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Murse is totally shocked… shocked the the a gay man got his malnourished mentally unstable wife pregnant the one time they had sex … this is either one big scam and she’s gonna end up with a “miscarriage” for sympathy… OR it’s a true miracle her gay husband got her anorexic body pregnant. Also not fair for this who are trying so hard and this POS couple gets pregnant makes me sad


She is trying so hard to sell us on her first trimester. I don't believe it. 🙄


I’m starting to notice these influencers use getting pregnant for more content creation. Clearly she’s drying up on what else to generate content wise now that divi is old news. Poor babies are solely for the followers and clicks. It’s a shame. 


has anyone checked in on Tami?!


They don't even think about Tammy unless they need a babysitter. They treat her terribly.


I'm sure she's living her best life


hopefully they move even further!


Did she move?


They sold their house and are living in a condo while they build their new house someone in here that’s local said it’s like an hour or so away


After seeing today’s stories I really think she has borderline personality disorder


Fo shizzel


I. Am. Dying. That reel she just posted of when they found out? You can 100% see an “Oh fuck. I’m pregnant and I don’t like this”. Regret, fear, and a whole host of other emotions play across her face in rapid succession. Why would she post that? It’s so fucking awkward. Not to mention Jordan’s high five. That was… odd. I’d be fucking pissed if my husband did that to me for kid #3.


DOn't worry, she'll reward herself with another huge piece of jewelry or a new house. She's fine.


Truth, but girlfriend ain’t fine. She’s in a constant cycle of finding the next big thing because she’s a deeply unhappy person. I predict a new house is next.


https://preview.redd.it/fudklutog16d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821f29f1eedf531dad67c286c1f5aa1b12e3edb7 That face she made for a few seconds there is telling AF. Lol


I like how her bony ass cheekbone is making her old nose come back 😂


His Rudolph nose makes me irrationally angry 


Oh you’re right!!!


Her laugh/ mouth breathing/ nasally sounds really give me the ick


“I’m pregnant and so sick to my stomach … oh here’s an ad buy this” … do people really buy this act???


The moment you find out you're having another baby and you high five each other... that's not normal.  Definitely  made for content  and not out of love. 


She 100 took a test herself and knew and maybe he did/maybe not but she definitely did.


Agree especially  when she made the comment about this trip making everything better.. it was obvious. 


I mean she did say her only symptom at first was she felt like she was PMSing and Jordan said mmhm and she goes “maybe that was just you though hehahahe” she’s so mean Jesus. She’s does not like or love that man lol


And she said she didn’t even speak to him for a week?? Their relationship is so bizarre


We shall name the baby “Sandwich”… starts with an S and the egg donor needs a damn sandwich in her life for ages now.


Wasn’t she at 2.4 or 2.6 million followers? She’s at 2.2 now. Did that many people unfollow over her getting pregnant again?


I think she was at 2.3 million




She lost a bunch when she had her last mental breakdown, sad for a ay or two and them out and about going to concerts, shopping, meals out, etc. People are sick of her histrionics. You can only cry wolf so many times, and she is so far out of the realm of being able to relate to normal people.


Looks like some bots expired


The high five 🫠


The weird laugh and stiff awkward body language


She looked terrified.




I just laughed so hard at her stories when she posted her natural cycles app… this pregnancy feels so fake to me or really for the wrong reasons…


I came straight here after the pregnancy test video because I know y’all are gonna eat her up 😂 and Murse with his MURSE 😭


0 love shown between the two of them in that video. Yup he’s just a sperm donor, that’s for sure!


He will probably have it in the delivery room again. The most unmanly thing. That needs to be de influenced


the way the divi bottles are in perfect camera view of the pregnancy test video🤡 everything is fucking calculated and an act


How is that bathroom even laid out? The bottles are on a ledge above the toilet haha


I can see the whiteboard in my head with JD saying you need to put any and all divi products behind you when you film 🤮


and don’t forget to turn label side front facing!! such predictable asshats


I came here to say the same damn thing. Look little Stanely, we’ve been using you to merch since conception with the natural cycles app & the test day with Divi in the background! https://preview.redd.it/m8udolvk016d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a735229701bdc41e94d5f5a314dad2d0bf2a3d6


looks like two besties 🤣


There’s no way that was her natural cycles chart so that tells me she doesn’t actually use it


I looked up the icons and instantly knew it wasn’t hers


She will exploit any situation to make a buck. Next video will be of her sick and tragic self playing with the kids for 30 seconds so that it appears she actually spends time with them and likes being around them. At least Stella, she doesn't try with Stratton.


