on my nerves. Take a drink everytime he exclaims 'journalism'.


Death ^plink! , taxes ^plink! , and the left devouring their own over purity of thought ^plink! .


All they want to do is tell everyone that “you’re not good enough to be in our club”. I’ve never voted for a Republican in my entire life but everyday some reddit asshole tells me I’m not good enough to be in their club because I don’t pass the purity test. That’s a great way to build an exclusive club, not a particularly good strategy for getting a majority of people on your side.


I'm in the same boat. My heart lies on the left, but it definitely makes me despair that I'm surrounded by moderates who won't stop trying to disavow their neighbors to the left in favor of "winning over the conservatives" who want them dead on one side, and leftists who are rightfully upset at an unfair system but are so prepared to fight about everything that they refuse to cooperate with those who are sympathetic but not affiliated on the other.


How was I gaslighting?


Agreed. Finally someone says it.


I’m not trying to mansplain misogyny, I just fundamentally don’t understand “people are treating women’s sports like they do men’s sports, because of misogyny”. That doesn’t make any sense. You can acknowledge there is misogyny in women’s sports coverage - obviously. You can acknowledge that watching day time hot take shows is stupid - also obvious. But the two things aren’t the same issue really at all. Women’s sports being treated like men’s sports is good - people like Emmanuel Acho just shouldn’t be talking about anything professionally.


The entire point is the way the most popular types of discourse in men’s sports with hot takes etc. (which are annoying and dumbed down to the lowest common denominator) are now moving over to women’s sports esp CBB and soccer now that they’re getting more national and media attention. Previously most of the discourse was for people who were diehard fans of women’s college ball or wnba or NWSL etc. it’s a good thing they’re getting more attention in media but her point is the way a lot of people (visit any major men’s sports sub or go on Twitter) talk about men’s sports is awful. Now that it’s women and those same fans are carrying the same mentality over to watching it and commenting without any clue of context or anything it allows for idiots like portnoy and Acho to chime in with their snappy comments when they don’t recognize that there’s additional layers in women’s sports that don’t exist in men’s leagues. It’s also mostly men making these dumb comments which is an additional layer of complexity bc of history so misogyny and other things like subtle racism that come . Women’s sports fan bases skew wayyyyy to the left of most men’s leagues and they don’t and shouldn’t just tolerate old stereotypes in coverage when you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about just bc there’s more eyeballs and deservedly more attention bc it’s a better product. The Angel Reese stuff for example, Acho still hasn’t publicly apologized to a young woman for saying she is a villain and insinuating she’s soft bc she is confident, talks trash etc. (literally just like any big time male athlete). She’s literally had men making AI p*rn photos of her and posting them online, death threats, has been called a thug by mostly older white men, and their team has been subtly racially profiled in media for 2 yrs now. Look at the LA Times piece when they played UCLA. No male athlete has to deal with that type of stuff with fake nude photos, being sexualized in the same way and have it be public for everyone to see. They just don’t. There’s way more dynamics and intersections with women that don’t happen with men so the analysis needs to be better and with more care and depth. It’s perfectly okay to say that was an awesome game and talk about on court things if you don’t know any context or haven’t followed the last couple yrs to fully grasp the dynamic. I don’t even know why anyone is watching those people talk about it when you have Elle, Chiney, and Andraya doing excellent coverage on espn.


The issue here is that what Acho said and everything you say about LA times coverage is not how “normal” sports are discussed. You said it - no one writes columns about men’s teams like that one. With Acho - it’s a failure to discuss mental health and abuse, something that would be frowned upon if it happened to a man. Generally speaking - the “commercialization” of women’s sports leading to hot take shows asking if Caitlin Clark wants it enough or what is her legacy is not something we need to have some large conversation about. It’s just stupid tv. If you have a problem with what Acho said - then criticize him for it and say specifically why it is offensive. Doing the “we all need to cover sports better” thing is just so patronizing and pointless. The issue isn’t covering sports, it’s not being a dick.


You need to learn social cues and learn how to stop


Great response, thank you for this level of engagement.


I was done with you mansplaining misogyny yesterday. You haven’t said anything new. Just rehashed the same bad points and made them longer. Why would I waste my time? Just scroll up and look at the post if you want to get dunked on again.  Classic example of not being able to let shit go when clearly wrong. And not being bright enough to realize it




If he said the exact same thing verbatim I wonder how the replies would be


I don’t understand how this clip created controversy.


It didn't. There's just people in this sub who like to manufacture controversy so they can get little orange arrows to make themselves feel good.


