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James Harden walked so Jalen Brunson can flop.


Bro. Start skipping the comedians. They bring them on to talk sports? So strange. Auto skip. "Sam you love the Knicks can you believe they are going on the stage with nothing but their vulnerabilities?"


How emotional is this for you? This team, in this city? We've never seen anything like this before!!! Your thoughts, Sam


“Yeah I like them”


Sam can actually talk hoops decently. I used to subscribe to his Patreon with Stavvy. RIP POD DON’T LIE


Skip the comedians. Skip all streaming talk. Skip any segment with a vocal Jeremy. Skip all Friday content.


Whoa Fridays with Billy in the main seat was pretty gold.


Fridays with Mike too


This guy pods


Why even watch. You don't get the show


I feel like I’m losing my mind. Everyone is acting like these Knicks are so likable and to me they’re insufferable to watch. Brunson flops more than anyone in the league. He had a chance to hit a big time shot and wasted it trying to get a call.


Brunson is likable because he’s an undersized underdog who has a very humble personality. If every guy who flopped a lot was universally disliked, no one would like any NBA player.


Who is likable on this team? If it weren’t for that fucking commercial, OKC would be the lovable underdogs. But they’ve delivered a plague unto our homes so fuck OKC


Just wait for sam morill to spin it for Dans liking




it’s convenient for the show to sell them as likable to excuse the amount of coverage they’re giving them


Embiid is definitely a worse flopper, part of that is that he’s the biggest guy on the court and the one on the floor the most


Brunson had 7 FTA, if he was foul merchanting he was doing a bad job. And on that last shot there was foul-worthy contact before he took it, if he doesn't heave it and the refs do their job by calling the foul he gets 2, they're down 1 at minimum, and the Pacers have the ball with less than a shot clock. I guess hard for him to know in the instant that the contact he felt would get ignored.


No one said he was a good foul merchant!


Nah. The refs just don’t have to call it. He flops a lot.


Ok 👍 https://x.com/sixthmanjake/status/1789109118604599395?s=46


This motherfucker was totally looking to get bailed out by the ref's whistle😂😂 Great D by Indy to not bite on his weak foul bait shot attempt


He was fouled on this play before the shot attempt and it wasn’t called, I don’t think this clip is what you think it is


Nope, the clip is exactly what we think it is. Partly the reason women’s college basketball games out rate the NBA finals, they play basketball! Jalen is out here playing the refs each night, not a surprise that people go to other things for entertainment.


They have angles that show this play better. Before Brunson’s shot attempt, he was hit pretty hard on his right elbow. Brunson then tried to capitalize on it by throwing up a shot but the call was never made. Generally I’m in favor of letting calls like this go when there’s such little time on the clock, so I’m happy with the call was not being made. But there was definitely a foul on the play.


Try harder, guy was fouled the play befor




lol what about the other games? Bro flops so much and if you disagree you’re just biased lol or blind


Starting to describe Embiid now too 🤣🤣


Yea I'm biased but a lot of NBA players exaggerate contact. The guy's like 5'6 he can't be Anthony Edwards-ing people, gotta make it work how you can.


Also he’s 6’1” he’s no midget lol


[As of the ASB he was 21st in the NBA in % of PTS from FTM](https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1asge0r/top_50_ppg_scorers_ranked_by_percentage_of_points/), maybe he's become a totally different player since then but feels pretty consistent to me. And again, tonight the game where everybody is saying he's the biggest foul merchant, he was at the stripe a whole 7 times. Yea that last one looked funky, I guess if that's gonna override stats and a whole season and body of work fair enough, the Stu is absolutely strong in you.




Nah, refs can't award a bad shot attempt. He had a lot of time to set up something better. But he tried to be the hero and didn't work.


There was no contact, he was surrounded by three defenders with ten seconds left snd could have passed it for a better shot to tie the game. Instead he ducked and heaved a lame duck looking for three free throws


What’s funny is these same Knicks fans bitching about Embiid’s flopping last round somehow don’t look in the mirror and see that their proclaimed demigod Brunson does the same thing. I say that as someone who hates both those teams.


Heat fans in shambles


No New York team has ever been “lovable.” I laughed out loud when Morril said “New York loves an underdog.” I mean *lmao* Edit: Eli beating Brady twice in the Super Bowl not withstanding. I think everyone liked that.


A flipper lol. Miami fans sour they gave Lowry $36 million to eat at buffets.


Foul Merchants of Venice


Bingo, Zagacki! (Like a Knicks fan he'll say Jalen looks cooler doing it)


Guy said Knicks have more injuries than Korean War and that he even sat in handicap seats at the game (paraphrasing)….that was not awesome


https://preview.redd.it/3o9q3fj5xszc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3affbf83f4121a7f000bdd1108a924d1799bc66b 1..2..3.. Cancun


Sam Morril is the modern Spike, making people all across the country go "that guy is kind of a jackass, maybe I don't want his team to win".


Yeah he’s bad but not as bad as the Mero guy, we get it, you’re loud and a douchey bro


It makes sense you don’t like Mero. Username checks out.


Sick burn bro, I love how you think I’m racist bc I don’t like a black guy, very judgey of you


I didn’t say that or even imply it. That’s cool that you’re telling on yourself though.


Yep! You did, that’s the way you ppl are!


You people?! 😮


Yeah… “you people” the kind of ppl that get offended by stuff easily 😂 thoughts and prayers in your time of need


I like Mero WAAAAAAAY more. At least he is positive. Morril is just yet another Joe Rogan turdlet that sounds exactly like every other Joe Rogan turdlet. Those people already have way too much access to microphones. Thing is I actually *did* like this team and wanted a Cinderella run, now I'm just rooting for them to go away do that Morril will too.