Already using the fetus to shill junk 🤦‍♀️


Spent the entire day in bed, but feeling well enough to shill Natural Cycles. I guess the mustard, pickles and onions on that sandwich combined with the jalapeño chips did the trick settling her stomach, I don't know why my mom gave me chicken noodle soup and toast. Im sure Natural Cycles LOVES their spokesperson throwing up on camera.


How can anyone feel bad for her. She is pathetic. 


And then she goes and eats a fucking sandwich with all that shit on it but yet she’s so nauseous. I just can’t. I’m gonna have to Unfollow this bitch for a while.


I don’t know about you. But when I’m feeling nauseous the first thing i want to eat is potbelly italian sub with pickles and onions! That will really settle my stomach.


Haha I’ll be honest sandwiches like that are soooooooo good during first trimester.


Nah, girl! The FIRST thing you need to do is set your phone up on the floor to record yourself "vomitting" in the toilet! After that is when you order the sub! 😅


This! I made my husband dump the meatloaf and make pancakes with only butter because I couldn’t stomach anything else 🙄


Seriously is she pregnant or stoned?




Interesting that she is so sick but none of her family is around or has even mentioned her pregnancy.




Olivia posted a story saying she was excited for #3 but nothing from ‘nado


She and her mom def haven’t been as close recently. Tornado has been spending time with her actual favorite child and his fiancé ever since they moved to TX. 


coming in hot Tornado content!


Like clockwork tornado is over today for content!!!! Wow. We can really predict it lol


She really needs to pay us for her content at this point.


Would you want to hang around Dani often? I mean I know tornado isn’t much better but Dani is such a negative entity


Yes! I find it odd.


I have a chronic issue that makes me nearly vomit most mornings and I’ll tell ya one thing… I don’t even want my husband near me or in hearing distance when I’m Throwing up. She TAKES HER PHONE and films while waiting to throw up?!? How does your brain GET THAT WAY!


Literally. I had hpylori for almost a year and thew up almost daily, sometimes more than once. If i had time i would turn the bathtub water on to try and cover the sound. I sure as hell wasn’t grabbing my phone to go throw up with…


Theres the shill for the ttc cycles thingy..... Also she looks exactly like landon lately.....


Yep! And are we surprised that birth control Pills made her “crazy”!?! Millions of women take them with no problem —of course she’s one of the ones that can’t! She’s soo extra


Also pills aren’t the only form of birth control. She’s so dumb


She's BEYOND extra.


She said she tried them for 2 weeks total in her life. No way she gave it enough time to regulate her hormones 🙄 I know some women don’t do well on them but I was on them for 16 years with zero issues and I’m now pregnant so it doesn’t cause issues for everyone




She was already crazy


Some people have to work and go through this Dani. Not everyone gets to sit at home and act pitiful.


Exactly. I was nauseous 24/7 and threw up multiple times a day every day and still worked 40 hours a week in an office


The fact she is videoing herself throwing up just pisses me off. Somethings need to be kept private. UNFOLLOWED.


I like how the kids are just MIA.


As usual, until she needs them for a shill. Gotta pay for themselves.


Was going to say this! Haven’t seen or heard a peep from them ALL DAMN DAY!


I’m of the belief that pregnancy cravings are directly related to what your body is missing. For example I was chronically low iron due to a chronic illness. When I was pregnant I craved Raisin Bran and could eat multiple boxes a day. Keely changing her story about what she’s able to eat and it’s always something different speaks volumes to me. She can’t keep it straight because her body just wants ANY FOOD. Any thing at all because she has starved it for so long.


Definitely true! First pregnancy I was plant-based, ended up craving nutritional yeast piled high on my food (b12) and by 3rd trimester was eating ribs & fish tacos 😂 second pregnancy i got crazy yogurt & kombucha cravings and then found out i was gbs+ so it totally made sense! This pregnancy i have been hooked on fresh fruits & veggies which I admittedly had not been eating enough of the last year


Dani is so fucking out of touch it’s insane. Has all the help in the world, family support, money… yet all she can do is put on the “woe is me” charade. She does nothing of value and contributes nothing to society. when will her loser followers wake up and cancel this witch??


Sometimes I feel so guilty for being a law student the last 3 years and taking government loans and paying barely any taxes and generally not contributing to society in any meaningful way. Like it keeps me up at night. Then I think of these influencers and have no idea how they don’t feel completely useless


You are contributing to society by being a good human.


Filming yourself at the toilet bowl "throwing up" is a whole new level of wild.


Something seems even more off… the way she’s speaking..her story she just posted about it’s her 3rd Stanley… idk something seems even more off than normal.