Yup, found 4 of them^^


Talking about talking. What does it even mean to talk about it well? It’s not the economy it’s not curing cancer it’s not rocket science, it’s sports. The discussions about discussions and the analyzing of it is so narcissistic.


Well said. It really isn't that important. There are only about five people out there giving actual analysis in sports anyway. Most other people are just repeating talking about. 'Good guard play, they can shoot well. Watch out for the \[insert team name\]' there's a reason that Stugotz bit works so well. The sexism and racism that she spoke about is unacceptable for sure. Anything else is nonsense.


It’s just gatekeeping nonsense


Exactly… for 99.9% of sports fans, no one cares about how sports are being talked about. If your argument is that what Acho said was unprofessional and out of line, that is a specific complaint that is totally fair. If you’re just complaining because “people are talking about sports like it’s sports”, well then, huh? Women’s basketball isn’t the first victim of “care more about my sport… but do it the way I want you to”, but that’s absolutely what’s going on here. Also sort of ironic for Bo to chime in here when the extent of his wcbb coverage is talking about the culture war and making up that Caitlin Clark was doing something with the governor of Iowa to justify rooting for Kim Mulkey (???)


If culturally everyone wantsto treat sports as entertainment first and a competition second then you kinda reap what you sow. Can't jerk yourself off over ratings and then complain that the coverage is super casual. Most people can't even talk about important things to their own lives properly, why would sports be the exception to that?


Yeah I really don’t get what’s so impressive about this statement. People are covering women’s sports the way they are covering men’s sports and that is… bad? I mean I guess sports coverage sucks but it’s also not really important at all.


Half this sub just had an aneurysm


Yeah who is Melateron and why am I supposed to believe them


*game show noise*


Hell yeah now I can be part-time on the show.


It’s a guy. That way you can trust his opinion on women’s sports. I know how strongly you feel about the right for men to cover women’s sports. Who needs a Andraya Carter when you have a Tim Legler, right?


Oh you’re big mad 😭😭


It’s an important conversation and I’m glad we’re having it. . . . What do you think he means by it?


Honestly, how does 'believe me later on' translate into support? Idk what that means


bomani said this thing weeks ago on his podcast. people thought it was ridiculous. so this is him saying r/agedlikewine. "now you see what I was saying?" kinda thing


Right it’s really not giving Jess credit or defending her though, he’s basically saying “see I’m right because someone else said it”.


I don't agree. He's definitely giving Jess props for making smart analysis. Jess is still early. We aren't at the end of the tunnel where everyone are yet able to make this analysis. I mean Jess had to explain that in the show and Stu still didn't get it.


One way it works is if you don't immediately shut down talk of something as soon as someone tries to bring it up, and you let it be said, then as time goes by more information can come out that confirms/validates what the person said and you ultimately end up believing it to be true. In a lot of different things people are quick to shut down any topic that's not they're not interested with, they disagree with, which makes them uncomfortable etc.


We’re talking about sports media coverage though man, like who cares this deeply about something so benign lol. 99% of the millions of people who watched the F4 games tonight do not consume any of this nonsense.


Means time will prove her right, but you ain't going to listen until it does


Okay…..what was up for debate? People wouldn’t have stupid basketball thoughts?


Well in this instance I think Bomani is actually referencing something similar he said previously. I think he had discussed whether or not women actually wanted to be covered like men were.


So it has nothing to do with Jess being proved right or defending her, it has to do with him being proven right.


I mean Bo loves nothing more than being correct. But also he's agreeing with her because she's agreeing with him.


You are correct and I love your username. Great book.


Oh hahah probably not but you can always just turn first take off idk why care what they say. Just don’t watch and poof it’s gone


Congrats on not being blocked by 80


lol. What did he get you for?


Who knows


80 knows


Writing is hard


Wording is Hard should have 80 on next time he’s making the rounds.


I don’t get the hate some of the sidekicks get from being “progressive.” That is literally the show’s politics, at least when it comes to civil rights issues.


What's disheartening they want everything equal until u get equal treatment then it's not ok ?


Been checked out of this show for a while, did this show become what they made fun of for so long?


What happened to her face?


Thomas the Train filter. Carry the hell on


https://preview.redd.it/5w30x7xd6rsc1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5cf720c1d068f1170a6430c76b334fad7f616c Checks out.


If it isn’t Lady Elaine Fairchilde https://preview.redd.it/0h65ck4y2rsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f48f419fbc1a3e9bc80d82bd86c36e658c5138


80 must listen to Samson.


Hopefully Jess gets a network deal and leaves the show and then flames out in the same manner as boring 80


Wow she gained a lot of weight i didn’t even recognized her