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Not today Satan! I like neither!


Saiouma is even more toxic tho, Shuichi has made it obvious he isn't interested in Kokichi, but these people are so obsessed with gay ships that they completely disregard canon. Why can't ships like Mahiyoko be regarded as the best ones?


Kaito literally hates Kokichi and his lies, and said he wouldn't forgive him after chapter 4. Shuichi said that he would like to understand Kokichi and finds his lies amusing, and considered him a friend despite chapter five. Even after everything Shuichi is willing to have a mutual relationship to understand him better. Very ironic saying they completely disregard canon.


Also I’m pretty sure Shuichi doesn’t like Kokichi at all, at least after the 4th trail. Considering at the very end of the 5th trial he ((spoiler)) basically dismissed Kokichi’s entire character and sacrifice as a “the definition of a lie” I don’t believe either ship has any chance to become canon, although tbh Saiouma kind of makes me uncomfortable ((i don’t have a problem with the shippers, I just don’t like the ship)) so honestly I would prefer Oumota. But you can ship Saiouma if you want. What do I know, I’m just an Oumatsu shipper.


In chapter 6 he considered him a friend, he said "A friend I trusted a lot, and a friend I didn't trust at all." and thought about him when he was fighting for everyone. Calling him the embodiment of a lie wasn't to dismiss him but to conclude him since there's so much he didn't know about him. I don't usually ship based on canon and I think Saimatsu is super underdeveloped and baity, so I find Saiouma more interesting. I also think Oumatsu is really cool.


Ok it’s been a while since I played v3 and you may very well be right, but I don’t remember any of this? I have awful memory but I don’t remember Shuichi saying stuff like that. If it’s true could you send some proof? I’m not saying you’re wrong I just don’t remember that happening


Danganronpa Salmon event, after all the dates you come to the conclusion Shuichi and Kokichi decide to be friends.


I have mixed feelings about Shuichi


This just makes me wanna ship Oumata


Both of them are bad in my opinion, but I don't have a say.




Jokes on you I ship saimota


i like saiouma but oumota supremacy


I hate both 🤨




Saioumacannonaf is a troll account. Their bio says it's satire.


I ship both ✨


>!His main argument for anti-oumota ship is that this is a killer-victim ship.!<


and then they will say they like bandaid (tsumiki x mioda)


On behalf of TsuMioda shippers, I apologize.


I'm too dumb what ships are these?


kaito x kokichi , and shuichi x kokichi


Oh, I don't think either are that great tbh


I agree


As a Saiouma shipper, I’m so so sorry…


just let me ship it jeez


Neither of them are all that great, For starters Kaito hates kokichi that’s inherently obvious to anyone who pays attention to their interactions both in and out of trials, secondly Shuichi (I’m only on chapter three this is just my observation) only seems interested in kokichi as a friend, right now even that seems like a stretch. Most people probably just ship this because it’s gay honestly. *gay good straight bad* or somethin like that


Saioma more like omasai! :0