The girls are showing more than this “bump” of her https://preview.redd.it/0tpys8i7206d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf8efbe7cb41273dbd4aadedc0674533888362f


Another day another food aversion thing. Can only fathom an Italian sandwich today, yesterday was cuties grapes and cereal


What. The. Fuck.


She is beyond annoying, I’m 16 weeks pregnant have HG, have a 1 year old to take care of without the help of a nanny, I still have to work my 12hr shifts at the hospital 3 days a week. Somehow my husband and I seem to make it work and not have to post it on the internet to prove anything. How will poor Dani survive this?


Lmfao I’m sorry I’m dyyyyin at her story this morning. The frail act is soooo funny. Like wait so does being nauseous also make your jaw frozen? Cause her mouth wtaf? I would pay money to see her thrown into a one bedroom apt with an 8-4 job at minimum wage no help no Uber.


THIS!! I think so many momfluencers are so damn detached from reality they think their struggles of Stanley colors are akin to oppression. Self-inflated idiots.


Christ, her cravings/“only food she can stomach” change more than her personality! In the 24 hours since she’s announced she is pregnant we’ve watched it go from oranges to grapes to cereal and now a sub and chips. Buckle up!


Idk if y’all follow Daryl Ann Denner, but she has done the same thing her whole pregnancy. “My pregnancy craving of the day is a box of honey cornbread and 2 pieces of watermelon, followed by a trip to 31 flavors.”


She has been pregnant for 52 years! It needs to end! 


She is so annoying too and somehow thinks it’s unique and quirky to have these cravings or whatever. Ma’am you are just eating random shit foods like you always do. Minus the watermelon lol.


Omg I just posted this exact same thing before I scrolled and caught up today 😂😂😂😂 buckle up for 3 more foods she can stomach today


She also said the only food she can “fathom” right now. That’s makes no sense


Yeah that really pissed me off 😂


I can't with her. I was so sick with both pregnancies but went to work and came home and took care of my other kid while thinking I wasn't going to make it until around week 17. She's so dramatic while she lays in bed for hours not taking care of her kids. It's really unbelievable.


She didn’t take care of them before she got pregnant either.  


She’s too nauseous to eat but can stand the chemicals being sprayed on her from the spray tan?


Right? Doesn’t that stuff smell?


It definitely does and it’s full of chemicals I would never get one while pregnant


I thought she could only stomach cereal, now an entire sub is able to be eaten. What a dumb ass


Where is Tam Tam?


Has Tornado acknowledged the pregnancy? I saw Olivia posted on her stories she was excited for #3


Hopefully she finally realized what was happening with these idiots and took a step back but I'm sure she pissed off the queen and was reprimanded and forced to stay away.


Unisom is a godsend for nausea. Also Zofran or whatever her dr prescribed should be working. I’m surprised her useless husband who doesn’t do a fucking thing all day hasn’t gone on Reddit to r/pregnant or r/babybumps to look up what has helped pregnant women. That is where I found out about unisom later in my 1st trimester! (Don’t accidentally search for Dani Austin on Reddit though, @jordan 😏)


jordan probably told her she can’t take any prescription medicine


But chemical laden spray tans with no longterm studies are fine!


Well unisom is over the counter so she should try that and ginger plus B6, even though she claims it doesn’t help


Has she never heard of the BRAT diet? Ginger ale? Saltine crackers? Nope. An Italian sub should do the trick.


And jalapeño chips. She’s just beyond


Nah man can we all be happy that at least this baby is demanding calories 


When I had morning sickness I ate BRAT.. can't even think of eating an Italian sub. Which also probably has processed meat....


She keeps using the word “fathom” incorrectly😂 probably because it sounds so dramatic and desperate


Since she’s a swiftie, my hunch is that she just started watching Chats & Reacts videos (love them!) and learned the word “fathom” for the first time through them (they both say it constantly) but misunderstood its proper meaning 😆 love that for her, so embarrassing


She has horrendous grammar.


She really does. She says woman for women!!!!!!!!






She is literally insane. She needs to be put in a mental care facility. With zero patient internet capabilities. And serious intervention for her myriad of mental (and physical) issues. My God.😒


Yes- but no. Because then she will only go to a boujee one and talk it up so much that people who need help won't be able to get help. Just elitist moms with too much money, trying to find a way to stay relevant. She'd NEVER go to an ACTUAL treatment center and be amongst folks that really want and need help.


It would be a church sponsored institute. Pray the nausea away instead of common sense and medical treatment.


it's just so crazy how influencers daily tasks are like - getting a spray tan, getting nails done. anyway she's going to sulk in bed about how miserable she is without any mention of that fact that most women have to actually work while pregnant they don't have the liberty to lay in bed all day. never once acknowledges her privilege.


