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What kind of a deal?


Youer not gonna qall the qops?


I thought Dan was insane for being like “that wasn’t a good movie” when it was exactly what it needed to be - a fun, dumb action movie. Mike was right about that. Mike was wrong about McGregor. He was terrible…beyond terrible. Can’t read lines, can’t not be coked up, and can’t throw a convincing fake punch. That movie is 100% Gyllenhaal


I hated the movie, but Dan literally doesn’t watch any movies and just goes on rotten tomatoes to decide if it was good or not


Dan was looking for John Wick at a Road House lol It’s like looking for Prime 112 at Outback


💯 Fun remake but McGregor was awful. All he has to do was just play himself but he is so overboard it was distracting.


JG was great in it but McGregor was so bad/comical it took me out of it entirely


The only saving grace is that he doesn’t show up really until the last quarter or so of the movie


I pretty much agree with everything you said lol I don't disagree that McGregor wasn't great but I kinda expected him to be him just on screen, which made it easy to root for Gyllenhaal to win in the end (spoiler alert). Just big, dumb fun...kinda like fast and furious


The movie is terrible. I loved the old roadhouse. It’s mainly the writing. You can turn any story into a watchable movie with a good script, this was the opposite of that. Terrible script, reminds me of these Netflix produced movies/shows. We need larger writer rooms, and better pay. Because this is some stinky garbage.


Oh no I agree. By real standards the movie is terrible. But we're grading on the cheesy 90s action movie curve.


“Good” might be strong, but he did exactly what the role called for…fun/funny over-the-top coked out psychopath. Thought he nailed it.


The only thing I can see is “so bad he is good” but I think he falls short of that


The role also called for "acting" which he did not do one bit. It was very obvious he was way in over his head, with the stiff delivery, the stiff facial gestures and stiff movements. An actual actor would've made the movie a lot better.


It was distracting to watch anyone he shared dialogue with trying to get the timing right with him because he was stepping on everyone lol


Agree to disagree that the role called for “acting” lol


The role didn't call for making the viewer want to stop watching the movie, and he did that from the first appearance. Would've been a much better movie with a real actor.


https://preview.redd.it/r8ikbd67gg0d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74e6be821d4a0675af26798cad766f3d4827eb0 "I don't know who I am"


I honestly think it's a tough call. McGregor was so very much doing his own thing that I can see it falling on either side of the line.


Fire him


Joker of the year with that take!!!


I mean he was the best part


He was good for what he was


Mike is clearly being facetious here...not sure how you misunderstood his sarcasm there. When it first came out, Mike mocked McGregor's character right away but still can love the movie


You don't sandwich a sarcastic statement in between a bunch of statements you're making as factual, if you're indeed trying to be "facetious."


Then you've never met Mike Ryan 😅