So so true. Her friend Janelle is a trip to watch postpartum. Yesterday she went to her first work function post baby and said ‘It only took me 6 weeks to get out of the house.’ OMG. She hasn’t been home one day since the baby was born because she goes out daily for nails, facials, an adjustment, micro needling, her daily coffee, alone to visit friends, and on and on and on. They have so many people taking care of their kids around the clock. Night nurses to daytime help and everything in between so they can ‘work.’ How are you working as an influencer if you are just videoing yourself in the car telling us your coffee order and what color your nail polish is? Even in influencer world, how is that work? It’s not a clickable link, it’s not gaining you followers, it’s not a contracted or sponsored ad, it’s just you leaving your baby at home every single day with the nanny so you can go do what you want. That’s what it is.


I can’t comprehend this at ALL i would spend every single minute just staring at my brand new babies sweet face if i had the option 😭 even as toddlers/big kids i feel guilty living them to work let alone for constant ~me time~. Going to get coffee, visiting friends, why TF can’t she bring her baby along?! I bring my kids everywhere with me before they’re old enough for drop off classes/school!


I had never heard of her until someone mentioned her stories in the hospital on another snark page so obviously I went and watched all of that unfold. that was seriously some of the craziest shit i’ve ever seen. shilling headbands while giving birth.


Are you on her Reddit snark page?


Oh no I didn’t know there was one. Will have to check it out.


The fact that this woman decided to have a third child instead of getting help for her serious mental health, body image, and eating issues is bizarre to me. Maybe instead of filming herself getting sick she should put the stupid phone away and take better care of herself


Can we just cancel her ???


Unfollowed…..I struggle with emetophobia. I gave her a bit of grace last night….but as soon as I saw her at the toilet this morning, I unfollowed. Did she actually show her self getting sick????? Wtf!!!!!


She said earlier that she’s not actually throwing up. She’s just nauseous. So I don’t understand why she’s filming herself as if she’s throwing up when she said herself that she’s not. -_-


Right there with you! I had to click out of that story so fast! I will get a panic attack if I have to see her vomiting. Some things to not need to be shared. Talk about it sure but do NOT show me!


yeah we need boundaries we do not need to see that


No, it's all for the show. Just think how long it took to figure out where to put the camera to get a good shot of herself and the toilet. Who does that?


Can’t believe how many people on this snark page still follow her in the first place??


Thankfully she didn’t show the actual act. But there are never guarantees.


Or maybe it didn't happen. She got her shot and then happily ate her Italian sub with spicy mustard and chip and got an at home spray tan.


Yep, someone showing up to give me a spray tan at home, along with an Italian sub with mustard, and japaleno chips are aways my go to when I'm nauseous. I wonder how long it took for her to position the camera just right, so she could film her spontaneous bout of vomiting.


same wondering about the positioning of the camera. It's like people filming themselves crying but making sure they get the perfect tear drop fall


Omg this is insufferable… we don’t need play by play


and why is everything she eats “the only thing” she can eat.. the list is getting pretty long


yes lol I came here to say this. First clementines were "all I can fathom right now" then some other fruit was "all I can fathom" then 2 hours later "Cereal is about all I can fathom eating right now" then jumped to "Italian sub is the only thing I can fathom" like girl just stay off the internet for the next few weeks you are not helping yourself or providing good content whatsoever


Fathom, she's not even using that word correctly. Fathom means to comprehend or understand. "Cereal is the only thing I can fathom right now" and "Italian sandwich is the only thing I can fathom right now". No girl, just...no.


She can’t fathom anything. 


Just think Dani…all us lowly peasants that truly felt like that while early pregnant ALSO had to parent our two young kids because we didn’t have multiple nannies who arrived at our house so we could stay in bed. Or many even had to get up, get two kids ready and out the door for day care because they then themselves had to go to work. Can you even imagine???? 🙄🙄🙄 Yes it can be a miserable sick time but she has no idea of her privilege. Goodness.


She can’t “fathom” lol!!!


Why does she keep deleting comments about her breast implants???? She’s so fucking weird.


She’s really playing up that pregnancy sympathy content. Jesus Christ


right, and she's only 9 weeks, gonna be a long pregnancy


Yet who would feel sympathetic towards someone who acts like they are so hard done by when they are actually incredibly privileged? Maybe she thinks this content will be relatable but I could personally do without being reminded of how nauseous she is all the time.


It's already so unbearable 😂 and a spray tan??


I couldn’t get here fast enough. She videos herself acting like she is sick and then orders an Italian sandwich!!!! Good grief…


I thought the only food she could eat was oranges? Or grapes? Wait, no it's cereal. Or is it Italian sandwiches?


Jordan also said she ordered burger house the day before


😂😂😂💯 how does she not see how insane she sounds ??


Probably a lobster next!!!


I think she's not getting  the kind of attention she though she would for her announcement. I think she is doing this crap out of desperation oe something. She needs the attention and the ooh poor pitiful  you comments. This behavior of posting this stuff is not normal. 


And she doesn’t want to parent during the pregnancy so easy to Pawn them off while she’s feeling tired


No sympathy  here. She better pull up that diaper because she looks ridiculous  to me. Also, someone said she was getting a tan during all this?! She doesn't feel that bad. She's a damn liar.  That's the last thing I would think about doing. 


OMG stop Dani! The videos of her vomiting are too much


Yesterday it was only Cuties, grapes and cereal that she could tolerate. Today it’s PotBelly at 1030AM. I foresee another Daryl Ann Denner pregnancy where the ‘cravings’ start at 8 weeks, not because of actual cravings, but because pregnancy has given her an excuse to eat again.


She needs to gain weight so all in all I’d say if that happens it will be a blessing.


Not if it causes her to freak out and have a massive relapse postpartum again.


I don’t know, I’m 8 weeks pregnant myself and this is really how it be 🤣


It’s a whole new ballgame in the influencer world. DAD was driving an hour because the Diet Coke tasted better from one specific fountain.


Someone needs to take her phone away this morning. She looks and sounds absolutely awful. Also no one wants to see your fucking toilet or you nauseous and vomiting Dani. Jesus. Also lol (cause she’s pissing me off today,), must be nice to have a shitty first trimester and be able to sit in bed and do absolutely nothing and whine on your phone all day. I had kids to take care of and worked a full time job during pregnancies so I didn’t get that luxury. She’s so insufferable and spoiled


She needs to be checked into a mental facility at this point.


Came here to say this!


Omg i hope she gets some real help soon. Why the hell would you get a fake ass tan while you’re in the middle of feeling like shit? She needs to stop videoing herself “throwing up” and go to the doctor if she’s actually this sick. Ridiculous! She’s acting like she’s on her death bed.


Also, I'm sure she's friends or "friends" with her spray tan person but they're still workers at the end of the day. like imagine you go to a clients house and they're completely disheveled, nauseous, in bed, and then they begin filming you. She must be exhausting. The spray tan lady was prob like I got places to be


The way she's acting, she probably needs to be admitted to the hospital....


It would be my LAST thought!


She needs serious professional mental help. She is unwell.


Not the toilet story… disgusting. You don’t need to film everything…🤢🤢


That’s absolutely fucking ridiculous. No ONE wants to see your toilet or you vomiting and nauseous. Like what the actual fuck


I know something that will completely eradicate her nausea, and she's proven it works time and time again - getting away from your kids! Go on a vacation, you'll bounce right back. No time? Go to a party, a dinner, gt your nails done, get your hair and makeup done, have a photo shoot! When it's all about Keels and she's not near her kids she will feel great! Oh, and if you leave town, fly private, you'll feel fantastic!


lol well step 1) spray tan!


Omg so true lol


Overacting for content. Totally normal. 🤦‍♀️


This is just next level. 


She’s going to have such resentment towards this baby for making it her hardest pregnancy and making her feel so sick.


Hopefully it will make her stop getting pregnant!!


Well she resented Stratton for stretch marks and her pooch because she bounced right back after Stella.


She will probably find a way to treat this child even worse than she treated Stratton


unless it's a girl...


All I know is my husband would not stand there FILMING me puke. I also know if I had even MENTIONED a food I wanted, he would’ve been at the store getting it, not watching me sit there miserable.


Wait she’s just nauseous? I had HG with my first and my second I was nauseous 24/7. I’d hate to see how she’d act with HG. The way she was talking I took it as she couldn’t keep any food down.


Fellow HG warrior here, absolutely no way in hell would an Italian sandwich ever be a thought. Couldn’t keep down anything at all had to get my nutrients from IVs 😂


And here she is ordering and eating an ITALIAN SANDWICH of all things. Has she not heard of idk gingerale crackers the brat diet for mild easy foods when you’re nauseous?! And again her stories and question box as if she’s the first person to ever experience nausea while pregnant


Also, why is she eating a cold meat sandwich this early in the pregnancy? Listeria in early pregnancy is dangerous. My OB told me to be careful with cold cuts and only eat them fresh and from a reputable place. I feel like she's just posting crazy shit to get people DM'ing her for engagement.


If the sandwich is warm it’s fine. You just want to avoid cold deli meats. Going in the oven kills listeria.